The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Belize see Central America--Visit to Canada
Bell Canada
Public Service, o.q., 8834-5
>>Supplemental pension plan, Confederation Life Insurance collapse, joint
directors, failure to warn, fiduciary responsibility, o.q., 136
>>See also Broadcasting--Licences;
Telephone service
Bell Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-57)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
First reading, 4415
>>Second reading, 5782-98, agreed to, 5798
>>Industry Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 5798
>>>Reported, 7088
>>Report stage, concurrence, third reading, 7591-602 passed.
>>Royal Assent, 8333, Chap. 3, S.C. 1997
>>See also Broadcasting--Licences
Bell Canada Act (amdt.--construction charges)(Bill C-227)--Mitchell
First reading, 392
Bell Helicoptère Textron see Aerospace industry
Bell Mediasphere
Establishment, Montreal, Que., location, economic growth, promoting, s.O.
31, 7707
Bell, Michael see Cyprus--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping role
Bell of Batoche see Metis
Bell Science Super-Expo see Science and technology
Bell, Tom
Former Member of Parliament, death, tributes, 6374-6
Bella Coola, B.C. see Highways and roads
Bellehumeur, Michel (BQ--Berthier--Montcalm)
- >>Access to information, o.q., 6667
>>Air Canada, o.q., 7575, 7660
>>Air navigation services, 1154-6
>>Auto racing, S.O. 31, 2059-60
>>Break and enter, 3539
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 1522
>>Cambodia, o.q., 10227-8
>>Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 6684-6
>>Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-65), 10198-200
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 654-5, 669, 686-9, 2860, 3988-9, 4151-4
>>>o.q., 10227-8
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (Bill C-60), 7508-9
>>Child prostitution, 9409-10, 9642
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 5064, 9409-10, 9641-2
>>Child support payments, 4916-9, 6045-6, 6071-2, 6079, 6081-2, 6211
>>Child tax benefit, 4916
>>Children, o.q., 4071-2
>>China, o.q., 9600-1
>>Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act (Bill C-20), 1154-6
>>Committees of the Whole House, M. (H. Gray), 5862-4
>>Computer services, 3539-40
>>Constitution, 2858-9
>>>M. (Rock), 3247-50, 3264-6
>>>o.q., 1544, 2755-6
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--rehabilitation programs)(Bill C-296), 8169-71
>>Credit cards, 3539-40, 9619
>>Crime, 2096, 3540, 5066, 9619-20, 10010, 10023-4
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--child prostitution, child sex tourism, criminal harassment and female genital mutilation)(Bill C-27), 9641-3
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal organizations)(Bill C-95), 10001-3, 10009-10
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 4241-2, 4477-8
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--trespassing)(Bill C-247), 9508-9
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--Internet lotteries)(Bill C-353), 8113
>>Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-321), 7068-9
>>Criminal Code, Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Department of the Solicitor General Act (amdt.--high risk offenders)(Bill C-55), 5064-7
>>Criminal law, 10010
>>Criminal Law Improvement Act, 1996 (Bill C-17), 3539-41, 9424-5, 9618-20
>>Criminals, 5065
>>Dangerous/high risk offenders, 5064-7, 8866
>>>o.q., 4343
>>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-7), 1188-9, 1192-3
>>Divorce, 6071
>>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41), 4916-9, 6045-6, 6070-2, 6079, 6081-2, 6211
>>Economic development/renewal, M. on supply (Rocheleau), 8963, 8966
>>Education, 3248-9, 3265-6
>>>o.q., 8012, 8394, 10064-5
>>Elections, 1522, 6685
>>>o.q., 5291g
>>Emergency Preparedness Canada, qu., 3568
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2377-8
>>Federal-provincial conferences, o.q., 3632
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 327-8
>>>o.q., 35-6, 132-3, 3632, 3709, 3819-20
>>>S.O. 31, 759
>>Federalism, o.q., 1586, 3002-3
>>Female genital mutilation (excision), 9641-3
>>Festivals, S.O. 31, 7879-80
>>Fisheries, 7198-9
>>Fisheries Act (Bill C-62), 7198-9
>>Forcible confinement, 3539
>>Forestry, 327
>>Forgery, 3539
>>Francophones outside Quebec, 3265
>>Gangs, 9424, 9618-9, 9643, 10001-3, 10009-10, 10022-4
>>>o.q., 8906, 9080-1, 9171-2, 9213-4, 9378-9, 9549
>>Goods and Services Tax, o.q., 3257-8, 4019, 7965
>>Government, 7509
>>Government contracts, 1188
>>Gun control/guns, 2096
>>>Statement by Minister (Rock), 6780-1
>>Harbours, wharves and breakwaters, 1188
>>>Petition, 2368, 3722
>>>S.O. 31, 1417
>>House of Commons, 6685
>>Hydro-electricity, o.q., 3003
>>Impaired driving, 3539-40
>>Job creation, 327, 329
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42), 6432-5, 6438, 6440, 6811-3
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee, 10141-2
>>Justice system, 3539-41, 9619-20
>>Legislation, 326
>>>M. (H. Gray), 170-4, 191-3
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 5731
>>Mining industry, 327
>>National Parole Board, 5064
>>National unity, 327-8
>>>o.q., 2432, 2709, 2756
>>Newfoundland, 3247-8, 3266
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (Bill C-23), 8023-5
>>Oceans, 3645-6
>>Oceans Act (Bill C-26), 3645-6
>>Parent, references, 10235
>>Parole, 4241-2, 4477-8, 9619
>>>M. on supply (Ramsay), 8809, 8812-7, 8866-7
>>Penitentiaries, 5066, 7634-5
>>Police, 3539-40, 9619-20
>>Political parties, 6684-5
>>Prisons and Reformatories Act (amdt.)(Bill C-53), 7634-5
>>Private family trusts, 10127-8, 10130
>>>o.q., 4671
>>>Bryden (rights of Members breached), 8911-2
>>>Duceppe (false/misleading statements), 6863
>>>False/misleading statements, 1193
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (Hart), 652, 654-5, 669, 686-9
>>>Bills, Government, 10001
>>>Decorum, 4671
>>>House do now adjourn, M., 10128
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4152
>>>Member be now heard. M., 8025
>>>Question and comment period, 6830
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 2817, 3015, 3498-9
>>>Quorum, 8023-4
>>>Sittings of the House, 6814
>>>Speeches, 2856, 5064, 10199
>>>Supply motions, 3109
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 3988-9
>>>M. (Strahl), 4151-4
>>>M. (Zed), 4416
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, M. (Guimond), 10127-30
>>Quebec distinct society status, 7509
>>>o.q., 1462, 1544, 1586, 7965
>>>S.O. 31, 355, 1458
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 2096, 6434
>>>M. (K. Martin), 3523-4
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 2856, 2858-60
>>>o.q., 35, 186, 2150, 2358, 2431-2, 2708-9, 2756, 2891, 3002-3, 6489, 8507-8
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 2858, 4153
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (post 1995), o.q., 2807, 2891
>>Quebec Superior Court, o.q., 4500
>>Quebecers, o.q., 1463
>>Recreation, 327
>>Referendum on the Restoration of the Death Penalty Act (Bill C-261), 4523-4
>>Riel, Louis, 8816
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, o.q., 8450
>>Senate, 6813
>>>M. on supply (Gilmour), 3106-9
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 9424-5
>>Sexual assault/offences, 8911-2
>>Slaughterhouses, 7508
>>Social programs, o.q., 4071-2
>>Stalking, 9643
>>Statistics Canada, o.q., 1246
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 326-9
>>Tibet, o.q., 9601
>>Tobacco Act (Bill C-71), 8460-1, 8712-5
>>Tobacco industry, 8460-1, 8713-5, 8963
>>>S.O. 31, 8583
>>Tobacco products, 8460-1
>>Training programs, o.q., 3709
>>Transportation, 327
>>Unemployment insurance, 2377-8
>>Unified Family Court, M. (Hayes), 8802-3
>>Victims of crime, M. on supply (R. White), 2084, 2093, 2096
>>Violence, 8813
>>Wildlife, 10198
>>Young offenders, 10141-2
>>Young Offenders Act, 7635
Bellemare, Christian see Education--Vocational training
Bellemare, Eugène (L--Carleton--Gloucester)
- >>Air navigation services, 6244
>>Bellemare, references, S.O. 31, 2806
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 7822
>>>M. (Rock), 3271-2, 3330-2
>>>M. (Rock), 6970-1
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--child prostitution, child sex tourism, criminal harassment and female genital mutilation)(Bill C-27), 9409-10
>>Deficit, 5863, 6244
>>Education, 3272, 3331-2
>>Election, S.O. 31, 10226
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--ingredients in food sold in restaurants)(Bill C-309), 7212-3
>>Francophones, 5863
>>Francophones outside Quebec
>>>o.q., 9608
>>>S.O. 31, 6443, 8502
>>Francophonie, S.O. 31, 9170
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 7523-4
>>Government, 6244
>>Government Operations Standing Committee, reports, 10142
>>Government programs and services, 6244
>>Health care system, 5863
>>High technology industries, 6245
>>Interest rates, 6244, 6246
>>Job creation, 6244
>>Justice system, 5862-3
>>Members of Parliament, 3989, 5862
>>National Capital Region, o.q., 7191
>>National unity, S.O. 31, 4797
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, S.O. 31, 5416
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 5863
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amd.--oaths or solemn affirmations)(Bill C-316), 3989, 6818-20, 6825-6
>>Private family trusts, S.O. 31, 5953
>>>Committee reports, 10142
>>>Divisions, recorded, 10026
>>>Question and comment period, 6822
>>Public Service, 5863, 6244-5
>>References see Reform Party--Cowboys
>>Reform Party, 5862-3
>>Schools, S.O. 31, 6900
>>Sexual assault/offences, o.q., 7835
>>Sexual orientation, petition, 7524
>>Somalia, M. on supply (J. Leroux), 7822
>>Speakership, 5862-4
>>Taxation, 5863
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 6244-6
>>Trade, S.O. 31, 8444
>>Unemployment, 6245
Belleville, Ont. see Culture/arts--Quinte Ballet School
Belo, Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes see East Timor
Beltran, Walter see Immigration/immigrants--Criminals
Beluga whales see St. Lawrence River--Clean-up
Bennett, Kevin see Mining industry--Computer systems
Benoit, Leon E. (REF--Vegreville)
- >>Abortion, M. (G. Breitkreuz), 2978-9
>>Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-19), 1312-5, 1332-3, 2698-701
>>Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-375), 8358, 10206-9, 10215
>>Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Bill C-34), 3952-3, 9865-9
>>Agricultural producers/farmers, 9888
>>Agricultural products, 9865-8
>>>M. (Hermanson), 1619-20
>>Agriculture, 9865, 9889-90
>>>S.O. 31, 10175-6
>>Budget, 2990-1, 2993, 4637
>>Budget 1996, 2988-90
>>>M. (P. Martin), 812, 833, 835, 1436-7, 1439, 1473, 1489
>>Budget 1997
>>>M. for approval (P. Martin), 8332, 8334-5, 8340
>>>S.O. 31, 8303
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-31), 2988-93
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-93), 10082
>>Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-65), 10200-2
>>Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement, 5345
>>Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-61), 5345-9
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I) (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 8534-5, 8543-4, 8549-51, 8895-9
>>Canada Pension Plan, M. on supply (Manning), 8677
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 665-6, 718-9
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (Bill C-60), 5362-3, 7441-2
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2150, 2198-9, 2497-8
>>Canadian National Railways, 9867
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 9866, 9869
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-72), 8243-5, 10153-4, 10156
>>Capital punishment, 8821
>>Caregivers, M. (Szabo), 6031-2
>>Census (1996), M. (D. Grey), 7816-7
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, petition, 9997
>>Child support payments, 4915, 4952-4
>>Co-operatives, statement by Minister (Robichaud), 5332
>>Corporations, 3943
>>Crime, petition, 6013
>>Crime prevention, 9398
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 3916, 4272-3, 4593, 4637-8
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--production of records in sexual offence proceedings)(Bill C-46), 9362, 9366-70, 9398, 9405
>>Deficit, 1437, 1439, 1473, 1489, 2990-3, 3943-4
>>Discrimination and racism, 2198
>>Divorce, 4952-3
>>Divorce Act, 4953-4, 4962
>>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41), 4915, 4952-4, 4962
>>Economy, o.q., 6367
>>Education, 8335, 8340
>>Election, 9865-6
>>Elections, M. (Stinson), 1692-4
>>Energy Price Commission Act (Bill C-220), 2038-9
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7289-90, 7733-4, 7767-9, 7808-9
>>Exports, 5349
>>Family, 2198-9
>>Family income, 8335
>>>o.q., 6367
>>Farm Debt Mediation Act (Bill C-38), 9888-91
>>Financial institutions, 3943
>>Foreign policy, 6878
>>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 2038-9
>>Goods and Services Tax, 3943-4, 7289-90, 7733-4, 7767-8, 7808-9
>>>Petition, 7394, 9997
>>Government expenditures, 8332, 8334, 8340
>>Government revenues, 812
>>Grain marketing, 8244-5, 9868-9, 9889-90, 10153
>>>M. on supply (Hermanson), 4119-23
>>>M. (Thompson), 6341-3
>>>o.q., 2710-1, 2762, 2894-5
>>>S.O. 31, 3001, 7080
>>Grain transportation, 8534-5, 8543-4, 8550, 8895-9, 9867, 9890
>>>o.q., 7838
>>>S.O. 31, 9480
>>Gun control/guns, 4272, 6846, 6876, 8819-20, 9368, 9866, 9868
>>Health care system, 8334, 8340
>>House of Commons, 721, 6846, 6873, 6877-8, 8898
>>Hydro-electric power, 1313, 5346
>>>o.q., 4866
>>Income, 2990
>>Income tax, 3942-4
>>Income Tax Budget Amendment Act (Bill C-36), 3941-5
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act (Bill C-37), 3979
>>Infrastructure program, 2989
>>Interprovincial trade, 1313-4, 1332, 2698-701, 2991-2, 5346-9, 7442, 7768-9, 8358
>>>o.q., 6011
>>>S.O. 31, 2429, 3309-10, 4665
>>Job creation, 2988-93, 7768
>>>S.O. 31, 3309-10
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42), 6846, 6850, 6870, 6873, 6875-9
>>Justice system, 1693. 4637, 9366, 9368, 9370
>>Labour disputes, 8534-5, 8543-4, 8550-1, 8896-7
>>Labour mobility, 5346-7
>>Labour sponsored venture capital corporations, 3942
>>Legislation, 3916, 6876, 8820
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 6876
>>Members of Parliament, 720-1, 6873, 6876-7, 7808-9
>>Murder, 9366, 9368-70
>>National debt, 833, 1437, 1489, 2990, 4637
>>National Organ Donor Day Act (Bill C-202), 1732-3
>>National unity, 5347-8
>>Nelson House First Nation Flooded Land Act (Bill C-40), 3979
>>Nunziata, references, 6877
>>Official Opposition, 719
>>Old age pensions, 1473, 2990-1, 3942
>>Organ donation, M., 1733
>>Parole, 4272-3, 4636, 9370
>>>M. on supply (Ramsay), 8812, 8819-24, 8857, 8865
>>Patronage, 9890
>>Penitentiaries, 9370
>>Pensions, 1473
>>Prisons and Reformatories Act (amdt.)(Bill C-53), 4647-50
>>Private family trusts, 3944-5
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (Hart), 665-6, 718-21
>>>Bills, Government, 3944-5
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 10215
>>>Documents, 1733
>>>Members' remarks, 8335
>>>Oral questions, 8279, 8840
>>>Points of order, 4593
>>>Private Members' Motions, 2979
>>>Sittings of the House, 6876
>>Property rights, M. (Gilmour), 4834-5
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 719
>>Referendums, 721, 6878
>>Reform Party, 9890
>>Registered retirement saving plans, 2989, 3942
>>Retail sales, 7290
>>Same-sex couples, 2198
>>Senate, 721, 6877-8, 9890
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 4638
>>Sexual assault/offences, 8820, 9362, 9367-9
>>Sexual orientation, 2150, 2198, 2498, 9866
>>>S.O. 31, 2178
>>Social programs, 147-8, 2989-91
>>Standard of living, 2990
>>Taxation, 2989, 2991, 3941-4
>>Tobacco industry, 8819
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 2991, 8332
>>Underground economy, 3943
>>Unemployment, 2989, 2992, 8332, 8340
>>United Parcel Service, 5346-7
>>Vegreville, Alta.
>>>o.q., 6796
>>>S.O. 31, 6443, 6786
>>Victims of crime, 4637-8, 8819-21, 9367-70
>>>M. on supply (R. White), 2047, 2086
>>Wildlife, 9368, 9868, 10167-8
>>Young offenders, 9369