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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Quebec Act (1774) see Francophones--Assimilation

Quebec army see Quebec sovereignty referendum--Results, "Yes" side victory

Quebec City Bridge

Quebec City, Que.

    >>Cartier-Brébeuf Park, improving, federal funds, petition, 14652
    >>Convention Centre, 126-7, 2605, 4794, 4805, 5040
    >>>o.q., 24
    >>>S.O. 31, 12836-7
    >>>See also Winnipeg, Man.--National Hockey League arena
    >>World Heritage City, UNESCO declaration, 3717
    >>>o.q., 5945-6
    >>>S.O. 31, 5722
    >>See also Airports--Jean Lesage International Airport; Canadian Armed Forces--Navy, fleet school Food and Agriculture Organization--50th anniversary; Canadian Red Cross--Blood inspection; Harbours, wharves and breakwaters; Housing--Social; Olympics, 2002 Winter Games; Rail passenger service--High speed train; Saint-Jean Baptiste Society; Winnipeg, Man.--National Hockey League arena

Quebec Civil Code see Justice system

Québec constituency

Quebec Court of Appeal see Judges--Appointment, Robert

Quebec culture see Quebec--Culture

Québec-Est constituency

    >>Electoral boundaries, redistribution, 2946-7
    >>References, 164

Quebec Federation of Labour

    >>Laberge, Louis and Fernand Daoust, tribute, 1212
    >>>S.O. 31, 1179
    >>Secretary-General/President, Fernand Daoust, retirement, S.O. 31, 4514-5

Quebec government see Canada Student Loans Program--Legislation, Employment equity; Human Resources Development Standing Committee

Quebec Ice Hockey Federation see Hockey--Amateur, Insurance

Quebec labour force development corporation see Unemployment--Quebec

Quebec Liberal Party see Constitutional reform; Federalism--Decentralized; National Capital Commission--Beaudry; Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)

Quebec Manufacturers Association see Business--Quebec climate

Quebec Marine Institute

    >>50th anniversary, S.O. 31, 1497-8

Quebec National Assembly

    >>Seven protected constituencies, abolition, 5002
    >>See also Constitutional reform--Regional veto proposal; Training programs--Jurisdiction, Quebec

Quebec Nordiques see Hockey--National Hockey League

Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway Company

Quebec Patriot of the Year award see Piché, Paul

Quebec Pension Plan

    >>Establishment in 1960s, federal-provincial agreement, 8849
    >>See also Canada Pension Plan--Reform

Quebec Sepharad Community see Jewish religion

Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)

    >>Aboriginal peoples position see National unity--Post-sovereignty referendum strategy, Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department memo
    >>Aboriginal peoples referendums, Cree, Inuit, Montagnais
    >>>Ethnic-based, o.q., 17082
    >>>Federal government funding, o.q., 17084
    >>>Results, over 90% "no" vote, 17060
    >>>>o.q., 17082
    >>Action démocratique du Québéc leader Mario Dumont constituency association executive voting "no", S.O. 31, 14763
    >>Advertising, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation French television network, S.O. 31, 15396
    >>Agreement, Action démocratique, Bloc Québécois, Parti Québécois, S.O. 31, 13590, 13718, 14014, 14448, 14512
    >>Bloc Québécois action plan, 1309213094
    >>>S.O. 31, 8338
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95 measures, relationship, 10115-6, 10132-3, 10155, 10247, 10533, 11277, 11283, 12077
    >>>Premier Parizeau remarks, S.O. 31, 10466
    >>>S.O. 31, 10144
    >>Chrétien, Prime Minister, televised national address/Bouchard reply
    >>>o.q., 15871
    >>>S.O. 31, 15868, 15870
    >>Civility during campaign, S.O. 31, 14917
    >>Conseil du patronat du Québec members positions, survey, S.O. 31, 14808
    >>Consultation without consequences, Prime Minister Chrétien position, o.q., 14608
    >>Cost of referendum, 15820
    >>Council for Canadian Unity
    >>>Federal government support, charitable status, etc., o.q., 14085
    >>>Position, S.O. 31, 6030
    >>>Role, 7869
    >>>See also Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Non-residents right to vote
    >>Debate, Parizeau-Johnson
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, Bouchard, including, o.q., 15041-2
    >>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, refusal, o.q., 15100
    >>>Yes side refusal, S.O. 31, 15478
    >>Democratic legacy, 1593
    >>>S.O. 31, 16021-3
    >>Dion, Stéphane, political science expert/advisor, opinion
    >>>o.q., 10610-11
    >>>S.O. 31, 10609
    >>Economic issues, relationship, S.O. 31, 14639-40
    >>Federal government holding own
    >>>Elections Canada initiating process, o.q., 15401
    >>>Massé, Intergovernmental Affairs Minister, statement, S.O. 31, 5424
    >>>o.q., 8697, 14608
    >>Federal government powers, o.q., 6778
    >>Federal government role, strategy
    >>>Effectiveness/ineffectiveness, 16982, 17551, 17565
    >>>Expenditures, 7869
    >>>>o.q., 14222-4
    >>>>S.O. 31, 9464, 9524
    >>>o.q., 11676, 14719-20
    >>>Privy Council Office Operation Unity
    >>>>Lobbying/blackmailing Quebec companies, Industry Department documents used, etc., o.q., 15178-83, 15211-4, 15216-7
    >>>>o.q., 14086-7, 14718-9
    >>>>Speeches for business, preparing, o.q., 15184
    >>>>See also Aerospace industry--Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)
    >>>Respecting Quebec legislation, o.q., 14085
    >>>See also Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Council for Canadian Unity--No campaign
    >>Federal public servants, participation, freedom of speech denial, Treasury Board letter, condemning, S.O. 31, 14761
    >>Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada, no vote, encouraging
    >>>$500,000 federal government grant, link, o.q., 10469-70
    >>>S.O. 31, 10785
    >>Fédération des femmes du Québec position, S.O. 31, 15097-8
    >>Hébert, Senator Jacques, remarks re Josée Legault, "separatist cow"
    >>>o.q., 15399
    >>>S.O. 31, 15397
    >>Holding, 6424
    >>Hydro Quebec position, S.O. 31, 14990
    >>Legality, Quebec court decision, 16878
    >>>o.q., 14529
    >>Media coverage, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
    >>>English/French networks, studies, o.q., 17389
    >>>Federal government influence, 6842, 7285
    >>>>o.q., 5429, 9197
    >>>>S.O. 31, 9190
    >>Mouvement Desjardins, position, S.O. 31, 7980
    >>National referendum, superseding, 6942
    >>No campaign
    >>>Automobile industry, federal government pressuring, S.O. 31, 15174
    >>>Beaudoin, Laurent, Bombardier Inc., remarks, S.O. 31, 14808, 14918-9, 15208-9, 15869
    >>>Bombardier Inc., supporting, senior management, pressure tactics, S.O. 31, 14716-7
    >>>Charest, John, Progressive Conservative Party leader, role, o.q., 16030-1
    >>>Cher ami children's project, S.O. 31, 15917
    >>>Chrétien, Jean, Prime Minister
    >>>>Credibility, Bloc Quebecois, questioning, o.q., 15872
    >>>>Promises, fulfilling, 17000, 17014, 17049, 17053-5, 17057, 17096, 17523, 17530, 17548, 17557, 17559, 17564, 17569-70, 17572, 17584-5, 17590-1, 17594, 17597-8, 17643, 17647-8
    >>>>Remarks, "clobber them", S.O. 31, 14806-7, 14881
    >>>>Role, influence, 17008, 17569-70, 17572, 17588, 17752
    >>>>See also Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--No campaign, Mismanagement
    >>>Director General of Election brochure, no position, Prime Minister Chrétien position, comparison, o.q., 15598-9, 15602-4
    >>>Dutil, Marcel, Canam Manac group, chairman, remarks, S.O. 31, 15039-40
    >>>Federal government funding, o.q., 13525
    >>>Garcia, Claude, Mutual Standard Life president, remarks, "crush them", S.O. 31, 14806-7
    >>>>Quebec government contracts, relationship
    >>>>>o.q., 15179
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 15177
    >>>Long distance telephone calls, special rates, disallowing, CRTC ruling, o.q., 16192
    >>>Mismanagement, responsibility, Prime Minister Chrétien, etc., 16419, 16553
    >>>>o.q., 16024, 16065-6, 16665
    >>>>S.O. 31, 16140
    >>>Montreal, Que., rally, Oct. 27/95, 15909-10, 15912, 15915, 15929, 15935, 16149, 17008-10, 17017-9, 17045, 17049-51, 17061, 17096, 17532-3, 17548, 17550, 17557, 17560, 17563, 17569, 17591, 17639-40, 17647
    >>>>o.q., 15923, 15967-8, 16065, 16144-5
    >>>>S.O. 31, 15917, 15919-20, 16060, 16062, 16186-7, 16360-1
    >>>>Subsidized attendance, legality, etc., 17009, 17017-9
    >>>>>Canadian Airlines International, discount fares, offering, o.q., 15876
    >>>>>Government employees, paid leave, o.q., 15877-8, 15923-4
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 15918-9
    >>>>>Tobin, Fisheries and Oceans Minister, role, o.q., 15876, 15924-5
    >>>National Capital Commission letter to employees, Premier Parizeau statement, S.O. 31, 14920
    >>>o.q., 15401-2
    >>>Reform Party, role, o.q., 16065
    >>>Rest of Canada, remaining silent, o.q., 15805
    >>>Right of veto, distinct society and respect of Quebec jurisdiction, Johnson-Jean Chrétien differences, o.q., 15647
    >>>Small business role, 15774-5
    >>>S.O. 31, 14761, 15802
    >>>See also Constitutional reform--Quebec right of veto; Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Results
    >>Non-residents right to vote, Council for Canadian Unity registration campaign, federal government funding, o.q., 15405
    >>Not holding unless sure of winning, Bloc Québécois position, 12033
    >>One, limiting to, need, 4965-6
    >>Ottawa Sun cartoon depicting Lucien Bouchard, S.O. 31, 16062
    >>Outaouais region, Yves Blais, Parti Québécois delegate, comments, "blackmail", S.O. 31, 16187
    >>Parti Québécois propaganda campaign, $11.2 million expenditure, S.O. 31, 14312
    >>Participants, identity and role, 35
    >>Post-referendum strategy see National unity
    >>Prince Edward Island fixed-link referendum, comparison, 1359-60
    >>Public opinion poll, Léger & Léger, Feb. 8/95, S.O. 31, 9323
    >>Public opinion polls, 12043
    >>Purpose, separation, not renewed partnership, Bouchard statements
    >>>o.q., 15641-2, 15645
    >>>S.O. 31, 15639-40
    >>Quebec artists position, German intellectuals silence during Nazi regime, comparison, Sen. Jean-Louis Roux statement, condemning, S.O. 31, 10264
    >>Quebec government supporting/funding yes side, o.q., 14085-7
    >>Quebec Liberal Party position, S.O. 31, 11674
    >>Reform Party
    >>>1-900 telephone number
    >>>>o.q., 5942
    >>>>S.O. 31, 6033
    >>>20 questions, 17561, 17600
    >>>Media criticisms, 16424
    >>>Role, 16418, 16427, 17649
    >>Regional commissions, 11587
    >>>94% voter turn-out, o.q., 16064
    >>>Bloc Québécois/Bouchard acceptance, 17030, 17053, 17056
    >>>>o.q., 15921
    >>>>S.O. 31, 15965
    >>>Economic impact, 15929
    >>>Federal government acceptance, 1349, 13872, 15730, 15911
    >>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, position, 17597, 17600
    >>>>>o.q., 14528-34, 14608-10, 14640-4, 15920-2, 16063-4
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 14607, 15919-20
    >>>>Lévesque, Réne, remarks re "consultation", relationship, o.q., 14641, 14643
    >>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (M. Gauthier), leave to move, 14552, emergency requirements not met, not accepted, 14552-3
    >>>>Question wording factor, o.q., 14528-34, 14642-3
    >>>>Robillard position, o.q., 14528-9, 14532-4, 14610-1, 14642, 14721
    >>>Johnson, Daniel, acceptance, position, o.q., 14528-9, 14532, 14641-2
    >>>Jonquière constituency, 16501
    >>>"No" side victory, 14280, 16001-2, 17024-5, 17030, 17056, 17563, 17590
    >>>>Action démocratique leader Mario Dumont response, 17094
    >>>>Bouchard position
    >>>>>o.q., 14528-32
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 14526, 14528, 14639, 15098, 16140
    >>>>Bourgault, Pierre, remarks re ethnic communities, 17097-8, 17355-6, 17640
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 17383
    >>>>Change, vote for, 17025, 17045, 17049-50, 17053, 17094-6
    >>>>Compromises, offering, Massé statement, S.O. 31, 14880
    >>>>Consequences, Premier Parizeau remarks, S.O. 31, 8423-4
    >>>>Federalism, decentralization, constitutional reform, relationship, 15997, 16198-9, 16527-8, 16792, 17643
    >>>>>Canadians, involving, o.q., 16067
    >>>>>English Canada support, agreement, o.q., 16066-7
    >>>>>o.q., 14642-3, 15598-9, 15764-6, 15804-6, 15877-8, 15922-3, 16024-5, 16027, 16030-1, 16065-6, 16190, 16242, 16614, 16962
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 14883, 15596, 15804, 15870, 15920, 16021-2, 16059-60, 16187-8
    >>>>>See also Constitutional reform
    >>>>French language, use, decline, S.O. 31, 14882
    >>>>Message, 16469, 16472-3, 16714-5
    >>>>Narrow margin, 15996, 17053, 17530, 17561, 17569-70, 17586-7
    >>>>Old age pensions, threatened, Bélisle statement, S.O. 31, 14883
    >>>>Parizeau remarks re ethnic communities, 15998, 16078, 16148, 17095-6
    >>>>>o.q., 16067, 16142-5
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 16059-61, 16140
    >>>>S.O. 31, 12186, 15339, 15804
    >>>>South Asian Canadian community support, S.O. 31, 16237
    >>>>Uncertainty, 14739-40, 16199
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 14805
    >>>>See also Bloc Québécois
    >>>No vote, Outaouais constituencies, o.q., 16481
    >>>Parti Québécois acceptance/non-acceptance, 16971, 17055
    >>>Preliminary report
    >>>>Tabled, by unanimous consent, 16070
    >>>>Tabling, o.q., 16063
    >>>Reconciliation, working toward, S.O. 31, 16022-3
    >>>Reform Party position
    >>>>Alliance Quebec, warning, S.O. 31, 15040
    >>>>o.q., 14609-10
    >>>>S.O. 31, 14606, 14990-1, 16023
    >>>S.O. 31, 16139
    >>>Taxation, relationship, 12769-70, 12809, 12811-2
    >>>>S.O. 31, 12409
    >>>Vote for change, 17523
    >>>>S.O. 31, 16319
    >>>Vote tampering, "no" votes rejected by PQ scrutineers, allegations, 16499
    >>>"Yes" side victory
    >>>>Credit rating, Moody's Investor Service, analysis, o.q., 14888-9
    >>>>Francophones outside Quebec, Roy Romanow, Saskatchewan Premier, comments, S.O. 31, 15207
    >>>>Implications, Bloc Québecois position, 13092
    >>>>Martin, P., Finance Minister, statement re economic consequences
    >>>>>o.q., 14886-7, 15522-4
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 15520, 15522
    >>>>Parizeau, replacing, S.O. 31, 15286
    >>>>Prediction, 13865, 13867
    >>>>Quebec army, Quebec members of Canadian Armed Forces joining day after, Jacob fax message, 16585, 16606
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 16317
    >>>>Reform Party position, 16149
    >>>>Robert Young book, S.O. 31, 10319
    >>>>Separation, separate country, impact
    >>>>>o.q., 15598-9, 15604
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 15596-7, 15695, 15868-9
    >>>"Yes" vote
    >>>>Bonaventure--Îsles-de-la-Madeleine constituency, 16722
    >>>>Francophones, 60%, 17586
    >>>>Frontenac constituency, 16082
    >>>>Increase since 1980 referendum, 17530, 17554
    >>>>Saint-Maurice constituency, S.O. 31, 16140
    >>>>Shefford constituency
    >>Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. residents position, 17061-2
    >>Second referendum, holding, 16528, 16721, 17648
    >>>Fair question, federal government utilizing peace, order and good government power, 17649
    >>>Federal disallowance power, utilizing to prevent, o.q., 16243
    >>>Ménard, Serge, Quebec Public Security Minister remarks, o.q., 16142-3
    >>>Negotiating partnership with Canada following, o.q., 16064
    >>>Preventing, good government/reform, o.q., 16240-3
    >>>S.O. 31, 16609-10
    >>>See also Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Referendums
    >>Separatist prayer, Lord's Prayer parody, condemning, S.O. 31, 15640
    >>Small business position, 15931, 15933
    >>S.O. 31, 9944, 9997, 10069, 10143, 10709, 11134, 14716, 15595-8, 15637, 15696-7, 15760-3, 15801, 15918, 15963-4
    >>Timetable, eight to ten months after Parti Québécois election victory, Parti Québecois election promise
    >>>Delay, 14877
    >>>>Bouchard statements, S.O. 31, 5892, 5938, 9941
    >>>October 30/95, uncertainty, o.q., 14809
    >>>o.q., 5942
    >>>S.O. 31, 5809, 6214, 7502, 11608
    >>Tremblay, Arthur, former Senator, position, S.O. 31, 14989
    >>Voter eligibility, 13864
    >>Wording, clarity, complexity, directness, honesty, etc., 35, 4965-6, 8793, 8798, 8800, 8813, 8816-7, 8819, 8834, 8840-1, 8843, 8847-50, 10439, 12775-6, 12815, 15608, 17560, 17569, 17600
    >>>Bouchard position, S.O. 31, 14607
    >>>o.q., 4342, 4655, 8696, 8877-8, 9604, 11676, 11755-6, 13719, 14608, 14610, 14887, 14993-4
    >>>Parameters, federal government control, 4964-5, 69421
    >>>Quebec people determining, o.q., 8878
    >>>S.O. 31, 14807, 14919-20
    >>>See also Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Results, Federal government acceptance
    >>Yes campaign
    >>>Bouchard remarks, "something magical about a Yes vote"
    >>>>o.q., 15397
    >>>>S.O. 31, 15396-7
    >>>Bouchard remarks, "We are one of the races of whites with the least children"
    >>>>o.q., 15399-401, 16142-3
    >>>>S.O. 31, 15397-8, 15478-9
    >>>Business support, enlisting, S.O. 31, 15339
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, Bloc Quebecois, personal attacks, resorting to o.q., 15871
    >>>Distortions, fraudulent, "yes" vote for Canada, etc., 15610, 17569-70, 17644
    >>>>o.q., 16063-4
    >>>Intolerant statements, S.O. 31, 16061
    >>>Job creation ads, demeaning to women, S.O. 31, 15479
    >>>Leadership, Bouchard takeover, impact, 17053, 17569, 17643-4
    >>>Marcotte, Emmanuel, Outaouais region committee president, remarks re white race, S.O. 31, 15521
    >>>Pagé, Lorraine, chairperson of Centrale de l'enseignement du Québec fund raising letter to union members
    >>>>o.q., 15184
    >>>>S.O. 31, 15177
    >>>Quebec solidarity fund position, S.O. 31, 15638
    >>>Signs, S.O. 31, 15177
    >>>See also Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Results
    >>See also Aerospace industry--Bombardier Inc.--Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995); Canada Health and Social Transfer; Canada Pension Plan--Review; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Mandate; Canadian Pacific Railway--Head office; Citizenship--Applications--Ceremonies; Defence equipment--Ammunition; Defence industry--Industrial reconversion program; Dollar, exchange rate--Decline; Drug abuse--Teenagers/young adults; Exports; Flag--Maple Leaf; Leroux, Jean H.--References; Old age pensions--Review; Olympics, 2002 Winter Games--Quebec City, Que., bid; Quebec--Separation/sovereignty--Economic ties--Separation/sovereignty, Legislation; Quebec--Distinct society; Real estate--Quebec market; Social security system--Quebec sovereignty referendum(1995)--Reform, Timetable; Tourist industry--Promotion; Transfer payments to provinces; Budget Feb. 27/95 Unemployment insurance

Quebec Volunteer Youth Action Program see Youth Services Canada Program

Queen Elizabeth II

    >>1994 visit, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, 9
    >>See also Citizenship--Oath of allegiance; Commonwealth Games, 1994, Victoria, B.C.--Opening; House of Commons--Prayers

Queens County, N.S. see Forestry--Forestry capital of Canada

Queen's University see Parliament--Model Parliament

Queen's York Rangers see Canadian Armed Forces--Reserve units

Quesnel, B.C. see Community in Bloom

Quesnel River see Salmon--Pacific fishery, Chinook salmon

Question and comment period see House of Commons--Speeches; Procedure

Question Period see Procedure--Oral question period

Questions of privilege see Privilege; Procedure--Points of order

Questions on the Order Paper

Questions passed as Orders for Return

    >>Response, length, 10013

Quill Lakes, Sask. see Shorebird reserve network

Quill pens see National Defence Department--Expenditures

Quilters see National Quilters Week

Quinte Ballet School see Arts and culture

Quorum see Procedure

Quotas see Dairy products--Price increases; Fisheries