The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Guiding Principles and Operational Policies for Parks Canada see Parks Canada
Guimond, Michel (BQ--Beauport--Montmorency--Orléans)
- >>AIDS, o.q., 8343
>>Air Canada, 3502-3
>>>o.q., 10790
>>Air traffic control, 11278
>>>o.q., 5429-30, 5579, 12191, 13128, 17632-3
>>Air transportation, 1943, 3502-3, 5626-7, 7429
>>>o.q., 8997, 17504
>>Air transportation tax, 5626-7
>>Airline industry
>>>o.q., 9423, 11189
>>>Statement by Minister, (Young), 476
>>Airports, 3501-2, 4067-8, 5358, 10277, 10279, 11278
>>>o.q., 720-1, 6335
>>Artists, S.O. 31, 17274
>>Bloc Québécois, 2879
>>Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95 (Bill C-14), 1941-3
>>Borrowing Authority Act, 1995-96 (Bill C-73), 10277-9, 10749
>>Budget, 1941
>>>M. (P. Martin), 766-8
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, 11277
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 2876-9, 3038-9
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 11277-9
>>Canada Assistance Plan, 3038
>>Canada Ports Corporation, o.q., 9730
>>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-101), 15080-1
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 3038
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 2393-4, 10277-8
>>>o.q., 3520-1, 6856, 10271
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56), 8918
>>Canadian National Railways, 7771-2, 7777-8, 10278, 11278, 12577-9, 13981, 13987-8, 139924, 13997-8, 14216-8
>>>o.q., 8118, 8175, 8246-7, 12795
>>>S.O. 31, 10893
>>>Statement by Minister (Young), 9006-7
>>Canadian Pacific Railway, 7771
>>Charest, references, 5357
>>CN Commercialization Act (Bill C-89), 12577-9, 13980-1, 13986-8, 13991-4, 13997-8, 14216-8
>>Committees, 5357, 6272, 6282
>>Constitution Amendment, 1993 (Prince Edward Island), M. (Dingwall), 1372-5
>>Corporations, 11277
>>Culture, 7280
>>Deficit, 11277
>>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 7279-80
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Suspension Act, 1994 (Bill C-18), 2924
>>Equalization payments, S.O. 31, 1302
>>Excise Act, Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 5625-7
>>Ferry service, o.q., 6985-6
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, 1373
>>Freight rates, 11279
>>GDP, 3502
>>Gouk, references, 3005
>>Government, 5284
>>Government programs and services, 2877, 7280
>>>Petition, 9784
>>Grain transportation, 11278-9
>>Gravel, Raymond, S.O. 31, 4650
>>Health insurance (Medicare), 630, 2878
>>Hibernia development project, o.q., 8697
>>Housing, 2877
>>>S.O. 31, 987
>>Immigrants, S.O. 31, 3699
>>Income tax, 2877, 5625-7, 11277
>>Infrastructure program, 1942, 2878
>>International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), statement by Minister, 7429
>>Irving Whale, 8918
>>Job creation, S.O. 31, 15099
>>Labour disputes, 11278
>>Lobbyists, 6280
>>Magdalen Islands, 1374-5, 3476
>>>o.q., 1428-9, 2543, 2931, 3650-1, 3881, 4059, 4131, 5212-3, 7731, 7805, 8697
>>Maintenance of Railway Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-77), 10993-5
>>Marine Atlantic Inc., o.q., 5101, 5308
>>Marine transportation, 1943
>>Marine Transportation Security Act (Bill C-38), 5295-6
>>Members of Parliament, 6270
>>MIL Davie Inc., 3475-6, 4068
>>>o.q., 385-6, 1428-9, 2931, 3651, 3881, 4059, 4131-2, 5213, 7805, 8697
>>>S.O. 31, 786, 2969
>>Montreal, Que., 10995
>>Motor vehicles, 11278
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 13993
>>Orleans Island, Que., S.O. 31, 5422
>>Pearson Development Corporation, 6270-2
>>Pearson International Airport, o.q., 8827-8, 11058
>>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22), 3499-503, 4066-8, 5284-5, 5357-9, 6269-73, 6280, 6282
>>Port-Daniel, Que., 13994
>>Ports, S.O. 31, 12716
>>Potatoes, 2877
>>>S.O. 31, 98
>>Poverty, 1302
>>Prince Edward Island, 1372-5, 1943
>>Private family trusts, 11277
>>>Bills, Government, 3913, 13992, 13997
>>>Decorum, 495, 766
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 5101
>>>Members' remarks, 1375
>>>Petitions, 5352
>>Public Service, 3038
>>Quebec, 2878, 2942, 15080-1
>>>M. (J. Chrétien), 17321-2
>>>S.O. 31, 16141
>>Quebec City Bridge, 13993, 14218
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum, S.O. 31, 8338
>>Radio stations, o.q., 7426
>>Rail passenger service, 90, 766-8, 1374-5, 1942-3, 2878-9, 3005-6, 4068, 7786, 10277
>>>M. (Laurin), 3005-6
>>>o.q., 495, 8045
>>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 3913
>>Railways, 90, 1942, 3913, 10994-5, 11279, 15080
>>>M., 16213-5, 16220-1
>>>M. on supply, 7770-4, 7777-8, 7785-6
>>>o.q., 7561
>>>Petition, 9070
>>References, maiden speech, 90
>>Senate, 6269-70, 6273
>>Shipping industry, o.q., 5101, 12373
>>Skiing, S.O. 31, 2212
>>Snow surfing, S.O. 31, 1606
>>Social security system, M. (L. Axworthy), 630
>>Somalia, S.O. 31, 14311-2
>>St. Lawrence River, o.q., 17390
>>St. Lawrence Seaway, 10749
>>>M. (Pomerleau), 2393-4
>>>o.q., 3521
>>T1 T2 Limited Partnership, 3501
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 90
>>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling, 5625, 5627
>>Transport Department, 3499, 10277, 11278
>>>o.q., 3520-1
>>Transportation, 1942, 2876-7
>>>Statement by Minisiter (Young), 17666-7
>>Transport Standing Committee, 12117-8
>>Unemployment insurance, 2876, 3038-9, 11277
>>Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.--excepted employment)(Bill C-218), 5928-9
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., 7771, 7773-4
>>>o.q., 8553
>>>Petition, 5352
Gulf Canada report (1985) see Members of Parliament--Constituents
Gulf of St. Lawrence see Fisheries, Atlantic
Gulf War syndrome see Canadian Armed Forces--Persian Gulf War personnel
Gun control/guns
Aboriginal self-government, impact, 10067, 11122
>>>o.q., 8883
>>Aboriginal treaty rights, relationship, 10063-4, 10067-8, 11122, 13581-2,
13696, 13700-3, 13733, 13741
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Ramsay), leave to move, 12730, emergency
requirements not met, not accepted, 12730
>>>o.q., 12844-5
>>>Reform Party position, criticism, 13728-9
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Legislation (Bill C-68)
>>Allmand, Warren, position, 11159, 13303, 13736, 13745-6
>>>Hyperdestructive bullets, banning, 10225
>>>>o.q., 9473-4
>>>Lead shot, banning, S.O. 31, 5422, 11803, 12246, 15175
>>>>Aboriginal communities, non-firearm owner, 10065
>>>>Age requirement, 11151
>>>>Firearm acquisition certificate, requiring, 4379
>>>>>o.q., 3279, 4058-9
>>>>>S.O. 31, 1851-2
>>>>Provincial chief firearms officer prior approval, requirement, 13620
>>>>Registration license, requirement, 9710, 9737, 10422, 13733
>>>>Regulations, 13690
>>Amnesty program, o.q., 15108
>>Bellows, Lee, poetry addressing, S.O. 31, 11750
>>Collections, antiques, heirlooms
>>>Inheritance/passing to next generation, 9710, 9745, 9750, 10066, 10368,
10370, 10405, 10415, 10419, 11090, 11095, 11108, 11111, 11120, 11123, 11128,
11548, 11551, 13710-1
>>>Value, maintaining, 10373
>>Confiscation, with/without compensation, 10425, 11551, 13571, 13635, 13712
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Registration
>>Costs, 13601, 13731
>>>Breast cancer research, alternative, 13714
>>Crawford position, 11105
>>Crime control, alternative, 12202
>>Crime prevention, relationship, 10411-2, 10418-9, 11109, 11119, 13609,
13629-30, 13703, 13710-1
>>>International comparison, 11114, 11162
>>>United States, comparison, 10412, 13746
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Registration
>>Criminal elements, access, limiting, 9712, 9715, 9717, 9744, 10062-3, 10409,
>>>Legislation (Bill C-68), failure, 10086
>>>o.q., 1428, 3278
>>Criminals, targetting, petition, 14096
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 13748
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Property and education
>>Firearm Acquisition Certificates, 10408-9, 10418, 10422
>>>"Association" prohibition, 13690
>>>Fees, 11112, 13604
>>>>o.q., 7233
>>>Minor's permit, 10085
>>>Obtaining, process, 511-2, 10414
>>>Renewals, 11151
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Ammunition--Registration
>>Government proposals, 549, 4380,
10421, 12454
>>>Benefits and costs, scientific estimates, o.q., 6143, 8476
>>>Bloc Québécois position, S.O. 31, 6254, 7683
>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, position, o.q., 9535
>>>Consultations, process, 10377, 11107, 11123, 11146-7, 11540
>>>>o.q., 8547
>>>Criminal justice system, reform, relationship, 9716, 9748, 11119
>>>>S.O. 31, 3271, 8992
>>>Dictatorial, pro-gun lobby, Reform Party positions, 9711
>>>Domestic violence, reduction, relationship, 9179, 9708, 9715-7, 9735, 10364
>>>École polytechnique mass murder, influence, 9737, 11094, 11109, 11111-3,
>>>>o.q., 8694
>>>Gun owners, law abiding, punishment, 3271, 3309, 3886, 3900, 6029, 6048,
9716, 9718, 9744, 10065, 10368, 10373-5, 10402-4, 10422, 11110-11, 11114
>>>>Lang, Hon. Otto, 1975 statement, S.O. 31, 3439
>>>>o.q., 3278, 4950, 5216-7, 5520-1, 5577, 5819
>>>>Petitions, 5353, 5823, 6091, 6943, 7238, 7563, 7992, 8077, 8211, 8489-90,
8944-5, 9694, 9830, 10394, 10958, 11069, 11572, 11685, 12257-8, 12420-1,
12545, 13055, 13089, 13444-5, 14326-8, 14411, 17505-6
>>>>"Rope control", Morrison comparison, o.q., 5521
>>>>S.O. 31, 3094-5, 7223, 8288, 9191, 10183, 10509, 16927-8
>>>Inadequate, o.q., 8549
>>>Japan position, 12481
>>>Liberal Party election promise, 10405, 10409, 11123, 11540, 11543
>>>>o.q., 9535
>>>o.q., 3104, 3574
>>>Provinces, consultation, o.q., 8546-7, 8752, 8755
>>>S.O. 31, 5301-2, 6033, 6081, 6328, 6979-80, 7092, 7094-5
>>>Statement by Minister (Rock), 8483-8
>>Gun lobby, 511, 8486
>>>Tactics, spreading misinformation, 11126
>>>105 mm. or less barrel length, banning, 10405, 10419, 11153-4, 13738
>>>.22 calibre and .32 calibre, banning, Canadian participation in world
sport shooting competitions, implications, 9707, 9710, 9717, 9750, 10066,
10092, 10094, 10370-1, 10378, 10398, 10401, 10405, 10419, 11153-4, 11555,
13578, 13628, 13712-3
>>>>>o.q., 8548-9, 8882, 9604
>>>>>S.O. 31, 8935
>>>Buy/sell, same class, 10419, 10992,
>>>Police revolvers, obsolete, melting down instead of selling, Winnipeg City
Council decision, S.O. 31, 12363
>>>Private ownership, banning, 3083-4, 4379-80, 8484, 8487-8, 9710, 9712, 9717,
9737, 10061, 10085-7, 10089, 10094, 10366, 10374, 10378, 10399, 11122
>>>>Compensation, 11120
>>>>Future sales, o.q., 8549
>>>>Imports, petition, 11256
>>>>o.q., 2744, 3278, 3574, 3884, 5579, 5943-4
>>>>Petitions, 2706-7, 5401
>>>>Retaining, 8660-1, 11106
>>>>>Non-transfer, o.q., 8695
>>>>Shooting Federation of Canada, consultation, o.q., 8882
>>>>S.O. 31, 3229
>>>Prohibited weapon status, 11093, 11095, 13736
>>>Registration, effectiveness, 9736, 10408, 10413, 10415, 10418, 11094, 11124,
11127, 11166, 11550, 13639, 13714-5
>>>>o.q., 7811
>>>>Renewal, five-year intervals, proposal, 8484
>>>>System, Terence Wade report, 10424
>>>>>o.q., 8344-5, 8432-3, 8477
>>>Safety courses, 10086
>>Highway traffic deaths, comparison, 511, 13707
>>History, 10418
>>Hunting, 13706, 13709, 13735, 13743, 13747
>>>Revenues, Quebec, 11118
>>>Import/export permits, regulations, 10085-6, 13738
>>>Legal, 9707, 11108
>>>Legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.--replica firearms, theft, import or
unlawful sale of firearms)(Bill C-260)
>>>o.q., 9603
>>>Registration at time of entry, 13635
>>Indian reserves, 13741
>>>Illegal weapons, 8488
>>>>Kahnawake, RCMP seizures, Solicitor General Department, memorandum, o.q.,
1859, 4823, 4949
>>>Unrestricted circulation, 11115-6
>>>>RCMP enforcement, o.q., 1066
>>Injuries, hospitalization, Manitoba, o.q., 12490
>>Insurance, life, accident and homeowners policies, availability, 11163-4
>>International comparison, 9740, 10404
>>>S.O. 31, 5654
>>Legislation, 3294, 5667
>>>Additional, opposition, 11124, 13578
>>>>Petitions, 6181, 6264-5, 6298-9, 6783, 6815, 7106, 7895, 8179-80, 8351,
8647, 8758-60, 8789, 8886, 9069, 9115, 9204-6, 9250-1, 9336-7, 9379, 9477,
9536-8, 9563-4, 9662, 9695, 9831, 9864, 9958, 10113-4, 10198, 10200, 10394-5,
10429, 10521, 10575, 10669, 10752, 10959, 11067, 11104, 11818, 11846, 11997,
12118, 12445, 12851, 13189, 14327, 16375
>>>Alberta position, use of "notwithstanding " clause, o.q., 8752
>>>Consultation, 8484, 8486
>>>>o.q., 8547
>>>>Whitehorse, Y.T., Justice Minister Rock visiting, public meeting, refusal,
S.O. 31, 6556
>>>Cost and effectiveness, analysis incomplete, Auditor General 1993 report,
>>>Delay, condemning, 8485-6
>>>Evaluating, o.q., 3104, 6037
>>>February 1995, introduction, o.q., 8549, 9468-9
>>>Licensing see Firearms Act (Bill C-68)
>>>o.q., 4058-9, 7032, 7183, 8432-3
>>>Repealing/reviewing/improving, petitions, 9378, 9563-4, 9957-8, 10081-2,
10112-3, 10339, 10724, 11067, 11103, 11197-8, 11353, 11413, 11572, 11997,
12119, 12729, 12966, 13055, 13189, 14327
>>>S.O. 31, 225, 2851, 3269-70, 4518, 5336, 6031-2, 6081-2, 7030, 7801, 8033,
8591, 8593, 8994-5, 9773, 11685, 12105-6, 12257-8, 12420-1
>>>Strengthening, 507, 516, 2451-2
>>>>o.q., 2976, 5344, 6036-7, 8175-6
>>>>Petitions, 8350, 8603, 9114
>>>Sunset law (Bill C-351)
>>>>S.O. 31, 14991-2
>>>>See also Firearms Law Sunset Act (Bill C-351)
>>>Teeth, lacking, o.q., 8694
>>Legislation and regulations, language, clarity, o.q., 6444
>>Legislation (Bill C-17, 3rd Sess., 34th Parl.)
>>>Effectiveness, review, 8487, 9716, 9747, 10422-3, 11110, 11144-5, 11554,
13571, 13573, 13575
>>>Repealing, petition, 1730, 9694
>>Legislation (Bill C-68), 13578, 14470, 14483
>>>Aboriginal communities, application, 9710-11, 13581-2, 13731, 13741
>>>>o.q., 10003, 12539-40, 12844-5
>>>>S.O. 31, 12837
>>>>Treaty rights, Constitution section 35, relationship
>>>>>o.q., 16488
>>>>>S.O. 31, 15917
>>>Absolute power to select few, 13606-8
>>>Alberta public opinion support, 12498
>>>>o.q., 12414
>>>Amending, petition, 11819
>>>Amendments, 13480-1, 13620-1, 13633-4, 13636-7, 13690-2
>>>Balanced approach, 10377-8
>>>B.C. Trappers' Association position, S.O. 31, 11931
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 9711, 9738,
9748, 10406, 13632, 13689-93, 13704
>>>>S.O. 31, 12789, 13471
>>>Canadian Medical Association position, 12501
>>>>o.q., 12488-9
>>>Closure/time allocation, government imposing, 11539-43, 11546, 13570-2,
13574, 13576, 13579, 13601, 13620-2, 13628, 13631, 13633-4, 13636-8, 13641,
13643, 13694, 13698, 13745
>>>Coalition on Gun Control position, 13747
>>>Committee study, 78 government amendments, 13300
>>>Communications strategy, Earnscliffe Strategy Group, communication firm,
Justice Minister Rock contracting, o.q., 11611-2
>>>Confiscation without compensation, 10086
>>>Constitutionality, 13571, 13633-4,
13740, 13742
>>>>o.q., 12291, 12369, 12540, 12594-5
>>>Consultations, 9709-10, 9717, 9719, 9743, 10068, 10092, 13621, 13634-6,
13644, 13694, 13744, 14902-3
>>>>Aboriginal peoples, Quebec and Yukon Territory, James Bay and Northern
Quebec Agreement requirements, etc., o.q. 12412-4, 12490, 12539-40, 12594-5,
12681-2, 13694-5, 14816
>>>>Provinces, o.q., 14815-6
>>>>o.q., 10474, 12412-4, 12490, 12594
>>>>Rock, Justice Minister, arrogance, S.O. 31, 16188
>>>>S.O. 31, 10510, 12483
>>>Copies, availability, 9952-3
>>>>S.O. 31, 10070
>>>Crime control and gun control provisions, splitting, 9710, 9746, 10085-6,
10365-6, 10368-9, 10373-5, 10379, 10398, 10402-3, 10407-10, 10414-5, 10420-1,
10423, 11091-3, 11095-6, 11107-10, 11118, 11120-1, 11123-6, 11129, 11131,
11145-6, 11148, 11151, 11154, 11156, 11159-60, 11162, 11165, 11539-40,
11543-6, 11549-51, 11554, 13641-2, 14233
>>>Crime prevention/public safety, effectiveness, 9719, 9740-1, 9743, 10084,
11107, 11109, 11130, 11132, 11145, 13621, 13625, 13731-2, 13740
>>>>Documents/research supporting, qu., 11354-5
>>>>Petition, 14771
>>>Delay in presenting, Liberal Party split, 9736, 9738
>>>Economic impact, 11163
>>>>See also Tourist industry
>>>Enforcement, costs, 16553
>>>Federation of Medical Women of Canada position, 13739
>>>Film industry, gun use, restrictions, 10373
>>>Free vote, 10403, 13577
>>>>o.q., 11612
>>>>Reform Party request, 10085, 10087, 10093, 12466-7
>>>Government ramming through Parliament, S.O. 31, 11608
>>>Gun lobby position, 10412, 11092-3,
11113, 13632, 13746-7
>>>Harper, S., position, 13631-2
>>>Historical re-enactments, affecting, British North America Living History
Association position, S.O. 31, 13715
>>>Hopkins position, 11113-5
>>>Inadequate, 10372, 13740-1
>>>"Inspector", substituting for term "police officer", 13480-1
>>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee study/report, receivability,
13447-8, 13480-1, 13735-6
>>>Law-abiding gun owners, punishment, 11124-6, 11144, 11151-3, 11155, 11157,
11549, 13638
>>>>S.O. 31, 16730-1
>>>Liberal Party Members dissent, Justice Minister Rock response, 16876
>>>Liberal Party Members voting against, 13640
>>>>Disciplined, 11847, 12456, 12463-5, 12469, 12471, 12473, 12506, 12515,
13884, 13892-4, 13896, 13901
>>>>S.O. 31, 12670, 13718
>>>Manning, Preston, Reform Party leader, position, 13743-4
>>>S.O. 31, 13591
>>>Manitoba Attorney General position, o.q., 12489-90
>>>New Democratic Party position, 11092
>>>>S.O. 31, 10465
>>>Objectives, 9735, 10093-4, 10369, 10413-4, 11107, 13685-6, 13734, 13746
>>>>o.q., 15770
>>>>Petitions, 10340, 10521, 10523, 10669-70, 10752-3, 11354, 11685, 12119-20,
12421, 12445, 12966, 13056, 13188, 13239, 13375-6, 13600, 13746-7, 13814, 14819
>>>o.q., 9603-4
>>>Police, Canadian Police Association, etc., position, 11552-3, 13696
>>>>o.q., 10900, 11346-7, 11756-7, 15770
>>>>S.O. 31, 11135, 12791
>>>Postponement proposal, six months' hoist, 13731, 13734
>>>Provinces opposing, 13631-2, 13748
>>>>o.q., 14815-6
>>>>Periodic review, 13570, 13572-5, 13577-8, 13731, 13737
>>>>>Auditor General conducting, 13570-1, 13575
>>>>Sunset clause, automatic repeal of provisions found ineffective, 10087,
11555, 13570-3
>>>Public opinion, 9736-7, 10085, 10087-8, 10368-9, 10372, 10375, 10399,
10409-10, 11090-2, 11106, 11117, 11119-21, 11123, 11128-9, 11148, 11544-5,
13571, 13627-9, 13631-3, 13636, 13643, 13696-7, 13707, 13715, 13741, 13744,
>>>>Edmonton Southwest constituency, McClelland opposing, 11094, 11541
>>>>Fraser Valley East constituency, 13702-3
>>>>S.O. 31, 13469, 13800-1, 14881
>>>>Windsor-St. Clair constituency, 13730
>>>Purpose, 13573
>>>>Clause, preamble, lack, 13570, 13574
>>>Quebec position, 9738
>>>Random and drive-by shootings, mass murders, influence, 10421
>>>Reform Party influence, 14246
>>>Reform Party position, 9716, 10087-8, 10378, 10420-1, 11092, 12501-2,
12513, 13579, 13631, 13638, 13643, 13687, 13703, 13715, 13739-42, 13747
>>>>S.O. 31, 13718
>>>Saskatchewan position, o.q., 10900
>>>Senate study
>>>>Amending, S.O. 31, 16610
>>>>o.q., 16488
>>>>S.O. 31, 16659
>>>Special interest groups influencing, 10374
>>>Sport shooting, exemption, 13628
>>>St. John's, Nfld., City Council support resolution, S.O. 31, 14918
>>>Support, 10400, 13742-3
>>>>Letters to Justice Minister, Canadian Gun Coalition access, o.q., 15767-8
>>>>Petitions, 10523, 10723, 10860, 10959, 12118
>>>Title, change, 13569, 13574
>>Legitimate uses, hunting, sport or sustenance, etc., recognition, 9707,
9719-20, 9737-8, 9743, 9745, 9750, 10061, 10063, 10367, 10369, 10372, 10376-7,
10401, 10412-3, 11111-2, 11119, 11126-7, 11156, 11546, 13569-70, 13573-4,
13586-7, 13602
>>>Lending firearms, absence of possession licence, rural or remote areas,
13581, 13602-3, 13605-6, 13702
>>>Future restrictions, 13602
>>Mandatory seat belt and motorcycle helmet legislation, comparison, 13575,
>>Manufacturing industry, gun control legislation, impact, qu., 10670-1
>>Military/paramilitary weapons, AK-47s, etc.
>>>Banning, 10372-3, 10404-5, 11106
>>>>S.O. 31, 5205
>>>Further sales, banning, 8484, 10061,
10063, 10089
>>>>o.q., 8549
>>>Present ownership, maintaining, 8600, 10364, 11113
>>>>o.q., 8695, 9603-4
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Prohibited weapons
>>Necessity, 2410-1, 13707-9
>>New Democratic Party position, 11159, 11542, 11552, 13576
>>Non-residents, entry and exist, recording, 10085, 11145
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Registration, Non-resident hunters
>>Northern Canada, special circumstances, 13702
>>Numbers, 9736, 11544
>>>Unknown, 9744, 10094, 10373
>>Objectives, 9706, 9711
>>>Legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.--gun control)(Bill C-272)
>>>Licensing system, 9712
>>>Police and military only, Justice Minister Rock statement, 10084, 10093,
10368, 10420, 11121, 13579, 13640
>>>>S.O. 31, 3094-5
>>>Possession licence, certificate
>>>>Criteria, 13604
>>>>Hunters, exemption, 13627
>>>>Replacing FAC, 13624-5
>>>>See also Gun control/guns--Legitimate use
>>>Prohibition orders, conviction of criminal offence, 10062, 10085, 10399,
10421, 11105, 11117, 11119, 11147, 11545, 13606-7
>>>>Enforcement, 9708, 9712, 9737, 11150-1, 13573
>>>>Family members, impact, 10404, 13733
>>>>Violation, penalties, 9746
>>>Responsibilities, 10371
>>>Restrictions, 11146
>>>Right/privilege, 11095, 11117, 11124, 11149, 11151, 13708-10, 13747
>>>>Ramsay position, S.O. 31, 11984
>>>>Rock, Justice Minister, statement, 10092-3, 10417
>>>>>S.O. 31, 7924
>>>>United States, comparison, 11547-8
>>>Risk factor, insurance companies positions, S.O. 31, 12997-8
>>>Transfer, aboriginal communities, 10065
>>>United States, 9706, 10060-1, 10088-9, 11160, 13730
>>Petitions, 11717-8, 15733
>>Programs, provinces administering, costs, 13631-2
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Registration
>>Prohibited weapons, 9737-8
>>>BB guns/air rifles, o.q., 9824
>>>Buy/sell, same class, 11117
>>>>o.q., 13810
>>>Collections, inheritance regulations, 9714, 10066
>>>Confiscation, compensation, o.q., 9603, 10664-5
>>>Crossbows, S.O. 31, 8592
>>>Grandfathered firearms, transfer of ownership, 10066
>>>List, additions, order in council approval, 11120, 13571
>>>Military and para-military weapons, 9713, 10399, 10401
>>>Orders in Council, effective date, bringing before House 30 days prior,
court ruling, government compliance, 9363-5
>>>>o.q., 9064
>>>Possession, penalties, 10405
>>>>o.q., 8175
>>>Petition, 6724, 6846
>>>Sport shooting competitions, uses, 11551
>>>Swiss target rifle, petition, 12445
>>>Watson, Paul, stun-gun, charges, laying, 11116
>>>>o.q., 10792-3
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Handguns--Military/paramilitary weapons
>>Property and education issue, provincial jurisdiction, federal intrusion,
11118, 11152-3
>>Protection from break-ins, home invasions, S.O. 31, 17078
>>Public opinion, 509, 9718-20, 9739-41, 9749, 10089, 10366, 10373, 10377,
10400, 10403, 10407, 11090-1, 11096, 11107, 11112-3, 11116-7, 11147, 11149,
11158, 13577, 13619, 13627, 13632-3, 13639-40
>>>Manitoba, provincial election issue, 13697
>>>Quebec, 15032, 15034
>>>Rural-urban, consensus, differences, 8483, 9711, 9719, 9747, 10092, 10366-8,
10375, 10401, 10410, 11093, 11111, 11539, 11555
>>>>S.O. 31, 10656
>>>o.q., 5577, 9730
>>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 6132
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Registration
>>Public safety, relationship, 9738-9, 9748, 9751, 10061, 10084, 11148, 11157,
11543, 13575, 13635, 13738-9
>>>Petition, 14095
>>>S.O. 31, 6330, 16733
>>Reform Party position, 6048, 9718, 9740-1, 9748-50, 9752, 10084, 10093,
11147, 11157, 11541-2, 13576-7, 13900
>>>Gun lobby, relationship, 14902
>>>S.O. 31, 11751
>>Registration, 9714, 9736-7, 10061-2, 10089-90, 10364, 10399, 10410, 10413,
11106, 11108, 11117, 11125, 11147, 13703, 14483
>>>Aboriginal communities/peoples, 9745, 10065, 10086-8, 11091, 11131, 13572,
13627, 13691
>>>>o.q., 8883, 9951
>>>Administration, RCMP, with provincial assistance, 10378, 10405, 11112,
>>>Alberta poll, 10092, 11555
>>>Australia, abolishing, 9744, 10086,
10411, 11157, 11166, 13630, 13687,
>>>>o.q., 8881
>>>Automobiles, dogs, etc., registration, comparison, 11152, 11550, 13639,
13642-3, 13736, 13738, 13743, 13745
>>>Benefits, 11128-9
>>>>Public education, 10416
>>>Bureaucratic system, 9709, 10088, 11151, 11158
>>>Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police position, 9708, 9720, 9736, 9749,
11108, 11120, 11123, 11160, 11541, 11549, 13639, 13739
>>>>o.q., 8548, 9534-5
>>>Confiscation to follow, 9750, 10367,
10370, 10378, 10418, 10420, 11117,
11125, 11151, 11154, 11158, 11161, 11542, 13640-2, 13687, 13708, 13746
>>>Costs, fees, 8061, 9709, 9713, 9716-7, 9720, 9737, 9741-2, 9750-1, 10086,
10093, 10365, 10368, 10370, 10373, 10376-8, 10403, 10405, 10414-6, 10422,
10424, 11090, 11094-7, 11106, 11110-12, 11117-8, 11120, 11127, 11129-31, 11147,
11151, 11154, 11156-8, 11160, 11166, 11544, 11548-9, 11553, 13572, 13574,
13602-4, 13609, 13624-5, 13630, 13632-6, 13639, 13642, 13644, 13686-7,
13691-3, 13697, 13708-9, 13712-4, 13733-4, 13738-9, 13747
>>>>Cards, effectiveness, 13715
>>>>o.q., 7809, 7811, 8752, 8881, 9656-7, 9730, 13529-30
>>>>r.o., 14552
>>>Crime prevention measure, effectiveness, 8484-5, 9715, 9738-9, 9744, 9749,
9751-3, 10062-3, 10084, 10089, 10366, 10368, 10403, 10408, 10410, 10414,
10420-1, 11090, 11094-7, 11110, 11112, 11117, 11120, 11127-8, 11145-6, 11150,
11156-8, 11161, 11165, 11166, 11539-41, 11546, 11548-9, 11551-2, 11554,
13573-4, 13578-9, 13586-7, 13604-6, 13608, 13625, 13628-9, 13633-4, 13638-40,
13643-4, 13686, 13692, 13698, 13706, 13736-7, 13745, 17565
>>>>o.q., 8548, 9534, 9654, 9730, 10007, 12596
>>>Crimes solved
>>>>qu., 12259
>>>>S.O. 31, 12409
>>>Criminals, non-participation, 10419, 11152, 11544, 11549, 13630, 13686,
13712-3, 13737-9
>>>Crossbow, including, rationale, 8487, 10062, 10086
>>>Deaths, reducing, 9715, 13698-700,
13704-6, 13713, 13732, 13736-7, 13739,
>>>Exemptions see Gun control/guns--Registration, Sustenance hunters
>>>Failure to comply, penalties, 9717-8, 9737, 9745-7, 10086, 10094, 10368,
10370, 10375-6, 10401-2, 10409, 10417, 10425, 11089-90, 11096, 11128, 11130,
11144, 11146, 11151-3, 11157, 11545, 11555, 13578, 13618-20, 13622, 13624-5,
13629-32, 13638, 13690, 13733, 13735
>>>Family packages, relics or heirlooms, 10402, 13686
>>>Firearms Acquisition Certificates, system, expanding, 10402
>>>Firearms in transit through Canada, non-Canadian owners, 13603
>>>Grey, D., 1991 statement, 11159-60, 11552-4
>>>Home-made, hobby manufacture, 11095
>>>Hunting and fishing licences, comparison, 10406
>>>Implementation period, 10090, 10378, 11547, 13685, 13689, 13732
>>>>Excessive, 8486, 9711, 9714, 9737-8, 10365, 10371-2, 10405, 13578-9, 13704
>>>Inconvenience allegation, o.q., 12725
>>>Information, confidentiality, 10404, 12323, 13712
>>>>Computer hackers, criminal elements, access, 10093, 10367, 10414, 10421,
11107, 11154, 13639, 13642
>>>>>o.q., 10666
>>>>>S.O. 31, 10657, 11401
>>>Inspection, search and seizure provisions, 10409, 11090-1, 11107, 11123,
11553, 13639, 13686, 13740-2
>>>>o.q., 12594-5
>>>>Police officers fulfilling function, 13447
>>>Law-abiding gun owners, punishment, 11545, 11549, 13608, 13626
>>>Legal to illegal process, halting, 13573
>>>Legislation (Bill C-68)
>>>>o.q., 9652, 9784
>>>>See also Firearms Act (Bill C-68)
>>>Long guns, 13603-4
>>>>Non-prohibited, non-restricted, hunting or sport shooting, exemption,
>>>Mail-in system, 13642
>>>Morrison, Lee, 1976 letter to Social Credit Party leader, Réal Caouette,
>>>Nazi Germany, comparison, 13711-2
>>>New Zealand experiment, 510, 10410-1,
11157, 11549, 13630, 13687, 13705
>>>Non-resident hunters and sport shooters, 10066, 10404, 10415
>>>Norway, 10420
>>>Opposition, 9711, 9742, 9747, 9752, 10086, 10088
>>>>o.q., 8880-1
>>>>Petitions, 10113-4, 12545, 12728, 13189, 15815
>>>>S.O. 31, 8425-6, 8471, 8823, 10383, 14881
>>>Other countries, comparison, 13705, 13711-2, 13737, 13747
>>>Partnerships, law-abiding gun owners and police, 10090
>>>>Administration costs, 10369, 13625-6
>>>>>o.q., 8546
>>>>Co-operation, 9737, 13740-1
>>>>>o.q., 14090
>>>>Opposition, o.q., 14090, 16737
>>>Public education aspect, 13692
>>>Public opinion, support/oppose, 9720, 9736, 9739-43, 10061, 10089, 10092,
10369-70, 10400, 11096, 11106, 11119-20, 11124, 11157, 11161, 11539, 11541-2,
13620, 13626, 13630, 13634, 13687, 13742-3
>>>>Saskatchewan, 11131, 11549-50
>>>Public safety, relationship, 9744, 11165, 11544, 13572, 13586
>>>"Raging Grannies" support, S.O. 31, 12365
>>>Renewals, 10086
>>>Restrictions followed by prohibition, then confiscation, 13632
>>>Rifles/shotguns, 8487, 9715, 11123, 11153, 11154
>>>>o.q., 8548
>>>Saskatchewan, chiefs of police, RCMP officers, view, S.O. 31, 14881
>>>Serial numbers, duplication/overlap, 11095
>>>Shooting clubs, refusal/revocation, appeal of decision, 13603
>>>S.O. 31, 9723
>>>Stockpiling of firearms, identifying, o.q., 11756
>>>Sunset clause, 11555
>>>Sustenance hunters, northern and rural communities, application, 10064-5,
10068, 10086-8, 10366, 10369-70, 10402, 11153, 13624
>>>>o.q., 11756
>>>System, defects, Wade report, o.q., 8432
>>>Universal, 9707, 9712, 9737, 10370, 10419-20, 10423-4, 11090, 11094, 11128,
11157, 11546, 13573, 13619
>>>>Enforcement, difficulty, 10401
>>>>o.q., 8695
>>>Victims groups, support, 9708
>>>Voluntary/mandatory, 11090
>>>Voluntary program, five year phase in period, Liberal caucus agreement,
condemning, S.O. 31, 7682
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Handguns--Restricted weapons
>>Regulations, 11091
>>>Additional, order in council approval, Parliamentary review, 11555, 13639
>>>Administrative costs, 13445-6
>>>>qu., 13684-5
>>>Compliance, registration, impact, 11129
>>>Confusion, 8486, 9713-4, 9738
>>>>o.q., 303
>>>>S.O. 31, 19-20, 2969
>>>>Wade report, 11144
>>>Crime prevention, relationship, o.q., 2127
>>>Effectiveness, assessing, 10414, 10418, 11132
>>>Fairness, o.q., 5897
>>>Hunters/farmers, interests, respecting, 8484, 9743, 13707
>>>Non-compliance, confiscation penalty, 10371
>>>Non-resident hunters, 10066
>>>Orders in Council, validity, court rulings, 9714-5
>>>>o.q., 10665, 11065, 11192
>>>Parliamentary review, 8655, 9746, 11092, 13639
>>>Reform Party position, 8487
>>>Wording, simplification, 10371, 10376
>>>>o.q., 7812
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Ammunition
>>Replicas, 10373, 14745-51
>>>Banning, 5882, 8484, 8487
>>>Black powder shooting events, regulations, 9710, 9714, 10371, 10419, 11095,
11122, 11548, 11551
>>>Legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.--replica firearms, theft, import or
unlawful sale of firearms)(Bill C-260)
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Use, during commission of a crime
>>Restricted weapons
>>>Buy/sell, same class, 10376
>>>Life prohibition order, violent crime conviction, 10085
>>>Registration system, defects, o.q., 8344-5
>>>Storage regulations, 10371
>>Rural areas, firearms, fatality and injury rates, 13686, 13708
>>>Promoting, o.q., 1428, 3278
>>>Public education, 11111
>>Sale, illegal, legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.--replica firearms,
theft, import or unlawful sale of firearms)(Bill C-260)
>>Sales/promotions, restrictions, 10061
>>Search and seizure powers, 9746, 13630, 13690-1, 13709
>>>McKnight, Darrell, case, S.O. 31, 11878
>>>o.q., 12369-70
>>Self-defence use, 11111, 13747
>>Smuggling (illegal imports), 2402, 3298, 8487-8, 9712, 9737, 10085, 10091,
>>>Controlling, 8485, 8487, 10084, 10368, 10420, 11095, 11105, 11107-8,
11114-6, 11118-9, 11124-5, 11129, 11147, 11150, 11156, 11158-60, 11545, 11554,
13632, 13639, 13733, 13735
>>>>Government action, lack, 8486, 9743-5
>>>Enforcing existing laws, o.q., 12595-6
>>>o.q., 229, 2127, 3278-9, 5344-5, 5579, 7101, 7234, 7689-90, 8295-6, 8298,
8695-6, 9824, 9828
>>>Penalties, 10085, 10369, 10378, 10401, 10405, 10413, 10415, 10418, 10424,
11105, 11111, 11114, 11117, 11130-1, 11147, 11151-4, 11543, 13573
>>>Registration of firearms, impact, 10091, 11117, 11150, 11161, 11165, 13696
>>>>o.q., 10792-3
>>>Seizures, 13626
>>>>Border points, 11118-9
>>>>>o.q., 8701-2
>>>>Failure, RCMP secret report, Le Soleil June 2/94 article, o.q., 4774
>>>See also Smuggling--Anti-smuggling campaign--Contraband;
Tobacco/cigarette smuggling--Liquor
>>Societal attitude, 10364-5, 10398, 10417, 11092, 11125, 11160, 13618, 13685,
13687-9, 13698-9, 13703, 13730, 13744-5
>>>Gun culture, United States comparison, 10406, 11155, 13698-700
>>Sport/target shooting, 9707, 13637-8, 13713
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Handguns
>>Storage, safety regulations, 9713-4, 10062, 10405, 10414, 10422, 11108
>>>Compliance, registration, impact, 11147, 11150, 11165
>>>Improvements, Quebec Coroner Anne-Marie David recommendations, 10405-6,
>>>Locking systems/devices, 9714, 10063, 13576, 13629, 13633, 13691, 13710
>>>Long guns, 13587
>>>o.q., 7812, 8695, 13810
>>>Owners, awareness, 13576
>>>Suicides, accidental death, reducing, 8485, 9708-9
>>>Violations, sanctions, 11130
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Restricted weapons
>>Theft, 9708, 9736, 10062, 10089, 10409, 11156, 13608
>>>Failure to report, penalties, 10085
>>>Legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.--replica firearms, theft, import or
unlawful sale of firearms)(Bill C-260)
>>>Penalties, leniency, 11543
>>>>o.q., 8175
>>>Possession, penalties, 10085, 10089, 10418, 11114, 13573
>>Trafficking, new offence, penalties, 9744-5, 10085, 10089, 10401, 10405,
10414-5, 10418, 11105, 11119, 11129, 11153, 11545
>>Training courses, 13709-10
>>>Costs, 11114
>>>o.q., 303, 4866
>>>Petition, 3886-7
>>>Public information and education, 10371
>>>Quebec, 13699-700, 13705, 13733-4
>>>Recognition, grandfather clause, 13690
>>>Transfer of authority to provinces, 10085, 11153
>>Transportation, regulations, violations, penalties, 11130
>>United Kingdom comparison, 11121
>>>S.O. 31, 3154-5
>>United States comparison, 510, 11148, 11548, 13608, 13643, 13698-700, 13709,
13714, 13730, 13735, 13738, 13744-6
>>Universal ban in urban areas, Justice Minister Rock statement, 9744-5
>>Unwanted, turning in, tax credit proposal, 14306-7
>>>o.q., 13810
>>Use, during commission of a crime, 11155, 11158, 11164, 13638, 13738, 14470
>>>Criminal Code, section 85, charges laid, 5905-6, 10379
>>>>And withdrawn, qu., 8211-2
>>>>r.o., 9338
>>>Curbing, 6549-50, 9706, 9738
>>>>o.q., 6039
>>>Increase, o.q., 7811
>>>Legal/illegal firearms, statistics, 9748
>>>Plea bargaining, use, prohibiting, 9709, 9712, 9716, 9746, 10370, 10404,
10409, 10415, 10418, 11095-6, 11109, 11111, 11114, 11119, 11147, 11149,
11154-5, 13619, 13622, 13639
>>>Prohibited weapons, use, 11113
>>>Registration, impact, 9707-8, 9715-7,
9720, 9736, 10414
>>>Replica guns, use, penalty, 10379, 10397, 10418, 10424, 11090, 11543
>>>Sentencing provisions, strengthening, 1324, 5882, 5905-7, 6047, 8484,
9706-7, 9709, 9711-2, 9715-6, 9736-7, 9744, 9746-7, 10062, 10089, 10369,
10403, 10408, 10413, 10415, 11107, 11111, 11117, 11125, 11129-31, 11144-7,
11152-4, 11161, 11543-5, 11551, 11554, 13573, 13621-4, 13628, 13639
>>>>4 year minimum sentence, 10364-6, 10378, 10397, 10399, 10401-2, 10404,
10418, 10421, 10424, 11090, 11095, 11105, 11111, 11114, 11119, 11149, 11152,
11155, 13619, 13621, 13627, 13632, 13691-2, 13703-4, 13733
>>>>10 year minimum sentence
>>>>>Petition, 11256
>>>>>S.O. 31, 7094-5, 11292
>>>>Enforcing, 10379
>>>>>Petitions, 9378, 9563-4, 9957-8, 10112-3, 10339, 11103-4, 11353, 11685,
12257-8, 12420-1, 13055-6, 13089, 14411
>>>>Liberal caucus report, S.O. 31, 7683
>>>>Mandatory jail sentences, 6029-30, 6047, 8484, 8487, 9712, 10085, 10419,
11096, 11124
>>>>>o.q., 7183, 8694-5
>>>>>Petitions, 7895, 8179, 9069, 9537-8, 9694, 10081-2, 11067, 12729
>>>>Repeat offenders, 10397
>>>>Run consecutively, 10398, 13623
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--use of a firearm in the commission of or
attempt at an offence)(Bill C-293)
>>>Sources, national survey, o.q., 5432, 9534
>>>Statistics, 11113
>>>Stolen, owner responsibility, 10410
>>>United States, comparison, 10061, 10413, 13635
>>>Vancouver B.C.-Seattle, Wash., comparison, 9740-1
>>>Zero tolerance policy, establishing, 9716
>>Use, protection of property and person
>>>Noll, Oscar, criminal charges, 11092
>>>>S.O. 31, 10825, 11055
>>>Ramsay position, S.O. 31, 11984
>>White, R., position, 2454
>>Women, domestic violence, concerns, 13704, 13708-9, 13739, 13746
>>>S.O. 31, 13122
>>See also Aboriginal peoples--Hunting and fishing rights;
Drug trafficking--Firearms;
Family violence--Reducing;
Life insurance;
Women--Violence against;