(Meeting No. 90)
(Meeting No. 90)
The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 11:10 o'clock a.m., this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Chairman, Peter Milliken, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Guy Arseneault, Colleen Beaumier, Don Boudria, Marlene Catterall, Jack Frazer, René Laurin, Gurbax Malhi, Ted McWhinney, Peter Milliken, Carolyn Parrish, Bob Ringma and Ray Speaker.
Associate Members present: Dianne Brushett, Marlene Cowling and Rose-Marie Ur.
In attendance: From the House of Commons: Dianne Brushett, M.P., Chair, Sub-Committee on the objections filed on the proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Eastern Provinces; Marlene Cowling, M.P., Chair, Sub-Committee on the objections filed on the proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Western Provinces. From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Margaret Smith, Laura Snowball and James R. Robertson, Research Officers. From the House of Commons: Camille Montpetit, Clerk Assistant (Procedural Services).
Witness: From the House of Commons: Robert Marleau, Clerk of the House.
Electoral Boundaries
The Committee resumed consideration of its Orders of Reference from the House of Commons dated Thursday, June 22, 1995 and Wednesday, October 4, 1995 in relation to the Reports of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions (1994). (Meetings Nos. 85, 87 and 88)
In accordance with the Committee's Orders of Reference of Tuesday, September 19, 1995, Tuesday, September 26, 1995 and Tuesday, October 3, 1995, the Chair of the Sub-Committee on the objections filed on the proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Eastern Provinces presented the Report from the Sub-Committee filed with the Committee on Friday, October 20, 1995.
The Chair, Mrs. Brushett, made a statement and answered questions.
In accordance with the Committee's Orders of Reference of Tuesday, September 19, 1995, Tuesday, September 26, 1995 and Tuesday, October 3, 1995, the Chair of the Sub-Committee on the objections filed on the proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Western Provinces presented the Report from the Sub-Committee filed with the Committee on Friday, October 20, 1995.
The Chair, Mrs. Cowling, made a statement and answered questions.
Order of Reference: Business of Supply
The Committee resumed consideration of its Order of Reference from the House of Commons dated Wednesday, June 7, 1995 in relation to the Business of Supply. (See Minutes of Proceedings, Thursday, June 22, 1995, Issues Nos. 51 & 52)
It was agreed,--That, the Committee request from the House of Commons an extension for its consideration of the Order of Reference dated Wednesday, June 7, 1995 in relation to the Business of Supply from December 1, 1995 to March 29, 1996 and that, the Chairman be instructed to present a Report to the House.
It was agreed,--That, the deadline for the Report by the Sub-Committee on the Business of Supply be extended to March 8, 1996.
Pursuant to its mandate under Standing Order 108(3)(a)(iii), the Committee proceeded to the consideration of Standing Order 45(6) in relation to the division on a debatable motion demanded on a Friday, division deferred on a Thursday.
The Clerk of the House answered questions.
At 12:28 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Striking Committee
Friday, October 20, 1995
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1994, the Ninety-Third Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair is deemed ordered to present it to the House.
Tuesday, October 24, 1995
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1994, the Ninety-Fourth Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair is deemed ordered to present it to the House.
(Meeting No. 91)
(Meeting No. 91)
The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 11:08 o'clock a.m., this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Chairman, Peter Milliken, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Jack Frazer, René Laurin, Gurbax Malhi, Ted McWhinney, Peter Milliken, Carolyn Parrish and Bob Ringma.
Acting Members present: John Richardson for Guy Arseneault; George Proud for Don Boudria.
Associate Member present: Rose-Marie Ur.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: James R. Robertson, Research Officer.
Appearing: The Honourable Gilbert Parent, Speaker, House of Commons.
Witnesses: From the House of Commons: Robert Marleau, Clerk of the House; Mary Anne Griffith, Deputy Clerk of the House.
The Chairman read the letter received from Senator G. Beaudoin, Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs in relation to Bill C-69, An Act to provide for the establishment of Electoral Boundaries Commissions and the readjustment of Electoral Boundaries. (See Minutes of Proceedings of Tuesday, September 19, 1995 and Tuesday, September 26, 1995, Issue No. 52)
Pursuant to its mandate under Standing Order 108(3)(a)(i), the Committee proceeded to the consideration of the House of Commons Outlook on Program Priorities and Expenditures for 1995-1996 to 1997-1998 as approved by the Board of Internal Economy on October 3, 1995.
The Speaker and the Clerk of the House made a statement and with the other witness, answered questions.
At 12:21 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Striking Committee
Wednesday, October 25, 1995
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1994, the Ninety-Fifth Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair is deemed ordered to present it to the House.
(Meeting No. 92)
(Meeting No. 92)
The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 11:07 o'clock a.m., this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Chairman, Peter Milliken, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Guy Arseneault, Don Boudria, Marlene Catterall, Jack Frazer, René Laurin, Gurbax Malhi, Ted McWhinney, Peter Milliken, Carolyn Parrish, Bob Ringma and Ray Speaker.
Acting Member present: Rose-Marie Ur for Colleen Beaumier.
Associate Member present: John Richardson.
In attendance: From the House of Commons: John Richardson, M.P., on behalf of the Chair of the Sub-Committee on Electoral Boundaries for Ontario. From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Mollie Dunsmuir and James Robertson, Research Officers.
The Committee resumed consideration of its Orders of Reference from the House of Commons dated Thursday, June 22, 1995 and Wednesday, October 4, 1995, in relation to the Reports of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions (1994). (See Meetings Nos. 85, 87, 88 and 90)
In accordance with the Committee's Orders of Reference of Tuesday, September 19, 1995, Tuesday, September 26, 1995 and Tuesday, October 3, 1995, John Richardson, M.P., on behalf of the Chair of the Sub-Committee on the objections filed on the proposed Electoral Boundaries for Ontario presented the Report from the Sub-Committee filed with the Committee on Monday, October 23, 1995.
John Richardson made an opening statement and answered questions.
At 11:54 o'clock a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
(Meeting No. 93)
(Meeting No. 93)
The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 11:04 o'clock a.m., this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Chairman, Peter Milliken, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Don Boudria, Marlene Catterall, Gilles Duceppe, Jack Frazer, François Langlois, René Laurin, Gurbax Malhi, Ted McWhinney, Peter Milliken, Carolyn Parrish, Bob Ringma and Ray Speaker.
Acting Members present: Jerry Pickard for Guy Arseneault; John Maloney for Carolyn Parrish; Deborah Grey for Bob Ringma.
Associate Members present: Mark Assad and Robert Bertrand.
In attendance: From the House of Commons: Robert Bertrand, M.P., Chair of the Sub-Committee on Electoral Boundaries for Québec. From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Gérald Lafrenière and James Robertson, Research Officers.
The Committee resumed consideration of its Orders of Reference from the House of Commons dated Thursday, June 22, 1995 and Wednesday, October 4, 1995 in relation to the Reports of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions (1994). (See meetings nos. 85, 87, 88, 90 and 92)
In accordance with the Committee's Orders of Reference of Tuesday, September 19, 1995, Tuesday, September 26, 1995 and Tuesday, October 3, 1995, Robert Bertrand, M.P., Chair of the Sub-Committee on the objections filed on the proposed Electoral Boundaries for Québec presented the Report from the Sub-Committee filed with the Committee on Monday, October 23, 1995.
Robert Bertrand made an opening statement and answered questions.
In accordance with its mandate under Standing Order 108(3)(a)(iii), the Committee proceeded to the consideration of a proposal for the singing of the National Anthem in the House of Commons.
After debate, Bob Ringma moved,--That, as a matter of principle, the National Anthem be sung once a week in the Chamber.
And the question being put on the motion, it was, by a show of hands, agreed to: Yeas: 9; Nays: 2.
At 12:28 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Striking Committee
Wednesday, November 1, 1995
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1994, the Ninety-Sixth Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair is deemed ordered to present it to the House.
Friday, November 3, 1995
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1994, the Ninety-Seventh Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair is deemed ordered to present it to the House.
(Meeting No. 94)
(Meeting No. 94)
The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 11:07 o'clock a.m., this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Chairman, Peter Milliken, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Guy Arseneault, Don Boudria, Marlene Catterall, Jack Frazer, François Langlois, René Laurin, Gurbax Malhi, Ted McWhinney, Peter Milliken, Carolyn Parrish, Bob Ringma and Ray Speaker.
Acting Member present: John Richardson for Colleen Beaumier.
Associate Members present: Marlene Cowling and John Solomon.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Molly Dunsmuir, James Robertson and Margaret Smith, Research Officers.
The Committee resumed consideration of its Orders of Reference from the House of Commons dated Thursday, June 22, 1995 and Wednesday, October 4, 1995 in relation to the Reports of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions (1994). (See meetings nos. 85, 87, 88, 90, 92 and 93)
The Committee proceeded to the consideration of a Draft Report.
At 12:07 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
(Meeting No. 95)
(Meeting No. 95)
The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 11:07 o'clock a.m., this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Chairman, Peter Milliken, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Guy Arseneault, Don Boudria, Marlene Catterall, Gilles Duceppe, Jack Frazer, François Langlois, René Laurin, Gurbax Malhi, Ted McWhinney, Peter Milliken, Carolyn Parrish, Bob Ringma and Ray Speaker.
Associate Member present: John Solomon.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: James Robertson, Research Officer.
National Anthem
In accordance with its mandate under Standing Order 108(3)(a)(iii), the Committee resumed consideration of a proposal for the singing of the National Anthem in the Chamber. (See Evidence, Thursday, November 2, 1995, meeting no. 93)
After debate, on motion of Don Boudria, it was agreed,--That, the Committee recommend that on Wednesdays, immediately following the Prayer, when the House opens, the Speaker shall recognize a Member to lead the House in singing the National Anthem ``O Canada'' and that the Chairman be instructed to present a Report to the House.
Sub-Committee on Private Members' Business: votable items
The Committee proceeded to the consideration of its business pursuant to Standing Orders 92 and 108(3)(a)(iv) in relation to Private Members' Business.
The Chair of the Sub-Committee on Private Members' Business presented a report from the Sub-Committee recommending the selection of certain items as votable items.
On motion of Carolyn Parrish, it was agreed,--That, the Sub-Committee's report be adopted as the Ninety-Ninth Report to the House and that the Chairman present the report to the House.
Committee's mandate under S.O. 108(3)(a)(iii): Standing Order 107
In accordance with its mandate under Standing Order 108(3)(a)(iii), the Committee proceeded to the consideration of amendments to Standing Order 107 (Liaison Committee).
Carolyn Parrish moved,--That, Standing Order 107 be amended by adding the following new sections thereto:
``(5) The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs shall, at the request of the Chairman of the Liaison Committee, prepare and report to the House a list of associate members of that Committee, who shall be deemed to be members thereof for the purposes of section (6) of this Standing Order.''
``(6) The Liaison Committee shall be empowered to create Sub-committees of which the membership may be drawn from among both the list of members of the Committee and the list of associate members provided for in section (5) of this Standing Order.''
After debate, the question being put on the motion, it was agreed to.
On motion of Carolyn Parrish, it was agreed,--That, the Chairman present a Report to the House.
Electoral Boundaries
The Committee resumed consideration of its Orders of Reference from the House of Commons dated Thursday, June 22, 1995 and Wednesday, October 4, 1995 in relation to the Reports of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions (1994). (See meetings nos. 85, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93 and 94)
The Committee proceeded to the consideration of a Draft Report.
Outlook on Priorities and Programs: House of Commons
The Committee resumed consideration of the House of Commons Outlook on Program Priorities and Expenditures for 1995-1996 to 1997-1998 as approved by the Board of Internal Economy on October 3, 1995. (See Evidence , Thursday, October 26, 1995, meeting no. 91)
The Committee proceeded to the consideration of a Draft Letter to the Speaker.
At 12:12 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Striking Committee
Friday, November 10, 1995
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1994, the Ninety-Eighth Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair deemed ordered to present it to the House.
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee o Thursday, January 20, 1994, the Ninety-Ninth Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair is deemed ordered to present it to the House.
(Meeting No. 96)
(Meeting No. 96)
The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 11:16 o'clock a.m., this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Chairman, Peter Milliken, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Guy Arseneault, Don Boudria, Marlene Catterall, Jack Frazer, Gurbax Malhi, Ted McWhinney, Peter Milliken and Bob Ringma.
Acting Members present: Mark Assad for Colleen Beaumier; Mauril Bélanger for Carolyn Parrish.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: James Robertson and Margaret Smith, Research Officers.
Electoral Boundaries
The Committee resumed consideration of its Orders of Reference from the House of Commons dated Thursday, June 22, 1995 and Wednesday, October 4, 1995 in relation to the Reports of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions (1994). (See meetings nos. 85, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94 and 95)
The Committee proceeded to the consideration of a Draft Report.
At 11:25 o'clock a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
(Meeting no 97)
(Meeting no 97)
The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 11:09 o'clock a.m., this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Chairman, Peter Milliken, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Guy Arseneault, Don Boudria, Marlene Catterall, Jack Frazer, Gurbax Malhi, Ted McWhinney, Peter Milliken, Carolyn Parrish, Bob Ringma and Ray Speaker.
Associate Member present: Mark Assad.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: James Robertson and Margaret Smith, Research Officers.
Witnesses: From the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer: Jean-Pierre Kingsley, Chief Electoral Officer; Jacques Girard, Director, Legal Services.
Electoral Boundaries
The Committee resumed consideration of its Orders of Reference from the House of Commons dated Thursday, June 22, 1995 and Wednesday, October 4, 1995 in relation to the Reports of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions (1994). (See meetings nos. 85, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95 and 96).
The Committee resumed consideration of a Draft Report.
On motion of Don Boudria, it was agreed,--That, the Draft Report, as amended, be adopted and that the Chairman be instructed to present the report to the House.
On motion of Don Boudria, it was agreed,--That, in accordance with Section 22 of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, as amended, the Commission Report for British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, be returned to the Speaker together with a copy of the objections and of the Minutes of Proceedings and the Evidence with respect thereto.
Sub-Committee on Members Travel
On motion of Carolyn Parrish, it was agreed,--That, notwithstanding the Committee's decision of Thursday, May 4, 1995, the deadline for the Sub-Committee on Members' Travel be extended to February 19, 1996.
Referendum Act
The Committee proceeded to the consideration of its Order of Reference from the House of Commons dated Wednesday, June 21, 1995, which reads as follows:
ORDERED,--That, the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be designated as the committee of the House of Commons to which any matters shall stand referred pursuant to the Referendum Act.
The Committee proceeded to the consideration of the legislation applicable to a referendum: the Referendum Act, R.S., c. R-4.7 [1992, c.30], and the Canada Elections Act as adapted for the purposes of a Referendum (SOR/92-430 as amended by SOR/95-304).
Jean-Pierre Kingsley made an opening statement and with the other witness, answered questions.
At 11:25 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Striking Committee
Thursday, November 23, 1995
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1994, the One Hundred and First Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair is deemed ordered to present it to the House.
Friday, November 24, 1995
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1994, the One Hundred and Second Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair is deemed ordered to present it to the House.
Monday, November 27, 1995
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1994, the One Hundred and Third Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair is deemed ordered to present it to the House.
Wednesday, November 29, 1995
In accordance with the mandate of the Committee concerning its responsibilities as the Striking Committee, and according to an Order adopted by the Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1994, the One Hundred and Fifth Report is deemed to have been adopted and the Chair is deemed ordered to present it to the House.