Ahrens, StevenAllard, Herbert A., Senior Judge, The Provincial Court of Alberta
Alliance of Prisoners Families and Save Our Children
Archambault, J.R. Omer, Judge
Arrison, Ralph L.
Association of Yukon Communities
Bagnell, Larry
Ball, Jennifer A.M.
Bellemare, Alain (Director of Elementary Schools)
Bolstad, Allan, Councillor, City of Edmonton
Boothman, J.A.
British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
British Columbia School of Trustees Association
Brooker, John
Burfoot, A. Carol
Canadian Association for Safe Schools
Canadian Association of Police Boards
Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges
Canadian Association of School Administrators
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Canadian Mental Health Association - B.C. Division
Canadian Mental Health Association - Manitoba Provincial Office
Canadian Psychological Association
Capp, Geoffrey B.
Catalano, Rose
Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto
Chamberlain, Clive (Dr.) (Queen Street Mental Health Centre)
Child Welfare League of Canada
Children of the Street (Off the Street - On the Road to Recovery)
Clark, Dave (Wellington County Board)
Clifford, Sherry
Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse
Commission des services juridiques
Council of Yukon First Nations
Crime Responsibility & Youth
Criminal Law Section - Uniform Law Conference
Curtis, Penner
Department of Health and Social Services - Government of P.E.I.
Department of Health and Social Services - Government of Yukon
Department of Justice - Quebec Government
Drinovz, L.
Earlscourt Child and Family Centre
Edmonton Police Service
Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver
Families Against Crime Today Society (F.A.C.T.S.)
Faubert, Frank, Mayor, City of Scarborough
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Fondation La Cité des Prairies inc.
Forum on the Young Offenders Act (hosted by Andy Mitchell, M.P. for Parry Sound - Muskoka)
Gardner, Hazel
Hackler, James C.
Haid, Liz
Haines Junction Justice Committee
Hatt, Ken., (Ph.D.), Associate Professor
Hatton, Robert W.
Hayes, Jim
Henderson, Ida C.
Henteleff, Yude M. (Q.C.)
Horrell, Luke and Chippett, Peggy
Houle, James A.
Hubbard, Colin F.
Inuusiqsiurvik Drug Treatment Program
John Howard Society of Alberta
Justice and Corrections Committee - Hamilton Conference (United Church of Canada)
Kamloops and District Elizabeth Fry Society
Kennedy, Margo Eddi-Kathleen
Kingsbury, Kathy
Klatt, Ervin
Lanham, Phyllis
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada
Legg, Sharon, Professor, Strathroy District Collegiate Institute
Lieb, Randolph E.
London Citizens' Committee on Youth Court Detention
MacDonald, Irene and da Costa, Jose (Dr.)
MacDonald, Shari
Maguire, W. L.
Massie, William A., Head (History Department), Lambton Central Collegiate and Vocational Institute
McFarland, William D.
McKay, Charman
McQueen, A.T.
McWaters, Em
Meyer, Linda
Moerman, John
Molenaar, Nel
Morrow, Lorne & Helen
Murray, Richard
National Council for a Crime-Free Canada
Native Council of Prince Edward Island
Northside Mohawk (Judy Ellis)
Ontario Association of Children's Aid Society
Osika, Ron, MLA, Saskatchewan Legislature and Saskatchewan Liberal Justice Critic
Parent Support Association
Penner, Curtis
Peters, Christine
Peters, Ron
Piepenburg, Roy L.
Quaker Committee on Jails & Justice (a standing committee of Canadian Friends Service Committee of the Religious Society of Friends)
Racine, Cheryl
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Sparwood Youth Assistance Programme
Saskatchewan Social Services
Scarborough Board of Education
Schell, William (Wm.) Alan
Scott, Joyce
Society for Children and Youth of British Columbia
Southeast Resource Development Council Corp. (Southeast Child and Family Services)
Statistics Canada
The Catholic Women's League of Canada
The Child Guidance Clinic of Winnipeg
The Children's Aid Society of Ottawa-Carleton
The Dr. R.G.N. Laidlaw Centre
Thistletown Regional Centre for Children & Adolescents (Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services)
Toronto Board of Education (Safety and Security Committee)
Tri-City Citizens for Justice and Youth
University of Alberta, Edmonton
Vancouver Board of Trade
Vancouver Family Court/Youth Justice Committee
Victims' Support Network of Scarborough
Voices for Children (Coalition for Children, Families and Communities)
Waterloo Region Community Safety & Crime Prevention Council
Wilbur, Ronald J.
Wilson, Ian E., Archivist, Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation
YMCA - Montreal
Young, Margaret Grant