The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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$100,000 exemption see Capital gains tax
1-976-CATASTROPHE see Quebec separation/sovereignty
4-H clubs
Quebec, contributions, tribute, Semaine Québécoise des 4-H, S.O. 31,
9-1-1 service see Postal service--Bear Island, N.B.; Telephone service
20% see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Municipalities
200 mile economic zone see Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages, Oil pollution damage
401 see Highways and roads--Highway 416
416 see Highways and roads
500 Best Dumb Blonde Jokes see Government grants--Edimag
900/976 telephone numbers see Telemarketing--Deceptive and fraudulent telemarketing
2000 A.D. see Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Computer systems; Information technologies; New Millennium; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports; Task Force Year 2000
"A Framework to Improve the Social Union for Canadians" see Social union--Prime Minister/First ministers meeting, Ottawa, Ont. February 4, 1999
A.R. Kaufman YMCA see Kitchener Centre constituency
Abacha, General Sani see Nigeria
Abandonments see Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch line abandonment
Abbott, Jim (Ref.--Kootenay--Columbia)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 15826-7(237:1635-40)
>>>o.q., 12233(186:1450)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz, G.), 9804(148:1710)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Keddy), 10682-3(162:2220-5)
>>Arts and culture, 9570(145:1215)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 8686(130:1830), 12939(197:1320)
>>>o.q., 8157(122:1430), 8247(123:1430), 8297(124:1430), 8339(125:1430), 8397(126:1115), 8463(127:1435), 9094(137:1415), 9172-3(138:1420), 9221(139:1420), 9295-6(140:1415), 9396(142:1425), 9467(143:1445-50), 9596(145:1455), 9781(148:1435-40), 11562(176:1415-20), 11642(177:1415-20), 11781-2(179:1430), 11967(182:1430), 13436-7(203:1435)
>>>M. on supply (Blaikie), 9141-4(138:1045-105), 9155(138:1225), 9190(138:1615), 9195(138:1650)
>>>S.O. 31, 9090(137:1355-400), 10852(165:14055), 11366(173:1400-5)
>>Bloc Québécois, 861(16:1815)
>>Break and enter, 13895(208:1350)
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-288), 4732-3(71:1740-50)
>>Budget, o.q., 4021(61:1500)
>>Budget 1989, o.q., 8397(126:1115)
>>Budget 1998, M. to adjourn, 4678-9(70:2010-20)
>>Budget 1999
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12290(187:1150-5)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11191(171:1655-1700)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5609-10(84:1610-20)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9236-9(139:1540-1600)
>>Canada Day, 975(18:1535)
>>Canada Information Office, o.q., 4898(74:1440)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4373-4(66:1520-30)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 861(16:1810), 2729-30(44:1355)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 2729-30(44:1355)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, 5228(78:1700)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, M. (Axworthy, L.), 12052-3(183:2010-5),
>>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 4950(75:1105), 4954(75:1135), 4961-2(75:1220-5)
>>Canadian Heritage Department, 4678(70:2010)
>>Canadian Police Information Centre, 12939-40(197:1320-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 12945(197:1400)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 180(6:1120)
>>>S.O. 31, 6774(103:1410), 6847(104:1400), 6915(105:1400)
>>Canadian War Museum, o.q., 2188(37:1455)
>>Child pornography, 12938(197:1315-20)
>>>M. on supply (White, R.), 11270-2(172:1255-305)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 12937(197:1310)
>>Coal, 2339(38:2530)
>>Competition, 9568-9(145:1200-5)
>>Copyright, 9567-8(145:1150), 9570(145:1210-5)
>>Crime, 12938-9(197:1320)
>>>Statement by minister (MacAulay), 10867-8(165:1530-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--probation order)(Bill C-262), 975(18:1530), 6314-5(95:1730-40), 6322(95:1820-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--using or operating a stolen motor vehicle in the commission of an offence)(Bill C-219), 13038-40(198:1730-45), 13043(198:1810)
>>Cultural Grants Acknowledgement Act (Bill C-204), 58(4:1010), 1871-4(32:1825-40), 1879(32:1920-5)
>>Customs Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 1831(32:1330-5)
>>Customs officers, 1831(32:1330-5)
>>Education, post-secondary, 4108(62:1850), 4110(62:1905)
>>Employment insurance, 4678(70:2010)
>>Equalization payments, 11914-5(181:1745)
>>Estimates, 7847(118:1855), 7857(118:1950)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 5228(78:1700)
>>Family, 11191(171:1655)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11580(176:1600), 11913-5(181:1735-45)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 12219-21(186:1340-50)
>>Fisheries, M. on Supply (Charest), 1010(19:1045), 1026-7(19:1230-5)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 9567-70(145:1145-1215), 11719-20(178:1650-1700)
>>Forest products, 9236-9(139:1540-1600), 13870-1(208:1035-40)
>>Forestry, 9238(139:1555-1600)
>>Francophone Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001), 4679(70:2015-20)
>>>o.q., 4556-7(69:1440)
>>Government documents, 10868(165:1535)
>>Government expenditures, M. on Supply (Manning), 3450(53:1525)
>>Government grants, 4073(62:1525)
>>Government programs and services, 5609-10(84:1610-20)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76), 13394-5(202:2735-40)
>>Grant Expenditure Report Fund (Bill C-359), 4073(62:1525)
>>Great Lakes, 7469(113:1250-5)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. to adjourn, 2338-40(38:2520-35)
>>Gun control/guns, 7847(118:1855), 7857(118:1950), 8511-2(128:1220-35), 8514(128:1240-5)
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 8256(123:1525)
>>Health, S.O. 31, 14389-90(216:1400)
>>Health care system, 12290(187:1150-5), 13069(199:1240)
>>Heritage, S.O. 31, 3438(53:1415), 3796(58:1410)
>>>o.q., 6927(105:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 144(5:1105), 2975(47:1400)
>>Holidays Act (amdt.)(Bill C-263), 975(18:1535)
>>Holidays Act (amdt.--Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day)(Bill C-369), 6619-20(100:1645-50)
>>Impaired driving, petitions, 9740(148:1010)
>>Income tax, 849-50(16:1650), 860-3(16:1805-25), 3450(53:1525), 4678(70:2010), 5610(84:1620), 11191(171:1700), 13872-3(208:1050-5)
>>Income Tax Act, 5437-8(81:1650-1700)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 5223(78:1620), 5228(78:1700), 5435-8(81:1635-1700)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 13069(199:1235-40), 13870-4(208:1035-1105)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-10), 848-50(16:1645-50), 855-6(16:1725-35), 858-63(16:1750-1825), 866(16:1850)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 15827(237:1635)
>>Indians/First Nations, 12219-21(186:1340-50)
>>Industrial espionage, 10868(165:1535)
>>Information highway/Internet, 12939(197:1320)
>>Judges, 11271(172:1255)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 5534(83:1630)
>>Justice system, 8510-4(128:1215-45), 11271(172:1255), 13896(208:1340)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 12937-40(197:1310-30)
>>Legislation, 11913-4(181:1735-40)
>>Lower Kootenay Indian Band, 12219-20(186:1340)
>>Magazines, 9567-9(145:1145-1205), 11719-20(178:1650-1700)
>>Marriage, petition, 9739-40(148:1005)
>>McCrae, LCol John, o.q., 921(17:1450), 970(18:1455)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4108(62:1850), 4110(62:1905), 5609-10(84:1615-20)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, M. on supply (Penson), 4301-4(65:1700-20), 4308(65:1745)
>>Murder, o.q., 13824(207:1440)
>>National Capital Commission, 4678(70:2010)
>>>S.O. 31, 8050(120:1410-5)
>>National debt, 4678(70:2010), 13890(208:1255)
>>National Film Board, 4678(70:2010)
>>National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 5738(86:1725-30)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 1495-8(27:1030-55), 1513(27:1240), 5072-5(76:1705-25); 5738(86:1725), 7466(113:1230), 7476(113:1340)
>>>o.q., 7931(199:1455)
>>>Petition, 975(18:1535)
>>National Revenue Department, 13871-2(208:1045)
>>National security, 10868(165:1535)
>>Nisga'a land claim, M. on supply (Scott, M.), 15778(237:1125), 15789(237:1245), 15826-9(237:1635-50)
>>Nuclear reactors, 2338(38:2520)
>>Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan), S.O. 31, 4059(62:1405), 4272-3(65:1410)
>>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 5072-5(76:1705-25), 7458(113:1135), 7466-7(113:1230-5), 7469(113:1250-5), 7471-3(113:1305-15), 7476(113:1340)
>>Parks Canada Agency, 7467(113:1235)
>>Parole, 169(5:1340), 220-1(6:1530), 975(18:1530), 8511(128:1220-5), 8514(128:1240), 12940(197:1325-30)
>>Penitentiaries, 8513(128:1240), 13395(202:2740), 15826(237:1635), 16007(240:1515)
>>>o.q., 16001(240:1435)
>>Pensions, 855-6(16:1725-35), 861-2(16:1815-20), 5609(84:1615)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2638(42:2140)
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (MacKay), 4567(69:1620)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 1874(32:1840), 6314(95:1740), 6322(95:1825)
>>>Debate, 866(16:1850), 5223(78:1620), 13040(198:1745)
>>>Documents, tabling, 16007(240:1515)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 9396(142:1425)
>>>Members' remarks, 10866-7(165:1525)
>>>Motions, 861(16:1815)
>>>Question and comment period, 4954(75:1135), 7458(113:1135)
>>Progressive Conservative Party, 13890(208:1255)
>>Registered retirement savings plans, 858(16:1750)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 5534(83:1630), 10866-7(165:1525), 12938-9(197:1315-25), 13898(208:1350-5)
>>>o.q., 9704(147:1455), 14594(220:1435), 15811(237:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 16088(241:1405)
>>Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act (Bill C-7), 1495-8(27:1030-55), 1513(27:1240)
>>Sexual assault/offences, o.q., 13824(207:1440-5)
>>Social programs, 13890(208:1255)
>>Sports, 4678-9(70:2015-20)
>>>M. on supply (St. Hilaire), 15905-7(239:1320-35)
>>>S.O. 31, 1571(28:1400)
>>Student loans, M. on Supply (Charest), 4108(62:1850), 4110(62:1905)
>>Tamil Eelam Society, o.q., 290(7:1445)
>>Taxation, 849(16:1645), 860-1(16:1805), 5609(84:1615), 9237-8(139:1550-5), 11191(171:1655), 11581(176:1600), 13873-4(208:1055-1105)
>>Television, o.q., 3312(52:1445), 3443(53:1440)
>>Television and Cable Production Fund, 5435-7(81:1635-45)
>>>o.q., 4021(61:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 6847(104:1400)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 169(5:1340), 180(6:1120), 220-1(6:1530)
>>Tobacco Plains Indian Band, 12220(186:1345)
>>United Kingdom, S.O. 31, 14821(223:1405)
>>Wages and salaries, 11191(171:1655)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 13889-90(208:1250-5), 13894-8(208:1325-55)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, 12052-3(183:2010-5)
>>>M. (Boudria), 13614(205:1940)
>>>S.O. 31, 16088(241:1405)
Abbotsford, B.C., see Drug/substance abuse--National drug strategy
ABCs of climate change see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
Abduction see Child abduction
Abella, Rosalie see Judges
Abitibi constituency
Description, geographic, demographic, 80(4:1235)
>>See also Ice storm 1998--Assistance
Abitibi, Que. see Highways and roads--Quebec; Job creation
Abitibi region see Quebec; Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch lines, Quebec
Ablonczy, Diane (Ref.--Calgary--Nose Hill)
- >>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy, 3838(58:1835-40)
>>>o.q., 729(14:1440)
>>Blood, o.q., 6216(94:1450), 7650-1(116:1135)
>>Budget, 5691(86:1205-10), 12372(188:1520)
>>>o.q., 4214(64:1130-5)
>>Budget 1998, 7146(108:1705)
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4658-60(70:1730-45)
>>Budget 1999, 13541(205:1135)
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12372-4(188:1520-35)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 7145-7(108:1700-10)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13541-4(205:1130-55)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada (BDBC), o.q., 13296(202:1420)
>>Canada Jobs Fund, o.q., 12129(184:1450), 12182(185:1140)
>>Canada Labour Code, 4334(66:1105)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4334-8(66:1105-1135), 6638-9(101:1045-55), 6658-60(101:1335-45), 6824(104:1110)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, 4506-7(68:1510-35)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 539-41(11:1540-55), 2254-5(38:1545-55), 2261-2(38:1635-40), 2361-2(39:1205), 2405-6(39:1655-1700), 2701-7(44:1045-1120), 2721(44:1300), 4196-7(63:1835-40), 4821-2(72:1830), 5441(81:1720)
>>>M. for Production of Papers, 12684-5(193;1525)
>>>o.q., 99-100(4:1435), 655(13:1435), 1098-9(20:1140), 1154-5(21:1135), 1233(22:1430-5), 1283(23:1440), 1658(29:1440), 1706(30:1115-20), 1765-6(31:1430-5), 1842(32:1440), 2871-2(46:1430), 3189(50:1455), 8162(122:1455), 8249(123:1435-40), 8300(124:1445), 8462(127:1430), 8648(130:1415-20), 9909(150:1430), 10425(159:1415), 10858(165:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 5755(87:1105), 8986(135:1405)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 537-41(11:1530-55), 2254-5(38:1545-55), 2261-2(38:1635-40), 2267(38:1720), 2361-2(39:1205), 2371-2(39:1320-5), 2405-6(39:1655-1705), 2701-7(44:1045-1120), 2721(44:1255-1300), 4900(74:1450)
>>>qu., 4578-9(69:1735)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10106-7(153:1555-1605)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 3277(51:1555)
>>>o.q., 7117(108:1430)
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11), 10126-7(153:1845-55)
>>Charitable and non-profit organizations, 3276(51:1550)
>>Child care, 12426-9(189:1240-1305)
>>>qu., 5963(90:1535)
>>Child pornography, M. on supply (White, R.), 11273(172:1315), 11307(172:1640-5)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 12373(188:1725-30), 12429(189:1305), 13542(205:1135), 13543-4(205:1150)
>>>M. (St-Jacques), 1935-6(33:1800-15)
>>Children, 12435(189:1345)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63), 11950-2(182:1235-50)
>>Columbia, S.O. 31, 11161(171:1355-400)
>>Criminal Code and Interpretation Act (amdt. powers to arrest and enter dwellings)(Bill C-16), 1701(30:1045)
>>Deficit, 13543(205:1150)
>>Economy, 5690-1(86:1200)
>>>M. on supply (Nystrom), 3848-9(59:1050-5)
>>Education, M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 4752-5(72:1105-20)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7145-6(108:1705)
>>Employment insurance
>>>M. (Crête), 1118-9(20:1340-50)
>>>o.q., 8763(132:1435), 13763(206:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 10776(164:1400), 14586(220:1355)
>>Employment Insurance Act, 1977 (amdt.--premiums and Employment Insurance Account)(Bill C-299), 12517-8(190:1340-50)
>>Equalization payments, 4660(70:1745), 11911-2(181:1715-25), 12611-4(192:1255-1320)
>>Family, 4658(70:1730), 13543-4(205:1150-5)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 12426-9(189:1240-1305), 12435(189:1345)
>>>o.q., 12444(189:1430), 12493-4(190:1115-20), 12539(191:1420)
>>>S.O. 31, 6543(99:1400)
>>Family courts, 5541(83:1725-30)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11911-2(181:1715-25), 12611-5(192:1255-1325)
>>Film and video industry, 3277(51:1555)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 11242-3(171:2310-20)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 12553(191:1530), 12571-2(191:1740-50)
>>Gold, Bill, S.O. 31, 9170(138:1405)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 15674(235:1435), 15808(237:1435-40), 15858(238:1120), 15917-8(239:1430), 15999-16000(240:1430)
>>Government expenditures, 4659(70:1730), 13541-2(205:1135-40)
>>>M. on Supply (Manning), 3425-7(53:1250-1310)
>>Government grants, o.q., 13225(201:1430), 15259(230:1440), 15726(236:1445), 16093-4(241:1435-40)
>>Government programs and services, 12374(188:1530), 13542(205:1140)
>>Government revenues, 12372(188:1520), 12374(188:1530), 13541(205:1135)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)
>>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13314(202:1625)
>>Grey, S.O. 31, 12748(194:1400)
>>Harkness, Hon. Douglas, 156780(235:1510)
>>Health care system, 3277(51:1555), 12372-4(188:1520-35), 13543(205:1145-50), 15071(227:1505)
>>>o.q., 10298(157:1450)
>>Homeless, 12373(188:1530)
>>Income, 3276-7(51:1550), 4659-60(70:1735-40), 5691(86:1205)
>>Income tax, 12373(188:1525), 13544(205:1155)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3276-8(51:1545-1600), 5441(81:1720), 5690-2(86:1200-10)
>>Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department, o.q., 5765(87:1155-200)
>>Indians/First Nations, 11242-3(171:2310-20)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 5540-4(83:1715-45)
>>Justice system, 5541-4(83:1725-45)
>>Labour, o.q., 6669(101:1435)
>>Labour disputes, 4336-7(66:1120-5), 4338(66:1135)
>>Labour relations, 4334-6(66:1105-20), 4337(66:1130)
>>Legislation, 7145-7(108:1705-10)
>>Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6), 1245-7(22:1655-700), 4853(73:1245)
>>Marijuana, M. (Bigras), 15297(230:1925)
>>>M. on supply (Lowther), 16014-6(240:1555-610)
>>>Petitions, 7709(117:1510), 11176(171:1515), 15073(227:1510), 16101(241:1525)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4753-4(72:1105-15), 7145-6(108:1700-10)
>>>S.O. 31, 3913-4(60:1405)
>>Murder, 5542(83:1730-5)
>>National debt, 4658-60(70:1730-40), 5691(86:1200-5), 13542-4(205:1140-50)
>>National unity, petition, 878(17:1010)
>>Northern Canada, 4853(73:1245)
>>Nuclear weapons, petition, 16101(241:1525)
>>Ontario Court of Appeal, 5540-1(83:1720-30)
>>Pension Benefits Standards Act (Bill S-3), 5774-7(87:1250-1315)
>>Pensions, 5774(87:1250), 5777(87:1315), 13543(205:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 7595(115:1355-1400)
>>Police, 5541(83:1725-30)
>>>M. (Davies), 4118-9(62:1955-2005)
>>>S.O. 31, 10090(153:1410)
>>>Contempt of Parliament, 4507(68:1515-20)
>>>White, R., (contempt of Parliament), 9103-4(137:1515)
>>>Bills, government, 6824(104:1110)
>>>Bills, Senate, 5774(87:1250)
>>>Chair, rulings and statements, 1701(30:1045)
>>>Decorum, 4753(72:1105), 13314(202:1625)
>>>Documents, tabling, 2706-7(44:1115-20)
>>>Member's remarks, 12449-50(189:1500-5), 15071(227:1505)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 1120(20:1355)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 15247(230:1335)
>>Public Service, o.q., 14321-2(215:1435-40)
>>Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-250), 877(17:1005)
>>Reform Party, S.O. 31, 1326(24:1405)
>>Registered education savings plans, 3276(51:1550)
>>Scholarships, 5691(86:1205)
>>>M. (Solomon), 8909-10(134:1755-1805)
>>Senior citizens, 7265(109:1825)
>>Seniors Benefit, 5447-8(81:1805), 7265(109:1835)
>>>o.q., 4403(67:1440-5)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 5541(83:1730)
>>Shipbuilding, M. on supply (Wayne), 14609(220:1600)
>>Small and medium business, 10106-7(153:1555-1605)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 10106(153:1555)
>>Social insurance numbers, o.q., 9831(149:1435)
>>Social union, M. on supply (Manning), 10705-6(163:1210-5), 10719-21(163:1340-55)
>>Space, S.O. 31, 15134(228:1405)
>>Standard of living, 3425-7(53:1255-1305)
>>Student loans, M. (Davies), 9936-7(150:1735-45)
>>Taxation, 3276(51:1550), 4660(70:1740), 12372(188:1520), 12374(188:1530), 12428(189:1255)
>>>o.q., 14593(220:1430)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 417-22(9:1525-55)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 3427(53:1310), 4659-60(70:1735-45)
>>Transitional jobs fund, o.q., 11459-60(174:1445), 13088(199:1440), 13436(203:1430-5), 15504(234:1425-30)
>>Tsuu T'ina Nation, o.q., 5765(87:1155-200)
>>Veterans, M. (Riis), 6907-9(104:1910-20)
>>Wages and salaries, 13542(105:1140)
>>Young Offenders Act, 5541-2(83:1725-30)
>>>Petitions, 7708(117:1510), 9868(150:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 6661-2(101:1355)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
>>>M. (Boudria), 13656-9(205:2435-50)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 14049(210:1735)
>>>o.q., 13568(205:1435-40)
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
Emergency meeting, New Democratic Party members absent, 9895(150:1310)
>>Membership see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
>>Reports, presented
>>>First (Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-8)),
>>>Second (Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6)), 3070(49:1005)
>>>Third (Nunavut Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-39)),
>>>Fourth (Mi'kmaq Education Act (Bill C-30)), 7411(112:1500)
>>>Fifth (First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49)), 10923(166:1205)
>>>Sixth (Manitoba Claim Settlement Implementation Act (Bill C-56)),
>>>Seventh (Aboriginal Economic Development: Urgent issues arising from
visits to Northern Quebec and Nunavut), 14885(224:1205)
>>Research officer, travel, authorization, M. (Knutson), agreed to,
>>Travel, authorization, M. (Adams), agreed to, 6577(99:1805)
>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Economic development--Manitoba;
Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-8);
Indians/First Nations--Land management, Legislation;
Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management, Legislation;
Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6);
Nisga'a land claim--Agreement, Reform Party position;
Nunavut Territory--Legislation
Aboriginal and treaty rights
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, relationship, 11236-7(171:2225-30)
>>Government not honouring obligations, 12254(186:1650)
>>Indian Act, relationship, 12482(190:1005-10)
>>Recognition, negotiation, 15830(237:1655-700)
>>Reform Party position, 9934(150:1725)
>>Treaties, role, 15796-8(237:1335-45), 15830(237:1700)
>>Trudeau, Pierre, position, 15788(237:1235)
>>See also Aboriginal land claims;
Aboriginal self-government;
Caldwell First Nation--Reserve;
Electricity--Manitoba Hydro project, Treaty status;
Indian bands/reserves--Manitoba, Treaty entitlements;
Indians/First Nations--Land management, Status of agreement;
Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management;
Multilateral Agreement on Investment;
Nisga'a land claim--Agreement;
Nunavut Territory--Denesuline of Northern Manitoba;
Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory;
Aboriginal Awareness Week see Aboriginal peoples/communities
Aboriginal Council of Winnipeg
Government investment, $950,000, o.q., 6084(92:1150)
Aboriginal Endowment Fund
Documents, M. for Production of Papers (Scott, M.), called, transferred for
debate, 9235(139:1525-30)
Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy see Salmon--Pacific
Aboriginal Head Start Program see Education--Aboriginal peoples/communities
Aboriginal Health Institute see Health--Aboriginal peoples/communities
Aboriginal Human Resources Development Council/strategy see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Job creation
Aboriginal justice initiative see Justice system
Aboriginal justice system see Justice system
Aboriginal land claims
Agreements, ad-hoc basis, differences among, etc., 10032(152:1645)
>>British Columbia, treaty process, etc., 1240(22:1515)
>>>Auditor General's 1998 report findings, o.q., 8576(129:1445)
>>>Costs of settling, federal-provincial cost sharing, etc.,
>>>Delgamuukw case, Supreme Court of Canada ruling, impact, negotiations,
etc., 4740-1(71:1835-40), 5430(81:1600), 5536(83:1650), 5663(85:1725),
5843(88:1635-40), 7496-8(113:1550-605), 7506(113:1655), 7679(117:1215),
7732(117:1745), 11236-7(171:2230)
>>>>Economic impact study, qu., 8175(122:1525)
>>>>o.q., 7411(112:1500), 7698-9(117:1415-20), 7701(117:1430),
7811-4(118:1440-55), 7927-8(119:1440-5),
8103-4(121:1135), 8107(121:1150-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 7644(116:1100), 7920(119:1405)
>>>Forest clear cutting, relationship, 15525(234:1625-30)
>>>Negotiations re waterways, referendum, etc., petition, 5767(87:1205)
>>>Unsettled claims, economic impact, etc., o.q., 5418(81:1440)
>>>See also British Columbia Treaty Commission
>>Federal-provincial-territorial co-operation, need for, Auditor General's
findings, 15793(237:1310)
>>Independent commission, establishing, 3012(47:1835)
>>Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-56), relationship,
10023(152:1535), 10027(152:1610)
>>>See also Indian bands/reserves--Manitiba;
Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-56)
>>Reform Party position, 1207(22:1145-50), 1242-3(22:1530)
>>Saskatchewan, compensation to rural municipalities, government refusal to
pay, 3288(51:1715), 9950-1(151:1045-50)
>>Treaty process
>>>Non-aboriginal peoples interests, recognizing, Auditor General's 1998
report findings, 11235(171:2220)
>>>See also Aboriginal land claims--British Columbia
>>Yukon and Northwest Territories, survey, Canada Lands Surveyors conducting,
>>See also Aboriginal self-government;
Electricity--Manitoba Hydro project;
Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement;
Indian Claims Commission;
Indians/First Nations--Land management;
Labrador Inuit Association;
Lubicon Cree First Nation;
Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management;
Métis--Land base;
Mining industry--Voisey's Bay;
National parks/marine conservation areas--Marine conservation areas;
Nisga'a land claim;
Nunavut Territory;
Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory;
Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-second;
Sahtu Dene and Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement;
Sechelt First Nation;
Siksika Nation;
Westbank First Nation
Aboriginal Languages Day see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Languages
Aboriginal peoples/communities
Aboriginal Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 6917(105:1405), 15251(230:1400)
>>Aboriginal business investment programs, 179(6:1115)
>>Aboriginals for Accountability, Edmonton, Alta., conference, S.O. 31,
>>>o.q., 14598(220:1455)
>>>Taxation, local bands imposing, tobacco tax, use of funds,
>>Apartheid policy
>>>S.O. 31, 1226(22:1355)
>>>Unequal treatment, 9881(150:1140)
>>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Economic and social conditions;
Aboriginal self-government;
Indian bands/reserves
>>Assimilation policy, 9893-4(150:1300)
>>>See Also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Integration
>>Auditor General, establishing
>>>o.q., 14598(220:1455)
>>>See also Aboriginal self-government
>>Bachand, C., role, 12511(190:1300)
>>Bloc Québécois interest, position, 4726-7(71:1705), 6406-7(97:1040-50)
>>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Reform Party position
>>Civilized/uncivilized, 5856(88:1820)
>>Contribution to Canada, recognizing, Calgary Declaration, September 1997,
>>Culture, tourist attraction, etc., 1249(22:1620)
>>Defining, 9929(150:1650)
>>>See also Indians/First Nations
>>Democracy, excluded from, equality factor, etc., 1248-54(22:1610-55)
>>Economic and social conditions, 181(6:1125-30), 896-7(17:1210-20),
4601-3(70:1110-20), 7498(113:1600), 7501(113:1620), 10493(160:1305),
12904(196:1925-30), 15780-2(237:1140-55),
15794(237:1515), 15826-7(237:1635)
>>>Government expenditures, relationship, 532(11:1500)
>>>>o.q., 528(11:1435-40), 1095(20:1125)
>>>Government policies, relationship, 896-7(17:1210-20), 1241-2(22:1520-5),
1250(22:1625), 1299(23:1620), 11602(176:1835), 12255-6(186:1700)
>>>>S.O. 31, 4835(73:1105), 11560(176:1405-10), 12792(195:1105)
>>>Institutionalized welfare state, 5430(81:1600-5), 7495-6(113:1540-5),
9924(150:1615), 15782(237:1150)
>>>o.q., 2384-5(39:1435-40)
>>>Off-reserve Indians and Métis, etc., o.q., 12235(186:1455-500)
>>>Ontario, Pine Lake and Red Lake communities, CTV Television reports, o.q.,
>>>Oppression, relationship, 9893(150:1300)
>>>Reform Party addressing, hearings with grassroots aboriginal peoples,
>>>Separate development, apartheid policy, relationship, 7497-8(113:1555-605),
9924-5(150:1615-20), 15780(237:1140)
>>>United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights findings,
11223(171:2045-50), 12487(190:1045)
>>>>S.O. 31, 14269(214:1115)
>>>See also Indian bands/reserves
>>Economic development, 15781-2(237:1150-5)
>>>$1 billion fund, 1241(22:1520), 1243(22:1535), 1248(22:1610-5)
>>>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee studying,
>>>>Northen Quebec and Nunavut Territory see Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Development Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh
>>>Capabilities, 12245(186:1550)
>>>Community Futures Program, 6084(92:1150)
>>>Government measures, o.q., 6084(92:1150)
>>>Hart role, 11239(171:2245)
>>>Lack, 49(3:1735)
>>>Quebec government $125 million fund, federal government matching, o.q.,
>>>Separate development, equality, relationship, 1241(22:1520)
>>>See also Indians/First Nations--Land management--Non-treaty Indians
>>Environment, wilderness, relationship, 1215(22:1240), 15822-3(237:1610-5)
>>Federal government fiduciary responsibility, 8329-30(124:1850-5),
9881(150:1140), 9886(150:1205)
>>>o.q., 6857(104:1445-50)
>>>See also Indian bands/reserves--Economic and social conditions;
Indians/First Nations--Land management
>>Friendship centres, programs, funding shortage, 4604(70:1130-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 10971(167:1400)
>>Government funding
>>>$500 million additional, Budget 1999 measures, 12015(183:1545),
>>>Accountability, 11195(171:1730)
>>>Ineffective, 15826(237:1635)
>>>Not reaching individuals, 4605(70:1135)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5705(86:1355)
>>>Reducing, Reform Party position, 12434(189:1340), 12436(189:1350-5),
12933(197:1245), 12974(197:1700)
>>>See also Government expenditures
>>Government, improving, Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1550)
>>Government programs, failure, 9932(150:1705)
>>Government relationship with
>>>Co-dependency, 1251(22:1635)
>>>Improvement, 9900(150:1340)
>>>>Aboriginal leadership only, ordinary people excluded, 9884(150:1150-5)
>>>>Transparency, predictability and accountability principles,
Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1550), 493(10:1440)
>>>>United Nations position, o.q., 14597(220:1445-50)
>>>Redefining, 3011-2(47:1835)
>>>Representation at first ministers conferences and constitutional
discussions, S.O. 31, 4155(63:1410)
>>Grassroots/individuals, not consulted/listened to, etc., 9926(150:1625),
9928(150:1635), 10033-5(152:1655-705), 11044(168:1310), 11232(171:2155),
>>>o.q., 14597(220:1445-50)
>>Historical background, 12245(186:1550-5), 12253-4(186:1650)
>>Human resources development strategy, $1.6 billion
>>>o.q., 14720(222:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 15251(230:1400)
>>>Urban residents, access, o.q., 15262(230:1450)
>>>Assimilation, relationship, 7496(113:1455)
>>>Chretien, Jean, position as Indian affairs minister, 1969 white paper,
>>Job creation, Aboriginal Human Resources Development Council/strategy role,
etc., 3302(51:1840)
>>>o.q., 7119(108:1440)
>>Lakeland constituency, Benoit sponsored task force, 6408(97:1055),
>>>See also Indian bands/reserves--Financial management, Lack
>>Languages, Aboriginal Languages Day, etc., S.O. 31, 5588-9(84:1410)
>>>Liberal Party-New Democratic Party love-in, 9902(150:1355), 9919(150:1535)
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) initiated, Liberal
government passing, 9919(150:1535)
>>Manitoba, legislation, Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill
>>>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee study,
10030-1(152:1630-40), 10044(152:1815)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 10028(152:1620)
>>>Consideration, examining carefully, 10520(160:1605)
>>>Consultations, 10043(152:1810)
>>>Economic self-reliance, relationship, 10023(152:1535), 10025(152:1550),
>>>Omnibus legislation, 10520(160:1600-5)
>>>Reform Party position, 10025-6(152:1550-600)
>>>Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples report, government response,
relationship, 10023(152:1535), 10028-9(152:1620)
>>>See also Aboriginal land claims;
Aboriginal self-government;
Electricity--Manitoba Hydro project;
Indian bands/reserves--Manitoba;
Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-56)
>>National Aboriginal Achievement Awards, S.O. 31, 12944-5(197:1355-400)
>>National Aboriginal Day, June 21, 5(2:1550)
>>>Recognizing, Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples report,
>>>Welcoming settlers, impact, etc., 9929-30(150:1645-50)
>>New Democratic party position, 10494(160:1315)
>>>Provincial governments, 10494(160:1315)
>>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Reform Party position
>>Ombudsman, need for, 9968(151:1225), 10033(152:1655), 15818(237:1540)
>>>o.q., 14598(220:1455)
>>Policing, Royal Canadian Mounted Police role, monitoring, training,
>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) record, 9536(144:1650-5),
>>Quebec government, relationship, 13556-7(205:1330)
>>>Native peoples development fund, $125 million, federal government
contribution, o.q., 5760(87:1130)
>>>Policy, announcement, Apr. 2, 1998
>>>>o.q., 5760(87:1130)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5707(86:1405)
>>>Tax collection agreements, Quebec Sales Tax, Goods and Services Tax, o.q.,
>>>Treatment, etc., 1196-7(22:1040), 4729(71:1720)
>>Reform Party position, attitude, 6423-5(97:1205-15), 7504(113:1645),
7506(113:1700), 9881(150:1135-40), 9886(150:1205), 9894-6(150:1300-15),
10036-7(152:1710-20), 10039-40(152:1740-50),
10492(160:1300), 10495(160:1320),
11228-30(171:2125-35), 11238-9(171:2245-50),
15773(237:1055), 15794(237:1315),
15826-7(237:1635-40), 15831(237:1705)
>>>B.C. Fire, anti-Indian movement, relationship, 15821(237:1600-5),
>>>Bloc Québécois position, comparison, 5836(88:1550), 9889(150:1225-30)
>>>Foundation for Individual Rights and Equality (FIRE), relationship,
10036(152:1710-5), 10040(152:1750), 10044(152:1815)
>>>Government position, comparison, 1296(23:1600)
>>>>o.q., 2384(39:1435), 2387-8(39:1450-5)
>>>New Democratic Party position, comparison, 9895-6(150:1310-5)
>>>o.q., 16255(243:1150)
>>>Representing disenfranchised, grassroots, etc., S.O. 31,
>>Resources, control over, need for, 10493(160:1305)
>>Self-determination right see Quebec separation/sovereignty
>>Separate special status, 15822(237:1605)
>>>Eliminating, equal treatment, 1969 white paper, government not
implementing, etc., 9884-5(150:1155-200), 12267(186:1810)
>>>Impact, 9886(150:1205)
>>>>S.O. 31, 10256(156:1115)
>>>S.O. 31, 15801(237:1405)
>>Stewart, Jane, Indian Affairs and Northern Development Minister, meeting
with, o.q., 2383(39:1430), 2385(39:1440)
>>Strengthening, improving living standards, etc., 72(4:1145), 275(7:1320-5),
>>>o.q., 2385-6(39:1445)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1550)
>>United Nations Human Rights Committee findings re Royal Commission on
Aboriginal Peoples recommendations re lands and resources, S.O. 31,
>>Urban centres, Budget 1998 failure, 4583(69:1755)
>>Weapons, militants stockpiling, o.q., 12231-4(186:1440-50)
>>White paper of 1969 see Aboriginal
peoples/communities--Integration--Separate special status
>>Women and children, ignored, Reform Party representing, etc., 9970(151:1245)
>>>Suicide rate, etc., o.q., 782-3(15:1145)
>>>>See also Big Cove Indian Reserve;
Drug/substance abuse--Aboriginal peoples/communities
>>>Urban youth centres, establishing, 306-7(7:1625-30)
>>See also Canada--History;
Canadian Armed Forces--Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range;
Child care;
Child poverty;
Children--Head Start Program;
Constitutional reform--Charlottetown Accord;
Crime prevention;
Drug/substance abuse--Aboriginal peoples/communities;
Education, post-secondary--Access;
Environmental protection/management;
Goods and Services Tax--Harmonization with provinces, New Brunswick;
Gun control/guns--Registration system;
Health care system;
Income ;
Indians/First Nations;
Justice system;
Mackenzie Valley;
National historic sites;
National parks/marine conservation areas--Marine conservation areas;
National unity--Calgary Declaration;
Penitentiaries--Hobbema Healing Lodge--Inmates;
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples;
South Africa--Mandela;
Sports--North American Indigenous Games
Training programs;
Violence/violent offences;
Water--National policy;
Young offenders;
Aboriginal self-government
Aboriginal land claims, relationship, 4740-4(71:1835-40)
>>Accountability, 4741(71:1840), 9968(151:1220-30), 9970(151:1245-50),
10026(152:1555-600), 10029(152:1620), 11195(171:1730-5), 15784(237:1340)
>>>Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations symposium, April 1999, o.q.,
14278(214:1155), 14597(220:1450)
>>Apartheid, Reform Party position, 10036(152:1715)
>>Appropriateness, 15822(237:1605)
>>Auditor General, independent, establishing, 9968(151:1225)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, relationship, 4741(71:1840)
>>Constitution, relationship, 4741(71:1840)
>>Courts, role, 4740-1(71:1835-40)
>>Definition, different definitions, different circumstances factor, etc.,
10025-6(152:1550-600), 10029(152:1620), 10497(160:1335)
>>Federal-provincial-territorial-aboriginal meeting, holding, 4741(71:1840)
>>Government position, S.O. 31, 8049(120:1410)
>>Historical background, 1253-4(22:1650)
>>Inherent right, recognizing, 3012(47:1835), 4740-1(71:1835-40),
15797(237:1340), 15829-30(237:1655)
>>>Charlottetown Accord, relationship, 9901(150:1350)
>>>New Democratic Party position, 9893(150:1300), 11222(171:2045)
>>>o.q., 1845(32:1450-5), 2386(39:1445)
>>>See also Nisga'a land claim--Agreement
>>Initiatives underway, 4741(71:1840)
>>Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-56), relationship,
10023-6(152:1535-600), 10029(152:1620)
>>Métis and off-reserve Indians, 15797(237:1340)
>>Municipal governments, comparison, 9930(150:1650), 10025-6(152:1555),
>>Negotiations, 4740-1(71:1835-40), 15797(237:1340)
>>>Extinguishment of aboriginal rights factor, 3012(47:1835)
>>>Treaty negotiations, process, 9885(150:1200-5)
>>Opposition from with aboriginal communities, 9968(151:1225-30),
9975(151:1320), 10515(160:1525)
>>Professional development programs, 15798(237:1345)
>>Quebec, negotiations, progress, o.q., 15312(231:1445)
>>Reform Party position, 9882(150:1140), 9969-70(151:1240-50),
10040(152:1750), 11233-4(171:2200-10), 11239(171:2245-50), 15794(237:1315)
>>>See also Aboriginal self-government--Apartheid
>>Resource centres, establishing, 15798(237:1345)
>>Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples report, relationship,
4740-1(71:1835-40), 9967-8(151:1220-30),
>>Social programs, transfer, women's concerns, etc., S.O. 31, 13899(208:1355)
>>Sovereignty, unacceptable, 10026(152:1600)
>>Third level of government, recognizing as, 3012(47:1835), 9930(150:1650)
>>Women's rights, relationship, 9968(151:1230), 15797-8(237:1340-5)
>>Yukon Territory, 10029(152:1620), 15797(237:1340)
>>See also Constitution--Race-based;
Education--Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia;
Indians/First Nations--Land management;
Micmac of Gespeg Nation;
Nunavut Territory;
Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory
Aboriginals for Accountability see Aboriginal peoples/communities
Banning, petition, 14028(210:1510)
>>Doctors Hippocratic oath, relationship, etc., S.O. 31, 10550-1(161:1055)
>>Doctors who perform abortions, shootings, murder of Dr. Barnett Slepian,
task force, etc.,
>>>o.q., 9401(142:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 9693-4(147:1400)
>>Federal funding, binding national referendum, holding, 15730(236:1505)
>>>Petitions, 2105(36:1600), 3328(52:1625), 6968(106:1005), 7413(112:1510),
8770-1(132:1510-5), 9106(137:1530), 9136(138:1005), 9232(139:1520),
9521-2(144:1515-20), 9869(150:1015), 10792-3(164:1540), 11245-6(172:1005-10),
12187(185:1205), 13493(204:1310), 13716(206:1010), 14549(219:1205)
>>>S.O. 31, 3683(56:1405)
>>>See also Medically Unnecessary Abortion Referendum Act (Bill C-515)
>>Health care providers, protecting from having to take part in
>>>Petition, 4408(67:1515)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--to prohibit coercion in medical procedures
that offend a persons religion or belief that human life is inviolable)(Bill
>>Legislation allowing, repealing, petition, 15732(236:1520)
>>Protests, woman crossing bubble zone around clinic, conviction, sentence,
>>Rights of unborn children, petitions, 3404(53:1020), 5243(79:1005),
>>S.O. 31, 7002(106:1355)
>>See also Murder--Doctors who perform abortions
Abrams tanks see Defence equipment--Tanks
Abuse see Bankruptcy and insolvency--Personal; Cruelty to animals
Academy Awards see Film and television industry; Films--The Sweet Hereafter
Acadia Seafoods see Port Saxon, N.S.
Acadian artists see Francophones outside Quebec--Assimilation
Acadian fête nationale see Canadian Heritage Department--1999 theme calendar
Acadian heritage
Acadian Village, West Pubnico, S.O. 31, 14266(214:1100)
>>Sigogne, Jean Mandé, religious leader, Nova Soctia, arrival, 200th
anniversary, S.O. 31, 121223(184:1410)
>>See also Société nationale de l'Acadie
Acadian peninsula see Fisheries
Acadians see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Atlantic provinces and Acadians position; Société nationale de l'Acadie
Acadie--Bathurst constituency see Unemployment
Accelerated Reduction and Elimination of Toxics Program (ARET) see Toxic substances
Access to information
Employment insurance benefits, quotas, journalists' inquiries, Pettigrew,
Human Resources Development Minister, defying Access to Information Act,
Information Commissioner condemning, o.q., 15025-6(226:1500), 15064(227:1425),
15137-8(228:1420-5), 15140-1(228:1430-40),
>>Federal government administration, Canadian Association of Journalists,
criticism, o.q., 14228(213:1455)
>>Information Commissioner John Grace concerns, 7819-20(118:1530-5)
>>>o.q., 291(7:1450), 5906(89:1440),
7603(115:1440-5), 7655(116:1155)
>>See also Blood;
Canadian Armed Forces--Pilots;
Employment insurance--Benefits, Quotas;
Government documents--Access;
Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department;
Victims of crime
Access to Information Act
Reforming, 1005(19:1015), 7819-20(118:1530-5)
>>>Legislation, Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-264), text
substitution, agreed to, 8084-5(120:1815)
>>>See also Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-264)
>>See also Canada Lands Company;
Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation;
Canada Post Corporation;
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation;
Canadian Development Investment Corporation;
Canadian Wheat Board;
Crown corporations;
Employment insurance--Benefits, Quotas;
Information Commissioner--Special report;
Millennium scholarship fund;
Ports--Commercialization, Canada port authorities;
Stony Indian Reserve--Indian Affairs and Northern Development official
Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208)--Beaumier
First reading, 156-7(5:1220-5)
>>Second reading, 2827-35 (45:1400-1500), 3828-36(58:1730-1830),
5738-42(86:1730-55), agreed to, on recorded division, 5935-6(89:1800-5)
>>>Dropped to bottom of the order of precedence on Order Paper, 2835(45:1500),
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 5935-6(89:1800-5)
>>>Report, with amdt., 9230(139:1505)
>>Report stage, 9976(151:1330)
>>>Concurrence, M. (Beaumier), agreed to, 9976(151:1330)
>>Third reading, 9976-9(151:1330-50), agreed to, on recorded division,
10047-8(152:1900-10), passed.
>>Royal Assent, 13531(204:1715). Chap. 16, S.C. 1999
>>See also Government documents--Access
Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-264)--Bryden
First reading, 1005(19:1015)
>>See also Access to Information Act--Reforming
Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)(Bill C-216)--Gilmour
First reading, 216(6:1505)
>>Second reading, 2471-9(41:1105-1200), 4854-63(73:1300-55),
5937-44(89:1820-1905), negatived, on recorded division, 6241-2(94:1815-25)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2479(41:1200),
>>Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee referral,
negatived, on recorded division, 6241-2(94:1815-25)
>>See also Crown corporations--Access to Information Act
Access to Information Act (amdt.--disclosure of results of public opinion
polls)(Bill C-217)--B. Mills
First reading, 216-7(6:1505)
>>Second reading, 1427-33(25:1325-1405)
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1433(25:1405)
>>See also Public opinion polls--Government conducting
Access to Information Act (amdt.--disclosure of results of public opinion
polls)(Bill C-253)--Mark
First reading, 973(18:1520)
>>See also Public opinion polls--Government conducting
Access to Information Act and National Archives of Canada Act
(amdt.--destruction and falsification of documents and access to confidences
of the Privy Council)(Bill C-286)--Bellehumeur
First reading, 2104(36:1555)
>>See also Government documents--Access
Accessibility see Banks and financial institutions--Basic services
Accidents see Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board; Farm safety; Hazardous materials--Chlorine gas tanks; Motor vehicles; Parkhill Dam Memorial; Pipelines; Robinson--References; Search and rescue helicopters; Workplace
Accountability see Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department; Indian bands/reserves--Financial management; Indians/First Nations--Land management; National Energy Board--Grants; Westray mining disaster--Inquiry findings
Accounting for Results: Annual Report to Parliament of the President of the Treasury Board see Treasury Board--Departmental Performance Report
Accounting practices see Deficit--Level
Accueil Bonneau
Homeless shelter, Montréal, Que., explosion
>>>o.q., 7928(119:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 7807(118:1410), 7922(119:1410-5), 8099(121:1115)
>>Rebuilding, volunteer/governments, efforts, tribute, S.O. 31, 9220(139:1415)
Acheiving a Critical Mass see Canadian Tourism Commission--Annual report
Acid rain
Canada-United States dispute, 1990 agreement, reductions, 2296-7(38:2040-5),
2299(38:2100), 2321(38:2330), 15647(235:1150)
>>>o.q., 15396(232:1450)
>>>Tradable permits, relationship, 2300(38:2105)
>>Federal-provincial agreement, Canada-Wide Acid Rain Strategy for Post-2000,
o.q., 9227(139:1450)
>>International protocol signed in 1984, 2288(38:1940), 6072(92:1055)
>>Reducing, report, government response, etc., o.q., 531(11:1450)
>>See also Beamish, Dr. Richard
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest see Education, post-secondary
ACOA see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) see HIV/AIDS
ACS see Fisheries--Shrimp
ACT Program see Affordability and Choice Today Program
Action 21 Network see Environment
Action 2000 see discrimination and racism--Combatting, Youth
Ad hoc committee of Canadian women on the constitution see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide, Supreme Court of Canada referral
Ad valorem tax rate see Air transportation
Adams Lake Indian Band see Housing--Indian reserve lands
Adams, Marcia and McCutcheon, Marlene
Teachers, car accident, deaths, tribute, S.O. 31, 3024(48:1410)
Adams, Peter (Lib.--Peterborough; Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of the Government in the House of Commons until Aug. 31, 1999)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee, M.,
>>Aboriginal Endowment Fund, M. for Production of Papers (Scott, M.), 9235(139:1525-30)
>>Aboriginal land claims, qu., 8175(122:1525)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 6577(99:1805)
>>Agricultural products, S.O. 31, 8459(127:1410)
>>Agriculture, 10418(158:1855), 10990(167:1550-5)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Keddy), 10683(162:2225-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 11051-2(168:1355-1400)
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, Ms., 5613(84:1655), 11129(170:1100), 16033-4(240:1820)
>>Air India, M. for Production of Papers (Grewal), 7562(114:1830)
>>Air navigation, M. for Production of Papers (Williams), 6297(95:1525)
>>Airports, 15057(226:1830)
>>Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-22), 2068(36:1205), 2133-5(36:1920-30)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 10087(153:1355-1400)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 10171-2(154:1810)
>>>qu., 6930-1(105:1520), 11132-3(170:1110)
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, r.o., 11133-4(170:1115)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 14165(212:1545)
>>>Petition, 5650(85:1545)
>>Blood, M. for Production of Papers, 6297(95:1525)
>>Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1291(23:1520)
>>Boudria, references, S.O. 31, 16089(241:1410)
>>Bovine growth hormone (rBST), M. for Production of Papers (Borotsik), 4409(67:1515)
>>Brazil, qu., 13717(206:1015)
>>British Columbia, 757(14:1805)
>>Budget, 4453(68:0935), 4454-5(68:0945)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4453-5(68:0935-50), 4541(69:1315)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12280-2(187:1040-55)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13545-6(205:1205), 13554(205:1305-10)
>>Buildings, qu., 18192-3(181:1515)
>>Cabinet ministers, qu., 8112(121:1215)
>>Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions Agency, qu., 11574(176:1520)
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 12281(187:1050)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 4453(68:0935), 4455(68:0950)
>>Canada Lands Surveyors Act (Bill C-31), 6610-2(100:1540-55)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 4453(68:0935)
>>>Petition, 8165-6(122:1520), 11131(170:1110)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4), 5701-2(86:1320-30)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10287(157:1350)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 3447(53:1505), 5057(76:1520), 6931(105:1520), 11241(171:2300-5)
>>>M. on supply (Price), 7026-8(106:1615-25), 7035(106:1715)
>>>qu., 8175(122:1525)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15651-2(25:1215-25), 15657(235:1255)
>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, travel authorization, M., 11077(168:1635)
>>Canadian Institutes for Health Research, 12280(187:1045)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, M. for Production of Papers (Borotsik), 3328(52:1625)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 1911(33:1515)
>>Central America, S.O. 31, 10500(161:1400)
>>Chiasson, Steve, S.O. 31, 14666(221:1355)
>>Chief Electoral Officer, 57(4:1000)
>>Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee
>>>M. (McLellan), 1595(28:1620)
>>>Report, presented, 10145(154:1510)
>>>>Concurrence, M., 10145(154:1510)
>>Child pornography, M. on supply (White, R.), 11277-8(172:1340-5)
>>Child poverty, 13545(205:1205)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 12409(189:1040), 13546(205:1205), 13554(205:1305-10)
>>>Petition, 15958(240:1010)
>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, Ms., 6430(97:1250), 8115-6(121:1235-40)
>>Codes of Ethics, M. for Production of Papers (Harris), 8306(124:1525)
>>Commissions of Inquiry, M. (Bellehumeur), 3000-1(47:1645-50)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 14331-2(215:1535-40)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act Subcommittee, Ms., 13490(204:1305), 15046(226:1725)
>>Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Bill S-21), 10990(167:1550)
>>Cruelty to animals, petitions, 12587-8(192:1010), 14633-4(221:1005-10), 15353(232:1020)
>>Cultural Grants Acknowledgement Act (Bill C-204), 1876-7(32:1900-10)
>>Deaf persons, S.O. 31, 5900-1(89:1410)
>>Debate, 13052(199:1040)
>>Defence equipment. 7028(106:1625)
>>Deficit, 4453-4(68:0935-45)
>>Developing countries, petitions, 15317-8(231:1515), 15766(237:1010)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, S.O. 31, 14393(216:1410)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals
>>>Petitions, 468-9(10:1205), 534(11:1515), 787(15:1210), 5212(78:1510), 5378-9(81:1040)
>>>qu., 6329(96:1030)
>>Education, 7740(117:1840-5), 14921-2(225:1325-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 8875(134:1405-10)
>>Education, post-secondary, 4453(68:0935-40), 14920-1(225:1315-25)
>>>S.O. 31, 15803(237:1410)
>>Elections, 755-7(14:1745-805)
>>>S.O. 31, 2867(46:1410)
>>Embassies and consulates, qu., 8176(122:1525)
>>Energy, r.o., 12684(193:1525)
>>Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, r.o., 11178(171:1525)
>>Environment, 12646(192:1635)
>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
>>>M., 5724(86:1555)
>>>M., 12646(192:1635)
>>>M., 16034(240:1820)
>>Environment Department, 13048-9(199:1015)
>>Environmental protection/management, 15652(235:1225)
>>Equalization payments, 11896(181:1530), 11907-8(181:1650-1700)
>>Estimates, 7865(118:2050), 13477(204:1005)
>>Extradition Act (Bill C-40), 10590-2(162:1200-15)
>>Family, M. on supply (Kenney), 12409(189:1040)
>>Farmers, M. (Chatters), 5084(76:1845)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11875(181:1345), 11896(181:1530), 11978(181:1650-1700), 11913(181:1735)
>>Ferry services, qu., 6724(102:1205)
>>Finance Standing Committee
>>>M. (Harris), 14165(212:1545)
>>>Ms., 8622(130:1130), 10434(159:1515), 14689(221:1615), 14690(221:1630), 16034(240:1820)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 11241-2(171:2300-10)
>>Fisheries, qu., 6785(103:1505), 10435(159:1520)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, M., 1586(28:1525), 5011(75:1730)
>>Fisheries, Pacific, qu., 15318-9(231:1520)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
>>>M. (Robinson), 14192(213:1025)
>>>Ms., 5011(75:1730), 12564-5(191:1650), 12567(191:1710), 13490(204:1305)
>>Forestry, 6310(95:1700), 7932(119:1505)
>>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 15657(235:1255)
>>Government contracts, qu., 8167-8(122:1525)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, qu., 8474(127:1540)
>>Government grants, qu., 15074-5(227:1515)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)
>>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13247-8(201:1650-5), 13355-6(202:2210)
>>Governor General, M. for Production of Papers (Rocheleau), 8306(124:1525)
>>Grain transportation, M. for Production of Papers (Borotsik), 5964(90:1535)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 2201(37:1620), 5613(84:1700), 5724(86:1555), 6310(95:1655)
>>>M. to adjourn, 2334-6(38:2455-510)
>>Gun control/guns, 9523(144:1520), 10986(167:1520), 11607(177:1010), 12870(196:1525), 15106(228:1010)
>>>M. for Production of Papers (Breitkreuz, G.), 6608(100:1525)
>>>Petition, 8770(132:1510)
>>>qu., 12084(184:1010), 13717-8(206:1015), 15266(230:1510)
>>Havelock, Ont., S.O. 31, 1703(30:1100)
>>Hazardous waste, 13048-9(199:1015)
>>Health, 12280-1(187:1040-50)
>>>M. (Harb), 15760(236:1805), 15761(236:1820)
>>>Petitions, 5650(85:1545), 6155(93:1540-5), 6295(95:1510), 6329(96:1030), 7285(110:1530), 7935(119:1525), 8006(120:0920), 11177(171:1520-5), 12588(192:1010), 13048(199:1010), 13830(207:1515), 15105(228:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 1275(23:1400), 5553(84:1010), 6466(98:1400), 6710(102:1100), 12748(194:1400)
>>Health care system, 4455(68:0950), 12280-2(187:1045-55)
>>>r.o., 4078(62:1535)
>>Health information, 12280(187:1045)
>>Health Protection Branch (Health Department), 15763(236:1825-30)
>>Health Standing Committee, M., 5724(86:1550)
>>Highways and roads, 8085-6(120:1825)
>>House of Commons
>>>M. (Boudria), 5916(89:1545), 5928-9(89:1705-15)
>>>M. (White, T.), 3508-10(54:1305-15)
>>>S.O. 31, 8098-9(121:1110)
>>Housing, r.o., 8176-7(122:1525)
>>Human Resources Development Centres, M. for Production of Papers, 8656(129:1545)
>>Ice storm 1998, 7026-7(106:1615-20)
>>Impaired driving, petitions, 9356(141:1200), 10021-2(152:1530), 10173(155:1005), 10793(164:1540), 11131(170:1110), 14601-2(220:1515), 14939-40(225:1505), 14979(226:1005), 15105(228:1010), 15216-7(229:1205), 16100-1(241:1520)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--interest on student loans)(Bill C-316), 11090-1(168:1830-5)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 13052(199:1040), 13873-4(208:1100), 14920-2(225:1315-30), 14942(225:1515), 14944(225:1530), 14948(225:1600)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 10043(152:1810)
>>>M. for Production of Papers, (Scott, M.), 15319-20(231:1520), 15733(236:1525)
>>Indians/First Nations, 11241-2(171:2305-10)
>>Industry Standing Committee, M., 12714(194:1015), 13779(206:1615)
>>Information highway/Internet, 12281(187:1050)
>>Infrastructure program, r.o., 5676(86:1015), 11178(171:1525)
>>International Agency for Rural Industrialization, 5090(76:1920)
>>Inuit, 5850(88:1735)
>>Iraq, petitions, 5092(77:1010), 6930(105:1515-20), 8770(132:1510), 12548-9(191:1505), 12869(196:1520), 12907-8(197:1005), 13018(198:1510), 13716(206:1010), 15353(232:1020)
>>Italy, 7026(106:1615)
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, M. (Ramsay), 5649(85:1530)
>>Justice system
>>>M. (Solomon), 10454-5(159:1740-5)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 12911(197:1025), 12913(197:1035), 12916(197:1050)
>>>S.O. 31, 15013(226:1355-1400)
>>Lakefield, Ont., S.O. 31, 12310(187:1400)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), 2133-5(36:1920-30)
>>Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee, Reports, M., 2201(37:1625)
>>Literacy, S.O. 31, 11961(182:1400)
>>Lubicon Cree First Nation, petition, 3403(53:1020)
>>Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-56), 10043-4(152:1810-5)
>>Marine transport, 5701-2(86:1320-30)
>>>qu., 8175(122:1525)
>>Members of Parliament, 1103(20:1200)
>>Mi'kmaq Education Act (Bill C-30), 7740(117:1840-5)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4541(69:1315), 12281(187:1050)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, petition, 7125-6(108:1515)
>>Murder, M. for Production of Papers (Hart), 7537(114:1525)
>>Music, S.O. 31, 5202(78:1415)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, Ms., 1291(23:1520), 3447(53:1505), 5057(76:1520)
>>National unity
>>>M. for Production of Papers (Anders), 7538(114:1525)
>>>Petition, 878(17:1015)
>>Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, Ms., 5613(84:1700), 6310(95:1655-700), 14689(221:1615), 14690-1(221:1630)
>>Newspapers, S.O. 31, 8292(124:1400)
>>Nuclear weapons, 5011(75:1730)
>>>Petitions, 5092(77:1010), 10173(155:1005), 10686(163:1010), 10793(164:1540), 11246(172:1010), 11379(173:1515), 13867(208:1015)
>>Nudity, petition, 878(17:1015)
>>Nunavut Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-39), 5831(88:1520), 5848(88:1720), 5850-1(88:1735-40)
>>Nunavut Territory, M. for Production of Papers (Konrad), 10436(159:1520)
>>Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-279), 4821(72:1830)
>>Oceans, S.O. 31, 15994(240:1405)
>>Official Languages Standing Joint Committee
>>>Reports, M., 2201(37:1625)
>>>Travel, authorization, M., 16267-8(243:1315)
>>Order in Council appointments, 57(4:1000), 370(9:1020), 785(15:1200), 836-7(16:1515), 1715(30:1200), 1801(32:1005), 2103(36:1550), 2657(43:1520), 2878(46:1505), 4220(64:1200), 4575(69:1720), 5338(80:1510), 5472(82:1200), 5645(85:1500), 5828(88:1505), 6479-80(98:1500), 6723(102:1200), 7066(107:1200), 7123(108:1500), 7534(114:1505), 8345(125:1505), 8769(132:1505), 9229(139:1500), 10145(154:1505), 10619(162:1500), 11741(179:1000), 12548(191:1500), 13231(201:1500), 13715(206:1005), 13865(208:1000), 14979(226:1005), 15631(235:1005)
>>Ozone depleting substances, 2335(38:2505)
>>>Ms. for Production of Papers (Mayfield), 8305-6(124:1520-5), 13832(207:1520)
>>>qu., 8173-4(122:1525)
>>Ozone, ground level, 2335(38:2500)
>>Pan-American Monetary Union, M. on supply (Duceppe), 12840(196:1235), 12842-3(196:1245), 12875-7(196:1600-15), 12888(196:1725), 12894(196:1810)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--change of political affiliation)(Bill C-265), 1103(20:1200)
>>Pay equity, petition, 1476(26:1535)
>>>Ms. for Production of Papers (White, R.), 7537-8(114:1525)
>>>Ms. for Production of Papers (Marceau), 13832(207:1520)
>>>Petition, 534(11:1515)
>>Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (Bill S-3), 7665(116:1300)
>>Persian Gulf War (1991), 7026(106:1615)
>>Petitions, g.r., 1475(26:1525), 1491(27:1005), 1801(32:1005), 2103(36:1550), 2145(37:1030), 2244(38:1510), 2344(39:1010), 2445(40:1200), 2503(41:1500), 2541(42:1005), 2657(43:1520), 2696(44:1005), 2811(45:1220), 2878(46:1505), 2946(47:1010), 3069(49:1000), 3193(50:1520), 3223(51:1005), 3324(52:1600), 3402(53:1015), 3500(54:1200), 3648(56:1010), 3738(57:1505), 3766(58:1010), 3862(59:1200), 3926(60:1505), 4072-3(62:1520), 4125(63:1000), 4220(64:1200), 4407(67:1510), 4575-6(69:1720), 4591(70:1005), 4707(71:1500), 4743(72:1005), 4846(73:1200), 4906(74:1530), 4939(75:1000), 5053(76:1500), 5091(77:1000), 5211(78:1500), 5243(79:1000), 5338(80:1510), 5472(82:1205), 5520(83:1500), 5645(85:1500), 5675(86:1005), 5828(88:1505), 5863(89:1005), 5960(90:1520), 5989(91:1100), 6086(92:1205), 6154(93:1535), 6171(94:1005), 6293(95:1500), 6325(96:1005), 6421(97:1200), 6480(98:1505), 6509(99:1005), 6606(100:1515), 6631(101:1000), 6723-4(102:1200), 6784(103:1500), 6819(104:1005), 6928(105:1505), 6967(106:1000), 7066(107:1200), 7123(108:1500), 7187(109:1005), 7284(110:1520), 7317(111:1005), 7411(112:1500), 7451(113:1005), 7534(114:1505), 7569(115:1005), 7656(116:1200), 7707(117:1505), 7773(118:1005), 7932(119:1505), 8003(120:0900), 8109(121:1200), 8163(122:1500), 8207(123:1000), 8303(124:1500), 8473(127:1535), 8611(130:1005), 8802(133:1010), 8886(134:1510), 8955(135:1000), 9356(141:1200), 9403(142:1505), 9435(143:1005), 9519(144:1505), 9553(145:1015), 9705(147:1500), 9739(148:1005), 10021(152:1525), 10055(153:1005), 10145(154:1505), 10173(155:1005), 10300(157:1500), 10343(158:1005), 10433(159:1505), 10468(160:1010), 10619(162:1500), 10685(163:1005), 10791(164:1530), 10983(167:1505), 11017(168:1005), 11126(170:1045), 11175(171:1510), 11245(172:1005), 11377(173:1500), 11415(174:1000), 11572(176:1510), 11605(177:1000), 11701(178:1500), 11741(179:1000), 11890(181:1500), 11927(182:1005), 12012(183:1530), 12083(184:1005), 12235(186:1505), 12275(187:1005), 12370(188:1505), 12403(189:1005), 12548(191:1500), 12587(192:1005), 12680(193:1505), 12868(196:1515), 12907(197:1000), 13016(198:1500), 13047(199:1005), 13231(201:1500), 13265(202:1005), 13442(203:1505), 13477(204:1010), 13715(206:1005), 13829(207:1510), 13865(208:1000), 14026(210:1500), 14062(211:1010), 14162(212:1520), 14189(213:1005), 14327(215:1505), 14355(216:1000), 14600(220:1510), 14633(221:1000), 14939(225:1500), 14979(226:1005), 15105(228:1005), 15216(229:1200), 15264(230:1500), 15315(231:1505), 15352(232:1015), 15510(234:1500), 15631(235:1005), 15729(236:1500), 15765(237:1005), 15924(239:1505), 15926(239:1520), 15957(240:1005), 16099(241:1510), 16149(242:1005)
>>Political parties, 7071(107:1215)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 755-8(14:1745-810)
>>Ports, qu., 4578(69:1735)
>>Postal workers, petition, 15766(237:1010)
>>Prime Minister's residence, 12827(196:1105)
>>Private Members' Business, 5929(89:1715)
>>Private Members' Motions, M., 9520-1(144:1510)
>>>Scott, A. (personal privilege), 8802(133:1010)
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (MacKay), 4594(70:1025)
>>>Adjournment proceedings under S.O. 38, 2201(37:1620)
>>>Bills, government, 1911(33:1515), 2068(36:1205), 2946-7(47:1015), 2950(47:1045), 6612(100:1550-5), 10287(157:1350), 16104(241:1535)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 1717(30:1215)
>>>>M., 9520-1(144:1510)
>>>Bills, Senate, 3192(50:1515)
>>>>M. 7939(119:1545)
>>>Business of the House, Ms., 2201(37:1620), 2839-4(46:1115), 7719(117:1620-5), 7726(117:1700)
>>>Committee reports, 6309-10(95:1655), 11606(177:1010)
>>>Committees, 5423(81:1510-5)
>>>>M., 2390(39:1505)
>>>Debate, 5916(89:1545), 7665(116:1300), 7865(118:2050), 12564-5(191:1650), 12567(191:1710), 14165(212:1545)
>>>>M., 5377(81:1030-5), 14332(215:1540)
>>>Divisions, recorded, deferred, 6866(104:1555)
>>>Divisions, recorded, Ms., 1595(28:1620), 2250(38:1525)
>>>Documents, 7932(119:1505), 8003(120:0905), 8802(133:1005), 11278(172:1350), 12827(196:1105), 14600(220:1510), 15926(239:1520)
>>>Government orders, 8729(132:1105)
>>>Hansard, 4125(63:1005)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 12888(196:1725), 12911(197:1315), 13247-8(201:1655), 14942(225:1515)
>>>Members, 13247(201:1650)
>>>Members' remarks, 12913(197:1035)
>>>Motions, 3072(49:1015), 3119(49:1515), 5006-7(75:1655-1700), 5057(76:1520), 8113(121:1220), 8115-6(121:1235), 8622-3(130:1130), 10287(157:1350), 10686(163:1010), 11077-8(168:1635-40), 11129(170:1100), 11377(173:1505), 12403(189:1005), 14061-2(211:1005-10), 14689(221:1615), 16255(243:1215)
>>>Motions for the Production of Papers, 4079(62:1535), 5341(80:1525), 7537(114:1525), 10436-8(159:1520-5), 10793(164:1540), 13018(198:1515), 13449(203:1550)
>>>Orders of the Day, M., 5649(85:1530), 7455(113:1035), 7572(115:1030), 8806(133:1040), 8960(135:1035)
>>>Private Members' Business, 3507(54:1255), 7665(116:1300)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 7091(108:1100), 15760-1(236;1810-20)
>>>>M., 9520-1(144:1510)
>>>Private Members' Motions for Papers, 8475(127:1545)
>>>Question and comment period, 14192(213:1025), 14948(225:1600)
>>>Question be now put, M., 14922(225:1330)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 2659(43:1530), 2880(46:1515), 3740(57:1515-20), 4078(62:1535), 4907(74:1535), 5473(82:1205-10), 5829(88:1510), 5991(91:1010), 6296-7(95:1520-5), 6329-30(96:1030), 6481(98:1510), 6511(99:1015), 6633(101:1015), 6725(102:1205), 6821(104:1005), 6831(105:1520), 6970(106:1015), 7071(107:1215), 7130(108:1515), 7286(110:1530), 7413(112:1510), 7656(116:1200), 7936(119:1525), 8006-7(120:0925), 8306(124:1525), 8586(129:1545), 8771-2(132:1520), 9406(142:1520), 9523(144:1520), 10147(154:1530-5), 10986(167:1520), 11070-1(168:1550), 11574(176:1520), 11606(177:1010), 12685(193:1530), 12870(196:1525), 13048-9(199:1015), 14603(220:1520), 14940(225:1510), 15106(228:1010-5), 15319(231:1520)
>>>Routine proceedings, 10145(154:1510), 16033(240:1820), 16267(243:1315)
>>>Sittings of the House, 7677(117:1150), 9677(147:1155)
>>>>Ms., 4033(61:1620)
>>>Speeches, 15671(1210)
>>>>Ms., 5830(88:1515), 7719(117:1625)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 245(7:1000), 785-6(15:1200), 1102-3(20:1200), 1289(23:1510), 1583(28:1505-10), 1619(29:1015), 1716-7(30:1210), 1771(31:1505), 2104(36:1550), 2244-5(38:1510), 2696(44:1010), 2878(46:1505), 3223(51:1005), 3324(52:1600), 3500(54:1205), 3557(55:1510), 3862(59:1200), 4939(75:1000), 5211(78:1505), 5646(85:1505), 5961(90:1520), 6155(93:1535), 6293(95:1505), 6631(101:1005), 6928(105:1505), 7534(114:1505), 8622-3(130:1130), 9261(140:1005), 9435(143:1005), 10055(153:1005), 10300(157:1500), 10434(159:1510), 10685(163:1005), 11017(168:1005), 11128(170:1055), 11175(171:1515), 11377-8(173:1500-5), 11572-3(176:1515), 12235(186:1505), 12403(189:1005), 12868(196:1515), 13715(206:1005), 13829(207:1510), 13865(208:1005), 14026(210:1505), 14061(211:1005), 14162(212:1525), 15631(235:1005)
>>>Ms., 246(7:1010), 339(8:1535), 667(13:1555), 786(15:1205), 973(18:1520), 1103(20:1205), 1289(23:1515), 1584(28:1510), 1619(29:1020), 1718(30:1215), 1771(31:1505), 2104-5(36:1555), 2697(44:1020), 2879-80(46:1515), 3223(51:1005), 3325(52:1610), 3501(54:1210), 3558(55:1515), 4939(75:1000), 5212(78:1505), 5646(85:1505), 6086(92:1205), 6309-10(95:1655), 6421(97:1200), 6632(101:1010), 7535(114:1510), 8622-3(130:1130), 9262(140:1010), 9435(143:1005), 10434(159:1510), 10686-7(163:1010), 11017(168:1005), 11129(170:1100), 11175(171:1515), 11415(174:1005), 12236(186:1505), 12405-6(189:1020), 12869(196:1515), 13716(206:1010), 13829(207:1510), 13866(208:1010), 14027(210:1505), 14062(211:1010), 15105(228:1005), 15631(235:1005)
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, M., 8113(121:1220), 8622(130:1130), 11077-8(168:1630-40), 16034(240:1820)
>>Public Safety Officers Compensation Fund, petition, 7188(109:1010)
>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 3684(56:1410)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, M. for Production of Papers (Anders), 7538(114:1525)
>>Rail passenger service, M. for Production of Papers (Bailey), 7537(114:1525)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 3149(49:1435-40)
>>>qu., 4578(69:1730)
>>Red Cross, S.O. 31, 4836(73:1110-5)
>>References see Child pornography--Possesssion offence, Legislative measures to reinstate
>>Registered education savings plans, 12281(187:1050)
>>Reproductive technologies, petition, 9356(141:1200-5)
>>Research and development, 4453-4(68:0935-40), 12281(187:1050)
>>>S.O. 31, 3489(54:1110), 4697(71:1410)
>>Royal Canadian Mint, 6608(100:1525)
>>Rural Canada, petition, 3073(49:1020)
>>Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee, 2201(37:1625)
>>>M., 16103(241:1530)
>>>M. (White, T.), 5376-7(81:1025-35)
>>Senate, 3192(50:1515)
>>Shipbuilding, M. on supply (Wayne), 14623(220:1735)
>>Somalia, 7936(119:1525), 8586(129:1545), 8771(132:1520), 10147(154:1530), 10986(167:1520)
>>>qu., 11928-9(182:1010), 12085-6(184:1010)
>>Sports, M. on supply (St. Hilaire), 15928(239:1525-30), 15945(239:1735)
>>St. John Ambulance, S.O. 31, 14314-5(215:1405)
>>Standing Orders, M., 4648(70:1615)
>>Students, S.O. 31, 9089-90(137:1355)
>>Taxation, 12281(187:1055), 12409(189:1040), 13873-4(208:1100)
>>Telecommunications Act and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 2946-7(47:1015), 2950(47:1045)
>>Tobacco Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42), 10443-4(159:1610-5)
>>Tobacco products, 8165-6(122:1520), 10053(152:1935-40)
>>>qu., 15074(227:1515)
>>Transit passes, M. (Riis), 11542(176:1215)
>>Transport Standing Committee, M., 5724(86:1555)
>>>Petitions, 10021(152:1530), 10686(163:1010), 11131(170:1110)
>>>S.O. 31, 2180(37:1410)
>>Violence/violent offences, S.O. 31, 9295(140:1410)
>>Volunteer organizations, S.O. 31, 10851(165:1355-1400)
>>War criminals, 3147-8(49:1830)
>>Weather forecasting, S.O. 31, 13291(202:1355)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 7697(117:1410), 9692(147:1355-1400)
>>World Summit on Nordicity, S.O. 31, 11280(172:1400)
>>World War II, 11241(171:2305)
>>Young offenders, 12916(197:1050)
>>Youth, 14921(225:1320-5)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 13206(201:1240), 13217(201:1350)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
>>>M. (Boudria), 13601(205:1810-5), 13646(205:2320), 13653-4(205:2415-20)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 14043-4(210:1700), 14048-9(210:1735)
>>>Petitions, 15766(237:1010), 15926(239:1520), 16102(241:1530)
>>Yugoslavia (former), 7027(106:1620)