Vote No. 3
44th Parliament, 1st SessionSitting No. 4 - Thursday, November 25, 2021
Sponsor of this Motion
Government Business No. 1 (Order respecting the business of the House and its committees)
Motion Sponsor:
Hon. Mark Holland
Government Business No. 1 (Order respecting the business of the House and its committees)
Motion Text
That, notwithstanding any standing order, special order or usual practice of the House, beginning on the day after this order is adopted until Thursday, June 23, 2022:
(a) members may participate in proceedings of the House either in person or by videoconference, provided that members participating in person do so in accordance with the Board of Internal Economy’s decision of Tuesday, October 19, 2021, regarding vaccination against COVID-19, and that reasons for medical exemptions follow the guidance from the Ontario Ministry of Health document entitled “Medical Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccination” and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI);
(b) members who participate remotely in a sitting of the House are counted for the purpose of quorum;
(c) any reference in the Standing Orders to the need for members to rise or to be in their place, as well as any reference to the chair, the table or the chamber shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the virtual nature of the proceedings;
(d) the application of Standing Order 17 shall be suspended;
(e) the application of Standing Order 62 shall be suspended for any member participating remotely;
(f) in Standing Orders 26(2), 53(4), 56.1(3), and 56.2(2), the reference to the number of members required to rise be replaced with the word “five”;
(g) documents may be laid before the House or presented to the House electronically, provided that:
(i) documents deposited pursuant to Standing Order 32(1) shall be deposited with the Clerk of the House electronically,
(ii) during Routine Proceedings, members who participate remotely may table documents or present petitions or reports to the House electronically, provided that the documents are transmitted to the clerk prior to their intervention,
(iii) any petition presented pursuant to Standing Order 36(5) may be filed with the clerk electronically,
(iv) responses to questions on the Order Paper deposited pursuant to Standing Order 39 may be tabled electronically;
(h) should the House resolve itself in a committee of the whole, the Chair may preside from the Speaker’s chair;
(i) when a question that could lead to a recorded division is put to the House, in lieu of calling for the yeas and nays, one representative of a recognized party can rise to request a recorded vote or to indicate that the motion is adopted on division, provided that a request for a recorded division has precedence;
(j) when a recorded division is requested in respect of a debatable motion, or a motion to concur in a bill at report stage on a Friday, including any division arising as a consequence of the application of Standing Order 78, but excluding any division in relation to motions relating to the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, pursuant to Standing Order 50, the budget debate, pursuant to Standing Order 84, or the business of supply occurring on the last supply day of a period, other than as provided in Standing Orders 81(17) and 81(18)(b), or arising as a consequence of an order made pursuant to Standing Order 57,
(i) before 2:00 p.m. on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, it shall stand deferred until the conclusion of Oral Questions at that day’s sitting, or
(ii) after 2:00 p.m. on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, or at any time on a Friday, it shall stand deferred until the conclusion of Oral Questions at the next sitting day that is not a Friday,
provided that any extension of time pursuant to Standing Order 45(7.1) shall not exceed 90 minutes;
(k) if a motion for the previous question under Standing Order 61 is adopted without a recorded division, the vote on the main question may be deferred under the provisions of paragraph (j), however if a recorded division is requested on the previous question, and such division is deferred and the previous question subsequently adopted, the vote on the original question shall not be deferred;
(l) when a recorded division, which would have ordinarily been deemed deferred to immediately before the time provided for Private Members’ Business on a Wednesday governed by this order, is requested, the said division is deemed to have been deferred until the conclusion of Oral Questions on the same Wednesday;
(m) for greater certainty, this order shall not limit the application of Standing Order 45(7);
(n) when a recorded division is to be held, the bells to call in the members shall be sounded for not more than 30 minutes, except recorded divisions deferred to the conclusion of Oral Questions, when the bells shall be sounded for not more than 15 minutes;
(o) the House Administration be directed to begin as soon as possible the onboarding process of all members for the remote voting application used in the 43rd Parliament, that this process be completed no later than Wednesday, December 8, 2021, and that any member who has not been onboarded during this period be required to vote either by videoconference or in person;
(p) until the onboarding process is complete, recorded divisions shall take place in the usual way for members participating in person and by roll call for members participating by videoconference, provided that members participating by videoconference must have their camera on for the duration of the vote;
(q) after the onboarding process outlined in paragraph (o) has been completed, the Speaker shall so inform the House and, starting no later than Thursday, December 9, 2021, recorded divisions shall take place in the usual way for members participating in person or by electronic means for all other members, provided that:
(i) electronic votes shall be cast from within Canada through the House of Commons electronic voting application using the member’s House-managed mobile device and the member’s personal House of Commons account, and that each vote requires visual identity validation,
(ii) the period allowed for voting electronically on a motion shall be 10 minutes, to begin after the Chair has read the motion to the House, and members voting electronically may change their vote until the electronic voting period has closed,
(iii) in the event a member casts their vote both in person and electronically, a vote cast in person takes precedence,
(iv) any member unable to vote via the electronic voting system during the 10-minute period due to technical issues may connect to the virtual sitting to indicate to the Chair their voting intention by the House videoconferencing system,
(v) following any concern, identified by the electronic voting system, which is raised by a House officer of a recognized party regarding the visual identity of a member using the electronic voting system, the member in question shall respond immediately to confirm their vote, either in person or by the House videoconferencing system, failing which the vote shall not be recorded,
(vi) the whip of each recognized party have access to a tool to confirm the visual identity of each member voting by electronic means, and that the votes of members voting by electronic means be made available to the public during the period allowed for the vote,
(vii) the process for votes in committees of the whole take place in a manner similar to the process for votes during sittings of the House with the exception of the requirement to call in the members,
(viii) any question to be resolved by secret ballot be excluded from this order,
(ix) during the taking of a recorded division on a private members’ business, when the sponsor of the item is the first to vote and present at the beginning of the vote, the member be called first, whether participating in person or by videoconference;
(r) during meetings of standing, standing joint, special and legislative committees and the Liaison Committee, as well as their subcommittees, where applicable, members may participate either in person or by videoconference, provided that members participating in person do so in accordance with the Board of Internal Economy’s decision of Tuesday, October 19, 2021, regarding vaccination against COVID-19, and that reasons for medical exemptions follow the guidance from the Ontario Ministry of Health document entitled “Medical Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccination” and the NACI, and witnesses shall participate remotely, provided that priority use of House resources for meetings shall be established by an agreement of the whips and, for virtual or hybrid meetings, the following provisions shall apply:
(i) members who participate remotely shall be counted for the purpose of quorum,
(ii) except for those decided unanimously or on division, all questions shall be decided by a recorded vote,
(iii) when more than one motion is proposed for the election of a chair or a vice-chair of a committee, any motion received after the initial one shall be taken as a notice of motion and such motions shall be put to the committee seriatim until one is adopted,
(iv) public proceedings shall be made available to the public via the House of Commons website,
(v) in camera proceedings may be conducted in a manner that takes into account the potential risks to confidentiality inherent in meetings with remote participants,
(vi) notices of membership substitutions pursuant to Standing Order 114(2) and requests pursuant to Standing Order 106(4) may be filed with the clerk of each committee by email;
(s) until Friday, December 10, 2021:
(i) Standing Order 81(5) be replaced with the following: “Supplementary estimates shall be deemed referred to a committee of the whole House immediately after they are presented in the House. A committee of the whole shall consider and shall report, or shall be deemed to have reported, the same back to the House not later than one sitting day before the final sitting or the last allotted day in the current period. On two days appointed by a minister of the Crown, consideration of the supplementary estimates shall be taken up by a committee of the whole at the ordinary hour of daily adjournment, for a period of time not exceeding four hours each day. During the time provided for the consideration of estimates, no member shall be recognized for more than 15 minutes at a time and the member shall not speak in debate for more than 10 minutes during that period. The 15 minutes may be used both for debate and for posing questions to the minister of the Crown or a parliamentary secretary acting on behalf of the minister. When the member is recognized, he or she shall indicate how the 15 minutes is to be apportioned. At the conclusion of the time provided for the consideration of the business on the second appointed day pursuant to this section, the committee shall rise, the estimates shall be deemed reported and the House shall immediately adjourn to the next sitting day.”,
(ii) Standing Order 81(14)(a) be amended by replacing the words “to restore or reinstate any item in the estimates” with the following: “twenty-four hours’ written notice shall be given to restore or reinstate any item in the estimates”,
(iii) Standing Order 54(1) be amended by adding the following: “Notices to oppose an item and respecting a motion to restore or reinstate any item in the Supplementary Estimates (B) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 , shall be laid on the table, or filed with the clerk, within four hours after the completion of consideration of said supplementary estimates in committee of the whole and be printed in the Notice Paper of that day, provided that no more than five opposed items shall be selected by the Speaker and that the remaining notices of opposed items in the said supplementary estimates, if any, shall be deemed withdrawn.”.
(a) members may participate in proceedings of the House either in person or by videoconference, provided that members participating in person do so in accordance with the Board of Internal Economy’s decision of Tuesday, October 19, 2021, regarding vaccination against COVID-19, and that reasons for medical exemptions follow the guidance from the Ontario Ministry of Health document entitled “Medical Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccination” and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI);
(b) members who participate remotely in a sitting of the House are counted for the purpose of quorum;
(c) any reference in the Standing Orders to the need for members to rise or to be in their place, as well as any reference to the chair, the table or the chamber shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the virtual nature of the proceedings;
(d) the application of Standing Order 17 shall be suspended;
(e) the application of Standing Order 62 shall be suspended for any member participating remotely;
(f) in Standing Orders 26(2), 53(4), 56.1(3), and 56.2(2), the reference to the number of members required to rise be replaced with the word “five”;
(g) documents may be laid before the House or presented to the House electronically, provided that:
(i) documents deposited pursuant to Standing Order 32(1) shall be deposited with the Clerk of the House electronically,
(ii) during Routine Proceedings, members who participate remotely may table documents or present petitions or reports to the House electronically, provided that the documents are transmitted to the clerk prior to their intervention,
(iii) any petition presented pursuant to Standing Order 36(5) may be filed with the clerk electronically,
(iv) responses to questions on the Order Paper deposited pursuant to Standing Order 39 may be tabled electronically;
(h) should the House resolve itself in a committee of the whole, the Chair may preside from the Speaker’s chair;
(i) when a question that could lead to a recorded division is put to the House, in lieu of calling for the yeas and nays, one representative of a recognized party can rise to request a recorded vote or to indicate that the motion is adopted on division, provided that a request for a recorded division has precedence;
(j) when a recorded division is requested in respect of a debatable motion, or a motion to concur in a bill at report stage on a Friday, including any division arising as a consequence of the application of Standing Order 78, but excluding any division in relation to motions relating to the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, pursuant to Standing Order 50, the budget debate, pursuant to Standing Order 84, or the business of supply occurring on the last supply day of a period, other than as provided in Standing Orders 81(17) and 81(18)(b), or arising as a consequence of an order made pursuant to Standing Order 57,
(i) before 2:00 p.m. on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, it shall stand deferred until the conclusion of Oral Questions at that day’s sitting, or
(ii) after 2:00 p.m. on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, or at any time on a Friday, it shall stand deferred until the conclusion of Oral Questions at the next sitting day that is not a Friday,
provided that any extension of time pursuant to Standing Order 45(7.1) shall not exceed 90 minutes;
(k) if a motion for the previous question under Standing Order 61 is adopted without a recorded division, the vote on the main question may be deferred under the provisions of paragraph (j), however if a recorded division is requested on the previous question, and such division is deferred and the previous question subsequently adopted, the vote on the original question shall not be deferred;
(l) when a recorded division, which would have ordinarily been deemed deferred to immediately before the time provided for Private Members’ Business on a Wednesday governed by this order, is requested, the said division is deemed to have been deferred until the conclusion of Oral Questions on the same Wednesday;
(m) for greater certainty, this order shall not limit the application of Standing Order 45(7);
(n) when a recorded division is to be held, the bells to call in the members shall be sounded for not more than 30 minutes, except recorded divisions deferred to the conclusion of Oral Questions, when the bells shall be sounded for not more than 15 minutes;
(o) the House Administration be directed to begin as soon as possible the onboarding process of all members for the remote voting application used in the 43rd Parliament, that this process be completed no later than Wednesday, December 8, 2021, and that any member who has not been onboarded during this period be required to vote either by videoconference or in person;
(p) until the onboarding process is complete, recorded divisions shall take place in the usual way for members participating in person and by roll call for members participating by videoconference, provided that members participating by videoconference must have their camera on for the duration of the vote;
(q) after the onboarding process outlined in paragraph (o) has been completed, the Speaker shall so inform the House and, starting no later than Thursday, December 9, 2021, recorded divisions shall take place in the usual way for members participating in person or by electronic means for all other members, provided that:
(i) electronic votes shall be cast from within Canada through the House of Commons electronic voting application using the member’s House-managed mobile device and the member’s personal House of Commons account, and that each vote requires visual identity validation,
(ii) the period allowed for voting electronically on a motion shall be 10 minutes, to begin after the Chair has read the motion to the House, and members voting electronically may change their vote until the electronic voting period has closed,
(iii) in the event a member casts their vote both in person and electronically, a vote cast in person takes precedence,
(iv) any member unable to vote via the electronic voting system during the 10-minute period due to technical issues may connect to the virtual sitting to indicate to the Chair their voting intention by the House videoconferencing system,
(v) following any concern, identified by the electronic voting system, which is raised by a House officer of a recognized party regarding the visual identity of a member using the electronic voting system, the member in question shall respond immediately to confirm their vote, either in person or by the House videoconferencing system, failing which the vote shall not be recorded,
(vi) the whip of each recognized party have access to a tool to confirm the visual identity of each member voting by electronic means, and that the votes of members voting by electronic means be made available to the public during the period allowed for the vote,
(vii) the process for votes in committees of the whole take place in a manner similar to the process for votes during sittings of the House with the exception of the requirement to call in the members,
(viii) any question to be resolved by secret ballot be excluded from this order,
(ix) during the taking of a recorded division on a private members’ business, when the sponsor of the item is the first to vote and present at the beginning of the vote, the member be called first, whether participating in person or by videoconference;
(r) during meetings of standing, standing joint, special and legislative committees and the Liaison Committee, as well as their subcommittees, where applicable, members may participate either in person or by videoconference, provided that members participating in person do so in accordance with the Board of Internal Economy’s decision of Tuesday, October 19, 2021, regarding vaccination against COVID-19, and that reasons for medical exemptions follow the guidance from the Ontario Ministry of Health document entitled “Medical Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccination” and the NACI, and witnesses shall participate remotely, provided that priority use of House resources for meetings shall be established by an agreement of the whips and, for virtual or hybrid meetings, the following provisions shall apply:
(i) members who participate remotely shall be counted for the purpose of quorum,
(ii) except for those decided unanimously or on division, all questions shall be decided by a recorded vote,
(iii) when more than one motion is proposed for the election of a chair or a vice-chair of a committee, any motion received after the initial one shall be taken as a notice of motion and such motions shall be put to the committee seriatim until one is adopted,
(iv) public proceedings shall be made available to the public via the House of Commons website,
(v) in camera proceedings may be conducted in a manner that takes into account the potential risks to confidentiality inherent in meetings with remote participants,
(vi) notices of membership substitutions pursuant to Standing Order 114(2) and requests pursuant to Standing Order 106(4) may be filed with the clerk of each committee by email;
(s) until Friday, December 10, 2021:
(i) Standing Order 81(5) be replaced with the following: “Supplementary estimates shall be deemed referred to a committee of the whole House immediately after they are presented in the House. A committee of the whole shall consider and shall report, or shall be deemed to have reported, the same back to the House not later than one sitting day before the final sitting or the last allotted day in the current period. On two days appointed by a minister of the Crown, consideration of the supplementary estimates shall be taken up by a committee of the whole at the ordinary hour of daily adjournment, for a period of time not exceeding four hours each day. During the time provided for the consideration of estimates, no member shall be recognized for more than 15 minutes at a time and the member shall not speak in debate for more than 10 minutes during that period. The 15 minutes may be used both for debate and for posing questions to the minister of the Crown or a parliamentary secretary acting on behalf of the minister. When the member is recognized, he or she shall indicate how the 15 minutes is to be apportioned. At the conclusion of the time provided for the consideration of the business on the second appointed day pursuant to this section, the committee shall rise, the estimates shall be deemed reported and the House shall immediately adjourn to the next sitting day.”,
(ii) Standing Order 81(14)(a) be amended by replacing the words “to restore or reinstate any item in the estimates” with the following: “twenty-four hours’ written notice shall be given to restore or reinstate any item in the estimates”,
(iii) Standing Order 54(1) be amended by adding the following: “Notices to oppose an item and respecting a motion to restore or reinstate any item in the Supplementary Estimates (B) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 , shall be laid on the table, or filed with the clerk, within four hours after the completion of consideration of said supplementary estimates in committee of the whole and be printed in the Notice Paper of that day, provided that no more than five opposed items shall be selected by the Speaker and that the remaining notices of opposed items in the said supplementary estimates, if any, shall be deemed withdrawn.”.
See the published vote in the Journals of Thursday, November 25, 2021
Results: Agreed To
Yea: 180
Nay: 140
Paired: 0
Total: 320
Vote details
View Results By:
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Scott Aitchison (Parry Sound—Muskoka) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dan Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. John Aldag (Cloverdale—Langley City) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Omar Alghabra (Mississauga Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Shafqat Ali (Brampton Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Dean Allison (Niagara West) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Anita Anand (Oakville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Gary Anandasangaree (Scarborough—Rouge Park) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Charlie Angus (Timmins—James Bay) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Mel Arnold (North Okanagan—Shuswap) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. René Arseneault (Madawaska—Restigouche) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Chandra Arya (Nepean) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Niki Ashton (Churchill—Keewatinook Aski) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mrs. Jenica Atwin (Fredericton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Taylor Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Vance Badawey (Niagara Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Parm Bains (Steveston—Richmond East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Yvan Baker (Etobicoke Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tony Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. John Barlow (Foothills) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Lisa Marie Barron (Nanaimo—Ladysmith) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Jaime Battiste (Sydney—Victoria) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mario Beaulieu (La Pointe-de-l'Île) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Terry Beech (Burnaby North—Seymour) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Rachel Bendayan (Outremont) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Carolyn Bennett (Toronto—St. Paul's) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Bob Benzen (Calgary Heritage) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Candice Bergen (Portage—Lisgar) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Luc Berthold (Mégantic—L'Érable) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Sylvie Bérubé (Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. James Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Marie-Claude Bibeau (Compton—Stanstead) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Chris Bittle (St. Catharines) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Daniel Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Bill Blair (Scarborough Southwest) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Yves-François Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Maxime Blanchette-Joncas (Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Rachel Blaney (North Island—Powell River) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mrs. Kelly Block (Carlton Trail—Eagle Creek) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kody Blois (Kings—Hants) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Randy Boissonnault (Edmonton Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Alexandre Boulerice (Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Valerie Bradford (Kitchener South—Hespeler) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Richard Bragdon (Tobique—Mactaquac) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. John Brassard (Barrie—Innisfil) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Élisabeth Brière (Sherbrooke) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Larry Brock (Brantford—Brant) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Blaine Calkins (Red Deer—Lacombe) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Richard Cannings (South Okanagan—West Kootenay) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Frank Caputo (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Jim Carr (Winnipeg South Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Colin Carrie (Oshawa) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Sean Casey (Charlottetown) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Louise Chabot (Thérèse-De Blainville) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Bardish Chagger (Waterloo) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. George Chahal (Calgary Skyview) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Adam Chambers (Simcoe North) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. François-Philippe Champagne (Saint-Maurice—Champlain) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Martin Champoux (Drummond) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mrs. Sophie Chatel (Pontiac) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Shaun Chen (Scarborough North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Paul Chiang (Markham—Unionville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Michael Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Chad Collins (Hamilton East—Stoney Creek) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Laurel Collins (Victoria) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Michael Cooper (St. Albert—Edmonton) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Serge Cormier (Acadie—Bathurst) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Michael Coteau (Don Valley East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Julie Dabrusin (Toronto—Danforth) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Pam Damoff (Oakville North—Burlington) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Raquel Dancho (Kildonan—St. Paul) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Scot Davidson (York—Simcoe) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mrs. Claude DeBellefeuille (Salaberry—Suroît) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Gérard Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Caroline Desbiens (Beauport—Côte-de-Beaupré—Île d'Orléans—Charlevoix) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Luc Desilets (Rivière-des-Mille-Îles) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Blake Desjarlais (Edmonton Griesbach) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Sukh Dhaliwal (Surrey—Newton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Anju Dhillon (Dorval—Lachine—LaSalle) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Lena Metlege Diab (Halifax West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Han Dong (Don Valley North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Dowdall (Simcoe—Grey) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Earl Dreeshen (Red Deer—Mountain View) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Francis Drouin (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Emmanuel Dubourg (Bourassa) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jean-Yves Duclos (Québec) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Duguid (Winnipeg South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Eric Duncan (Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Julie Dzerowicz (Davenport) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ali Ehsassi (Willowdale) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Fayçal El-Khoury (Laval—Les Îles) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Stephen Ellis (Cumberland—Colchester) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dave Epp (Chatham-Kent—Leamington) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Nathaniel Erskine-Smith (Beaches—East York) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Rosemarie Falk (Battlefords—Lloydminster) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ted Falk (Provencher) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ed Fast (Abbotsford) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Greg Fergus (Hull—Aylmer) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Michelle Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Andy Fillmore (Halifax) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Kerry-Lynne Findlay (South Surrey—White Rock) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Darren Fisher (Dartmouth—Cole Harbour) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Fonseca (Mississauga East—Cooksville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Mona Fortier (Ottawa—Vanier) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Rhéal Fortin (Rivière-du-Nord) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Peter Fragiskatos (London North Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Sean Fraser (Central Nova) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Chrystia Freeland (University—Rosedale) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Hedy Fry (Vancouver Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Iqwinder Gaheer (Mississauga—Malton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Cheryl Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Marc Garneau (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Westmount) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jean-Denis Garon (Mirabel) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Randall Garrison (Esquimalt—Saanich—Sooke) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Marie-Hélène Gaudreau (Laurentides—Labelle) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Bernard Généreux (Montmagny—L'Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Garnett Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Mark Gerretsen (Kingston and the Islands) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Marilyn Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Joël Godin (Portneuf—Jacques-Cartier) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Laila Goodridge (Fort McMurray—Cold Lake) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Karina Gould (Burlington) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jacques Gourde (Lévis—Lotbinière) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Tracy Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Steven Guilbeault (Laurier—Sainte-Marie) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Patty Hajdu (Thunder Bay—Superior North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jasraj Singh Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Brendan Hanley (Yukon) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ken Hardie (Fleetwood—Port Kells) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Lisa Hepfner (Hamilton Mountain) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Randy Hoback (Prince Albert) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Mark Holland (Ajax) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Anthony Housefather (Mount Royal) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Carol Hughes (Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Ahmed Hussen (York South—Weston) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Gudie Hutchings (Long Range Mountains) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Angelo Iacono (Alfred-Pellan) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Lori Idlout (Nunavut) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Marci Ien (Toronto Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Helena Jaczek (Markham—Stouffville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Matt Jeneroux (Edmonton Riverbend) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Gord Johns (Courtenay—Alberni) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Mélanie Joly (Ahuntsic-Cartierville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Yvonne Jones (Labrador) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Majid Jowhari (Richmond Hill) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mrs. Arielle Kayabaga (London West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mike Kelloway (Cape Breton—Canso) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Pat Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Iqra Khalid (Mississauga—Erin Mills) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Kamal Khera (Brampton West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tom Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Annie Koutrakis (Vimy) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Michael Kram (Regina—Wascana) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Shelby Kramp-Neuman (Hastings—Lennox and Addington) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Damien Kurek (Battle River—Crowfoot) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Irek Kusmierczyk (Windsor—Tecumseh) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Mike Lake (Edmonton—Wetaskiwin) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Marie-France Lalonde (Orléans) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Emmanuella Lambropoulos (Saint-Laurent) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. David Lametti (LaSalle—Émard—Verdun) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Kevin Lamoureux (Winnipeg North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Melissa Lantsman (Thornhill) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Viviane Lapointe (Sudbury) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Andréanne Larouche (Shefford) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Patricia Lattanzio (Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Stéphane Lauzon (Argenteuil—La Petite-Nation) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Philip Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dominic LeBlanc (Beauséjour) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Diane Lebouthillier (Gaspésie—Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Sébastien Lemire (Abitibi—Témiscamingue) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Chris Lewis (Essex) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Leslyn Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ron Liepert (Calgary Signal Hill) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Joël Lightbound (Louis-Hébert) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Dane Lloyd (Sturgeon River—Parkland) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ben Lobb (Huron—Bruce) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Wayne Long (Saint John—Rothesay) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Lloyd Longfield (Guelph) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tim Louis (Kitchener—Conestoga) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Lawrence MacAulay (Cardigan) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Heath MacDonald (Malpeque) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan—Malahat—Langford) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Dave MacKenzie (Oxford) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Steven MacKinnon (Gatineau) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Larry Maguire (Brandon—Souris) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. James Maloney (Etobicoke—Lakeshore) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Richard Martel (Chicoutimi—Le Fjord) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Soraya Martinez Ferrada (Hochelaga) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Lindsay Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Bryan May (Cambridge) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Dan Mazier (Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kelly McCauley (Edmonton West) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ken McDonald (Avalon) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. David McGuinty (Ottawa South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. John McKay (Scarborough—Guildwood) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ron McKinnon (Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Greg McLean (Calgary Centre) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Michael McLeod (Northwest Territories) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Eric Melillo (Kenora) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Alexandra Mendès (Brossard—Saint-Lambert) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Marco Mendicino (Eglinton—Lawrence) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Wilson Miao (Richmond Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Kristina Michaud (Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Marc Miller (Ville-Marie—Le Sud-Ouest—Île-des-Soeurs) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Rob Moore (Fundy Royal) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Marty Morantz (Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Mike Morrice (Kitchener Centre) |
Green Party | Yea | |
Mr. Rob Morrison (Kootenay—Columbia) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Robert Morrissey (Egmont) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Glen Motz (Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Joyce Murray (Vancouver Quadra) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Dan Muys (Flamborough—Glanbrook) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Yasir Naqvi (Ottawa Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. John Nater (Perth—Wellington) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Mary Ng (Markham—Thornhill) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Taleeb Noormohamed (Vancouver Granville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Christine Normandin (Saint-Jean) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Jennifer O'Connell (Pickering—Uxbridge) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Erin O'Toole (Durham) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Robert Oliphant (Don Valley West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jeremy Patzer (Cypress Hills—Grasslands) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Pierre Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Monique Pauzé (Repentigny) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Rick Perkins (South Shore—St. Margarets) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Yves Perron (Berthier—Maskinongé) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Ginette Petitpas Taylor (Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Pierre Poilievre (Carleton) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Marcus Powlowski (Thunder Bay—Rainy River) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Carla Qualtrough (Delta) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Alain Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Brad Redekopp (Saskatoon West) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Scott Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Michelle Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Blake Richards (Banff—Airdrie) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Anna Roberts (King—Vaughan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Yves Robillard (Marc-Aurèle-Fortin) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Pablo Rodriguez (Honoré-Mercier) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Churence Rogers (Bonavista—Burin—Trinity) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Sherry Romanado (Longueuil—Charles-LeMoyne) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Lianne Rood (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Alex Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Ruby Sahota (Brampton North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Harjit S. Sajjan (Vancouver South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Ya'ara Saks (York Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Darrell Samson (Sackville—Preston—Chezzetcook) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Randeep Sarai (Surrey Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Francis Scarpaleggia (Lac-Saint-Louis) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Andrew Scheer (Regina—Qu'Appelle) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Peter Schiefke (Vaudreuil—Soulanges) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jamie Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kyle Seeback (Dufferin—Caledon) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Marc Serré (Nickel Belt) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Judy A. Sgro (Humber River—Black Creek) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Brenda Shanahan (Châteauguay—Lacolle) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Sheehan (Sault Ste. Marie) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Martin Shields (Bow River) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Doug Shipley (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Maninder Sidhu (Brampton East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Sonia Sidhu (Brampton South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquière) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné (Terrebonne) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Jagmeet Singh (Burnaby South) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Clifford Small (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Francesco Sorbara (Vaughan—Woodbridge) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Gerald Soroka (Yellowhead) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Sven Spengemann (Mississauga—Lakeshore) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Pascale St-Onge (Brome—Missisquoi) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Warren Steinley (Regina—Lewvan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Jake Stewart (Miramichi—Grand Lake) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Shannon Stubbs (Lakeland) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Jenna Sudds (Kanata—Carleton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Filomena Tassi (Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Leah Taylor Roy (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Alain Therrien (La Prairie) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mrs. Rachael Thomas (Lethbridge) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Joanne Thompson (St. John's East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Corey Tochor (Saskatoon—University) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Fraser Tolmie (Moose Jaw—Lake Centre—Lanigan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Denis Trudel (Longueuil—Saint-Hubert) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Ryan Turnbull (Whitby) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tim Uppal (Edmonton Mill Woods) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Rechie Valdez (Mississauga—Streetsville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tony Van Bynen (Newmarket—Aurora) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Adam van Koeverden (Milton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tako Van Popta (Langley—Aldergrove) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dan Vandal (Saint Boniface—Saint Vital) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Anita Vandenbeld (Ottawa West—Nepean) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Karen Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Gary Vidal (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Dominique Vien (Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Arnold Viersen (Peace River—Westlock) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Julie Vignola (Beauport—Limoilou) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. René Villemure (Trois-Rivières) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Arif Virani (Parkdale—High Park) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Brad Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kevin Vuong (Spadina—Fort York) |
Independent | Yea | |
Mrs. Cathay Wagantall (Yorkton—Melville) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Chris Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kevin Waugh (Saskatoon—Grasswood) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Len Webber (Calgary Confederation) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Patrick Weiler (West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ryan Williams (Bay of Quinte) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Jean Yip (Scarborough—Agincourt) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Salma Zahid (Scarborough Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Bob Zimmer (Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Sameer Zuberi (Pierrefonds—Dollard) |
Liberal | Yea |
Yea: 4
Nay: 30
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. John Barlow (Foothills) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Bob Benzen (Calgary Heritage) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Randy Boissonnault (Edmonton Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Blaine Calkins (Red Deer—Lacombe) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. George Chahal (Calgary Skyview) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Michael Cooper (St. Albert—Edmonton) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Blake Desjarlais (Edmonton Griesbach) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Earl Dreeshen (Red Deer—Mountain View) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Garnett Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Laila Goodridge (Fort McMurray—Cold Lake) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Jasraj Singh Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Matt Jeneroux (Edmonton Riverbend) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Pat Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Tom Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Damien Kurek (Battle River—Crowfoot) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Mike Lake (Edmonton—Wetaskiwin) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ron Liepert (Calgary Signal Hill) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dane Lloyd (Sturgeon River—Parkland) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kelly McCauley (Edmonton West) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Greg McLean (Calgary Centre) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Glen Motz (Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Michelle Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Blake Richards (Banff—Airdrie) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Martin Shields (Bow River) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Gerald Soroka (Yellowhead) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Shannon Stubbs (Lakeland) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Rachael Thomas (Lethbridge) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Tim Uppal (Edmonton Mill Woods) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Arnold Viersen (Peace River—Westlock) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Chris Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Len Webber (Calgary Confederation) |
Conservative | Nay |
British Columbia
Yea: 27
Nay: 11
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Dan Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. John Aldag (Cloverdale—Langley City) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mel Arnold (North Okanagan—Shuswap) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Taylor Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Parm Bains (Steveston—Richmond East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Lisa Marie Barron (Nanaimo—Ladysmith) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Beech (Burnaby North—Seymour) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Rachel Blaney (North Island—Powell River) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Richard Cannings (South Okanagan—West Kootenay) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Frank Caputo (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Laurel Collins (Victoria) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Sukh Dhaliwal (Surrey—Newton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ed Fast (Abbotsford) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Kerry-Lynne Findlay (South Surrey—White Rock) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Hedy Fry (Vancouver Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Randall Garrison (Esquimalt—Saanich—Sooke) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mrs. Tracy Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ken Hardie (Fleetwood—Port Kells) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Gord Johns (Courtenay—Alberni) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan—Malahat—Langford) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Ron McKinnon (Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Wilson Miao (Richmond Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Rob Morrison (Kootenay—Columbia) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Joyce Murray (Vancouver Quadra) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Taleeb Noormohamed (Vancouver Granville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Carla Qualtrough (Delta) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Harjit S. Sajjan (Vancouver South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Randeep Sarai (Surrey Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jagmeet Singh (Burnaby South) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Tako Van Popta (Langley—Aldergrove) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Brad Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Patrick Weiler (West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Bob Zimmer (Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies) |
Conservative | Nay |
Yea: 6
Nay: 7
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Ms. Niki Ashton (Churchill—Keewatinook Aski) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Candice Bergen (Portage—Lisgar) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. James Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Daniel Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Jim Carr (Winnipeg South Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Raquel Dancho (Kildonan—St. Paul) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Terry Duguid (Winnipeg South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ted Falk (Provencher) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kevin Lamoureux (Winnipeg North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Larry Maguire (Brandon—Souris) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dan Mazier (Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Marty Morantz (Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dan Vandal (Saint Boniface—Saint Vital) |
Liberal | Yea |
New Brunswick
Yea: 6
Nay: 3
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. René Arseneault (Madawaska—Restigouche) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Jenica Atwin (Fredericton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Richard Bragdon (Tobique—Mactaquac) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Serge Cormier (Acadie—Bathurst) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Dominic LeBlanc (Beauséjour) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Wayne Long (Saint John—Rothesay) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Rob Moore (Fundy Royal) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Ginette Petitpas Taylor (Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jake Stewart (Miramichi—Grand Lake) |
Conservative | Nay |
Newfoundland and Labrador
Yea: 5
Nay: 1
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Ms. Gudie Hutchings (Long Range Mountains) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Yvonne Jones (Labrador) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ken McDonald (Avalon) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Churence Rogers (Bonavista—Burin—Trinity) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Clifford Small (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Joanne Thompson (St. John's East) |
Liberal | Yea |
Northwest Territories
Yea: 1
Nay: 0
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Michael McLeod (Northwest Territories) |
Liberal | Yea |
Nova Scotia
Yea: 8
Nay: 3
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Jaime Battiste (Sydney—Victoria) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Kody Blois (Kings—Hants) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Lena Metlege Diab (Halifax West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Stephen Ellis (Cumberland—Colchester) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Andy Fillmore (Halifax) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Darren Fisher (Dartmouth—Cole Harbour) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Sean Fraser (Central Nova) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mike Kelloway (Cape Breton—Canso) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Rick Perkins (South Shore—St. Margarets) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Darrell Samson (Sackville—Preston—Chezzetcook) |
Liberal | Yea |
Yea: 82
Nay: 37
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Scott Aitchison (Parry Sound—Muskoka) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Omar Alghabra (Mississauga Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Shafqat Ali (Brampton Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Dean Allison (Niagara West) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Anita Anand (Oakville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Gary Anandasangaree (Scarborough—Rouge Park) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Charlie Angus (Timmins—James Bay) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Chandra Arya (Nepean) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Vance Badawey (Niagara Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Yvan Baker (Etobicoke Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tony Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Carolyn Bennett (Toronto—St. Paul's) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Chris Bittle (St. Catharines) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Bill Blair (Scarborough Southwest) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Valerie Bradford (Kitchener South—Hespeler) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. John Brassard (Barrie—Innisfil) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Larry Brock (Brantford—Brant) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Colin Carrie (Oshawa) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Bardish Chagger (Waterloo) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Adam Chambers (Simcoe North) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Shaun Chen (Scarborough North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Paul Chiang (Markham—Unionville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Michael Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Chad Collins (Hamilton East—Stoney Creek) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Michael Coteau (Don Valley East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Julie Dabrusin (Toronto—Danforth) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Pam Damoff (Oakville North—Burlington) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Scot Davidson (York—Simcoe) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Han Dong (Don Valley North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Dowdall (Simcoe—Grey) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Francis Drouin (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Eric Duncan (Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Julie Dzerowicz (Davenport) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ali Ehsassi (Willowdale) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Dave Epp (Chatham-Kent—Leamington) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Nathaniel Erskine-Smith (Beaches—East York) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Michelle Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Peter Fonseca (Mississauga East—Cooksville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Mona Fortier (Ottawa—Vanier) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Fragiskatos (London North Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Chrystia Freeland (University—Rosedale) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Iqwinder Gaheer (Mississauga—Malton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Cheryl Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Mark Gerretsen (Kingston and the Islands) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Marilyn Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Karina Gould (Burlington) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Patty Hajdu (Thunder Bay—Superior North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Lisa Hepfner (Hamilton Mountain) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mark Holland (Ajax) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Carol Hughes (Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Ahmed Hussen (York South—Weston) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Marci Ien (Toronto Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Helena Jaczek (Markham—Stouffville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Majid Jowhari (Richmond Hill) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Arielle Kayabaga (London West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Iqra Khalid (Mississauga—Erin Mills) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Kamal Khera (Brampton West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Shelby Kramp-Neuman (Hastings—Lennox and Addington) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Irek Kusmierczyk (Windsor—Tecumseh) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Marie-France Lalonde (Orléans) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Melissa Lantsman (Thornhill) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Viviane Lapointe (Sudbury) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Philip Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Leslyn Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Chris Lewis (Essex) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ben Lobb (Huron—Bruce) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Lloyd Longfield (Guelph) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tim Louis (Kitchener—Conestoga) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Dave MacKenzie (Oxford) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. James Maloney (Etobicoke—Lakeshore) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Lindsay Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Bryan May (Cambridge) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. David McGuinty (Ottawa South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. John McKay (Scarborough—Guildwood) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Eric Melillo (Kenora) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Marco Mendicino (Eglinton—Lawrence) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mike Morrice (Kitchener Centre) |
Green Party | Yea | |
Mr. Dan Muys (Flamborough—Glanbrook) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Yasir Naqvi (Ottawa Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. John Nater (Perth—Wellington) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Mary Ng (Markham—Thornhill) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Jennifer O'Connell (Pickering—Uxbridge) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Robert Oliphant (Don Valley West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Erin O'Toole (Durham) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Pierre Poilievre (Carleton) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Marcus Powlowski (Thunder Bay—Rainy River) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Scott Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Anna Roberts (King—Vaughan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Lianne Rood (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Alex Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Ruby Sahota (Brampton North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Ya'ara Saks (York Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jamie Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kyle Seeback (Dufferin—Caledon) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Marc Serré (Nickel Belt) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Judy A. Sgro (Humber River—Black Creek) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Sheehan (Sault Ste. Marie) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Doug Shipley (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Maninder Sidhu (Brampton East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Sonia Sidhu (Brampton South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Francesco Sorbara (Vaughan—Woodbridge) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Sven Spengemann (Mississauga—Lakeshore) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Jenna Sudds (Kanata—Carleton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Filomena Tassi (Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Leah Taylor Roy (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ryan Turnbull (Whitby) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Rechie Valdez (Mississauga—Streetsville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tony Van Bynen (Newmarket—Aurora) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Adam van Koeverden (Milton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Anita Vandenbeld (Ottawa West—Nepean) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Karen Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Arif Virani (Parkdale—High Park) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Kevin Vuong (Spadina—Fort York) |
Independent | Yea | |
Mr. Ryan Williams (Bay of Quinte) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Jean Yip (Scarborough—Agincourt) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Salma Zahid (Scarborough Centre) |
Liberal | Yea |
Prince Edward Island
Yea: 4
Nay: 0
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Sean Casey (Charlottetown) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Lawrence MacAulay (Cardigan) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Heath MacDonald (Malpeque) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Robert Morrissey (Egmont) |
Liberal | Yea |
Yea: 35
Nay: 35
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Mario Beaulieu (La Pointe-de-l'Île) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Rachel Bendayan (Outremont) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Luc Berthold (Mégantic—L'Érable) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Sylvie Bérubé (Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Marie-Claude Bibeau (Compton—Stanstead) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Yves-François Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Maxime Blanchette-Joncas (Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Alexandre Boulerice (Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mrs. Élisabeth Brière (Sherbrooke) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Louise Chabot (Thérèse-De Blainville) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. François-Philippe Champagne (Saint-Maurice—Champlain) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Martin Champoux (Drummond) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mrs. Sophie Chatel (Pontiac) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Claude DeBellefeuille (Salaberry—Suroît) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Gérard Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Caroline Desbiens (Beauport—Côte-de-Beaupré—Île d'Orléans—Charlevoix) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Luc Desilets (Rivière-des-Mille-Îles) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Anju Dhillon (Dorval—Lachine—LaSalle) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Emmanuel Dubourg (Bourassa) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jean-Yves Duclos (Québec) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Fayçal El-Khoury (Laval—Les Îles) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Greg Fergus (Hull—Aylmer) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Rhéal Fortin (Rivière-du-Nord) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Marc Garneau (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Westmount) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jean-Denis Garon (Mirabel) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Marie-Hélène Gaudreau (Laurentides—Labelle) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Bernard Généreux (Montmagny—L'Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Joël Godin (Portneuf—Jacques-Cartier) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Jacques Gourde (Lévis—Lotbinière) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Steven Guilbeault (Laurier—Sainte-Marie) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Anthony Housefather (Mount Royal) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Angelo Iacono (Alfred-Pellan) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Mélanie Joly (Ahuntsic-Cartierville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Annie Koutrakis (Vimy) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Emmanuella Lambropoulos (Saint-Laurent) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. David Lametti (LaSalle—Émard—Verdun) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Andréanne Larouche (Shefford) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Patricia Lattanzio (Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Stéphane Lauzon (Argenteuil—La Petite-Nation) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Diane Lebouthillier (Gaspésie—Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Sébastien Lemire (Abitibi—Témiscamingue) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Joël Lightbound (Louis-Hébert) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Steven MacKinnon (Gatineau) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Richard Martel (Chicoutimi—Le Fjord) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Soraya Martinez Ferrada (Hochelaga) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Alexandra Mendès (Brossard—Saint-Lambert) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Kristina Michaud (Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Marc Miller (Ville-Marie—Le Sud-Ouest—Île-des-Soeurs) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Christine Normandin (Saint-Jean) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Pierre Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Monique Pauzé (Repentigny) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Yves Perron (Berthier—Maskinongé) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Alain Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Yves Robillard (Marc-Aurèle-Fortin) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Pablo Rodriguez (Honoré-Mercier) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Sherry Romanado (Longueuil—Charles-LeMoyne) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Francis Scarpaleggia (Lac-Saint-Louis) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Schiefke (Vaudreuil—Soulanges) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Brenda Shanahan (Châteauguay—Lacolle) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquière) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné (Terrebonne) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mrs. Pascale St-Onge (Brome—Missisquoi) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Alain Therrien (La Prairie) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Denis Trudel (Longueuil—Saint-Hubert) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mrs. Dominique Vien (Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Julie Vignola (Beauport—Limoilou) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. René Villemure (Trois-Rivières) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Sameer Zuberi (Pierrefonds—Dollard) |
Liberal | Yea |
Yea: 0
Nay: 13
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mrs. Kelly Block (Carlton Trail—Eagle Creek) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Rosemarie Falk (Battlefords—Lloydminster) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Randy Hoback (Prince Albert) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Kram (Regina—Wascana) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Jeremy Patzer (Cypress Hills—Grasslands) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Brad Redekopp (Saskatoon West) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Andrew Scheer (Regina—Qu'Appelle) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Warren Steinley (Regina—Lewvan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Corey Tochor (Saskatoon—University) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Fraser Tolmie (Moose Jaw—Lake Centre—Lanigan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Gary Vidal (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Cathay Wagantall (Yorkton—Melville) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kevin Waugh (Saskatoon—Grasswood) |
Conservative | Nay |
Yea: 1
Nay: 0
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Brendan Hanley (Yukon) |
Liberal | Yea |
Yea: 155
Nay: 0
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Province / Territory | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. John Aldag (Cloverdale—Langley City) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Omar Alghabra (Mississauga Centre) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Shafqat Ali (Brampton Centre) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Anita Anand (Oakville) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Gary Anandasangaree (Scarborough—Rouge Park) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. René Arseneault (Madawaska—Restigouche) |
New Brunswick | Yea | |
Mr. Chandra Arya (Nepean) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mrs. Jenica Atwin (Fredericton) |
New Brunswick | Yea | |
Mr. Vance Badawey (Niagara Centre) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Parm Bains (Steveston—Richmond East) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Yvan Baker (Etobicoke Centre) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Jaime Battiste (Sydney—Victoria) |
Nova Scotia | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Beech (Burnaby North—Seymour) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Ms. Rachel Bendayan (Outremont) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Ms. Carolyn Bennett (Toronto—St. Paul's) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Marie-Claude Bibeau (Compton—Stanstead) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Chris Bittle (St. Catharines) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Bill Blair (Scarborough Southwest) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Kody Blois (Kings—Hants) |
Nova Scotia | Yea | |
Mr. Randy Boissonnault (Edmonton Centre) |
Alberta | Yea | |
Ms. Valerie Bradford (Kitchener South—Hespeler) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mrs. Élisabeth Brière (Sherbrooke) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Jim Carr (Winnipeg South Centre) |
Manitoba | Yea | |
Mr. Sean Casey (Charlottetown) |
Prince Edward Island | Yea | |
Ms. Bardish Chagger (Waterloo) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. George Chahal (Calgary Skyview) |
Alberta | Yea | |
Mr. François-Philippe Champagne (Saint-Maurice—Champlain) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mrs. Sophie Chatel (Pontiac) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Shaun Chen (Scarborough North) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Paul Chiang (Markham—Unionville) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Chad Collins (Hamilton East—Stoney Creek) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Serge Cormier (Acadie—Bathurst) |
New Brunswick | Yea | |
Mr. Michael Coteau (Don Valley East) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Julie Dabrusin (Toronto—Danforth) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Pam Damoff (Oakville North—Burlington) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Sukh Dhaliwal (Surrey—Newton) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Ms. Anju Dhillon (Dorval—Lachine—LaSalle) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Ms. Lena Metlege Diab (Halifax West) |
Nova Scotia | Yea | |
Mr. Han Dong (Don Valley North) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Francis Drouin (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Emmanuel Dubourg (Bourassa) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Jean-Yves Duclos (Québec) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Duguid (Winnipeg South) |
Manitoba | Yea | |
Ms. Julie Dzerowicz (Davenport) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Ali Ehsassi (Willowdale) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Fayçal El-Khoury (Laval—Les Îles) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Nathaniel Erskine-Smith (Beaches—East York) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Greg Fergus (Hull—Aylmer) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Andy Fillmore (Halifax) |
Nova Scotia | Yea | |
Mr. Darren Fisher (Dartmouth—Cole Harbour) |
Nova Scotia | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Fonseca (Mississauga East—Cooksville) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mrs. Mona Fortier (Ottawa—Vanier) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Fragiskatos (London North Centre) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Sean Fraser (Central Nova) |
Nova Scotia | Yea | |
Ms. Chrystia Freeland (University—Rosedale) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Hedy Fry (Vancouver Centre) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Iqwinder Gaheer (Mississauga—Malton) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Marc Garneau (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Westmount) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Mark Gerretsen (Kingston and the Islands) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Karina Gould (Burlington) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Steven Guilbeault (Laurier—Sainte-Marie) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Ms. Patty Hajdu (Thunder Bay—Superior North) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Brendan Hanley (Yukon) |
Yukon | Yea | |
Mr. Ken Hardie (Fleetwood—Port Kells) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Ms. Lisa Hepfner (Hamilton Mountain) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Mark Holland (Ajax) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Anthony Housefather (Mount Royal) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Ahmed Hussen (York South—Weston) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Gudie Hutchings (Long Range Mountains) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Yea | |
Mr. Angelo Iacono (Alfred-Pellan) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Ms. Marci Ien (Toronto Centre) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Helena Jaczek (Markham—Stouffville) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Mélanie Joly (Ahuntsic-Cartierville) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Ms. Yvonne Jones (Labrador) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Yea | |
Mr. Majid Jowhari (Richmond Hill) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mrs. Arielle Kayabaga (London West) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Mike Kelloway (Cape Breton—Canso) |
Nova Scotia | Yea | |
Ms. Iqra Khalid (Mississauga—Erin Mills) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Kamal Khera (Brampton West) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Annie Koutrakis (Vimy) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Irek Kusmierczyk (Windsor—Tecumseh) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mrs. Marie-France Lalonde (Orléans) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Emmanuella Lambropoulos (Saint-Laurent) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. David Lametti (LaSalle—Émard—Verdun) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Kevin Lamoureux (Winnipeg North) |
Manitoba | Yea | |
Ms. Viviane Lapointe (Sudbury) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Patricia Lattanzio (Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Stéphane Lauzon (Argenteuil—La Petite-Nation) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Dominic LeBlanc (Beauséjour) |
New Brunswick | Yea | |
Mrs. Diane Lebouthillier (Gaspésie—Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Joël Lightbound (Louis-Hébert) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Wayne Long (Saint John—Rothesay) |
New Brunswick | Yea | |
Mr. Lloyd Longfield (Guelph) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Tim Louis (Kitchener—Conestoga) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Lawrence MacAulay (Cardigan) |
Prince Edward Island | Yea | |
Mr. Heath MacDonald (Malpeque) |
Prince Edward Island | Yea | |
Mr. Steven MacKinnon (Gatineau) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. James Maloney (Etobicoke—Lakeshore) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Soraya Martinez Ferrada (Hochelaga) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Bryan May (Cambridge) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Ken McDonald (Avalon) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Yea | |
Mr. David McGuinty (Ottawa South) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. John McKay (Scarborough—Guildwood) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Ron McKinnon (Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Michael McLeod (Northwest Territories) |
Northwest Territories | Yea | |
Mrs. Alexandra Mendès (Brossard—Saint-Lambert) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Marco Mendicino (Eglinton—Lawrence) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Wilson Miao (Richmond Centre) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Marc Miller (Ville-Marie—Le Sud-Ouest—Île-des-Soeurs) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Robert Morrissey (Egmont) |
Prince Edward Island | Yea | |
Ms. Joyce Murray (Vancouver Quadra) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Yasir Naqvi (Ottawa Centre) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Mary Ng (Markham—Thornhill) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Taleeb Noormohamed (Vancouver Granville) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Ms. Jennifer O'Connell (Pickering—Uxbridge) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Robert Oliphant (Don Valley West) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Ginette Petitpas Taylor (Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe) |
New Brunswick | Yea | |
Mr. Marcus Powlowski (Thunder Bay—Rainy River) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Carla Qualtrough (Delta) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Yves Robillard (Marc-Aurèle-Fortin) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Pablo Rodriguez (Honoré-Mercier) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Churence Rogers (Bonavista—Burin—Trinity) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Yea | |
Mrs. Sherry Romanado (Longueuil—Charles-LeMoyne) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Ms. Ruby Sahota (Brampton North) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Harjit S. Sajjan (Vancouver South) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Ms. Ya'ara Saks (York Centre) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Darrell Samson (Sackville—Preston—Chezzetcook) |
Nova Scotia | Yea | |
Mr. Randeep Sarai (Surrey Centre) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Francis Scarpaleggia (Lac-Saint-Louis) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Schiefke (Vaudreuil—Soulanges) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Marc Serré (Nickel Belt) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Judy A. Sgro (Humber River—Black Creek) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mrs. Brenda Shanahan (Châteauguay—Lacolle) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Sheehan (Sault Ste. Marie) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Maninder Sidhu (Brampton East) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Sonia Sidhu (Brampton South) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Francesco Sorbara (Vaughan—Woodbridge) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Sven Spengemann (Mississauga—Lakeshore) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mrs. Pascale St-Onge (Brome—Missisquoi) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mrs. Jenna Sudds (Kanata—Carleton) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Filomena Tassi (Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Leah Taylor Roy (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Joanne Thompson (St. John's East) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Yea | |
Mr. Ryan Turnbull (Whitby) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mrs. Rechie Valdez (Mississauga—Streetsville) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Tony Van Bynen (Newmarket—Aurora) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Adam van Koeverden (Milton) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Dan Vandal (Saint Boniface—Saint Vital) |
Manitoba | Yea | |
Ms. Anita Vandenbeld (Ottawa West—Nepean) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Arif Virani (Parkdale—High Park) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Patrick Weiler (West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Ms. Jean Yip (Scarborough—Agincourt) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mrs. Salma Zahid (Scarborough Centre) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mr. Sameer Zuberi (Pierrefonds—Dollard) |
Quebec | Yea |
Yea: 0
Nay: 114
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Province / Territory | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Scott Aitchison (Parry Sound—Muskoka) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Dan Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) |
British Columbia | Nay | |
Mr. Dean Allison (Niagara West) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Mel Arnold (North Okanagan—Shuswap) |
British Columbia | Nay | |
Mr. Tony Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. John Barlow (Foothills) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Bob Benzen (Calgary Heritage) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Ms. Candice Bergen (Portage—Lisgar) |
Manitoba | Nay | |
Mr. Luc Berthold (Mégantic—L'Érable) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. James Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) |
Manitoba | Nay | |
Mrs. Kelly Block (Carlton Trail—Eagle Creek) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Richard Bragdon (Tobique—Mactaquac) |
New Brunswick | Nay | |
Mr. John Brassard (Barrie—Innisfil) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Larry Brock (Brantford—Brant) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Blaine Calkins (Red Deer—Lacombe) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Frank Caputo (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) |
British Columbia | Nay | |
Mr. Colin Carrie (Oshawa) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Adam Chambers (Simcoe North) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Cooper (St. Albert—Edmonton) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge) |
British Columbia | Nay | |
Ms. Raquel Dancho (Kildonan—St. Paul) |
Manitoba | Nay | |
Mr. Scot Davidson (York—Simcoe) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Gérard Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova) |
Nova Scotia | Nay | |
Mr. Terry Dowdall (Simcoe—Grey) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Earl Dreeshen (Red Deer—Mountain View) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Eric Duncan (Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Stephen Ellis (Cumberland—Colchester) |
Nova Scotia | Nay | |
Mr. Dave Epp (Chatham-Kent—Leamington) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Ted Falk (Provencher) |
Manitoba | Nay | |
Mrs. Rosemarie Falk (Battlefords—Lloydminster) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Ed Fast (Abbotsford) |
British Columbia | Nay | |
Ms. Michelle Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Ms. Kerry-Lynne Findlay (South Surrey—White Rock) |
British Columbia | Nay | |
Mrs. Cheryl Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Bernard Généreux (Montmagny—L'Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Garnett Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Ms. Marilyn Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Joël Godin (Portneuf—Jacques-Cartier) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mrs. Laila Goodridge (Fort McMurray—Cold Lake) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Jacques Gourde (Lévis—Lotbinière) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mrs. Tracy Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country) |
British Columbia | Nay | |
Mr. Jasraj Singh Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Randy Hoback (Prince Albert) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Matt Jeneroux (Edmonton Riverbend) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Pat Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Tom Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Kram (Regina—Wascana) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mrs. Shelby Kramp-Neuman (Hastings—Lennox and Addington) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Damien Kurek (Battle River—Crowfoot) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Mike Lake (Edmonton—Wetaskiwin) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Ms. Melissa Lantsman (Thornhill) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Philip Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Ms. Leslyn Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Chris Lewis (Essex) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Ron Liepert (Calgary Signal Hill) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Dane Lloyd (Sturgeon River—Parkland) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Ben Lobb (Huron—Bruce) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Dave MacKenzie (Oxford) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Larry Maguire (Brandon—Souris) |
Manitoba | Nay | |
Mr. Richard Martel (Chicoutimi—Le Fjord) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Dan Mazier (Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa) |
Manitoba | Nay | |
Mr. Kelly McCauley (Edmonton West) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Greg McLean (Calgary Centre) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Eric Melillo (Kenora) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Rob Moore (Fundy Royal) |
New Brunswick | Nay | |
Mr. Marty Morantz (Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley) |
Manitoba | Nay | |
Mr. Rob Morrison (Kootenay—Columbia) |
British Columbia | Nay | |
Mr. Glen Motz (Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Dan Muys (Flamborough—Glanbrook) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. John Nater (Perth—Wellington) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Erin O'Toole (Durham) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Jeremy Patzer (Cypress Hills—Grasslands) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Pierre Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Rick Perkins (South Shore—St. Margarets) |
Nova Scotia | Nay | |
Mr. Pierre Poilievre (Carleton) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Alain Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Brad Redekopp (Saskatoon West) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Scott Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Ms. Michelle Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Blake Richards (Banff—Airdrie) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mrs. Anna Roberts (King—Vaughan) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Ms. Lianne Rood (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Alex Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Andrew Scheer (Regina—Qu'Appelle) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Jamie Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Kyle Seeback (Dufferin—Caledon) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Martin Shields (Bow River) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Doug Shipley (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Clifford Small (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame) |
Newfoundland and Labrador | Nay | |
Mr. Gerald Soroka (Yellowhead) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Warren Steinley (Regina—Lewvan) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Jake Stewart (Miramichi—Grand Lake) |
New Brunswick | Nay | |
Mrs. Shannon Stubbs (Lakeland) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mrs. Rachael Thomas (Lethbridge) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Corey Tochor (Saskatoon—University) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Fraser Tolmie (Moose Jaw—Lake Centre—Lanigan) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Tim Uppal (Edmonton Mill Woods) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Tako Van Popta (Langley—Aldergrove) |
British Columbia | Nay | |
Mrs. Karen Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Gary Vidal (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mrs. Dominique Vien (Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Arnold Viersen (Peace River—Westlock) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Brad Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) |
British Columbia | Nay | |
Mrs. Cathay Wagantall (Yorkton—Melville) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Chris Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Kevin Waugh (Saskatoon—Grasswood) |
Saskatchewan | Nay | |
Mr. Len Webber (Calgary Confederation) |
Alberta | Nay | |
Mr. Ryan Williams (Bay of Quinte) |
Ontario | Nay | |
Mr. Bob Zimmer (Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies) |
British Columbia | Nay |
Bloc Québécois
Yea: 0
Nay: 26
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Province / Territory | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Mario Beaulieu (La Pointe-de-l'Île) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Ms. Sylvie Bérubé (Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Yves-François Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Maxime Blanchette-Joncas (Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Ms. Louise Chabot (Thérèse-De Blainville) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Martin Champoux (Drummond) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mrs. Claude DeBellefeuille (Salaberry—Suroît) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mrs. Caroline Desbiens (Beauport—Côte-de-Beaupré—Île d'Orléans—Charlevoix) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Luc Desilets (Rivière-des-Mille-Îles) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Rhéal Fortin (Rivière-du-Nord) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Jean-Denis Garon (Mirabel) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Ms. Marie-Hélène Gaudreau (Laurentides—Labelle) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Ms. Andréanne Larouche (Shefford) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Sébastien Lemire (Abitibi—Témiscamingue) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Ms. Kristina Michaud (Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Ms. Christine Normandin (Saint-Jean) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Ms. Monique Pauzé (Repentigny) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Yves Perron (Berthier—Maskinongé) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquière) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Ms. Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné (Terrebonne) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Alain Therrien (La Prairie) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. Denis Trudel (Longueuil—Saint-Hubert) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mrs. Julie Vignola (Beauport—Limoilou) |
Quebec | Nay | |
Mr. René Villemure (Trois-Rivières) |
Quebec | Nay |
Yea: 23
Nay: 0
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Province / Territory | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Charlie Angus (Timmins—James Bay) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Niki Ashton (Churchill—Keewatinook Aski) |
Manitoba | Yea | |
Mr. Taylor Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Ms. Lisa Marie Barron (Nanaimo—Ladysmith) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Daniel Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) |
Manitoba | Yea | |
Ms. Rachel Blaney (North Island—Powell River) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Alexandre Boulerice (Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) |
Quebec | Yea | |
Mr. Richard Cannings (South Okanagan—West Kootenay) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Ms. Laurel Collins (Victoria) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Blake Desjarlais (Edmonton Griesbach) |
Alberta | Yea | |
Mr. Randall Garrison (Esquimalt—Saanich—Sooke) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Mrs. Carol Hughes (Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Lori Idlout (Nunavut) |
Nunavut | Yea | |
Mr. Gord Johns (Courtenay—Alberni) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan—Malahat—Langford) |
British Columbia | Yea | |
Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Lindsay Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe) |
Ontario | Yea | |
Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona) |
Alberta | Yea | |
Mr. Jagmeet Singh (Burnaby South) |
British Columbia | Yea |
Green Party
Yea: 1
Nay: 0
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Province / Territory | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Mike Morrice (Kitchener Centre) |
Ontario | Yea |
Yea: 1
Nay: 0
Paired: 0
Member of Parliament | Province / Territory | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Kevin Vuong (Spadina—Fort York) |
Ontario | Yea |
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. John Aldag (Cloverdale—Langley City) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Omar Alghabra (Mississauga Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Shafqat Ali (Brampton Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Anita Anand (Oakville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Gary Anandasangaree (Scarborough—Rouge Park) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Charlie Angus (Timmins—James Bay) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. René Arseneault (Madawaska—Restigouche) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Chandra Arya (Nepean) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Niki Ashton (Churchill—Keewatinook Aski) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mrs. Jenica Atwin (Fredericton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Taylor Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Vance Badawey (Niagara Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Parm Bains (Steveston—Richmond East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Yvan Baker (Etobicoke Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Lisa Marie Barron (Nanaimo—Ladysmith) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Jaime Battiste (Sydney—Victoria) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Beech (Burnaby North—Seymour) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Rachel Bendayan (Outremont) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Carolyn Bennett (Toronto—St. Paul's) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Marie-Claude Bibeau (Compton—Stanstead) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Chris Bittle (St. Catharines) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Daniel Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Bill Blair (Scarborough Southwest) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Rachel Blaney (North Island—Powell River) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Kody Blois (Kings—Hants) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Randy Boissonnault (Edmonton Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Alexandre Boulerice (Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Valerie Bradford (Kitchener South—Hespeler) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Élisabeth Brière (Sherbrooke) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Richard Cannings (South Okanagan—West Kootenay) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Jim Carr (Winnipeg South Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Sean Casey (Charlottetown) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Bardish Chagger (Waterloo) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. George Chahal (Calgary Skyview) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. François-Philippe Champagne (Saint-Maurice—Champlain) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Sophie Chatel (Pontiac) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Shaun Chen (Scarborough North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Paul Chiang (Markham—Unionville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Laurel Collins (Victoria) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Chad Collins (Hamilton East—Stoney Creek) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Serge Cormier (Acadie—Bathurst) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Michael Coteau (Don Valley East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Julie Dabrusin (Toronto—Danforth) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Pam Damoff (Oakville North—Burlington) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Blake Desjarlais (Edmonton Griesbach) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Sukh Dhaliwal (Surrey—Newton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Anju Dhillon (Dorval—Lachine—LaSalle) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Lena Metlege Diab (Halifax West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Han Dong (Don Valley North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Francis Drouin (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Emmanuel Dubourg (Bourassa) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jean-Yves Duclos (Québec) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Duguid (Winnipeg South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Julie Dzerowicz (Davenport) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ali Ehsassi (Willowdale) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Fayçal El-Khoury (Laval—Les Îles) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Nathaniel Erskine-Smith (Beaches—East York) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Greg Fergus (Hull—Aylmer) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Andy Fillmore (Halifax) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Darren Fisher (Dartmouth—Cole Harbour) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Fonseca (Mississauga East—Cooksville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Mona Fortier (Ottawa—Vanier) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Fragiskatos (London North Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Sean Fraser (Central Nova) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Chrystia Freeland (University—Rosedale) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Hedy Fry (Vancouver Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Iqwinder Gaheer (Mississauga—Malton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Marc Garneau (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Westmount) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Randall Garrison (Esquimalt—Saanich—Sooke) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Mark Gerretsen (Kingston and the Islands) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Karina Gould (Burlington) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Steven Guilbeault (Laurier—Sainte-Marie) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Patty Hajdu (Thunder Bay—Superior North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Brendan Hanley (Yukon) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ken Hardie (Fleetwood—Port Kells) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Lisa Hepfner (Hamilton Mountain) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mark Holland (Ajax) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Anthony Housefather (Mount Royal) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Carol Hughes (Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Ahmed Hussen (York South—Weston) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Gudie Hutchings (Long Range Mountains) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Angelo Iacono (Alfred-Pellan) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Lori Idlout (Nunavut) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Marci Ien (Toronto Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Helena Jaczek (Markham—Stouffville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Gord Johns (Courtenay—Alberni) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Mélanie Joly (Ahuntsic-Cartierville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Yvonne Jones (Labrador) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Majid Jowhari (Richmond Hill) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mrs. Arielle Kayabaga (London West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mike Kelloway (Cape Breton—Canso) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Iqra Khalid (Mississauga—Erin Mills) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Kamal Khera (Brampton West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Annie Koutrakis (Vimy) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Irek Kusmierczyk (Windsor—Tecumseh) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mrs. Marie-France Lalonde (Orléans) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Emmanuella Lambropoulos (Saint-Laurent) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. David Lametti (LaSalle—Émard—Verdun) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Kevin Lamoureux (Winnipeg North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Viviane Lapointe (Sudbury) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Patricia Lattanzio (Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Stéphane Lauzon (Argenteuil—La Petite-Nation) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Dominic LeBlanc (Beauséjour) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Diane Lebouthillier (Gaspésie—Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Joël Lightbound (Louis-Hébert) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Wayne Long (Saint John—Rothesay) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Lloyd Longfield (Guelph) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tim Louis (Kitchener—Conestoga) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Lawrence MacAulay (Cardigan) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Heath MacDonald (Malpeque) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan—Malahat—Langford) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Steven MacKinnon (Gatineau) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. James Maloney (Etobicoke—Lakeshore) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Soraya Martinez Ferrada (Hochelaga) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West) |
NDP | Yea | |
Ms. Lindsay Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Bryan May (Cambridge) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ken McDonald (Avalon) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. David McGuinty (Ottawa South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. John McKay (Scarborough—Guildwood) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ron McKinnon (Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Michael McLeod (Northwest Territories) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mrs. Alexandra Mendès (Brossard—Saint-Lambert) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Marco Mendicino (Eglinton—Lawrence) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Wilson Miao (Richmond Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Marc Miller (Ville-Marie—Le Sud-Ouest—Île-des-Soeurs) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Mike Morrice (Kitchener Centre) |
Green Party | Yea | |
Mr. Robert Morrissey (Egmont) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Joyce Murray (Vancouver Quadra) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Yasir Naqvi (Ottawa Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Mary Ng (Markham—Thornhill) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Taleeb Noormohamed (Vancouver Granville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Jennifer O'Connell (Pickering—Uxbridge) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Robert Oliphant (Don Valley West) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Ginette Petitpas Taylor (Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Marcus Powlowski (Thunder Bay—Rainy River) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Carla Qualtrough (Delta) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Yves Robillard (Marc-Aurèle-Fortin) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Pablo Rodriguez (Honoré-Mercier) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Churence Rogers (Bonavista—Burin—Trinity) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Sherry Romanado (Longueuil—Charles-LeMoyne) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Ruby Sahota (Brampton North) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Harjit S. Sajjan (Vancouver South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Ya'ara Saks (York Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Darrell Samson (Sackville—Preston—Chezzetcook) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Randeep Sarai (Surrey Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Francis Scarpaleggia (Lac-Saint-Louis) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Peter Schiefke (Vaudreuil—Soulanges) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Marc Serré (Nickel Belt) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Judy A. Sgro (Humber River—Black Creek) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Brenda Shanahan (Châteauguay—Lacolle) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Terry Sheehan (Sault Ste. Marie) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Maninder Sidhu (Brampton East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Sonia Sidhu (Brampton South) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jagmeet Singh (Burnaby South) |
NDP | Yea | |
Mr. Francesco Sorbara (Vaughan—Woodbridge) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Sven Spengemann (Mississauga—Lakeshore) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Pascale St-Onge (Brome—Missisquoi) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Jenna Sudds (Kanata—Carleton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Filomena Tassi (Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Leah Taylor Roy (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Joanne Thompson (St. John's East) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Ryan Turnbull (Whitby) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Rechie Valdez (Mississauga—Streetsville) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Tony Van Bynen (Newmarket—Aurora) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Adam van Koeverden (Milton) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Dan Vandal (Saint Boniface—Saint Vital) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Anita Vandenbeld (Ottawa West—Nepean) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Arif Virani (Parkdale—High Park) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Kevin Vuong (Spadina—Fort York) |
Independent | Yea | |
Mr. Patrick Weiler (West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Ms. Jean Yip (Scarborough—Agincourt) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mrs. Salma Zahid (Scarborough Centre) |
Liberal | Yea | |
Mr. Sameer Zuberi (Pierrefonds—Dollard) |
Liberal | Yea |
Member of Parliament | Political Affiliation | Member Voted | Paired Two members from opposite sides of the House can agree to neutralize their votes by abstaining from voting on a given day, allowing them to be absent from the House. |
Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Scott Aitchison (Parry Sound—Muskoka) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dan Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dean Allison (Niagara West) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Mel Arnold (North Okanagan—Shuswap) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Tony Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. John Barlow (Foothills) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Mario Beaulieu (La Pointe-de-l'Île) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Bob Benzen (Calgary Heritage) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Candice Bergen (Portage—Lisgar) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Luc Berthold (Mégantic—L'Érable) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Sylvie Bérubé (Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. James Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Yves-François Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Maxime Blanchette-Joncas (Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mrs. Kelly Block (Carlton Trail—Eagle Creek) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Richard Bragdon (Tobique—Mactaquac) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. John Brassard (Barrie—Innisfil) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Larry Brock (Brantford—Brant) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Blaine Calkins (Red Deer—Lacombe) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Frank Caputo (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Colin Carrie (Oshawa) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Louise Chabot (Thérèse-De Blainville) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Adam Chambers (Simcoe North) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Martin Champoux (Drummond) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Cooper (St. Albert—Edmonton) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Raquel Dancho (Kildonan—St. Paul) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Scot Davidson (York—Simcoe) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Claude DeBellefeuille (Salaberry—Suroît) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Gérard Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Caroline Desbiens (Beauport—Côte-de-Beaupré—Île d'Orléans—Charlevoix) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Luc Desilets (Rivière-des-Mille-Îles) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Terry Dowdall (Simcoe—Grey) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Earl Dreeshen (Red Deer—Mountain View) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Eric Duncan (Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Stephen Ellis (Cumberland—Colchester) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dave Epp (Chatham-Kent—Leamington) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ted Falk (Provencher) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Rosemarie Falk (Battlefords—Lloydminster) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ed Fast (Abbotsford) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Michelle Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Kerry-Lynne Findlay (South Surrey—White Rock) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Rhéal Fortin (Rivière-du-Nord) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mrs. Cheryl Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Jean-Denis Garon (Mirabel) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Marie-Hélène Gaudreau (Laurentides—Labelle) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Bernard Généreux (Montmagny—L'Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Garnett Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Marilyn Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Joël Godin (Portneuf—Jacques-Cartier) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Laila Goodridge (Fort McMurray—Cold Lake) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Jacques Gourde (Lévis—Lotbinière) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Tracy Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Jasraj Singh Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Randy Hoback (Prince Albert) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Matt Jeneroux (Edmonton Riverbend) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Pat Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Tom Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Michael Kram (Regina—Wascana) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Shelby Kramp-Neuman (Hastings—Lennox and Addington) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Damien Kurek (Battle River—Crowfoot) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Mike Lake (Edmonton—Wetaskiwin) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Melissa Lantsman (Thornhill) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Andréanne Larouche (Shefford) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Philip Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Sébastien Lemire (Abitibi—Témiscamingue) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Leslyn Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Chris Lewis (Essex) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ron Liepert (Calgary Signal Hill) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dane Lloyd (Sturgeon River—Parkland) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ben Lobb (Huron—Bruce) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dave MacKenzie (Oxford) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Larry Maguire (Brandon—Souris) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Richard Martel (Chicoutimi—Le Fjord) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dan Mazier (Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kelly McCauley (Edmonton West) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Greg McLean (Calgary Centre) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Eric Melillo (Kenora) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Kristina Michaud (Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Rob Moore (Fundy Royal) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Marty Morantz (Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Rob Morrison (Kootenay—Columbia) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Glen Motz (Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Dan Muys (Flamborough—Glanbrook) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. John Nater (Perth—Wellington) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Christine Normandin (Saint-Jean) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Erin O'Toole (Durham) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Jeremy Patzer (Cypress Hills—Grasslands) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Pierre Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Monique Pauzé (Repentigny) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Rick Perkins (South Shore—St. Margarets) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Yves Perron (Berthier—Maskinongé) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Pierre Poilievre (Carleton) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Alain Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Brad Redekopp (Saskatoon West) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Scott Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Michelle Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Blake Richards (Banff—Airdrie) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Anna Roberts (King—Vaughan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Ms. Lianne Rood (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Alex Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Andrew Scheer (Regina—Qu'Appelle) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Jamie Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kyle Seeback (Dufferin—Caledon) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Martin Shields (Bow River) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Doug Shipley (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquière) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Ms. Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné (Terrebonne) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Clifford Small (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Gerald Soroka (Yellowhead) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Warren Steinley (Regina—Lewvan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Jake Stewart (Miramichi—Grand Lake) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Shannon Stubbs (Lakeland) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Alain Therrien (La Prairie) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mrs. Rachael Thomas (Lethbridge) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Corey Tochor (Saskatoon—University) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Fraser Tolmie (Moose Jaw—Lake Centre—Lanigan) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Denis Trudel (Longueuil—Saint-Hubert) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Tim Uppal (Edmonton Mill Woods) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Tako Van Popta (Langley—Aldergrove) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Karen Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Gary Vidal (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Dominique Vien (Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Arnold Viersen (Peace River—Westlock) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Julie Vignola (Beauport—Limoilou) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. René Villemure (Trois-Rivières) |
Bloc Québécois | Nay | |
Mr. Brad Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mrs. Cathay Wagantall (Yorkton—Melville) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Chris Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Kevin Waugh (Saskatoon—Grasswood) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Len Webber (Calgary Confederation) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Ryan Williams (Bay of Quinte) |
Conservative | Nay | |
Mr. Bob Zimmer (Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies) |
Conservative | Nay |