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(Séance no 201)


Le Comité permanent des finances se réunit aujourd'hui, en séance télévisée, à 15 h 30, dans la pièce 253-D de l'édifice du Centre, sous la présidence de Jim Peterson (président).

Membres du Comité présents: Leon Benoit, Dianne Brushett, Barry Campbell, Herb Grubel, Yvan Loubier, Jim Peterson, Gary Pillitteri, Brent St. Denis, Jane Stewart et David Walker.

Aussi présent: Du Service de recherche de la Bibliothèque du Parlement: Richard Domingue, attaché de recherche.

Témoins: De l'Association canadienne de technologie de pointe: Shirley-Anne George, directrice générale. De la Chambre de commerce du Canada: Dale Orr, président du Comité de politiques en économie. De l'Organisation nationale volontaire: Rose Potvin, directrice générale; Al Hatton, directeur des relations publiques. De «Koskie & Minsky»: Vern Krishna, conseiller fiscal; Ray Koskie, conseiller juridique. De l'Équipe de travail national des sables bétumineux: Al Hyndman, chef du Sous-comité fiscal et socio-économique. Du Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada: Thomas A. Brzustowski, président. De Wood Gundy: John Brooks, conseiller principal, Finances. De «Arthur Donner Consultants Inc.»: Arthur Donner, président. De Pratt & Whitney: David Caplan, président du conseil et chef de la direction. De SPAR aérospaciale Ltée: Clifford Mackay, vice-président principal, «Space Systems and Corporate Development».

Conformément à son mandat établi en vertu de l'article 83.1 du Règlement, le Comité continue ses consultations prébudgétaires avec une discussion-table ronde ( voir les Procès-verbaux du 19 septembre 1995, fascicule no 111 ).

Les témoins font une présentation et répondent aux questions.

À 17 h 59, le Comité ajourne jusqu'à nouvelle convocation du président.


Le Comité permanent des finances se réunit aujourd'hui, en séance télévisée, à 15 h 30, dans la pièce 253-D de l'édifice du Centre, sous la présidence de Jim Peterson (président).

Membres du Comité présents: Barry Campbell, Nick Discepola, Herb Grubel, Yvan Loubier, Jim Peterson, Gary Pillitteri, Brent St. Denis, Monte Solberg, Jane Stewart et David Walker.

Aussi présent: Du Service de recherche de la Bibliothèque du Parlement: Richard Domingue, attaché de recherche.

Témoins: De la Coalition de la Banque du Canada pour les Canadiens: Jordan B. Grant, président. Du Centre canadien de recherche en politiques de rechange: Duncan Cameron, président. De l'Université Carleton: Tom Rymes, professeur, Département d'économie. De «Informetrica Limited»: Michael McCracken, président et chef de la direction. De l'Université d'Ottawa: Gordon Boreham, professeur émérite, Département d'économie. De l'Université de Toronto: Tom A. Wilson, directeur, «Policy and Economic Analysis Program», «Institute for Policy Analysis». De l'Université Western Ontario: David Laidler, professeur, Département d'économie. De l'Université de Toronto: John Grant, «Faculty of Management»; Edward Neufeld, «Visiting Senior Research Fellow», Centre d'études internationales.

Conformément à son mandat établi en vertu de l'article 83.1 du Règlement, le Comité continue ses consultations prébudgétaires avec une discussion-table ronde ( Voir les Procès-verbaux du 19 septembre 1995, fascicule no 111 ).

Les témoins font une présentation et répondent aux questions.

À 17 h 23, le Comité ajourne jusqu'à nouvelle convocation du président.

La greffière du Comité

Martine Bresson


Le Comité permanent des finances se réunit aujourd'hui, en séance télévisée, à 19 heures, dans la pièce 253-D de l'édifice du Centre, sous la présidence de Jim Peterson (président).

Membres du Comité présents: Leon Benoit, Pierre Brien, Dianne Brushett, Nick Discepola, Herb Grubel, Jim Peterson, Gary Pillitteri, Brent St. Denis et Jane Stewart.

Aussi présent: Du Service de recherche de la Bibliothèque du Parlement: Richard Domingue, attaché de recherche.

Témoins: Du Conseil canadien de la coopération: Sylvie St-Pierre Babin, directrice générale; Réjean Laflamme. De la Fédération canadienne du vêtement: Stephen Beatty, directeur exécutif. De l'Association canadienne de la construction: M.A. Michael Atkinson, président; John Spratt, directeur général. Du Conseil canadien de la coopération internationale: Betty Plewes, présidente-directrice générale. Du Conseil canadien sur le tabagisme et la santé: Ed Arundell, vice-président, Affaires publiques; Melodie Tilson, Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada. De l'Association canadienne de préparation à la défense: Ed Healey, président; Norman Smyth, président sortant; Paul Manson. De «Democracy Watch»: Duff Conacher, coordinateur. De la Fondation Héritage Canada: Brian Anthony, président; Douglas Franklin, directeur, Relations gouvernementales et publiques.

Conformément à son mandat établi en vertu de l'article 83.1 du Règlement, le Comité continue ses consultations prébudgétaires avec une discussion-table ronde ( Voir les Procès-verbaux du 19 septembre 1995, fascicule no 111 ).

Les témoins font une présentation et répondent aux questions.

À 20 h 59, le Comité ajourne jusqu'à nouvelle convocation du président.

Greffier de comité

Wayne Cole


Le Comité permanent des finances se réunit aujourd'hui, en séance télévisée, à 16 h 30, dans la pièce 253-D de l'édifice du Centre, sous la présidence de Jim Peterson (président).

Membres du Comité présents: Leon Benoit, Pierre Brien, Dianne Brushett, Barry Campbell, Nick Discepola, Herb Grubel, Yvan Loubier, Jim Peterson, Gary Pillitteri, Brent St. Denis, Monte Solberg, Jane Stewart et David Walker.

Membres associés présents: Nelson Riis et Jim Silye.

Autres membres présents: John Godfrey, Tony Ianno, Walt Lastewka, Preston Manning, Alex Shepherd.

Aussi présents: Du Service de recherche de la Bibliothèque du Parlement: Richard Domingue et Marion Wrobel, attachés de recherche.

Comparaît: L'honorable Paul Martin, ministre des Finances.

Conformément à son mandat établi en vertu de l'article 83.1 du Règlement, le Comité continue ses consultations prébudgétaires ( Voir les Procès-verbaux du 19 septembre 1995, fascicule no 111 ).

Le témoin fait une présentation et répond aux questions.

À 18 h 17, le Comité ajourne jusqu'à nouvelle convocation du président.

La greffière du Comité

Martine Bresson


Le Comité permanent des finances se réunit aujourd'hui, en séance télévisée, à 19 h 08, dans la pièce 253-D de l'édifice du Centre, sous la présidence de Jim Peterson (président).

Membres du Comité présents: Leon Benoit, Pierre Brien, Dianne Brushett, Herb Grubel, Jim Peterson, Gary Pillitteri, Brent St. Denis et Monte Solberg.

Aussi présent: Du Service de recherche de la Bibliothèque du Parlement: Marion Wrobel, attaché de recherche.

Témoins: De l'Association des collèges communautaires du Canada: Terry Anne Boyles, vice-présidente, Services nationaux. De l'Association des universités et collèges du Canada: Sally Brown, vice-présidente, Relations extérieures et présidente intérimaire. De l'Académie canadienne des ingénieurs: Angus Bruneau, président. De l'Association canadienne des professeurs d'université: Donald Savage, directeur général. De la Fédération canadienne des étudiantes et étudiants: Guy Caron, président national. Du Conseil national des étudiant(e)s diplômé(e)s: Derrick Deans. De l'Association canadienne de la gestion de la recherche: Henri Rothschild, président, Comité des politiques. De la Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et enseignants: Harvey Weiner, sécretaire général adjoint. De la Coalition pour la recherche biomédicale et en santé: Clément Gauthier, directeur général; Dennis Fitzpatrick, vice-président. Du Forum enterprises-universités: John Dinsmore, président. De Troubles d'apprentissage--Association canadienne: James Horan, vice-président et président élu. De la Fédération canadienne des sciences sociales et la Fédération canadienne des études humaines: Chad Gaffield, vice-président, Politique scientifique et recherche.

Conformément à son mandat établi en vertu de l'article 83.1 du Règlement, le Comité continue ses consultations prébudgétaires avec une discussion-table ronde ( Voir les Procès-verbaux du 19 septembre 1995, fascicule no 111 ).

Les témoins font une présentation et répondent aux questions.

À 21 h 54, le Comité ajourne jusqu'à nouvelle convocation du président.

Greffier de comité

Christine Trauttmansdorff


Le Comité permanent des finances se réunit aujourd'hui, à 9 h 31, dans la pièce 200 de l'édifice de l'Ouest, sous la présidence de Jim Peterson (président).

Membres du Comité présents: Dianne Brushett, Yvan Loubier, Jim Peterson, Gary Pillitteri, Brent St. Denis, Monte Solberg et David Walker.

Aussi présent: Du Service de recherche de la Bibliothèque du Parlement: Richard Domingue, attaché de recherche.

Témoins: De la Conférence canadienne des arts: Keith Kelly, directeur national. Du Front des artistes canadiens: Greg Graham, directeur national. De l'Association canadienne d'habitation et de rénovation urbaine: Sharon Chisholm, directrice générale. Du Congrès pour l'assurance-vie avancée: Donald Glover, président; Bill Strain, président--Taxation.

Conformément à son mandat établi en vertu de l'article 83.1 du Règlement, le Comité continue ses consultations prébudgétaires avec une discussion-table ronde ( Voir les Procès-verbaux du 19 septembre 1995, fascicule no 111 ).

Les témoins font une présentation et répondent aux questions.

À 11 heures, le Comité ajourne jusqu'à nouvelle convocation du président.


Le Comité permanent des finances se réunit aujourd'hui, à huis clos, à 18 h 02, dans la pièce 307 de l'édifice de l'Ouest, sous la présidence de Jim Peterson (président).

Membres du Comité présents: Pierre Brien, Dianne Brushett, Nick Discepola, Ron Fewchuk, Herb Grubel, Yvan Loubier, Jim Peterson, Gary Pillitteri et David Walker.

Autre membre présent: Andy Mitchell.

Conformément à son mandat établi en vertu de l'article 83.1 du Règlement, le Comité continue ses consultations prébudgétaires ( Voir les Procès-verbaux du 19 septembre 1995, fascicule no 111 ).

Il est convenu,--Que le projet de rapport soit adopté comme vingt-deuxième rapport du Comité.

La motion, mise aux voix, est adoptée avec dissidence.

IL EST ORDONNÉ,--Que le président dépose le rapport à la Chambre le plus tôt possible.

Il est convenu,--Que le Comité autorise l'impression des opinions dissidentes du Bloc Québécois et du Parti de la Réforme en annexe au présent rapport, immédiatement après la signature du président.

--Que les opinions dissidentes ne dépassent pas une page.

--Que les opinions dissidentes soient transmises à la greffière du Comité au plus tard à 8 h 30 le 12 décembre 1995.

--Que les opinions dissidentes soient fournies à la greffière dans les deux langues officielles.

À 18 h 08, le Comité ajourne jusqu'à nouvelle convocation du président.


Le Comité permanent des finances se réunit aujourd'hui, à 11 h 05, dans la pièce 701, Édifice de la Promenade, sous la présidence de Jim Peterson (président).

Membres du Comité présents: Pierre Brien, Dianne Brushett, Barry Campbell, Ron Fewchuk, Herb Grubel, Jim Peterson, Gary Pillitteri, Monte Solberg et Jane Stewart.

Aussi présent: Du Service de recherche de la Bibliothèque du Parlement: Richard Domingue, attaché de recherche.

Témoins: Du Conseil canadien des sociétés publiques-privées: Terry Stephen, président; Michael Shaen. De l'Association canadienne des compagnies d'assurances de personnes inc.: Mark Daniels, président, James Witol, vice-président, Fiscalité et recherche. De l'Association canadienne des compagnies d'assurance mutuelles: Normand Lafrenière, directeur général.

Conformément à son mandat établi en vertu de l'article 83.1 du Règlement, le Comité continue ses consultations prébudgétaires avec une discussion-table ronde ( Voir les Procès-verbaux du 19 septembre 1995, fascicule no 111 ).

Les témoins font une présentation et répondent aux questions.

À 12 h 20, le Comité ajourne jusqu'à nouvelle convocation du président.

La greffière du Comité

Martine Bresson

(Meeting No. 209)


The Standing Committee on Finance met at 3:35 o'clock p.m. this day, in Room 536, Wellington Bldg., the Chairman, Jim Peterson, presiding.

Members of the Committee present: Dianne Brushett, Ron Fewchuk, Herb Grubel, Yvan Loubier, Jim Peterson, Gary Pillitteri, Jane Stewart and David Walker.

Other Member present: Jack Anawak.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Richard Domingue, Research Officer.

Witnesses: From the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions: Nicholas Le Pan, Deputy Superintendant (Policy). From the Department of Finance: Rhoda Attwood, Senior Counsel, General Legal Services; Doug Wyatt, General Counsel, General Legal Services.

The Committee resumed consideration of Bill C-100, An Act to amend, enact and repeal certain laws relating to financial institutions. (See Minutes of Proceedings dated August 15, 1995, Issue No. 111.)

The witnesses made a statement and answered questions.

On Clause 1

Jane Stewart moved,--That the French version only of Clause 1 be amended by striking out line 23, at page 1, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 1, as amended, carried.

Clauses 2, 3, and 4, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 5

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 5 be amended

(a) by striking out line 2, at page 3, and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by striking out line 10, at page 3, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 5, as amended, carried.

Clauses 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 12

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 12 be amended

(a) by striking out line 15, at page 5, and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by adding, immediately after line 25, at page 5, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 12, as amended, carried.

Clause 13 carried, on division.

On Clause 14

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 14 be amended by striking out line 45, at page 5, lines 1 to 44, at page 6, and lines 1 to 24, at page 7, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 14, as amended, carried.

Clauses 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 carried severally, on division.

On Clause 21

Jane Stewart moved,--That the French version only of Clause 21 be amended by striking out lines 26 to 30, at page 11, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 21, as amended, carried.

On New Clause 21.1

Jane Stewart moved,--Add, immediately after line 5, at page 12, the following therefor:



After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 21.1, carried.

Clauses 22, 23, 24, and 25, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 26

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 26 be amended by striking out line 5, at page 14, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 26, as amended, carried.

Clause 27 carried, on division.

On Clause 28

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 28 be amended by striking out line 40, at page 16, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 28, as amended, carried.

On Clause 29

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 29 be amended by striking out line 5, at page 17, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 29, as amended, carried.

Clauses 30, 31, 32, and 33, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 34

Jane Stewart moved,--That the French version only of Clause 34 be amended

(a) by striking out lines 22 and 23, at page 18, and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by striking out line 27, at page 18, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 34, as amended, carried.

Clauses 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 41

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 41 be amended

(a) by striking out lines 27 to 48, at page 23, and lines 1 to 17, at page 24, and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by striking out line 44, at page 26, and substituting the following therefor:

(c) by striking out line 5, at page 30, and substituting the following therefor:

(d) by striking out line 31, at page 38, and substituting the following therefor:

(e) by striking out line 47, at page 38, and substituting the following therefor:

(f) by striking out lines 1 to 17, at page 39, and substituting the following therefor:

(g) by striking out lines 37 to 41, at page 39, and substituting the following therefor:

(h) by adding, immediately after line 2, at page 42, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 41, as amended, carried.

Clauses 42, 43, 44, and 45, carried severally, on division.

On New Clause 45.1

Jane Stewart moved,--Add immediately after line 15, at page 45, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to, on division.

New Clause 45.1 carried.

Clauses 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, and 58, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 59

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 59 be amended by striking out lines 39 to 41, at page 49, lines 1 to 45, at page 50, and lines 1 to 24, at page 51, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to, on division.

Clause 59, as amended, carried.

On Clause 60

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 60 be amended by striking out lines 24 to 32, at page 52 and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 60, as amended, carried.

Clauses 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, and 69, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 70

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 70 be amended

(a) by striking out lines 14 to 17, at page 58, and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by adding, immediately after line 10, at page 59, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 70, as amended, carried.

Clause 71 carried, on division.

On New Clause 71.1

Jane Stewart moved,--Add, immediately after line 12, at page 59, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

New Clause 71.1 carried.

Clause 72 carried, on division.

On Clause 73

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 73 be amended

(a) by striking out line 29, at page 59, and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by striking out line 37, at page 59 and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 73, as amended, carried.

Clause 74 carried, on division.

On new Clause 74.1

Jane Stewart moved,--Add, immediately after line 12, at page 60, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

New Clause 74.1 carried.

Clause 75 carried, on division.

On Clause 76

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 76 be amended

(a) by striking out lines 17 to 19, at page 60 and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by adding, immediately after line 29, at page 60, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 76, as amended, carried.

Clause 77 carried, on division.

On new Clause 77.1

Jane Stewart moved,--Add, immediately after line 42, at page 60, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

New Clause 77.1 carried.

Clauses 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, and 83 carried severally, on division.

On New Clause 83.1

Jane Stewart moved,--Add, immediately after line 25, at page 62, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

New Clause 83.1 carried.

Clauses 84, 85, and 86 carried severally, on division.

On Clause 87

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 87 of Bill C-100 be amended

(a) by striking out line 28 on page 64 and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by striking out line 33 on page 64 and substituting the following:

(c) by adding, immediately after line 41 on page 64, the following:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 87, as amended, carried.

Clause 88 carried on division.

On New Clause 88.1

Jane Stewart moved,--Add, immediately after line 11, at page 65, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

New Clause 88.1 carried.

Clause 89 carried, on division.

On Clause 90

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 90 be amended by striking out line 29, at page 65, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 90, as amended, carried.

Clauses 91 and 92 carried severally, on division.

On Clause 93

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 93 be amended

(a) by striking out line 37, at page 66 and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by adding, immediately after line 2, at page 67, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 93, as amended, carried.

Clause 94 carried, on division.

On Clause 95

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 95 be amended by striking out lines 25 to 42, at page 67, lines 1 to 46, at page 68 and lines 1 to 9, at page 69 and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 95, as amended, carried.

Clauses 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, and 109 carried severally, on division.

On Clause 110

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 110 be amended adding, immediately after line 6, at page 79, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 110, as amended, carried.

Clauses 111, 112, 113, and 114 carried severally, on division.

On Clause 115

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 115 be amended

(a) by striking out lines 42 to 45, at page 80, and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by striking out lines 9 and 10, at page 81 and substituting the following therefor:

(c) by striking out, in the French version only, line 18, at page 81, and substitute the following therefor:

(d) by adding, immediately after line 10, at page 82, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 115, as amended, carried.

Clause 116 carried, on division.

On Clause 117

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 117 be amended

(a) by striking out line 16, at page 82, and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by striking out line 24, at page 82 and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 117, as amended, carried.

Clauses 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, and 123 carried severally, on division.

On Clause 124

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 124 be amended

(a) by striking out line 32, at page 84 and substituting the following therefor:

(b) by adding, immediately after line 42, at page 84, the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 124, as amended, carried.

Clause 125 carried, on division.

On Clause 126

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 126 be amended by striking out lines 15 to 42, at page 85, and lines 1 to 43, at page 86, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 126, as amended, carried.

Clauses 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149 and 150 carried severally, on division.

On Clause 151

Jane Stewart moved,--That the English version be amended by striking out line 10, at page 98, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 151, as amended, carried.

Clauses 152, 153, 154, 155, and 156 carried severally, on division.

On Clause 157

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 157 be amended by striking out lines 39 to 48, at page 99, and lines 1 to 40, at page 100, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 157, as amended, carried.

Clauses 158, 159, and 160 carried severally, on division.

On Clause 161

Jane Stewart moved,--That the French version only of Clause 161 be amended

(a) by striking out line 33, at page 108, and substitute the following therefor:

(b) by striking out line 37, at page 109, and substitute the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 161, as amended, carried.

Clauses 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, and 168 carried severally, on division.

On Clause 1 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That, Clause 1 of the Schedule be amended, in the English version, by striking out line 36, at page 115, and substituting the following therefor:

Short title

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 1 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

On Clause 2 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 2 of the Schedule be amended

(a) by adding, immediately after line 2, at page 116, the following therefor:

(b) by striking out line 9, at page 116, and substituting the following therefor:

(c) by striking out line 22, at page 116, and substituting the following therefor:

(d) by striking out, in the French version only, lines 23 to 26, at page 116, and substituting the following:

(e) by striking out line 34, at page 116, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 2 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

Clauses 3 and 4 of the Schedule, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 5 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That the French version only of Clause 5 of the Schedule be amended by striking out lines 26 and 27, at page 117, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 5 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

On Clause 6 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 6 of the Schedule be amended by striking out lines 6 to 27 on page 118 and substituting the following:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 6 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

On Clause 7 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 7 of the Schedule be amended by striking out line 38, at page 118, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 7 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

On Clause 8 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 8 of the Schedule be amended by striking out lines 1 to 46, at page 119, and lines 1 and 2, at page 120, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 8 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

On Clause 9 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That the French version only of Clause 9 of the Schedule be amended by striking out lines 9 to 14, at page 120, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 9 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

Clauses 10 and 11 of the Schedule, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 12 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 12 of the Schedule be amended by striking out lines 25 and 26, at page 121, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 12 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

On Clause 13 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 13 of the Schedule be amended by striking out lines 27 to 37, at page 121, and lines 1 to 15, at page 122 and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 13 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

On Clause 14 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That the French version only of Clause 14 of the Schedule be amended by striking out lines 28 to 35, at page 122, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 14 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

On Clause 15 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That the French version only of Clause 15 of the Schedule be amended by striking out lines 8 to 12, at page 123, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 15 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

Clauses 16 and 17 of the Schedule, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 18 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 18 of the Schedule be amended by striking out lines 1 to 3, at page 124, and substituting the following therefor:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 18 of the Schedule, as amended, carried.

Clauses 19, 20, and 21 of the Schedule, carried severally, on division.

On Clause 22 of the Schedule

Jane Stewart moved,--That Clause 22 of the Schedule be amended

(a) by striking out lines 35 to 37, at page 124, and substituting the following:

(b) by striking out lines 4 to 10, at page 125, and substituting the following:

(c) by adding the following after line 20 on page 125:

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

Clause 22, as amended, carried.

The Title carried.

The Bill, as amended, carried.

Ordered,--That Bill C-100, An Act to amend, enact and repeal certain laws relating to financial institutions, as amended, be reprinted for the use of the Huse of Commons at the Report Stage.

Ordered, That the Chair report Bill C-100, with amendments, to the House.

It was agreed,--That the editor's contract be extended until the date of tabling the final report on the pre-budget consultations.

--That the writer's contract be extended until the date of tabling the final report on the pre-budget consultations.

At 4:04 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Martine Bresson

Clerk of the Committee

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