The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Jackson, Ovid L. (Lib.--Bruce--Grey; Parliamentary Secretary to President of the Treasury Board until July 9, 1998)
- >>Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)(Bill C-216),
>>Agriculture, o.q., 10784(164:1440), 15449(233:1150)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 7002-3(106:1400)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 1881-2(32:1935)
>>Black Canadians, S.O. 31, 4153(63:1355)
>>Broadcasting, petitions, 9868(150:1010), 10435(159:1515)
>>Budget, 7795(118:1300)
>>Budget 1999, S.O. 31, 11162(171:1400-5)
>>Children, S.O. 31, 6073(92:1100)
>>Crown corporations, 2472-3(41:1110-20)
>>Curling, S.O. 31, 5508(83:1400)
>>Deficit, 7795(118:1300), 7797-8(118:1315-20)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 2691(43:1850)
>>Durham, Ont., S.O. 31, 826(16:1410)
>>Economic development/renewal, 7796(118:1305)
>>Economy, 7796(118:1310)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7796(118:1310)
>>Emergencies/disasters, 6913(104:1950)
>>Environment, S.O. 31, 15717(236:1400)
>>Estimates, 7795-8(118:1300-25), 7820(118:1540)
>>Festivals, S.O. 31, 1973(34:1405)
>>Gangs, 7820(118:1540)
>>Gasoline/automotive fuels, o.q., 15919(239:1440)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 7798(118:1320)
>>Government contracts, qu., 3037(48:1520)
>>Government Departments, Boards, Agencies and Commissions, 1321(23:1910)
>>Government programs and services, 7795(118:1305)
>>Government vehicles, 4933(74:1835)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 7632(115:1810-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 15717(236:1400)
>>Gross Domestic Product, 7796(118:1305)
>>>S.O. 31, 10287(157:1355), 15016(226:1410), 15316(231:1410)
>>Health care system, 2690(43:1840-5), 2692(43:1855), 7797-8(118:1315-20)
>>Heritage, petition, 3223(51:1005)
>>Income tax, 7796(118:1305)
>>Inflation, 7796-7(118:1310)
>>Interest rates, 7796(118:1310)
>>Job creation, 7796(118:1310)
>>Marriage, petitions, 7124(108:1505), 9868(150:1010)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, petition, 5962-3(90:1530)
>>National anthem, petition, 11742(179:1010)
>>National debt, 7796(118:1305), 7798(118:1320)
>>Nuclear reactors, petition, 8887(134:1520)
>>Nuclear waste, petition, 11130(170:1105)
>>Nudity, petition, 59(4:1015)
>>Order in Council appointments, 3975(61:1005)
>>Pay equity, 1980-1(32:1930), 3763-4(57:1750)
>>Petitions, 3975(61:1005), 5766(87:1200)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 5767-8(87:1210)
>>>Supply motions, 6176(94:1045)
>>Property rights, petition, 887(134:1520)
>>Reserve Forces Act (Bill C-232), 5175(78:1115-25)
>>Rural Canada, S.O. 31, 10005(152:1400)
>>Sargent, Eddie, S.O. 31, 3849-50(59:1100)
>>Schools, S.O. 31, 5947(90:1400)
>>South Africa, S.O. 31, 8334(125:1405)
>>Taxation, 7796(118:1305-10)
>>Toys, M. (Godin, Y.), 5982-3(90:1740-5)
>>Trade, M. (Nystrom), 11400-1(173:1730-40)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 7795(118:1305)
>>Unemployment, 7796(118:1310)
>>User Fee Act (Bill C-205), 2683-4(43:1755-805)
>>Volunteer organizations, S.O. 31, 12667(193:1400)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 2794(45:1055)
>>Watercraft, petition, 9521(144:1515)
>>Wiarton Willie, S.O. 31, 11283(172:1410)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 12945(197:1400)
Jacobs, Connie see Tsuu T'ina Nation--Royal Canadian Mounted Police fatal shooting
Jacobs, Ty see Tsuu T'ina Nation--Royal Canadian Mounted Police fatal shooting
Jaffer, Rahim (Ref.--Edmonton--Strathcona)
- >>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 8991(135:1435)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 8478(127:1610), 10109(153:1615)
>>Blood, o.q., 6079-80(92:1130), 7062(107:1140)
>>>o.q., 2443(40:1145)
>>Budget 1999, o.q., 12006(183:1450)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 6950-1(105:1705-15)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, r.o., 13868(208:1015)
>>Canada, 231(6:1645)
>>Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5), 6382(96:1630)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), M. on supply (Brien), 8787-9(132:1655-710)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 6708-9(102:1050-5)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, 6951(105:1710)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 8475(127:1545), 8477-81(127:1600-25), 10107-9(153:1605-15), 10369-70(158:1305-10)
>>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 4995-7(75:1545-55)
>>Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO), r.o., 13868(208:1015)
>>Competition, 8310-2(124:1550-600)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 8136-8(122:1215-25), 8142-3(122:1300), 8145-6(122:1320), 8179-80(122:1540-5), 8310-2(124:1550-600), 11493-4(175:1010-20)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393), 12700-1(193:1810-5)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail)(Bill C-235), 15341-2(231:1745-55)
>>Competition Bureau, 8137(122:1220-5), 8179-80(122:1540-5)
>>Constitution, 361-2(8:1800-5)
>>Constitutional reform, o.q., 9400(142:1445)
>>Corporations, 8312(124:1600)
>>>o.q., 14103(211:1435)
>>Curtola, Bobby, S.O. 31, 6713(102:1110-5)
>>Dionne, Marcel, 6605(100:1510)
>>Dollar, exchange rate, S.O. 31, 8154(122:1410)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals
>>>M. for Production of Papers, 15320(231:1520)
>>>o.q., 9641(146:1120)
>>>Petition, 1718(30:1220)
>>Edmonton--Strathcona constituency, 231(6:1640-5)
>>Education, 6950-1(105:1710)
>>>M. (Dion), 1744-6(31:1220-30)
>>>M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 4794-6(72:1520-30)
>>Education, post-secondary, o.q., 5287(79:1445)
>>Election 1997, 3695-6(56:1510-20)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 8460(127:1420)
>>Enterprise Cape Breton, r.o., 13868(208:1015)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 3695-6(56:1510-5), 6951(105:1710), 8788-9(132:1700-10), 10702(163:1150)
>>Federal-provincial relations, 6951(105:1710)
>>Goods and Services Tax, M. (Lill), 2462-4(40:1350-1400)
>>Government grants, o.q., 15725(236:1440)
>>Gretzky, Wayne, S.O. 31, 14015(210:1405)
>>>S.O. 31, 16186(242:1410)
>>Health care system, 10702(163:1150)
>>>o.q., 10384(158:1435-40), 11503(174:1115-20)
>>High technology industries, o.q., 14103(211:1435)
>>Hockey, o.q., 4839(73:1125-30)
>>Ice storm 1998, M. to adjourn, 3355-6(52:2005-10)
>>Impaired driving, S.O. 31, 13293(202:1405)
>>Imports, o.q., 15397(232:1455)
>>Income tax, 2427(40:1020)
>>>o.q., 6031-2(91:1440)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-10), 2426-8(40:1010-20)
>>Information highway/Internet, 9630-2(146:1015-20)
>>Jaffer, references, 231-2(6:1645-50)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4794-5(72:1520-5), 6951(105:1710-5)
>>Mining industry, M. (Power), 14513-4(218:1750-5)
>>Motor vehicles, 8311(124:1600)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, petition, 6329(96:1030)
>>National unity, 231-3(6:1650-5), 362(8:1805-10)
>>>M. for Production of Papers (Anders), 9671-2(147:1105-15)
>>>M. on supply, 2146-8(37:1040-55), 2175(37:1350)
>>>o.q., 27-8(3:1450), 1410(25:1135), 1901(33:1420), 2498-9(41:1440), 6602(100:1445), 9400(142:1445)
>>Nunziata, S.O. 31, 14218(213:1405)
>>Pensions, 2426-8(40:1015-20)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9630-2(146:1015-20), 15743-5(236:1610-20)
>>Print media, M. (Myers), 9813-4(148:1820-5)
>>>Quorum, 6382(96:1630)
>>>Speeches, 2426(40:1015), 3696(56:1120)
>>Quebec, 231-3(6:1645-55), 10701(163:1145)
>>Quebec, alienation, 13777-8(206:1600-10)
>>Quebec distinct society status, 2147(37:1045)
>>Quebec School System Special Joint Committee
>>>M. (Dion), 361-2(8:1755-810)
>>>Report, 1715-6(30:1205)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 231-2(6:1645-55)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3681(56:1355), 3694-7(56:1500-20)
>>>o.q., 8250(123:1440)
>>Rail transportation/railways, S.O. 31, 9585(145:1355)
>>>Background, 231-2(6:1645-50), 2428(40:1025)
>>>Liberal Party Best of the West program membership, 8481(127:1625-30)
>>Regions, M. on supply (White, T.), 13776-9(206:1555-615)
>>Regulations, 8311(124:1600)
>>Richard, Maurice, S.O. 31, 4835(73:1105)
>>Rocheleau, Gilles, 8536-7(128:1510)
>>Senate, o.q., 1712(30:1145), 2235(38:1415-20), 8250(123:1440-5), 8299(124:1435-40)
>>Senators, S.O. 31, 3684-5(56:1410)
>>Senior citizens, o.q., 11648-9(177:1445-55)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), o.q., 3188(50:1450)
>>Sexual assault/offences, o.q., 3188(50:1445-50)
>>Shipbuilding, M. on supply (Wayne), 14575-7(220:1240-55)
>>Small and medium business, 8475(127:1545), 8478-80(127:1610-20), 10108-9(153:1610-5), 10370(158:1310)
>>>o.q., 12006(183:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 605(12:1405)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 8477-9(127:1605-15), 8581(127:1625), 10107-9(153:1605-15), 10369-70(158:1305-10)
>>Social union, 8787-8(132:1655-705)
>>>M. on supply (Manning), 10701-3(163:1140-55)
>>>o.q., 9400(142:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 10911(166:1105)
>>Space, S.O. 31, 15911(239:1400)
>>Taxation, 8478(127:1605)
>>>o.q., 14103(211:1435)
>>Technology Partnerships Canada, o.q., 13012(198:1435)
>>Telemarketing, 8136-7(122:1215-20), 8143(122:1300), 8145(122:1320), 8310-1(124:1555)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 230-3(6:1640-55)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 8788-9(132:1705)
>>Transit passes, M. (Riis), 11540-2(176:1200-10)
>>>o.q., 12543(191:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 1702-3(30:1100)
>>Youth, o.q., 4365(66:1430)
Jakarta, Indonesia see Education--Junior Achievement Globe program
Jam des Neiges see Scouts Canada
Jamaica see Drug/substance abuse--Importing/smuggling, Hemisphere-wide dialogue; Foreign aid
James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement see Housing--Aboriginal peoples/communities, Nunavik; Nisga'a land claim--Agreement
James Bay hydro project see Electricity--Manitoba Hydro project
James, Graham see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles
James Smith Indian Reserve see Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department--Privacy Act violations
Jane's Fighting Ships see Canadian Armed Forces; Defence equipment--Ships
Japan see International Monetary Fund--Indonesia; Quebec; Trade--Australia and Japan; Veterans--World War II; War crimes
Japanese Canadians see Canadian Race Relations Foundation
Japanese Stock Index Linked Notes see Business Development Bank of Canada
Jasmin report see Young offenders--Quebec youth justice system
Jasper National Park see National parks/marine conservation areas
Jean Lesage International Airport see Airports--Management
Jeanne d'Arc Basin see Oil and gas industry--Hibernia development project
Jennings, Marlene (Lib.--Notre-Dame-de-Grâce--Lachine)
- >>Aboriginal self-government, o.q., 15312(231:1445)
>>Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)(Bill C-216), 4854-6(73:1300-10)
>>Accueil Bonneau, S.O. 31, 9220(139:1415)
>>Algeria, o.q., 3802-3(58:1445)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 12946(197:1405), 13816(207:1400)
>>Asselin, Edmund Tobin, 13912(208:1505)
>>Benny Farm Veterans Complex, S.O. 31, 13955(209:1105)
>>Bloc Québécois, S.O. 31, 13900(208:1405)
>>Blood, S.O. 31, 6208(94:1410)
>>British Columbia, S.O. 31, 5411(81:1405)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 7152-3(108:1755-800)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--ballot papers)(Bill C-405), 15836-7(237:1740-55)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10309-10(157:1615-20)
>>Canadian National Railways, S.O. 31, 3728(57:1410)
>>Canadian Opportunities Strategy, 7152(108:1755)
>>Canadian Space Agency, S.O. 31, 12358-9(188:1405)
>>Census, s.O. 31, 4271(65:1405)
>>Child care, 7152-3(108:1755-800)
>>Children, S.O. 31, 7112(108:1405)
>>Citizens, M. (Grewal), 2276-7(38:1825-30)
>>Commissioner of Official Languages, S.O. 31, 7696(117:1405)
>>Computers, S.O. 31, 11559(176:1400-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest of those in breach of condition of parole or statutory or temporary release)(Bill C-211), 3297-8(51:1810-20)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--flight)(Bill C-440), 13986-7(209:1410-20)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--genetic manipulation)(Bill C-247), 5672(85:1820-5)
>>Discrimination and racism, S.O. 31, 5125(77:1400)
>>Economy, S.O. 31, 12622(192:1400-5), 12792(195:1105)
>>Education, 358(8:1735), 3670(56:1240), 7152(108:1755)
>>>S.O. 31, 1277(23:1405), 7920(119:1400)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7152-3(108:1755-800)
>>Elections, 738-9(14:1550)
>>>S.O. 31, 914(17:1410)
>>Employment insurance, S.O. 31, 9459(143:1400-5)
>>Family courts, 8026(120:1150)
>>Films, S.O. 31, 11053(168:1405)
>>Food, petition, 9651(146:1205)
>>Gambling, S.O. 31, 13500(204:1400)
>>Globalization, S.O. 31, 14480(218:1410-5)
>>Goods and Services Tax, M. on supply (Lalonde), 1670-2(29:1600-10), 1680(29:1715)
>>Gun control/guns, M. on supply (Pankiw), 8272(123:1710)
>>Health care system, S.O. 31, 5200(78:1405)
>>Ice storm 1998, 3669(56:1235)
>>>o.q., 3446-7(53:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 3179(50:1405)
>>Indonesia, petition, 9651(146:1205)
>>Information highway/Internet, 7152(108:1755), 9658-9(146:1300-5)
>>Jennings, references, 738-9(14:1545-55)
>>Job creation, S.O. 31, 11501(175:1105)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8026-7(120:1150-5)
>>Labour force, S.O. 31, 326(8:1410)
>>Loubier, Yvan, 7123(108:1500), 7235(109:1505)
>>Medical research, o.q., 5908(89:1450)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 7152(108:1755)
>>Motor vehicles, o.q., 657(13:1450)
>>Multiculturalism, 3669(56:1230)
>>National unity, S.O. 31, 21(3:1410)
>>Nuclear weapons, petition, 15264(230:1505)
>>Owens Corning Plant, o.q., 15920(239:1445)
>>Ozone depleting substances, S.O. 31, 5509(83:1405)
>>Parole, o.q., 7489(113:1455)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9658-9(146:1300-5), 9661(146:1320), 9668(146:1415)
>>Pesticides, petition, 15264(230:1505)
>>Petel, Pierre, S.O. 31, 14820-1(223:1405)
>>Political parties
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 738-41(14:1545-610)
>>>S.O. 31, 914(17:1410), 7524(114:1410)
>>Postal service, o.q., 14107(211:1500)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 13987(209:1420)
>>>Language, inappropriate, improper, 7123(108:1500)
>>>Members' remarks, 7776(118:1030)
>>>Motions, 3120(49:1520)
>>>Sittings of the House, M. (Boudria), 7788(118:1145-50)
>>Property rights, M. (Pankiw), 4251-2(65:1200)
>>Quebec, 740(14:1600)
>>>S.O. 31, 2179(37:1410), 4629(70:1410), 5635(85:1405), 5708-9(86:1410-5), 9693-4(147:1400), 11907(183:1400)
>>Quebec School System Special Joint Committee, M. (Dion), 357-8(8:1730-5)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 739(14:1555), 9659(146:1305)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3669-71(56:1230-45)
>>>S.O. 31, 2233(38:1410), 2377(39:1400), 9586(145:1405), 9638-9(146:1105), 10134(154:1405), 10209(155:1410), 10290(157:1405), 10378(158:1405), 11163(171:1410), 14218-9(213:1405), 14267(214:1105), 15855(238:1105)
>>>Background, 738-9(14:1545-55)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-408)
>>Registered education savings plans, 7153(108:1800)
>>Registered retirement savings plans, 7153(108:1800)
>>Research and development, 7152(108:1755)
>>>o.q., 2984(47:1445)
>>Schools, S.O. 31, 6281(95:1400)
>>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 4834-5(73:1105)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 10309-10(157:1615-20)
>>South Africa, o.q., 8299(124:1440-5)
>>Student loans, 7152-3(108:1755-800)
>>Students, 7152(108:1755)
>>Suicide, 8272(123:1710)
>>Swissair, S.O. 31, 8152(122:1400)
>>Taxation, 2876(46:1450)
>>Telemarketing, 9658(146:1300)
>>>S.O. 31, 8985(135:1400)
>>Television production fund, S.O. 31, 522(11:1410)
>>Terrorism, S.O. 31, 2492(41:1405)
>>Trade, S.O. 31, 15060(227:1405)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, S.O. 31, 12224(186:1405-10)
>>Transportation, o.q., 15812(237:1455)
>>Veterans, S.O. 31, 1650(29:1400)
>>Violence/violent offences, S.O. 31, 2644-5(43:1410), 10911(166:1105)
>>Westray mining disaster, M. (MacKay), 14286-7(214:1235-45)
>>>o.q., 10016(152:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 8526(128:1410)
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 6664(101:1405-10), 6850(104:1410)
>>Youth, 7153(108:1800)
Jet fuel see Air transportation--Aviation fuel
Jeunes du Monde school see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, Peace initiative
Jeunesses Musicales du Canada see Arts and culture
Jewish community see Canadian Jewish Congress; Rosh Hashanah
Jewish Iranians see Iran
Jewison, Norman see Film and television industry--Academy Awards--Canadian Film Centre Lifetime Achievement Award
Jingsheng, Wei see China
Job corps program see Job creation
Job creation
700,000 short of number prior to last recession, o.q., 8701(131:1125)
>>Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, regional/local development fund, governments,
role, 947(17:1755-800)
>>Atlantic provinces, 7842(118:1815)
>>>Infrastructure program role, 251(7:1040), 1036(19:1335)
>>>Taxation, reducing, 1036(19:1335)
>>Bank of Canada, interest rates policy, impact, o.q., 406-7(9:1420),
>>>See also Job creation--Low interest rates
>>Banks/financial institutions, community reinvestment, 883-4(17:1045-50)
>>Bromont, Que., Univirtuel-Multimédia & Interconnectivité, job creation
initiative, S.O. 31, 961(18:1405-10)
>>Budget 1998 measures, 4491(68:1350), 4535(69:1240)
>>>Lack, 4415(67:1600), 4419(67:1625), 4422(67:1640), 4423(67:1655),
4645(70:1600), 5264(79:1235), 5345-6(80:1635-40), 7142(108:1640)
>>>See also Employment--Targets;
Job creation--Targets
>>Budget 1999 measures, lack, 12295(187:1220)
>>Cultural sector, 4489(68:1340)
>>Deficit reduction, relationship, 186(6:1205)
>>Economic conditions/climate favourable to private sector creating, federal
government role, 4464(68:1050), 4624(70:1345),
5244(79:1010), 12032(183:1745),
12141-2(184:1610), 12329-31(187:1545-55)
>>Economic recovery, promoting, 14(2:1610), 908(17:1330)
>>Employment insurance premium reduction, relationship, 4427(67:1720),
4470(68:1125), 4472(68:1140), 5266-7(79:1250), 5293(79:1530), 5569(84:1155),
>>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 4427(67:1720)
>>Exports, relationship, 178(6:1110)
>>>o.q., 4400-1(67:1425)
>>Full-time positions, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
directly/indirectly creating, 1995-1998, qu., 15926(239:1520)
>>Gaspé-Magdalen Islands region, rally, Pettigrew, Human Resources
Development Minister, invitation, o.q., 11837-8(180:1135)
>>Goods and Services Tax reduction, relationship, 4422(67:1645)
>>Government claims, 4480(68:1235)
>>Government expenditures, relationship, 257-8(78:1120-5), 4029-3(62:1710)
>>Government expenditures/tax cuts, impact, comparison, 4584(69:1800)
>>Government falsely claiming credit for work of private sector,
>>Government priority, 17(2:1625-30), 49(3:1730), 60-1(4:1025), 196(6:1310),
381-2(9:1140), 3911(60:1350)
>>>o.q., 4400-1(67:1425)
>>Government record, 119(4:1645), 884(17:1055), 931(17:1605), 986(18:1655),
3038-9(48:1530-5), 3249(51:1300-5), 3899-900(60:1215-25), 3942(60:1655),
4415(67:1600), 4467(68:1105), 4491(68:1350), 5304(79:1645), 11337(172:2040),
12032(183:1745), 12153-4(184:1735)
>>>G-7 countries, comparison, 4516(68:1630), 5564(84:1115), 9419(142:1650-5),
11144(171:1200), 12032(183:1745), 12089(184:1030), 12096(184:1115),
>>>>o.q., 6031(91:1435), 10430(159:1450)
>>>Numbers, increase, 3247(51:1255), 4382(66:1635), 4484(68:1300),
4612(70:1225-30), 4623(70:1335), 4663(70:1805), 5274(79:1340), 5276(79:1350),
7796(118:1310), 11984(182:1620), 12116(184:1330), 12300(187:1250),
>>>>87,000 full time jobs, 44,000 youth employment, January, 1999,
11984(182:1620), 12116(184:1330)
>>>>>o.q., 11506(175:1130), 11786(179:1450), 11885(181:1435)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 11499(175:1100), 11501(175:1105)
>>>o.q., 24(3:1425), 783-4(15:1145-50), 1706(30:1115), 1707-8(30:1125),
4364(66:1430), 5286(79:1440-5), 5418(81:1445), 6723(102:1200), 6926(105:1450),
7063-4(107:1145-50), 8701(131:1125), 10137-8(154:1425), 10616(162:1440),
11506(175:1130-5), 11509-10(175:1150), 11697(178:1435), 11882(181:1415),
12002(183:1425), 13008(198:1415), 13083(199:1415), 14223(213:1430)
>>>Statistic Canada, labour force update, full time/part time jobs
>>>>o.q., 10388(158:1455), 10428(159:1435), 10615(162:1440)
>>>>Tabled, 10388(158:1500)
>>>United States, comparison, o.q., 10428(159:1435)
>>Government subsidies to business, reduction/elimination, impact,
>>Ice storm 1998, job creation partnership program, wage subsidies program,
funding criteria, relaxing, o.q., 3185-6(50:1435)
>>Innovation, role, 11991(182:1710)
>>Internships, role, 186(6:1205)
>>Interprovincial trade, increase, relationship, 4676(70:1955)
>>Inuit communities, agreement with Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, o.q.,
>>Job corps program, federal-provincial New Brunswick older worker assistance
program, termination
>>>Condemning, S.O. 31, 11778(179:1410)
>>>Funding, continuation, announcement, o.q., 12544(191:1440)
>>>Renewal, request, o.q., 12449(189:1455)
>>Liberal Party 1993 election promise, 4599(70:1055), 5064(76:1600-5),
>>Low interest rates, impact, 4431(67:1745)
>>Matapédia RCM, S.O. 31, 2025(35:1100)
>>Minimum wage seasonal jobs, 184(6:1150)
>>New Democratic Party position, 49(3:1730), 895-6(17:1200-10),
907-8(17:1325-30), 944(17:1730)
>>>Government programs, funding, lack, Employment insurance, surplus account,
use, o.q., 287(7:1430)
>>>See also Oil and gas industry--Hibernia
>>Niagara Falls region, 12140(184:1600)
>>Ontario, 11201(171:1815)
>>>Tax reduction, impact, 11201(171:1815), 11326(172:1930), 11328(172:1935)
>>>>S.O. 31, 14537(219:1105-10)
>>Part-time jobs, 11079(168:1645)
>>Payroll tax, relationship, 4472(68:1140), 5557(84:1035), 8490(127:1730),
>>>o.q., 10428(159:1435)
>>Private sector role, 186(6:1205), 986(18:1655), 7796(118:1310)
>>Quebec regions, 10389-90(158:1510)
>>Reform Party national strategy, 4416(67:1600), 4430(67:1740)
>>Right to work legislation, impact, 5191(78:1310), 5429(81:1555),
>>Rural Canada, Community Access Program, government initiatives, o.q.,
>>Stalled, Statistics Canada report, o.q., 14932(225:1430)
>>Strategy, lack, 4685(70:2055), 5680-1(86:1045-55)
>>Targets, Budget 1998 measures, lack, 4425(67:1710)
>>>See also Employment--Targets
>>Tax burden, impact, 4614(70:1245), 5192(78:1315), 5247(79:1030),
8689-90(131:1010), 8718(131:1305), 10073-4(153:1225)
>>>o.q., 10913(166:1115)
>>Tax relief/reduction, impact, 4416(67:1600), 4646(70:1600), 5258-9(79:1155),
5555(84:1015), 5615(84:1710-5), 11350(172:2215)
>>>Alberta government (Klein), Ontario government (Harris) example,
5259(79:1155), 12027(183:1715)
>>>>o.q., 10913-4(166:1115-20)
>>>>See also Taxation--Government expenditures/tax cuts
>>>o.q., 14876(224:1115-20)
>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities;
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency;
Budget--Surplus, Utilizing;
Canadian Armed Forces--Pilots;
Co-operatives--Economic role;
Employment insurance--Premiums, Reducing;
Energy efficiency;
Federal Office of Regional Development--Quebec;
Foreign investment--1997;
Goods and Services Tax--Rates, Reducing;
Government buildings--Energy efficiency;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--International
treaty, Economic benefits;
Health care system--Two-tier system;
Income tax--Level--Rate reduction;
Infrastructure program;
Motor vehicles--Chrysler Canada Ltd.;
Search and rescue helicopters--Acquisition;
Small and medium business;
Taxation--Payroll taxes--Reduction;
Technology Partnerships Canada;
Telecommunications--Industry, Economic role;
Job fairs see Employment
Job losses
British Columbia, 5188(78:1250)
>>Closures of profitable operations, 3906(60:1310-5)
>>Employment insurance premium levels, relationship, 7291(110:1600)
>>Taxation policies, relationship, 12027(183:1715)
>>>o.q., 14932(225:1430)
>>See also Bank mergers;
Canada Pension Plan--Premiums;
Competition--Negative impacts;
Corporations--Mergers, Public interest factor;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global
warming)--International treaty, Economic costs;
Ice storm 1998;
Motor vehicles--Volvo Canada;
Ports--Commercialization, Employees;
Jobin, Fred see Stony Indian Reserve--Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department
Jobs and growth agenda see Small Business Loans Program
Johnson, Daniel see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to choose, Supreme Court of Canada referral--Referendum, Question
Johnson, Edmond see Bahamas--Ocean rescue
Johnson, Chief Larry see Caldwell First Nation--Reserve
Johnson, William see Quebec--Language policy, Alliance Quebec
Johnston, Dr. Crosby see Governor General's Caring Canadian Awards
Johnston, Dale (Ref.--Wetaskiwin)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 10044(152:1815)
>>>o.q., 2384(39:1435)
>>Agriculture, M. on supply (Breitkreuz, G.), 9750-1(148:1120)
>>Air traffic control, o.q., 15728-9(236:1450-5)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 8884(134:1455)
>>Broadcasting, petition, 3193(50:1525)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12349(187:1755)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 14813(223:1315)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4169-73(63:1530-55), 6636-7(101:1030-40), 6649-50(101:1225-30), 6731-2(102:1250-300), 6830(104:1145-50), 6834-6(104:1220-40), 6869-70(104:1625-30), 7047-51(107:1015-45)
>>Canada Labour Relations Board, 4172(63:1550)
>>>o.q., 3032(48:1455)
>>Canada Pension Plan, petition, 217(6:1510)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 1979(34:1435)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10314(157:1650-5)
>>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 4970(75:1320-5)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 1996-7(34:1620-30), 3781-2(58:1230-40)
>>Committees (Parliamentary), 14496(218:1540-5)
>>Construction industry, 1265-7(22:1825-40)
>>Deficit, 7797(118:1315)
>>Divorce, petition, 15731(236:1510-5)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 1454-5(26:1320-30)
>>Electricity, 10031-2(152:1640-5), 10044(152:1815)
>>Estimates, 7797(118:1315)
>>Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations Act (Bill C-233), 533(11:1505), 3715-6(56:1800-15), 3721-2(56:1845)
>>Gasoline/automotive fuels, S.O. 31, 9461(143:1410)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, o.q., 12497(190:1135)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76), 13367-9(202:2350-405), 13376-8(202:2450-510), 13390(202:2710), 13400(202:2815-20), 13413(202:2955-3000)
>>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13267-9(202:1100-15)
>>Grain transportation
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Hilstrom), 13124-6(199:1850-910)
>>>o.q., 12955-6(197:1450-5), 13163(200:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 11501(175:1105)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 2444(40:1155)
>>>M. (Harb), 15761-2(236:1815-20)
>>>Petition, 15731(236:1505)
>>Highways, petition, 534(11:1515)
>>Hobbema Indian Reserve/Samson Indian Band, 3301-2(51:1835-40)
>>Impaired driving, 1454(26:1325)
>>Income tax, 13874-5(208:1105-15)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 13874-5(208:1105-15)
>>Justice system, 1454-5(26:1320-30)
>>Labour, 4171-2(63:1545), 13267-8(202:1100-10)
>>Labour disputes, 4170-1(63:1535-45), 13124-6(199:1850-905), 13268(202:1105), 13400-1(202:2815-20)
>>Labour relations, 4169-70(63:1530-5)
>>Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-56), 10031-2(152:1640-5), 10044(152:1815)
>>Marriage, petitions, 8498(128:1005), 9553(145:1020), 15731(236:1515)
>>Merit principle, M., 9497-8(143:1815-25), 9504-5(143:1910)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 5145(77:1550)
>>Okeynan, Tamara, S.O. 31, 1355(24:1400)
>>Pearson International Airport (Toronto, Ont.), o.q., 9644(146:1135)
>>Ports, 533(11:1505)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2601(42:1710), 2610(42:1805), 2614(42:1830), 2621-3(42:1940-2000)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4970(75:1325)
>>>Members' remarks, 6829(104:1145)
>>>Question and comment period, 13368(202:2355)
>>>Quorum, 5145(77:1550)
>>>Sittings of the House, M. (Boudria), 7788(118:1150)
>>>Speeches, 7047-8(107:1015-20), 13377(202:2455)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Strahl), 14496(218:1540-5)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 15163-4(228:1710)
>>Public Service, 13368-9(202:2355-405)
>>Rail transportation/railways, S.O. 31, 10087(153:1400)
>>Senate, S.O. 31, 4397(67:1405)
>>Small and medium business, 4132(63:1055)
>>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 4132(63:1050-5)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 10314(157:1655)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 436-7(9:1730-40)
>>Wages and salaries, M., 1265-7(22:1820-40), 1270-1(22:1900-5)
>>Welfare, 3301-2(51:1835-40)
>>>o.q., 2384(39:1435)
>>Western Economic Diversification Program, 10314(157:1650-5)
>>Western provinces, S.O. 31, 11831(180:1105)
>>Workplace, S.O. 31, 7054(107:1100-5), 14437(217:1405)
Johnston, Leonard see Black Canadian--Community leaders
Johnstone, Hon. Senator Archibald (Lib.--Prince Edward Island)
- >>References see Senate--Appointments, Patronage factor
>>see Senior citizens--Grey
Joint committees see Committees (Parliamentary)
Joint income tax returns see Income tax returns--Joint returns
Joint strike fighter program see Defence equipment--Aircraft
Joint task force two see Canadian Armed Forces
Joliette, Que. see Food--Inspection; Volleyball--World school championships
Jones Act (United States) see Marine transport--United States
Jones, Ian see Winterlude--Ottawa, Ont., Snow sculpture
Jones, Jim (PC--Markham)
- >>Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)(Bill C-216),
>>Alkenbrack, Douglas, 5598-9(84:1500-5)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 12750-1(194:1410-5)
>>Bankruptcy and insolvency, 11326(172:1925)
>>Budget, 191(6:1235), 5310(79:1720), 5343-4(80:1620-5)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 296(7:1520)
>>>S.O. 31, 1652-3(29:1410)
>>Budget 1998, 5343(80:1620)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 3078-82(49:1100-25)
>>Budget 1999
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12397(188:1805)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11160(171:1350), 11201(171:1815), 11325-8(172:1925-35)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5310-1(79:1720-5), 5343-4(80:1620-30), 5566(84:1130-5)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13539-41(205:1120-30)
>>Business, 13540-1(205:1125-30)
>>>o.q., 12865-6(196:1450-5)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada
>>>o.q., 11647(177:1445), 11700(178:1455), 13090(199:1450), 13298(202:1430)
>>>qu., 15512-3(234:1510)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9456-7(143:1350), 9470(143:1500-5)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 9457(143:1350)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 190-1(6:1235-40), 558-60(11:1805-15)
>>>o.q., 2095(36:1455)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 558-60(11:1805-15)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 8450-4(127:1325-45), 10316(157:1705-10), 10363-6(158:1220-40)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63), 12170-2(185:1040-50)
>>Competition, 8315-7(124:1625-35)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 4913-6(74:1620-40), 8138(122:1225), 8139(122:1235), 8143-4(122:1305-10), 8146(122:1325-30), 8180(122:1545), 8315-7(124:1625-35)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393), 12704-5(193:1835-40)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail)(Bill C-235), 8285-6(123:1850-5), 15344-6(231:1810-20)
>>Competition Bureau, 8180(122:1545)
>>Computers, o.q., 8106-7(121:1150)
>>Copyright, 9089(137:1355)
>>Corporations, 4914-5(74:1630), 8316(124:1630), 12397(188:1805), 13540-1(205:1125-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 12439(189:1410)
>>Customs tariff, 1108-9(20:1235-40)
>>Customs Tariff (Bill C-11), 1108-9(20:1235-40)
>>Deficit, 192(6:1245), 5344(80:1625)
>>Economic development/renewal, 5343(80:1620), 11326(172:1925)
>>>r.o., 14603(220:1520)
>>Economy, 190-1(6:1235-40), 11325-7(172:1925-30), 13540(205:1125), 14058(210:1835)
>>>o.q., 14676(221:1450), 14720(222:1450-5)
>>Education, 5687(86:1135)
>>>S.O. 31, 5509-10(83:1405-10)
>>Education, post-secondary, 5311(79:1725)
>>Employment, 190(6:1235)
>>>r.o., 14603(220:1520)
>>Employment insurance, 191(6:1235), 5311(79:1725), 8453(127:1340), 11327(172:1930)
>>Estimates, 7856(118:1940)
>>Ethics counsellor
>>>o.q., 13229(201:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 11452(174:1410)
>>Family, M. on supply (Kenney), 12406-7(189:1025-30)
>>Finance Standing Committee, 2504-5(41:1510-5)
>>Foreign investment, 13540-1(205:1130)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 559(11:1815), 9457(143:1350)
>>>M. on supply (Lalonde), 1630-3(29:1140-55)
>>Government, 190-1(6:1230-40)
>>Government contracts, 15842(237:1825)
>>>o.q., 15673(235:1425-30)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions
>>>o.q., 4845(73:1150), 7704-5(117:1445-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 11641(177:1410-5)
>>Government expenditures, 190-1(6:1230-40)
>>>o.q., 2502(41:1455)
>>Government grants, 15842(237:1825)
>>>o.q., 13224(201:1425-30), 13228(201:1445), 15313-4(231:1450-5), 15723(236:1425-30), 15806-7(237:1430), 16189-90(242:1430), 16256(243:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 13564(205:1410), 13758-9(206:1410)
>>Government revenues, 11327(172:1930)
>>Hate crimes, 9089(137:1355)
>>>S.O. 31, 9905(150:1410)
>>Health care system, 9457(143:1350), 11327-8(172:1930-5)
>>Hospitals, 5344(80:1625-30)
>>IBM Canada, S.O. 31, 14391-2(216:1405-10)
>>Immigration Act, o.q., 4790(72:1455)
>>Income, 5311(79:1725), 11326(172:1925)
>>Income tax, 191-2(6:1235-40), 5311(79:1725), 5687(86:1130-5), 9470(143:1505)
>>>S.O. 31, 95(4:1410)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 5686-7(86:1125-35)
>>Information highway/Internet, 8143-4(122:1305-10), 9087-9(137:1340-55), 9108-9(137:1535-45), 9470(143:1505)
>>Information technologies, 5311(79:1725), 5343(80:1620)
>>>o.q., 4845-6(73:1150-5), 4900(74:1450), 7012(106:1445-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 1093(20:1110), 4836(73:1110)
>>Interprovincial trade, S.O. 31, 4272(65:1405-10)
>>Job creation, 11201(171:1815), 11326(172:1930), 11328(172:1935)
>>Knowledge-based economy, 9089(137:1350)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 5686-7(86:1125-30)
>>Martin, Paul, references, 5687(86:1135)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 5310-1(79:1720-5)
>>National debt, 5344(80:1625), 11326(172:1925)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, S.O. 31, 14928(225:1405)
>>Ontario, 4097(62:1740), 11160(171:1350)
>>>o.q., 14720(222:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 7697(117:1410), 15803(237:1410), 15856(238:1110)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9087-9(137:1340-55), 9108-9(137:1535-45), 15742-3(236:1600-10)
>>Print media, M. (Myers), 9817-9(148:1845-55)
>>>Contempt of Parliament, 2504-5(41:1510-5)
>>>Rights of Members breached, 2504-5(41:1510-5)
>>>Bills, Government, 8139(122:1235)
>>>Debate, 7856(118:1940)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 12407(189:1025-30)
>>>Question and comment period, 6004(91:1145)
>>>Quorum, 5566(84:1130)
>>Productivity, 11326(172:1925), 12397(188:1805), 13539-41(205:1120-30), 14058(210:1835)
>>>o.q., 12950-1(197:1425-30), 14676-7(221:1450)
>>Research and development, 13540(205:1125)
>>Royal Canadian Mint, o.q., 6667-8(101:1425-30)
>>Small and medium business, 5343-4(80:1620-5), 8450(127:1325), 8454(127:1335), 10364-5(158:1235)
>>Small Business Loans Act, 8451(127:1325), 10363(158:1220)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 8450-4(127:1325-45), 10316(157:1705-10), 10363-5(158:1220-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 12224(186:1405)
>>Social programs, 192(6:1245)
>>Standard of living, o.q., 14676(221:1450)
>>Student loans, 5311(79:1725)
>>>M. on Supply (Charest), 4095-7(62:1730-40)
>>Students, 5310(79:1720)
>>Tardif, Paul, 8538(128:1520)
>>Taxation, 190-1(6:1235), 4096-7(62:1730-5), 5310-1(79:1720-5), 5343(80:1620), 5687(86:1130-5), 9088(137:1345), 11326(172:1925), 11328(172:1935)
>>>o.q., 15860(238:1130)
>>Telemarketing, 4915-6(74:1630-40), 8143-4(122:1305-10), 8146(122:1325), 8315-7(124:1625-35)
>>Theft, 9089(137:1355)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 190-2(6:1230-45)
>>Toys, M. (Godin, Y.), 4868-9(74:1130)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 5311(79:1725)
>>Transitional jobs fund, o.q., 13090(199:1450)
>>Unemployment, 5311(79:1725), 11326(172:1925)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 5818(88:1410)
>>Women, 12406(189:1025)
>>Youth, 11326(172:1925)
Jones, Leonard
Former Member of Parliament, former Mayor of Moncton, death, tributes,
Jonquière, Que.
150th anniversary, Conseil québécois du patrimoine vivant, rally, S.O. 31,
>>See also Festivals--World Puppetry Week;
Forest products--Recycling of bark;
National Revenue Department--Taxation data centres;
Semaine internationale de la francophonie--Villes des mots 1998
Jordan see Child abduction--Reddy; Hussein, King of Jordan; Israel--Israeli Mossad agents
Jordan, Jim
Former MP for Leeds--Grenville, tribute, 71(4:1135-40)
Jordan, Joe (Lib.--Leeds--Grenville)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 72(4:1145)
>>Agricultural products, 12393(188:1735)
>>Broadcasting, S.O. 31, 12489(190:1055)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12393-4(188:1735-45)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 619(12:1525-30)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 619(12:1525-30)
>>Canada Winter Games (Corner Brook, Nfld., 1999), S.O. 31, 12310-1(187:1400)
>>Children, o.q., 2035(35:1145)
>>Committees (Parliamentary), 12454(189:1530)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail)(Bill C-235), 8286-7(123:1855-900)
>>Crime prevention, 73(4:1145)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--flight)(Bill C-440), 13985-6(209:1405-10)
>>Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-251), 15468(233:1340)
>>Dairy industry, 3363(52:2100)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 8198(122:1750)
>>Electricity, 2326(38:2405)
>>Environment, 72(4:1140), 2312-3(38:2230)
>>>o.q., 12632(192:1455), 14881(224:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 2574(42:1355)
>>Estimates, 7803(118:1355), 7858(118:1955-2000)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 12453-4(189:1530)
>>Family and Children Services of Leeds and Grenville, S.O. 31, 12747(194:1400)
>>Farm income, 12393(188:1735)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 72(4:1140)
>>Film and television industry, o.q., 5285(79:1440)
>>Great Lakes, o.q., 13230(201:1455)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
>>>M. to adjourn, 2312-3(38:2230), 2326(38:2405), 2328(38:2415), 2333(38:2445)
>>>o.q., 15728-9(236:1455)
>>Gun control/guns, 7858(118:1955-2000), 8198(122:1730)
>>Health care system, 73(4:1145)
>>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 1090-1(20:1100-5)
>>Hureljack, Ryan, S.O. 31, 9636(146:1055)
>>Ice storm 1998, 5159-60(77:1725)
>>>M. to adjourn, 3363-4(52:2100-10)
>>>o.q., 3736(57:1455), 4066(62:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 3179(50:1405)
>>Impaired driving, 7803(118:1355)
>>Information highway/Internet, S.O. 31, 403(9:1405)
>>Jordan, Jim, 71(4:1135-40)
>>Justice system, 8198(122:1750)
>>Kenney, references, S.O. 31, 14669-70(221:1410-5)
>>Maple syrup industry, 3363(52:2100-5)
>>Merrickville, Ont., S.O. 31, 605(12:1400), 8873(134:1400)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 5159-60(77:1725)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, o.q., 9301(140:1445)
>>National unity, 73-4(4:1145-50)
>>Newfoundland School System Special Joint Committee, M. (Dion), 1177(21:1710)
>>Paralympics (Nagano, Japan), S.O. 31, 5948-9(90:1405)
>>Political parties, S.O. 31, 7523(114:1405-10)
>>Poverty, 73(4:1140)
>>>Members' remarks, 1984(34:1500), 2038(35:1200), 12394(188:1745)
>>>Speeches, 2312(38:2230)
>>References see Kenney--References
>>Reform Party, S.O. 31, 1759(31:1400-5)
>>Rowing, S.O. 31, 1355(24:1405)
>>Taxation, 12453-4(189:1530)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 71-4(4:1135-50)
>>Transit passes, M. (Riis), 11539-40(176:1155-200)
>>Veterans, o.q., 9043(136:1140)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 3849(59:1055-100)
>>Water, o.q., 13230(201:1455), 15728-9(236:1455)
>>Women, o.q., 4636(70:1450)
>>Youth, 72(4:1145)
Jospin, Lionel see Quebec separation sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide, France position
Journée internationale de la francophonie see Francophonie
Journée nationale des Patriotes see Quebec
Journées québécoises de la solidarité international see Quebec--International role
Joval International see Textile and clothing industry
Joy riding
Criminal Code provisions, petitions, 786(15:1205), 1584(28:1515),
3648(56:1015), 8208(123:1010)
>>Criminal Code section 335, strengthening, 157(5:1225), 163(5:1305),
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--joy riding)(Bill C-209)
Joyal, Hon. Serge see Senate--appointments
Joyal, Mr. Justice Louis Marcel see Canada Labour Relations Board--Weatherill, Removal; Privilege--Bryden (contempt of Parliament)
Joyal, Miguel see Winterlude--Ottawa, Ont.
Joyce, Richard see Penitentiaries--Inmates, Drug abuse/access
Joyceville Institution see Penitentiaries
JTF2 commando unit see Canadian Armed Forces--Joint task force two
Jubilee 2000 see Developing countries--Debts, Owed to Canada
Judd, Stan see Canadian Executive Services Organization (CESO)--Panama
Judge Advocate General see Canadian Armed Forces--Military justice system
Judge shopping see Young offenders--Trials
Abella, Rosalie, criticism, 7575(115:1125), 7691(117:1340)
>>Accountability/independence, 1353(24:1350), 1426(25:1310), 5522(83:1510-5),
5536-7(83:1650), 5540(83:1715), 5657-60(85:1635-700), 7250(109:1655),
7547-9(114:1635-55), 7551(114:1710), 7552-3(114:1720), 7574-7(115:1120-45),
7581(115:1210), 7585-6(115:1245-50), 7686(117:1305), 7721(117:1630-5),
7727-31(117:1710-35), 7839(118:1750), 8013(120:1010-5), 8015(120:1025),
8026(120:1150), 8028(120:1200), 9944(151:1010), 9950(151:1045),
11265-6(172:1220), 12924-5(197:1145), 12973-5(197:1650-705)
>>>See also Discrimination and racism--Equality
>>Appointment process, reforming, eliminating patronage, etc.,
1372-3(24:1550-5), 1376-8(24:1615-25), 1382(24:1700), 5522(83:1510-5),
5527-8(83:1545-55), 5533(83:1630), 5535(83:1640), 5543(83:1740),
5548(83:1820), 5653(85:1605), 7539-40(114:1540), 7542-4(114:1600-20),
7546(114:1630), 7549(114:1655), 7551-2(114:1710-20), 7574-6(115:1120-30),
7578-9(115:1150-5), 7581(115:1210), 7592(115:1335), 7692-3(117:1350),
8026-7(120:1150-5), 8029(120:1210), 9949(151:1035-40), 10907(166:1040),
11265-6(172:1220), 11276(172:1330), 12974(197:1700)
>>>o.q., 1286(23:1450)
>>>Parliamentary review, 15223(229:1250)
>>>See also Supreme Court of Canada--Justices
>>Boyle, Harry see Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders, Ursel
>>Campbellton, N.B., shortage, federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, etc.,
>>>o.q., 3498-9(54:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 5461-2(82:1110)
>>Canadian Judicial Council recommendations, 5651(85:1550), 5655(85:1615-20)
>>>See also Judges--Code of conduct
>>Chief justices, terms, limiting to seven years, 5653(85:1605)
>>Code of conduct and conflict of interest rules, Canadian Judicial Council
recommendation, 5653(85:1605)
>>>Parliament reviewing/overruling, 7841(118:1805)
>>>Public opinion influencing, Supreme Court of Canada Chief Justice Antonio
Lamer remarks, S.O. 31, 11639(177:1405)
>>Decisions/remarks, inappropriate, 5533(83:1625), 5539-40(83:1715),
5651-3(85:1550-605), 5659(85:1655), 7545-8(114:1620-45), 7574(115:1120),
7579-80(115:1200-5), 7592-3(115:1335-50), 7608(115:1505-10), 7731(117:1735),
7835(118:1720-5), 12922(197:1130), 12974(197:1705)
>>Devitt, T.D. see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex
offenders/pedophiles, Brown
>>Disciplinary hearings, opening to public, 5653(85:1605)
>>Discretion, limiting, 8030-1(120:1220-5), 8034(120:1250)
>>Downes, Lathleen see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex
offenders/pedophiles, Mack
>>Electing, 5547(83:1815), 7841(118:1805), 7581(115:1210),
7730-1(117:1725-35), 8027(120:1155), 12975(197:1705)
>>>California example, 5544-5(83:1750-5), 7244(109:1615), 7553(114:1720)
>>Flahiff, Justice Robert, Quebec Superior Court, money laundering conviction,
removal, etc., 11173(171:1505), 11292-3(172:1505)
>>>o.q., 12368-9(188:1455)
>>Independence see Judges--Accountability/independence
>>Judge bashing, 12973(197:1650-5)
>>Legislation, Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 5523-7(83:1520-45), 7538(114:1530),
>>>English/French text, matching, 9947(151:1025)
>>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee study, rushed, few witnesses,
>>>New Democratic Party position, 8024(120:1135), 8026(120:1150)
>>>Previous amendments, legislation, 5504(83:1335), 5532-3(83:1620-5),
5536(83:1645), 5540(83:1715), 7542(114:1600), 7552(114:1720), 7587(115:1300)
>>>Priority over more important issues, 5504-5(83:1335-40), 5536(83:1645),
5539(83:1705-10), 5541-2(83:1725-35), 5548-9(83:1820-5), 5658-9(85:1645-55),
7542(114:1600), 7552(114:1720), 7587(115:1300), 8028(120:1205)
>>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 5530(83:1610),
8029-30(120:1210-20), 9949-50(151:1040-5)
>>>Reform Party position, 5504(83:1335), 9944-6(151:1010-20)
>>>Senate consideration, amendments, 9943-50(151:1000-45)
>>>Technical amendments, 5504(83:1335), 9944(151:1010)
>>>See also Family courts--Unified family court;
Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37);
Ontario Court of Appeal--Judges;
Supreme Court of Canada--Justices, Pensions
>>Life insurance, government paying for coverage, 5503(83:1325)
>>Mackenzie, Brian see Sentences (convicted criminals)--Caziere
>>Manitoba, federal judges, geographic distribution, 7579(115:1155)
>>Matrimonial assets, divorce/separation, impact, 5527(83:1545)
>>Members of Parliament discussing, criticizing, right, 5653-8(85:1610-45),
5662(85:1715), 7575(115:1125), 7578(115:1150), 7588(115:1310),
>>New Brunswick, Court of Queen's Bench, Restigouche region, appointment of
second judge, federal-provincial correspondence, M. for Production of Papers
(Dube, J.), called, transferred for debate, 11382(173:1515)
>>Number, increasing, court backlog factor, 5507(83:1355), 7586(115:1250)
>>>Improving adopting rule of 80, 5502(83:1325), 5540-2(83:1715-35),
8014(120:1015-20), 8026-7(120:1150-5), 8030(120:1220)
>>>>Women, younger judges, impact, 8014(120:1015-20), 8026-7(120:1150-5)
>>>Spouses, survivors annuities
>>>>Definition of spouse, common law spouses eligibility, two spouses
eligible, opposite sex requirement, etc., 5502-3(83:1325), 5533(83:1625),
5538(83:1705), 7552(114:1720), 7574(115:1120), 7715-6(117:1600),
8014(120:1020), 8024(120:1135)
>>>>>Judicial Compensation and Benefits Commission examining, deleting clauses
in Judges Act (Amdt.)(Bill C-37), 9943-7(151:1000-25), 9950(151:1040-5)
>>>>Marriage after retirement, reduced pension with spousal annuity option,
5502-3(83:1325), 8014(120:1020)
>>>See also Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37)
>>Provincial court judges, workload increase, Criminal Code changes factor,
etc., 5528(83:1555)
>>Public confidence, respect, lack, 5533(83:1625), 5661-2(85:1710-5),
7580(115:1200), 7593(115:1350), 8016(120:1035), 8026-7(120:1150-5),
8029(120:1210), 11276(172:1330)
>>Reform Party criticism, 7247(109:1635), 8029-30(120:1210-20)
>>Removal process, 11265(172:1220)
>>Role, 5528-9(83:1600)
>>>Constitutional, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms factor,
5660(85:1700), 7585(115:1245), 7587(115:1305), 7592(115:1340), 7677(117:1200),
7680(117:1220), 7684-5(117:1250-300), 7724(117:1650), 7727(117:1705-10),
7730-3(117:1725-55), 7735(117:1810), 7737-8(117:1820-5), 8013(120:1010),
>>>Interpreting law, 5660(85:1655-700), 5662(85:1715)
>>>Judicial activism, law-making, usurping powers of Parliament, etc.,
5539-40(83:1710-5), 5549(83:1825), 7583(115:1225), 7585-6(115:1245-305),
7592(115:1335-40), 7608(115:1510), 7677-80(117:1200-20), 7685-6(117:1300),
7688-93(117:1320-50), 7712-5(117:1535-50),
8019(120:1055), 11247-8(172:1015-25), 11271(172:1255), 11301(172:1600),
>>>>Schacter case, Supreme Court of Canada ruling, 7677(117:1200)
>>>>S.O. 31, 8048(120:1405)
>>>>See also Supreme Court of Canada--Law-making role
>>>Parliament, powers, relationship, balance, etc., 8025-6(120:1145-50),
>>>See also Legislation--Judicial rulings altering
>>Salaries and benefits
>>>Alberta provincial judges, 5% reduction, court ruling re judicial
interference, 5660(85:1700), 5662(85:1720),
7541(114:1550-5), 7593(115:1345),
>>>Frozen, Dec. 1992 - Mar. 31, 1997, 5523(83:1515), 8022(120:1120-5),
>>>Increases, 4.1% per year for two years as of Apr. 1, 1997, 5502(83:1320-5),
5504-5(83:1355-40), 5523-9(83:1515-600),
5547-9(83:1810-25), 5651-3(85:1550-605),
7538-52(114:1530-720), 7574-82(115:1115-220),
7592-4(115:1340-55), 7608(115:1505-10), 7836(118:1730), 8013-4(120:1015),
8016-23(120:1030-130), 8025-30(120:1140-215),
9944-9(151:1010-40), 10907(166:1040)
>>>Individual judges, evaluating re salary increases, 7576(115:1135),
>>>Judicial Compensation and Benefits Commission examining, making
recommendations, Supreme Court of Canada ruling, etc., 5501-5(83:1320-55),
5523(83:1515-20), 5525(83:1530-5), 5527(83:1545-50), 5529-30(83:1605-10),
5532(83:1620), 5535-8(83:1640-705), 5440(83:1720), 5542(83:1735),
7541(114:1550), 7544(114:1615), 7549(114:1650), 7575-6(115:1130),
7579(115:1200), 7581-94(115:1255-355), 7608(115:1505), 8013-6(120:1015-35),
8018-20(120:1050-105), 8023-5(120:1125-45),
8035(120:1255), 9943-50(151:1000-45)
>>>>Criteria, providing, 9944(151:1005-10), 9946-7(151:1020-5),
>>>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee studying report,
7581-94(115:1210-355), 7608(115:1505), 8016(120:1030-5), 8030(120:1215),
>>>>Patronage factor, 5505(83:1340-5), 5530(83:1605), 5532(83:1620),
5536(83:1645-50), 5538(83:1700-5), 5440(83:1720), 7544(114:1615),
7576(115:1130), 7586-7(115:1255-300), 9949-50(151:1040)
>>>>See also Judges--Pensions, Spouses--Scott commission recommendations
>>>Parliament, responsibility, 5538(83:1700)
>>>Provinces, increases, 8029(120:1210)
>>>Quebec provincial judges
>>>>Increases, basing on public service negotiated increases, 5536(83:1645)
>>>>Reduction, provincial legislation, 5524(83:1525), 7546-7(114:1630-5),
>>>Scott commission recommendations, 5502-3(83:1320-30), 5523-4(83:1515-20),
5528-9(83:1555-605), 7539-40(114:1530-45),
7543(114:1610), 7549(114:1650-5),
7582(115:1220), 8013-4(120:1015-20), 8016-8(120:1030-45), 8020-2(120:1105-20),
8028-9(120:1205), 8033-5(120:1245-55), 9947(151:1025-30)
>>>Total, additional judges factor, 5538(83:1700)
>>>United States, comparison, 5544(83:1750), 5547(83:1810)
>>>See also Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37);
Penitentiaries--Correctional officers, Salaries;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Salaries
>>Sanderson, Brian see Child pornography--Possession
>>Sparks, Corrine, first black woman judge in Canada, not appointed to Nova
Scotia Unified Family Court, 14784-5(222:1930-40)
>>>Government reviewing, o.q., 14324-5(215:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 13817(207:1410)
>>Term limits, establishing, 7579(115:1155)
>>Vanderhoof, Peter see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation
>>Westmoreland-Traoré, Juanita, appointment to criminal and family division of
Quebec court, first black woman, S.O. 31, 13758(206:1410)
>>Wetson, Howard see Penitentiaries--Inmates, Right to vote
>>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation;
Cruelty to animals--Penalties;
Divorce--Child custody and support;
Family courts--Unified family courts;
Impaired driving--Sentences--Trials;
Justice system--DNA evidence, Biological samples--DNA evidence, Judges
allowing use--DNA evidence, Legislation;
New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench;
Ontario Court of Appeal;
Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences--Judges
discretion--Judges sentences not respected--Minimum sentences;
Sexual assault/offences--Alberta Court of Appeal;
Stony Indian Reserve--Financial mismanagement/abuse;
Young offenders--Privacy--Sentences;
Young Offenders Act--Youth Justice Strategy, Implementation
Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37)--Minister of Justice (McLellan)
First reading, 5091(77:1005)
>>Second reading, 5501-7(83:1315-55), 5522-49(83:1510-825),
5651-63(85:1545-730), 5700(86:1320), agreed to,
on recorded division,
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 5935(89:1800)
>>>Reported, without amdt., 7284(110:1520)
>>Report stage, 7538-54(114:1525-730), 7574-94(115:1115-355),
7607-9(115:1505-15), 7912-4(118:2635-50),
concurrence, as amended, agreed to,
on division, 7914(118:2650)
>>>>(Bellehumeur), 7538(114:1530), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>>(Ramsay), 7581(115:1210), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Third reading, 8013-35(120:1010-255), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Senate amdts., second reading, concurrence, 9943-50(151:1000-45), agreed to,
on recorded division, 10046-7(152:1850-900)
>>Royal Assent, 10146(154:1525). Chap. 30, S.C. 1998
>>See also Judges--Legislation
Judicial activism see Judges--Role
Judicial Compensation and Benefits Commission see Judges--Salaries and benefits
Judicial errors see Justice system--Pardons
Judicial interference see Judges--Salaries
Judicial restraint see Dangerous/high-risk offenders
Judicial review see Parole--Murderers
Judicial rulings see Legislation; Marriage--Definition
Judique Creignish Consolidated School see Education--Funding, Transfer payments to provinces
Julien, Pauline
Quebec singer, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 8646-7(130:1405-15)
Junction see Toronto, Ont.
Junior Achievement Globe program see Education
Junior farmers see Farmers
Juno Awards see Music
Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
Behaviour Speaker Parent interventions, etc., 5290-1(79:1505)
>>Government controlling, 13929(208:1705)
>>Report adopted while opposition members attending Justice Department
briefing, 6927-8(105:1500-5)
>>Reports, presented
>>>First (Criminal Code and Interpretation Act (amdt.--powers to arrest and
enter dwellings)(Bill C-16)), 1619(29:1015)
>>>Second (Circumstances leading up to and surrounding its consideration of
Bill C-16), government response requested, 2104(36:1550)
>>>Third (Customs Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-18)), 3035(48:1505)
>>>Fourth (Draft Regulations on Firearms), 3035(48:1505)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Ramsay), 5646-9(85:1505-40)
>>>Fifth (Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill
C-12)), 3035(48:1510)
>>>Sixth (DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3)), 5472(82:1205)
>>>Seventh (Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act
(amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5)), 5676(86:1010)
>>>Eighth (Impaired driving bill drafting deadline), 7067(107:1205)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Harris), 13482-9(204:1120-300)
>>>Ninth (Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--forensic DNA
analysis)(Bill C-104)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.), provisions and operation),
>>>>g.r., tabled, 8769(132:1505)
>>>Tenth (Main estimates, 1998-1999, Justice, Solicitor General, Privy
Council), 7284(110:1520)
>>>Eleventh (Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37)), 7284(110:1520)
>>>Twelfth (Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208)), 9230(139:1505)
>>>Thirteenth (Impaired driving bill), 9304-5(140:1505)
>>>>Concurrence, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 9314(140:1615)
>>>Fourteenth (Victims Rights--A Voice, not a Veto), 9519(144:1505)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (White, R.), 13478-82(204:1010-120)
>>>>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (White, R.), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>Fifteenth (Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and
Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)), 9650(146:1200)
>>>Sixteenth (Extradition Act (Bill C-40)), 10433(159:1510)
>>>Seventeenth (Nunavut Act (amdt.--Nunavut Court of Justice)(Bill C-57)),
>>>Eighteenth (Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act
(amdt.--cumulative sentencing)(Bill C-251)), 14026(210:1500)
>>>Nineteenth (Criminal Records Act (amdt.)(Bill C-69)), 15072(227:1510)
>>>Twentieth (Criminal Records and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill
C-284)), 15072(227:1510)
>>>Twenty-first (Toward Eliminating Impaired Driving), government response
requested, 15265(230:1510)
>>>Twenty-second (Criminal Code (amdt.--victims of crime)(Bill C-79)),
>>>Twenty-third (Proposals for a Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act,
1998), 15730(236:1505)
>>See also Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act
(amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5);
Canadian Security Intelligence Service--Public reports;
Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee--Meetings;
Child sexual abuse/assault/exloitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles,
Screening/flagging system;
Corrections and Conditional Release Act;
Criminal Code and Interpretation Act (amdt.--powers to arrest
and enter dwellings)(Bill C-16);
Criminal law--Legislation;
Customs Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-18);
Customs officers--Peace officer powers, Legislation;
DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3);
Gun control/guns--Registration system, Regulations;
Impaired driving--Legislation;
Judges--Legislation--Salaries and benefits, Judicial Compensation and
Benefits Commission;
Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37);
Justice system--DNA evidence, Legislation;
Nunavut Territory--Courts, Nunavut Court of Justice;
Police--Arrest powers, Legislation;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill
Sentences (convicted criminals)--Concurrent sentences--Conditional sentences;
Supreme Court of Canada--Justices, Bastarache;
Victims of crime--Legislation--Rights, Bill of rights;
Young Offenders Act--Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee Study--Youth
Justice Strategy