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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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    >>Rahmani, Abder, journalist, assassination, S.O. 31, 11184
    >>See also Immigration--Visas; Women--Violence against

Algoma constituency

Algoma region see Tourist industry

Algoma, Steel Corporation, Limited

    >>Hopkins, Al, president, S.O. 31, 7030

Alimony Act

    >>Amending, S.O. 31, 7175

Alimony payments see Divorce

Aliyak, Moses see Northwest Territories

All-terrain vehicles see Defence equipment

Allaire report see Quebec--Separation/sovereignty

Allan Memorial Institute see Brainwashing--United States

Alliance for the Preservation of English in Canada see Official Languages Act--Abolition

Alliance Quebec see Quebec sovereignty referendum--Results, Reform Party; Special interest groups--Government funding

Allmand, Hon. Warren (L--Notre-Dame-de-Grâce)

Allocation of time see Time allocation

Allotted days

    >>Nine days, ending Mar. 26/94, 947
    >>See also Procedure

Alternative and renewable energy

    >>Equipment, capital cost allowance
    >>>Class 34, eliminating, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, 2104
    >>>Revision, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, 2104-5
    >>Liberal Party election promises, "red book", 14853
    >>Research and development, 17743
    >>See also China; Gasoline/automotive fuels

Alternative fuels see Gasoline/automotive fuels; Fossil fuels; GFI Control Systems Inc.

Alternative Fuels Act (Bill S-7)--J. Stewart

    >>Message from Senate, 11649
    >>First reading, 11816
    >>Second reading, 12516-20
    >>>Agreed to on division, 12520
    >>Natural Resources Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 12520
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 13187-8
    >>Report stage, 13551-8, 14035-41, 14181-2
    >>>Concurrence, agreed to on recorded division, 14182-3
    >>>Dropped to bottom of Order Paper, 13558
    >>>Motions (Morrison), 13551, negatived on recorded division, 14181-2
    >>Third reading, agreed to on recorded division, 14183, passed
    >>Senate passage, 14466
    >>Royal Assent, 14481, Chap. 20, S.C. 1995
    >>See also Gasoline/automotive fuels--Alternative fuels

Alternative Funding Arrangement see Aboriginal peoples--Band funding

Alternative measures program see Justice system

Althouse, Vic (NDP--Mackenzie)

Aluminium industry

    >>Crisis, British Columbia, Quebec, Russia dumping, United States countervailing duties
    >>>o.q., 575, 2624
    >>>S.O. 31, 225
    >>Production, 10% world-wide reduction, o.q., 1305
    >>Russia, modernization, o.q., 2178
    >>South Africa smelter, construction, SNC Lavalin contract, government credit arrangements, 2643-4
    >>>o.q., 1305, 2178, 2622-3
    >>>S.O. 31, 2618
    >>>o.q., 2623-4
    >>>S.O. 31, 2430

Aluminium wheel plant see Hyundai Auto Canada

Alzheimer Awareness Month

    >>S.O. 31, 565

Alzheimer's disease

    >>National registry, establishing, o.q., 13182

Amateur sports see Sports

Amateur theatre groups see Arts and culture

Ambulance attendants

    >>Medals, distinguished conduct, petition, 31
    >>See also Fire-fighters--And emergency response personnel

American Airlines see Air transportation

American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association

    >>Socrates Award, presenting to Prime Minister Chrétien, S.O. 31, 7175

American Society of Quality Control

    >>Ottawa Valley Chapter, S.O. 31, 7419

Americana 1995, Montreal, Que.

    >>Environmental industry, promoting, S.O. 31, 10893

Ameridata Canada see Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Economic impact

AMF Technotransport Inc. see Canadian National Railways--Privatization/commercialization

Amherst, N.S. see IMP Aerospace Components Ltd.

Ammunition see Gun control/guns

Amnesty program see Gun control/guns

Amortek see Defence industry--Industrial reconversion program

Amphibex excavator see Normrock Industries

AMPS see Administrative Monetary Penalty System

Anabolic steroids see Drug trafficking--Controlled substances

Anawak, Jack Iyerak (L--Nunatsiaq; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development from December 6, 1993 to February 5, 1996)

Anderson, Hon. David (L--Victoria; Minister of National Revenue; Minister of Transport as of January 25, 1996)

    >>Airports, Vancouver International Airport, o.q., 12798
    >>Apples, United States producers dumping, o.q., 3769, 3836
    >>Automobile sales, GST application, o.q., 11942-3
    >>Babbar Khalsa Society, charitable organization status, o.q., 12192-3, 13237
    >>Banks and banking, taxation, o.q., 9146
    >>Border crossings
    >>>Delays, o.q., 13006
    >>>Manitoba, o.q., 2221
    >>British Columbia Treaty Commission Act (Bill C-107), 15714-7
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 4666-8
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 13059, 13065
    >>Budget, M. (Gagliano), 8315
    >>Business, single government registration number, o.q., 2358
    >>Cabinet ministers, parliamentary secretaries, 1358-9
    >>Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 1343
    >>Canada Customs
    >>>Aircraft, private, o.q., 14091
    >>>Border-crossing services, o.q., 15107, 17240
    >>>Customs officers, o.q., 1501, 1505, 8295-6, 17633
    >>>Enforcement activities, o.q., 8347, 14091
    >>>Sufferance warehouses, qu., 12904-5
    >>Canada-Hungary, Canada-Argentina, Canada-Netherlands Income Tax Convention, Canada-Nigeria, Canada-Zimbabwe Income Tax Agreement Act (Bill S-2), 2678
    >>Canadian Film Development Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-31), 4591
    >>Child care, business expense income tax deduction, o.q., 1104
    >>Child support payments, o.q., 13596
    >>Child tax benefit, o.q., 17581
    >>Children, abduction, o.q. 995-6
    >>Cod, fish stocks, collapse, o.q., 1554-5, 2295
    >>Commonwealth Games, 1194, Victoria, B.C., National Revenue Department officials and staff, o.q., 11812-3
    >>Constitution Amendment, 1993 (Prince Edward Island), M. (Dingwall), 1358-9
    >>Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110), 17057-61
    >>Corporations, income tax, o.q., 1426
    >>Council for Canadian Unity, charitable status, o.q., 13525-6, 15810-1
    >>Customs brokers, surety bonds, 7549
    >>>o.q., 8830, 9061
    >>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 9118
    >>Department of External Affairs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 5822
    >>Department of National Revenue Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 235, 925-6, 3295
    >>Economy, underground economy, o.q., 8345-6, 12256
    >>Electoral boundaries, legislation, M. (H. Gray), 3207-8
    >>Excise Act, Customs Act and Tobacco Sales to Young Persons Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11), 1151, 1650-2, 5267
    >>Excise Act, Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 4602
    >>Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act, ways and means motion
    >>>Concurrence, M., 14396
    >>>Notice, tabled, 14097
    >>Excise tax, legislation, 3843
    >>Floods, Perth-Andover, N.B., statement by Minister, 3127-8
    >>Forestry, British Columbia, o.q., 2742-3
    >>General preferential tariff, legislation, 3843
    >>Greenpeace Canada, tax status
    >>>o.q., 2742
    >>>Statement by Minister, 2867
    >>>Credits, o.q., 9200
    >>>Reducing, o.q., 153
    >>>Replacing, 3843-4
    >>>>o.q., 27, 153, 4778
    >>Gun control/guns, smuggling, o.q., 7101, 8295-6, 8298, 8702
    >>House of Commons, seats, 3207-8
    >>>Foreign source income, qu., 10837
    >>>Residences of convenience, o.q., 6519
    >>Income tax
    >>>Audits, visible minorities, o.q., 17278
    >>>Entertainment expense deduction, o.q., 9782
    >>>Legislation, 3843
    >>>Overseas employment tax credit, o.q., 3769, 4002, 4206
    >>>Returns, 3842
    >>>>o.q., 16369, 16666
    >>>Tax shelter, loopholes, o.q., 8601
    >>>Unpaid taxes, o.q., 5940, 8119, 8123, 8293
    >>Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)(Bill C-59), 8176, 8210
    >>Income Tax Act, Income Tax Application Rules, Canada Pension Plan, Canada Business Corporations Act, Excise Tax Act, Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 3916
    >>>GST, qu., 13883
    >>>Income tax, qu., 1924
    >>Job creation, 3845
    >>>Government commitment, 4668
    >>>Unemployment insurance premiums, 4666
    >>Liquor smuggling
    >>>Anti-smuggling campaign, o.q., 1553
    >>>Canada Customs officers, bribes, allegation, RCMP investigating, o.q., 1501-2, 1553
    >>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-94), 14138
    >>Marine Transportation Security Act (Bill C-38), 7679-80
    >>National Revenue Department
    >>>Administrative consolidation, 925-6, 3841-3
    >>>Mandate, objectives, 925
    >>National unity, 17057, 17059
    >>Non-profit organizations, financial information returns, o.q., 5899
    >>Old Age Security Act, Canada Pension Plan, Children's Special Allowances Act, Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-54), 6944
    >>>Members' remarks, 8702
    >>>Orders of the Day, 14097
    >>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (H. Gray), 9380
    >>Quebec, 17058
    >>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 3914
    >>References see Canada Customs--Enforcement activities; Conflict of interest; GST--Replacing; Justice Department--Legal agents/advisors, British Columbia
    >>Research and development, scientific research and experimental development tax credit, o.q., 12111, 13324
    >>Salmon, pacific fishery, o.q., 4524
    >>Small business
    >>>Assistance, 3845
    >>>Job creation, role, 4668
    >>Smuggling, wine, o.q., 16325
    >>Social security system
    >>>Benefits, o.q., 7373
    >>>Reform, 4668
    >>Special interest groups, tax exempt status, o.q., 2742
    >>Tax reform, equitable, efficient, effective, M. on supply (Silye), 3841-5
    >>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, o.q., 9822-3
    >>>Burden, 3842
    >>>Evasion, 3843
    >>>Fairness, 3841-3
    >>>Federal/provincial portions, o.q., 9331
    >>>Harmonization, 3842
    >>>Increase, o.q., 27
    >>>Loop-holes, o.q., 7426
    >>>Problem resolution program, 3842
    >>>Revenue, o.q., 5940
    >>>Social/economic development, 3841-2
    >>>System, 3841
    >>>Underground economy, 3841-2
    >>>>o.q., 1614-5, 5940, 7426, 8295, 16906
    >>>Unpaid, o.q., 9827
    >>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling
    >>>Contraband, seizure, 1652
    >>>Export tax, o.q., 991
    >>>Government strategy, Feb. 8/94 announcement, o.q., 1068, 1183-4
    >>>Increase, 1651
    >>>o.q., 722
    >>>Revenue loss, 1650
    >>>Grand River Enterprises, o.q., 574-5
    >>>"Kiddy packs", 1652
    >>>Sales, 3843
    >>>Taxes, o.q., 991
    >>Tremblay, Patrick, o.q., 1430
    >>Unemployment insurance
    >>>Premiums, 4667
    >>>Social security system, 4666
    >>Wenman, Robert Lloyd, 14093
    >>Willoughby, Dr. Charles, 14542
    >>Winnipeg, Man., National Hockey League arena, o.q., 12897-8, 12901-2