The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Carousel of Nations see Multiculturalsim--Canadian Unity Village
Carpenter, Melanie see Murder
Carr, Tammy see Victims of crime--Compensation
Carrefour des femmes de Lachute see Violence--Women
Carriage of Passengers by Water Act (Bill C-59)--Minister of Transport
First reading, 4415
>>Transport Standing Committee referral, forthwith, prior to second reading,
notice, 4415
Carrière Glendyne
Slate mine, Saint-Marc-du-lac-Long, Que., reopening, $1.5 million
investment, Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec and Fonds
régional du Bas-Saint-Laurent, S.O. 31, 8305
Carroll, Mary Lou see Volunteers--Sisters of St. Joseph Orphanage
Carry forward provisions see Registered retirement savings plans--Contributions
Carstairs, Hon. Senator Sharon (L--Manitoba)
- >>References, Senate appointment, 3092
Carter Report see Grain marketing--Canadian Wheat Board monopoly, Operating costs
Carter Royal Commission see Taxation--System, review/reform
Carter, Wilf
Country music entertainer, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 7459
Carteri, Leo see Education--Teachers
St. Lawrence River cruise ships, allowing, 7891, 8564, 9351-9
>>>Economic development and tourism benefits, Quebec government requesting
Criminal Code amendments, o.q., 6666, 6747-8, 8277, 9486
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--gaming and betting)(Bill C-369)
>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--Internet lotteries)(Bill C-353);
Economic development/renewal--National Capital Region;
Hull, Que.;
Kanasatake Indian Band;
Castle Mountain see Blackfoot Nation
Castlegar, B.C. see Airports--Management/administration; British Columbia--Summer Games
Castro, Fidel see Cuba
Catterall, Marlene (L--Ottawa West)
- >>Africa, M. (L. Axworthy), 6400-1
>>AIDS, S.O. 31, 6902
>>Armenia, M. on supply (Daviault), 1870
>>Banks, 2750-1, 7247
>>Bosnia and Herzegovena, o.q., 4502
>>Bridges, petition, 4158, 6616
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 1471-3, 1478, 1515
>>Budget 1997, M. (P. Martin), 9197-200
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-31), 1993-4
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, 1472
>>Canada, 6400
>>>Petition, 9388
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--nuclear undertakings)(Bill C-3), 1267
>>Canada Pension Plan, 7248
>>Canadian flag, o.q., 7040
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2191-2, 2199-200, 2422, 2553
>>Caregivers, petition, 4087
>>Chamberlain. 2746-8
>>Charitable donations, 7247
>>Child poverty, 9198-200
>>Child support payments, 9536
>>Chrétien, Jean, references, 5819
>>Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act (Bill C-20), 2821-2
>>Committees, M. (Lee), 5832
>>Committees of the Whole House, M. (H. Gray), 5818
>>Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 8996
>>Corporations, 7247-8
>>Crime, petition, 4351
>>Crimes against humanity, 1870
>>Defence equipment, o.q., 5115
>>Deficit, 1473, 9535
>>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-7), 1260
>>Developing countries, 6400
>>Economic development/renewal, S.O. 31, 4017
>>Economy, 1472, 9535-6
>>Education, post-secondary, 1472, 7247
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2294-5, 2750-1
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7151-2
>>Expo 2005, M. (Copps), 6192
>>Export Development Corporation, 1472
>>Family, 2553
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (H. Gray), 7247-8
>>Financial institutions, 7247
>>Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-15), 1334
>>Foreign aid, 6401
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 1298, 7894
>>Genocide, 1870
>>Goods and Services Tax, 7151-2
>>Government revenues, 9535-6
>>Health, S.O. 31, 8083
>>Health care system, 1478
>>>Petition, 1775
>>Hemp, petition, 4351
>>High technology industry, S.O. 31, 5677
>>Highways and roads, petition, 8234
>>Housing, petition, 7894
>>Income Tax Budget Amendments Act, 1996 (Bill C-92), 9535-7
>>Information highway, 1472
>>Infrastructure program, 1478
>>International conflicts, 1870
>>Job creation, 1472
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42), 6878-9
>>Law Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-9), 1308
>>Members of Parliament, 1473
>>Music, S.O. 31, 131, 9931
>>National Capital Act (amdt.)(Bill C-442), 10237
>>National Capital Region, 1472
>>>o.q., 6492
>>>Petition, 1775
>>Natural Resources Standing Committee, M., 5428
>>Nuclear energy, o.q., 4865
>>Nuclear reactors
>>>o.q., 4864
>>>Petition, 7894
>>Nuclear weapons, petition, 8989
>>Pay equity, o.q., 8784
>>Peacekeeping, 6400
>>Pensions, 1472
>>Private family trusts, 7248
>>>Bills, Government, 1260, 1267, 1334, 2821-2, 5205, 7481, 9528-9, 9531
>>>Committee reports, 6192, 6196
>>>Debate, 9533
>>>Divisions, recorded, 5514-9
>>>Divisions, recorded, deferred, 945, 3775, 4811, 5356, 7863-4, 8996
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 5819
>>>Members' remarks, 2191, 2422
>>>Motions, 6193
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 4079
>>>Sittings of the House, 5714, 7868
>>>Speeches, 1515, 2192, 2422, 9099
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, reports, 4083, 4506, 4807, 9997
>>>Ms., 4144, 4507, 4807
>>Public Service, 1472
>>>M. (Beaumier), 7863
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), S.O. 31, 3707
>>Regulations Act (Bill C-25), 3775
>>Same-sex couples, 2199
>>Science and technology, 1472
>>Senate, M. on supply (Gilmour), 3076
>>Seniors Benefit, 1472-3, 1478
>>Sexual orientation, 2191, 2199-200, 2553
>>>Petitions, 1298, 4087
>>Sri Lanka, petition, 1775-6
>>Taxation, 7247-8
>>Trade, 1472
>>Unemployment insurance, 9924-5
>>Veterans benefits, petition, 4087
>>Veterans, S.O. 31, 6259
>>Volunteer organizations, S.O. 31, 2355
>>World War II, o.q., 1892
Cattle industry
Cow and calf stabilization insurance, need, farm income stabilization
program, relationship, 9874
>>Exports, United States beef subsidies, grazing land leases, reduced
payments, impact, 1083
>>Feed loans, Farm Credit Corporation channelling through Heartland Livestock
Services, potential restrictive trade practice, S.O. 31, 4015
>>See also Beef;
Health--"Mad-cow" disease;
Semex Canada
Cauchon, Hon. Martin (L--Outremont; Secretary of State (Federal Office of Regional Development-Quebec))
- >>Aerospace industry, 5651
>>Airports, o.q., 6963, 7387-8, 8449
>>Biotechnology, 8964
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 436-40, 813-4
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, 438
>>Canada Foundation For Innovation, 8964
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 437, 813
>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 3489
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 437
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2526
>>Canadian Kenworth Company, o.q., 1467, 7467-8
>>Corporations, M. on supply (Loubier), 939-40
>>Defence Industry Productivity Program, 5662
>>Deficit, 437, 439-40, 814
>>Economic development/renewal, 437
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 5647, 5649-53, 5658, 5660, 5662, 5668, 5670
>>>M. on supply (Rocheleau), 8959-60, 8962-6
>>>o.q., 5683, 8654-5
>>Economy, 8963-4
>>Education, post-secondary, 438
>>Employment insurance, 813, 8962
>>Energy, 8964
>>Entrepreneurs, 8964
>>Equalization payments, 438, 813, 5647
>>Export Development Corporation, 438
>>Exports, 813, 8964
>>Federal Court Act, Judges Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-48), 4039, 4042
>>Federal Office of Regional Development-Quebec, 8964, 8966-7
>>Flour milling, o.q., 3259
>>Government, 437
>>Government programs and services, 437, 8963
>>Highways and roads, 8962
>>Housing, o.q., 5683
>>Information highway, 438
>>Infrastructure program, 8967
>>>o.q., 2565
>>Interest rates, 8963
>>Job creation, 437-8, 440
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42), 4033, 4039
>>Mining industry, 438
>>Mirabel International Airport, o.q., 361-2
>>Montreal, Que., 5668
>>Newspapers, o.q., 3258
>>Nuclear reactors, o.q., 6796
>>Parks Canada Agency, 437
>>Pensions, 438
>>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43), , 4042
>>Research and development, 8963-4
>>>o.q., 8736, 9608
>>Seniors Benefit, 438
>>Small and medium business, 438, 440, 5651-2, 8963
>>Social programs, 437, 439-40
>>Taxation, 437
>>Technology Partnerships Canada, 438, 813
>>Tobacco industry, 8966
>>Tourism, 5652, 8964
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 813
>>Unemployment insurance account, 8962
CAVEAT (Canadians Against Violence Everywhere Advocating its Termination) see Victims of crime--Government measures
Caviar see Olympics, 1996 Summer Games--Canadian Heritage Department
CAW see Canadian Auto Workers
CBC see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBC North see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBC Radio see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Radio
CBC town hall meeting see Chretien, Jean--References
CBIC see Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
CBQ-CBC Radio see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Radio, 60th anniversary
CDIC see Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
Ceausescu, Nicolae see Romania
Cédras, Raoul see Haiti--Dictatorial regimes
Censorship boards see Pornography--Entertainment
Census (1996)
Ethnic origin question, Canadian as answer
>>>M. (D. Grey), 6771-9, 7810-9, 9235-40, negatived on recorded division,
>>>>Amdt. (Langlois), 6775, negatived on recorded division, 9413-4
>>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the Order Paper, 6779, 7819
>>>S.O. 31, 1581
>>Privacy concerns, non-compliance penalties, British Columbia court
challenge, 9365
>>Sexual orientation question, 2114, 2538
>>Unpaid work questions, 8770, 8794
>>>World Conference on Women (Beijing, China, September 1995), recommendation,
o.q., 2365-6
>>See also Statistics Canada--Census commissioners
Centennial Flame Research Award
Annual report, special report, Braille libraries in Canada, tabled, 10123
Central America
Human rights violations, 87-8
>>Visit to Canada of Prime Minister of Belize and Presidents of Costa Rica, El
Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua
>>>Discussions, economic co-operation, sustainable development, human rights,
Canadian International Development Agency role, o.q., 2893-4
>>>o.q., 2890-1
>>>S.O. 31, 2886
>>>Tribute to Canadian peacekeepers at peacekeeping monument, S.O. 31, 2936
>>See also Trade
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) see Economy
Centrale de l'enseignement du Québec see Women--Power
Centre d'entreprise et d'innovation de Montréal see Small and medium business--High tech health care industries
Centre d'initiative pour l'emploi de Lotbinière-Ouest (CIEL) see Job creation
Centre for Information Technologies Innovation
Montreal, Que., facilities, budget reduction, downgrading/closure, o.q.,
4177-8, 6005
Centre La Mosaique see Senior citizens
Centres of excellence see Hazardous waste--Rehabilitation; Immigration; Research and development--Network of Centres of Excellence
Centres of Excellence for Women's Health see Women--Health
Centreville, N.B. see CANUSA Foods Ltd.
Cercle Moliére see Culture/arts
Cernavoda, Romania see Nuclear reactors--CANDU-6 reactors
Certified General Accountants see Job creation--Tax relief--Unemployment insurance premiums reduction
CESO see Canadian Executive Service Organization
CF-5s see Defence equipment--Aircraft
CF-18s see Defence equipment--Aircraft
CF-105s see Defence equipment--Aircraft
CFB see Canadian Armed Forces
CFDCs see Community Futures Development Corporations
CGI see Computers/computer systems--Software conversion
Cha-am, Thailand see Inter-Parliamentary delegations, reports--Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group
Chairman and Deputy Chairman, rulings and statements
Bills, Government, Committee of the Whole
>>>>Acceptability, 4038, withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 4038
>>>>Constitutionality, in order, 4041
>>>>Handwritten form, Member provinding, 9973
>>>>Standing Orders relating to amendments, Member reviewing, 9970
>>>>Amending, not in order if clause already approved, 9973
>>>>Carrying on division, nays louder than yeas, government members should
speak louder, 998
>>>>Deferring, 9974, 9979
>>>Members' remarks, addressing through the Chair, 10001
>>>Motions, leave to introduce, unanimous consent denied, 8977
>>>Progress reported, 9984
Chaleur Bay, N.B. see Fisheries--Lobster fishery
Chalk River, Ont. see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear reactors--Waste; Nuclear waste--Disposal
Challenger aircraft see Cabinet Ministers--Travel
Chamber of Commerce see Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patent protection
Chamberlain, Brenda (L--Guelph--Wellington)
- >>Broadcasting, 9041
>>Budget, 103-4
>>Budget 1997, M. (P. Martin), 8381-3
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-93), 10080-1, 10087
>>Canada, 2488
>>>S.O. 31, 309
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 8382-3
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, S.O. 31, 5554
>>Canadian flag
>>>M. (Culbert), 5325-6
>>>S.O. 31, 4449, 8268
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2487-9
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 9804
>>Children, S.O. 31, 5283-4
>>Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 9040-2
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--no early parole for those who murder a peace officer)(Bill C-344), 5891
>>Criminal Code and Copyright Act (amdt.--profit from authorship respecting a crime)(Bill C-205), 4658
>>Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-321), 7073-4
>>Debt Servicing and Reduction Account, 7022
>>Deficit, 10081
>>Department of Human Resources Development Act (Bill C-11), 1639-40
>>Discrimination and racism, 2488
>>>S.O. 31, 2135
>>Education, post secondary, 8382-3
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2746-8
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7021-3
>>Goods and Services Tax, 7021-3, 10081
>>>o.q., 1893
>>Health care system, 10087
>>Henry, Mike, S.O. 31, 1583
>>Housing, petition, 9847
>>Interest rates, 10080
>>Job creation, 597
>>Mexico, o.q., 8733
>>Oath of Allegiance to the Flag of Canada Act (Bill C-302), 3719
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amd.--oaths or solemn affirmations)(Bill C-316), 6824-5
>>Parole, 5891
>>>S.O. 31, 7653
>>Pensions, M. (Taylor), 8644-5
>>Prince Edward Island, 7023
>>Privacy Act (amdt.)(Bill C-405), 9804
>>>Bills, Government, 8990
>>>Divisions, recorded, 9117-9, 9124, 9126
>>Reform Party, S.O. 31, 581, 1657
>>Save the Children Canada, S.O. 31, 2804
>>Semex Canada, S.O. 31, 5879
>>Senior citizens, M., 5437-9
>>Seniors Benefit, 599
>>Sexual orientation, 2487-9
>>Taxation, 10080-1
>>Telephone service, S.O. 31, 7305
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 103-4, 155-8
>>Tobacco products, S.O. 31, 4742
>>Tourism, o.q., 3561
>>Training programs, 598-9
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 10087
>>Underground economy
>>>M., 8679-81
>>>S.O. 31, 3418
>>Unemployment, 10080
>>Unemployment insurance, 597-8
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 597-9
>>Volunteers, 1639
Chamberland, Normand see Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Chambers, Bob
Cartoonist, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 1416-7
Chambly constituency see Impaired driving--Deaths caused
Chambly, Que., see Post offices
Champlain Bridge see Bridges--National Capital Region
Chan, Hon. Raymond (L--Richmond; Secretary ofState (Asia-Pacific))
- >>Africa, o.q., 6006
>>Bell Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-57), 5782-4
>>British Columbia, M. on supply (Duncan), 4871-2, 4881-3
>>Broadcasting, 5783
>>Canadian International Development Agency, 7375
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-72), 8234
>>China, 7375
>>>Statement by Minister, 3383-4
>>Corporations, M. on supply (Loubier), 933-4
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7773
>>Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-82), 9731
>>Hong Kong, 3383
>>>o.q., 4806
>>Human rights, M. (Copps), 7374-6
>>Income tax, 4883
>>India, o.q., 3010
>>Information highway, 5782-4
>>Nuclear weapons, 5406
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 9502
>>>Voting with government, S.O. 31, 179
>>>See also Trade--China
>>Taiwan, o.q., 583
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 115
>>Trade, 3383-4, 7375-6