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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Employment Development Program see Job creation

Employment equity

Employment Equity Act

Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64)--Minister of Human Resources Development (L. Axworthy)

Employment insurance see Unemployment insurance

Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-111)--Minister of Human Resources Development and Minister of Western Economic Diversification (L. Axworthy)

    >>First reading, 17091
    >>Human Resources Development Standing Committee
    >>>Referral forthwith, M. (L. Axworthy), 17475-92, 17506-15, agreed to, on recorded division, 17540-1
    >>See also Unemployment insurance--Eligibility, Hours-based system--Employment insurance; Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-112)

Employment skills training see Employment equity; Training programs--Youth

Employment strategies see Employment--Government strategies; Quebec

Empress of Ireland

    >>Sinking, St. Lawrence River, May 80th anniversary, S.O. 31, 4517

Encounter with Canada Program see Youth

Endangered and Threatened Species Act (Bill C-275)--Caccia

    >>First reading, 6262-3
    >>Second reading, 14249-58, 15552-60, 16511-5
    >>>Agreed to on recorded division, 16644-5
    >>>Dropped to bottom of Order Paper, 14258, 15560
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 16645
    >>See also Flora and fauna; Wildlife--Endangered species

Endangered species see Wildlife


    >>>Environmental conservation, relationship, 7447
    >>>Quebec projects, federal grants and subsidies, lack, 10124-5
    >>Exports, environmental review, dropping, 7455
    >>Megaprojects, Hibernia, Lloydminster Bi-Provincial Upgrader, Regina NewGrade Upgrader, Auditor General comments, 3337-8
    >>See also Alternative and renewable energy; National Energy Program

Energy conservation

    >>Equipment, tax treatment, improving, Budget, Feb. 22/94, measure, 1710
    >>See also Housing

Energy efficiency

    >>Environmental impact, 3281-2
    >>Government commitment, S.O. 31, 9899
    >>Government initiatives/programs, 3282
    >>>Voluntary measures, S.O. 31, 7682
    >>Job creation, 6211
    >>Jurisdiction, provincial, 3282
    >>Products, demand, 2105-6
    >>Promotion, 3281, 6236
    >>Residential energy retrofits, 3282
    >>Statement by Minister (A. McLellan), 3281-2
    >>Sustainable development, 6211, 6237
    >>Transportation fleets, 3282
    >>See also Government accommodation/buildings

Energy Efficiency Act

    >>Administration and enforcement, 1992-93 annual report, tabled, 3281

Energy sector

    >>Government expenditures/taxation, 6236
    >>Importance, 6210-1
    >>Regulations, streamlining, M. (Morrison), 14909-15, dropped from Order Paper, 14915
    >>Sustainable development, 6236
    >>See also Film and video industry; Trade--Interprovincial trade, Internal trade agreement

Enforcement see Excise Tax Act; Taxation--Compliance; Tobacco/cigarette smuggling

Engineers and Scientists Program see Research and development

English Canada

    >>Existential problems, 7869
    >>Use of term criticised, 17021, 17100
    >>See also Municipalities--Twinning; National unity--Post-sovereignty referendum strategy, Chrétien; Official languages policy/bilingualism; Official languages policy/bilingualism--Individual bilingualism; Public Service--Official languages policy/bilingualism; Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Results, "No" side victory

English, John (L--Kitchener; Parliamentary Secretary to President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs from December 6, 1993 to February 5, 1996)

    >>Aboriginal land claims, 15249
    >>>M. on supply (Duncan), 17374
    >>Aboriginal self-government, 8806-7
    >>Agriculture, M. (Goodale), 4124
    >>Air transportation, 9164
    >>Bloc Québécois, 8806-7
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 371
    >>British Columbia, 1406
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 1753-4, 1830-1
    >>Canada Labour Code and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--scabs and essential services)(Bill C-317), 13946-7
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 5330-1
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 14387-8
    >>Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board, auditor report, tabled, 17144
    >>Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi de l'Outaouais, 7669-70
    >>Constitution Amendment, 1993 (Prince Edward Island), M. (Dingwall), 1406-8
    >>Constitutional reform, 4382
    >>Deficit, 9290
    >>Department of Industry Act (Bill C-46), 6766
    >>Education, expenditures, 882
    >>Education, post-secondary, co-op programs, 881-2
    >>Emergency Preparedness Canada, 14388-9
    >>Europe, 8807
    >>Federal-provincial relations, 8805, 16865
    >>Government, 1198
    >>Government appointments, 9289-90, 9303, 9354, 14385, 14497
    >>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 9288-9, 14385
    >>Government expenditures, M. on supply (Crête), 1198-9
    >>Government Organization Act (Federal Agencies)(Bill C-65), 9288-91, 9303, 9354, 14382, 14385, 14387-90, 14497
    >>Government programs and services, 1198-9, 14497
    >>>o.q., 9782
    >>Grain, 4124
    >>Health care, S.O. 31, 13230
    >>Holidays, 5553-4
    >>Industrial policy, 6766
    >>Kitchener constituency, 370
    >>Members of Parliament, 187
    >>NAFTA, 8806
    >>National Archives of Canada, 14390
    >>National Capital Commission, 14385
    >>National Patriot Day, M. (Bergeron), 5553-4
    >>National Public Service Week, S.O. 31, 13590
    >>OECD, S.O. 31, 8474
    >>"On to Ottawa" Trek, M. (de Jong), 16171-2
    >>Order in Council appointments/appointees, o.q., 9730, 9783-4
    >>Peacekeeping, M. (Ouellet), 370-2
    >>Prince Edward Island, 1406-8
    >>Procedure, speeches, 9352
    >>Provinces, 6942
    >>Public Service, 11841, 13946-7
    >>Public Service, reform, 1198-9
    >>Quebec, 6942, 9164
    >>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 8805-8
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum, 6942
    >>References, maiden speech, 370
    >>Reform Party, 188
    >>Refugees, o.q., 8785
    >>Responsible government in Canada, 5553-4
    >>Small business, S.O. 31, 4268
    >>Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 178
    >>Social security system, 8808, 9163
    >>>M. (L. Axworthy), 881-2
    >>Special interest groups, government funding, 881
    >>Television, cable, 5334
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 178, 187-8
    >>Tokes, Very Reverend Laszlo, S.O. 31, 16430-1
    >>Tourist industry, 7668-9
    >>Trade, 8806
    >>Training programs, 882
    >>United Nations, S.O. 31, 14448-9, 15761-2
    >>Veterans benefits, 5333
    >>Waterloo constituency, 1753-4
    >>Wheat, 1830-1
    >>Women, S.O. 31, 17273
    >>World War II, S.O. 31, 12280

English television network see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Enhancing the Safety and Soundness of the Canadian Financial System see Financial institutions--Safety and security

Enquiries Canada see Canada Communications Group

Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation

    >>$2.5 million reduction, 24% staff reduction, o.q., 10151
    >>1995-96 budget
    >>>69% increase, 10110
    >>>>o.q., 10151
    >>Person-year reduction, 10275

Enterprise units see National parks

Entertainment expense deduction see Corporations--Income tax; Income tax


    >>Encouraging, 16518-9, 16524-5
    >>>Taxation factor, 11711
    >>Women entrepreneur of the year award, Paula Lishman, reversible fur coats, export business. University of Toronto Faculty of Management awarding, 15821
    >>>S.O. 31, 15395
    >>Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan, office, Western Economic Diversification Program funding, S.O. 31, 15338
    >>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency--Atlantic Women Business Immigration--Business immigration; Owners conference--Young entrepreneurs conference; National Entrepreneur of the Year award;

Entrepreneurship see Defence equipment--Procurement policy, Canadian content requirements; Research and development; Small business; Small Business Loans Act; Unemployment insurance; Vaughan Technology Enterprise Centre Young entrepreneurs program


    >>Atlantic coastal action program, S.O. 31, 8289
    >>Atlantic provinces, federal-provincial framework agreement, S.O. 31, 4768
    >>Berlin Summit, government position, o.q., 11412
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94 measures, 1950-1, 2144
    >>Chlorinated Substances Action Plan, 7141-2
    >>Composting and recycling, encouraging, 7462-3
    >>>Statement by Minister (Copps), 3396-400
    >>Contaminated properties/buildings, bankruptcies, impact, Bill C-109, relationship, o.q., 17087
    >>Ecological balance, birds' role, 3781
    >>Economy, relationship, 1710, 7444, 7457, 7460, 8895, 14595-6, 16728-9, 16759
    >>>Bloc Québécois position, 7445
    >>>Liberal Party election promises, "red book", relationship, 14898
    >>Ecosystems, maintaining, 3779, 5141, 5166, 5171
    >>>Condition, bird and wildlife populations, indicator, 5234, 5238
    >>Environment education projects, Environment Department-Stratford Central Secondary School environment club, Carolinian forest system, development, S.O. 31, 14012
    >>Environmental achievement awards, S.O. 31, 5513-4
    >>Environmental and Sustainable Development Commissioner, establishing, 15057
    >>>Auditor General's Office, encompassing, 14510-1, 14513-5, 14518, 14523, 14553, 14568, 14583-7, 14590-1, 16569-70, 16747-50, 16753, 16758
    >>>Effectiveness, 14566, 14586-8, 16570, 16753-5, 16758
    >>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee report, 4933, 6127, 14509, 14513-4, 14517-20, 14523, 14557, 14560-4, 14568, 14586-9, 15148, 16756, 16758
    >>>>Caccia, Chair, efforts, 14557
    >>>Legislation (Bill C-83), 7141, 7143, 14509-12, 14515, 14517, 14520, 14523, 14554, 14555-8, 14560-1, 14563, 14583, 14587-8, 14590-1, 14632-3, 16373, 16729, 16751, 16755-6
    >>>>Bloc Quebecois, position, 14593-7, 16570-1, 16743, 16744-6, 16752
    >>>>Reform Party position, 16747, 16749-50
    >>>Mandate, 14511, 14515, 14523, 14528-31, 14553-4, 14556, 14560, 14565-6, 14569, 14584-6, 14587-8, 14590-1, 15148, 16569, 16746, 16748-9, 16752-6, 16758-9
    >>>Need, 14558
    >>>New Zealand, example, 14522, 16729
    >>>Public, petitioning, 14511, 14515, 14521, 14553, 14556, 14561-2, 14569, 14584, 14588, 14591, 16752, 16754-5
    >>>S.O. 31, 4855, 5094
    >>>See also Environment--Toxic substances
    >>Environmental assessment and review process
    >>>1984 EARP Guidelines Order, comparison, 7450, 8893-4, 8896
    >>>Aboriginal peoples, exemption, 7433, 7445-6
    >>>Amendments, Liberal Party "red book" election promise, 7435, 8648, 8650, 14519
    >>>Centralizing power in federal government, 7416, 7444, 8915-7
    >>>Comprehensive public study, large or environmentally sensitive projects, 7404, 7432, 7448, 7455
    >>>Costs, 7446
    >>>Delays, reducing, 7435
    >>>Disputes, mediation process, 7404, 7433, 7448, 7455
    >>>Documents, access, public registry, 7457-8
    >>>Federal government role, 7406, 7432, 7442-3, 7455, 7460, 7462-3, 8913-4
    >>>>Intrusion into provincial jurisdiction, 7438, 7440-5, 8652, 8657, 8907-8, 8910-2, 8914-7, 14514, 14516, 14522, 16744-6, 16758-60
    >>>>Old Man River Dam case, Supreme Court of Canada ruling, 8907, 8913
    >>>Federal-provincial duplication, elimination, policy/process harmonization, agreements, 7406-9, 7434-42, 7446-7, 7451-2, 7456, 7460-2, 8652, 8656, 8895-7, 8909-12, 8915, 14515, 14522
    >>>>Alberta, 8909
    >>>>Alberta environment minister Ty Lund remarks re parks and Indians, Copps remarks, impact on negotiations, etc., 15219
    >>>>>o.q., 15182, 15215-6
    >>>>Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment framework agreement, o.q., 15925, 15974
    >>>>Federal government, signing, refusal, o.q., 14885-6
    >>>>Joint panels, 7445-6, 7452-3, 7455, 8914
    >>>>Negotiations stalemate, federal/provincial responsibility, o.q., 15602
    >>>>Quebec, 8657, 8895, 16747
    >>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 7455, 16373-4
    >>>>Disputes, settlement, 7439-40
    >>>>o.q., 10717-8
    >>>>Quebec position, 8910-11
    >>>Government action, S.O. 31, 6631
    >>>History, guidelines, legislation, 8893-4
    >>>Independent decision-making process, 8648-53, 8897
    >>>>Appeals to cabinet, 8648, 8651
    >>>>CRTC comparison, 8649-50
    >>>>Liberal Party election promise, 8650-1
    >>>>See also Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
    >>>Independent public review panel, 7404, 7433, 7448, 7455
    >>>Inexpensive preventative medicine, 7450
    >>>Intervenor funding, 7405, 7435-6, 7446, 7453, 7455-7, 7460, 7465, 8653, 8894-6, 16096-103, 16349-54
    >>>>Guidelines, accountability, 7433, 8898-9
    >>>>o.q., 14928
    >>>>Proponents, contributions, 8899
    >>>>Regulations, 8654-5
    >>>>S.O. 31, 16315
    >>>Jurisdiction, provincial/federal/international, 1252, 4935, 7404-5, 7450, 16759-60
    >>>Legislation (Bill C-56)
    >>>>Bloc Québécois position, 7407-9, 8652-3, 8907, 8910
    >>>>Bouchard position, reversal, S.O. 31, 7627
    >>>>Canadian Electrical Association position, 8911-2
    >>>>Critics, 7444
    >>>>Delay in proceeding with, 7459
    >>>>Federal/Quebec, conflicts, 236, 4935
    >>>>Peace, order and good government clause, inserting, 7445-6
    >>>>Provincial support, 7444
    >>>>Reform Party position, 7446-7
    >>>>Regulations, Committee study, 7465
    >>>>See also Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56); Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (Bill C-13)(3rd Sess., 34th Parl.); Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (Bill C-78)(2nd Sess., 34th Parl.)
    >>>Local communities, participation, 7405, 7457-8
    >>>Louisiana-Pacific OSB plant and harvest plan, o.q., 16837
    >>>One project one assessment principle, 7405, 7433-6, 7456-8, 7460-1, 7617, 8651, 8894-7
    >>>Panel decisions, cabinet response finalizing, 8649
    >>>Panel/mediator reports
    >>>>Binding on cabinet, 8651
    >>>>Cabinet response, time limits, 8651
    >>>>Cabinet substituting own findings/recommendations, 8652-3
    >>>Public panel recommendations, cabinet responding, not single minister, 7405, 7433, 7437, 7455, 7457-60, 7465, 8894-7
    >>>>Amendments, written reasons, providing, 8894
    >>>>Order in Council by entire cabinet, 8650-3, 8897
    >>>Quebec process, 7407-8, 7416, 7440, 7443, 7450, 7452, 8652-3, 8907-8, 8910, 8912, 8916
    >>>Regulations, 8899, 14910
    >>>>Categories, 7455
    >>>>Parliamentary review/scrutiny, 8655-8
    >>>>Provincial regulations, conflicts, 8656
    >>>>Public input, 8654-5
    >>>Reviews, ministerial discretion, 7433, 7445, 7458, 8899
    >>>Screening process, small scale, routine matters, 7404, 7433, 7448, 7455
    >>>Simplification, streamlining, 7404-5
    >>>Stalling tactic, use as, 1258
    >>>Standards, national, 7434, 7459
    >>>>Federal government imposing, 7408-9, 7416, 7440, 7444
    >>>>Federal-provincial consultations, Quebec withdrawal, 7452-3
    >>>>Federal/provincial, priority, 7443-4, 7447-8, 8915
    >>>Statement by Minister (Copps), 6598-602
    >>>See also BHP Minerals Canada Ltd.--Diamond mine; Oldman River dam project
    >>Environmental Auditor General, position, establishing, Liberal Party "red book" election promise, 204, 2362, 2364, 7435, 14509-10, 14518-9, 14523, 14560, 14564, 14582-3, 14590, 16744, 16747
    >>Environmental Centre for New Canadians, multilingual resource centre, S.O. 31, 13589-90
    >>Environmental management systems, Auditor General study, S.O. 31, 15337
    >>Federal government centralization attitude, 16744
    >>>o.q., 14994-5
    >>Federal-provincial agreements, o.q., 14994-5
    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 655, 5143-4, 5146-7, 5170, 7143, 7406-9, 7434-5, 7438, 7450, 7460, 8916, 15050-1, 16566-7, 16573, 16743-4
    >>>Quebec, separation/sovereignty, impact, 4933, 15031-2
    >>>See also Environment--Toxic substances
    >>G-7 Environment Ministers, Hamilton, Ont., meeting, Apr. 28-30/95, S.O. 31, 11804
    >>Global warming, threat, 202, 6918, 14567-8, 16342, 16757
    >>>Berlin conference, Canada participation, 11801-2
    >>>>o.q., 11299
    >>>Reform Party position, 16270
    >>Government commitment, lack, 11428
    >>Government policy, failure, 16745
    >>>Copps, Environment Minister, role, 16744-5, 16759
    >>>S.O. 31, 11804-5
    >>Grand River, Ontario, Carolinian ecosystem, development, partnership, tribute, S.O. 31, 11982
    >>Green Plan for a Healthy Environment, 1433
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien) position, 14141
    >>>o.q., 12290
    >>Greening projects, W.A. Porter Collegiate Institute, Scarborough, Ont., designation, S.O. 31, 9897-8
    >>Health, effects, 5164-5
    >>Information, dissemination see Information highway
    >>International issues, transcend boundaries, 14632-3
    >>International role, leadership, 13184-6
    >>Legislative action, lack, S.O. 31, 12715
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien) record, 14140-1
    >>>See also Environment--Green Plan for a Healthy Environment
    >>Maitland, N.S. recognition, heritage conservation district, Elaine Burke Award, S.O. 31, 15178
    >>Members of Parliament, commitment, 202-3
    >>National pollutant release inventory survey report, accessibility, S.O. 31, 13121
    >>Niagara Environmental Technology Exposition, A.K. Wigg Elementary School, Fonthill, Ont., first prize winners, S.O. 31, 16828
    >>OECD, Environmental Performance Review of Canada
    >>>Statement by Minister (Copps), 16372-5
    >>>Tabled, 16371
    >>Ozone layer, 202, 2269, 7140, 14568
    >>>Depletion, government position, o.q., 17089
    >>>S.O. 31, 3758-9
    >>Proactive approach, 7432
    >>Program, Parliament instituting, petition, 14958
    >>Protection, 56-9, 1253, 4098, 6126, 14563
    >>>Action 21, 15049-51
    >>>>Statement by Minister (Copps), 15049-51
    >>>Conservation, petition, 15223
    >>>Education programs, 7447
    >>>Forest industry role, S.O. 31, 13120
    >>>Government failure, 8917, 16374-5
    >>>Government inaction, S.O. 31, 6133
    >>>Government strategy, 16372, 16571-2
    >>>>o.q., 14022
    >>>Infrastructure/industry development, Throne Speech proposal, 10, 83, 204
    >>>Mining industry efforts, tribute, S.O. 31, 13120
    >>>National Marine Strategy, Transport Standing Committee report, S.O. 31, 12185
    >>>Priority, 7459-60
    >>>Project Preservation, Ward Smith environmental youth award winners, S.O. 31, 9321-2
    >>>Public opinion, 5234
    >>>Quebec independence, impact, Bouchard statement, S.O. 31, 10826
    >>>Reform Party position, 5234, 14570, 15051
    >>>Regulatory Efficiency Act (Bill C-62), impact, 9365-6
    >>>>o.q., 8942
    >>>S.O. 31, 3385-6
    >>>See also National Defence Department
    >>Public opinion/action, 202-3
    >>Quebec, federal government agreements with, 14653
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, 14877, 16744
    >>>S.O. 31, 14991, 15920
    >>>Enforcement, 5147-8, 14559
    >>>Multi-party round table approach, 7447
    >>>National standards, 4934, 5164
    >>>Provincial harmonization, 204, 1253, 1255
    >>>Quebec, separation/sovereignty, impact, 4933-4
    >>Research and development
    >>>Funding, 203
    >>>Government sponsored, private sector access, 7447-8
    >>Saskatchewan, federal-provincial harmonization, S.O. 31, 5936
    >>S.O. 31, 10708
    >>Sound practices, economic instruments and incentives, task force report, tabled, 9113
    >>Statement by Minister (Copps), 1431-4
    >>Sustainable development see Sustainable development
    >>>Biosphere, Montreal, Que., 13185
    >>>Exporting, job creation, 1777, 1816, 5166
    >>>Importing, 203
    >>>Montreal, Que., capabilities, 482
    >>>National Environmental Technology Advancement Centres, location, Saint John, N.B., requesting
    >>>>qu., 5528
    >>>>S.O. 31, 2970
    >>>See also Environmental industry
    >>Toxic substances
    >>>Banning new substances until proven safe, 13184, 13186
    >>>Database, list of polluters, 7140-1, 13186-7
    >>>Dioxins and furans, waste incineration and pulp and paper mill sources, reassessing exposure guidelines, etc., 13866-7
    >>>Disposal, burning, federal-provincial guidelines, o.q., 9533
    >>>Eliminating from environment, 13183-4
    >>>Environmental and Sustainable Development Commissioner role, 13187
    >>>Environmental industries, technologies, relationship, 13185
    >>>Impact, 5147, 5166-7, 5171-2
    >>>Inhalable particles, deaths, University of British Columbia study, 15050-1
    >>>Life cycle management, cradle to grave, 13183-4
    >>>Long-range transport, international conference, Vancouver, B.C., 7141
    >>>National strategy, federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, 13184, 13186
    >>>Pollution prevention, 13183
    >>>Toxic Substances Management Policy, 7140-1
    >>>>Public consultations, 13184
    >>>>Statement by Minister (Copps), 6177-80, 13183-7
    >>>>Tabled, 13188
    >>>Trans-boundary pollution, international sources, 13184-5
    >>>United States policy, 13185
    >>>Waste regulations, federal-provincial overlap, 15031
    >>>See also Environment--Chlorinated Substances Action Plan; Fisheries; Hazardous products; Nova Scotia--Sydney tar ponds; PCBs; Pesticides
    >>Youth concern/initiatives, 4932-3
    >>>Environnement Jeunesse example, S.O. 31, 3563-4
    >>>S.O. 31, 5301
    >>See also Air pollution; Arctic; Arctic Ocean; Banff National Park--Trans-Canada Highway; Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment; Canadian Environmental Protection Act; Celanese Canada Inc.; DDT; Earth Day; Energy efficiency; Fisheries; Fisheries, Pacific; Forestry--Economic development/environment protection; Gasoline/automotive fuels--Additives; Government programs and services--Cost-shared programs; Gross Revenue Insurance Program; Infrastructure program--Sewage and water treatment facilities; International economic development; Irving Whale; Kettle and Stoney Point Reserve; Mining industry--Single window environmental process; NAFTA--Environmental Co-operation Agreement; National parks; New Market, Ont.; Northern Canada--Food chain degradation; Oceans--Canadian jurisdiction--Environmental role; PCBs; Pollution; Population--Growth; Prince Edward Island--Fixed link to New Brunswick; Pulp and paper industry; Rail passenger service--High speed train; Railways; Salmon--Pacific fishery; Shipping industry--Safety; Sustainable development; Trade--International agreements; Water pollution; Waterloo constituency