Monday, October 28, 1996 (Meeting No. 33)
Canadian Artic Resources Committee:
Kevin O'Reilly, Research Director.
Denendeh Development Corporation:
Margaret Gorman, General Manager.
Government of N.W.T.:
Gary Singer, Director, Strategic Planning.
Gwich'in Renewable Resource Board:
Peter Clarkson, Executive Director.
Inuvialuit Community Economic Development Corporation:
Patrick Schmidt, Manager.
N.W.T. Arctic Tourism Association:
Arlene Carmichael, Director;
Charles Furlong, President;
Eric Yaxley, Director.
N.W.T. Association of Municipalities:
Mayor Denis Bevington, President.
N.W.T. Chamber of Commerce:
Bob Brooks, Executive Director.
N.W.T. Chamber of Mines:
Mike Vaydik, General Manager.
N.W.T. Co-operative Business Development Fund:
Greg O'Neill, Operations Manager.
N.W.T. Development Corporation:
Doug Anguish, Director of Marketing.
Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce:
Daniel Adam, Chairman, Business Development Committee;
Gabrielle Decorby, President;
Steven Richards, Past President.
Tuesday, October 29, 1996 (Meeting No. 34)
Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (Alberta):
Keith Price, Head, Rural Initiatives Branch.
Fort McMurray Chamber of Commerce:
Carolyn Baikie, Executive Director;
Tim Walsh, Director;
Katy Wood, President.
Mikisew Cree First Nation:
Lawrence Courtoreille.
Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo:
Mayor Guy Boutilier;
Jim Carberry, Depuy Mayor.
Terrance J. Bachynski, Director, Project Approvals.
Philip Lechambre, Chief Financial Officer, Vice-President, Business and Corporate Affairs.
University of Alberta:
Edward J. Chambers, Western Centre for Economic Research.
Wednesday, October 30, 1996 (Meeting No. 35)
Kitsaki Development Corporation:
David McIlmoyl, General Manager.
Prince Albert Chamber of Commerce:
John Mitchell, Chair, Natural Resources Committee.
Prince Albert Development Corporation:
Trevor Ives, General Manager.
Saskatchewan Council for Community Development:
Joan Corneil, Executive;
Louis Hradecki, Executive;
Mick Ozeroff, Chairperson;
Linda Pipke, Executive Director.
Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board:
Roman Orynik, Business Reference Group Representative;
Conrad Pura, Labour Representative.
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool:
Neil Ketilson, Coordinator, Responsible Stewardship Program.
Saskatchewan Women's Agricultural Network:
Noreen Johns, Executive Director.
Weyerhaeuser Canada Limited:
Steve Smith, Vice-President and Manager of Timberlands.
Thursday, October 31, 1996 (Meeting No. 36)
Assiniboine Community College, Brandon:
Donna Campbell, Marketing Coordinator, Rural Development Program.
Forest Capital of Canada:
Bernice Palaniuk, Committee Chair;
Nick Walker, President, Spruce Products Ltd.
Gateway North:
Darryl Balasko, Executive Associate.
Keewatin Community College:
Jeff Stepaniuk, Instructor, Natural Resources Management Program.
Keystone Agriculture Producers:
Don Dewar, 2nd Vice-President.
LakeView Investments:
Danny Chartrand, Business Manager.
Manitoba Women's Institute:
Barbara Steinwandt, President.
Russell Group:
Ron Clement;
Rob Bruce-Barron.
Friday, November 1, 1996 (Meeting No. 37)
Almaguin 2000 Economic Development Agency:
A.R. Fedeli, Officer.
Bell Canada:
Ray Lacroix, Deputy Director, Government Relations.
Community Business Development Corporation:
Hugh Fairfield, Chairman;
Don Forsyth, General Manager;
Sylvia Purdon.
District Municipality of Muskoka:
Gord Adams, District Chair.
Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario (FedNor):
Louise Paquette.
Huntsville Pioneer Village:
John Finley, General Manager.
Muskoka Heritage Foundation:
Don Gordon, Executive Director.
Muskoka Tourism
Randy Clark, Marketing Manager.
Panolam Industries:
Greg Smith, Vice-President, General Manager.
Parry Sound Area Business Development Corporation:
Bill Spinney, Economic Development Officer;
Tim West, Chairman.
Steamship and Historical Society:
Russ Brown, General Manager.
Tembec Forest Products:
Kenton Martin, Vice-President and General Manager.
Monday, November 4, 1996 (Meeting No. 38)
``Association forestière de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue'':
Normand Talbot, Président.
Chamber of Commerce of Amos:
Patrice Maltais, Chair.
Chamber of Commerce of Val d'Or:
Nicole Brien, Director General;
Daniel Deschambault, President.
``Conseil de bande Abitibiwinni'':
Harry McDougall, Band Chief.
Municipality of Sullivan:
Lucie Blais, Councillor.
Prospectors Association of Quebec:
Gratien Gélinas, Director General.
Regional Development Councilof Abitibi-Témiscamingue:
André Brunet, Chairman of the Board.
Regional Tourist Association:
Louis Laliberté, Director General.
``Solidarité rurale'':
François Lemieux, Chair.
``Union des producteurs agricoles'':
Rosaire Mongrain, Chair.
Tuesday, November 5, 1996 (Meeting No. 39)
Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Commerce:
Steven Eagles, Chair.
``Comité de la Grappe industrielle'':
Gérald Clavette, President.
Madawaska Forests Products Marketing Board:
Claude Pelletier, Director General.
Mount Allison University:
John Higham, Director.
New Brunswick Economic Council:
Anne Bertrand, President;
Joanne Losier, Executive Director.
Northwest Industrial Commission:
Réno Pelletier, Director General.
Wednesday, November 6, 1996 (Meeting No. 40)
BCA Holdings:
Greg MacLeod, Chairman of the Board.
Cape Breton Board of Trade:
Robert Sampson, President.
Guysborough County Regional Development Authority:
Gordon MacDonald, Executive Director.
Inverness and Victoria County Federation of Agriculture:
Fraser Hunter, Director.
New Dawn Enterprises:
Lisa Jacobs, Researcher;
Rankin MacSween, President;
Ora McManus, Manager, Special Projects.
Strait Highlands Regional Development Authority:
René Aucoin, Economic Development Officer;
Francis Gillies, Natural Resources Development.
United Mine Workers of America:
Steven Drake, President.
University College of Cape Breton:
Mike Gurstein, Professor.
Thursday, November 7, 1996 (Meeting No. 41)
Citizens Committee for Improved Health Care:
Mike Barnes, Chairperson.
Combined Councils of Labrador:
Judy O'Dell, Vice-Chairperson, Central Region Labrador;
Joe Roberts, Chair;
Al Thoms, Vice-Chair.
Combined Councils of Rigolet:
Richard Rich, Mayor;
Charlotte Wolfrey, Town Manager.
Economic Development Corporation:
John Hickey, Director.
Happy Valley-Goose Bay:
Harry Baikie, Mayor.
Hopedale Community Council:
Diane Flowers, Councillor;
Ches Piercy, Councillor.
Labrador Inuit Development Association:
Fred Hall, Managing Director.
Labrador North Chamber of Commerce:
John Fleet, President.
Metis Association of Labrador:
Carter Russel, Representative.
Southeastern Aurora Development Association:
Byron Rumbolt, Youth Director.
Town of Cartwright:
Jessie Bird, Deputy Mayor;
Allen Dyson, Councillor.
Tuesday, November 19, 1996 (Meeting No. 42)
Farm Credit Corporation:
Max Pierce, Executive Vice-President and Chief Economist;
John van Abbema, Vice-President, Eastern Region.
Inco Limited:
David Allen, Vice-President, Public and Government Affairs.
Thursday, November 21, 1996 (Meeting No. 43)
Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency:
Cynthia Currie, General Manager;
André Gravel, 2nd Vice-Chairman;
John Maaskant, 1st Vice-Chairman;
Lloyd Sandercock, Chairman.
Industry Canada, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Office:
Dean Knudson, Policy Advisor;
Peter Sagar, Director General;
Peter Webber, Team Leader.
Tuesday, November 26, 1996 (Meeting No. 44)
B.C. Salmon Farmers Association:
Marcel Gijssin, Representative.
British Columbia Shellfish Growers Association:
Ruth Salmon, Executive Director.
Mattawa and Area Forestry Committee:
Michael G. Brophy, Chair;
Carmen Demarco, Consultant.
Wilston (Bill) Steer, Educator and environmentalist, Nipissing Board of Education.
Wednesday, November 27, 1996 (Meeting No. 45)
Canadian Co-operative Association:
Linden Hillier, Executive Director;
Mary Pat MacKinnon, Director, Policy.
Thursday, November 28, 1996 (Meeting No. 46)
Industry Canada:
Francine Boivin, Vice-President, Industry Competitiveness, Tourism;
Len St. Aubin, Acting Director, Business and Regulatory Analysis;
Richard Simpson, Executive Director, Information Highway Advisory Council, Telecommunications Infrastructure;
Wayne Tosh, Director, Science Promotion and Academic Affairs, Community Access Program.
Tuesday, December 3, 1996 (Meeting No. 47)
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development:
Paul Cuillerier, Acting Director General, Lands and Environment Branch, Lands and Trust Services;
Peter Wyse, Senior Project Manager, Environment and Natural Resources Directorate.
Department of Transport:
J.E. (Jed) Cochrane, Chief, Rail freight, Rail Policy and Program Branch;
Brian Fogarty, Chief, Divestiture Secretariat;
Brian E. Hicks, Senior Policy Advisor, Highway Engineering and Environment, Highway Policy and Programs;
André Pageot, Director General, Marine Policy.
Wednesday, December 4, 1996 (Meeting No. 48)
Canadian Federation of Independant Business:
Pierre Cléroux, Vice-President, Quebec;
Dan Kelly, Director, Provincial Affairs, Manitoba;
Peter O'Brien, Executive Director, Atlantic Canada;
Garth Whyte, Vice-President, National Affairs and Research.
Thursday, December 5, 1996 (Meeting No. 49)
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agencies:
Peter Estey, Vice-President, Programs and Development.
Federal Office of Regional Development (Quebec):
François Gauthier, Acting Deputy Minister, Strategy and Liaison.
Western Economic Diversification Office:
Maryantonett Flumian, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister.