The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Reed, Ryan see Dangerous driving
Reel Hatred see Violence--Women
Referendum Act see Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63)
Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-377)--Ablonczy
First reading, 8513
>>See also Referendums--Citizen initiated referendums
Referendum on the Restoration of the Death Penalty Act (Bill C-261)--Ringma
- >>First reading, 1470
>>Second reading, 4519-27
>>>M. (Ringma), negatived, 4250
>>>M. (Harris), negatived, 4521
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4527
>>See also Capital punishment--Reinstating, Referendum
Référendum Prise deux/Take 2 see Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)
Citizen initiated referendums, 5890, 8513
>>>New Zealand example, adopting, 684
>>>Reform Party proposal, 3073, 5528, 5861, 6878, 7900, 10081
>>>See also Citizen-Initiated Referendum Act (Bill C-343);
Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-377)
>>Elections, during, 721, 6767
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), attitude, 6752
>>Provincial referendum results overriding, 6692
>>Regions approving holding of, and wording of question, requiring, 6691-3
>>See also Abortion--Federal funding--National referendum;
Affirmative action--California program;
Capital punishment--Reinstating;
Constitutional Reform--Charlottetown Accord;
Education--Newfoundland religion-based school system;
European Union--Maastricht accord;
Nisga'a land clam--Agreement in principle;
Quebec distinct society status--Constitutional entrenchment;
Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995);
Quebec sovereignty referendum (post 1995);
Reform Party
1995 alternative taxpayers budget see Budget 1995
>>1997 alternative "fresh start" budget see Budget 1997--Alternative
>>Attitude and tactics, deploring, 4394
>>>S.O. 31, 1416
>>Canadian history, knowledge, 5863
>>Caucus disarray, dissent, 728, 733,
>>Caucus resignations, Members not seeking re-election, 6737
>>Club R, rewards, S.O. 31, 581
>>Convention, June 1996, Vancouver, B.C.
>>>Manning remarks re controlling extremists, S.O. 31, 3484
>>>S.O. 31, 3554-6
>>>See also Discrimination and racism--Reform Party position
>>Cowboys, Bellemare remarks, 5862-3
>>Election nominations, women, 10090
>>Election platform, "fresh start", 5765-6, 5817-8, 5844, 5860-2, 5866-7, 6022,
6276, 6734, 6737-8, 7321, 7324, 9890, 9895
>>>o.q., 10229-31
>>>Phrase "fresh start" used in Shepherd 1993 campaign, 9560
>>>S.O. 31, 6000, 6056, 8901
>>>See also Budget--Balanced;
Family--Reform Party position;
Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Duplication;
Justice system--Reform Party position
>>Election promises
>>>Broken, 5749-50
>>>Keeping, 5756
>>Election prospects, 227
>>Extremism, Liberal Party allegations, 4601, 4621, 5815-6, 5835, 5849, 5858,
5861, 5864, 5867
>>>B'nai Brith Canada statement, S.O. 31, 6003
>>Homosexual caucus members, hypothetical, Manning position, 2583
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), alternative, S.O. 31, 5472-3
>>Liberal Party and Progressive Conservative Party, differences from, 5864-6
>>Membership, lack of diversity, older white males dominating, 2416, 5867
>>National/regional party, 1488-9
>>Negative focus, 9295
>>Official Opposition status request see Official Opposition;
Procedure--Official Opposition status
>>Platform, 804
>>Policies, contradictory, 8065-6
>>Progessive Conservative Party, relationship, 8333-4
>>Public opinion, support, 4596, 5845-6, 5850, 6739
>>>o.q., 7464
>>>S.O. 31, 1163, 1657, 1760
>>Quebec knowledge, role see Quebec
>>Right wing positions, dissidents, treatment, 2453
>>Role in House of Commons, 6872
>>Staff paid with public money, political appointments, Stephen Green and Line
Maheux, o.q., 4747-8
>>Youth conference, Feb. 7-9/97, Ottawa, Ont., 7841
>>>S.O. 31, 7882
>>See also particular subjects
Canadian Council for Refugees, S.O. 31, 6556
>>>Abuse, 5775
>>>>Petition, 7841
>>>>S.O. 31, 4495
>>>Acceptance level, Quebec/Ontario, proportion, 5772
>>>>Quebec government, cost sharing proposal, 5281-2
>>>>>o.q., 3005, 3262
>>>Algerian nationals
>>>>Citizenship and Immigration officials, intimidation, harassment,
allegations, 7500-1
>>>>>o.q., 6748-9
>>>>Temporary deportation suspensions, Bloc Quebecois, requesting, 3043-4,
>>>>>o.q., 361, 2066, 6749, 8731-2
>>>Backlog, 75% increase, 9510-1
>>>>o.q., 7887, 7969
>>>Humanitarianism, government commitment, 5772-3
>>>Social assistance while waiting for appeals, limiting, M. (Hanger),
8475-82, dropped from Order Paper, 8482
>>Countries of origin, returning to
>>>United States-Canada proposed agreement
>>>>Moral responsibility, ignoring, S.O. 31, 1198, 1414
>>>>o.q., 1104-5
>>Criminals, 6847
>>>Ashrafinia, Siamak, passport forgery charges, etc., 6871
>>>Deporting rather than imprisoning, 5117, 5127, 6871-2
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--refugee or immigrant applicants convicted
of an offence on indictment)(Bill C-333)
>>>Garcia, Dennis, American, dangerous offender, 5775
>>>>o.q., 4863, 4984-5
>>>Iranian cases, Abdul Nasser Taher Azar cocaine trafficking case, passport
forgery case, deportation order appeals, etc., 5126-7
>>>Lam, Bao Ngoc, deportation, delay, release, o.q., 2944
>>>Rejecting outright, S.O. 31, 4979
>>>Vancouver, B.C. case, drug trafficking and home invasion, 6872
>>>Vietnam, deportation agreement, o.q., 2944
>>>White, T., remarks, 5126-8
>>>Williams, Hugh, drug trafficking, 6871-2
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--refugee or immigrant applicants convicted of
an offence on indictment)(Bill C-333)
>>Fees, convention refugees, exempting, petition, 1427
>>Gender discrimination criteria, 7357
>>Hearings, privacy factors, 9365
>>HIV/AIDS tests, requiring, 9846
>>>See also Criminal Code, Corrections and Conditional Release Act and
Immigration Act (amdt.--spread of HIV and AIDS)(Bill C-406)
>>Régalado, Victor, Salvadoran national, deportation order, fairness, 4330-2
>>>o.q., 2478-9
>>Resettlement policy, 5771
>>>o.q., 8908
>>Rwandans, youth, Environmental Video Exchange, participation, 6394
>>Somalis, determination process, delay, o.q., 2811
>>Status, determination, Plaut report, 5500
>>Terrorists, convicted/alleged
>>>Immediate deportation, no appeal process, o.q., 239
>>>McAllister, Malachy, 1988 deportation order, remaining in Canada, o.q., 239
>>Women, S.O. 31, 474
>>Worldwide, extent, number, 1863, 6396
>>Zaire, expulsion, government policy, o.q., 8276, 8731-2
>>See also Africa--Great Lakes region;
Canadian International Development Agency--Somalia;
Haiti--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping role;
Lebanon--Israeli air raids and artillery fire;
National Refugee Awareness Day Act (Bill C-306);
War criminals--Bosnian war criminals in Canada;
Zaire--Civil war
Régalado, Victor see Refugees
Regan, Geoff (L--Halifax West)
- >>Air transportation, 8103
>>Airports, 8102-4
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, o.q., 4179-80
>>Bedford Junior High Band, S.O. 31, 2706
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 852-3
>>Budget 1997, M. (P. Martin), 8365-7
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 8365-6
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I) (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 6427-9
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2128, 2144
>>Chambers, Bob, S.O. 31, 1416-7
>>Child poverty, 8366
>>Child tax benefit, 852, 8366
>>Deficit, 852-3
>>Education, S.O. 31, 5555
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2216-8
>>Entrepreneurs, S.O. 31, 5951
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, o.q., 318
>>Francophonie, S.O. 31, 919
>>Genocide, 2128
>>Goods and Services Tax, 8366-7
>>>S.O. 31, 8084
>>Impaired driving, petitions, 3497, 5609
>>Information highway, S.O. 31, 3198
>>Job creation, 106
>>>S.O. 31, 3482
>>National unity, S.O. 31, 3556
>>Ports, 107
>>Radioactive Waste Importation Act (Bill C-236), 5989-91
>>References, taking Chair as Acting Speaker, 10204
>>Sexual orientation, 2128, 2144
>>>Petition, 2526
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply M. (Sheridan), 68-9, 106-8
>>Transportation, M. on supply (Gouk), 8102-4
>>Unemployment insurance, 2217-8
>>Wildlife, petition, 5609
>>Women, S.O. 31, 3919
Regina Leader-Post see Newspapers--Saskatchewan
Regina, Sask. see Charitable organizations--Unemployment Workers' Health and Counselling Centre; Farm Credit Corporation--Head office; Human Resources Development Department--Income securities branch; New Democratic Party--Convention; Young Offenders Act--Amending
Regional Development Banks
Canada participation, 1995 report, tabled, 8784
Regional economic development see Economic development/renewal--Regional
Regions see Air navigation services--Commercialization; Constitution--Amending; Employment insurance--Legislation; Government contracts--Procurement process; Senate
Registered charities see Charitable organizations
Registered domestic partnerships see Family--Definition
Registered education savings plans (RESPs)
- >>Contributions, annual limits
>>>Increasing from $1,500 to $2,000 and lifetime limits from $31,500 to $42,000, Budget 1996 measure, 378, 414, 446, 449, 801, 811, 830, 840, 1441, 1482, 1537, 3023-4, 6539, 9516, 9630, 9921-2
>>>>o.q., 7710
>>>Increasing to $4,000 per year, Budget 1997 measure, 8293, 8330, 9334, 9516, 9922
>>>Lifetime limit, increase from $31,500 to $42,000, 9516, 9922
>>Unused portions, transfer to Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Budget 1997 measure, 8293, 8330-1, 8374-5, 9334
Registered retirement savings plans (RRSP)
Budget 1996 measures, 9527
>>>Tax grab, dismantling program, 2989
>>>>o.q., 823
>>>See also Registered retirement savings plans--Contributions--Self-directed;
>>>Age limits, reducing to 69 from 71, Budget 1996 measure, 380, 402, 447,
852-3, 1476-7, 3942, 9229, 9518, 9521, 9525-6, 9921
>>>>o.q., 1468
>>>Carry forward provisions, seven year limit, elimination, Budget 1996
measure, 380, 447, 800, 841, 853, 1482, 9516, 9568, 9921
>>>>o.q., 430, 823
>>>LImit, $8,000 reduction, 9632
>>>Limits, $13,500 per year, freezing until 2003, increasing to $15,500 by
2005, Budget 1996 measure, 380, 447, 841, 852-3, 1476, 1482, 2994-5, 3018,
3936, 3942, 9921
>>>>Income tax increase, 4725
>>>o.q., 429
>>>Over-contributions, without monthly tax penalty, reducing to $2,000, Budget
1995 measure, 2995, 3936
>>Death, transfer to spouse tax free, Reform Party proposals, 7409
>>Estate planning, use, limits, 9521
>>Foreign investment option, 20% limit, 796, 1524-5
>>>See also Job creation
>>Funds, use, 9525-6
>>Income tax deduction, changing to tax credit, 7424
>>>Bloc Quebecois position, 8142-3
>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--change RRSP deduction to a tax credit)(Bill
>>Income tax savings, 8674
>>Low income earners, extending to, 7409
>>Retirement allowances, tax free transfer, gradual elimination, 3936
>>Retirement savings product, February 1997 introduction, o.q., 6964
>>Self-directed, administration fee, deductibility, eliminating, Budget 1996
measure, 852-3, 3942
>>>o.q., 823
>>Seniors Benefit, taxation rates, discouraging investment, o.q., 5168
>>Super RRSP style plan, Chile example, 3018
>>Turner, Garth, promoting, 9568
>>See also Canada Pension Plan;
Canada Savings Bonds;
Employment RRSP;
Income tax--Children under 18;
Members of Parliament--Pensions;
Registered education savings plan--Unused portions
Electronic registry, establishing, 3769
>>Incorporation by reference of standards, 3768-9, 3771-2
>>Legislation, Regulations Act (Bill C-25), 6865
>>>Background, previous legislation, Regulatory Efficiency Act (Bill C-62)(1st
Sess., 35th Parl.), Regulations Act (Bill C-84)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.),
subcommittee study, etc., 3769-70, 3773
>>>Committee study, 6872
>>>Complexity, 3773-4
>>>Provisions, overview, 3768
>>>See also Regulations Act (Bill C-25)
>>Modernizing, streamlining, economy, competitiveness, employment, etc.,
relationship, 3767-9, 3773
>>Privatized entities, relationship, 3771
>>Public review, Parliamentary overview, 3768, 3770-1
>>Registration, publication, exemptions, 3772-3
>>Regulatory reform, interdepartmental and intergovernmental co-ordination, 3
>>Role, importance, process, 3769-70
>>Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee role, 3768-9, 3774
>>>Disallowance powers, providing, 2313, 3774-5
>>>See also Statutory Instruments Act (amd.--disallowance procedure for
delegated subordinate legislation)(Bill C-278)
>>Statutory Instruments Act, role, 3767-70
>>Treasury Board role, 3770
>>See also Air navigation services--Commercialization, Airspace management;
Drug/substance abuse--Drug strategy;
Financial institutions;
Gun control/guns;
Mining industry;
Small and medium business;
Statutes of Canada--Plain language use
Regulations Act (Bill C-25)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
First reading, 1110
>>Second reading, 3767-75
>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 4046-7
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 4047
>>>Reported, with amdts., 6912
>>See also Regulations
Regulations Act (Bill C-84)(1st Sess. 35th Parl) see Regulations--Legislation
Regulatory Efficiency Act (Bill C-62)(1st. Sess, 35th Parl.) see Regulations--Legislation
Rehabilitation see Drug/substance abuse--Drug strategy; Murder--Sentences; Penitentiaries--Inmates; Sentences (convicted criminals)--Purpose; Victims of crime; Young offenders--Diversion--Rehabilitation/punishment
World Day of Prayer, South Korean women role, etc., S.O. 31, 8773
>>See also Education--Newfoundland;
Gender equality--International;
Sexual orientation--Canadian Human Rights Act;
Universities/colleges--University of Alberta
Remediation see Bankruptcy and insolvency
Remembrance see Call to Remembrance Program
Remembrance Day see Veterans--Veterans Week
Renaissance Montréal see Youth Services Canada--Saint-Denis constituency projects
Renewable energy see Energy industries
Renewable energy strategy see Energy
Renewing Youth Justice see Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Thirteenth
Repentigny constituency see Sauvageau--References
Repentigny, Que. see Canada Employment Centres--Joliette, Que.
Replacement workers see Labour disputes
Replica handguns see Gun control/guns
Representational allowances see Judges
Repressed memory syndrome see Sexual assault/offences--Accused access to medical and therapeutic records
Reproductive technologies
Artificial insemination, 5624
>>Children, protecting, 5614, 5626-7, 5946, 5967, 5969, 5980
>>>Genetic parents, anonymity, impact, 5946-7
>>Cloning, Scottish experiment, sheep, success, human cloning, implications,
o.q., 8509-10
>>Genetic engineering, dangers/benefits, 5975-9
>>Government position, 5620, 5946,
>>In vitro fertilization, 5619, 5979-81
>>Infertility, treatment, 5978-9
>>Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, ICSI, 5947
>>New reproductive and genetic technologies
>>>Legislation, (Bill C-47), 5613, 5621-2
>>>>Bloc Quebecois position, 5622-4, 5945-6, 5970, 5972, 6086-7
>>>>o.q., 3491
>>>>Reform Party position, 5626
>>>>Titles, definitions, vague, 5622, 5945, 5966, 5968, 5972, 5980, 5983, 6087
>>>Moratorium, 5615, 5620-1, 5942, 5944-5, 5970-1, 5982, 6084
>>>National agency, federal-provincial jurisdiction, 5623, 5944, 5970, 5972-3,
>>>>o.q., 5961
>>>Prohibitions, proposals, 5620, 5623-4, 5627, 5966, 5975-6, 5978, 5982,
>>>>Animal-human hybrids, 5616, 5974-5, 5978, 5982
>>>>Cadavers, fetuses, reproductive material, use, 5616, 5624, 5982
>>>>Cloning, 5616, 5624, 5627
>>>>Embryo research, 5617
>>>>Genetic manipulation, 5615-6, 5624
>>>>Other countries, action, comparison, 5618, 5621, 5942-3
>>>>Reproductive materials, eggs, sperm, embryos, sale, 5617, 5627, 5943,
5945, 5966, 5969, 5971, 5981-2
>>>>Sex selection, 5615, 5948, 5967-8, 5982
>>>>Surrogacy, 5616-7, 5624-5, 5945-6, 5966
>>>Regulatory regime, 5619-21, 5624-5,
5947, 5979
>>>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, impact, 5622
>>>>Consultations, 5613-4
>>>>Criminal Code, enforcement, Bloc Quebecois position, 5944, 5971, 5973,
5977, 5982, 6084-6
>>>>Ethics/principles, 5614-5, 5619-21, 5624-5, 5942-3, 5946-8, 5966, 5968-71,
5976, 5980-1
>>>>Provinces, jurisdiction, 5773, 5943-4, 5983
>>Prenatal diagnosis, 5966-7
>>Research, necessity, 5975-8, 6087
>>Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies (Baird), recommendations,
5619-20, 5942-6, 5970-1, 5981-3, 6083-4
>>>Government action, request, o.q., 480-1, 645-6
>>Women, vulnerability, 5617, 5946,
5967, 5969, 5980
>>See also Human Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Act (Bill C-47)