Extract from the Minutes of Proceedings of the Standing Committee on Health of Tuesday, November 7, 1995:
ORDERED,--That pursuant to Standing Order 108(1), a Sub-Committee of the Standing Committee on Health be established to be composed of Andy Scott as Chair, Hedy Fry, Bernard Patry, Paul Szabo, Pauline Picard and Grant Hill, to study legislation that may be referred to the Committee in the coming month.
--That upon presentation of the report of the Sub-Committee, it be deemed adopted, and that the Chairman of the Committee present it to the House on behalf of the Committee.
--That the Sub-Committee be empowered, except when the House otherwise orders, to send for persons, papers and records, to sit while the House is sitting, during periods when the House stands adjourned, to print from day to day such papers and meetings, to receive evidence when a quorum is not present and to authorize the printing thereof.
--That a Research Officer be provided to the Sub-Committee by the Library of Parliament.
Extract from the Minutes of Proceedings of the Standing Committee on Health of Tuesday, November 21, 1995:
ORDERED,--That the Standing Committee on Health authorize the allocation of sufficient funds from its budget to the Sub-Committee on Bill C-95 for the payment of reasonable travel and living expenses to witnesses appearing before the Sub-Committee, in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the Main Committee.
Nancy Hall
Clerk of the Committee