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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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Kamloops Indian Band

    >>7% value added tax on alcohol, tobacco and fuels
    >>>Implementation, authorization, legislation (Bill C-36), 5554(84:1015), 7288(110:1540)
    >>>Ways and Means. M. (Peterson)
    >>>>Concurrence, 5058(76:1520), agreed to, on recorded division, 5076-7(76:1755-800)
    >>>>Notice tabled, 4989(75:1500)
    >>Labour code restricting union rights, o.q., 13907(208:1440)

Kananaskis see Emergencies/disasters--Avalanche

Kanasatake First Nation see Waste disposal

Kanata, Ont. see Ice storm 1998--Financial assistance

Kane, Lorie see Golf

Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik see Emergencies/disasters--Avalanches

Kapoustin, Michael see Bulgaria

Kapton wiring see Air transportation--Safety, Smoke in cabin


    >>Baghbani, Saeed, Canadian national karate competition, gold medal winner, S.O. 31, 8047(120:1400)

Karetak-Lindell, Nancy (Lib.--Nunavut)

Karimzada, Mohamad Sharif see Refugees

Karygiannis, Jim (Lib.--Scarborough--Agincourt)

Kashmir see India

Katimavik see Official languages policy/bilingualism; Youth--Exchange programs

Kavanagh, Walter see Huntley Centennial School--School bus accident

Kawasaki see Oil and gas pipelines--Sable Island, N.S.

Kazakhstan see Canadian Executive Service Organization--International services; Income tax--Conventions/protocols; Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act 1997 (Bill C-10)

Keddy, Gerald (PC--South Shore)

Keeping the Balance: Security and Opportunity for Canadians see Finance Standing Committee--Reports

Kelowna, B.C. see Airports; Official languages policy/bilingualism--Canadian Heritage; Royal Canadian Mounted Police--British Columbia

Kelowna B.C. Toy Run

    >>Success, note of thanks, S.O. 31, 1460(26:1405)

Ken Dryden scholarships see Scholarships

Kennedy, Gordon see Kidnapping

Kennedy, Sheldon see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles, James

Kenney, Jason (Ref.--Calgary Southeast)

Kenney, Mart see Music


    >>Elections, violence, o.q., 1155(21:1440)

Keon, Hon. Senator Wilbert J. (PC--Ottawa)

    >>References see Senate--Appointments, Patronage factor

Kerpan, Allan (Ref.--Blackstrap)

    >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 2384(39:1435)
    >>Agriculture, M. on supply (Breitkreuz, G.), 9753(148:1135), 9794(148:1600), 9806-7(148:1720-5)
    >>Banks and financial institutions, petition, 15869(238:1215)
    >>Budget 1998, pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 3088(49:1205)
    >>Canada Grain Act and Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (amdt.) and Grain Futures Act (repeal)(Bill C-26), 6766-7(103:1320-30)
    >>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 6686-8(101:1645-55)
    >>Canada Pension Plan, S.O. 31, 2794-5(45:1100)
    >>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 4038-40(61:1655-710)
    >>Crime, 8201(122:1810)
    >>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 1303-4(23:1645-55), 6769-70(103:1345-55), 8187-8(122:1635-40), 8197(122:1745), 8200-4(122:1810-35)
    >>Employment insurance, petition, 15868(238:1215)
    >>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 16181(242:1345)
    >>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)
    >>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13248(201:1700), 13251(201:1720)
    >>Grain transportation, 13251(201:1720)
    >>Gun control/guns
    >>>Petition, 10924(166:1210)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5128-9(77:1410-5)
    >>Health care system, petition, 9740(148:1010)
    >>Highways and roads, petition, 9740(148:1010)
    >>Justice system, 1303-4(23:1645-55), 8187-8(122:1635-40), 8197(122:1745), 8201-4(122:1815-35)
    >>Kerpan, references, 8201-2(122:1815-20)
    >>National parks/marine conservation areas, 5119(77:1315)
    >>Nisga'a land claim, M. on supply (Scott, M.), 15832(237:1710)
    >>Ontario, 15866(238:1200)
    >>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 5119(77:1315)
    >>Parole, 139(5:1040), 166(5:1325)
    >>>o.q., 1279(23:1415-20)
    >>>o.q., 1048(19:1445), 1279(23:1415)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1089-90(20:1055-100)
    >>Police, 8202-3(122:1825)
    >>>S.O. 31, 143(5:1195)
    >>>Mahoney (rights of Members breached), 13933(208:1730)
    >>>Petitions, 7456(113:1120)
    >>>Private Members' Business, 15832(237:1715)
    >>>Quorum, 6658(101:1330)
    >>>Speeches, 13925(208:1635)
    >>Public safety, 8201(122:1810)
    >>Public Service, 13248(201:1700)
    >>References, visit to Washington, D.C., to study United States justice system, 8201-2(122:1815-20)
    >>Refugees, o.q., 2806-7(45:1155)
    >>Saulteaux First Nation, 15832(237:1710)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 139(5:1040), 166(5:1325)
    >>Young offenders
    >>>o.q., 7232(109:1445)
    >>>Petition, 10924(166:1210)
    >>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 13925(208:1635), 13929(208:1705)

Keyes, Stan (Lib.--Hamilton West; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Transport until July 9, 1998)

Keynesian economics see Economic theory

Kick Drugs Out of Canada program see Drug/substance abuse


    >>Kennedy, Gordon and Eric Wanamaker, kidnapping of Kennedy's stepdaughter while on day parole, S.O. 31, 5818-9(88:1415)
    >>Snow, David, charged, judge's remarks, 5533(83:1625), 5653(85:1600)
    >>See also Colombia--Reinhart

Kidney Foundation of Canada see Health--Kidney disease

Kids Friendly see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Commercial exploitation

Kids from the Valley see Arts and culture--World Championships of Performing Arts

Kielburger, Craig see Children--Rights

Kilger, Bob (Lib.--Stormont--Dundas; Stormont--Dundas--Charlottenburgh as of March 12, 1999)

Kilgour, Hon. David (Lib.--Edmonton Southeast; Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa))

    >>Alberta, 3700(56:1540-5)
    >>Algeria, o.q., 2653(43:1455)
    >>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 2033-4(35:1140)
    >>Bahamas, o.q., 4278-9(65:1440)
    >>Budget, 5262(79:1215-20)
    >>Budget 1998, pre-budget consultation, M. (Boudria), 3038(48:1525)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5262(79:1215)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 12907(197:1005)
    >>Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-8), 1192(22:1010)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 3700(56:1545)
    >>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 7755-7(117:2030-40)
    >>Central America, o.q., 10144(154:1500)
    >>Child labour, 1613(28:1825)
    >>Congo, o.q., 10618(162:1455)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--victims of crime)(Bill C-79), 14082(211:1220), 14084(211:1235), 14087(211:1300), 14119(211:1625), 14123(211:1655)
    >>Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), 9846(149:1610)
    >>Drug/substance abuse, 7202(109:1140), 14082(211:1220), 14084(211:1235), 14119(211:1625)
    >>>o.q., 11511(175:1155)
    >>Emergencies/disasters, 3700(56:1545)
    >>Excise Tax Act, 12907(197:1000)
    >>Foreign aid, o.q., 11512(175:1200)
    >>French language, 3700(56:1545)
    >>Health, 10712(163:1255)
    >>Heroin, 14084(211:1235)
    >>Human rights, 3699(56:1540)
    >>Ice storm 1998, 3700(56:1545)
    >>Impaired driving, 14087(211:1300)
    >>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 12907(197:1005)
    >>Indonesia, o.q., 7064(107:1150)
    >>Interprovincial trade, 3700(56:1545)
    >>Israel, o.q., 405(9:1410-5), 407-10(9:1425-40)
    >>Justice system, M. on supply (Pankiw), 7202(109:1140)
    >>Kenya, o.q., 1155(21:1440)
    >>Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6), 1203(22:1125)
    >>Mexico, o.q., 7014(106:1455), 8106(121:1150)
    >>Multiculturalism, 3699(56:1540)
    >>Nigeria, o.q., 7929(119:1450)
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 3700(56:1545)
    >>Ogle, Fr. Bob, 6149-50(93:1500-5)
    >>>Scott, A. (personal privilege), 8802(133:1005)
    >>>Documents, 8802(133:1005)
    >>>Question and comment period, 9846(149:1610)
    >>Quebec distinct society status, 3700(56:1545)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, M. on supply (Duceppe), 3697(56:1520), 3699-701(56:1535-50)
    >>References see Central America
    >>Sierra Leone, o.q., 4069(62:1455)
    >>Social union, M. on supply (Manning), 10712(163:1255)
    >>South Africa, o.q., 8299-300(124:1445)
    >>Supreme Court of Canada, 3701(56:1550)
    >>Trade, o.q., 5824(88:1540)
    >>Ways and Means motions, 12907(197:1000)
    >>Young offenders, 14119(211:1625), 14123(211:1655)

Kimberley Junior Dynamiters see Hockey

King Clancy awards see Disabled and handicapped persons

King, Ray see Murderers--Olson

King Salmon Resort see Fisheries--Sport fishing lodges

King, Right Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie see World War II--Quebec City, Que. meeting

Kingston Community Credit Union

    >>Charitable activities, Ontario Credit Union Charitable Foundation award winner, tributed, 15799-800(237:1355)

Kingston, Ont.

    >>Canada's first capital, official recognition, Ian Milne, Margaret Angus, campaign, S.O. 31, 11108(169:1400)

Kingston Penitentiary See Penitentiaries

Kingston Prison for Women see Penitentiaries--Inmates, LSD experiments

Kingston Whig Standard see Newspapers

Kinsmen Club

    >>Erin Mills, Ont., 20th anniversary, S.O. 31, 402(9:1400)

Kipling, Sgt Michael see Canadian Armed Forces

Kitchener Centre constituency

    >>A.R. Kaufman family YMCA, reopening ceremony, S.O. 31, 11451(174:1400)

Kitchener, Ont.

    >>Described, 121(4:1655-700)
    >>See also Entrepreneurs--Woerner, Klaus; Hybrid Turkeys; Penitentiaries--Inmates, Drug abuse/access; Tourism; Trade--Team Canada approach

Kitchener-Waterloo constituency see Crime prevention--Community-based programs

Kitchener-Waterloo Multiculturalism Centre see Discrimination and racism--International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Kitchener-Waterloo, Ont. see Oktoberfest

Kitchener-Waterloo Sidewinders see Hockey--Sledge hockey

Klassen, Ralph see Violence/violent offences-- Women

Klassen, Susan see Violence/violent offences--Women

Klein, Premier Ralph see Liberal government (Chrétien); Senate--Elected

Knife control see Gun control/guns

Knowledge-based economy

    >>Adapting to, taking advantage of, 177-81(6:1100-30), 222(6:1540), 9074(137:1200), 9112(137:1600)
    >>Budget 1999 measures, lack, 12115(184:1325)
    >>Education and training, role, 179(6:1115)
    >>Government measures, 3954-5(60:1820)
    >>>Lack, 9089(137:1350)
    >>Investment, Budget 1999 measures, 12292(187:1200-5)
    >>Knowledge workers, Canada ranked first, 9110(137:1545)
    >>Skills development, access, encouraging, Budget 1999 measures, 12378(188:1600)
    >>See also Social sciences

Knowledge workers see Knowledge-based economy

Knowles, Hon. Stanley

Knutson, Gar (Lib.--Elgin--Middlesex--London; Parliamentary Secretary to Prime Minister as of July 18, 1998)

Koby, Victor see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

Koester, Dr. C. Beverley

    >>Former Clerk of the House of Commons, death, tributes, 3555-7(55:1500-10)

Kolay, Ekrem see Turkey--Zana

Komarica, Bishop Franjo

    >>Bishop of Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina, tribute, welcome to Canada, S.O. 31, 7269-70(110:1400)

Konrad, Derrek (Ref.--Prince Albert)

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (North Korea)

    >>Deaths, 3 million out of 20 million, 12055(183:2030)
    >>Missiles aimed at Montreal, Que., 12054(183:2020)
    >>See also Foreign aid; Nuclear weapons

Korea, Republic of (South Korea) see Trade--Asia, Southeast

Korean border see Land mines (anti-personnel mines)

Korean War

    >>Canadian Armed Forces role, 6993(106:1255)
    >>See also Veterans--Veterans Week

Kosovo Liberation Army see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of

Kosovo province see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of

Kotaneelee project see Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory

Kouchibouguac National Park see National parks/marine conservation areas

Koyama, Ken see Canadian Executive Service Organization--Guyana

KPMG see Business--Cost of doing business; Competition--Competitiveness; Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Budget, Overspending; Sherbrooke, Que.; Stony Indian Reserve--Financial mismanagement/abuse

Kraft Sloan, Karen (Lib.--York North; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of the Environment until July 9, 1998)

Kreminica, Albania see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, Albanian border

Krever Inquiry see Blood passim

Krever, Justice Horace see Blood--Krever Inquiry

Krieger, Bob see Film and television industry--Academy Awards

Kroeger, Arthur see Grain transportation--Estey report

Kruger, Michael see Penitentiaries--Inmates

Kuala Lumpur see Commonwealth Games

Kulesza, Kasia see Commonwealth Games (1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malasyia)--Canadian team, Synchronized swimming

Kumanovo see Yugoslavia (former)--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operations, etc.

Kuptana, Rosemarie

    >>Inuit leader, Order of Canada, promotion to officer, S.O. 31, 14268(214:1110)

Kurdish People

    >>Recognition, treatment by Iran, Iraq, Turkey, etc., 3637(55:2430), 3639(55:2450), 12054-5(183:2025-30)
    >>>Canadian Security Council seat, relationship
    >>>>o.q., 12131(184:1500)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 12121(184:1400)
    >>Turkey violating human rights, o.q., 12543(191:1435-40)
    >>See also Turkey--Ocalan


    >>Elections, women, right to vote granted, S.O. 31, 15499(234:1405)

Kyoto, Japan see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--International treaty