Monday, November 20, 1995 (Meeting No. 189)
Department of Justice:
Mary-Anne Kirvan, Senior Counsel, Family, Children and Youth Section.
Tuesday, November 21, 1995 (Meeting No. 190)
Canadian Association of School Administrators:
Fred Grant, Superintendent, School District #2 Moncton, N.B.
Canadian Criminal Justice Association:
Roger Brunette, Director, Professional Services, Centre Jeunesse de l'Outaouais;
Jane Fjeld, Community Support Team of the Eastern Ontario Young Offender Services;
Arnold Snyder, Co-Chair, Policy Review Committee;
Cécile Toutant, Head, Adolescent Unit, Institut Philippe-Pinel, Montreal and President-Elect, CCJA;
Matthew Yeager, Criminologist, Secretary to Policy Review Committee.
Canadian Home and School and Parent-Teacher Federation:
Maybelle Durkin, Executive Director.
Canadian School Boards Association:
Pat Crossman, President;
Marie Pierce, Executive Director.
Canadian Teacher's Federation:
Maureen Morris, President;
Damien Solomon, Assistant Director, Professional Development Services.
Tuesday, November 21, 1995 (Meeting No. 191)
David Arnot.
Wednesday, November 22, 1995 (Meeting No. 192)
John Howard Society:
Christine Leonard, Executive Director, John Howard Society of Alberta;
Jim McLatchie, Executive Director, John Howard Society of Canada;
Susan Reid-MacNevin, Vice-President, Issues, John Howard Society of Canada;
Graham Stewart, Executive Director, John Howard Society of Ontario.
Thursday, November 23, 1995 (Meeting No. 193)
Child Welfare League of Canada:
Vaughan Dowie, President;
Sarah Lugtig, Batshaw Family and Youth Centres, Montreal;
Sandra Scarth, Executive Director.
National Crime Prevention Council:
Ross Hastings, President;
Joan Pennell, Chair, Committee on Youth.
Tuesday, December 5, 1995 (Meeting No. 196)
Department of Justice:
Mary Dawson, Associate Deputy Minister.
Tuesday, December 5, 1995 (Meeting No. 197)
Dr. Dale Gibson, Constitutional lawyer with the University of Alberta.
Tuesday, December 5, 1995 (Meeting No. 198)
Assembly of First Nations:
Chief Ovide Mercredi, National Chief;
Ghislain Picard, Vice-Chief (Québec).
Tuesday, December 5, 1995 (Meeting No. 199)
Grand Counsel of the Crees of Quebec:
Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come;
Andrew Orkin, Senior Counsel.
Tuesday, December 5, 1995 (Meeting No. 200)
D. David Elton, Professor of Political Science and President of the Canada West Foundation;
Dr. F.L. (Ted) Morton, Professor of Political Science, University of Calgary.
Wednesday, December 6, 1995 (Meeting No. 201)
Department of Justice:
Mary Dawson, Associate Deputy Minister.
Inuit Tapirisat of Canada:
Rosemary Kuptana, President;
Wendy Moss, Advisor;
Mary Sillett, Vice-President.
Makivik Corporation:
Michael McGoldrick, Advisor;
Zebedee Nungak, President;
Sam Silverstone, Legal Counsel.
Thursday, December 7, 1995 (Meeting No. 203)
Department of Justice:
Deborah McCorkell-Hoy, Director, Law Reform Division;
Richard Mosley, Assistant Deputy Minister;
David Paget, Senior General Counsel, Corporate Policy Group.
Tuesday, December 12, 1995 (Meeting No. 204)
Canadian Bar Association:
Joan Bercovitch, Senior Director, Legal and Governmental Affairs;
Christopher Curran, Chair, Legislation and Law Reform Committee;
Gordon. F. Proudfoot, President.
Barreau du Québec:
Me Carole Brosseau, Secretary, Standing Committee on Criminal Law;
Me Claude Masse, Vice-President.
Tuesday, December 12, 1995 (Meeting No. 205)
Office of the Auditor General:
Richard Fadden, Assistant Auditor General and Legal Counsel, Audit Operations.
Wednesday, December 13, 1995 (Meeting No. 206)
Department of Justice:
Deborah McCorkell-Hoy, Director, Law Reform Division;
David Paget, Senior General Counsel, Corporate Policy Group.