Monday, October 2, 1995 (Meeting No. 2)
From the House of Commons:
Guy Arseneault, M.P. (Restigouche--Chaleur);
Jean Payne, M.P. (St. John's West).
Andy Scott, M.P. (Fredericton--York--Sunbury).
Tuesday, October 3, 1995 (Meeting No. 3)
From the House of Commons:
Francis LeBlanc, M.P. (Cape Breton Highlands--Canso);
Pierrette Ringuette-Maltais, M.P. (Madawaska--Victoria);
The Honourable Fernand Robichaud, P.C., M.P. (Beauséjour);
Paul Zed, M.P. (Fundy--Royal).