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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-101)--Minister of Transport (Young)

    >>First reading, 14188
    >>Transport Standing Committee
    >>>Referral forthwith, M. (Young), 15078-96, 15110-9, agreed to, on recorded division, 15137-8
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 16838
    >>See also Farm income; Railways--Branch line abandonment--Short line operations--Transportation policy

Canada-Trinidad and Tobago income tax convention see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-105)

Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Internship Program

Canada-Ukraine partners program see AIDS

Canada-Ukraine relations

Canada-United States Commission on Grains see Grain

Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement see FTA

Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports

Canada-United States-Mexico Free Trade Agreement see NAFTA

Canada-United States relations

    >>Importance, 2259, 2266
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, impact
    >>>United States President Bill Clinton remarks, o.q., 15926
    >>>United States Secretary of State Warren Christopher remarks, 15610
    >>>>o.q., 15605
    >>>>S.O. 31, 15596
    >>See also Salmon--Pacific fishery

Canada-United States Tax Convention Act, 1984 (amdt.)(Bill S-9)--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)

    >>Message from Senate, 12121
    >>First reading, 13812
    >>Second reading, 14705-14, agreed to, 14714
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 14714
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 15221
    >>Report stage, 15459-72, 15504-8
    >>>Amdts. (Baker), 15459, negatived on recorded division, 15504-7
    >>>Agreed to on recorded division, 15507-8
    >>Third reading, 15538-51, agreed to, 15551, passed
    >>Royal Assent, 16379. Chap. 34, S.C. 1995
    >>See also Income tax--Conventions with other countries; Senate--Role/mandate, Public funds

Canada volunteer awards see Volunteers passim

Canada Water Export Prohibition Act (Bill C-202)--Riis

    >>First reading, 259
    >>Second reading, 16990-8
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 16998
    >>See also Water

Canada Wildlife Act (amdt.)(Bill C-24)--Minister of the Environment (Copps)

    >>First reading, 3447
    >>Second reading, 3887-902
    >>>Agreed to, 3902
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 3902
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 4997
    >>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Manley), agreed to, 5240
    >>Third reading, 5240-9
    >>>Agreed to, 5249
    >>Royal Assent, 5781. Chap. 23, S.C. 1994
    >>See also Wildlife

Canada Winter Games, Grand Prairie, Alta., Feb. 19-Mar. 4/95

    >>Honorary chairpersons, Alexandre Daigle, Kerrin Lee-Gartner, S.O. 31, 5094-5
    >>Judo, medals, New Brunswick team, S.O. 31, 10264-5
    >>S.O. 31, 1098, 7849, 10706-7

Canada Works

    >>New Brunswick, federal-provincial project for single women on social assistance, 613

Canada World Youth Program

    >>Rickard, Stephanie, exchange student, selection, S.O. 31, 9816-7

Canada-Zimbabwe Income Tax Agreement Act see Canada-Hungary, Canada-Argentina, Canada-Netherlands Income Tax Convention, Canada-Nigeria, Canada-Zimbabwe Income Tax Agreement Act (Bill S-2)

Canadair see Aerospace industry--Bombardier Inc.

Canadarm see Space program--United States Space Shuttles, Atlantis

Canada's Defence Policy Review Special Joint Committee

    >>Membership, substitutions, M. (Milliken), agreed to, 5948
    >>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, overlap, 2271
    >>Reports, presentation
    >>>Final (Security in a Changing World 1994), 7430
    >>>>Date, M. (Mifflin), agreed to, 5731
    >>>>g.r., tabled, 8525
    >>>>Minority report, 7430
    >>>First, 1863, 1923
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Richardson), unanimous consent, denied, 1863, 1923
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Milliken), agreed to, 1946
    >>Role, report, 16595
    >>Senate participation
    >>>Excluding, 2267-8, 2303
    >>>Travel, Senators preoccupied, allegation, 12465
    >>See also Defence equipment--Procurement policy--Ships, Submarines; Defence policy--Review--White Paper

Canada's Foreign Affairs Policy Review Special Joint Committee

    >>Chairman and deputy chairman, election, 12469-70
    >>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee mandate, overlap, 2271, 2305
    >>Meetings, schedule, 2332
    >>Membership, substitutions, M. (Milliken), agreed to, 5949
    >>Ministerial interest, 6720
    >>Public hearings/consultations, 2268, 2331-2
    >>Quebec representation, 2303
    >>Recommendations, 6721
    >>>Deadline extending, M. (Milliken), agreed to, 6722
    >>>Dissenting report, tabled, 7813
    >>>Tabled, 7812-3
    >>>>g.r., tabled, 9237
    >>>Timeframe, 2268, 2331-2
    >>Role, 8422
    >>Senate participation, excluding, 2267-8, 2270-2, 2278-9, 2298, 2302-3, 2305, 2342
    >>>Appearing as witnesses, 2298
    >>>S.O. 31, 2352
    >>Special interest groups, dominance, preventing, 2332
    >>>Role, 2332-3
    >>>Travel, 2268, 2298
    >>See also Foreign affairs policy--Review; Foreign investments; Trade--Importance--Trade Commissioners

Canada's SchoolNet see Infrastructure program

Canadian Advanced Technology Association see Budget, Feb. 22/94; Research in Motion

Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women

Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame

    >>McDonald Dr. Rusty, inducting, S.O. 31, 7723

Canadian Agricultural Products Act

    >>Legislation see Agriculture--Regulations, Compliance agreements; Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (Bill C-61)

Canadian Agriculture Energy Use Data Analysis Centre see Agriculture

Canadian Airborne Regiment

    >>Disbanding, 10868, 10870, 10875-7, 10885, 10890, 10911
    >>>Moratorium, o.q., 9530-1
    >>>o.q., 9465-7, 9605, 13007
    >>>S.O. 31, 9723-4
    >>Hazing video
    >>>o.q., 9465-7
    >>>Racist depictions, Frazer comments, S.O. 31, 9275
    >>>>Stewart, J., statement, condemning, S.O. 31, 9321
    >>>S.O. 31, 9649
    >>Hazing video destroyed, regiment commander LCol Peter Kenward orders, promotion to Colonel, 17418-20
    >>>Collenette, Defence Minister, knowledge/role, o.q., 15180
    >>>de Chastelain, Gen John, Chief of Defence Staff, knowledge/role, 16654-5
    >>>>o.q., 15180
    >>>o.q., 15179-80, 15214-5, 15342
    >>History, accomplishments, 10871-2, 10888-9
    >>Kenward, LCol Peter, former commanding officer
    >>>Order of Military Merit award
    >>>>o.q., 9601
    >>>>S.O. 31, 9193
    >>>See also Canadian Airborne Regiment--Hazing video destroyed
    >>L'École polytechnique, Montreal, Que., Dec. 6/89 murder of 14 women, members celebrating anniversary
    >>>Collenette, National Defence Minister, statements, unacceptable, S.O. 31, 16358
    >>>o.q., 16246
    >>>Participants, promotions, suspending, o.q., 16322-4, 16367-8, 16538-9
    >>>S.O. 31, 16237, 16318
    >>Third video, welcoming party, head shaving, electric shock experiments
    >>>Collenette knowledge of existence, o.q., 9326, 9417-8, 9465-7
    >>>Investigation report, inaccurate, report author MGen Brian Vernon relieved of command, o.q., 9528, 9601, 10512
    >>Videos, sale by ex-soldiers for cash, National Defence Department, director general of public affairs, Ruth Cardinal, Apr. 24/95 remarks to Media Club of Canada, o.q., 12675
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Airborne capability; Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation

Canadian Airlines International

    >>Mirabel airport operations, ceasing, federal government railway policy, impact, o.q., 16668
    >>See also Air transportation--American Airlines/Canadian International--Canadian Airlines International;; Airline industry--Air Canada; Music--The Magic and the Mystery; National Defence Department--Transportation

Canadian Armed Forces

    >>10 Tactical Air Group, CFB St. Hubert, combination/transfer with Air Transport Group, CFB Trenton, 1763
    >>12th Regiment, CFB Valcartier, Yugoslavia (former) tour of duty, completed, S.O. 31, 3700
    >>15 Wing, CFB Moose Jaw, closing/downsizing, refraining, petition, 9864
    >>Aerospace training project, cost miscalculated, 17744
    >>Air Combat Group headquarters, transfer from CFB North Bay to CFB Trenton, 1762
    >>Air Command, CFB Winnipeg, closure, Feb. 27/95 budget measure, 10154-5
    >>>o.q., 10150
    >>Air Force
    >>>Fighter capability, reducing, White Paper proposal, o.q., 8552
    >>>Flight training, consolidation to Southport, Man., refraining, petition, 9864
    >>>"Snowbirds", disbanding, refraining, petition, 9864
    >>Airborne capability, alternative arrangements, LGen Reay assignment, o.q., 9531
    >>Airborne Regiment see Canadian Airborne Regiment
    >>>Black Watch Regimental Band, cut-backs, S.O. 31, 5513
    >>>Disbanding, Victoria, B.C., petition, 5400
    >>>Expenditures, o.q., 941-2
    >>>Pipe bands, S.O. 31, 5720-1
    >>Bases and stations, closures/downsizing, 1509, 1517-9, 1910, 2144, 2276, 6393, 10885, 16584
    >>>Atlantic provinces, 16584, 16589
    >>>>$30 million readjustment fund, $10 million cut, 10857-8
    >>>>>o.q., 10474
    >>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, measure, 1712, 1744, 1746, 1819, 1898
    >>>>$850 million cost savings by 1997-98, 1763-4
    >>>>Alberta, 2103
    >>>>Atlantic provinces, impact, 1785
    >>>>Criteria, o.q., 1800-1
    >>>>Flawed process, Auditor General 1994 report, o.q., 8171
    >>>>Job losses, 1828
    >>>>Reform Party position, 1742
    >>>CFB Portage La Prairie, Man. and CFB Summerside, P.E.I., cost savings overestimated, Auditor General report, o.q., 8169-70
    >>>Economic impact, 16623
    >>>Liberal Party election promise, o.q., 8171
    >>>Peacekeeping training and staging centres, conversion to, 1819
    >>>>Bloc Québécois, opposing, 1470-1, 1526
    >>>Political decision, o.q., 8171
    >>>Quebec, 10133
    >>>Status, special caucus studying, proposal, S.O. 31, 885
    >>Bases and stations, soil decontamination, o.q., 3769-70
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Calgary--CFB Ipperwash--Supply depot, Montreal
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95 measures, impact, 10880-1, 10884
    >>Bureaucratisation, 10873-5
    >>Cadet program
    >>>Enhancement, o.q., 8884
    >>>Port Perry Cadet Corps, S.O. 31, 12590
    >>>Youth, leadership, promoting, 1490-1
    >>Canadian Armed Forces Pensioners Association, pensions, group dental plan, including
    >>>o.q., 1995
    >>>S.O. 31, 16237
    >>Canadian Ranger program, participants, funding, qu., 4620
    >>CFB Bagotville, Que., 1478, 10438-9, 11418, 16622-3, 16625
    >>>Arena construction, tenders, etc., 16623-4
    >>>Petition, 9068-9
    >>CFB Calgary, Alta., 10875-9
    >>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, measures, 2103
    >>>>Costs, qu., 11998
    >>>>Petition, 14413, 15253
    >>>Lord Strathcona's Horse and First Service Battalion, transfer to CFB Edmonton, Alta., S.O. 31, 5808
    >>>Soil contamination, clean-up, o.q., 3770
    >>CFB Chatham, N.B., closure, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, 1764, 2073
    >>>See also Defence equipment--Armoured personnel carriers
    >>CFB Chilliwack, B.C., 10287-9, 10910-2
    >>>>o.q., 15483
    >>>>Petition, 15733
    >>>>S.O. 31, 12245
    >>>See also Military colleges--Collège militaire royal
    >>CFB Cold Lake, Alta., United States-Canada joint military exercises, importance, 400
    >>CFB Cornwallis, N.S.
    >>>Closure, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, 1764, 13332
    >>>Lester B. Pearson Peacekeeping Institute, training centre, establishing, 10864
    >>>>o.q., 1070, 1507, 8702, 10667
    >>>>S.O. 31, 14446
    >>>Property, economic development, Cornwallis Park Development Agency role, o.q., 8702
    >>>Recruit training centre, maintaining, 549, 1509
    >>CFB Downsview, Ont., urban forest, creating, 1764
    >>>o.q., 1727
    >>CFB Edmonton, Alta.
    >>>Budget, Feb. 22/94 measures, 2103
    >>>Expansion while other western bases close, 16580, 16584
    >>>Strategic importance, 1474-5, 1486
    >>>Western supply depot, possible closure, S.O. 31, 1549
    >>CFB Gagetown, N.B., combat training centre, reputation, 1528, 1530
    >>CFB Greenwood, N.S., Feb. 22/94 budget measures, impact, 2087
    >>CFB Ipperwash, Ont.
    >>>Environmental damage, clean-up, o.q., 3770
    >>>Road access, S.O. 31, 7724
    >>>See also Kettle and Stoney Point Reserve
    >>CFB Moisie, Que., 1985-86 closure, development agreement, 4064-5
    >>CFB Moncton, N.B., depot facilities, maintaining
    >>>Petition, 71-2
    >>>S.O. 31, 1060
    >>CFB Moose Jaw, Sask., maintaining, 730-1
    >>>o.q., 1427-8
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Contracting out
    >>CFB Ottawa, Ont., closure, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, 1764
    >>CFB Penhold, Alta., closure, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, 2103
    >>CFB Petawawa, Ont., 1530-1
    >>>"Rebels Squadron", o.q., 2357
    >>CFB Shearwater, N.S., closure, 13332
    >>>o.q., 15292-3
    >>>Sea King helicopter fleet, replacement, possible base closure, o.q., 4277-8
    >>CFB St. Margaret, N.B., sale, use, 312
    >>CFB Suffield, Alta.
    >>>Temporary and contract employees, hiring, o.q., 2045-6
    >>>See also McKinnon, Corporal Neil Bernard
    >>>CFB Valcartier, Que.
    >>>>Expansion, 16584
    >>>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--12th Regiment
    >>CFS Mill Cove, N.S., closure, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, redevelopment, S.O. 31, 2735
    >>CFS Shelburne, N.S., closure, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, redevelopment, S.O. 31, 2735
    >>Chrétien, J., role, unification, etc., 17419
    >>Combat training, Charles Scott, instructor, admitted white supremist, o.q., 10390-1
    >>Commitments, overseas, opportunity to debate, o.q., 8595-6
    >>Compensation, document, tabled, 11533
    >>Contracting out, 1762
    >>>Basic training, CFB Portage La Prairie, Man., 1762
    >>>CFB Shilo, Man., S.O. 31, 6898
    >>>Flight training, CFB Moose Jaw, Sask., 1762
    >>>See also Defence equipment--Maintenance
    >>Courts martial
    >>>Appeals by National Defence Department, r.o., 16080-1
    >>>See also Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation
    >>de Chastelain, Gen. John, Chief of Defence Staff
    >>>Fraud allegations, o.q., 16364-5
    >>>>Boyle, LGen Jean, involvement, o.q., 16365, 16437-8
    >>>Resignation, requesting, o.q., 15290-1
    >>>Retirement, Ambassador to the United States appointment, re-enrollment, payments/benefits, qu., 15052
    >>Delegation of authority, base commanders or unit commanders, 1762
    >>Domestic responsibilities, 5965-6, 5985
    >>Eagle River exercise, Labrador, cost, o.q., 9601-2, 9653
    >>Equipment see Defence equipment
    >>Expenditures, reducing, 1491
    >>>Administration costs, Bloc Québécois position, 2142
    >>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, measures, 1758
    >>>Liberal government (Trudeau), 1763
    >>Family support program, elimination, Reform Party position, 7090
    >>Foreign countries, assistance, Military Training Assistance Program, 10864
    >>>o.q., 8596
    >>History, accomplishments, 10879-80
    >>>Accommodation size, rent, etc., senior officers/enlisted personnel, comparison, o.q., 9907-8
    >>>Document, tabled, 11533
    >>Image, public perception, etc., 10867-9, 10873
    >>Infrastructure, Quebec, share, 3023
    >>Inquiry, petitions, 10722, 11944, 12257-8, 13287, 14025
    >>Land forces, 3,000 personnel increase, White Paper proposal, o.q., 8552
    >>Land Forces Command, CFB Saint-Hubert, Que., closure, Feb. 27/95 budget measure, 10120, 10280
    >>>o.q., 10150
    >>Leadership/morale, 10868-9, 10873, 10881-3, 10887, 10890-1, 10908, 10910-1, 10919-22, 17120, 17156-7
    >>>o.q., 10512-4, 10613, 12113, 15290
    >>>Public inquiry, requesting, petition, 11197, 11619-20, 12546
    >>Management, strategic plan, 10875-6, 10880
    >>Mandate, 1518-9, 1528-30
    >>Maritime Command, CFB Halifax, N.S., closure, Feb. 27/95 budget measure, o.q., 10150
    >>Military colleges see Military colleges
    >>Militia, Brockville Rifles, historic significance, respecting and maintaining, petition, 17287
    >>National unity, experiencing, 1475-6, 1479
    >>>Fleet school, coastal patrol vessels, Quebec City, Que., 7293
    >>>Hazing rituals, continuing, o.q., 9531
    >>>Role, tribute, S.O. 31, 3827-8
    >>Officer Corps
    >>>Bilingual status, anglophones/francophones, 3189, 3482, 5330, 10532
    >>>Francophones, 16584
    >>>>Representation, advancement possibilities, 10907
    >>>>>o.q., 1796-7, 10074-5
    >>>>See also Military colleges--Collège militaire royal, Saint-Jean, Que., Royal Military College
    >>>Generals, 10882-3
    >>>Numbers, decrease, 3479
    >>>>o.q., 10326-7
    >>>Senior officers, LCol and up, bilingual status, 3480, 3482-3
    >>>>Francophones/anglophones, o.q., 1796-7, 1855
    >>Officer training
    >>>1996-1997 graduates, fully bilingual, 3479
    >>>Candidates, reducing from 1600 to 900, 3479
    >>>Francophone applicants, decrease, collège militaire royale de Saint-Jean closure, role, 10822-3
    >>>>o.q., 10471-2
    >>>Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont., fully bilingual teaching institution, statement by Minister (Collenette), 3479-83
    >>>See also Military colleges--Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont.
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 1476, 1485-6, 3481-2, 5330, 10906
    >>>French language training manuals and instructors, shortage, 5330
    >>>Government commitment, o.q., 2290
    >>>Units and positions, linguistic designation, 6461, 6464
    >>>>1992 review, 3480, 5330-1
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Officer Corps--Officer training--Personnel
    >>Operation William Tell, Florida, training exercise
    >>>Cost, 7189-90
    >>>>o.q., 6852-3
    >>>Generals, Airbus charter, o.q., 9200-1
    >>>Team Canada, second place, S.O. 31, 7093
    >>Operational and training activities budget, 25% reduction, 1763
    >>Parliamentary review, requesting, petition, 10752
    >>Peacekeeping capability, 17154
    >>>10,000 military personnel, White Paper proposal, o.q., 8552
    >>Pensioners, group dental plan, pension deductions, S.O. 31, 16237
    >>Performance, S.O. 31, 2617-8
    >>Persian Gulf War personnel, medical problems, Gulf War syndrome, 12605
    >>>o.q., 6259, 9422
    >>>And facilities, conversion to civilian use, national conversion resource centre, establishing, petition, 9338
    >>>Bilingual status, anglophones/francophones, deficiencies, internal report, 3482, 10532, 16631
    >>>>S.O. 31, 5889
    >>>Civilian use, video technicians, Royal Kingston Curling Club, o.q., 9652
    >>>Francophones, 16584
    >>>Grievance applications, qu., 5826
    >>>Mefloquine/alcohol use, interaction, effects, 12605-6
    >>>>qu., 11414-5
    >>>Reducing, 1466, 1470, 1477-8, 1486, 2334, 10864, 10880-1, 10885, 16625-6
    >>>>Civilian Reduction Program, 1763, 1836, 2057-8
    >>>>Combat personnel, 1744
    >>>>Redeployment and retraining incentive payments plan, severance packages, 1819, 2799-800, 3028, 10913-4
    >>>>>o.q., 2123, 2360-1, 10150-1
    >>>>White Paper proposals, o.q., 8551-2
    >>>>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Air Force--Land force--Peacekeeping
    >>>>See also National Defence Department--Civilian personnel
    >>>Sexual orientation, 10868
    >>>Separation expense allowance, MGen Armand Roy and RAdm Barry Keller, etc., 17268-9
    >>>>o.q., 9002, 15701-2
    >>>Welfare, collecting, 17628
    >>>>o.q., 15702
    >>>Women, 10921
    >>Racism, zero tolerance policy, o.q., 12375
    >>Rank structure, reducing, 1762
    >>Recruitment centres, New Brunswick, closure/downsizing, S.O. 31, 11289
    >>Reserve units
    >>>30,000 strength maintaining, 1489, 1763-4
    >>>>o.q., 4135
    >>>>Reducing to 23,000, White Paper proposal, o.q., 8884
    >>>Cost-efficiency, 17745
    >>>Peacekeeping role, 5978-9, 5985
    >>>Public Service, two month leave of absence, 5584
    >>>Queen's York Rangers, o.q., 15768
    >>>Restructuring, report, The Special Commission on the Restructuring of the Reserves, 17745
    >>>>Implementation, o.q., 16834
    >>>>Tabled, 16283
    >>>Review commission, o.q., 15768
    >>>Training, cost, S.O. 31, 10608
    >>>White Paper, flawed, 17745
    See also Nova Scotia Highlanders Reserve Force Act (Bill C-261)
    >>Role, 10888, 10916-7
    >>>Civil powers aiding, 2334
    >>>S.O. 31, 7724
    >>Royal Newfoundland Regiment, anniversary, S.O. 31, 11932
    >>Salaries, freeze, two year extension, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, 2779, 4635
    >>Sexual harassment policy, 6291-2
    >>>Changes, measures, complaint process
    >>>>Documents, tabled, 5584
    >>>>o.q., 4582-3
    >>>Defence policy review, including, 1513-4
    >>Ships, HMCS Fredericton, rescue of British sail-boat Longo-Barda, tribute, 11805
    >>Significant incident reports
    >>>Destroying after six months, o.q., 16438
    >>>See also Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Inquiry
    >>Size, 5985-6
    >>Spouses, support, 312-3
    >>Suicide, prevalence, Oehring and Jeffries reports
    >>>Cardinal, Ruth, National Defence Department director general for public affairs, Apr. 24/95 remarks to Media Club of Canada, o.q., 12675
    >>>o.q, 11193-4, 11293, 11295-6, 12189-90
    >>>S.O. 31, 11133, 11341
    >>Supply depot, Montreal, Que., 1745
    >>>Soil contamination, clean-up, o.q., 3770
    >>"Total force" concept, reserves, use, 311-2, 1479, 1489-90
    >>Youth, training, 10917-8
    >>See also Bosnia-Herzegovina; Cambodia--Land mines; Canadian Special Service Medal; Cruise missile testing; Fisheries--200 mile limit; Fisheries, Atlantic--Foreign overfishing; Foreign affairs policy; Middle East--Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization; Peacekeeping; Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Preventing; Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Results, "Yes" side victory; Rwanda--Civil war; Search and rescue passim; Smuggling; Somalia; Tobacco/cigarette smuggling; Yugoslavia (former)