Index of Minutes by subject
– 44th Parliament
Accommodation, Members
- Primary and secondary residence, declaration
- Secondary residence, expenses
Assemblée parlementaire de la francophonie
- 49th Annual Session, 2024, host, funding
Board of Internal Economy
- Membership
- Brassard, John
- DeBellefeuille, Claude
- Deltell, Gérard
- Fergus, Greg
- Findlay, Kerry-Lynne
- Fortier, Mona
- Gerretsen, Mark
- Gould, Karina
- Julian, Peter
- LeBlanc, Dominic
- MacKinnon, Steven
- Richards, Blake
- Rota, Anthony
- Sahota, Ruby
- Queen's Privy Council, representatives
- Gould, Karina
- MacKinnon, Steven
- Holland, Mark
- Sahota, Rubi
- Spokesperson, appointment
- Calkins, Blaine
- Findlay, Kerry-Lynne
- MacKinnon, Steven
- Working group, Long Term Vision and Plan
Collective bargaining
- Negotiations, mandate
- House Administration
See also Salaires-Economic increases
- Activity, funding
- Annual Report on Activities and Expenditures
- Travel
- Virtual committees, dashboard
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
- 65th Conference, 2022, surplus utilization
- iPads
- Mobile devices, TikTok application
Constituency office
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly, leasing model
- Lease, budget
- Security
- Telecommunications services, pilot project
COVID-19 Pandemic
- Advertising expenses, temporary measures
- Committees, travel
- Internet expenses
- Members’ primary residence
- Parliamentary functions and events
- Vaccination, proof
- Visitors
- Workplace health and safety
- Personal protective equipment
Disclosure see Expenditures, Members―Disclosure
Dissolution see Parliament dissolution
Donation, Montserrat Legislature
- 2021-22, supplementary (B)
- 2022-23, main
- 2023-24, main
- 2024-25, main
Expenditures, Members
- Disclosure
- Reimbursement, legal fees
- Request for exception
Financial Reports
- 2021-22, first quarter
- 2021-22, second quarter
- 2021-22, third quarter
- 2021-22, year end, tabling
- 2022-23, first quarter
- 2022-23, second quarter
- 2022-23, third quarter
- 2022-23, year end, tabling
- 2023-24, second quarter
- 2023-24, third quarter
- 2024-25, year end, tabling
General elections see Parliament dissolution
Governance and Administration By-law, amendments
Legal Fees Policy
Members of the House of Commons Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention
- Annual Report, 2021-22
- Annual Report, 2022-23
- Annual Report, 2023-24
- Review, report
House of Commons
Accessibility Plan 2023-2025
- Audit, internal
- Audit and Improvement Engagement Plan, 2024-25
- Charter, plan, report for 2022-23
- Charter, plan, annual report for 2023-24
- Clerk of the House of Commons, retirement
- Day off, paid, commemoration, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- Diversity, statistics 2022-23
- Disaster Recovery Technologies and Facilities Services, maintenance
- B.O.I.E.,
- Data Centre facilities, funding
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Pay Equity Act, measures
- Funding, virtual participation
- Use, rules
- Security, funding
- Strategic Plan 2023-2026
- Financial statements
- 2020-21, audit
- 2021-22, audit
- 2022-23, audit
- 2023-24, audit
- External audit, appointment, KPMG LLP
- Parliamentary Internship Program
- Funding
- Host organization, partnership
House Officers
- Budget
Ground transportation, secondary residence
- Wireless telecommunications services
- Contracts, dissolution and post-election period
- Sessional allowances and additional salaries, dissolution
- Information Technology Security Policy, update
- Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) program, funding
see Computers; Members of Parliament; Member’s office, budget
Legal fees, legal actions
Management Group
Members’ Allowances and Services
Manual, modernization of policies
Members By-law, amendments
Members of Parliament
- Contracts, dissolution and post-election period
- B.O.I.E.,
See also Parliament dissolution―Contracts
- Employees
- Delegation of authority, dissolution
- Legal fees, reimbursement
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- Perfomance awards
- Professional development and training
- Remuneration, maximum rate
- Travel expenses
- iPads
- National caucus
Meeting organizer, nomination
- Security
- Emergency Notification System (ENS), security alerts
- Funding
- House leaders, recognized parties
- Outside Parliamentary Precinct
See also
Pandemic―Parliamentary functions and events
Member’s office, budget
- Advertising
- Expenses
- Temporary measures
- Policy
- Budget allocations
- Constituency office, lease
- Exception request
- Employees, professional development and training
- External resources
- Ground transportation, secondary residence
- Hospitality, policy
- Internet expenses
- Primary residence
- Staff, telework
- iPads
- Website and domain names, dissolution
NATO Parliamentary Assembly
- 70th Annual Session, 2024, host, funding
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
- 30th Annual Session, 2023, host, funding
Page, Program
Parliament dissolution
- Closing period, judicial recount
- Contracts
- Sessional allowances and additional salaries
- Websites and domain names, Members
Parliamentary associations and interparliamentary
- Joint Interparliamentary Council
- Composition
- Funding, report
- Parliamentary exchanges, funding
Parliamentary Precinct
- Electric vehicles, charging stations, pay-per-use system
- Long Term Vision and Plan
- 4th floor, dedicated space, smoke
- 4th and 5th floors, flexible workspace
- Art and artefacts, processes
- Block 2, redevelopment
- Central block, heritage rooms
- Circulation
- Confederation Building
- Expansion
- Food services
- Galleries, seating
- Leadership Suites
- Lobbies
- Memorial Chamber, accessibility
- Parliament Welcome Centre
- Parliamentarian Office Units
- Peace Tower, accessibility
- Simultaneous interpretation, location
- Underground Network
- Working group
- Security
- Visitors
Printing and Mailing Services
Report to Canadians
- 2022, approval and tabling
- B.O.I.E.,
- 2023, approval and tabling
- B.O.I.E.,
- 2024, approval and tabling
- B.O.I.E.,
Research Offices, National Caucus
- Contracts, dissolution and post-election period
- B.O.I.E.,
- See also Parliament dissolution―Contracts
- Employees
- Professional development and training
- Travel expenses
- Wireless telecommunications services, budget allocations
- B.O.I.E.,
Simultaneous interpretation
Special Committee on Afghanistan
Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of
China Relationship
Special Joint Committee on
Medical Assistance in Dying
Special Joint Committee on the
Declaration of Emergency
Travel, Members
- Designated travellers and dependents
Wireless telecommunications services