Presentation of Petitions
As outsiders are not permitted to address
the House directly, petitions are presented by Members. Therefore, groups and
individuals with petitions for the House must enlist the aid of Members to have
their petitions certified and presented. Members are not bound to present
petitions and cannot be compelled to do
so; [53]
it is evident that many Members consider it a duty to present to the House
petitions brought forward by
citizens. [54]
Member, whose role it is to make the presentation on behalf of the petitioners,
is not required to be in agreement with the content of any petition he or she
may choose to present, and no such inference is to be
drawn. [55]
Once they have been certified by the Clerk
of Petitions, petitions are ready for presentation to the House and are returned
to the Members who submitted them. A certified petition is not to be altered or
tampered with in any way; nor is the certificate to be removed. No rule or
practice specifies a time period during which a petition must be presented
following its certification; nor must a petition necessarily be presented by the
Member who had it
certified. [56]
Speaker has observed that various reasons might prevent a Member from presenting
a certified petition expeditiously, but has also found merit in the view that
petitions ought to be presented promptly after certification so that petitioners
may have confidence that petitions brought to the House are answered as quickly
as possible. [57]
Petitions are presented by Members,
Ministers. [58]
Speaker traditionally does not present petitions, but instead asks the
assistance of another Member to do so. This practice originated in the British
House of the late eighteenth century, a time when petitions were routinely
debated. Presenting petitions would have led to the Speaker participating in the
proceedings of the House, which would have been at odds with the essential
neutrality of the
Chair. [59]
In choosing
to present a petition, a Member must be satisfied of its fitness and regularity,
for it is a long-standing rule of the House that the Member is answerable for
any improprieties and impertinences
therein. [60]
addition, every Member presenting a petition must endorse it (i.e., they sign
the back of the petition, or the back of the first
page). [61]
Certified petitions may be presented in two
ways: orally during Routine
Proceedings, [62]
or by
filing them with the Clerk of the House during any sitting of the
House. [63]
practice, the majority of petitions are presented during Routine
Proceedings. [64]
Presentation During Routine Proceedings
Certified petitions are presented daily
during Routine Proceedings, under the rubric “Presenting Petitions”.
A maximum of 15 minutes is provided for the presentation of
petitions. [65]
To be
recognized, Members must be in their assigned
places. [66]
with more than one petition to present on a given day are advised to present
them all when given the floor, as individual Members are recognized by the Chair
only once during “Presenting
Petitions”. [67]
This allows more Members to be recognized within the 15-minute time
No debate is permitted during the
presentation of
petitions. [68]
comment on the merits of a petition — even a Member’s personal
agreement or disagreement with the petitioners — has been deemed to
constitute a form of debate and is therefore out of
order. [69]
Members are
permitted a brief factual statement, in the course of which they may allude to
the petition being duly certified, to its source, to the subject matter of the
petition and its prayer, and the number of signatures it
carries. [70]
In any
event, petitions are not to be read in their entirety and Members presenting
them should avoid straying into debate or
argument. [71]
In view
of the limited time available and of the number of Members with petitions to
present on any given day, the Chair is generally quick to intervene when Members
appear to be making speeches, indulging in debate, or launching on the lengthy
reading of the full text of a petition.
Presentation by Filing with the Clerk of the House
Since 1910, Members have had the option of
presenting petitions at any time during a sitting of the House, by filing them
with the Clerk of the
House. [72]
The Member
may approach the Table, or may hand the certified and endorsed petition to a
page, with instructions to deliver it to the Table where it is received by the
Clerk or by a Table Officer on behalf of the Clerk.
Following Presentation
When petitions are presented during Routine
Proceedings, the Members’ remarks are recorded, transcribed and printed in the
Debates for that day. An entry is also made in the Journals, the
official record of House proceedings. The petitions are listed as having been
certified correct and presented pursuant to the Standing Orders. Petitions filed
with the Clerk are of course not mentioned in the Debates, but they are
listed in the Journals. Certified petitions once presented to the House
(by either method) are then delivered to the Clerk of Petitions who is
responsible for their reception and processing.
Petitions have been presented which were
later found to be uncertified; in such cases, while the Debates contain
the transcription of the Members’ remarks, the petitions in question are
not recorded in the
Journals. [73]
They are examined by the Clerk of Petitions; if in order, they are certified and
then filed with the Clerk on the Member’s behalf; only then is the
presentation noted in the Journals. If the petitions cannot be certified,
they are returned to the Members. On one occasion, a Member who attempted to
present an uncertified petition was called to order and admonished by the
Chair. [74]
Copies of Petitions
Anyone who wishes to read or consult a
petition after it has been presented may do so by making arrangements with the
Clerk of Petitions. A Member who requests a photocopy of a petition, including
the signatures, is entitled to receive
it. [75]