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Small Business Financing Program see Small business
Small Business Loans
Average size, 15936
>>Banks/financial institutions delivering program, 15773, 15935
>>Collateral requirement, 16881-2
>>Competition, relationship, 15781
>>Cost-benefit analysis, undertaking, 16870-1, 17611
>>Cost recovery basis, fees, 12645, 15772, 15776-7, 15779-81, 15783-4, 15786-7,
15789-93, 15817-21, 15827, 15886, 15888, 15909, 15911, 15913-4, 15916,
15930-7, 16870-2, 16875-9, 16883, 17611-2
>>Criteria, flexibility, 15911-2
>>Eligibility, annual sales ceiling of $2 million, increasing to $5 million,
15780-2, 15817, 15910-2, 15936, 16872, 16874
>>Employment, job creation, relationship, 15791, 15819, 15893, 15913, 15933,
>>Entrepreneurship role, 15778-9
>>>See also Small Business Loans--Young entrepreneurs
>>Haines-Riding study, 16872
>>Interest rates, raising ceiling from 1.75% to 3% above prime, 15780, 15783,
15787, 15789, 15817, 15820, 15823, 15827, 15911, 15930, 15932-4, 15936, 16872,
>>>Knowledge-based industries, 15893
>>Loan guarantees, reducing from 90% to 85%, 15772, 15775-6, 15778-82, 15789,
15817, 15822-3, 15888, 15930, 15932, 15934, 15936, 16870-1, 16873-5, 16881-2,
>>>High technology industry, impact, 16870-1, 16873-4, 16881, 17611-2
>>Losses, $100 million annually, 12645, 15775-6, 15782, 15789, 15792-3, 15817,
15819, 15821, 15827, 15893, 15911, 15930, 15932-3, 15936-7, 16870-2. 16874,
>>>o.q., 8698
>>Maximum size, increasing, 15916, 15936
>>Need for, purpose, effectiveness, targetting, 15779, 15785-6, 15817, 15819,
15822-3, 15826, 15890, 15892-3, 15896, 15910, 15913, 15915-6, 15928, 15930-3,
15935-8, 16873-4, 16882-3, 17612-3
>>Newfoundland, 15933
>>Personal guarantees, 15780-1, 15789, 15827, 15930, 15932, 15934, 15936,
16881-3, 17611-2
>>Prince Edward Island, 15914
>>Program review, consultations, 15782-3, 15911, 15913-4, 15916-7, 15928,
15930, 15932-3, 15935
>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) amendments, Liberal Party
support, 15772, 16882
>>Quebec, 15931
>>Quebec Paillé program, comparison, 15776, 15786
>>Regulation-making powers, 15775-6, 15779-82, 15789-91, 15817, 15823, 15827,
15888, 15891, 15930, 15932, 15934, 15936, 16871, 16873, 17612
>>>Industry Standing Committee exercising, 16870, 16872-4, 16876-9
>>Small/low volume lenders, 15914, 15930, 15932, 15934, 15936
>>Start-up costs, utilizing for, 15819-21, 15827, 15895, 15933, 15936
>>Total, limit, increasing to $12 billion, 8643-4, 11670, 12645, 15777,
15781, 15786, 15789, 15937, 16872-4, 16882, 16884, 17607, 17611
>>>o.q., 8348, 8634-5, 8698
>>>Subsidy to banks, o.q., 8698-9
>>Transportation, vehicles, financing, 15781, 15785
>>Working/operating capital, making eligible, 15776, 15781
>>Young entrepreneurs, assisting, 15891
>>See also Regional development--Loans;
Small business--Capital
Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-99)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
First reading, 14024
>>Second reading, 15771-93, 15817-28, 15884-99, 15909-17, 15928-38, agreed to,
on recorded division, 16055-6
>>Industry Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 16056
>>>Reported, with amdts., 16783
>>Report stage, 16869-84
>>>Motions (Rocheleau), 16870, negatived on division, 16875; 16875, negatived
on division, 16881; 16881, negatived on recorded
division, 16940-1, 16943
>>>Concurrence, M. (Manley), 16943, agreed to, on recorded division, 16943-4
>>Third reading, 17610-3
>>>Agreed to, 17613, passed
>>Senate passage, 17757
>>Royal Assent, 17757. Chap. 48, S.C. 1995
Small business tax rate see Corporations--Income tax
Small Business Week
Job creation, S.O. 31, 7224
>>Moffat, Roxanne, tribute, S.O. 31, 7225
>>Theme, New Markets--Opportunities for Growth, 15931-2
Small craft harbours see Harbours, wharves and breakwaters
SMART (Strategic Multi-role Aid Replenishment Transport) ships see Defence policy--Review; MIL Davie Inc.
Smelters see Horne smelter
Smith, Dr. Arnold
Public spirited citizen, High River, Alta, retirement, tribute, S.O. 31, 3992
Smith, Dave see Curling--Manitoba Tankard
Smith, John see United Kingdom
Smith, Prof. Michael
Order of Canada recipient, S.O. 31, 12105
Smog advisories see Air pollution
Smoking see Tobacco/cigarettes
Smoking and Health Action Foundation
Government funding, 864
Anti-smuggling campaign
>>>Guns and cigarettes, including, o.q., 7690
>>>Progress, o.q., 12492
>>>See also Liquor smuggling
>>Contraband, drugs and weapons, etc., 15279
>>Kanesatake/Kahnawake/Akwesasne Indian Reserves
>>>Canadian Armed Forces and police intervention, armed reprisals threat,
o.q., 1551-2
>>>History, Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), Bouchard, action,
o.q., 1614
>>Ontario, impact, government response, S.O. 31, 11675
>>Wine, foreign service personnel returning from overseas postings,
allegations, o.q., 16325
>>See also Border crossings--Manitoba;
Drug trafficking;
Farm chemicals--Imports;
Gun control/guns;
Liquor smuggling;
Tobacco/cigarette smuggling;
Wheat--Imports, Grandin wheat
SNC-IT see Defence equipment--Ammunition
SNC Lavalin see Aluminium industry--South Africa smelter; Canada Post Corporation--Outside furniture; Radarsat
Snow crab see Fisheries, Atlantic
Snow goose see Migratory birds--Habitat
Snow sculpturing see Olympics, 1994 Winter Games--Arts and culture
Snow surfing
World Cup, 1994, Beauport--Montmorency--Orléans constituency, S.O. 31, 1606
"Snowbirds" see Canadian Armed Forces--Air Force
Snowden, Alison see Academy Awards--Bob's Birthday
Popularity, volunteers, increasing, S.O. 31, 8113
Snudden, Russell see Medal of Bravery
Sobeco, Ernst & Young see Members of Parliament--Allowances, Parliamentarians' Compensation--Pensions, Independent review
Montreal Impact, North American League soccer champions, S.O. 31, 6848
>>World Cup, 1994, television coverage, CBC bid, qu., 7566-7
>>Youth Club Tournament, S.O. 31, 6849
Social assistance see Canada Works--New Brunswick; Federal-provincial relations--Duplication and overlap; Social security system--Income supplement plan; Welfare
Social clause see World Trade Organization
Social conditions see Economic and social conditions
Social contract see Ontario--Rae
Social Credit Party see Reform Party
Social deficit see Deficit--Reduction; Economic conditions
Social Democratic Party see Sweden
Social housing see Housing--Social
Social insurance numbers
Divulgence, controls, 14188
>>Legislation see Social Insurance Numbers Act (Bill C-335)
Social Insurance Numbers Act (Bill C-335)--Finlay
First reading, 14188
Social job fund see Job creation
Social justice
Economic renewal, relationship, 2085
>>Government commitment, 2085-6
Social policy
Control, Quebec position, 16416-7
>>Forum, Parry Sound--Muskoka constituency, S.O. 31, 7802
>>Priorities, o.q., 9201
>>Revenue raising capacity and expenditure function, relationship, 16420
>>See also Economic policy
Social problems see Alcohol abuse/addiction; Poverty; Street people; Unemployment; Youth
Social programs see Social security system
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
French-language scientific journals, funding, reduction, o.q., 14316-7,
14456-7, 15770
>>>1995-1998, 14% reduction, o.q., 10151
>>>Increases, 3055
>>Grants, projects, questionable value, 3055-6
>>>o.q., 4990, 5158, 9329
>>Role, 176, 178
Social security system
Abolition, Grubel position, 13066
>>Aboriginal peoples
>>>Expenditures, effectiveness, control, etc., 619
>>>>1993-1994 Auditor General's report, o.q., 8122
>>>See also Social security system--Dependency--Reform, Improving Social
Security in Canada, Consultation
>>Abuse, fraud, 806-7, 814, 821, 7913
>>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, measures, impact, 11431-2
>>>Paper burden, 626-8, 853
>>Accountability, 828-9
>>>Costs, limiting, 828, 866-7, 7191
>>>Decentralization, 2142
>>>Jurisdiction, constitutional roles, clarification, Improving Social
Security in Canada discussion paper, 6605, 6660
>>Affordability, 6684, 6691, 13424
>>>Application time limits, M. (Duhamel), 2513-8, dropped from Order Paper,
>>>Basing on need or want, 7086
>>>Disincentive to work, 6603, 6680, 6683
>>>Family income, relationship, 6703, 6705
>>>Recipients, 6603
>>>>Wealthy, 870, 6729
>>>>>o.q., 7373
>>>Senior citizens, reduction proposals, rejection, petition, 9337
>>>Wealthy, reducing, 17685
>>Bloc Québécois position, 656, 818,
876, 879, 7001, 12036
>>>See also Social security system--Reform
>>British Columbia, proposals/experiments, 858
>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, measures, impact, 1771, 3088, 5047, 6651
>>>See also Social security system--Federal-provincial
overlapping/duplication--National goals and principles--Re-designing--Reform
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, measures, impact, 11338, 11362, 11428
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer cut-backs, impact, 13104
>>>o.q., 13804
>>Community support networks, importance, 7130-1
>>Costs, 6705
>>>Borrowing to pay, future generations paying, income tax increases, etc.,
>>Cradle to grave needs, meeting, 2085
>>Creation, former Liberal governments role, 7082, 7108, 7117-8
>>Cut-backs, 173, 186, 616-7, 697, 699, 806-7, 809, 822, 902, 913-5, 3402-3,
6704, 6956, 6963, 6989-90, 7155-6, 12234, 16452, 16840, 17541-2
>>>Alternatives, 616, 654
>>>o.q., 6775, 10187, 16543
>>>Provinces, impact, o.q., 790
>>Decentralization/centralization, 16421-2, 16455, 16469
>>>Improving Social Security in Canada discussion paper, 6605, 6612,
6617, 6659-60, 6676, 7078, 7134, 7136
>>>>Program administration, centralization proposals, o.q., 6136
>>>>Reform Party position, 6617-8, 6686, 17209-10
>>>o.q., 15969-70, 17626-7
>>>Better and cheaper, 7089
>>>Decentralization, o.q., 10149
>>>Federal-provincial-municipal government partnership, 16412-3
>>>Integration, benefits, 16411
>>>Level of government closest to people, 6617, 6672, 16454
>>>Provincial flexibility, Feb. 27/95 budget statement, 10145, 10343
>>Dependability, 6684
>>>Aboriginal peoples, percentage, 6620
>>>Discouraging, 7083
>>>Encouraging, 6659, 6701-2, 6725, 6735, 7085, 10587-8, 13417
>>Disadvantaged persons, protection, targetting, 540, 613, 663, 670-1, 865,
867, 869-70, 880, 6616, 6619, 6649-50, 6653-4, 6686, 7074, 7077, 7085, 7088,
7120, 7130-2, 7956, 7999-8000, 8070
>>Dismantling, 11427
>>Economic impact, 471
>>Efficiency, improving, 6956
>>>o.q., 3996
>>Elements, 5044
>>Eligibility, international comparisons, 6643
>>Employment, 6656, 6701, 6732, 6739, 6958
>>>Incentives to work, relationship, 610, 820, 6702
>>Equity, 828, 843, 905, 914-5
>>Expenditures, 11421
>>>7.3% reduction, Feb. 27/95 budget measures, 10110, 10132-3, 10169, 10172-3,
10343, 10443-4, 10446, 10527-8, 10540, 10543
>>>$38.7 billion, breakdown, 6619, 6626,
6688, 8050, 8052
>>>$70 billion per annum, 1814
>>>Capping, o.q., 639
>>>>$15 billion over five years, 6610, 6672, 6686, 7078-9, 7114, 7133, 11579
>>>Deficit, relationship, 8363-5, 10500, 10527
>>>GDP percentage, 1970's, unchanged, o.q., 9827-8, 9907
>>>International comparison, OECD countries, 7115
>>>Per-capita, international comparison, 627
>>>Reducing, 629, 1815, 6675, 8060, 13388-9, 15496
>>>>o.q., 2041, 6256, 6514, 6901, 7182
>>>Reform Party position, 2058-9, 2061,
7191, 10222, 12316-7, 16452
>>>>o.q., 10149
>>>Taxation of wealthy to pay, 7113, 7116
>>Failed experiment in social engineering, 7089
>>Family-oriented policies, importance, 814, 820, 830-2, 836, 922-3, 6702,
>>Federal government role, 16410, 16412
>>Federal-provincial co-operation, 858, 876, 6644, 6702-3, 12038-9
>>Federal-provincial overlapping/duplication, 629, 632, 647-8, 659, 808, 814,
822-3, 827-8, 840, 879, 900-2, 910, 915, 6661, 6673, 6690, 7920
>>>Eliminating/reducing, Feb. 27/95 budget statement, o.q., 10149
>>Federal-provincial roles, federal domination, 614-5, 626, 629, 4634-6
>>"Federalism at work", 6629-30
>>Financial sustainability, 538-9, 709, 6616-7, 6619, 6644, 6659, 6661, 6685,
7078, 7088
>>>Cost-effective, Improving Social Security in Canada, discussion
paper, 6611
>>Flexibility, lack, 6623
>>>Alternatives, 7077, 8500
>>>Priorities, 853-4
>>>>o.q., 9528-9, 15971
>>>>S.O. 31, 11056
>>>Tax reform, relationship, 6739
>>Global context, significance, 873-4
>>Government expenditures, relationship, 7009
>>Government revenues, taxation, relationship, 627, 632-3, 654-5, 3402-7,
>>Government role/responsibility, 81-2, 240-1, 600, 776-7, 814, 821, 852-3,
857, 897-8, 1140, 1985, 6671-2, 9162-3, 12038
>>>Failure/inability to carry out, 6629
>>Great Britain, comparing, 881
>>Guaranteed annual income, 245, 539,
736-7, 819, 904, 909, 2085, 3030, 3866,
>>>o.q., 2296, 2670, 5660-1
>>Importance, "sacred trust", 615, 617
>>>Petition, 11353
>>Job creation, relationship, 621, 630-2, 647, 652-3, 655-7, 663-4, 859, 904,
909, 913-4, 6699-702
>>>See also Social security system--Reform
>>Jurisdiction, 6684
>>Legislation, Throne Speech measure, 10
>>Liberal governments, former, policies, 824, 829, 865, 867-8, 899, 917,
6646-7, 6660, 9352-4, 13417
>>Liberal Party election promises, "red book", 12030-1
>>"Liberal" philosophy, 903, 10543-4
>>Maintaining, 826, 1765
>>>Liberal Party position, o.q., 10149
>>>Petitions, 10430, 10959, 11818, 12762, 13444, 14328-9
>>>Priority, 17680, 17690
>>Mandatory "workfare" contracts, recipients signing, o.q., 3517
>>Mobility, relationship, 17680
>>National debt/deficit, relationship, 93-4, 174, 473, 616, 618-9, 648, 657,
659, 667, 703-4, 807, 820-1, 829-30, 862, 866, 907, 915, 3403, 6626, 6647,
6650, 6661, 6673, 6699, 6996-7, 7008-9, 7089, 7113, 7917-9, 7943-4, 8059,
10121, 10123-4, 10259-60, 11315, 11356, 11421, 11432, 12038, 13303, 13313, 13496
>>>o.q., 20, 1613, 2356, 6514, 6851, 10147
>>>S.O. 31, 8287
>>>See also National debt--Social security system;
Social security system--National debt--Reform
>>National goals and principles, establishing, Feb. 27/95 budget statement,
10099, 10218, 11262
>>>o.q., 10187-8
>>National standards/policy, 873-4, 2142, 16457
>>>Federal government imposing, reducing contributions, 13247, 16819
>>>>o.q., 6637, 9528-9, 11482
>>>>S.O. 31, 17626
>>>Federal-provincial consultations, 11390
>>>Robillard, Hon. Lucienne, Minister of Labour, remarks, S.O. 31, 12670
>>Needs-based, 6705
>>New Brunswick, proposals/experiments, 858, 1162, 6673
>>New Democratic Party position, 879
>>New Zealand, management, 6733-4, 6997-8
>>Newfoundland, proposals/experiments, income supplement plan, replacing
unemployment insurance and social assistance, 538, 814,
>>Objectives, 1766, 4669-70, 5921
>>>Basic needs of life/confidence, self-reliance, etc., 829-30, 857
>>>Caring for old, young, sick and poor, 647
>>>Measurable, 853
>>Ontario, experiments, pilot projects, 858, 7921-2
>>Other countries, comparison, 6653, 6736
>>Outdated, 6673-4, 6684
>>Overpayments, government recouping, time limits, 2513-4, 2516
>>Part-time employees, eligibility, expanding, o.q., 6636
>>Payments, family income breakdown, child tax benefit, old age pensions,
unemployment insurance examples, qu., 3107-8
>>Policies, historical principles, 813, 865-6
>>Principles, universality, comprehensiveness, accessibility, portability and
public management, Bloc Québécois position, 7079
>>Private sector and non-government organizations, role, 539, 815
>>Program types, universal standard payments/varying payments according to
contributions, rationale, 848
>>Provinces, reform initiatives, 538
>>Provincial jurisdiction, 12039
>>>Federal interference, 6695, 16420
>>>o.q., 1384
>>Provincial powers, increasing, o.q., 15927
>>Provincial programs, flexibility, Canada Health and Social Transfer
allowing, 11390
>>Provincial role, eliminating, Improving Social Security in Canada,
discussion paper, 6614-5
>>Purpose, 5926
>>>Independent approach, 614, 617-8, 620, 656-8, 663
>>>>Parizeau, Premier Jacques, non co-operation attitude, o.q., 6637-9
>>>>Sovereignty, relationship, 618
>>>See also Social security system--Reform--Transfer payments to provinces
>>Recipients, criteria, 6658
>>Redesigning, 1766, 5044, 6052
>>>1970's, Hon. Marc Lalonde, National Health and Welfare Minister,
experience, 848, 6623
>>>Economic Council of Canada, 1989 report, recommendations, 539
>>>Government mandate, 2095-6
>>>Human Resources Development Department study paper, Feb. 27 budget
statement, o.q., 10148
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) position/actions
>>>>Bouchard role when in cabinet, 6608
>>>>Liberal Party policy, comparison, 615, 618, 620, 7082
>>>>>S.O. 31, 1304
>>>Social costs, assessment mechanism, need, 750
>>Redistribution of wealth, relationship, 648, 654
>>Reform, 6603-4, 6615, 6626, 6629, 6671, 6673, 6682-3, 6686, 6691-2, 6705,
6726-8, 6737, 6950-1, 6968-9, 7002, 7084-5, 7117-8, 8059, 8500, 8571, 8573,
8808, 8810, 10442, 10537, 10651-2, 10672-3, 10675, 11282, 13242, 16453-4,
>>>2-year plan, Throne Speech measure, 10, 39, 43-4, 52-3, 121, 142-3,
199-200, 223, 242, 254, 481, 535, 538-9, 540, 581, 599, 606, 622, 684-5, 923,
1161, 1822, 1825, 1834, 1836, 1890, 1899, 1943, 1947-8, 2158, 2587, 3016,
3033, 3051, 3908, 4088, 4478, 4639, 4642-5, 5031, 5044, 6956, 13423-4
>>>Action plan
>>>>Government developing, 609, 611-2,
632, 662, 3866, 4089, 4367, 4474, 5410,
6291, 6701-2, 6957, 6969
>>>>>o.q., 4945, 6215-7, 6256, 6514, 6776
>>>>Implementation delay, 16531
>>>>Lack, 6684-5
>>>>Tabling after Quebec sovereignty referendum, 7136
>>>>>o.q., 14809-11, 14992-3, 15292, 15340, 15968
>>>Axworthy, Lloyd, Human Resources Development Minister, failure, 10121-2
>>>Benefits, community service/training linkage, o.q., 5426-7
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 613-8, 620, 629-30, 654, 656-7, 4672, 7957
>>>>o.q., 3157, 3439-40, 4390-1, 6331, 9724
>>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, statement, 1708-12, 1731-2, 1737, 1739, 1749-50, 1752,
1827, 2048, 2062-3, 2072, 2108, 2112, 2115, 2783, 6956
>>>Business, labour, community groups, leaders, role, 609, 612, 812
>>>Cabinet and Liberal caucus, role, 609
>>>Canadian Council on Social Development report, S.O. 31, 6134
>>>Canadian demands/values, relationship, 609, 671, 814, 6646, 6654, 6699,
>>>Change needed, obsolescence of old ideas, etc., 609-11, 633, 650, 670, 814,
>>>Communications strategy, funds, anti-poverty use, 4688-9
>>>>o.q., 4390, 4394-5
>>>Consultations with constituents, users, etc., 609, 611-3, 617, 632, 646-7,
655, 659-60, 662, 669-70, 811-2, 818, 827-8, 838, 842-5, 853-5, 910, 915-7,
1898, 2103, 2107, 2809-10, 4310, 6659, 6974, 8004-5, 8061, 11355, 12052-3
>>>>Fredericton--York--Sunbury constituency policy groups, forums, 670, 6673-4
>>>>Gaspé constituency, 8053-4
>>>>Hamilton West constituency, town hall meetings, S.O. 31, 7364
>>>>o.q., 2669-70, 4390, 6901
>>>>Oxford constituency public meetings, 3347-8
>>>>>S.O. 31, 3564
>>>>Process, 3865-6, 6604, 6609, 6619, 6621, 6646, 6654-6, 6671, 6673, 6683-4,
6686, 6692, 6699, 6704-6, 6726-8, 6737, 7074-5, 7082-4, 7113, 7115-6, 7126,
7136, 7918, 7922, 7956-7, 8071-3
>>>>Reform Party position, o.q., 6713
>>>>S.O. 31, 6709
>>>>University of Ottawa Student Federation/Intergovernmental Affairs Minister
Massé meeting, sham, S.O. 31, 8873-4
>>>>Women, participation, 7109
>>>Corporations, income tax, relationship, S.O. 31, 6436
>>>Cost, o.q., 6780
>>>Culture, cultural industry, artists, impact, 8028-9
>>>Cut-backs, 8801
>>>Deficit, relationship, 7083, 8801
>>>>o.q., 6437-8
>>>>S.O. 31, 6709, 9279-80
>>>Economic development and tax reform, relationship, 7075-6
>>>Economic growth, 6650
>>>Federal-provincial consultations, 7453, 12053
>>>>Prior to Budget, Feb. 27/95, o.q., 9420-1
>>>Federal-provincial ministers meeting, Feb. 14/94, 612
>>>Federal-provincial ministers meeting, April 18/94, cancellation, o.q.,
3096-8, 3157, 3328-9, 3440, 3517-8, 3570-1, 4274-5
>>>Federal-provincial negotiations, resuming, Ontario Legislature Resolution,
government reaction, o.q., 4274
>>>Federal-provincial pilot projects, $800 million, 1711, 2838-9, 3865-6, 3871
>>>>o.q., 4274
>>>Fundamental redefinition, 7083
>>>Gender sensitive, 7109-10
>>>Generalizations, prejudices, avoiding, 855-6
>>>Goals and objectives, 7087, 7122, 7975-6
>>>Government commitment, 4319, 4672, 5921-2, 5925, 5927, 6535, 6702
>>>>o.q., 3157-8, 8117, 13591
>>>Government expenditures, $7.5 billion reduction over five years, leaked
secret cabinet document, Toronto Star publishing, hidden agenda
allegation, 6611-2, 6615, 6622, 6655, 6682, 6699, 7080, 7135
>>>>o.q., 6633-4, 6639
>>>Government hidden agenda, 7114
>>>Government proposals
>>>>Failure, o.q., 9905
>>>>>New proposals, requesting, o.q., 12718-9
>>>>Insufficient data, 1994 Auditor General's report, o.q., 8117-8, 8172,
>>>>Provincial responses, deadline, o.q., 5425-6
>>>House of Commons, Parliament, role, 610-1, 613, 630-3, 646-8, 653, 659-60,
662, 669
>>>Human Resources Development Department, staff role, 609, 16520, 16522
>>>Human Resources Development Standing Committee referral, 2084-6, 3866
>>>>Consultation, time frame, o.q., 1612-3
>>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 609-33, 646-71,
806-845, 847-82, 894-918, agreed to, on
recorded division, 1093-4
>>>>See also Human Resources Development Standing Committee--Reports
>>>Human Resources Development Standing Committee role, 612, 646-7, 658-60,
662, 666-7, 8071, 8073, 8819, 11870, 12451-2, 17720
>>>Improving/ reinventing current system, 809, 856
>>>Improving Social Security in Canada, discussion paper, tabled, 6565
>>>>Action plan, lack, 6642-3, 6646,
6692, 6695, 7124
>>>>Atlantic provinces, participation, 6649, 6654-5
>>>>>o.q., 6986
>>>>>S.O. 31, 6980
>>>>Axworthy, L., Human Resources Development Minister, role, 8050, 9352-4
>>>>Community input, 6726
>>>>Consultations, 6647-8, 6650-1, 6654-7, 7075-7, 7080, 7085, 7122, 7128,
7132, 7148-9, 7953, 8063, 8066, 17201
>>>>>Aboriginal peoples, role, 6620-2, 6715-6, 6818
>>>>>o.q., 6717
>>>>>Phoney/bogus process, 6611-2, 7129, 7133
>>>>>>o.q., 6634, 6717
>>>>>Quebec government participation, S.O. 31, 6896
>>>>Contents, 6679-82
>>>>>Lack, 7124
>>>>Contents, leaked to media
>>>>>o.q., 6437-8
>>>>>S.O. 31, 6554, 7850
>>>>>See also Social security system--Reform, Government expenditures
>>>>Cost/savings projections, lack, 6616-8, 6642-4, 7087, 7089, 7124, 7129
>>>>>o.q., 6635-6, 6713-4, 6774
>>>>Critics, Human Resources Development Minister Axworthy attacking, o.q.,
>>>>Critics/supporters, 6618, 6672,
6699, 6701, 6705, 6738, 6958, 7085, 7124
>>>>>o.q., 6715
>>>>Cut-backs, $15 billion over 5 years, 6672
>>>>Disappointing, 6622-3, 6650
>>>>Economic growth measures, lack, 7135
>>>>Federal-provincial negotiations/consultations, 6652-3, 6737-8
>>>>>o.q., 6634, 6637, 6639, 6716
>>>>Finance Department demand driven, 6681
>>>>Goals and objectives, 7087, 7089,
7112, 7136, 8055
>>>>Human Resources Development Standing Committee report, government review,
o.q., 9326-7
>>>>Human Resources Development Standing Committee report, leak to media, 9202
>>>>Human Resources Development Standing Committee review, 6603, 6646-51, 6655
>>>>Incremental philosophy, 7124-5
>>>>Job creation component, lack, 6678, 6688, 6692-4, 7079, 7114-5
>>>>Legislation, introduction, timetable, 6646, 6676, 7080
>>>>>o.q., 6638
>>>>McKenna, Frank, New Brunswick Premier, support, 6728
>>>>>o.q., 6713, 6716
>>>>Nunziata statement, S.O. 31, 6632
>>>>Options, alternatives, lack, 6646
>>>>Parliamentary debate, 6602-3
>>>>Provincial co-operation, lack, 6617, 6677
>>>>>o.q., 6636-7
>>>>Public opposition, S.O. 31, 9527
>>>>Public reaction, 9047, 13404, 13411
>>>>>o.q., 7039
>>>>Quebec labour movement opposing, 7114-5
>>>>Quebec position, S.O. 31, 6631
>>>>Rae, Bob, Ontario Premier, rejection
>>>>>o.q., 6716
>>>>>S.O. 31, 6630
>>>>Reform Party position, 6630-1, 6645
>>>>Seasonal workers, impact, 6676
>>>>Special interest groups, funding, Human Resources Development Department
providing, 6684, 6686, 6997-8
>>>>>o.q., 6714-5
>>>>Substance, lack, 6615, 6642-5, 7145-6
>>>>>S.O. 31, 6630-1
>>>>Tax implications, o.q., 6639
>>>>Technical papers, tabling, delay, o.q., 8633
>>>>Wells, Clyde, Newfoundland Premier, support, 6728
>>>>White, Bob, CLC President position, 6608, 7115
>>>>>Benefits, o.q., 6636, 9905
>>>>>Impact, government considering, 15413
>>>>Women's groups opposing, 9047
>>>>>o.q., 8699
>>>>>S.O. 31, 8691
>>>>See also Canada Student Loans Program;
Child tax benefit;
Disabled and handicapped persons--Vocational rehabilitation
Education, post-secondary--Skills upgrading;
Job creation--Programs;
Social security system--Administration--Decentralization--Financial
Training programs--Administration--Provincial role--Restructuring;
Unemployment insurance--Access--Eligibility;
>>>Information access, lack, 6684-5
>>>Job creation, 6650, 6654, 6737-8
>>>Legislation, introducing, 611-2
>>>>Delay, 6661
>>>>o.q., 6776
>>>Liberal Party, election promises, 4668, 6955-6, 6959, 7187, 10803-4, 11847
>>>>o.q., 9326
>>>>S.O. 31, 6707
>>>Liberal Party policies, opposition/government, differences, 7114
>>>Long-term focus, need, 853
>>>Meetings, St. John's East constituency, S.O. 31, 9143
>>>Moratorium, o.q., 3275, 3387, 3996
>>>National debt, impact, S.O. 31, 6633
>>>Opportunities, creating, 6702
>>>Opposition, Beauséjour riding, Prime Minister J. Chrétien visit,
demonstration, S.O. 31, 2478
>>>o.q., 22, 1915, 2224, 2356, 6260, 8246, 10268
>>>Petition, 13088
>>>Prime Minister's Office, role, 609
>>>Principles, outlining, 6615, 6627, 6648
>>>Process, delays, 6622
>>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment, omission, o.q., 7558-9
>>>Progress report, M. (L. Axworthy), 6602-30, 6642-62, 6671-97, 6699-706,
6725-39, 7074-91, 7107-36, 7912-24, 7937-57, 7972-8, 7995-8005, 8047-74
>>>Provinces and territories, role, consultation, 609, 611-2, 629, 653, 655,
853, 2882, 5410, 5499, 6702-3, 6725, 6727-8, 6730, 6732, 6738
>>>>o.q., 3097, 3328-9, 3331, 3570-1, 3952, 4467, 4945, 5097-8, 5339-40
>>>Provincial jurisdiction, 4445-6, 6704
>>>>Transferring to, o.q., 9283
>>>Public support, 6291, 7087, 7089, 7108, 7112, 7115, 7126, 7129, 8066-7,
9046-7, 9234-5
>>>>o.q., 1922-3, 8633, 8699
>>>>S.O. 31, 7551-2
>>>Purpose, 610, 630-3, 896-9, 903-4, 6730
>>>Quebec, 8801
>>>>o.q., 5814, 6331
>>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), relationship
>>>>o.q., 15927, 16023
>>>>S.O. 31, 16021
>>>Realities of 1990's, reflecting, 7112, 7132
>>>Reform Party alternative taxpayers budget proposals, 10122, 13345, 16531
>>>Reform Party position, 4562, 4672, 4683, 6699-700, 6955-6, 8360
>>>>o.q., 8117-8, 9423
>>>>S.O. 31, 9463
>>>Regional disparities, Canada Assistance Plan evening, eliminating, 6661
>>>Results, 4310
>>>>Government announcing, July/94, Parliament, recalling, request, o.q., 5522
>>>Scope, 610-1, 6951
>>>Senior citizens issues, addressing, o.q., 3101
>>>S.O. 31, 379-80, 636-7, 7848, 8592-3, 9142, 9414-5
>>>Stages, three, 612, 646-8
>>>Task force
>>>>Consultations, o.q., 638-9, 641
>>>>Establishing, 612-3, 7939
>>>Taxation, 6737
>>>Technical papers, o.q., 8244-5
>>>Timetable, delays, 6705-6, 6732-4, 6957, 7125
>>>>o.q., 3097-8, 4390, 9193-4, 9199
>>>>Quebec sovereignty referendum, impact, o.q., 14612-3
>>>Training programs, 6738
>>>Transfer payments to provinces, regional development programs, including,
876, 1120, 1712, 10489
>>>>o.q., 5340
>>>Unemployment Insurance Act amendments, relationship, 2805, 2809, 3025,
3058, 3345-8
>>>>o.q., 5515
>>>Urgency, 631, 647, 659, 3092
>>>Women, role, 660-2
>>>>S.O. 31, 8932
>>>>Benefits, 622-3
>>>>Impact, S.O. 31, 8628
>>>See also Job creation;
Unemployment insurance
>>Reform Party position, 94-5, 618, 620-1, 664, 818-20, 879, 907-8, 1760,
4925-6, 6630, 6699, 7077, 7915, 7951, 10260, 10539, 12039
>>>$15 billion cut-back, 6701
>>>>o.q., 6635-6, 6638, 6717, 10147, 10189
>>Regional disparities, impact, 7118
>>Renewal and accountability, 2050
>>Rural, urban and metropolitan realities, reflecting, 7108
>>Senior citizens, concerns, 646, 671, 876, 917
>>>Petition, 4211, 7431
>>>See also Social security system--Reform
>>Service model, 6702, 6705
>>Standard of living, minimum, guaranteeing, 626
>>Status quo, unacceptable, 6615-6, 6619, 7083, 7085, 7129, 8051-2
>>Sustainability, 664-5, 814, 16703
>>Targetting those in need, 9510
>>Trade agreements, relationship, 870-1
>>Transfer payments to individuals
>>>High-income earners, 17698
>>>Increase since 1984, 618-9
>>>See also Senior citizens
>>Transfer payments to provinces
>>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, cut-backs, 12077
>>>Increase since 1984, 619, 814
>>>Quebec, 615-6, 622, 625, 663, 822-4, 15340-1, 15343
>>>>o.q., 5814-5, 12411
>>>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), relationship, o.q., 15341
>>>>Reducing, eliminating, 12031, 13241
>>>>Tax points transfer, Quebec government proposal, o.q., 17626-7, 17708-9
>>>Reducing, 614-7, 620, 822-3, 12033, 12077, 17680, 17754
>>>See also Social security system--Reform
>>Underground economy, 3856
>>Undermining, 3030
>>Unemployable, taking care of, 6674-5
>>Universality, 626-8, 664, 814, 6971-2, 7009
>>>Eliminating, 17723
>>>Liberal Party position, 2158, 2801-2,
7120-1, 7132
>>>National debt, relationship, 17723
>>>Re-evaluating, 599-600, 705, 709, 7077-8, 7086, 7130-1, 9510
>>>Reform Party position, 3032, 6616, 6644, 6671
>>>"Sacred trust", 1818
>>>See also Social security system--Program types
>>User fees, 814, 817-8, 822
>>Value for money, 620, 622
>>Youth, 5499
>>>See also Social security system--Reform
>>See also Business of the House;
Canada Student Loans Program;
Economic conditions;
Government expenditures;
Members of Parliament--Pensions;
National debt;
National unity--Values;
Senior citizens;
Transfer payments to provinces--Budget, Feb. 27/95 measures