If consideration of a votable item of
Private Members’ Business ends before the maximum time allowed for debate,
the question is then put and, if a recorded division is demanded, either the
Chief Government Whip or the Chief Opposition Whip may ask the Speaker to
defer the division. [156]
In the
event that the time for consideration of a private Member’s item has
expired and debate is interrupted by the Chair in order to put the question, a
recorded division can be deferred only upon the agreement of all Whips and the
Member sponsoring the item upon which a vote is to be
taken. [157]
When a recorded division is taken on an
item of Private Members’ Business, the vote of the Member sponsoring the
bill or motion is recorded first, if he or she is present, followed by the votes
of the other Members on the same side of the House, starting with the back row,
who are in favour of the bill or motion and then the Members on the other side
of the House, starting with the back row, who are in favour of the item. Votes
against are recorded in the same
order. [158]