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[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]

Wednesday, September 25, 1996



The Clerk of the Committee: Honourable members, I see a quorum. Pursuant to Standing Orders 106(1) and (2), we will first proceed with the election of a chairperson. I am ready to receive all motions to that effect.

Mr. Volpe.

Mr. Volpe (Eglington - Lawrence): I personally wish to move the nomination of Mr. Roger Simmons, who is not here, as chair of the committee. Does anyone wish to second the motion?

The Clerk: Moved by Mr. Volpe, seconded by Mr. Murphy, that...


Mr. Martin (Esquimalt - Juan de Fuca): Excuse me, sorry. I have another nomination for the chair.

The Clerk: I can take it as a notice of motion.

Mr. Martin: Okay, that's fine.


The Clerk: Moved by Mr. Volpe, seconded by Mr. Murphy, that Mr. Simmons be elected chair of the committee. Is it the wish of the committee to adopt the motion?

Motion agreed to unanimously

The Clerk: Mr. Simmons is elected chairman in absentia.


I will need a motion for an acting chair for this meeting.

Mr. Hermanson (Kindersley - Lloydminster): A point of order. I nominate Joe Volpe as the acting chair.

Motion agreed to


Mr. Dubé (Lévis): A point of clarification. I thought that we were to vote for a chairperson and two vice-chairs. I have been here three years, and I have never heard of electing an acting chair. Is this a special circumstance just for today?

Mr. Boudria (Glengarry - Prescott - Russell): It is only to deal with the election.

Mr. Dubé: Fine.


The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): Thank you very much.

Mr. Hermanson: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to nominate Dr. Grant Hill from Macleod as the opposition member vice-chair of the committee.


The Acting Chair (Mr. Volpe): Mr. Hermanson moves that Mr. Grant Hill be elected vice-chair of the committee in absentia. Does the committee agree?

Mr. Landry (Lotbinière): No.

The Acting Chair (Mr. Volpe): It is not necessary, it has already been done.


Mr. Martin: A point of order. Could we have a recorded vote, please, on this and other vice-chair elections?

The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): Sure.


Mr. Dubé: A point of clarification. I would like to nominate Ms. Pauline Picard, who is also absent.


The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): So all the honourable people today are absent. This augurs well, as somebody said.


Mr. Landry: I second the motion.


Mr. Martin: A point of order, Mr. Chairman. Don't you have to deal with one motion at a time?

The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): I've taken yours as a notice of motion.

Mr. Martin: Don't you have to vote on that one at a time? I made a nomination. We have to vote on my nomination first, before you go to another one.

The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): Okay, we'll vote on the first motion, and I think you said you wanted a recorded vote.

Mr. Martin: Yes, this and any other votes that are going to take place for the vice-chairs.

The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): The vote is on the motion that Mr. Grant Hill be elected vice-chair of the committee.

Motion negatived: nays 8; yeas 2


The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): Can we go on to the second motion? Mr. Dubé, do you want to propose your motion again, please?


Mr. Dubé: I nominate Ms. Pauline Picard.

Mr. Landry: I second the motion.


Motion agreed to: yeas 8; nays 2

The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): Do I have a mover for a second vice-chair?

Mr. Murphy (Annapolis Valley - Hants): Mr. Dhaliwal.

Motion agreed to: yeas 9; abstentions 1

The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): So our second vice-chair is Mr. Herb Dhaliwal. Congratulations to both.

Some hon. members: Hear, hear.

The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): I think that was all we were really going to do as far as the business of today. We wanted to elect the executive, so I'm going to adjourn the meeting until the call of the chair. I thank all members for coming.


Mr. Dubé: I have a point of information. I know that the chair is absent, but do we know if we will be sitting next week?

The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): Yes, probably Tuesday. But that will be confirmed later.

Mr. Dubé: Thank you.


Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South): I think I understood the chair, in talking to him, that it would be his intent to have a meeting next Tuesday at 9 a.m. In case the members need to make arrangements I think we should -

The Acting Chairman (Mr. Volpe): For those members who are new to the committee, as I recall the agenda from last time, we were going to try to meet on Tuesday morning. If he conveyed that information to you I'm happy that he confirmed it, but you'll get your notice in the course of the next day or two. Thank you.

The meeting is adjourned.

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