Appendix A
List of witnesses
Associations and Individuals
Department of Finance
Tuesday, September 19, 1995
Don Drummond, Assistant Deputy Minister Fiscal Policy and Economic Analysis Branch
Coalition of National Voluntary Organizations (NVO)
Thursday, September 28, 1995
Rose Potvin, Executive Director
National Anti-Poverty Organization
Lynne Toupin, Executive Director
Geoff Bromfield, Director of Modelling and Database
Canada West Foundation
David Elton, President
Atlantic Provinces Economic Council
Tom Hayes, Chairman
Canadian Policy Research Network (CPRN)
Judith Maxwell, President
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board
Leo de Bever, Vice-President Research and Economics
Fraser Institute
Filip Palda, Associate Member of the «École nationale
d'administration publique (ENAP)»
Conference Board of Canada
James G. Frank, Vice-President
B'nai Brith Canada
Tuesday, November 7, 1995
Rubin Friedman, Director of Government Relations
Canadian Centre for Philanthropy
Gordon Floyd, Director of Public Affairs
Canadian Museums Association
Arthur Drache, Tax Lawyer
Coalition of National Voluntary Organizations
Tuesday, November 7, 1995
Rose Potvin, Executive Director
Communities Foundation of Canada
Monica Patten, Executive Director
Council for Business and the Arts in Canada
Sarah Iley, President and Chief Executive Officer
Department of Finance
Lucie Brickman, Senior Tax Policy Officer Tax Legislation (Res., Trusts, Insurance & Personal), Tax Policy Branch
Andrew Marsland, Senior Tax Policy Officer Personal
Income Tax (Structural & Quantitative Analysis), Tax
Policy Branch
Easter Seals/March of Dimes National Council
Heather Stonehouse, Acting Executive Director
Foothills Hospital Foundation
Nancy Palmer, President Government Relations and Legislation Committee, Canadian Association of Gift Planners
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada
Pauline Mantha, Executive Director
National Ballet of Canada
Donald Johnson, Director
Satya Poddar, National Tax Partner Ernst & Young
National Society of Fund Raising Executives
Bill Hallett, President
Revenue Canada
Carl Juneau, Assistant Director Charities Division
Denis Lefebvre, Assistant Deputy Minister Policy and Legislation Branch
United Way of Canada
David Armour, President
YWCA of Canada
Tuesday, November 7, 1995
Ann Mowat, National President
Bank of Montreal
Thursday, November 9, 1995
Rick Egelton, Vice-President and Deputy Chief Economist
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
John Clinkard, Senior Economist, Economics Division
DRI/McGraw Hill
Robert Fairholm, Chief Canadian Economist
Ernst & Young
Steve Tanny, Chief Economist
Lévesque, Beaubien, Geoffrion Inc.
Clément Gignac, Chief Economist and Strategist
Nesbitt Burns
David Rosenberg, Senior Economist
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Frank Hracs, Chief Economist
Royal Bank of Canada
John Johnson, Deputy Chief Economist
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
Don McIver, Chief Economist
University of Toronto
Peter Dungan, Professor Institute for Policy Analysis
C.I. Covington Fund Inc.
Monday, November 20, 1995
Grant Brown, President
Canadian Medical Discoveries Fund
Calvin Stiller, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Capital Alliance Ventures Inc.
Richard Charlebois, President
Crocus Fund of Manitoba
Sherman Kreiner, President and Chief Executive Officer
DGC Entertainment Ventures Corp.
Monday, November 20, 1995
Robb Hindson, Vice-President Finance
First Ontario Labour-Sponsored Investment Fund
Ken Delaney, President
"Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec"
Raymond Bachand, Senior Vice-President and Head of
Investments and Operations
Fernand Daoust, President of the Board of Directors
Integrated Growth Fund
Lise Foley, Vice-President
Macdonald & Associates Ltd.
Mary Macdonald, President
VenGrowth Investment Fund Inc.
David Ferguson, Vice-President
Working Opportunity Fund of British Columbia
David Levi, President and Chief Executive Officer
Working Ventures Canadian Fund
Jim McCambly, President
Aerospace Industries Association of Canada
Tuesday, November 21, 1995
Peter R. Smith, President
Assembly of First Nations
Glen Rajack, Chief, Financial Officer
Conrad Saulis, Social Policy Analyst
Business Council on National Issues
Thomas d'Aquino, President & CEO
Caledon Institute of Social Policy
Sherri Torjman, Vice-President
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Bruce Campbell, Executive Director
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Tuesday, November 21, 1995
Dale Orr, Chair Economic Policy Committee
Canadian Council on Social Development
Christopher Clark, Policy Analyst
Canadian Electrical Association
D.P. (Patrick) McNeil, Vice-President Public Affairs and Environment
Canadian Pulp and Paper Association
Steve Stinson, Director Finance and Business Issues
Coalition of Seniors for Social Equity
Claude A. Edwards, Co-Chair pro tempore
André Lécuyer, Co-Chair pro tempore
Fisheries Council of Canada
Ronald Bulmer, President
Mining Association of Canada
C. George Miller, President
National Action Committee on the Status of Women
Barbara Cameron, Member Social Policy Committee
Sunera Thobani, President
National Association of Friendship Centres
Mathieu Courchene, Policy Analyst
Marc Miracle, Executive Director
National Association of Women and the Law
Martha Jackman, Member
National Council of Women of Canada
Mary Nickson, Constitution Convenor
One Voice - The Seniors' Network
Tuesday, November 21, 1995
Andrew Aitken, Director of Research
Robert Armstrong, Member Research Committee
Social Planning Council of Ottawa-Carleton
James Zamprelli, Executive Director
Association of Canadian Distillers
Wednesday, November 22, 1995
Doug Rubbra, Vice-President Operations
Canadian Co-operative Association
Lynden Hillier, Executive Director
Gary G. Rogers, Director of Taxation and Special Projects
Canadian Council on Social Development
Richard Shillington, Research Associate
Canadian Dental Association
Jim Brookfield, President
Ray Wenn, Immediate Past President
Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Sally Rutherford, Director
Lloyd Sandercock, Member of the Executive Committee
Canadian Film and Television Production Association
Elizabeth McDonald, President
Consumers' Association of Canada
Marnie McCall, Director Policy Research
Rosalie Daly Todd, Executive Director and Legal Counsel
Dairy Farmers of Canada
Rick Phillips, Director Policy and Government Relations
Direct Sellers Association
Ross Creber, President
Jim Hunking, Chairman of the Board
Hotel Association of Canada
Wednesday, November 22, 1995
David I. McMillan, Chairman
Anthony P. Pollard, President
Pension Investment Association of Canada
Dale Richmond, Member Government Relations Committee
Don Walcot, Member Government Relations Committee
Prairie Pools Inc.
Kenneth Edie, Vice-Chairman
Tourism Industry Association of Canada
Debra Ward, Chairman
"Union des producteurs agricoles"
Yvon Proulx, Principal Economist
Association of Canadian Publishers
Thursday, November 23, 1995
Jack Stoddart, Member of the Board
Automotive Industries Association of Canada
Dean H. Wilson, President
Canadian Association for Community Care
Sharon Sholzberg-Gray, Co-Executive Director
Canadian Automobile Association (CAA)
Richard Godding, Vice-President
David Leonhardt, Public Affairs Manager
Canadian Chemical Producers' Association
David W. Goffin, Secretary-Treasurer
Canadian Exporters' Association
Mark Drake, President
Jim Moore, Vice-President Policy
Canadian Federation of Labour
Jim McCambly, President
Canadian Healthcare Association
Thursday, November 23, 1995
Carol Clemenhagen, President
Gaston Levac, Chairman of the Board
Canadian Home Builders' Association
Bruce Clemmensen, President
Canadian Medical Association
Carole Guzman, Associate Secretary General
William Tholl, Director Health Policy and Economics
Canadian Nurses Association
Judith Oulton, Executive Director
Canadian Pharmaceutical Association
Noëlle-Dominique Willems, Director of Government and Public Affairs
Canadian Psychological Association
John Service, Executive Director
Canadian Public Health Association
Robert Burr, Director Public Affairs and Communications
Canadian Real Estate Association
Pierre Beauchamp, Chief Executive Officer
Coalition for Biomedical and Health Research (CBHR)
Barry McLennan, Member of the Board of Directors
Consumers' Association of Canada
Marnie McCall, Director Policy Research
Health Action Lobby
Pierre Ritchie, Spokesperson
Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada
Bert Crossman, President
Canadian Labour Congress - PEI Federation of
Monday, November 27, 1995
Sandy MacKay, President
Cooper Institute
Vince Murnaghan, Member
Federation of Prince Edward Island Municipalities
Doug Doncaster, President
Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce
Cleve Myers, Policy Committee
Prince Edward Island Chamber of Commerce
Harvey MacKinnon
Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture
Barry Cudmore, President
Prince Edward Island Teachers' Federation
Joyce McCardle, President
Tourism Industry Association of Prince Edward
Alfred V. Groom, President
Don Cudmore, Executive Director
Prince Edward Island Health Coalition
Mary Boyd
As individual
Gordon Sobey, Past President Atlantic Farmers' Council
Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada for
Prince Edward Island
Judy Bayliss, Member Board of Directors
Construction Association of Prince Edward Island
Kevan MacLean, President
Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce
David Groom, President Elect
As individual
Monday, November 27, 1995
Elinor Reynolds
Smith Greene Associates
John Eldon Greene
YMCA Leader Corps
Andrew Warren
Action Canada Network
Leo Cheverie
Prince Edward Island Association of Professional
Robert Sear, Past President
Ad Hoc Coalition Against the Head Tax
Avvy Go
Tanya Suvendrini Lena
Board of Trade of Metroplitan Toronto
John Bech-Hansen, Deputy Director
Don McIver
Canadian Association for Community Living
Jim Mahaffy, Board Member
Connie Laurin-Bowie, Coordinator and Government
Canadian Institute of Child Health
Graham Chance, Chairperson
Canadian Restaurant and Food Services Association
Michael Ferrabee, Vice-President of Government Affairs
OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving
Kay Blair, President
Gordon Norwood, Member of the Board
Sharmin Peries, Executive Director
Ontario Coalition of Senior Citizen's Organizations
Hank Goldberg, Vice-President
World Vision Canada
Monday, November 27, 1995
Linda Tripp, Vice President International and Government Relations
Rebecca Sutherns, Public Policy Officer
Low Income Families Together
Josephine Grey
As individuals
Jim Chorostecki
Tony Crawford
National Action Committee (Ontario South)
Winnie Ng
Canadian Religious Conference - Ontario/
Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice
Lorraine Michael
Social Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto
Andrew Ranachan
Alliance of Seniors to Protect Canada's Social
Programs (Association of Jewish Seniors)
James Buller, Program Coordinator
Ray McLeod, Pension Advocate
Child Poverty Action Group
Brigitte Kitchen
Christa Freiler, Program Director
Citizens for Public Justice
Gerald Vandezande, Director National Public Affairs
Stephanie Baker Collins National Researcher
Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform (COMER)
William Krehm, Chairman of the Board
Jack Biddell, Board Member
John Hotson, Executive Director
As individual
Monday, November 27, 1995
Roland J. LaMarre
Foundation for International Training
Ranjit Kumar, Executive Director
Faith Williamson, Accountant
Jim Berner, Accountant
Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal
Stephen Lee, Member
David Yee, Member
Mississauga Board of Trade
Charles Coles, President
Romero House
Norbert Piché
The 2% Solution Network, Solvency Analysis
Andrew Kolodziej, Consultant
Ross Healy, President and CEO
Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare
Kerry McCuaig, Chair
Laurel Rothman
Roncesvalles Business Improvement Area
Andrew Musial, Vice-President
Jerry Taciuk
As individual
Mike Jensen
Senior Link
David Kelly, Policy and Planning
Canadian Association of Retired Persons
Lillian Morgenthau, President
Peter Leigh-Bell & Associates
Monday, November 27, 1995
Peter Leigh-Bell
Eric Helms
Metropolitan Toronto Association of Legal Clinics
Suchetna Channan
Black Women's Coalition
Vuyiswa Keyi
As individuals
A.J. Parker
Hamid Akbar
Association of Canadian Pension Management
Michael Beswick, Chair Elect
Gretchen Van Riesen, Chair
Canadian Centre for Philanthropy
Patrick Johnston, CEO
Canadian Manufacturers' Association
Brian Collinson, Director of Taxation and Financial Issues
Jayson Myers, Economist
David Burn, Vice-President Taxation, Northern Telecom Canada
Canadian Tax Foundation
David Perry, Senior Research Associate
Different Products/MORGIJ2 Software
Ron Cirotto, President
Financial Executives Institute Canada
Peter Rollason
Phillip Connell
Grocery Products Manufacturers Council
Monday, November 27, 1995
George Fleischmann, CEO
Sandra Banks, First Vice-President Government Affairs
Laurie Curry, Vice-President Technical
Information Technology Association of Canada
Gaylen Duncan, President and CEO
Donald Woodley, Director
Robert Crow, Vice-President Policy
MEBCO Multi-Employer Benefit Plan Council of
Raymond Koskie, Director and Chair of the Government
Industry Relations Committee
William Anderson, President
Darrell Brown, Advisor
Hamilton/Halton Home Builders' Association
Larry Szpirglas, Immediate Past President
Don Condon, Executive Director
John Mitchell, Member of the Board
Bruce Trail Association
R.E. Barnett, Director
Ontario Federation of Agriculture
Tony Morris, President
Bob Down, Chairman Finance Committee
Ed Ketchabaw, Policy Analyst
Ontario Technology Development Council
Greg Warren, President
Atlantic Provinces Economic Council
Tuesday, November 28, 1995
David Amirault, Economist
Canadian Pensioners Concerned Inc.
Tuesday, November 28, 1995
Myrna Slater, National President
Chandler & Davis, Chartered Accountants
Harry Davis
Forest Group Venture Association of Nova Scotia
John W. Roblee, President
Nova Scotia Confederation of University Faculty
John d'Orsay, Executive Director
Nova Scotia Family and Child Welfare Association
Yvonne Blanchard, Executive Director
Nova Scotia Union of Public Employees
Ronald Stockton, Business Agent
As individual
Bruce Stephen
Health Action Coalition + Coalition for the Support of
Canada's Social Safety Net
Joan O'Keefe
Nova Scotia Printing Industries Association
Paul Fitzgibbons, President
ABT Building Products Canada Limited
Peter Hatt, Purchasing Superintendent Canexel Hardboard Division
Halifax County Regional Development Agency
Peter F. Wilde, Treasurer
Lunenburg Industrial Foundry & Engineering
Ralston E. MacDonnell, President Vaughan Engineering Associates Limited
Metro Committee for the Employment of Persons
with Disabilities
Charlie Macdonald, Member
Real Expectations of Communities Against Poverty
Tuesday, November 28, 1995
Stella Lord, Committee Member
Fairview United Church
Kevin Little, Minister
MS Society of Canada - Atlantic Division
Cathy Jourdain, Executive Director
Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of
Katherine McDonald, President
Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities
Linda Stiles, Chair
YWCA Halifax
Dawn Rae Downton, Executive Director
Association of Atlantic Women Business Owners
Linda Beckett
East Hants & District Chamber of Commerce
David Hubley, Chair Policy Committee
St. Mary's University
Ervin Doak, Economics Department
Brandon Real Estate Board
Bill Madder, Executive Director
Council of Canadians with Disabilities
Laurie Beachell, National Coordinator
Allan Simpson, Executive Director Independent Living Resources Centre
Insurance Bureau of Canada
George D. Anderson, President and CEO
Paul Kovacs, Vice-President Policy Development
Manitoba Chamber of Commerce
Tuesday, November 28, 1995
Robert Brazzell, Chair Taxation, Labour and Government Regulations Committee
Manitoba Fashion Institute
Allan Finkel
Manitoba Federation of Union Retirees (Congress of
Union Retirees of Canada)
Albert Cerilli
Manitoba Real Estate Association
Derek Thorvaldson, Treasurer
Rice Financial Group Limited
Tom Rice, President and CEO
Thomas Sill Foundation (Inc.)
Norman Fiske, Chairman
Citizens Against Government Excess
David Lindsay, Secretary-Treasurer
Keystone Agricultural Producers
Marg Remple, Member of the Executive - Region 4
Manitoba Society of Seniors
Mary Pankiw, Vice-President
Albert Cerilli, Member of the Joint Advocacy Committee
Jacks Institute
Evelyn Jacks
Union of Manitoba Municipalities
Bill Roth, Director
Jerome Maus, Executive Director
Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce
Andrew Alleyne, Chair of the Federal Finance Committee
Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet
David Marion, Mayor
Crossroads Resources Group
Tuesday, November 28, 1995
Kenneth Emberly, Representative
George Harris, Co-President
International Institute for Sustainable Development
Arthur J. Hansen, President and CEO
Stephen Barg, Associate
As individuals
Martha Owen
Keith Doan
Robert Johannson
Canadian Executive Service Organization
Arthur Trapp, Volunteer Counsellor
Canadian Association of the Non-Employed
Joan Johannson
Cabot Institute of Applied Arts, Technology and
Continuing Education
Wednesday, November 29, 1995
Edna Turpin-Downey, President
National Action Committee on the Status of Women
- Nfld and Labrador
Jane Robinson, Regional Representative
Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour
Elaine Price, President
Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Wendy Williams
St. John's Board of Trade
Roger Flood, President
Town of Glovertown
Lewis Rose, Mayor
Newfoundland & Labrador Chamber of Commerce
Brendan Fahey, Chairman of the Board
Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) - St. John's Region
Wednesday, November 29, 1995
Mike Stokes, Regional Representative
Bay d'Espoir Chamber of Commerce
Tracey Perry, President
Bradbury & Company Consultants Ltd.
J. Nelson Bradbury, President
Fortis Trust
Ron McCabe, Vice-President Customer Service
Canadian Federation for the Humanities
John A. Scott, President
Newfoundland and Labrador Women's Fishnet
Brenda O'Brien
Newfoundland Homebuilders Association
Keith O'Neill, President
P.J. Gardiner Institute, Memorial University
Doug May
St. John's Status of Women Council/Women's Centre
Lynn Peddle, Coordinator
Women's Enterprise Bureau
Susan Adams, Executive Director
Newfoundland & Labrador Federation of Students
Zaki Saleemi, Chair
Fish, Food and Allied Workers
Earle McCurdy, President
Battleford Tribal Council
Gary LaPlante
Milton MacKay, Intergovernmental Relations
Citizens Concerned About Free Trade
David Orchard, National Chairman
Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities
Wednesday, November 29, 1995
Sinclair Harrison, President
Saskatchewan Childcare Association
Mary Ann Knowles
Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce
Phil Mamchur, President
Greg Sherloski, Member of the Board
Social Fairness Action Coalition
Bob Fink
Warren Peterson
Wanuskewin Heritage Park
Jeremy Morgan, Director General
Harvest Foods Ltd.
Stuart Garvin
Saskatoon Council of Women
Ruth Robinson, Chair
Lori Isinger, Chair Economy
Mark Prasuhn, General Manager
University of Saskatchewan
Marv Painter, Assistant Professor
Woloshyn Mattison Barristers and Solicitors
Donald Woloshyn
Working for Women
Linda Smee
Saskatoon YWCA
Jo-Anne Coleman, Housing Director
Marta Juorio, Childcare Director
Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
Wednesday, November 29, 1995
Barbara Byers, President
Don Anderson, Executive Assistant
Saskatchewan Health Coalition
Ed Holgate, President
Concorde Group of Companies
Ian Buckwold, Vice-President
Stuart A. Thiesson, Acting Executive Secretary
North Saskatoon Business Association
Karen Hunter
Isabel Anderson, President AAL Info Services
Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation
Pauline Molder, President
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool
Barry Senft, Second Vice-President
Terry Hasain, Director Economic Research and Policy Division
Canadian Association of Gift Planners
Lyle Hislop, Development Officer University of Saskatchewan
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations
George E. Lafond, Vice-Chief
Mary Ellen Turpel, Legal Counsel
New Brunswick Federation of Agriculture
Thursday, November 30, 1995
Martin van Oord, Vice-President
Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Commerce
Paul Daigle, President and CEO
Human Development Council
Cathy Wright, Executive Director
Randall Hatfield, President
New Brunswick Forest Products Association
Maxwell Cater, General Manager
New Brunswick Federation of Labour
Thursday, November 30, 1995
John Murphy, Executive Secretary
``Coalition de Moncton pour la justice économique et
Everett Ferguson, Member
Downtown Development Fredericton Inc.
Bruce McCormack, General Manager
Saint John Board of Trade
Terry Thorne, Chairman Provincial/Federal Affairs Committee
Mount Allison Alumni Association
Frank Strain, Economics Department
Saint John Construction Association
Patrick Darrah
``Association acadienne des artistes professionels(les)
du N.-B.''
Jac Gautreau, President
New Brunswick Fish Packers' Association
Peter Dysart, Executive Director
Premier's Council on the Status of Disabled Persons
Randy Dickinson, Executive Director
Fredericton Area Coalition for Social Justice
Brian McIntosh
Chaleur Coalition for the Preservation of our Social
John Gagnon, Co-Chair of the Committee
Fredericton Chamber of Commerce
Bill MacMackin, President
``Comité ``Défendons nos droits''''
Armand Brown, Spokesperson
Atlantic Farmers' Council
John Schenkels, Vice-President
Lighthouse Family Resource Centre
Thursday, November 30, 1995
John Mahar, President
Aids New Brunswick
Claude Olivier, Support/Health Promotion Coordinator
Coalition for Jobs and Against UI Cutbacks
Angela Vautour, Spokesperson
Alberta Association of Retirement Planners
Roberta Bedard, Vice-President
Alberta Association of Social Workers
Jake Kuiken, President
Gayle James, Secretary
Rod Adachi, Executive Director
Avenue of Nations Business Association
Lorne Pendleton, Executive Director
As individual
S. Robert Blair
Calgary Chamber of Commerce
Ray Huddlestone, Chairman
Glenn Tibbles, Executive Director
Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Jason T. Kenney, National Director
Conference of Defence Associations
Samuel Blakely
Sean Henry
Mount Royal College, Department of Economics and
Political Science
Greg Flanagan
National Foundation for Family Research and
Mark L. Genuis, Founder and Executive Director
Seniors' Action and Liaison Team
Thursday, November 30, 1995
Phyllis Matousek, Chair
Walter Derksen
Syncrude Canada Ltd.
Eric Newell, President/CEO and Chairman of the National
Oil Sands Task Force
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
Len Landry, Vice-President Fiscal Policy and Corporate Services
Pat Greenaway, Director Fiscal Policy
Alberta Council on Aging
Jerry Pitts, Member of the Board of Directors
Borrowers' Action Society
Tim Madden, Director
Larry Whaley, President
Canada West Foundation
David Elton, President
Casey Vander Ploeg, Research Assistant
Canadian Pensioners Concerned Inc.
Bill Daly, President Alberta Division
Coal Association of Canada
Ernest F. Lalonde, Director Corporate Development
Ken Myers, Treasurer and Comptroller
Foothills Hospital Foundation
Nancy Palmer, Manager, Planned Giving and Major Gifts
Pembina Institute
Tom Marr-Laing, Executive Director
University of Alberta Students' Union
Thursday, November 30, 1995
Sumreen Ahmad, Vice-President Finance
Narman Hassam, Vice-President Internal
University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine, and
representing the University of Calgary
Joel H. Weiner, Associate Dean (Research)
As individuals
Rebecca Aizenmann
David Laughten
Canadian Enhanced Energy Developments
Frederick Gallagher
Certified General Accountants' Association of
Friday, December 1, 1995
Jean Précourt, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Joanne Leduc-Dallaire, Member Canada Taxation Policy Committee
As individual
Claude C. Bismuth Caron, Bélanger, Ernst & Young
``Association de planification fiscale et financière''
Yvon L. Caron, President and CEO
Denis Lacroix, Chairman of the Board
Quebec Chamber of Commerce
Michel Audet, President
Raynold Langlois, Chairman of the Board
``Conseil du patronat du Québec''
Ghislain Dufour, President
Jacques Garon, Director Socio-Economic Research
``Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du
Friday, December 1, 1995
Émile Vallée
Canadian Jewellers' Association
Pierre Akkelian, Vice-President
Canadian Advanced Technology Association (CATA)
Faraj Nakhleh, Executive Director
Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility
Gordon Edwards, President
Canadian Peace Alliance
Judith Berlyn, Co-Chair and Coordinator of Quebec Section
Ecumenical Justice Coalition
Geoffrey Johnston, Board Member Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice
Positron Industries Inc.
Reg Weiser, President
Gamma Institute
Yanis Filopoulos, Economist
Canadian Council for Refugees
Nancy Worsfold, Executive Director
Federation of University Students of Quebec
François Rebello, President
"Forum des citoyens âgés de Montréal"
Henri Hudon, Treasurer
Henri Gervais, Vice-President
"Association des producteurs de films et de télévision
du Québec"
Suzanne D'Amour
"Artistes pour la paix"
Pierre Jasmin, President
British Columbia Teachers' Federation
Friday, December 1, 1995
Peter McCue, Vice-President
Murray Dobbin, Communications Officer
Business Council of British Columbia
Jock A. Finlayson, Vice-President Policy and Analysis
Canadian Federation of Students
Michael Gardiner
Coalition to Renew Canada's Infrastructure
Jim Facette, President/Secretary
Jeremy Kon, Vice-President
College Institute Educators' Association of B.C.
Ed Lavalle, President
Roseanne Moran, Personnel Representative
Confederation of University Faculty Associations of
British Columbia
Robert Clift, Executive Director
Lee Keener, Vice-President
As individuals
Harold Daykin
Jacob Rempel
Carole Gerson
Fraser Institute
Robin M. Richardson, Director International Centre for the Study of Public Debt
Vancouver Board of Trade
John Hansen, Chief Economist and Assistant Managing
As individuals
Charles Campbell
Fred Pawluk
Capilano Students Union
Friday, December 1, 1995
James Jason Lee
Julian Albanese
Community Based Full Employment
Peter Robinson
Downtown Granville Tenants Association
Sherrill Gullickson, Executive Director
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Jon Les, President
Richmond Chamber of Commerce
Kirk Lawrie
Savoy Management
Bernie Yung
Vancouver Foundation
Richard Mulcaster, President and Chief Executive Officer
Christopher Richardson, Director Gift Planning
Bruce Buchanan, Chairman Volunteer Board
Vancouver International Airport
L.G. (Joe) Sulmona, Director Strategic Planning
University of British Columbia
Bernard H. Bressler, Professor and Head Department of
David F. Hardwick, Associate Dean, Research and Planning, Faculty of Medicine
Canadian Advanced Technology Association
Monday, December 4, 1995
Shirley-Anne George, Executive Director
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Dale Orr, Chairman Economic Policy Committee
Coalition of National Voluntary Organizations
Monday, December 4, 1995
Rose Potvin, Executive Director
Al Hatton, Director of External Relations
Koskie & Minsky
Vern Krishna, Tax Adviser
Ray Koskie, Legal Adviser
National Oilsands Task Force
Al Hyndman, Head of the Tax and Socio-economic
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada
Thomas A. Brzustowski, President
Wood Gundy
John Brooks, Senior Financial Consultant
Arthur Donner Consultants Inc.
Arthur Donner, President
Pratt & Whitney
David Caplan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
SPAR Aerospace Limited
Clifford Mackay, Senior Vice-President Space Systems and Corporate Development
Bank of Canada for Canadians Coalition
Tuesday, December 5, 1995
Jordan B. Grant, Chairperson
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Duncan Cameron, President
Carleton University
Tom Rymes, Professor Economics Department
Informetrica Limited
Michael McCracken, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
University of Ottawa
Gordon Boreham, Professor Emeritus Department of Economics
University of Toronto
Tuesday, December 5, 1995
Tom A. Wilson, Director of the Policy and Economic
Analysis Program, Institute for Policy Analysis
University of Western Ontario
David Laidler, Professor Department of Economics
University of Toronto
John Grant, Faculty of Management
Edward Neufeld, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Centre for International Studies
"Conseil canadien de la coopération"
Sylvie St-Pierre Babin, Executive Director
Réjean Laflamme
Canadian Apparel Federation
Stephen Beatty, Executive Director
Canadian Construction Association
M.A. Michael Atkinson, President
John Spratt, Executive Director
Canadian Council for International Co-operation
Betty Plewes, President and Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Council on Smoking and Health
Ed Arundell, Vice-President Public Affairs
Melodie Tilson, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Canadian Defence Preparedness Association
Ed Healey, President
Norman Smyth, Past President
Paul Manson
Canadian Institute of Public Real Estate Companies
Ron Daniel, Executive Director
Democracy Watch
Duff Conacher, Coordinator
Heritage Canada Foundation
Tuesday, December 5, 1995
Brian Anthony, President
Douglas Franklin, Director Government and Public Relations
Association of Canadian Community Colleges
Wednesday, December 6, 1995
Terry Anne Boyles, Vice-President, National Services
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
Sally Brown, Vice-President, External Relations and Acting President
Canadian Academy of Engineering
Angus Bruneau, President
Canadian Association of University Teachers
Donald Savage, Executive Director
Canadian Federation of Students
Guy Caron, National Chairperson
National Graduate Council
Derrick Deans
Canadian Research Management Association
Henri Rothschild, Chair, Policy Committee
Canadian Teachers' Federation
Harvey Weiner, Deputy Secretary General
CBHR Coalition for Biomedical & Health Research
Clément Gauthier, Executive Director
Dennis Fitzpatrick, Vice-Chairperson
Corporate Higher Education Forum
John Dinsmore, President
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada
James Horan, Vice-President and President Elect
Social Science Federation of Canada and the
Canadian Federation for the Humanities
Chad Gaffield, Vice-President, Science Policy and Research
Canadian Conference of the Arts
Thursday, December 7, 1995
Keith Kelly, National Director
Canadian Artists Representation
Greg Graham, National Director
Canadian Housing and Renewal Association
Sharon Chisholm, Executive Director
Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting
Donald Glover, President
Bill Strain, President Taxation
Canadian Aids Society
Tuesday, December 12, 1995
Gregory Williams, Project Manager, Income Security
Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships
Terry Stephen, President
Michael Shaen
Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
Mark Daniels, President
Canadian Association of Mutual Insurance
Normand Lafrenière, Executive Director
National Anti-Poverty Organization
Lynne Toupin, Executive Director
François Dumaine