The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Habitat see United Nations Centre for Human Settlements; Wildlife
Habitat for Humanity see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Calgary, Alta.
Haché, Joey see Blood--Blood supply system, Hepatitis C
Hafeman, Michael see Canada Pension Plan--Sustainability
Haida see Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Anniversary
Haig case see Sexual orientation--Canadian Human Rights Act
Government abuse, citizens lack of guns, relationship, 1479(26:1555)
>>United Nations peacekeeping mission
>>>Canadian Armed Forces and police role, 4321-2(65:1910-5), 5730(86:1630),
>>>>o.q., 2500(41:1445), 2586(42:1455-500)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2491(41:1400), 2732(44:1410)
>>>New mission, Canadian police role
>>>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police safety, etc., 4321-2(65:1910-5),
>>>>>o.q., 2740(44:1445-50)
>>>>Training, o.q., 2500(41:1400)
Haitian immigrants see Sexual assault/offences--Quebec rape case
Hales, Alfred
Former Member of Parliament, death, tributes, 4903-6(74:1510-30)
Halfway houses
Role, 12965(197:1555-600)
>>See also Penitentiaries--Inmates, Transfer between institutions
Halifax constituency
Described, 48(3:1720-5)
Halifax Initiative six point plan see Global economy--Financial crisis
Halifax International Airport
Facilities, passenger/baggage/safety, lack, 3300-1(51:1830-5)
>>Firefighting capacity, reviewing, 3300(51:1830)
Halifax, N.S. see Airports--Management/administration; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programming; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--International treaty, Implementation; Motor vehicles--Volvo; Ports; Sports--National Sports Centre; World War I--Halifax harbour explosion
Halifax Port Authority see Ports
Halifax Regional Municipality see Water--Drinking water, Hammonds Plains
Halifax Regional Museum see Museums--Regional
Halifax Relief Commission Pension Continuation Act see War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act, Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)
Halifax Rifles see Canadian Armed Forces
Hall, Dr. Judith
Medical scientist, Order of Canada recipient, S.O. 31, 13899(208:1400)
Hall of Honour see Canadian War Museum--Canadian military art collection
Hallet, Donna Lee see Murder
Hallowe'en see Hillowe'en; Taxation--Entertainment
Halloween see UNICEF
Halton constituency see Environment
Halton, Ont. see Employment--Skilled workers, Shortage
Hamas see Israel--Israeli Mossad agents
Hamelin, Jean
Historian, Professor, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 7225-6(109:1410)
Hamilton, Ont. see Arts and culture--Opera Ontario; Francophones outside Quebec--Assimilation; Ice storm 1998--Assistance; International Children's Games; Music--Juno Awards; Plastimet Inc.; Ports--Commercialization, Canada port authorities; Rail passenger service--Toronto/Hamilton, Ont. service
Hamilton (ship) see Lake Ontario
Hamilton Sound (ship) see Ferry sevices--Newfoundland, Bell Island service
Hamilton-Wentworth, Ont., region see Crime--Rate
Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Police Service see Police--Roy
Hammonds Plains see Water--Drinking water
Hancey, Jordan see Youth--Canada World Youth
Hancox, William see Police--Deaths in line of duty
Hand guns see Gun control/guns--Registration system
Handicapped see Disabled and handicapped persons
Hanfield, Stéphane see Immigration and Refugee Board--Board members
Hanger, Art (Ref.--Calgary Northeast)
- >>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 2803(45:1135-40),
4895-6(74:1525-30), 8994(135:1455), 9174-5(138:1430), 9351(141:1130)
>>Bahamas, S.O. 31, 4890(74:1400)
>>Blood, 6979(106:1115)
>>Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12057(183:2045), 12061(183:2110)
>>>o.q., 9910(150:1435)
>>Broadcasting, petition, 8405(126:1205)
>>Budget, 5570(84:1200)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4623(70:1340)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5570-1(84:1200-10)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4181(63:1650-5), 4184-5(63:1710-20), 4207(64:1055), 4331(66:1040-5), 4333-4(66:1100), 4348-9(66:1245-55)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10370-2(158:1310-25)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 5489-93(83:1145-215), 5497(83:1245), 5688-9(86:1140-5), 8948(134:2245), 9597(145:1500-5), 10901(166:1005), 12062-3(183:2120-30)
>>>M. (Axworthy, L.), 12043(183:1855-900), 12056-7(183:2035-45), 12060-3(183:2105-30)
>>>M. (Laurin), 14184(212:1800-5)
>>>M. on supply (Price), 6976-9(106:1100-15)
>>>o.q., 529(11:1440-5), 830-1(16:1435-40), 967-8(18:1445), 2187(37:1450), 3313(52:1450), 7277(110:1440-5), 7405-6(112:1430), 7483(113:1420), 7525(114:1420), 7601-2(115:1430), 7923(119:1415-20), 7926(119:1435), 8053(120:1430), 8102-3(121:1130), 9592-3(145:1430-40), 9641(146:1120), 11114(169:1430), 11566(176:1435), 11969(182:1440), 12005-6(183:1445), 13164(200:1145), 15918(239:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 11999(183:1405), 13816(207:1405)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 9782(148:1445)
>>Capital punishment, 5492-3(83:1205-15)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 973(18:1520-5)
>>>Petitions, 8405(126:1205), 9262(140:1010), 10923-4(166:1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 9343(141:1100), 12790(195:1055)
>>Children, petitions, 10924(166:1210)
>>Communications Security Establishment, o.q., 5598(84:1455)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.-- no parole when imprisoned for life)(Bill C-269), 1416(25:1205)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibited sexual acts)(Bill C-255), 973(18:1520-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--using or operating a stolen motor vehicle in the commission of an offence)(Bill C-219), 10950-1(167:1135-45)
>>Criminal Records Act and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt--offences against children)(Bill C-284), 7088-9(107:1410-5)
>>Croatia, o.q., 1409(25:1130), 2501(41:1450-5)
>>Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (amdt.)(Bill C-234), 533(11:1505-10)
>>Defence equipment, 6977-8(106:1105), 12062(183:2120)
>>>o.q., 1284(23:1440-5), 15141-2(228:1440), 15918(239:1435)
>>Defence research, S.O. 31, 13430(203:1405)
>>Deficit, 192(6:1245), 10372(158:1325)
>>Employment insurance, 5570(84:1205)
>>Euthanasia, petition, 15316(231:1510)
>>Foreign policy, 12062(183:2120)
>>Government programs and services, 5570-1(84:1200-10)
>>Grain transportation, 4181(63:1650-5), 4185(63:1715-20), 4207(64:1055)
>>Health, S.O. 31, 1834(32:1355-400)
>>Hussein, King of Jordan, o.q., 11693-4(178:1420)
>>Income tax, 5689(86:1150)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of interest on mortgage loans)(Bill C-223), 1738-40(31:1145-55)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 5688-9(86:1140-50)
>>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports, 9261(140:1000), 14787(223:1000)
>>>M. to adjourn, 3617-9(55:2200-20)
>>>o.q., 3734(57:1440-5), 3797-8(58:1415-20), 6032-3(91:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 4627(70:1400)
>>Labour, 4331(66:1040-5)
>>Labour relations, 4184(63:1710-5), 4333-4(66:1100)
>>Limoges, references, o.q., 14151(212:1415)
>>Marriage, petition, 15316(231:1510)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 5570(84:1200)
>>Mortgages, 1738-40(31:1145-55)
>>National debt, 4623(70:1340), 5689(86:1145-50), 6976(106:1100)
>>National Defence Act, 6976(106:1100), 6979(106:1115)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 5489-93(83:1145-215), 5497(83:1245), 5501(83:1310-5), 10901(166:1005)
>>Parole, 1416(25:1205)
>>Penitentiaries, 533(11:1505-10)
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (MacKay), 4598(70:1050)
>>>Debate, 14039(210:1630)
>>>Documents, 9597(145:1500-5)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 9593(145:1440)
>>>Speeches, 13217(201:1350)
>>References see Communications Security Establishment--Briefing
>>Search and rescue helicopters, o.q., 2651-2(43:1445), 2738(44:1440), 3026(48:1420), 3111(49:1425-30), 3182(50:1420), 3263-5(51:1430-5), 8759(132:1415), 10560(161:1140), 11969(182:1440)
>>>o.q., 9097(137:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 4359(66:1405)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), petition, 10924(166:1210)
>>Small and medium business, 10370-2(158:1315-25)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 10370(158:1310)
>>Somalia, 5490(83:1150), 6978(106:1110), 10901(166:1005)
>>>o.q., 831(16:1440)
>>Taxation, 5688(86:1140)
>>Theft, o.q., 10784(164:1440-5)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 192(6:1245)
>>Veterans, o.q., 2803(45:1135-40), 9783(148:1445)
>>Young offenders, o.q., 12798(195:1135)
>>Youth, 5570(84:1200-5)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 13217(201:1350)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, 12043(183:1855-900), 12057(183:2045), 12060-3(183:2105-30), 15141-2(228:1440)
>>>M. (Axworthy, L.), 8946-9(134:2230-50)
>>>M. (Boudria), 13595(205:1730-5), 13599-602(205:1755-815)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 14039(210:1625-30), 14042-4(210:1650-705)
>>>o.q., 12126-7(184:1430-5), 12180(185:1130), 13565(205:1415-20), 13571(205:1450), 13760(206:1415-20), 13957(209:1115), 14098-9(211:1415), 14151-2(212:1415-20), 14220-1(213:1415), 14823(223:1415), 15260(230:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 14927(225:1400-5)
>>Yugoslavia (former), o.q., 9831-2(149:1440)
Hanging see Quebec--History
Hanoi, Viet Nam see Francophonie Summit
Hanrahan, Hugh
Former Member of Parliament, death, tributes, 16008-10(240:1515-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 15252(230:1405)
- >>Appendices
>>>Settlement Agreement Regarding the Case of Brian Mulroney v. The Attorney General for Canada et al, 1883-95(32)
>>>Issue 18, October 22, 1997
>>>Issue 20, October 24, 1997
>>>Issue 67, February 25, 1998
>>>Issue 68, February 26, 1998
>>>Issue 155, November 19, 1998
>>>Issue 241, June 9, 1999
Hants County, N.S. see Schools--Lantz Elementary School
Harassment see Victims of crime
Harb, Mac (Lib.--Ottawa Centre)
- >>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, M. on supply (Blaikie),
9183-4(138:1530), 9193-5(138:1640-55)
>>Bank Act (amdt.--definition of "infant")(Bill C-327), 3863(59:1205-10)
>>Bills of Exchange Act (amdt.--definitions of "infant" and "minor")(Bill C-328), 3863(59:1210)
>>Blood, S.O. 31, 6207(94:1405)
>>Books, S.O. 31, 14265(214:1055)
>>British Columbia, S.O. 31, 5461(82:1110)
>>Broadcasting, petition, 6480(98:1505)
>>Budget 1998
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4481(68:1240-5)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M., (Boudria), 3090(49:1220-5)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12019(183:1615-20)
>>Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.--definitions of "infant" and "minor")(Bill C-329), 3863(59:1210)
>>Canada Cooperative Associations Act (amdt.--definition of "infant")(Bill C-335), 3864(59:1210)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 8639-42(130:1320-45)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-332), 3864(59:1210)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), M. on supply (Brien), 8789-91(132:1710-25)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 6679-80(101:1545-600)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 515(11:1330)
>>Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-331), 3864(59:1210)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 515(11:1330)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--definitions of "child" and "infant")(Bill C-333), 3864(59:1210)
>>Canada Student Loans Act (amdt.--definition of "full age")(Bill C-334), 3864(59:1210)
>>Canada Transportation Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")(Bill C-341), 3865(59:1215)
>>Canada-United Kingdom Civil and Commercial Judgements Convention Act (amdt.--definition of "infant" in matters originating in Canada)(Bill C-336), 3864(59:1210)
>>Canadian Armed Forces
>>>M. (Laurin), 15478-9(234:1125-35)
>>>M. (Mills, B.), 9624-5(145:1820-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 6360(96:1405)
>>Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to education)(Bill C-319), 3862(59:1200)
>>Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to housing)((Bill C-326), 3863(59:1205)
>>Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to literacy)(Bill C-320), 3862(59:1200)
>>Canadian Child Rights Act (Bill C-344), 3865(59:1215)
>>Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (Bill C-345), 3865(59:1215)
>>Canadian National Institute for the Blind, S.O. 31, 5508(83:1400)
>>Carriage By Air Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 15221(229:1235)
>>Charitable and non-profit organizations, M. (Strahl), 9981-2(152:1105-15)
>>Child poverty, 8789(132:1710-5)
>>Children, 3863-5(59:1205-15)
>>>S.O. 31, 2434(40:1105), 10252(156:1055), 10551(161:1100)
>>Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 6355-6(96:1335-40)
>>Competition, 8309-10(124:1545-50)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 8309-10(124:1545-50), 11494(175:1020-5), 11497(175:1045)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-337), 3684(59:1215)
>>Crime prevention, 7872(118:2145)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-342), 3865(59:1215)
>>Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), 9879(150:1125)
>>Developing countries, S.O. 31, 7644(116:1100)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 3863(59:1205)
>>>Petitions, 8207(123:1100-5), 8769(132:1505), 8888(134:1520), 9051(136:1230), 9356(141:1205), 9403(142:1505), 9868(150:1010), 10564(161:1205), 10685(163:1005), 10923(166:1210), 10984(167:1515), 11246(172:1010), 11742(179:1010), 11892(181:1510), 12505-6(190:1220), 12683(193:1525), 13048(199:1010), 13966(209:1200), 14027(210:1510), 14062(211:1010), 14280(214:1205-10), 14334(215:1630), 14885-6(224:1205), 15216(229:1205)
>>>S.O. 31, 8393(126:1100)
>>Divorce Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-330), 3863(59:1210)
>>Divorce Act (amdt.--right of spouses' parents to access to or custody of child)(Bill C-340), 3865(59:1215)
>>Economic development/renewal, 6231(94:1630), 6355-6(96:1335-40)
>>Economy, 13066(199:1215-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 4155(63:1405-10)
>>Education, 3862-3(59:1200-5)
>>Education Standards Act (Bill C-325), 3863(59:1205)
>>Employment insurance, M. on supply (Crête), 7430(112:1705-10)
>>Equalization payments, 12019(183:1620)
>>Estimates, 7872(118:2140)
>>Excise Tax Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")(Bill C-338), 3864(59:1215)
>>Excise Tax Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-339), 3864(59:1215)
>>Extradition Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-348), 3866(59:1215)
>>Family, S.O. 31, 456(10:1100), 7055(107:1105), 9093(137:1410)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (Bill C-343), 3865(59:1215)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 3699(56:1535)
>>Festivals, S.O. 31, 15203(229:1100)
>>Food banks, 3863(59:1205)
>>Foreign aid, o.q., 5288(79:1450)
>>Gambling, 9879(150:1125)
>>Goods and Services Tax, M. (Lill), 2466-7(40:1410-20)
>>Government Employees Compensation Act (amdt.--definition of "infant")(Bill C-349), 3866(59:1215)
>>Gray, S.O. 31, 9508(144:1400)
>>Gun control/guns, 7872(118:2140-5)
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 8212-3(123:1035), 8221(123:1130-5), 8232-3(123:1250)
>>Hazardous Products Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-350), 3866(59:1215)
>>>M. (Harb), 15754-5(236:1730-5), 15761-2(236:1820)
>>>o.q., 15865(238:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 1403-4(25:1100-5), 8644-5(130:1400), 12791(195:1100)
>>Highways and roads
>>>o.q., 14444(217:1440)
>>>Petition, 159(5:1235)
>>Housing, 3863(59:1205)
>>Ice storm 1998
>>>M. to adjourn, 3380-1(52:2255-305)
>>>S.O. 31, 3257(51:1400)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--donors to food banks)(Bill C-322), 3863(59:1205)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--tax credit for mental or physical impairment)(Bill C-323), 3863(59:1205)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 13061(199:1145), 13066(199:1215-20)
>>Income tax returns, o.q., 5765(87:1155)
>>Indian Act (amdt.--definition of "infant child")(Bill C-351), 3866(59:1215)
>>Infrastructure program, o.q., 15677(235:1455)
>>Insurance Companies Act (amdt.--definition of "infant")(Bill C-353), 3866(59:1215)
>>International conflicts, M. (Martin, K.), 15425-6(232:1810-5)
>>International Order of the King's Daughters and Sons, S.O. 31, 16245(243:1105)
>>Interpretation Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-347), 3865(59:1215)
>>Kuwait, S.O. 31, 15499(234:1405)
>>Land Titles Act (amdt.--definition of "infant")(Bill C-354), 3866(59:1215)
>>Literacy, 3862-3(59:1200-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 8455-6(127:1355)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, 6234-6(94:1655-705)
>>>M. on supply (Penson), 4296-7(65:1630), 4303(65:1715), 4306(65:1730)
>>>S.O. 31, 3852(59:1110-5)
>>National Child Day, S.O. 31, 1974(34:1405-10)
>>National Literacy Standards Act (Bill C-324), 3863(59:1205)
>>National Revenue Department, 8639(130:1320), 8642(130:1340-5)
>>Nuclear weapons, petition, 8346(125:1505)
>>Pay equity, S.O. 31, 774-5(15:1100)
>>Peace, petitions, 8406(126:1205), 8473(127:1540)
>>Pension Fund Societies Act (amdt.--definition of "minor child")(Bill C-355), 3866(59:1215)
>>Poverty, M. on supply (Duceppe), 6231(94:1630), 6234-6(94:1655-710)
>>Privacy Act (amdt.--definition of "minor")(Bill C-356), 3866(59:1215)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 6241(94:1825)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 7994(119:2115)
>>>Members' remarks, 15221(229:1230)
>>>Petition, tabling/presenting, 9449(143:1255)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 15761-2(236:1820)
>>>Speeches, 15754(236:1730)
>>Protection of Privacy (Social Insurance Numbers) Act (Bill C-456), 10434(159:1510)
>>Public Accounts, o.q., 15448(233:1145)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 15131-2(228:1345-55)
>>Public Service, o.q., 10861(165:1450)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3698-9(56:1535)
>>>S.O. 31, 2379(39:1410)
>>Reserve Forces Act (Bill C-232), 5179-80(78:1145-50)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-352), 3866(59:1215)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission, 9193-4(138:1640-5)
>>Saudi Arabia, S.O. 31, 16087(241:1400)
>>Social insurance numbers, 10434(159:1510)
>>Social union, 8790-1(132:1720-5)
>>Space, S.O. 31, 9343(141:1100)
>>Statistics Canada, 8640-1(130:1330-5)
>>Student loans, M. on supply (Charest), 4087(62:1635)
>>Taxation, 4088(62:1640), 4481(68:1240-5)
>>Teachers, S.O. 31, 456(10:1100)
>>Territorial Lands Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")(Bill C-346), 3865(59:1215)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 388(9:1220)
>>Trade, 6231(94:1630)
>>>o.q., 14596(220:1445)
>>Training programs, 8790(132:1715)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 12019(183:1620)
>>UNICEF, S.O. 31, 9638(146:1105)
>>United Nations, S.O. 31, 12490(190:1100-5)
>>Violence/violent offences, S.O. 31, 2798(45:1110)
>>Wages Liability Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")(Bill C-357), 3866(59:1215)
>>Young offenders, 7872(118:2140)
>>>o.q., 6720(102:1145-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 14712(222:1410)
Harbours, wharves and breakwaters
Beacons and buoys, West Coast, solar panels, vandalism, replacement costs,
qu., 8172(122:1525)
>>Cedarville wharf, Lake Memphremagog, Canada-United States border crossing,
municipal ownership, Canada Customs using facilities and services, not
contributing to maintenance, o.q., 7059-60(107:1125-30)
>>Federal government withdrawal, privatization, 225(6:1600)
>>Small craft harbours, small wharf facilities, maintaining, responsibility
>>>Funding, lack, 14939(225:1505)
>>>o.q., 7361(111:1455)
>>Squamish, B.C., dredging, funding, 4652(70:1640)
>>St. John's, Nfld., sewage dumping, cleanup, federal-provincial-municipal
funding, etc.
>>>o.q., 10919(166:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 9587(145:1410), 13156(200:1105)
>>Tancook Island Ferry Wharf, Chester, N.S., parking lot, Island residents'
guaranteed parking spaces, o..q, 15921-3(239:1450-55)
>>See also Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages
Hard of hearing persons see Deaf persons
Hardy, Louise (NDP--Yukon)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 532(11:1500), 1215(22:1240),
10028-9(152:1620), 10711(163:1255), 12904(196:1925)
>>>o.q., 12235(186:1455-500)
>>>S.O. 31, 12792(195:1105), 14269(214:1115)
>>Aboriginal self-government, 10029(152:1620)
>>Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208), 2831-2(45:1435-40)
>>Air traffic control, S.O. 31, 10610(162:1410)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 1881(32:1430-5), 2812(45:1225)
>>>M. on supply (Blaikie), 9187(138:1555-600)
>>>o.q., 1414(25:1150), 11569(176:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 6360(96:1405)
>>Blood, M. on supply (Proctor), 6565(99:1620)
>>Budget 1998, M. to adjourn, 4684-5(70:2050-100)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 10807(164:1650-5)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 4685(70:2055)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 2489(41:1350)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 2489(41:1345-55)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, 5223-4(78:1620-30)
>>Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-8), 1199-202(22:1100-10), 4718-20(71:1610-25)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 5153(77:1640-5)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15528-9(234:1645-50), 15685-7(235:1540-50)
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11), 11681-2(177:1855-905)
>>Child pornography, M. on supply (White, R.), 11259(172:1140)
>>Children, M. (Martin, K.), 4191-2(63:1800-10)
>>Deficit, 4684-5(70:2050-5)
>>Divorce Act (amdt.--marriage counselling required before divorce granted)(Bill C-218), 2843-4(46:1140-5)
>>Economy, 4684(70:2050)
>>Electricity, 10028-9(152:1620-5)
>>Environment, 1215(22:1240)
>>>S.O. 31, 7645(116:1105-10)
>>Environmental protection/management, 15518-9(234:1645-50), 15685-6(235:1540-5)
>>>o.q., 15507(234:1440)
>>Equal Treatment for Persons Cohabiting in a Relationship Similar to a Conjugal Relationship Act (Bill C-309), 11319(172:1840-5)
>>Euthanasia, M. (Robinson), 3156-7(50:1125-30)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11585(176:1630)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 11218-9(171:2020-5)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
>>>M. (Stoffer), 9442(143:1050)
>>Fishers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-302), 11139(171:1120-5)
>>Food, o.q., 9519(144:1500)
>>Forestry, 6629(100:1755)
>>>o.q., 6034(91:1455)
>>Government documents, 2831-2(45:1435-40)
>>Guatemala, S.O. 31, 6360(96:1405)
>>Hardy, references, 1383(24:1705)
>>Hazardous waste, 10897(165:1855), 15686(235:1545)
>>>o.q., 9355(141:1155)
>>Health, 15528(234:1645)
>>>M. (Harb), 15758(236:1755)
>>Health care system, 5232(78:1725-30)
>>Homeless, 12778-9(194:1710-5)
>>Housing, 12779-80(194:1715-25), 12904(196:1925)
>>>M. (Bernier, G.), 6251-2(94:1935-40)
>>>o.q., 4217(64:1145-50)
>>Impaired driving, M. on supply (Harris), 1382-3(24:1700-5)
>>Income tax, 4685(70:2055), 10807(164:1650)
>>>o.q., 2807(45:1155)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3198(50:1545), 5223-4(78:1620-30), 5232(78:1725-30)
>>Income tax returns, 10807(164:1650)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 10029(152:1620-5)
>>Indians/First Nations, 11218-9(171:2020-5)
>>Iran, petition, 9232(139:1520)
>>Iraq, M. to adjourn, 3645-6(55:2530-5)
>>Job creation, 4685(70:2055)
>>Judges, 1382(24:1700)
>>Justice system, 1382(24:1700)
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 7251(109:1700-5), 7254(109:1725)
>>Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6), 1214-6(22:1235-40), 4851-3(73:1235-45)
>>Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-56), 10028-9(152:1620-5)
>>Members of Parliament, 2812(45:1225)
>>Mi'kmaq First Nations, o.q., 1101(20:1150)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4684(70:2050)
>>Mining industry, o.q., 5135(77:1445), 7654(116:1200)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, 6323(95:1825-30)
>>>o.q., 4988(75:1455)
>>>Petition, 5341(80:1525)
>>Murder, M., 12992-4(197:1820-40)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 5153(77:1640-5)
>>National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 12778-80(194:1710-25)
>>National Revenue Department, 10807(164:1650-5)
>>Nisga'a land claim, o.q., 10919(166:1145)
>>Northern Canada, 4853(73:1245)
>>Nunavut Act (amdt.--Nunavut Court of Justice)(Bill C-57), 9531-4(144:1620-40)
>>Oil and gas industry, 1199-202(22:1100-10), 4718-20(71:1610-20)
>>>M. (Caccia), 10940-2(166:1400-10)
>>>o.q., 15507(234:1440)
>>Poverty, 4684(70:2050)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 5224(78:1625)
>>>Members' remarks, 532(11:1500), 5224(78:1625-30)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 14239(213:1620), 14242-5(213:1640-700)
>>References, father killed while operating boat while impaired, 1383(24:1705)
>>Refugees, petition, 7285-6(110:1530)
>>Regions, M. on supply (White, T.), 13745-6(206:1250), 13781(206:1625)
>>Riel, Louis, S.O. 31, 10007(152:1405-10)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 7251(109:1705)
>>Shipping industry, 5223(78:1620-5)
>>Social union, M. on supply (Manning), 10711(163:1255)
>>Standard of living, 4685(70:2055)
>>Stoney Point First Nation, S.O. 31, 14269(214:1115)
>>Student loans, 4685(70:2055)
>>>M. (Davies), 6586-7(99:1900-5)
>>Students, 4684(70:2050)
>>Toxic substances, 15528-9(234:1645-50), 15685-7(235:1540-50)
>>Trade, S.O. 31, 6360-1(96:1405)
>>Training programs, S.O. 31, 16185(242:1405)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 3198(50:1545)
>>Veterans, M. (Riis), 5162-3(77:1740-5)
>>Violence/violent offences, 7254(109:1725)
>>>o.q., 16257(243:1200)
>>>Petitions, 1910(33:1510), 6294(95:1510), 9521(144:1515)
>>>S.O. 31, 10853(165:1405)
>>>Statement by Minister (Fry), 2812(45:1225-30)
>>Water, M. on supply (Blaikie), 11664(177:1630-5)
>>Weather forecasting
>>>Petition, 1910(33:1505)
>>>S.O. 31, 523(11:1410)
>>Wildlife, 15686(235:1550)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, M. (Boudria), 13604(205:1830), 13612(205:1930), 13621(205:2025)
>>Yukon Territory, 1200-1(22:1100-10), 4718-20(71:1615-20)
Harkness, Hon. Douglas
Former Member of Parliament, death, tribute, 15679-81(235:1505-15)
Harmonization and Environmental Protection see Environmental protection/management--Federal-provincial harmonization accord
Harmonized sales taxes (HST) see Goods and Services Tax; Insurance companies--Segregated funds; Taxation--Reform
Harness horse racing see Horse racing
Harrigan report see Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS)--Post-strategy review
Harris Canada Inc. see Information highway/Internet
Harris, George see Private family trusts
Harris, Hon. Mike see Chretién, Jean--References; Ontario
Harris, Richard M. (Ref.--Prince George--Bulkley Valley)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 7732(117:1745)
>>>o.q., 7813(118:1450)
>>Abortion, 12926(197:1155-200)
>>>Petitions, 3404(53:1020), 14028(210:1510)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 9096(137:1430), 10260-1(156:1135)
>>Bank Act (amdt.)(Bill C-67), 13450-3(203:1550-620), 15336-7(231:1710-20)
>>Bank mergers, o.q., 3265(51:1440)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 14163(212:1525-30)
>>>o.q., 14933(225:1435)
>>Blood, M. on supply (G. Hill), 6043-5(91:1605-20)
>>Break and enter, 12927(197:1205-10)
>>Budget, 91-2(4:1345-50), 115-7(4:1620-35), 11187(171:1630)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4530-3(69:1200-20), 4582(69:1750-5)
>>Budget 1999, 10936(166:1330-5)
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12112(184:1310), 12135-8(184:1525-45), 12157(184:1800), 12330-1(187:1555)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11187-8(171:1625-35)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13551(205:1245), 13554(205:1310), 13559-60(205:1345-55)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, o.q., 13300(202:1445)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 3252(51:1330)
>>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-9), 2674(43:1705)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 511-2(11:1305), 540-1(11:1555), 543(11:1615), 553(11:1725), 2482-3(41:1300-5), 2724(44:1320), 3252(51:1325), 4531(69:1210), 12136(184:1530)
>>>o.q., 728(14:1435), 2091(36:1430-5), 10913(166:1115), 11565(176:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 651(13:1410)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 511-2(11:1305), 540-1(11:1555), 543(11:1615), 552(11:1725), 2482-3(41:1255-305), 2722(44:1305), 2724(44:1320)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 2183(37:1425-30)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 8453(127:1340), 8482(127:1635), 8490-2(127:1735-45)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 13560(205:1355)
>>Canadian flag, 4576(69:1725)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 3402(53:1010)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 1955-6(34:1200-10), 3785-6(58:1300-10)
>>Capital gains tax, 8491(127:1740)
>>Child care, 4531(69:1205), 4582(69:1750-5), 12429-31(189:1305-20), 13554(205:1310)
>>Child pornography, petition, 14028(210:1510)
>>Child poverty, 12137-8(184:1545)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 12927(197:1155-200)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 4531(69:1205)
>>Children, petition, 3403-4(53:1020)
>>Codes of Ethics, 14163-5(212:1530-45)
>>>M. for Production of Papers, 11848-51(180:1240-300), 13808-12(206:1855-915)
>>>o.q., 14106(211:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 13756(206:1400)
>>Constitutional reform, 2164-5(37:1230-40)
>>Corporations, 11187(171:1630)
>>Crime, 7200(109:1125-30), 7246(109:1625)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentences)(Bill C-448), 9403(148:1505)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--desecration of the flag)(Bill C-365), 4576(69:1725)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--using or operating a stolen motor vehicle in the commission of an offence)(Bill C-219), 13042-3(198:1755-800)
>>Debate, 12530(191:1330)
>>Deficit, 115-7(4:1620-35), 3455-6(53:1600-5)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 1453-4(26:1315-20)
>>Economic development/renewal, 3456-7(53:1605-10)
>>Economy, 4532(69:1215)
>>Employment insurance, 115(4:1620-5), 8453(127:1340), 8491-2(127:1740-5), 11187-8(171:1630-5), 12136(184:1530), 14944-5(225:1535)
>>>M. on supply (J. Dubé), 9411-3(142:1555-610)
>>>o.q., 7276(110:1435), 7410(112:1450), 8340(125:1435-40), 8400(126:1135), 8460(127:1420), 9177(138:1445), 9589-90(145:1420), 10855(165:1415-20), 10913(166:1115)
>>Estimates, 7840(118:1800), 7848(118:1900)
>>Ethics counsellor, 14165(212:1545)
>>Exports, o.q., 12860(196:1430)
>>Family, 4531(69:1205-10), 12136-7(184:1535-40), 12331(187:1555), 13551(205:1245), 14946(225:1545), 14947(225:1555)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 12429-31(189:1305-20), 12434(189:1340)
>>>o.q., 12317(187:1435)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 2164(37:1235)
>>Finance Standing Committee, 2456(40:1305-10), 2507(41:1530)
>>>M., 14162-6(212:1525-55)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 12485(190:1030)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, M. (Goldring), 7454(113:1030)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 12530(191:1330), 12531-3(191:1340-50)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 15336(231:1715)
>>Government, 14164(212:1535)
>>Government expenditures, 116(4:1625-30), 3252(51:1325), 13560(205:1350-5)
>>>M. on Supply (Manning), 3450(53:1525), 3455-7(53:1600-10)
>>Government grants, o.q., 13300(202:1445)
>>Government programs and services, 12136(184:1530)
>>Gun control/guns, 7509(113:1720)
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 8236(123:1315-20)
>>Harris, references, 2165(37:1240), 14164(212:1540)
>>Health care system, 11188(171:1635), 12135(184:1525), 13559(205:1345-50)
>>High technology industries, o.q., 14020(210:1430), 15020(226:1435)
>>HIV/AIDS, o.q., 7354(111:1425-30)
>>Impaired driving, 7547(114:1640), 12926-8(197:1200-10)
>>>M. on supply, 1324-8(24:1010-40), 1331-2(24:1105), 1373(24:1550-5)
>>>o.q., 15396(232:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 1040(19:1400), 9693(147:1400), 10850-1(165:1355), 12947-8(197:1410), 15498(234:1400)
>>Income, 11187(171:1625-30), 12136(184:1530), 12331(187:1555), 13551(205:1245), 13559-60(205:1350-5)
>>>o.q., 11565(176:1435), 15020(226:1435)
>>Income tax, 3251-2(51:1320-5), 4531(69:1205), 11187(171:1630), 13551(205:1245)
>>>o.q., 2497(41:1430), 3447(53:1500), 15020(226:1435)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3251-2(51:1320-30)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 14904(225:1125), 14944-8(225:1530-600)
>>Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department, o.q., 3735(57:1450)
>>Job creation, 8492(127:1745)
>>>o.q., 10913(166:1115)
>>Judges, 1373(24:1550-5), 7247(109:1635), 7731-3(117:1735-50)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 7547-8(114:1635-45)
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, M., 13482-4(204:1120-40)
>>Justice system, 1373(24:1550-5), 1453-4(26:1315-20), 7547-8(114:1640-5), 7840(118:1800)
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 7194(109:1045), 7200(109:1125-30), 7218(109:1325), 7242-3(109:1550-5), 7245-8(109:1620-40)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 12926-8(197:1155-210)
>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 13493-4(204:1135-40)
>>Legislation, M. on supply (Lowther), 7729(117:1720), 7731-3(117:1735-50)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 4531-2(69:1205-15)
>>Marchand, references, 2165(37:1240)
>>Marriage, petitions, 9705(147:1500), 12549(191:1505), 14028(210:1510)
>>McCuish, Robert Lorne, 7490(113:1510)
>>Members of Parliament, 85-6(4:1305)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4531-2(69:1210-5), 13560(205:1355)
>>Murder, 13485(204:1150)
>>Murderers, 7247(109:1630)
>>National debt, 115(4:1620), 3252(51:1325), 13559(205:1350), 14947-8(225:1555-600)
>>National unity, M. on supply (Jaffer), 2163-5(37:1225-40)
>>Netherlands Mills, S.O. 31, 10610(162:1410)
>>Nisga'a land claim, M. on supply (Scott, M.), 15786(237:1220)
>>Northland Bank failure, qu., 4589(69:1730)
>>Nuclear reactors, o.q., 7702-3(117:1440)
>>Nudity, petition, 7187-8(109:1010)
>>Nunavut Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-39), 5853(88:1755), 5855(88:1810), 7509(113:1720)
>>Ontario, 3251(51:1320)
>>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 7458(113:1135)
>>Parole, 13485-6(204:1150-5)
>>Penitentiaries, 7548(114:1645)
>>Police, 7732(117:1745)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2565(42:1245)
>>Poverty, M. on supply (Duceppe), 6184(94:1140)
>>Private Members' Business, 13483(204:1135)
>>>Contempt of Parliament, 2456(40:1305-10)
>>>Harris (contempt of Parliament), 3402(53:1010)
>>>Jones (contempt of Parliament), 2507(41:1530)
>>>Jones (rights of Members breached), 2507(41:1530)
>>>Committee reports, 10936-7(166:1350-5)
>>>Decorum, 2674(43:1705)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 2722(44:1305), 7194(109:1045), 7785(118:1135), 9589(145:1420), 12434(189:1340), 14163(212:1535), 15786(237:1220)
>>>Members' remarks, 517(11:1340), 6536(99:1320), 7729(117:1720), 7784(118:1125), 7786(118:1135), 12157(184:1810), 12492(190:1200)
>>>Motions, 7246(109:1630)
>>>Petitions, 3405(53:1030), 7509(113:1720)
>>>Points of order, 14948(225:1600)
>>>Question and comment period, 89(4:1335), 7218(109:1325), 7848(118:1900)
>>>Sittings of the House, M. (Boudria), 7789-92(118:1155-220)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 14341(215:1710-5), 14348-9(215:1800-5)
>>Public Service, 115(4:1625)
>>>o.q., 14272-3(214:1130)
>>>Code of ethics, maintaining, 14164(212:1540)
>>>Inability to speak French, 2165(37:1240)
>>Refugees, 7732(117:1745)
>>Research and development, 13560(205:1355)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 7547(114:1640)
>>Same sex couples, 7731-2(117:1735-40)
>>Scouts Canada, S.O. 31, 2025(35:1055-100)
>>Senate, 5855(88:1810), 7732(117:1740-5)
>>>o.q., 12496(190:1130)
>>Senior citizens, 116-7(4:1630), 4531-2(69:1210-5)
>>Seniors Benefit, 4531-2(69:1210)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 7246-8(109:1630-40), 7547(114:1635), 9403(142:1505), 13482-4(204:1125-40)
>>Sexual assault/offences, 7247(109:1630)
>>Small and medium business, 8453(127:1340), 8482(127:1635), 8490-1(127:1735-40)
>>Social programs, 4530-1(69:1200-10), 4533(69:1220)
>>>o.q., 11565(176:1430)
>>Special Olympics, S.O. 31, 7271(110:1405)
>>Student loans, 4531(69:1210)
>>Taxation, 4530(69:1200), 8453(127:1340), 11187(171:1625-30), 12136(184:1530), 13551(205:1245), 13559-60(205:1345-55), 14944-7(225:1530-50), 14948(225:1600)
>>>o.q., 6084(92:1150), 10855(165:1415-20), 11565(176:1430-5), 11834(180:1120), 11885(181:1435), 11965(182:1420), 12860(196:1430), 15020(226:1430-5)
>>Telecommunications Act and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 2019-20(35:1015-20), 2022-3(35:1035-45)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 80(4:1235), 85-6(4:1305), 89(4:1335), 91(4:1345), 115-7(4:1620-35)
>>Trade, 6184(94:1140)
>>Unemployment, 4532(69:1215)
>>Veterans, 7454(113:1030)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 9391(142:1405)
>>Wages and salaries, 11187(171:1630)
>>Young Offenders Act, 7246(109:1625)
>>Youth, 4530-1(69:1205)
Harris, Hon. Walter
Former Member of Parliament, death, tributes, 12132-4(184:1505-15)
Harriston Kinsmen Club see Volunteer organizations
Hart, Jim (Ref.--Okanagan--Coquihalla)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, qu., 8175(122:1525)
>>Aboriginal self-government, 11239(171:2245-50)
>>Agricultural Marketing Programs Act, r.o., 3196(50:1530)
>>Agriculture, qu., 16102-3(241:1530)
>>Air Canada, o.q., 1765(31:1430)
>>>o.q., 13962(209:1140), 14884(224:1155)
>>>Petition, 14601(220:1515), 14723(222:1510)
>>>S.O. 31, 14709(222:1400), 15202(229:1055-100)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, S.O. 31, 2377(39:1400-5)
>>Bahamas, 5154(77:1645), 5156(77:1700)
>>Blood, 5761(87:1135-40), 6367-8(96:1445)
>>>M. on supply (G. Hill), 6006-8(91:1200-15)
>>>o.q., 6143(93:1430), 6714-5(102:1120), 7060(107:1130)
>>>Petition, 6510(99:1010), 7187(109:1005-10), 8887(134:1520)
>>>qu., 8169(122:1525)
>>Bosnia and Herzegovina, 5154(77:1645)
>>Budget 1998, pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 3086-9(49:1155-210)
>>Budget 1999
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12343-5(187:1715-30)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11343-5(172:2120-35), 11347-9(172:2150-205)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5606-7(84:1550-600)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 6707-8(102:1040-5)
>>Canada Pension Plan, S.O. 31, 7225(109:1405)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 2029(35:1115-20)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, o.q., 4160(63:1430)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 533(11:1505), 5153-7(77:1640-710), 11343-5(172:2120-35), 11347-9(172:2150-205)
>>>o.q., 1659(29:1445), 7118-9(108:1435-40), 7646-7(116:1115), 14270(214:1115), 14482(218:1420)
>>>qu., 5213(78:1510), 8175(122:1525)
>>>S.O. 31, 11689(178:1400)
>>Canadian International Development Agency, o.q., 459-60(10:1115-20)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, S.O. 31, 1459(26:1400)
>>Commissions of Inquiry, 5915-7(89:1535-45)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest of those in breach of condition of parole or statutory or temporary release)(Bill C-211), 5486-7(83:1125-35)
>>Defence equipment, 11343(172:2120), 11345(172:2135), 11348(172:2155)
>>>o.q., 11289(172:1445), 12130(184:1455-500), 14270(214:1115)
>>Defence policy, 11347(172:2150-5)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 8518(128:1315)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, petition, 2105(36:1555)
>>Emergencies/disasters, 5154(77:1645), 5156(77:1700)
>>>S.O. 31, 5509(83:1405)
>>Euthanasia, o.q., 1713(30:1150)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 10495-6(160:1320-30), 11238-9(171:2245-50)
>>Fruit and vegetables, 5607(84:1555-600)
>>>o.q., 12865(196:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 12359(188:1405)
>>Goods and Services Tax, S.O. 31, 1405(25:1110)
>>Government programs and services, 5606(84:1555)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 2984(47:1445)
>>Gun control/guns, M. on supply (Pankiw), 8266(123:1630)
>>Hart, references, 5154(77:1645)
>>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Economic development
>>House of Commons, M. (Boudria), 5915-7(89:1535-45)
>>Housing, 6631(101:1005), 11239(171:2245)
>>>S.O. 31, 3487(54:1055-100)
>>Ice storm 1998, 5154(77:1645), 5156(77:1700)
>>Income tax, 11345(172:2135), 11348-9(172:2200-5)
>>>o.q., 2798(45:1115)
>>Indian Act (amdt.--obligations of landlords and tenants on reserve land)(Bill C-402), 6631(101:1005), 10571-3(161:1250-305), 10579-80(161:1345)
>>Indians/First Nations, 10496(160:1325), 11239(171:2245-50)
>>Iraq, 5154(77:1645), 11464(174:1515)
>>>o.q., 6081(92:1135-40), 11461(174:1450-5)
>>Justice system, 8516(128:1255), 8518(128:1315)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), S.O. 31, 12225(186:1410)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 5607(84:1600)
>>McCain, Fred, 1052-3(19:1510-5)
>>Members of Parliament, 8069-70(120:1615-20)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 5606-7(84:1550-600)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, S.O. 31, 5816(88:1400)
>>>M. for Production of Papers, 7537(114:1525)
>>>o.q., 292-3(7:1450-500), 2874-5(46:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 205(6:1405)
>>National debt, 5606(84:1550-5)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 5153-7(77:1640-710)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 5155(77:1655), 5157(77:1705)
>>Nicola Indian Band, qu., 8170(122:1525)
>>Nisga'a land claim, petition, 16153(242:1020-5)
>>North American Aerospace Defence Command, o.q., 7646-7(116:1115)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 8069-70(120:1620)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 5175(78:1115), 5181(78:1200)
>>>Committees, 12450(189:1505-10), 12452(189:1515)
>>>Documents, 14402(216:1500)
>>References, Canadian Armed Forces service, 5154(77:1645)
>>Reserve Forces Act (Bill C-232), 533(11:1505), 5173-5(78:1100-15), 5180(78:1155-200)
>>Search and rescue helicopters, o.q., 1098(20:1135), 10560-1(161:1140-5), 12445-6(189:1440)
>>Senate, o.q., 4983(75:1435), 5131-2(77:1430)
>>Softwood lumber industry, 5607(84:1600)
>>Somalia, 3153-6(77:1640-705), 5915-6(89:1535-45)
>>>o.q., 7118-9(108:1435-40)
>>Taxation, 5606-7(84:1555), 11347(172:2150)
>>>S.O. 31, 1405(25:1110)
>>Telecommunications, S.O. 31, 5753(87:1100)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 5607(84:1555)
>>Veterans, S.O. 31, 2377(39:1405)
>>Westbank First Nation, 10495-6(160:1320-30)
>>World War I, S.O. 31, 13902(208:1410)
>>Young Offenders Act, petition, 6632(101:1010)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, 5154(77:1645), 14402(216:1500)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 14380-1(216:1250-300)
>>>o.q., 12131(184:1455-500), 14269-70(214:1115), 14396(216:1430), 14481(218:1420)
Hart, Owen
Professional wrestler, accident, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 15252(230:1400)
Harvard, John (Lib.--Charleswood--Assiniboine; Charleswood St. James--Assiniboia as of June 18, 1998; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food until July 9, 1998)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 12107(184:1235)
>>Aerospace/aeronautical industry, 12107(184:1230)
>>Agricultural products, 1394(24:1820-5)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz, G.), 9768(148:1315), 9792-4(148:1550-600)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Keddy), 10661-3(162:2000-5)
>>>o.q., 1713(30:1150), 5715-6(86:1445-50), 8302(124:1500), 10921(166:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 10776(164:1405), 11881(181:1410)
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 11128(170:1050)
>>Air pollution, o.q., 15506(234:1440)
>>Budget, 12107(184:1235)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 258-9(7:1130)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4647(70:1605-10)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12106-8(184:1225-40), 12379-81(188:1605-20)
>>Canada Cooperatives Act (Bill C-5), 985(18:1650), 995-8(18:1755-820)
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 12107(184:1230)
>>Canada Grain Act and Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (amdt.) and Grain Futures Act (repeal)(Bill C-26), 5451-5(82:1005-30), 5479(82:1245), 5481(82:1300), 6750-1(103:1120-30), 6759-60(103:1230-40), 7345-7(111:1330-45)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 12106-7(184:1230)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 12107(184:1235)
>>Canadian Executive Service Organization, S.O. 31, 58(5:1110)
>>Canadian Wheat Board
>>>o.q., 9782(148:1445)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 586-7(12:1150-200), 1967-9(34:1320-35), 3578-9(55:1730-45), 4033-8(61:1625-55)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.--audits)(Bill C-283), 9253-4(139:1745-50)
>>Child pornography, S.O. 31, 11639(177:1405)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 12107(184:1230)
>>Co-operatives, 995-8(18:1755-810)
>>>S.O. 31, 912(17:1400)
>>Crime, 7247(109:1635)
>>Curling, S.O. 31, 12945(197:1400)
>>Dairy industry, 3376(52:2230)
>>Dairy products, 3724(56:1900-5)
>>>o.q., 1709-10(30:1135)
>>Deficit, 4647(70:1610), 12108(184:1240)
>>Employment Insurance Act, 1977 (amdt.--premiums and Employment Insurance Account)(Bill C-299), 12516-7(190:1330-40)
>>Environment, o.q., 15506(234:1440)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 12215-6(186:1310-20)
>>Forestry, S.O. 31, 6710(102:1100)
>>Goods and Services Tax, petition, 15265(230:1510)
>>Government programs and services, o.q., 10013(152:1440)
>>Grain marketing, o.q., 8161(122:1450-5), 14677(221:1450)
>>Grain transportation, o.q., 13091(199:1455), 16002(240:1440)
>>Gun control/guns
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 8264(123:1615)
>>>S.O. 31, 8244(123:1410)
>>Health care system, 5170-1(77:1840), 12106(184:1225), 12108(184:1240), 12379-81(188:1605-20)
>>Ice storm 1998, M. to adjourn, 3376-7(52:2230-5)
>>Icelandic Canadians, S.O. 31, 8047(120:1400)
>>Income tax, 12107(184:1230), 12380(188:1615)
>>Indians/First Nations, 12215-6(186:1310-20)
>>Information highway/Internet, o.q., 10387(158:1455)
>>Infrastructure program, S.O. 31, 5461(82:1105-10)
>>Interprovincial trade, 8741(132:1220)
>>Judges, 7247(109:1635)
>>>S.O. 31, 11639(177:1405)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 5654-5(85:1615-20), 5658(85:1645)
>>Justice system, 5658(85:1645)
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 7247(109:1635)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 12929-30(197:1220-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 14220(213:1410)
>>Maple syrup industry, 3376-7(52:2230-5)
>>Marriage, M. on supply (Lowther), 16018-20(240:1630-45)
>>Merit principle, M. (Johnston), 9501-2(143:1850-5)
>>Mitchell, William Ormond, S.O. 31, 4492(68:1355)
>>National debt, 12107(184:1235)
>>Nuclear power plants, 5171-2(77:1440-5)
>>Nuclear reactors, petition, 12371(188:1515), 15265(230:1510)
>>Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan), S.O. 31, 3542-3(55:1355)
>>Pay equity, petition, 3558(55:1520)
>>Political parties, M. on supply (Duceppe), 708(14:1225-30)
>>>Debate, 985(18:1650)
>>>Members' remarks, 1969(34:1335)
>>Quebec, 12108(184:1235)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 998(18:1810)
>>Regions, M. on supply (White, T.), 13779(206:1610), 13782-4(206:1630-45)
>>Research and development, 12107(184:1230-5)
>>Rural development, 5451(82:1010)
>>Same sex couples, 16018(240:1630-5)
>>Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, 996(18:1800)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 7247(109:1635), 12929-30(197:1220-5)
>>Small and medium business, o.q., 14447(217:1455)
>>Taxation, 12107-8(184:1230-40), 12380(188:1610)
>>Technology Partnerships Canada, 12707(184:1230)
>>Track and field, S.O. 31, 10206(155:1400)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 4647(70:1605-10)
>>United alternative, S.O. 31, 12223(186:1400-5), 13818(207:1410)
>>Wells, Jack, S.O. 31, 15437(233:1005)
>>Western Economic Diversification, o.q., 10013(152:1440)
>>Western provinces, S.O. 31, 13562(205:1405), 15252-3(230:1405)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 9218(139:1405)
>>Young offenders, 5658(85:1645)
Harvey, André (PC--Chicoutimi)
- >>Air transportation, o.q., 9705(147:1455)
>>Aluminum industry, S.O. 31, 14589(220:1410)
>>Appropriation Act No. 2, 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 (Bill C-86), 16083(240:2325)
>>Appropriation Act No. 4, 1998-1999 (Bill C-60), 10753(163:1820)
>>Appropriation Act No. 5, 1998-1999 (Bill C-73), 12984(197:1805)
>>Asselin, Edmund Tobin, 13913(208:1510-5)
>>Bank Act (amdt.)(Bill C-67), 15337(231:1720), 15617(234:1950)
>>Bosnia and Herzegovina, M. (Axworthy, L.), 6266-7(94:2110-20)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 255-6(7:1110)
>>Budget 1998
>>>M. to adjourn, 4674-6(70:1945-2000)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 3099-100(49:1325)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 7160-2(108:1850-5), 7165-6(108:1900), 7168-70(108:1905-10), 7172-4(108:1915-20), 7176-7(108:1920)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 12898(196:1910), 14135(211:1835), 14745-6(222:1810), 14810(223:1245-50)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 11001-3(167:1730-5), 11005-6(167:1740-5)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), M. on supply (Brien), 8741(132:1220)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 7178(108:1925)
>>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-9), 953(17:1900)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 2511-2(41:1600-10)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 2511-2(41:1600-10)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4), 4316(65:1850), 4318(65:1855)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 8553(128:1745), 8860(133:1810), 10327-8(157:1845-50), 10330-3(157:1850-5), 10335-8(157:1855-900)
>>Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act (Bill C-64), 15618-20(234:1950-5)
>>Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, S.O. 31, 607(12:1410)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 6266-7(94:2110-20)
>>>M. on supply (Price), 6974(106:1040), 6976(106:1055), 6985-7(106:1200-5), 6993(106:1250), 7000-1(106:1345-50)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15555(234:1850), 15557(234:1850), 15560-1(234:1855), 15567(234:1900), 15569-70(234:1900-5), 15579(234:1905), 15582-3(234:1910), 15586(234:1915), 15589-90(234:1920), 15598(234:1925), 15600(234:1930), 15604-7(234:1935-40), 15609(234:1940), 15611-3(234:1940-5), 15615(234:1950)
>>Charbonneau, Hon. Senator Guy, S.O. 31, 3306(52:1410-5)
>>Chicoutimi, Que., o.q., 14936(225:1445)
>>Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 14136(211:1835)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 8275(123:1800), 8278(123:1805)
>>Criminal Code and Interpretation Act (amdt. powers to arrest and enter dwellings)(Bill C-16), 1701(30:1050)
>>Customs Tariff (Bill C-11), 1261(22:1810)
>>Defence equipment, 6266(94:2115-20), 6986(106:1200-10), 7001(106:1345)
>>Deficit, 4675(70:1950)
>>Dionne, Marcel, 6606(100:1515)
>>Election 1997, 3695(56:1510), 3942(60:1655)
>>Elections, 8438(127:1150)
>>Emergencies/disasters, o.q., 3493(54:1125)
>>Employment insurance
>>>M. on supply (J. Dubé), 9388-9(142:1345-55), 9407(142:1525)
>>Estimates, 2211(37:1805), 2213(37:1815), 2215-7(37:1815-25), 5017(75:1835), 5020(75:1840), 7801-2(118:1345), 12978-9(197:1750-5), 16070-1(240:2305-10), 16073(240:2315), 16080(240:2315)
>>Exports, 4675(70:1950)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 4676(70:1955-2000)
>>Food banks, 11745(179:1030)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 9492(143:1750), 9808(148:1800), 12577(191:1845)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 255-6(7:1110), 4675(70:1950), 7802(118:1345)
>>Health care system
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 10177(155:1035-40), 11427-8(174:1130), 11432(174:1200), 11472(174:1610)
>>Highways and roads, o.q., 1285(23:1445-50), 5469(82:1150), 7488-9(113:1455), 13011(198:1430)
>>House of Commons
>>>M. (Boudria), 5888-9(89:1250-300)
>>>M. (White, T.), 3512-3(54:1330-40)
>>Ice storm 1998, M. to adjourn, 3394-5(52:2435-45)
>>Income Tax Act, 12900(196:1910)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 5364-6(80:1915)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 14132-3(211:1830-5), 14973-4(225:1910-5)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act (Bill C-10), 2538(41:1805)
>>Industrial development, o.q., 8766-7(132:1450-5)
>>Interprovincial trade, 3395(52:2445), 4676(70:1955)
>>Job creation, 4676(70:1955)
>>Les Éboulements, Québec bus accident, 836(16:1510)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 7802(118:1345)
>>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-48), 9711-2(147:1535)
>>Members of Parliament, 5888(89:1250-5)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4675-6(70:1950-5)
>>National debt, 4675(70:1950), 6976(106:1055)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 11008(167:1745)
>>National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 12901(196:1910), 14747(222:1815), 14753-4(222:1815-20), 14759(222:1820), 14765-6(222:1825), 14768(222:1825), 14771-3(222:1825-30), 14775(222:1830)
>>National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 8036(120:1330), 8038(120:1335)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 1506-8(27:1150-200), 5109-10(77:1205-20), 9711-2(147:1535)
>>National unity, 196(6:1315)
>>>M. for Production of Papers (Anders), 8438-9(127:1150-200)
>>>M. on supply (Jaffer), 2167(37:1255)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, 4675(70:1950), 7802(118:1345)
>>>o.q., 151-2(5:1150)
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 7750(117:1955)
>>Paix-Cible, S.O. 31, 5044(76:1410)
>>Pan-American Monetary Union, M. on supply (Duceppe), 12877(196:1615-20), 12888(196:1725-30)
>>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 5109-10(77:1205-20)
>>Pension Benefits Standards Act (Bill S-3), 7750(117:1955)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9491(143:1750), 9810(148:1805)
>>Political parties, S.O. 31, 7597(115:1410)
>>Poverty, 9407(142:1525)
>>>M. on supply (St. Jacques), 11745(179:1030)
>>>o.q., 2985(47:1450), 10616-7(162:1445)
>>>Chair, rulings and statements, 1701(30:1050)
>>>Committees, 5424(81:1520)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 951(17:1850), 953(17:1900), 1260-1(22:1805-10), 1263-4(22:1815-20), 2211(37:1805), 2213(37:1815), 2215-6(37:1815), 2217(37:1825), 2219(37:1825), 2523(41:1745), 2525-6(41:1750), 2528-32(41:1750-800), 2535-8(41:1800-5), 2960(47:1230), 2962(47:1235), 3008(47:1805), 5015(75:1830), 5026(75:1855), 6576(99:1800), 7443(112:1900-10), 14745-7(222:1810-5), 14753-4(222:1815-20), 14759(222:1820), 14765-6(222:1825), 14768(222:1825), 14771-3(222:1825-30), 14775(222:1830)
>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), 9388(142:1350)
>>Provinces, M. (Elley), 1728-9(30:1325-35)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 15179(228:1755), 15183(228:1805)
>>Public Service, 9389(142:1350-5)
>>Quebec, 5723(86:1535-40)
>>Quebec distinct society status, 1728-9(30:1325-35)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 3941(60:1650), 5723(86:1535)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3676(56:1320), 3695(56:1510)
>>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 11009-10(167:1745-50)
>>Rocheleau, Gilles, 8537(128:1510)
>>Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41), 9493(143:1755)
>>Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act (Bill C-7), 1506-8(27:1150-200)
>>Scott, Hon. Bill, 6371(96:1510)
>>Search and rescue helicopters, 6976(106:1055), 6986-7(106:1205-15)
>>Seniors Benefit, S.O. 31, 5412(81:1410)
>>Shipbuilding, M. on supply (Wayne), 14581-3(220:1325-40), 14617-8(220:1700)
>>Small and medium business, 4675(70:1955)
>>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 3941-2(60:1650-5), 4315(65:1850)
>>Taxation, 4675(70:1950-5), 14810(223:1250)
>>>o.q., 14157(212:1450), 14483(218:1430), 14721(222:1500)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 196(6:1315)
>>Training programs, 3942(60:1655)
>>>o.q., 11567-8(176:1445)
>>Volunteer organizations, o.q., 292(7:1455)
>>Water, M. on supply (Blaikie), 11653(177:1520-5), 11664-6(177:1635-50)
>>Water management, 11664-6(177:1635-45)
>>Yanakis, Antonio, 3118(49:1505)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
>>>M. (Boudria), 13596(205:1735), 13606(205:1845), 13609(205:1905-10)
>>>S.O. 31, 15720(236:1410-5)
Hastings--Frontenac--Lennox and Addington constituency see Ice storm 1998--Assistance
Hate crimes
Government initiatives, o.q., 6082(92:1140), 6419(97:1150)
>>Hate propaganda
>>>Canadian Human Rights Commission jurisdiction, expanding, 3745(57:1545)
>>>Holocaust denial, defining as, 3745(57:1545)
>>>Internet use, 9089(137:1355)
>>>>Oliver, B.C. meeting supporting, etc., o.q., 5130-1(77:1425)
>>>Telephone messages, etc., compensation orders, 3744(57:1540-5)
>>>>See also Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act
(amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5)
>>Increase, Toronto, Ont. area, increase, o.q., 4504(68:1500)
>>Sentences, legislation, Criminal Code (amdt.--sentences)(Bill C-41)(1st
Sess., 35th Parl.), 6030(91:1430), 7209(109:1225), 12935(197:1300),
>>See also Murder--Gill
Hate propaganda see Hate crimes
Hatred see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, Historical background
Haute-Gatineau region see Forest products--FOREX
Haute-Mauricie region see Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch lines, Quebec
Haute-Yamaska region see Economic development/renewal--Quebec
Have You Seen Candace see Murder--Derksen
Havel, Václav see Czech Republic
Havelock, Ont.
Heritage festival, country music jamboree, S.O. 31, 1703(30:1100)
Havre-Saint-Pierre, Que. see Air navigation services
Hawaii see Young offenders--Crime prevention, Head Start Programs
Hawryshok, Robert see Penitentiaries--Inmates, Transfer between institutions
Hayer, Tara Singh see Murder
Hayes, John G.
Harness racing champion, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 11107-8(169:1400)
Hayes, Sharon (Ref.--Port Moody--Coquitlam; resigned October 1, 1997)
- >>Children, petitions, 217(6:1510)
>>References, resignation, 335-6(8:1500-10)
>>>See also House of Commons vacancies--Port Moody--Coquitlam
Hazardous materials
Childrens' toys/vinyl products, lead and cadmium levels, Greenpeace findings,
o.q., 1846(32:1500), 1983(34:1455)
>>>Health Department, protective measures, lack, 12709(193:1900)
>>>>o.q., 10013(152:1440), 10094(153:1430), 10096(153:1445)
>>>See also Hazardous Products Act (amdt.)(Bill C-482); Toys
>>Chlorine gas tanks in Strait of Georgia, 1975 barge accident, recovering,
S.O. 31, 959(18:1400)
>>Wood/lumber, chemical pressure treated, health safeguards, testing
procedures, qu., 9106-7(137:1530)
>>See also Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel;
Irving Whale;
Rail transportation/railways--Safety