The 44th Parliament was dissolved on March 23, 2025.

Dissolution is the formal ending of a Parliament by proclamation of the Governor General. A general election must follow dissolution. In practice, as soon as Parliament is dissolved, committees can neither sit nor report to the House, as they cease to exist until the House reconstitutes them following the election.

Upon dissolution, all business before committees is terminated. All orders of reference expire, and the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of all committees cease to hold office.

The government is no longer required to provide responses to committee reports.

The information on these pages refers to committees and their work before Parliament was dissolved.

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Committees contact information

For general information about committees, please contact:

Committees and Legislative Services Directorate
Sixth Floor, 131 Queen Street
House of Commons
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6

Tel.: 613-992-3150
Fax: 613-947-3089

Committees of the past session

For specific committee information, please contact the committee clerk:

Marie-Hélène Sauvé
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-944-9354
Stéphanie De Rome
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-947-6732
Ferda Simpson
Joint Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-698-0113

Simon Larouche
Joint Clerk of the committee
Danielle Widmer
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-947-6729
Grant McLaughlin
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-944-4364
Rémi Bourgault
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-995-8525
Mireille Aubé
Joint clerk of the committee
Tel.: 343-999-4713

Miriam Burke
Joint clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-943-5275
Natalie Jeanneault
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-992-5023
Nancy Vohl
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-992-1240
Alexandre (Sacha) Vassiliev
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-996-1540
Tina Miller
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-995-6119
Jean-François Lafleur
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-947-8955
Catherine Ngando Edimo
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-995-4108
Malachie Azémar
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-996-1173
Miriam Burke
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-947-1971
Jean-François Lafleur
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-996-1553
Madeleine Martin
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-943-5193
Suzie Cadieux
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-992-9595
Andrew Wilson
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-995-9461
Marc-Olivier Girard
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-995-9469
Hilary Smyth
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-996-1664
Ferda Simpson
Joint Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-698-0113

Geneviève Dubois-Richard
Joint Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-995-1759
Thomas Bigelow
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-947-2501
Simon Larouche
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-944-5635
Philip den Ouden
Clerk of the committee
Tel.: 613-996-4663