Wednesday, September 25, 1996 (Meeting No. 23)
Atomic Energy Control Board:
Agnes J. Bishop, President;
John J. McManus, Special Adviser to the Director of the Secretariat.
Department of Natural Resources:
Bob Morrison, Director General, Uranium and Nuclear Energy Branch.
Thursday, September 26, 1996 (Meeting No. 24)
Atomic Energy Control Board:
Agnes J. Bishop, President;
John J. McManus, Special Adviser to the Director of the Secretariat.
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited:
William Hancox, Vice-President, Strategic Development;
David Torgerson, Vice-President, Research and Product Development.
Tuesday, October 1, 1996 (Meeting No. 25)
Cameco Corporation:
Stan Frost, Vice-President, Environment and Safety.
Harold MacKay, Q.C.
Canadian Nuclear Association:
Collin Hunt, Director of Publications;
Murray Stewart, President.
Wednesday, October 2, 1996 (Meeting No. 26)
New Brunswick Hydro:
Rex Johnson, General Manager, Nuclear.
Ontario Hydro:
Ron Field, General Manager, Nuclear;
Ian Motherwell, Assistant General Counsel, Law Division.
Quebec Hydro:
Roger Émard, Director, Nuclear;
Gilles Marchand, Chief Counsel, Legal Department.
Thursday, October 3, 1996 (Meeting No. 27)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited:
A. Driedger, Vice-President;
Jon H.F. Jennekens, Member, Research and Development Advisory Panel;
Daniel Rozon, Chairman, Research and Development Advisory Panel, Board of Directors.
Tuesday, October 8, 1996 (Meeting No. 28)
Campaign for Nuclear Phaseout:
Kristen Ostling.
Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility:
Gordon Edwards, President.
Canadian Nuclear Society:
Fred Boyd, Member;
Hong M. Huynh, President;
Ken Smith, Treasurer.
Nuclear Awareness Project:
Douglas Chapman, Staff Lawyer;
Irene Kock.
Wednesday, October 9, 1996 (Meeting No. 29)
Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Health Unit (Owen Sound, Ontario):
Murray McGuigge, Medical Officer of Health.
Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Relations:
John Walter, Assistant Deputy Minister.
Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General and Correctional Services:
Jim Ellard, Coordinator, Emergency Measures Ontario.
Thursday, October 10, 1996 (Meeting No. 30)
Canadian Labour Congress:
Chris Dassios, Legal Counsel, Power Workers' Union.
Citizens Organized for Responsible Process:
Arleen Reinsborough, Spokesperson;
Dan Silvester, Researcher.
Energy Probe Research Foundation:
Normand Rubin, Director, Nuclear Research.
Tuesday, October 22, 1996 (Meeting No. 31)
Atomic Energy Board:
John J. McManus, Special Adviser to the Director of the Secretariat.
Department of Justice:
Audrey Nowack, Legal Services Unit at the Atomic Energy Control Board.