Minutes of Proceedings
(Meeting No. 9)
The Sub-Committee on the Review of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) of the Standing Committee on Finance and the Sub-Committee on Trade Disputes of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade met jointly in camera at 3:37 p.m., this day, in Room 306, West Block, the Co-Chairs, Ron Duhamel and Hon. Michel Dupuy, presiding.
Members of the Sub-Committee on the Review of the Special Import Measures Act of the Standing Committee on Finance present: Ron Duhamel and Herb Grubel.
Acting Members present: Barry Campbell for Susan Whelan; Bob Speller for Brent St. Denis.
Members of the Sub-Committee on Trade Disputes of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade present: Hon. Michel Dupuy and Sarkis Assadourian.
Acting Member present: Philippe Paré for Benoît Sauvageau.
In attendance: Dr. Gilbert Winham, Consultant. From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Daniel Dupras, Research Officer.
In accordance with Standing Order 108(2), and their Orders of Reference of June 5, 1996, of the Standing Committee on Finance and of May 9, 1996, of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Sub-Committees resumed their examination of the Special Import Measures Act (See Minutes of Proceedings, Issue No. 2, Meeting No. 18 of Wednesday, June 5, 1996 (SIMA); and Issue No. 3, Meeting No. 22, of Thursday, May 9, 1996).
The Sub-Committees met in camera to consider a draft report on the Special Import Measures Act.
By unanimous consent, it was agreed,-That Ms. Caroline Emond, Parliamentary Assistant toMr. Benoît Sauvageau address the Sub-Committees, on the proposed amendments to the report by the Bloc Québécois.
At 3:45 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 3:55 p.m., the sitting resumed.
By unanimous consent, it was agreed,-That the Co-Chairs be authorized to make such typographical and editorial changes as may be necessary without changing the substance of the Report.
By unanimous consent, it was agreed,-That each Sub-Committee print through their respective Standing Committee, a minimum of 550 copies of this report, as allowed by the Board of Internal Economy rules, for a total of 1,100 copies for both Sub-Committees.
Mr. MacDonald moved,-That Members of the Opposition be authorized to append to the report their dissenting opinions or supplementary opinions, or recommendations, such opinions or recommendations shall not be longer than two pages (with the same font and lines spacing as in the main report).
After debate, Mr. Campbell moved an amendment thereto,-That the motion be amended by deleting the words "not be longer than two pages" and substituting the following "be up to five pages".
After debate, the question was put on the amendment, and it was agreed to, on the following division:
Barry Campbell
Herb Grubel
Ron MacDonald (3).
Bob Speller
Philippe Paré (2).
After debate, the question was put on the motion, as amended, and it was agreed to, on the following division:
Barry Campbell
Herb Grubel
Ron MacDonald (3).
Bob Speller
Philippe Paré (2).
By unanimous consent, it was agreed,-That the report, as amended, be adopted by the Sub-Committees. The Sub-Committees recommend the adoption of the said report by their respective Standing Committee and request that it be jointly tabled in the House, prior to it's adjournment for the holidays, by the Chair of each Standing Committee.
At 5:57 p.m., the Sub-Committees adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Georges Etoka
Clerk of the Sub-Committee
(Meeting No. 78)
The Standing Committee on Finance met in camera at 3:33 p.m. this day in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Chairman, Jim Peterson, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Leon Benoit, Dianne Brushett, Ron Duhamel, Herb Grubel, Jim Peterson, Gary Pillitteri, Brent St. Denis and Susan Whelan.
Acting Members present: Roy Cullen for Ron Fewchuk and Philippe Paré for Yvan Loubier.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Marion Wrobel and Richard Domingue, Research Officers. From the Committees and Parliamentary Associations Directorate: Bev Isles.
In accordance with its mandate under Standing Order108(2), consideration of the report of the Sub-Committee on the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA).
The Committee considered the report adopted by its Sub-Committee.
It was agreed,-That the report be adopted as the Sixth Report of the Committee.
It was agreed,-That the Committee authorize the printing of dissenting opinions appended to this report immediately following the signature of the Chair.
It was agreed,-That 550 copies be printed.
It was ordered,-That the Sixth Report be tabled as soon as possible.
At 3:47 p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Martine Bresson
Clerk of the Committee
(Meeting No. 61)
The Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade met in camera at 3:42 o'clock p.m. this day, in Room 208, West Block, the Vice-Chair, John English, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Sarkis Assadourian, Stéphane Bergeron, Hon. Michel Dupuy, John English, Jesse Flis, Beryl Gaffney, Francis G. LeBlanc, John Loney, Bob Mills, Lee Morrison and Bob Speller.
Associate Member present: Ron MacDonald.
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Gerald Schmitz and Daniel Dupras, Researchers.
Witnesses: From the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade: Michael Bell, Special Representative for NATO Enlargement. From the Department of National Defence: Rear Admiral J. King, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy; Roman Jakobow, Director, Strategic Analysis.
In accordance with its mandate under Standing Order 108(2), the Committee proceeded to examine the Report of the Sub-Committee on Trade Disputes regarding the review of the Special Import Measures Act.
It was moved, - That, as Radio Canada International provides an essential link to the world for millions of Canadians, also provides information on Canada to Canadians travelling abroad and is an important medium to present Canada and Canadians to the rest of the world.
Be it resolved that the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade urge the appropriate departments of the government to provide continuous and adequate financial support to Radio Canada International for the next three years.
And debate arising thereon.
It was moved, - That the motion be amended by adding in the second paragraph after the words "urge the", the following: "CBC and the".
After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.
And the question being put on the motion, it was agreed to, as amended.
It was moved, - That the Report of the Sub-Committee on Trade Disputes regarding the review of the Special Import Measures Act be adopted as the Fourth Report of the Committee and that the report be presented to the House on December 11, 1996.
And debate arising thereon.
And the question being put on the motion, it was agreed to.
It was agreed, - That the Committee print, in a bilingual tumbled format, 550 copies of its report.
It was agreed, - That pursuant to Standing Order 109, the Committee request that the government table a comprehensive response to this report.
At 4:08 o'clock p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 4:15 o'clock p.m., the sitting resumed in public.
In accordance with its mandate under Standing Order 108(2), the Committee resumed its consideration of NATO expansion. (See Minutes of Proceedings dated Thursday, October 10, 1996, Issue No. 6.)
Michael Bell and Rear Admiral King each made statements and, with the other witness, answered questions.
It was agreed, - That following the Christmas recess, the Committee convene a further hearing on NATO enlargement.
At 5:28 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Janice Hilchie
Clerk of the Committee