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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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G-7 nations

    >>Canadian membership, 12804, 12807
    >>See also Bosnia-Herzegovina--Peace process; Economic conditions--International Monetary Fund, Forecast; Economic G-7 Summit (1995); Economic G-7 Summits (1994); Exports; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth; Information highway; International financial institutions--Sustainable development; Sustainable development; Ukraine--Economic transformation

G-8 see Economic G-7 Summit (1995)

Gable Group see Oceans industries

Gaffney, Beryl (L--Nepean)

    >>Aboriginal Head-Start Program, 595
    >>Aboriginal peoples, petition, 15650
    >>Abortion, petition, 7374
    >>AIDS Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 6435
    >>Beer, S.O. 31, 487
    >>Blood, S.O. 31, 2616
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 328-30, 5995
    >>>o.q., 6087
    >>Bouchard, references, 5996
    >>Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, S.O. 31, 16611
    >>Breast cancer, o.q., 15648
    >>British Columbia Treaty Commission Act (Bill C-107), 15719-20
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 2885-6
    >>Canada Pension Plan, 596
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2885-6
    >>Canadian Executive Service Overseas, S.O. 31, 8992-3
    >>Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, 595
    >>Child care, 595-6
    >>>Petition, 8887
    >>>S.O. 31, 1990
    >>Child support payments, 17101-4
    >>>M., 2652-5, 4556
    >>>o.q., 3834, 8430
    >>Child tax benefit, o.q., 17581
    >>Citizenship Act (amdt.--right to citizenship)(Bill C-249), 7887-8
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, reports, 7734, 8788
    >>Court Challenges Program, S.O. 31, 7363
    >>Crime, 6060
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41), 6059-60
    >>Daigler, Hans. S.O. 31, 16772
    >>Defence policy, 330
    >>Deficit, 15930
    >>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 7382-3
    >>Department of Industry Act (Bill C-46), 6147-9
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, 15419-20
    >>Divorce Act (amdt.--granting of access to, or custody of, a child to a grandparent)(Bill C-231), 2706
    >>Divorce Act (amdt.--granting of access to, or custody of, a child to a grandparent)(Bill C-232), 8307-9
    >>Divorce, petition, 4431, 6566
    >>Economic conditions, 6147
    >>Economy, petition, 15223, 15650
    >>Education, petition, 15708
    >>Education, post-secondary, 596, 7998
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Suspension Act, 1994 (Bill C-18), 2531, 2899-901, 2904
    >>Employment equity, 15418-20
    >>Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64), 15418-20
    >>Environment, petition, 15223
    >>Euthanasia, petition, 6914
    >>Excise Tax Act (amdt.--extremity pumps)(Bill C-222), 2225
    >>Exports, o.q., 7509
    >>Forestry, petition, 15708
    >>Gaffney, references, S.O. 31, 13803
    >>Government expenditures, 15930
    >>>M. on supply (Williams), 1275
    >>Government programs and services, 6149
    >>Government, S.O. 31, 149
    >>Haiti, 5995
    >>Health care, 595
    >>Immigration, 6026-7
    >>Immigration Act (amdt.), Citizenship Act (amdt.) and Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-44), 6026-7
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--air conditioners)(Bill C-223), 2225-6
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--child support payments)(Bill C-241), 3574-5, 17101-4
    >>Income tax, S.O. 31, 1231
    >>Industry Department, 6148
    >>Infrastructure program, 595
    >>International Women's Day, S.O. 31, 1990
    >>Job creation, 595, 15930
    >>Justice system, 6059-60
    >>>S.O. 31, 7980
    >>Kids Sense Week, S.O. 31, 3565
    >>Laughter Day, S.O. 31, 5653
    >>Licences and permits, petition, 15650
    >>Members of Parliament, 595, 3415-6
    >>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208), 3415-6
    >>National Arts Centre, 1275
    >>National Forum on Health, 595
    >>National unity, petition, 6445
    >>Northern Micro, S.O. 31, 935
    >>Ombudsman Act (Bill C-221), 2225
    >>Ontario, Highway 16, M. (Jordan), 3253-5
    >>Ottawa-Carleton Child Poverty Fund, S.O. 31, 1550
    >>Peacekeeping, M. (Ouellet), 328-30
    >>>Decorum, 7383
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 16931
    >>>Member's remarks, 8553-4
    >>>Private Members' Motions, 4556
    >>Public Service reform, o.q., 1309
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 15931
    >>RCMP, o.q., 3047
    >>References, 12222-3
    >>>Illness, return to House, S.O. 31, 13803
    >>>S.O. 31, 10708
    >>Research and development, 6148
    >>RRSPs, S.O. 31, 293
    >>Same-sex couples, petition, 6146, 7374
    >>Serial killer board games/cards, petition, 4062
    >>Sexual orientation, petition, 7374
    >>Small business, 596
    >>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-99), 15929-31
    >>Social security system, M. (L. Axworthy), 7995-8
    >>Sri Lanka, o.q., 16147
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 588, 594-6
    >>>o.q., 6445-6
    >>>S.O. 31, 634
    >>Unemployment, 588
    >>Unemployment insurance, 7995-7
    >>>Petition, 15223
    >>United Nations, 330
    >>Women, 8553-4, 15419
    >>>o.q., 8699
    >>>Petition, 7992
    >>>S.O. 31, 2171, 8593
    >>Young Offenders Act, petitions, 6914, 7735, 8887
    >>Yugoslavia, 5995

Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso (L--Saint-Léonard; Secretary of State (Parliamentary Affairs) and Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons from September 15, 1994; Minister of Labour and Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons as of January 25, 1996)

    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, M., leave to move, 9114
    >>Appropriation Act No. 1, 1995-96 (Bill C-80), 10926-8
    >>Appropriation Act No. 3, 1995-96 (Bill C-116), 17539
    >>Appropriation Act No. 4, 1994-95 (Bill C-79), 10924-5
    >>Bilingualism bonus, RCMP eligibility, 7896
    >>Bloc Québécois, 4926, 12803
    >>Board of Internal Economy, 5030
    >>>o.q., 1507
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1995-96 (Bill C-73), 10705
    >>Budget, 3821, 3823, 12452
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95, M. for approval (P. Martin), 10177-81
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 3085, 4435
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 11770, 13289
    >>>M., 11819
    >>Budget, M. on supply (Williams), 7198-202
    >>Business Development Bank of Canada, 13093
    >>Business of the House
    >>>Allotted days, 7635
    >>>Budget, consultations, opportunity to discuss, 8251-2
    >>>Legislative program, 7635, 7936, 8251-2, 9732-3, 11300-1, 12799, 13481
    >>Canada, 6457
    >>Canada Grain Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), 8865
    >>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-92), 12761
    >>Child care, national program, o.q., 7374
    >>Committees, 12456
    >>Conflict of interest, 12453-4
    >>>M. (H. Gray), 12002-6
    >>Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110), 17057, 17075, 17522, 17545, 17590-1
    >>Corporations, 3822
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--force) and Coastal Fisheries Protection Act (amdt.--force)(Bill C-8), 3321
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41), M., 13448
    >>Cultural industries, 6457
    >>Culture, 6457
    >>Deficit, 3821
    >>>GDP percentage, 7199, 7201
    >>>Reduction, 7199-201, 10177, 10180
    >>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 6456-60
    >>Department of Industry Act (Bill C-46), 6116, 6793-4
    >>Department of Labour Act (amdt.--eligibility for assistance for long-service employees)(Bill C-243), 4848-51
    >>Department of Natural Resources Act (Bill C-48), 6797-800
    >>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52), 7246-7
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, S.O. 31, 3701-2
    >>Economic conditions, 7202, 12804-5
    >>Economic recovery, 7199, 7202
    >>Education, aboriginal peoples, 12803
    >>Election, general (1993), o.q., 792
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, 1995 (Bill C-69), 9987, 14150, 14258
    >>Environmental industry, 6798-9
    >>>M., 10923, 10926
    >>>M. (Eggleton), 5025-30
    >>Ethics Counsellor, 12453
    >>Exports, 12802
    >>Federal-provincial relations, 12801-3
    >>>M. on supply (G. Leroux), 13092-5
    >>Federalism, 12802-3, 13092-3, 17591
    >>Finance Standing Committee, reports, M. 17677
    >>Financial institutions, 10178
    >>Firearms Act (Bill C-68), 11497
    >>>M., 13446
    >>G-7 nations, 12804
    >>Gagliano, references, 12808
    >>Gasoline/automotive fuels, alternative fuels, 12799
    >>Government, 4435
    >>>M. on supply (Hermanson), 12452-7
    >>Government departments, 6460
    >>Government expenditures, reduction, 10178, 12453, 13094
    >>Government programs and services, 3821, 13093-4
    >>>Duplication and overlap, 7246-7
    >>>Federal-provincial duplication, 12802
    >>>Privatization, 10178
    >>GST, 3821-3
    >>Gun control/guns, 12454, 12456
    >>Health care
    >>>Expenditures, 7199
    >>>National standards, 12803
    >>>o.q., 8598
    >>HIV/AIDS Subcommittee, M., 13443
    >>House of Commons, 1005-7, 3823, 5026-7, 5030, 12453-6
    >>>Expenditures, 10177-8
    >>>Petition, 160
    >>>Social, o.q., 10329
    >>>Mendoza, José Salinas, o.q., 6558-60
    >>>Mugesera, Léon, o.q., 14107
    >>>Settlement services, o.q., 17443
    >>Immigration and Refugee Board, Jean-Guy Fleury, o.q., 10662
    >>Immigration, system, o.q., 6559
    >>Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 11699
    >>Industry Department, 6794, 13093
    >>Infrastructure program, 3821, 3823, 13094
    >>>Purpose, 12802
    >>>Quebec agreement, 7247
    >>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, o.q., 2738
    >>Lester B. Pearson Day Act (Bill C-276), 8005
    >>Legislation, 12452
    >>Liberal Party, 6457
    >>Lobbyists, 12454
    >>Maintenance of Railway Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-77), 10838, 10847, 10981
    >>Members of Parliament, 5025-7, 12453, 12456
    >>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85), 13449, 14416
    >>NAFTA, 13095
    >>National debt, 7198-9, 10180-1
    >>National identity, 6458-9
    >>National parks, 6457
    >>National Parole Board, appointment process, o.q., 8172
    >>National Revenue Department. o.q., 16781
    >>National unity, 4926-7, 17590
    >>>M. on supply (Manning), 4926-8
    >>Natural resources, 6797-9
    >>Natural Resources Department, 6798-800
    >>Occupational health and safety, RCMP measures, 7896
    >>Old age pensions, high income earners, 10178-9
    >>Parliamentary reform, 12452-4, 12456-7
    >>Pearson International Airport, Terminals 1 and 2, o.q., 6718
    >>>Bath Institute, o.q., 8120
    >>>Inmates, escapes, o.q., 8172
    >>Petitions, g.r., tabled, 7235, 7374, 12117, 13879, 14187, 15563, 15928, 16867
    >>Pictou Landing Indian Band Agreement Act (Bill C-60), 8950
    >>Pro-Est Co. of Montreal, S.O. 31, 149
    >>>Adjournment proceedings, M., 10574
    >>>Adjournments, 11025
    >>>>M., 11025, 13999
    >>>Allotted days, 9733, 12799, 16845
    >>>Bills, Government, 11497, 11770, 14150, 17057, 17522-3
    >>>>M., 5433, 11819, 14258, 17075
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 8734
    >>>Committee travel, M., 6722
    >>>Debate, 3085, 3301, 5766
    >>>Division bells, 3749, 5664, 5773
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 2030-1, 2648, 2772, 2950, 2998, 3085, 3259, 3261, 3263-4, 4556, 4615-7, 5054-5, 5311, 5313, 5434, 5598
    >>>Divisions, recorded, deferred, 5310
    >>>Exhibits/displays, 2674
    >>>Government orders, 3247
    >>>Members' remarks, 5030
    >>>Motions, M., 8659
    >>>Oral questions, 1862
    >>>Points of order/questions of privilege, 13968
    >>>Private Members' Business, 3250, 14249
    >>>Questions on the Order Paper, 8045, 9478
    >>>Sittings of the House, 3247, 3311-2, 3323, 3340, 11025, 14062, 17057
    >>>>M., 10860, 11025, 11301, 13881
    >>>Speeches, 211, 1352, 6192, 8813, 12932
    >>>Statements by Ministers, 7274
    >>>Supply bills, 10925, 10927, 17539
    >>Program for Older Worker Adjustment, 4848-9
    >>Public Service
    >>>Official languages policy, o.q., 12252
    >>>RCMP status, 7896
    >>Public Service Staff Relations Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 7896
    >>Quebec, 6457, 13094-5
    >>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 8813-6
    >>>M. on supply (M. Bernier), 12801-5, 12808
    >>>S.O. 31, 3759-60
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 8813, 8816, 13092, 17590-1
    >>References, 3823
    >>>Immigrant background, Lebel remarks, 12805, 12808-9, 12811
    >>>Mafia business dealings, allegations, RCMP background check, La Presse Apr. 26/94 article, o.q., 3521-2
    >>>See also Board of Internal Economy--Members; Program for Older Worker Adjustment--Eligibility
    >>Reform Party, 3821, 12454
    >>Regional development, 6793-4
    >>Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-82), 12827
    >>Small business, 1278, 3821-2, 6794
    >>>Capital, performance benchmarks, 10178-9
    >>>Industry Standing Committee report, M., 7707-9
    >>>S.O. 31, 1549-50, 3094
    >>Softwood lumber, o.q., 6090
    >>Special interest groups, Government funding, o.q., 11409
    >>Standard of living, 4927-8
    >>Standing committees, 1006
    >>>Chair and Vice-Chair election, o.q., 14766
    >>Standing Orders, M. (H. Gray), 1004-7
    >>Tax reform, M. on supply (Silye), 3820-3
    >>Taxation, 3820-1
    >>Trade, 12802, 13093-4
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 10179
    >>Unemployment insurance, claimants, o.q., 7371
    >>World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-57), Ways and Means motion, concurrence, M., 7074

Gagnon, Christiane (BQ--Québec)