(Meeting No. 1)
(Meeting No. 1)
The Sub-Committee on the consideration of the Objections filed on the Proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Western Provinces of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 3:35 o'clock p.m. this day, in Room 208, West Block, for the purpose of electing a Chair.
Members of the Sub-Committee present: Marlene Cowling, Ronald Duhamel.
Acting Member present: Ted White for Dick Harris.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Laura Snowball, Research Officer.
The Clerk presided over the election of a Chair.
On motion of Ronald Duhamel, it was agreed,--That Marlene Cowling be elected Chair of this Sub-Committee.
Accordingly, Marlene Cowling took the Chair.
Pursuant to the Orders of References of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs adopted on Tuesday, September 19, 1995 and Tuesday, September 26, 1995, the Sub-Committee proceeded to the consideration of its future business.
It was agreed,--That the Sub-Committee extend an invitation to appear to the Members who filed on objection, allowing 15 minutes to each Member.
It was agreed,--That the Sub-Committee meet in accordance with the following schedule; on Monday, October 2, 1995 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, October 3, 1995 from 9:00 a.m. to noon and at a further meeting for consideration of a draft report.
At 3:55 o'clock p.m., the Sub-Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
(Meeting No. 2)
(Meeting No. 2)
The Sub-Committee on the consideration of the Objections filed on the Proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Western Provinces of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 3:23 o'clock p.m. this day, in Room 307, West Block, the Chair, Marlene Cowling, presiding.
Members of the Sub-Committee present: Marlene Cowling, John Solomon.
Acting Members present: Raymond Bonin for Ronald Duhamel, Randy White for Dick Harris; Glen McKinnon for Marlene Cowling.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Laura Snowball, Research Officer.
Witnesses: From the House of Commons: The Honourable Jon Gerrard, P.C., M.P., Portage--Interlake; Ronald Duhamel, M.P., St. Boniface; Marlene Cowling, M.P., Dauphin--Swan River; Bernie Collins, M.P., Souris--Moose Mountain; The Honourable Anne McLellan, P.C., M.P., Edmonton Northwest.
Pursuant to the Orders of Reference of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs of Tuesday, September 19, 1995 and Tuesday, September 26, 1995, the Sub-Committee resumed consideration of the Objections filed on the Proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Western Provinces.
The Honourable Jon Gerrard made a statement and answered questions.
Ronald Duhamel made a statement and answered questions.
At 3:51 o'clock p.m. the sitting was suspended.
At 4:07 o'clock p.m. the sitting resumed.
At 4:08 o'clock p.m., Raymond Bonin took the Chair.
Marlene Cowling made a statement and answered questions.
At 4:20 o'clock p.m., Marlene Cowling took the Chair.
Bernie Collins made a statement and answered questions.
At 4:30 o'clock p.m. the sitting was suspended.
At 4:33 o'clock p.m. the sitting resumed.
It was agreed,--That the Sub-Committee meet on Tuesday, October 3, 1995 at 5:30 p.m. and on Wednesday October 4, 1995 at 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of hearing witnesses.
The Honourable Anne McLellan made a statement and answered questions.
On motion of John Solomon, it was agreed,--That the Appendices to the document presented by the Honourable Anne McLellan be filed as an exhibit with the Clerk of the Sub-Committee. (Exhibit "A")
At 5:00 o'clock p.m., the Sub-Committee proceeded to sit in camera to discuss future business.
At 5:15 o'clock p.m., the Sub-Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
(Meeting No. 3)
(Meeting No. 3)
The Sub-Committee on the consideration of the Objections filed on the Proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Western Provinces of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 9:10 o'clock a.m. this day, in Room 701, La Promenade, the Chair, Marlene Cowling, presiding.
Members of the Sub-Committee present: Marlene Cowling, John Solomon.
Acting Members present: Glen McKinnon for Ronald Duhamel; Randy White for Dick Harris.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Laura Snowball, Research Officer.
Witnesses: From the House of Commons: Morris Bodnar, M.P., Saskatoon--Dundurn; Jim Hart, M.P., Okanagan--Similkameen--Merritt; John Cummins, M.P., Delta; Keith Martin, M.P., Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca; David Iftody, M.P., Provencher.
Pursuant to the Orders of Reference of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs adopted on Tuesday, September 19, 1995 and Tuesday, September 26, 1995, the Sub-Committee resumed consideration of the objections filed on the proposed electoral boundaries for the Western Provinces. (See Minutes of Proceedings, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1, Thursday, September 28, 1995)
Morris Bodnar made a statement and answered questions.
At 9:20 o'clock a.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 9:28 o'clock a.m., the sitting resumed.
It was agreed,--That any documents presented by witnesses be filed as Exhibits with the Clerk of the Sub-Committee.
Jim Hart made a statement and answered questions.
In accordance with the Sub-Committee's decision of today, the documents presented by Jim Hart were filed as an Exhibit. (See Exhibit "B")
John Cummins made a statement and answered questions.
In accordance with the Sub-Committee's decision of today, the documents presented by John Cummins were filed as an Exhibit. (See Exhibit "C")
Keith Martin made a statement and answered questions.
At 10:10 o'clock a.m., the Sub-Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
(Meeting No. 4)
(Meeting No. 4)
The Sub-Committee on the consideration of the Objections filed on the Proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Western Provinces of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 5:45 o'clock p.m. this day, in Room 701, La Promenade, the Chair, Marlene Cowling, presiding.
Members of the Sub-Committee present: Marlene Cowling, John Solomon.
Acting Members present: Glen McKinnon for Ronald Duhamel; Randy White for Dick Harris.
Other Member present: Bernie Collins.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Laura Snowball, Research Officer.
Witnesses: From the House of Commons: The Honourable Ralph Goodale, P.C., M.P., Regina--Wascana; David Iftody, M.P., Provencher; Georgette Sheridan, M.P., Saskatoon--Humboldt; Svend Robinson, M.P., Burnaby--Kingsway, represented by John Solomon.
Pursuant to the Orders of Reference of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs adopted on Tuesday, September 19, 1995 and Tuesday, September 26, 1995, the Sub-Committee resumed consideration of the objections filed to the proposed electoral boundaries for the Western Provinces. (See Minutes of Proceedings, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1, Thursday, September 28, 1995)
The witnesses made statements and answered questions.
On behalf of Svend Robinson, John Solomon made a statement and answered questions.
In accordance with the Sub-Committee's decision of Tuesday, October 3, 1995 (Meeting No. 3) the letter from Svend Robinson, presented by John Solomon, was filed as an Exhibit. (See Exhibit "D")
At 6:30 o'clock p.m., the Sub-Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
(Meeting No. 5)
(Meeting No. 5)
The Sub-Committee on the consideration of the Objections filed on the Proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Western Provinces of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met at 8:13 o'clock a.m., this day, in Room 705, La Promenade, the Acting Chair, Glen McKinnon, presiding.
Members of the Sub-Committee present: Marlene Cowling, John Solomon.
Acting Members present: Randy White for Dick Harris; Glen McKinnon for Ronald Duhamel.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Laura Snowball, Research Officer.
Pursuant to the Orders of Reference of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs adopted on Tuesday, September 19, 1995, Tuesday, September 26, 1995 and Wednesday, October 4, 1995, the Sub-Committee resumed consideration of the objections filed on the proposed electoral boundaries for the Western Provinces. (See Minutes of Proceedings, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1, Thursday, September 28, 1995)
Consideration of a draft report.
At 8:18 o'clock a.m., Marlene Cowling took the Chair.
At 9:10 o'clock a.m., the Sub-Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
(Meeting No. 6)
The Evidence for this meeting is not available because it was held in camera.
(Meeting No. 6)
The Evidence for this meeting is not available because it was held in camera.
The Sub-Committee on the consideration of the Objections filed on the Proposed Electoral Boundaries for the Western Provinces of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met in camera at 11:08 o'clock a.m. this day, in Room 306, West Block, the Chair, Marlene Cowling, presiding.
Members of the Sub-Committee present: Marlene Cowling, Dick Harris, John Solomon.
Acting Member present: Glen McKinnon for Ronald Duhamel.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Laura Snowball, Research Officer.
Pursuant to the Orders of Reference of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs adopted on Tuesday, September 19, 1995, Tuesday, September 26, 1995 and Wednesday, October 4, 1995, the Sub-Committee resumed consideration of the objections filed on the proposed electoral boundaries for the Western Provinces. (See Minutes of Proceedings, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1, Thursday, September 28, 1995 and Meeting No. 5, Thursday, October 5, 1995)
The Sub-Committee resumed consideration of a draft report.
It was agreed,--That the complete file of objections on the proposed electoral boundaries for the Western provinces be filed as an Exhibit with the Clerk of the Sub-Committee. (See Exhibit "E")
It was agreed,--That the draft report on boundaries for the Western provinces, as amended, be adopted as the Sub-Committee's First Report and that the Chair be authorized to make editorial changes as necessary and to present the report to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.
In accordance with the Sub-Committee's decision of Tuesday, October 3, 1995 (Meeting No. 3), it was agreed,--That the maps presented by Ronald Duhamel on Monday, October 2, 1995, together with the letter from the ``Société franco-manitobaine'', be filed as an Exhibit with the Clerk of the Sub-Committee. (See Exhibit "F")
At 12:33 o'clock p.m., the Sub-Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Christine Fisher
Clerk of the Sub-Committee