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M-97 Telecommunications market

44th Parliament, 1st Session

Motion Text


(a) the House recognize that,

(i) Canadians face the highest cell phone bills in the developed world, with Rogers, Bell and Telus ranking first, second, and third out of 168 wireless providers in 48 countries,

(ii) Canadians face cell phone prices which are double those of Americans and triple those of Australians, two countries of similar geographic size and profile to Canada,

(iii) due to restrictive Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission policies, Canada is an international outlier by prohibiting pureplay wireless mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs),

(iv) pureplay wireless MVNOs have been essential in increasing competition and lowering cell phone prices in the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the European Union,

(v) the Telecommunications Act states that the policy objectives of Canadian telecommunications policy include affordable telecommunications service, and enhancing of the competitiveness of Canadian telecommunications,

(vi) three companies have oligopolistic control of the wireless telecommunications market in Canada,

(vii) the government approved the merger of Rogers and Shaw Communications on the basis that it would help bring more competition to the market through a fourth national cellphone carrier in Videotron;

(b) in the opinion of the House, the government should take action to

(i) increase competition in the Canadian telecommunications marketplace,

(ii) promote and develop a true fourth national cellphone carrier,

(iii) allow for pureplay wireless MVNO telecommunications providers; and

(c) the government report to Parliament on the progress of these actions no later than Monday, January 29, 2024.

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