Thursday, November 9, 1995
The Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs has the honour to present its
In accordance with its Order of Reference of Thursday, October 5, 1995, your Committee has considered Bill C-78, An Act to provide for the establishment and operation of a program to enable certain persons to receive protection in relation to certain inquiries, investigations or prosecutions, and has agreed to report it with the following amendments:
Clause 2
Strike out line 4, at page 2, and substitute the following therefor:
``referred to in paragraph 6(1)(c) that applies in''
Clause 6
Strike out line 1, at page 3, and substitute the following therefor:
``6. (1) A witness shall not be admitted to the''
Add, immediately after line 17, at page 3, the following:
``(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Commissioner may, in a case of emergency, and for not more than ninety days, provide protection to a person who has not entered into a protection agreement.''
Strike out lines 15 to 17, at page 3, and substitute the following therefor:
``missioner setting out the obligations of both parties.''
Clause 8
Strike out line 15, at page 4, and substitute the following therefor:
``(iii) to meet all legal obligations incurred by the protectee, including any obligations regarding the custody and maintenance of children,
(iv) to refrain from activities that consti-''
Strike out line 20, at page 4, and substitute the following therefor:
``(v) to accept and give effect to reasona-''
Clause 11
Strike out line 9, at page 5, and substitute the following therefor:
``shall knowingly disclose, directly or indirectly, informa-''
Strike out lines 12 to 15, at page 5, and substitute the following therefor:
``(2) Subsection (1) does not apply
(a) to a protectee or former protectee who discloses information about the protectee or former protectee if the disclosure does not endanger the safety of another protectee or former protectee and does not compromise the integrity of the Program; or
(b) to a person who discloses information that was disclosed to the person by a protectee or former protectee if the disclosure does not endanger the safety of the protectee or former protectee and does not compromise the integrity of the Program.''
Clause 19 is deleted.
A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Issue No. 114, which includes this report) is tabled.
Respectfully submitted,