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Health and dental plan benefits see Health care system
Health and safety see Occupational health and safety; Workplace--Deaths
Health care system
Accessibility, 810, 5834, 5979, 5981
>>>o.q., 6962
>>Canada-Ukraine memorandum of cooperation on health, signing, benefits,
S.O. 31, 7382
>>Early prevention programs, 7265
>>Efficiency and effectiveness, improvements
>>>$65 million health services research fund, Medical Research Council of
Canada study, Budget 1996 measure, 375, 460, 841-2, 1444, 1476, 1485, 1532
>>>National Forum on Health, study, recommendations, 8295, 8342, 9135
>>>>$300 million funding over next three years, Budget 1997 measure, 8295,
8342, 9137, 9334-5, 9565, 10047
>>>>>S.O. 31, 8945
>>>>$12.5 billion minimum cash transfers for health and social services,
>>>o.q., 528, 7661-3, 8731
>>>S.O. 31, 635
>>>Aging population, impact, 1725
>>>Alberta, reduction, impact, S.O. 31, 4797
>>>Quebec, 1745
>>>New Brunswick, reduction, senior citizens, impact, S.O. 31, 8007
>>>See also Gross Domestic Product;
National debt
>>Family medicine, Southwest Middlesex Health Centre, training facility,
Healthy Harvestfest, hosting, S.O. 31, 6604
>>Federal government, role, 1453, 1701-2, 1717-9, 1748-50, 1753, 1755-7
>>>50-50 cost share, 9949
>>>$500 million new funding, 9632
>>>$4 billion increase, Reform Party proposal, 9949
>>>Budget 1997 measures, 9145
>>>>Provincial jurisdiction, interference in, 10047-8
>>>>Partial restoration, 9193-4
>>>>>o.q., 8312
>>>>See also Health care system--Efficiency
>>>Cash floor, 6281
>>>>o.q., 8592, 8653
>>>Cut-backs, 5835, 5856-7, 5861, 5865-6, 6581-2, 7408, 7978-9
>>>>40%, Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, 8334, 8340-1, 9517, 10086
>>>>$7 billion by 2007, 5996, 9181-2
>>>>>o.q., 8591-2
>>>>British Columbia, impact, S.O. 31, 7777, 8385
>>>>Excessive, o.q., 5734, 8652, 8654, 8657
>>>>Hospitals, closures, federal government responsibility, 9517, 9519-20,
9557, 9567, 9944
>>>>>Cut-backs, no room for emergencies, G.R. Baker Memorial Hospital,
Quesnel, B.C., example, 10085-6
>>>>>Disputing, S.O. 31, 9014, 9078
>>>>>o.q., 8509, 8590-1, 8652-4, 8729-32, 8780-1
>>>>Reform Party influence, 5838
>>>>Reform Party proposals, 1510, 6581, 8214-5
>>>>>o.q., 8653, 9019
>>>Decline, 322, 330-2, 1721-2
>>>>o.q., 427
>>>Established Programs Financing, 1722-3, 1745, 1789
>>>Increase, 7412
>>>>1998-20001, 10087
>>>Liberal Party election promise, "red book", o.q., 5736-7, 5957
>>>Priority, establishing, 10053
>>>Reform Party position, 740, 1777-8, 5757-8, 5854, 5856-7, 7409, 7411
>>>>o.q., 427, 5736-7, 5807, 5883, 5957, 7148, 8654, 8657, 8730
>>>>S.O. 31, 9319-20
>>>Stabilization, 1536
>>>>o.q., 427
>>>>Provinces, role, o.q., 7148
>>>Tax points, transfer to provinces, 10087
>>>Transfer to provinces, Quebec, eliminating duplication, etc., 330, 1751,
1757-8, 1781, 1789-90
>>>See also Goods and Services Tax--Abolition/replacement, Harmonization
>>Health and dental plans
>>>Benefits, taxation proposal, opposition, petition, 97, 275, 368, 1330, 1775,
1899-900, 2213, 2851, 3641, 4088, 4158, 4351, 4448, 6012, 6378
>>>Tax deduction, extending to self-employed, Finance Standing Committee
recommendation, 7221
>>Health data, co-ordinated national system, Canada Health Information System,
establishing, $50 million funding, Budget 1997 measure, 8295, 9565, 10047
>>Health transition fund, $150 million for pilot projects, Budget 1997
measure, 9565, 10047
>>Home care
>>>Drug coverage and other innovations, provincial pilot projects, $150
million funding, Budget 1997 measure, 8295, 8331, 8342
>>>>Quebec program, conflict, o.q., 8311-2
>>>Hospice Association of Ontario, importance, Glaxo Wellcome, support, S.O.
31, 9374-5
>>>National program, provincial jurisdiction, Bloc Quebecois position, o.q.,
>>Improvements, Budget 1997 measures, 9145
>>>S.O. 31, 8388
>>>See also Health care system--Efficiency and effectiveness--Health data--Home
care--Investment priority
>>Investment priority, Budget 1997 statement, 8290
>>LaMarsh, Judy, role, 9135
>>National Forum on Health, 1477-8, 1747, 1750, 1755-7, 1787-9, 8295
>>>Failure, 332
>>>Findings, recommendations, 9565
>>>>S.O. 31, 7880-1
>>>S.O. 31, 7706
>>>See also Health care--Efficiency and effectiveness
>>National standards, 7797
>>>Federal-provincial co-operation, management of interdependence, 7221-2
>>National unity role, 1435
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, negotiations, impact, 1326-7
>>>o.q., 646, 1375, 1426
>>Nova Scotia, reform
>>>Eastern Kings Memorial Community Health Centre, S.O. 31, 1703
>>>Valley Regional Hospital, regional health board jurisdiction, S.O. 31, 1285
>>Nurses, health care role, importance
>>>National Nursing Week, recognizing, S.O. 31, 2556
>>>Ordre des infirmiéres et des infirmiers du Québec, annual convention,
S.O. 31, 6360-1
>>Ontario, cut-backs, 1553
>>>Seniors citizens, children, pregnant women, impact, S.O. 31, 6952. 7234
>>>User fees, Progressive Conservative government (Harris), imposing, Canada
Health Act requirements, meeting, S.O. 31, 8902
>>Other countries, comparison, 1748, 1784
>>Pharmacare, national program, provincial jurisdiction, Bloc Quebecois
position, o.q., 10118-9
>>Physicians, Dr. Jake O'Connor, family physician of the year, Canadian
College of Family Physicians, naming, S.O. 31, 3122
>>Portability, 5834, 6022
>>>Quebec not re-imbursing other provinces for care provided to Quebec
residents, 6025
>>Preserving/sustaining, 3, 55, 1477, 7271
>>>Five principles, Canada Health Act, upholding, government commitment, 3,
287, 346, 830, 1435, 1441, 1444, 1753, 1781-3, 1931, 5032-3, 5834, 5979-80,
6017, 6281
>>>>Budget 1996 statement, 373, 375, 459, 1474
>>>>Budget 1997 statement, 8294, 8331, 8342
>>>>o.q., 363, 4071
>>>>Petition, 277-8, 4235, 4714, 4995, 5644, 7892
>>>>S.O. 31, 5732, 6743-4, 6953, 9877
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) election promise, "red book", 5764, 5851,
>>>Life Before Medicare, book, supporting, S.O. 31, 6954
>>>National debt, impact, 1725-6
>>>Reform Party position, 1750-2, 5981
>>>>o.q., 241
>>>>S.O. 31, 178
>>Private insurance/clinics, allowing, 1778, 5834
>>>Alberta, agreement, o.q., 3261
>>>o.q., 2614
>>Provinces, jurisdiction, 1717-8, 1722-3, 1742-4, 1752
>>>Bloc Quebecois position, 1720-1, 1744-7, 1749-50, 1755-6, 1786-7, 1790,
5624 , 5973-4
>>>Health Department, interference, 1786
>>>>o.q., 240
>>>o.q., 8732
>>>Liberal Party election promise, "red book", 330, 1756-7
>>>Necessity, 5834-5
>>>S.O. 31, 7655
>>Reform Party policy, flip-flop, S.O. 31, 3630-1
>>Reform Party/Progressive Conservative Party statements, 7062
>>>Expensive, undesirable, 6874-5
>>Rural Saskatchewan, New Democratic Party provincial government cut-backs,
>>Sex lives, details, Statistics Canada survey, linkage, 5033
>>Tax cuts, impact, Alberta and Ontario examples, etc., 10087
>>Two-tier system, 1777-8, 5757, 5835
>>>Alberta and British Columbia, 6025
>>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 6735
>>>Reform Party position, 417, 5845-7
>>United States system, adopting, Reform Party position, 5863
>>Universality, 5834
>>User fees, Alberta, federal government position, 5851
>>Waiting lists, 5834-5, 5860, 6025, 10086
>>>Cancer treatment, 10045
>>>o.q., 6962
>>>S.O. 31, 8385
>>See also Alcohol--Abuse;
Canada Health Act;
Canadian Heritage Department--Funding;
Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patent Act Amendment Act, 1992 (Bill
C-91)(3rd Sess., 34th Parl.);
Goods and Services Tax--Housing and health care;
Government expenditures--Reduction;
Social programs--Education and health care;
Transfer payments to provinces--$7 billion reduction
Health Department
Age and opportunity programs, expenditures, 7800
>>Employees, appointment process, cultural minorities, discrimination,
Canadian Human Rights Commission ruling, quota system, implementing,
o.q., 9329-30
>>Expenditures, number of employees, reducing, 293, 330
>>Mandate, four business lines, 1748-9, 1752-3
>>See also Arctic--Pollution, Conference;
Blood--Blood management system;
Canadian Food Inspection Agency--Consolidation;
Department of Health Act (Bill C-18);
Health care system--Provinces;
Sexual orientation--Homosexuality/homosexuals, Legitimacy
Health food industry see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Controlled drugs and substances
Health foods see Drugs and pharmaceuticals
Health Minister see Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Health Protection Branch see Drugs and Pharmaceuticals--Calcium channel blockers
Health services see Victims of crime--Services
Health services research fund see Health care system--Efficiency
Health Services Restructuring Committee see Francophones outside Quebec--Ontario, Montfort Hospital
Health Standing Committee
Membership see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
>>Reports, presented
>>>First (Main Estimates, Mar. 31, 1997), 3933
>>>Third (National Organ Donor Day Act (Bill C-202)), 6411
>>>Fourth (Tobacco Act (Bill C-71)), 7390
>>>Fifth (Tobacco Products Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-24)), 7390
>>>Sixth (Tobacco Act (Bill C-71) transitional provisions re sponsorship
clauses), 7423
>>>Seventh (Towards Well-Being: Strategies for Healthy Children), 9845
>>>Eighth (Human Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Act (Bill C-47), 9804
>>>Ninth (tobacco regulations), 10143
>>See also Children--Health and safety;
Drug/substance abuse--Drug strategy;
Tobacco industry--Regulations
Health transition fund see Health care system
Healthy Harvestfest see Health care system--Family medicine
Heartland Livestock Services see Cattle industry--Feed loans
Hebco International
Sorel, Que., research centre/assembly plant, $1.3 million government grant,
job creation, S.O. 31, 7779-80
Hébert, Anne see Universities/colleges--University of Sherbrooke
Hebron, West Bank see Middle East--Peace process
Hedin, Devon see Dangerous driving--Reed, Ryan
Hees, Hon. George
Member of Parliament, former, death, tribute, 3928-32
Height see Discrimination and racism--Appearance
Heiltsuk band see Fisheries--Native-only commercial fishery
Helicopters see Defence equipment
Hellenic Friends of the Auxillary of the Royal Victoria Hospital see Health--Cancer, Breast cancer
Helms-Burton bill see Trade--Cuba
Helms, Senator Jesse see Trade--Cuba
Hemophilia see Health
Industrial use, legalizing, controlling, 6287
>>>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-8), relationship, 4163, 4166-7
>>>Petition, 4158, 4351
Henry, Mike
Retirement, Guelph Chamber of Commerce General Manager, S.O. 31, 1583
Hepatitis C see Blood--Blood management system; Penitentiaries--Inmates
Herbs see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Health foods
Hercules aircraft see Defence equipment--Aircraft
Coureurs des bois, 6,000 kilometer canoe journey, Alain Bourbeau,
Jean-Philippe Bourgeois, recreating, S.O. 31, 5472
>>Heritage Canada Foundation, Gabrielle Léger award, Ruth Redmond, recipient,
S.o. 31, 6852
Heritage Canada Foundation see Heritage
Heritage Day
Third Monday of February
>>>Celebrating, S.O. 31, 8189-90
>>>Official holiday, declaring, 4234-5
>>See also National Heritage Day Act (Bill C-323)
Heritage department see Canadian Heritage Department
Heritage Front see Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Heritage Front Affair, Our View, The see Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, First
Hermanson, Elwin (REF--Kindersley--Lloydminster)
- >>Aboriginal peoples, 5845
>>Agri-Food Development Council, 5843-4
>>Agri-food industry, o.q., 3485-6
>>Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Bill C-34), 3948-9, 5906-8
>>Agricultural products, 1493, 5843, 5906-8
>>>M., 1613-7
>>>o.q., 3486
>>Agricultural research, 5843
>>Agriculture, 5843-4, 8063
>>>S.O. 31, 3917, 5802
>>Bombardier Inc., 7527
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 1443, 1491-5
>>Budget, S.O. 31, 1417
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I) (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 8887-91
>>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-14), 1226, 1228-32
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 5845
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 1493
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (Bill C-60), 7438-9, 7452-3, 7455-6, 7504-5, 7527-8, 7533-5
>>Canadian Heritage Department, 8214
>>>M. on supply (G. Leroux), 8214
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2413-5
>>Canadian National Railways, 1228-9, 7452
>>Canadian Pension Plan, 1491
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 7456
>>>o.q., 644, 7086
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-72), 8238-9, 8252-4, 10148-50
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.--audit)(Bill C-212), 3670-2
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act, o.q., 7521
>>Child care, 5844
>>Committees of the Whole House
>>>M. (H. Gray), 5842-5
>>>M. (J. Chrétien), 12
>>Constitution, M. (Rock), 3352-3
>>Contraventions Act (amdt.)(Bill C-16), 1408-10
>>Corporations, M. on supply (Loubier), 893
>>Crime, 9458-60
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 3905, 4607-9
>>Criminal Law Improvement Act, 1996 (Bill C-17), 9458-60
>>Dairy products, 1493
>>Deficit, 1494, 7910
>>Elections, 1296, 8465-8, 9967
>>>S.O. 31, 1240
>>Estimates, M. (Massé), 4363-6
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7291-3, 7909-11
>>Exports, 5845
>>Farm Credit Corporation, 7452-3
>>Farm Debt Mediation Act (Bill C-38), 3956-7
>>Farm income, 5843
>>Foreign policy, 5845
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 493, 976, 8317
>>Goodale, references, 8238, 10150
>>Goods and Services Tax, 2414, 5844, 7292-3, 7909-11
>>>Petition, 493
>>Government appointments, 7455
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 1493, 7434
>>>ro., 7525
>>Government expenditures, 5844
>>Government funding, qu., 7589
>>Grain marketing, 1614-6, 5843, 8064, 8238-9, 10149-50
>>>M. on supply 4092-7, 4100-1, 4114, 4116-7, 4126-7
>>>o.q., 3007, 3486, 3639, 4308, 4987, 5243-4
>>>S.O. 31, 8386, 10114
>>Grain, o.q., 3639
>>Grain transportation, 1230, 1443, 1491-2, 7927-8, 8063-5, 8068, 8238, 8878-91
>>>o.q., 484, 4025-6, 7971, 9995
>>>qu., 2315-6
>>Gun control/guns, 1410, 3956
>>Hate crimes, 2414
>>Hermanson, references, 9458-9
>>Highways and roads, 4366, 8068
>>>Petition, 8317
>>House of Commons, 45, 5842
>>Infrastructure program, 8068
>>Job creation, 893
>>Justice system, 9458-60
>>Kirkby, references, 4608-9
>>Labour disputes, 8890-1
>>Legislation, 3352-3, 7291-2
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 1491, 5844-5
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 3227
>>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 8828
>>Literacy, 5844
>>Milliken, references, 5906
>>National debt, 1491
>>Natural resource industries, 5845
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, 5844
>>Parliament of Canada Act and Canada Elections Act (amdt.--confidence votes)(Bill C-250), 1296, 8465-8, 8937, 9967
>>Parole, 3903, 4607-9, 9458-60
>>>M. on supply (Ramsay), 8807, 8861, 8863-5
>>Pest Management Regulatory Agency, 7438, 7527-8
>>>o.q., 6266-7
>>>S.O. 31, 6308, 8192
>>Pesticides, 3957
>>Pork, 1614
>>Ports, petition, 493
>>Prince Edward Island, 7292
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (Hart), 564
>>Privilege, rights of Members breached (D. Grey), 45
>>>Adjournment motions under S.O. 52, 7927
>>>Debate, 1495, 4295
>>>Divisions, recorded, 2568
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4296
>>>Members' remarks, 8065
>>>Privilege questions, 45
>>>Question and comment period, 565, 8861
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 1776, 2616, 3326, 3935, 4079, 5893, 7434
>>>Speeches, 1495, 6100
>>>Supply motions, 4138
>>Radioactive Waste Importation Act (Bill C-236), 7418
>>Rail passenger service, 8055
>>Rail transportation/railways, 1226-7
>>References, constituency, Kindersley--Lloydminster eliminated, running in new constituency, Saskatoon--Rosetown--Biggar, 9458-9
>>Reform Party, 5844
>>Ringuette-Maltais, references, 12
>>Same-sex couples, 2414, 3956-7
>>Senate, 4363-6
>>Sexual orientation, 2413-5, 2568, 3956-7
>>Social programs, 1491, 5844
>>Speakership, 12. 5842-5
>>Statutes of Canada, 1408-10
>>Suicide, petition, 2189
>>Taxation, 5844, 7292-3
>>>o.q., 5559
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply M. (Sheridan), 65
>>Training programs, 5844
>>Transportation, 1229-31
>>>M. on supply (Gouk), 8055, 8063-5, 8068, 8100
>>Unemployment, 5844
>>Victims of crime, 9458