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M-162 Changes to the Standing Orders

42nd Parliament, 1st Session

Motion Text

That the Standing Orders of the House of Commons be amended by replacing Standing Order 87(1)(a)(i) with the following: “At the beginning of the first session of a Parliament, the Clerk of the House, acting on behalf of the Speaker, shall establish the List for the Consideration of Private Members’ Business by adding first the names of eligible Members from the List for the Consideration of Private Members’ Business of the preceding Parliament, in the same order they were at dissolution, retaining only the names of any returning Member of the House. Then, after notifying all Members of the time, date and place, the Clerk shall conduct a random draw of the names of all remaining Members of the House which shall be added to that List. On the twentieth sitting day following the draw, the first thirty names on the List shall, subject to paragraph (c) of this Standing Order, constitute the order of precedence. Eligible Members may exchange their position on this List with another eligible Member by jointly notifying the Clerk, provided that notice is given before the twentieth sitting day following the establishment of the List.”.

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Monday, January 29, 2018
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Monday, January 29, 2018
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