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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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    >>Canadian Wheat Board, inclusion, 572(12:1020), 575(12:1045), 1947(34:1055)
    >>See also Canola; Flax; Rye

Grammy awards see Music

Granby, Que. see Festivals--Folies d'hiver; Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Quebec detachments, Closure

Grand Cache jail see Penitentiaries

Grand Council of the Crees of Quebec see Nunavut Territory--Quebec

Grand Falls Curling Club see Curling--1998 World Junior championships

Grand Forks, B.C see Ice storm 1998

Grand-Mère golf club see Government contracts--Gauthier

Grand-Mère Inn see Business Development Bank of Canada--Loans; Government grants--Saint-Maurice constituency

Grand prix d'excellence-Mode Québec see Textile and clothing industry--Young designers competition

Grand Prix du tourisme québécois see Tourism--Quebec

Grand River, Ont.

    >>Canadian heritage river, Grand River Conservation Authority, efforts, congratulating, S.O. 31, 13562(205:1400)

Grandby Zoo

    >>Spring cleaning event, S.O. 31, 6026(91:1410)

Grande Fête de la jeunesse, de la culture et du francais see Francophonie

Grand'Mére, Que. see Prime Minister's residences

Grandparents rights see Divorce--Child custody

Grant Expenditure Report Act (Bill C-359)--Abbott

Granting councils see Research and development

Granton, N.S. see Michelin Canada

Grants see Canada Council; Canada Foundation for Innovation; Grant Expenditure report Fund (Bill C-359); Government grants

Grants in lieu of taxes see Ice storm 1998--Municipalities; Municipalities; Ports--Commercialization, Canada port authorities

Grapes see Festivals--Niagara Grape and Wine Festival

Gravel see Salmon--Fraser River

Gravel, Marc see Canada Post Corporation--Labour dispute

Gravelle, Elizabeth see Tobacco Plains Indian Band--Water contamination

Gravelle, Richard see Bahamas

Gravenhurst, Ont. see National historic sites--Bethune

Gray, Hon. Herb (Lib.--Windsor West; Deputy Prime Minister)

Grayson, Judge Lee see Citizenship Court

Great Bear Lake see Nuclear waste

Great Britain see Customs tariff

Great Lakes

    >>Clean-up, government commitment, o.q., 13230(201:1455)
    >>Ecology, bilge water dumping, impact, government addressing, 7469-70(113:1250-5)
    >>Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, with United States, 15647(235:1150)
    >>Lamprey eel, proliferation, fish stock, impact, government action, requesting, 7311-3(110:1850-5)
    >>>o.q., 5051-2(76:1450)
    >>Pollution, impact, 15355(232:1030)
    >>Problems, mismanagement, pollution, etc., 10472(160:1040)
    >>See also Water--Fresh water--Water levels

Great Lakes region see Africa

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement see Great Lakes

Greater Toronto Area see Quality of life

Greek Community

    >>Contributions, democracy, protecting, S.O. 31, 9460(143:1405)

Greek Independence Day

Green-A-Thon see Environment--Halton constituency

Green, Brad see New Brunswick--Progressive Conservative Party

Green, Patrick Jay see Costa Rica

Green Saver Program see Energy efficiency--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction factor

Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)


    >>Charitable organization status, revoking, o.q., 10386-7(158:1450)
    >>See also Forest products--British Columbia, International boycott; Hazardous materials--Childrens' toys

Greeting cards see Ice storm 1998

Grenier, Donat

    >>Asbestos region Chamber of Commerce Personality of the Year award winner, S.O. 31, 15013(226:1400)

Gretzky, Wayne

    >>Commemorative stamp, Canada Post issuing, M. (Assadourian), agreed to, 14027(210:1505-10)
    >>Contribution to Hockey, national sport, M. (Riis), agreed to, 13951(209:1050)
    >>Retirement from National Hockey League, 13945(209:1005), 14017(210:1415)
    >>>Tribute, S.O. 31, 13955(209:1105-10), 14014-7(210:1400-10)

Grewal, Gurmant (Ref.--Surrey Centre)

Grey, Deborah (Ref.--Edmonton North)

Grey, Gabriel and Delila see Immigration/immigrants

Griffith, Mary Anne

    >>House of Commons Deputy Clerk, retirement, tribute, 3025(48:1415)

Grifton helicopters see Defence equipment--Helicopters

Grimsby and District Chamber of Commerce see Volunteers

Grono, Cecilia and Tammy see Murder

Grose, Ivan (Lib.--Oshawa)

    >>Canada Steamship Lines, 7752(117:2010)
    >>O'Neill Collegiate Choir, S.O. 31, 5755-6(87:1110)
    >>Pension Benefits Standards Act (Bill S-3), 7752(117:2010)
    >>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament M. (MacKay), 4566(69:1540)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 5015(75:1825)
    >>Public Accounts Standing Committee, reports, 5373(81:1005), 5675(86:1010), 6819(104:1005), 7067(107:1205), 9230(139:1510)
    >>Search and rescue helicopters, S.O. 31, 9640(146:1110)
    >>Starr, Hon. Michael, S.O. 31, 8047(120:1355-400)

Gross Domestic Product

    >>Decline, 15% below OECD average by year 2019, taxes and regulations, relationship, o.q., 11836(180:1125)
    >>Decline in value, international economic crisis, relationship, 8752-3(132:1335-45)
    >>>o.q., 8649(130:1420-5), 8760(132:1420)
    >>Exports, percentage, 10965(167:1320), 15713(235:1910)
    >>Government programs and services expenditures, percentage, 4432(67:1750), 4447(68:0900), 4661(70:1745), 5261(79:1215), 5264(79:1235), 7796(118:1305), 8753(132:1340-5), 12378(188:1600)
    >>>Decline from 12.6% to 12% by year 2000-1, Budget 1999 statement, 11984(182:1620), 12030(183:1740), 12113(184:1315)
    >>>>o.q., 12314(187:1415)
    >>>Reduction to 10.5%, Reform Party position, 4443-4(68:0835)
    >>Health care expenditures, percentage, 4689(70:2125), 11201(171:1815)
    >>>Decline, international comparisons, 12118(184:1345)
    >>Per capita, increase/growth
    >>>Canada lowest, 11361(172:2335)
    >>>Lack, 11357(172:2305)
    >>Taxes, percentage
    >>>Increase, 4478(68:1225), 5568(84:1150), 11150(171:1250)
    >>>United States, comparison, 13024(198:1550)
    >>Underground economy, percentage, Auditor General report, o.q., 14102(211:1430)
    >>World-wide, Canada percentage, decline, Liberal government (Chrétien) policies responsibility, 12276(187:1015)
    >>See also Deficit; Foreign aid; Government expenditures; National debt

Grosse Isle, Que. see Famine--Irish famine

Groten, CT see Nuclear weapons--United States weapons, Trident submarines

Groundfish see Fisheries, Atlantic

Groundhandlers see Pearson International Airport--Drug smuggling

Groundhogs see Wiarton Willie

Groundwater see Water--World Water Day

GST see Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Guadalajara Supplementary Convention see Air transportation--Carrier liability


    >>French trusteeship, separatist movement, Quebec separatists, relationship, S.O. 31, 1041(19:1405)

Guaranteed Income Supplement see Senior citizens

Guaranteed minimum income see Poverty--Combatting

Guarnieri, Albina (Lib.--Mississauga East)

    >>Beer, Bruce, 3319-20(52:1530-5)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail) (Bill C-235), 9060-1(136:1330-5)
    >>Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-251), 877(17:1005-10), 6430-3(97:1255-315) 15467-8(233:1330-40), 15889-90(239:1100-15)
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, o.q., 1363-4(24:1445)
    >>Fisheries, 13487(204:1200-5)
    >>Gun control/guns, 13485-6(204:1150-5)
    >>Human Resources Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, 14633(221:1005)
    >>>Report, 16151(242:1010)
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, M. (Harris), 13484-8(204:1145-210)
    >>Mother Teresa, S.O. 31, 22(3:1415)
    >>Parole, 13486(204:1155)
    >>Pearson International Airport, S.O. 31, 9034(136:1055-100)
    >>Sentences (convicted criminals), 877(17:1005-10), 13485-8(204:1145-210)
    >>Sexual assault/offences, 13485-6(204:1145-55), 13488(204:1210)


    >>Girardi, Monsignor Juan, human rights activist, assassination, S.O. 31, 6207-8(94:1405), 6360(96:1405)
    >>See also Central America--Hurricane Mitch; Organ trafficking

Guay, Monique (BQ--Laurentides)

Guelph, Ont. see Ontario Summer Games (1998); Radio stations--CJOY

Guelph Storm see Hockey--Memorial Cup

Guelph university see University of Guelph

Guelph--Wellington constituency see Budget 1998--Benefits; Economic development/renewal; Ice storm 1998--Assistance; Unemployment--Rate; Volunteer organizations--United Way

Guide for Canadian Small Businesses see Small and medium business

Guimond, Michel (BQ--Beauport--Montmorency--Orléans; Beauport--Montmorency--Côte-de-Beaupré--Île d'Orléans as of June 18, 1998)