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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 2nd Session   (February 27, 1996 - April 27, 1997)  Current Session
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United Nations

    >>Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, Secretary General
    >>>Re-appointment, United States veto, Canadian position, 7348
    >>>>o.q., 6911
    >>>See also Haiti--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping role
    >>Canadian Ambassador Bob Fowler see Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Documents--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Government appointments
    >>Canadian role, 76
    >>Conferences, democracy, lack, 7353
    >>Crisis centre, revamping, 545
    >>Crisis of confidence, Throne Speech statement, 4, 341
    >>Decision-making process, improving, 5638
    >>Establishment after World War II, 1867, 5638, 7349
    >>General Assembly see Senior citizens--International Senior Citizens' Day
    >>Reform, necessity, 544, 1822, 3987, 7348, 9902
    >>Security Council
    >>>Restructuring, 1868-9
    >>>Veto, eliminating, 544
    >>>See also Africa--Great Lakes region; Weapons/arms
    >>Supporting, etc., 6394
    >>United States bills unpaid, 497
    >>United States President John F. Kennedy 1962 remarks, 7348
    >>See also Africa--Canadian role--Great Lakes region; Bosnia and Herzegovina--Civil war; Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping role; Child poverty; Child prostitution--Child sex tourism; Children; Crimes against humanity; Drug/substance abuse--Drug strategy; Female genital mutilation; Food--International situation; Foreign aid--Africa; Genocide; Haiti--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping role; Human rights--International; International conflicts; International criminal court; Iraq; Korean conflict; Law of the Sea; League of Nations; Lebanon--Israeli attacks--Israeli occupation; Liberia--Civil war; North American Aerospace Defence Command--Canadian role--United Nations peacekeeping missions North Atlantic Treaty Organization--Canadian role; Peacekeeping--Canadian role--United Nations peacekeepers; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Aboriginal peoples self-determination right--Legitimacy; Rwanda--Civil war; Sexual orientation--Canadian Human Rights Act; Victims of crime; Violence--Women and children; World Conference on Women (Beijing, China, September 1995)

United Nations Association in Canada see Human rights--International

United Nations Childrens Fund see UNICEF

UNited Nations Commission on Human Rights see China--Human rights violations; Human rights--International; Violence--Women

United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances see Drug/substance abuse--Drug strategy

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child see Child prostitution--Child sex tourism--Criminal Code provisions; Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--International situation; Children--Corporal punishment--Definition in legislation--Rights

United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education see Human rights--International

United Nations Human Rights Committee see Human rights--International

United Nations International Commission on War Crimes for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda

    >>Canadian support, importance, 6833-4
    >>Role, importance, 7368-9
    >>See also Judges--Leaves of absence to work for international organizations

United Nations International Day of Peace see Peace

United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization see Education--Teachers, World Teachers' Day

United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights see Human Rights

United Parcel Service (UPS)

    >>Operations, move to New Brunswick from British Columbia, tax relief enticement, interprovincial trade barrier dispute, 5346-7

United States

    >>Canadian Ambassador Raymond Chrétien see Africa--Great Lakes region, United Nations peacekeeping mission
    >>Central Intelligence Agency see Economy
    >>Clinton, President Bill, reelection, o.q., 6183
    >>Coast Guard see Boats/boating--Recreational vessels, Great Lakes
    >>Commerce Department, countervailing duties decision see Farm income--Net income stabilization account program; Hogs--Exports
    >>Defence Intelligence Agency see Quebec--International role
    >>Election of 1996, S.O. 31, 6182
    >>Kennedy, President John F. see United Nations--United States President
    >>Peltier, Leonard
    >>>Extradition from Canada, legality, Justice Department review, petition, 2526
    >>>Imprisonment, new trial, petition, 368
    >>Presidential election campaign, protectionist attitudes see Trade
    >>Property confiscated during 1776 American Revolution, United Empire Loyalists descendants compensation claims, 5306-7, 5521-2
    >>>Cuba, foreign-owned property, confiscation, compensation, comparison, 5306-7
    >>>See also Godfrey-Milliken Act (Bill C-339)
    >>Reagan, President Ronald see Taxation--Reduction
    >>Trade relations, unilateralism and extraterritorial measures, use, 5210
    >>Wilson, President Woodrow see Leagu of Nations--Establishment
    >>World attitude towards, 4514
    >>See also particular subjects

United Way

    >>Estevan, Sask., fundraising marathon, S.O. 31, 5877

Universal Declaration of Human Rights see Human rights--United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Universality see Social programs


    >>Beijing Concord College, Chinese/Canadian students, diplomas, China, Canada recognizing, S.O. 31, 9739
    >>Bishop's University see Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Voting illegally
    >>Budget 1997 measures re research, etc., University of Toronto President Prichard remarks, 9633-4
    >>Cambrian College, special needs centre, Inco Limited $250,000 contribution, tribute, S.O. 31, 3081
    >>Collège Jean-de-Brèboeuf see Science and technology, Science fairs
    >>Endowments, capital gains tax deduction limits, impact, 7230
    >>Hillsdale College, Michigan, United States, liberal arts college, non-acceptance of government funds, etc., 9294-5
    >>Laurentian University see Falconbridge Limited--Prickard
    >>Maclean's poll, University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, top ranking, S.O. 31, 6786
    >>McGill University see Canadian International Development Agency--South Africa
    >>McMaster University
    >>Achievement recognition, S.O. 31, 8776
    >>>See also Research and development--University-industry synergy; Science and technology--Research and development
    >>Mohawk College, Dr. Keith McIntyre, president, tribute, s.O. 31, 9168
    >>Ryerson Polytechnic University, facilities upgrade, infrastructure program, beneficial use, S.O. 31, 1363-4
    >>St. Paul's College, University of Waterloo see Knowles, Hon. Stanley
    >>St. Thomas University, Fredericton, graduation, S.O. 31, 2885
    >>United States universities, contributions to, income tax deductions, 6805
    >>University of Alberta, King's College, religious institution, sexual orientation discrimination case, 2127
    >>University of British Columbia, research, sciences, medicine, biology, engineering and related disciplines, excellence, tribute, S.O. 31, 8725-6
    >>University of Manitoba
    >>>Dr. Emoke Szathmary, president, tribute, S.O. 31, 6786-7
    >>>Students, Claudia Hudspeth, Lisa Smirl, Rhodes scholarships, awarded, congratulating, S.O. 31, 9478
    >>University of Ottawa, Law School, affirmative action admissions policy, 2406
    >>University of Sherbrooke, Anne Hébert, author/poet, literary works, donation, S.O. 31, 4796
    >>University of Toronto see Air pollution--Research program; Universities/colleges--Budget 1997 measures
    >>University of Waterloo see Knowles, Hon. Stanley; Universities/colleges--Maclean's poll
    >>University of Western Ontario, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, research grant, Dr. Bob Sica, tribute, S.O. 31, 10225
    >>See also Canada Foundation for Innovation; Canadian International Development Agency; Goods and Services Tax--Municipalities, universities, schools and hospitals; Infrastructure program--Continuation; Military colleges

University-industry synergy research and development award see Research and development

University of Alberta see Universities/colleges

University of British Columbia see Universities/colleges

University of Havana see Cuba

University of Manitoba see Universities/colleges

University of Ottawa see Universities/colleges

University of Sherbrooke see Universities

University of Toronto see Universities/colleges

University of Waterloo see Universities/colleges

University of Western Ontario see Universities/colleges

University students see Students

Unmarried couples

    >>Historically disadvantaged, Supreme Court of Canada ruling, 2160

Unpaid taxes see Taxation

Unpaid work see Census (1996); Women

UNPROFOR see Bosnia and Herzegovina--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping role

Unsolicited mail see Postal service--Direct mail advertising

Upholder submarines see Defence equipment--Ships, Submarines

Upper Londonderry Pastoral Charge

    >>225th anniversary, S.O. 31, 4220

Ur, Rose-Marie (L--Lambton--Middlesex)

    >>Abortion, petition, 3722
    >>Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Bill C-34), 3949-51
    >>Agricultural products, 677
    >>Agriculture, S.O. 31, 6123
    >>Bank Act (amdt.)(Bill C-395), 9386
    >>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 413, 1441-3
    >>Budget 1997, M. (P. Martin), 8329
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 1441
    >>Canada Pension Plan, 8329
    >>Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 1442
    >>Child care, 1441
    >>Citizenship Act, S.O. 31, 7651
    >>Competition Act (amdt.--illegal trade practices)(Bill C-221), 246, 999-1000
    >>Dairy products, 1442
    >>Education, S.O. 31, 1363
    >>Education, post-secondary, 1441
    >>Employment, 2380-1
    >>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2380-2
    >>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7132-3
    >>Exports, 1442
    >>>Petition, 8957
    >>>S.O. 31, 5160
    >>Farm debt, 6176-7
    >>>o.q., 5737
    >>Farm equipment, 246, 999-1000
    >>Farm income, 1442
    >>Farms, S.O. 31, 636
    >>Food, o.q., 3564
    >>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 5259-61
    >>>S.O. 31, 5054
    >>Gasoline taxes, petition, 276
    >>General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 677
    >>Goods and Services Tax, 7132-3
    >>Government programs and services, 7132-3
    >>Grain transportation, 1442-3
    >>Health care system, 1441
    >>>S.O. 31, 6604
    >>Health, S.O. 31, 356-7, 1458, 4549, 4935
    >>Hungary, S.O. 31, 8944
    >>Immigration/immigrants, S.O. 31, 10177
    >>Information highway, 413
    >>Insurance industry, 1442
    >>Interest rates, 1442
    >>Job creation, 1441-2
    >>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-29), 5259-61
    >>Marriage, petitions, 6194, 6252, 6616, 6966, 7089, 7392
    >>Motor vehicles, 246, 999-1000
    >>North American Free Trade Agreement, 677
    >>Pest Management Regulatory Agency, 8689-90
    >>>o.q., 8449
    >>Public safety compensation officers fund, petition, 8843
    >>References, speaking in Hungarian, 8944
    >>Registered education savings plans, 1441
    >>Same-sex couples, petitions, 3568, 4159
    >>Schools, S.O. 31, 5950
    >>Seniors Benefit, 1442
    >>Sexual orientation, petitions, 3568, 4159
    >>Softwood lumber industry, 677
    >>>o.q., 138
    >>Taxation, 1441
    >>Tobacco Act (Bill C-71), 8610-2
    >>Tobacco industry, 8611-2
    >>Tobacco products, 8610-2
    >>Trade, 677, 1442
    >>Underground economy, M. (Chamberlain), 8686-7
    >>Unemployment, 1441
    >>Unemployment insurance, 2381-2
    >>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 2132
    >>Wildlife, S.O. 31, 9443
    >>Women's Institute, S.O. 31, 8586
    >>Young Offenders Act, petition, 367


    >>Mining, Saskatchewan, environmental regulations, health and worker protection, 7624-5

Ursel, Darren Adam see Sexual assault/offences

User fees see Agriculture; Airports; Economic development/renewal--Atlantic provinces; Ferry service--British Columbia; Government programs and services; Government revenues; Health care system--Private insurance--User fees; Highways and roads--National network; User Fee Act (Bill c-349); Vancouver International Airport

User-pay see Canadian National Railways--Privatization