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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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Iacobucci, Frank see Supreme Court of Canada--Justices

Ianno, Tony (Lib.--Trinity--Spadina; Parliamentary Secretary to President of Treasury Board as of July 18, 1998)

IBM Canada

    >>Research and development, software solutions laboratory, Markham, ON., construction, $125 million project, job creation, etc., S.O. 31, 14391-2(216:1405-10)

Ibrahim, Anwar see Malaysia--Human rights violations

ICAO see International Civil Aviation Organization

Ice storm 1998


Iceland see Income Tax--Conventions/protocols

Icelandic Canadians

    >>Heritage, celebrating, Icelandic festival Islundingadaggurin, Gimli, Man., S.O. 31, 8047(120:1400)

IFAW see International Fund for Animal Welfare

IFOR see Bosnia and Herzegovina

Iftody, David (Lib.--Provencher; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development as of July 18, 1998)

Illinois Central see Canadian National Railways

Illiteracy see Literacy

ILO see International Labour Organization

Imasco Ltd. see Canada Pension Plan--Pension fund, Tobacco industry investments

IMF see instead International Monetary Fund

Imitrex see Drugs and pharmaceuticals

IMM 1000 forms see Immigration/immigrants--Illegal

Immigration Act

    >>Amending, government agenda, 12963-4(197:1545)
    >>>o.q., 11118(169:1450)
    >>Immigration legislative review hearings, 6369(80:1925-30)
    >>>Legislative Review Advisory Group, report, "Not Just Numbers"
    >>>>Consultation period, extending, o.q., 4368(66:1450)
    >>>>Preparation, submissions, r.o., 6511(99:1015)
    >>>>Recommendations, language requirements, condemning, 5368-9(80:1925-30)
    >>>>>o.q., 4560(69:1455), 4634(70:1445), 4785(72:1425-30), 4789-90(72:1445-55)
    >>>>>Reform Party pamphlet, misinformation, S.O. 31, 5587-8(84:1400-5)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 4549(69:1405), 5410(81:1405), 5948(90:1400-5)
    >>See also Afghanistan--Human rights violations; Extradition--Reform

Immigration Act (amdt.--persons without identification not to be allowed into Canada as immigrants or refugees or under a minister's permit)(Bill C-314)--Reynolds

Immigration Act (amdt.--refugee or immigrant applicants convicted of an offence on indictment)(Bill C-261)--Reynolds

Immigration Act (amdt.--reimbursement)(Bill C-254)--Dromisky

    >>First reading, 973(18:1520)
    >>Deemed withdrawn, agreed to, 9521(144:1510)

Immigration Act (amdt.--removal of those convicted of serious criminal offence)(Bill C-281)--Reynolds

Immigration Act (amdt.--right of landing fee)(Bill C-241)--Obhrai

    >>First reading, 570(12:1010)
    >>See also Immigration/immigrants--Landing fees

Immigration and Refugee Board

    >>Accountability, arm's length from government relationship, 9481(143:1625)
    >>Board members
    >>>Appointment process, replacement members, patronage, o.q., 3553-4(55:1450), 5515(83:1430-5)
    >>>DeBlois, Charles, patronage appointment, 8090(121:1025)
    >>>Frecker, John, Nazi salute, seig heil comment to another board member, o.q., 9223(139:1425-30)
    >>>Handfield, Stéphane, re-appointment, patronage, o.q., 1534(27:1450)
    >>>Terrana, Anna, appointment, patronage, o.q., 3442-3(53:1435), 5419(81:1450), 5515(83:1435)
    >>>Trempe Report recommendations, 9013-4(135:1715-20)
    >>Elimination, recommendation, 3222(50:1830-5)
    >>Hearings, single-member, holding, estimates, 1997-1998, main, reflecting, legislative authority, 2097(36:1510), 2100-1(36:1525-35)
    >>See also Collenette--References; Immigration/immigrants--Criminals, Deportation

Immigration Enforcement Improvement Act (amdt.--improvement of enforcement in the case of those who commit offences)(Bill C-321)--Peric


    >>Asian immigrants
    >>>Arrival, centennial, 1997, tribute, S.O. 31, 1652(29:1405-10)
    >>>Chinese, history, 12167(185:1015-20)
    >>>Citizenship requests, processing time, qu., 3195(50:1530)
    >>>Contribution to Canada, S.O. 31, 1228(22:1405)
    >>>Deportation, 241(6:1750), 478(10:1305), 1801(32:1005), 4073(62:1525), 12963-4(197:1540-50), 12967(197:1610-5)
    >>>>Applicants, convicted during application process, 974-5(18:1530)
    >>>>Government policy, review, o.q., 919(17:1440)
    >>>>Immigration and Refugee Board, effectiveness, S.O. 31, 2865(46:1400)
    >>>>Ministerial permits, issuing to, o.q., 7706(117:1455)
    >>>>Petition, 12188(185:1210)
    >>>>United States athletes, Toronto sports teams, employees, ministerial permits, rationale, o.q., 5714-5(86:1445)
    >>>>Wing Fu case, o.q., 834(16:1455)
    >>>>See also Drug/sunstance abuse--Trafficking; Transfer of Offenders Act (amt.--removal of foreign offenders)(Bill C-360); Sexual assault/offences--Quebec rape case
    >>>Enforcement, 3862(59:1205), 11953-4(182:1255-1305)
    >>>Screening process, 12963-4(197:1540-50), 12968-9(197:1620)
    >>>See also Immigration/immigrants--Smuggling
    >>>Castillo Duran family case, humanitarian, compassionate action, need, o.q., 12318(187:1435), 12542-3(191:1435), 12675-6(193:1440)
    >>>Central America, Hurricane Mitch, deportaiton orders, delaying, o.q., 10143(154:1450)
    >>>Woman, children born in Canada, court ruling, appeal, etc., 7728(117:1715), 7730(117:1730), 7732-3(117:1750)
    >>>Yoro, Isabelle, to Ivory Coast, high-risk pregnancy factor, o.q., 14485(218:1440)
    >>>See also Immigration/immigrants--Criminals--Illegal
    >>Family class, entrance criteria, abuse, sponsored spouses, three year conditional period, petitions, 3739(57:1515), 4074(62:1530)
    >>Family reunification
    >>>Algeria cases, expediting
    >>>>o.q., 331(8:1440)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 142(5:1100)
    >>>Definition, review, o.q., 1470(26:1455)
    >>>DNA testing, punitive policy, S.O. 31, 15857(238:1115)
    >>Federal funding transfers to provinces, British Columbia/Quebec, comparison, 203(6:1350)
    >>Grey, Gabriel and Delila, landed immigrant status, obtaining, S.O. 31, 5278(79:1400-5)
    >>Hyphenation see Citizens
    >>Illegal, 12922(197:1125)
    >>>Deportation regulations, effectiveness, Baljinder Dhillon family, example, S.O. 31, 1760-1(31:1405-10)
    >>>IMM 1000 forms, previously issued, use, number, qu., 11133(170:1110)
    >>>Smuggling, organized crime, relationship, 10340-1(157:1910-5), 12968(197:1615)
    >>>>Government action, lack, Immigration Act, ineffectiveness, o.q., 12494-5(190:1120-5)
    >>>>o.q., 9646(146:1140)
    >>>Vietnam, deportation, CIDA contract, Marc Lalonde alleged role, o.q., 100-1(4:1440-5)
    >>>See also Immigration/immigrants--Smuggling
    >>Illegal entry, preventing, 12963(197:1545)
    >>>Canadian High Commission in New Delhi, services, etc., S.O. 31, 14538(219:1110)
    >>>Film crew without equipment, disappearance, arrest in United States, 3483(54:1035)
    >>Landing fees, 73(4:1145), 376-7(9:1105)
    >>>Abolishing, o.q., 5645(85:1455)
    >>>Economic discrimination, 570(12:1010), 11936(182:1050)
    >>>Loan program, 92% payback rate, o.q., 2445(40:1155-1200)
    >>>Reimbursement, 973(18:1520)
    >>>Right of landing fee (ROLF), funds, use, qu., 5990-1(91:1010)
    >>>See also Refugees--Fees
    >>Level, increasing
    >>>S.O. 31, 1403(25:1100)
    >>>Unemployment, relationship
    >>>>o.q., 1233-4(22:1435)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1462(26:1410)
    >>Macao Triad leader Lai Tong Sang, landed status, organized crime unit role, o.q., 214(6:1450)
    >>Mercedes, Ramon, deportation, Citizenship and Immigration Department officials, inhumane treatment, o.q., 5905(89:1435-40)
    >>Ministerial permits, issuing, qu., l2247-9(38:1520), 9707(147:1510)
    >>>See also Immigration/immigrants--Criminals
    >>Professionals, access to professions
    >>>o.q., 6554(99:1500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 7596(115:1400-5)
    >>Quebec, 11935(182:1045-50)
    >>>Administration costs, federal government charging, Canada-Quebec Agreement, reviewing, o.q., 1709(30:1130)
    >>Rezaei, Iraj, consultant, criminal charges, injunction, seeking, 7518-9(113:1905-10)
    >>>o.q., 6858(104:1455), 7011(106:1440-5)
    >>Role, contribution to Canada, 12964(197:1550), 12968(197:1620)
    >>Skilled workers
    >>>1997, number admitted, qu., 11178(171:1525)
    >>>Decline, Asian economic crisis, impact, o.q., 9401(142:1450)
    >>>Economic immigrant category, 1997-1998, number admitted, 11178(171:1525)
    >>>Unused human resource, S.O. 31, 5459(82:1100)
    >>>Canadian passports, forgery, see Canadian passports--Fraud
    >>>Illegal immigrants/criminals, 1855(32:1555)
    >>>See also Prostitution--Sex slaves
    >>Spigariol, Céline, denied access, communication with family, Immigration officials, actions, o.q., 11116(169:1440)
    >>Sponsored, for vistes, etc., bonds, requiring,12964-5(197:1555)
    >>Suresh, Manickavasagam, deportation order
    >>>o.q., 10431(159:1450-5)
    >>>Release, request, petition, 3559(55:1525), 4847(73:1210), 5056(76:1510)
    >>>Fee structure, review, combining landing and processing fee, petitions, 15105-6(228:1005-10), 15265(230:1505)
    >>>Income requirements, allowing more than one sponsor, petitions, 14979(226:1005), 15106(228:1010), 15265(230:1510)
    >>System, flaws, investor program fraud, abuse, etc., reform, need, 11929-33(182:1025-30), 11936-8(182:1055-1105), 11940-1(182:1130-5), 11943-5(182:1145-1200), 11955-8(182:1315-40), 11960(182:1355), 11975-7(182:1525-30), 11978-80(182:1540-50), 12165-7(185:1005-15), 12169-70(185:1035-40), 12172-3(185:1050-5), 12189(185:1215)
    >>>Advertising flyer promoting guaranteed citizenship, Latin Trade, tabled, 11980(182:1550)
    >>Terrorists, drug trafifickers, preventing entry, facilitating removal, 6325-6(96:1005), 6464(98:1345)
    >>>United States Congressional committee, lax measures, concern, 16240-1(242:2035-40)
    >>>>o.q., 13961(209:1135)
    >>>Canada/Poland, requirements, petition, 7535(114:1515)
    >>>Canadian consulates, visa fraud, 14 employees charged, o.q., 14881(224:1140-5)
    >>>Los Angeles, California processing centre, triad gang member, issuing to, processing procedures, review, Bissett report/recommendations, o.q., 1578(28:1435)
    >>>Maskey, Alex, Northern Ireland parliamentarian, refusal, o.q., 01558(161:1130)
    >>See also Border, Canada-United States--Preclearance; Canada--History; Canadian Security Intelligence Service--Informants; Central America--Hurricane Mitch; Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, First (Immigration, Detention and Removal) Drug/substance abuse--Trafficking; Immigration Act (amdt.--refugee or immigrant applicants convicted of an offence on indictment)(Bill C-261); Immigration Act (amdt.--reimbursement)(Bill C-254); Immigration Act (amdt.--right of landing fees)(Bill C-241); Science and technology--Workers; Immigration Enforcement Improvement Act (amdt.--improvement of enforcement in the case of those who commit offences)(Bill C-321); Welfare

Immigration legislative review hearings see Immigration Act

Immunization see Children

Impact statements see Victims of crime

Impact test see Rural development

Impaired driving

Imperial Subdivision see Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch line abandonment, Saskatchewan

Imperial Tobacco see Tobacco industry

Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act see Customs Tariff (Bill C-11)


In Flanders Fields see McCrae, LCol John; Veterans--Veterans Week

In transit travellers see Border, Canada-United States--Preclearance

INARI see International Agency for Rural Industrialization

    >>United Nations agency, fraud allegations re Quebec business, etc., o.q., 2187(37:1450), 2498(41:1435-40)

Incineration see Waste--Exports, Detroit, MI


Income Disaster Assistance Program see Agriculture--Farm income

Income security programs

    >>Changes, 5611(84:1630)
    >>>Proposals, opposition, petition, 3926(60:1510)
    >>Seniors Benefit, Canada Pension Plan, private pension plans, three pillars of security, 5751(87:1050), 5772-3(87:1240-5), 7664-5(116:1250-5)
    >>See also Canada Pension Plan; Deficit--Reduction; Employment insurance; Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Computer systems; Human Resources Development Department--Expenditures; Knowles, Hon. Stanley; Old Age Security; Pensions; Seniors Benefit

Income support programs see Training programs--Blue collar trades

Income tax