The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Leeds--Grenville constituency see Environment; Ice storm 1998--Assistance; Information highway/Internet--Community Access Program; Jordan, Jim
Lefebvre, Laurie see Motor vehicles--Accidents, Hit and run
Lefebvre, Réjean (BQ--Champlain; Ind.--Champlain as of January 5, 1999)
- >>Bourassa-Aubin, Corinne, S.O. 31, 3435(53:1400)
>>Budget, 3282(51:1630)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 7144-5(108:1655-700)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999, 12898(196:1910)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9245-6(139:1645-50)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 1659(29:1440), 1763(31:1415), 1841(32:1430), 1902(33:1420-5), 2089(36:1420), 2495(41:1420), 6672(101:1450-5)
>>Corporations, 3282(51:1630)
>>Deficit, 3282-3(51:1630-5)
>>Employment insurance, 3282-3(51:1635)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 12579(191:1850)
>>Government expenditures, 3283(51:1635)
>>Income Tax Act, 12900(196:1910)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3281-3(51:1625-35)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 14973-4(225:1910-5)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 7144-5(108:1655-700)
>>National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 12901(196:1910)
>>National Revenue Department, 9246(139:1645)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2589-91(42:1520-30), 2594(42:1545-50), 2604(42:1725-30), 2635(42:2125)
>>Private family trusts, 3282(51:1635)
>>Public Service, 9246(139:1645)
>>Quebec Games (1999), S.O. 31, 12854(196:1400)
>>Rail transportation/railways, o.q., 12956(197:1455)
>>S. Matte Hardware Store, S.O. 31, 8048(120:1405)
>>Saint-Rémi de Lac-aux-Sables Parish, S.O. 31, 605(12:1400)
>>Science and technology, 3282(51:1630)
>>>S.O. 31, 8985-6(135:1400)
>>Taxation, 3282(51:1630)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 3282(51:1630)
Leg-hold traps see Fur industry
Legal aid see Justice system
Legal opinions see Justice system--DNA evidence, Legislation
Legal system see Justice system
Legault, Jean-François
Governor General's medal of bravery and Quebec National Assembly's citation
for citizenship, S.O. 31, 15913(239:1410)
Légendes fantastiques see Festivals--Drummondville, Que.; Tourism--Quebec, Grand prix
Léger & Léger see National unity--Calgary Declaration, Public opinion poll results
Léger, Gabrielle
Wife of former Governor General Hon. Jules Léger, death, tributes, S.O. 31,
Back to work legislation see Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76);
Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24)
>>Bloc Québécois support/opposing, 11030(168:1140)
>>Closure and time allocation
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), use, 13033(198:1700)
>>>>Liberal Party outrage, hypocrisy, 5930-1(89:1720-5), 7143(108:1645),
7151(108:1745), 7288-9(110:1545), 7291-2(110:1605-10), 10883-4(165:1720),
11030(168:1145), 11042-3(168:1300-5)
>>>>o.q., 657(13:1445-50)
>>>Use, 5407(81:1345), 5554(84:1010), 5577(84:1255), 5874-5(89:1120-5),
7102-3(108:1255-300), 7107-9(108:1335-40),
7133(108:1535), 7136(108:1555),
7137(108:1605), 7143(108:1645-50), 7145-7(108:1705-10), 7148-9(108:1720-30),
7177(108:1920), 7288-9(110:1545-50), 7291-2(110:1605-10), 7294(110:1625),
7300(110:1710), 8538-41(128:1520-40), 8544(128:1605), 8690-1(131:1015),
8711(131:1215), 9476-7(143:1550-5), 9482-3(143:1635), 9528(144:1555),
10279(157:1250), 10282-3(157:1315-20), 10285(157:1340), 10305-6(157:1540-5),
10320(157:1740), 10349(158:1040), 10351(158:1050-5), 10883-4(165:1720),
11030-1(168:1145), 11043(168:1300), 11902-4(181:1615-20), 12563-5(191:1640-55),
12569-70(191:1725-35), 12575(191:1805-10),
13033(198:1700), 13316-9(202:1635-55)
>>>>Abusive, 5348(80:1655)
>>>>Government policy, o.q., 658(13:1455)
>>>See also Canada Customs and Revenue Agency--Establishing, Legislation;
Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55);
Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76);
Indians/First Nations--Land management, Legislation;
Small Business Loans Program--Legislation (Bill C-53)
>>Confidence bills, concept, 15223(229:1250)
>>Constitutional challenges, 1443-4(26:1205)
>>Delay in introduction, rushing through House before summer recess,
>>Government agenda, 8349(125:1530)
>>>Dealing with insignificant matters, 8351-2(125:1545-50)
>>Judicial rulings altering, Rosenberg ruling re definition of spouse, etc.,
M. on supply (Lowther), 7677-94(117:1200-355), 7709-38(117:1515-830)
>>Law-making see Judges--Role;
Supreme Court of Canada
>>Legislative process, Cabinet powers, etc., 8026(120:1150)
>>Omnibus legislation
>>>Opposition agreeing with parts, disagreeing with other parts, voting
difficulties, 13023(198:1545)
>>>See also Aboriginal Peoples/communities--Manitoba legislation;
Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71);
Criminal law--Legislation;
Income tax--Legislation, Bill C-28;
>>Opposition amendments, government refusing, 6378-9(96:1600)
>>Originating in unelected, unaccountable Senate, 15222(229:1245),
>>>Liberal Party in opposition criticizing Progressive Conservative government
(Mulroney) for doing same, 15221(229:1230)
>>Plain language drafting of statutes and regulations, 371(9:1025-30)
>>>See also Plain Language Act (Bill C-228)
>>Power, authority, transferred from Parliament to bureaucracy, decline in
accountability, 9238(139:1550-5)
>>Private Members' Bills see Private Members' Business--Bills
>>Quebec Civil Code
>>>Harmonizing with, bijuralism policy, 2153(37:1120)
>>>o.q., 2242-3(38:1455)
>>>See also Federal Law-Civil Law Harmonization Act, No. 1 (Bill C-50);
Indians/First Nations--Land management;
>>Question be now put motion, debate not ceasing, bill to come to vote, no
hoist, 8690(131:1010)
>>Reform Party supporting or rejecting, not opposing for sake of opposing,
election platform, etc., 8414(126:1300-5), 10062-3(153:1100-5),
10065-6(153:1125), 14112(211:1535), 15846(238:1015)
>>Senate review, role, 15852(238:1050), 16037(240:1840)
>>See also Family;
Senate--Introduction of government bills
Legislative committees see Impaired driving--Sentences
Legislative Proposals and Explanatory Notes see Income tax
Legislative Review Advisory Group Report see Citizenship and Immigration Department
LeMay Doan, Catriona see Speed Skating--World Cup Sprints
Lennox power plant see Electricity--Ontario Hydro
Lennoxville, Que. see Basketball--Bishop's Gators
Lepine, Marc see Family violence--Children
Les Confections St. Elie see Political parties--Fund raising, Liberal Party
Les Coteaux station see Rail passenger service
Les Éboulements, Québec bus accident
St. Bernard-de-Beauce senior citizens, 43 deaths, condolences,
>>>S.O. 31, 823-4(16:1355-405)
Les Méchin shipyards see Shipbuilding
Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council
Education and social services provided, 15816(237:1525)
Lester B. Pearson Centre see Centres of Excellence--Elliot Lake Centre
"Let the Future Begin" see Progressive Conservative Party
Lethbridge, Alta. see Education--French immersion programs; Grain marketing; National unity--Municipalities role
Létourneau Commission see Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia; Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Public inquiry
Létourneau, Justice Gilles see Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Public inquiry
Let's Grow Committee see Volunteer organizations
Leukemia see Health--Cancer
Leukemia Research Month see Health--Cancer, Leukemia
Leung, Sophia (Lib.--Vancouver Kingsway)
- >>Aerospace/aeronautical industry, S.O. 31, 1972(34:1400)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 3303(52:1400)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group
>>>o.q., 9834(149:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 2433(40:1100)
>>British Columbia
>>>o.q., 4333(80:1445)
>>Budget 1999
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12148-50(184:1700-10)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11328-9(172:1935-45)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9481-2(143:1625-35)
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 12148(184:1700), 12150(184:1710)
>>Child care, 12460(189:1615)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 12459(189:1610)
>>Children, petition, 14548-9(219:1205)
>>Chinatrust Commercial Bank, S.O. 31, 15303(231:1400)
>>Chinese cultural centre of Vancouver, S.O. 31, 10610(162:1410-5)
>>Chinese New Year, S.O. 31, 11960-1(182:1355)
>>Chrétien, Jean, references, S.O. 31, 10423(159:1405)
>>Citizenship and Immigration Act, o.q., 3693(56:1455)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63), 11946(182:1200-5)
>>Crime prevention, o.q., 7533(114:1500)
>>Croatia, S.O. 31, 15800(237:1400)
>>Customs Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 1818-20(32:1210-20)
>>Customs officers, 1818-20(32:1210-20)
>>>o.q., 14883-4(224:1155)
>>Developing countries, S.O. 31, 11366(173:1400)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, o.q., 7409(112:1450), 15214(229:1150)
>>Drug/substance abuse, S.O. 31, 1759(31:1400)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 13910-1(208:1455)
>>Economic development/renewal, o.q., 2654(43:1500)
>>Elections, S.O. 31, 5588(84:1405)
>>Emergencies/disasters, o.q., 4368(66:1450)
>>Energy, S.O. 31, 11692(178:1410)
>>Entrepreneurs, o.q., 13766(206:1450)
>>Equalization payments, 12149(184:1705)
>>Family, M. on supply (Kenney), 12459-60(189:1605-15)
>>Films, S.O. 31, 9510(144:1410)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 12248-9(186:1615-20)
>>Fisheries, M. on Supply (Charest), 1056-7(19:1530-45)
>>Fisheries, Pacific, 1057(19:1545)
>>Fishers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-302), 11138-9(171:1110-20)
>>Foreign investment, S.O. 31, 16087(241:1400)
>>Forest fires, o.q., 8707(131:1155)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 9481(143:1625)
>>Grain transportation
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Hilstrom), 13133-4(199:2000-5)
>>>o.q., 13301(202:1445)
>>Gun control/guns, S.O. 31, 8243(123:1405)
>>Hate crimes, o.q., 6082(92:1140)
>>Health, 12148(184:1700)
>>>o.q., 14678(221:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 12437(189:1355)
>>Health care system, 11328-9(172:1940), 12148(184:1700)
>>Homeless, o.q., 15676(235:1445)
>>Immigration Act, S.O. 31, 5948(90:1400-5)
>>>o.q., 1470(26:1455), 9401(142:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 1228(22:1405)
>>Income tax, 11328(172:1940), 12149(184:1705), 12459(189:1605-10)
>>Income tax returns, o.q., 12862(196:1440), 14547(219:1155)
>>Indians/First Nations, 12248-9(186:1615-20)
>>Indonesia, petition, 11130(170:1105)
>>International banking and financial system, S.O. 31, 7111(108:1400)
>>Israel, o.q., 785(15:1155)
>>Manning, S.O. 31, 5126(77:1405)
>>McCrae, LCol John, S.O. 31, 1228(22:1405)
>>Multiculturalism, S.O. 31, 11557(176:1355)
>>Murder, o.q., 6082(92:1140)
>>National Revenue Department, 9481(143:1625)
>>Nisga'a land claim, S.O. 31, 9953(151:1105), 14710(222:1405)
>>Nuclear weapons, petitions, 3036(48:1520), 15925(239:1515)
>>Official Languages Act, 8151-2(122:1400)
>>Olympics, 2010 Winter Games, S.O. 31, 10722(163:1400-5)
>>Pesticides, petition, 7709(117:1515)
>>Postage stamps, S.O. 31, 15015(226:1410)
>>Poverty, o.q., 5417(81:1440)
>>>Members' remarks, 12452(189:1515)
>>Productivity, 12150(184:1710)
>>Public Service, 9481(143:1625)
>>Quebec, 12149(184:1710)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, S.O. 31, 2492(41:1405)
>>Research and development, 11329(172:1945), 12148(184:1700)
>>Salmon, o.q., 9177(138:1440-5)
>>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 2865-6(46:1400)
>>Softwood lumber industry, o.q., 6857-8(104:1450)
>>Success Social Service Centre, S.O. 31, 11110(169:1410)
>>Taxation, 11328(172:1935-40), 12148-9(184:1700), 12459(189:1605-10)
>>>o.q., 11649(177:1450)
>>Unemployment, S.O. 31, 12793(195:1110)
>>Vancouver Kingsway constituency, S.O. 31, 94(4:1405), 4978(75:1410), 12222-3(186:1400)
>>Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-260), 13188-9(200:1425)
>>>o.q., 1579(28:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 13079(199:1355)
Levant, Ezra see Quebec separation/sovereignty
Léveillé, Lise see Commonwealth Games (1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)--Gymnastics
Level playing field see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--International treaty
Lévesque, Monsignor Louis
Diocesan Synod instigator, Bible scholar, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
Lévesque, René
November 1, 1987 death, tribute, S.O. 31, 1355(24:1405)
>>Statue, tribute, unveiling, S.O. 31, 15855(238:1110)
>>See also Quebec separation/sovereignty--Canada-Quebec relations
Levine, David see Hospitals--Ottawa-Carleton region
Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière constituency
References, 8141(122:1250)
Lévis, Que. see Co-operatives--Co-operative capital of Canada; Hazardous waste--Canadian National Railway Company; Rail passenger service; Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch line abandonment, Quebec--Rail/branch lines, Quebec; Shipbuilding
Lewis, Leslie see Canadian passports--Israeli Mossad agents use
L'Heureux-Dubé, Claire see Supreme Court of Canada--Justices
Liability see Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4)
Liability insurance see Association of Canada Lands Surveyors--Membership
Liaison committee see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Fifteenth, Seventeenth
Libellules see Volleyball--World school championships
Liberal Alienation Committee see Regions--Alienation
Liberal government (Chrétien)
Agenda, lack, 7746-7(117:1930-5), 7802(118:1345)
>>Arrogance, 5218-9(78:1545-50), 5576(84:1250), 11028(168:1120),
11030-1(168:1140-5), 11036(168:1225), 11339(172:2055), 12567(191:1705-15),
12653-4(192:1725-30), 13416-20(202:3030-55),
>>>Liberal backbenchers
>>>>Independence, principles, lack, S.O. 31, 13080-1(199:1400)
>>>>Prime Minister Chrétien, trip to Italy, accompanying, S.O. 31,
>>>S.O. 31, 5327(80:1410), 8152-3(122:1405-10), 9390(142:1400),
>>>Performance, Academy Award comparison, S.O. 31, 11877-8(181:1355)
>>>Secret code of conduct, S.O. 31, 9091-2(137:1405)
>>Caring nature, 128-9(4:1755-800), 235(6:1715), 4531-2(69:1205-15)
>>Democracy, weak, 8211(123:1025)
>>Dictatorial, Prime Minister's Office power factor, 14094(211:1355)
>>Elected on the left, governing on the right, 3052(48:1710)
>>Election (1997)
>>>1st anniversary, record
>>>>Achievements, lack, o.q., 7483-4(113:1425-30)
>>>>Failure, S.O. 31, 8099(121:1115)
>>>>Year in review, S.O. 31, 7480-1(113:1405)
>>>Public confidence, indication, 7854(118:1930), 11144(171:1155)
>>>See also Election 1997
>>Election promises, broken, 197(6:1320), 4691(70:2135), 8314(124:1615),
9733(147:1800), 14802(223:1145-50)
>>Enemy of the people, 11072(168:1600-5)
>>Financial performance and service record since 1993, 12013(183:1535)
>>Integrity/ethics, lack, o.q,. 8648(130:1415), 16190-1(242:1435)
>>Leadership deficit, 11159(171:1345), 12026(183:1705), 12028-9(183:1720-30)
>>Mandate, 14451(217:1525)
>>More humane and just society, investing in human resources, 195(6:1305)
>>New Millennium, taking Canada into, 223-4(6:1550)
>>Out of touch with reality, 7836(118:1730)
>>Parliamentary tactics, all-party consensus, not seeking, impact,
>>>Condemning, S.O. 31, 11109(168:1405)
>>>Klein, Ralph, Alberta premier, approval rating, o.q., 12124(184:1415)
>>>Provincial Liberal governments, opposing, S.O. 31, 1277-8(23:1410)
>>Political hypocrisy
>>>Make and break election promises, etc., 5235-6(78:1750), 8314(124:1615)
>>>Opposing issues in opposition, supporting as government, flip-flops,
>>Popular support, 11074(168:1615)
>>Prince John and Sheriff of Nottingham, comparison, 12015-6(183:1550-5)
>>Priorities, 196(6:1310)
>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), comparison,
>>Record, condemning, S.O. 31, 15500(234:1410)
>>Spending history, 11180(171:1540)
>>"Tax and spend" government, 5568(84:1145)
>>Trustworthiness, 12033(183:1755)
>>Vision for the future, lack, 5607(84:1600), 5686-7(86:1125-30),
11159(171:1345), 11178(171:1525), 11202(171:1820)
>>Wild spending habits, control, lack, 12152(184:1730)
>>See also British Columbia--Economic downturn--Economy;
Canadian Armed Forces;
Discrimination and racism--Social engineering;
Economic development/renewal;
Economic policies;
Employment insurance--Premiums, Reduction;
Federal-provincial jurisdiction;
National debt--Increase;
North American Free Trade Agreement;
Public Service--Labour relations;
Student loans--Debt load;
Young Offenders Act
Liberal government (Trudeau)
Elected in 1968, 9152(138:1200)
>>See also Capital punishment--Abolition
Liberal governments, former see Canadian Armed Forces; Deficit; National debt
Liberal Party
Biennial convention
>>>o.q., 5206(78:1435)
>>>Policy debates, 5304(79:1640)
>>>S.O. 31, 5201(78:1410)
>>>See also Health care system--Improving, Government commitment
>>Contributors, 24 Sussex Drive reception, Prime Minister Chrétien hosting,
o.q., 16188(242:1415-20)
>>Election campaigns, donations see Political parties--Fund raising
>>Leadership, contenders, horse race analogy, S.O. 31, 1404(25:1105)
>>Liberal caucus-Liberal riding associations, twinning program, Caplan, West
Vancouver--Sunshine Coast, example, S.O. 31, 5279(79:1405)
>>Quebec City, Que., area Members, neglect, S.O. 31, 15803(237:1410)
>>Support, Ekos Research poll, S.O. 31, 15669(235:1410)
>>Task Forces see Entrepreneurs--Young entrepreneurs
>>See also particular subjects
Liberal riding associations see Liberal Party--Liberal caucus
Liberal values see Chrétien, Jean--References
Liberalism see Canada--Canadian values
Liberia see Canada Steamship Lines--Foreign activities
Libraries see Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act (Bill C-64); Information highway/Internet--Schools and libraries; Exhibitions
Library of Parliament
Annual reports
>>>1996-1997, tabled, 2877(46:1500)
>>>1997-1998, tabled, 11245(172:1005)
>>Staff/service, appreciation, S.O. 31, 3725(57:1400)
>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--South Alberta Regiment
Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee
Reports, presented
>>>First, 1583(28:1505)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Adams), agreed to, 2201(37:1625)
>>>Second, 6509(99:1005)
Lickacz, Bob see Gun control/guns--National Firearms Association position
Lieutenant Governors
Provinces nominating, 2196(37:1540)
Life insurance see Insurance
Life long learning see Education
Life sentences see Sentences (convicted criminals)
Lifeboat technology see Shipbuilding
Lifelong learning see Education
Lighthouse Project see Crime prevention--Community-based programs
Cape Forchu, N.S., closing, fishers' safety, jeopardizing, S.O. 31,
>>Closures, Atlantic provinces, 4152(63:1355)
>>Decommissioning, sale by public tender, lighthouse preservation non-profit
organizations bidding prior to public tender, o.q., 14276(214:1150)
>>Destaffing, automatic system, installations, British Columbia, 4650(70:1635)
>>>Costs, qu., 2698(44:1020), 8172(122:1525)
>>>Safety, jeopardizing, Pachena light station example
>>>>o.q., 4842(73:1140), 5137(77:1455-500)
>>>>S.O. 31, 4891(74:1405)
>>Destaffing, Newfoundland and Labrador, o.q., 5598(84:1455)
Lill, Wendy (NDP--Dartmouth)
- >>Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)(Bill C-216),
>>Arts and culture, 9561-2(145:1110-5), 11715-6(178:1625-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 10208(155:1405)
>>Baton Broadcasting Incorporated, o.q., 7015(106:1500)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12096(184:1120), 12108(184:1240)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5561-2(84:1100-5)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9240-2(139:1610-20), 11032-3(168:1155-205)
>>Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5), 3748-9(57:1605-15), 6383-4(96:1640-5)
>>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-9), 791-3(15:1235-45)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 2758-9(44:1645-55), 2761(44:1710)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 2758-9(44:1645-700), 2761(44:1710)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 479-81(10:1320-30)
>>>M. on supply (Price), 6982-3(106:1135-45)
>>>S.O. 31, 3259(51:1410)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 5939-40(89:1835)
>>>M., 12203-4(186:1105-15), 12211-2(186:1155-200)
>>>o.q., 2739(44:1445), 12499(190:1145), 12954(197:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 11999(183:1405)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15366-7(232:1145-55)
>>Canadian Human Rights Commission, 3748(57:1610), 6384(96:1645)
>>Child poverty, 12096(184:1120)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393), 12820-1(195:1335-45)
>>Copyright Board Canada, petition, 13830(207:1520)
>>Cultural Grants Acknowledgement Act (Bill C-204), 1877-8(32:1910-5)
>>Dartmouth, N.S., petition, 10343(158:1005-10)
>>Deaf persons, 3749(57:1615), 5087-8(76:1905)
>>>o.q., 4369(66:1455)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 2690-1(43:1845-50), 3748-9(57:1605-10), 6383(96:1640)
>>>o.q., 784(15:1155), 1235(22:1440-5), 12233(186:1450)
>>>ro., 13449(203:1550)
>>>S.O. 31, 12225(186:1410)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 5764(87:1155)
>>Economic conditions, 480-1(10:1320-5)
>>Education, 5561(84:1100)
>>>S.O. 31, 15388(232:1405-10)
>>Education, post-secondary, 5561-2(84:1100-5)
>>Employment equity, M. (Pankiw), 1439-41(26:1135-40)
>>Employment Insurance Act, 1977 (amdt.--premiums and Employment Insurance Account)(Bill C-299), 12518-9(190:1350-5)
>>Environmental protection/management, 15366-7(232:1150-5)
>>Estimates, 7822(118:1550)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 9561-4(145:1105-230), 11715-6(178:1625-30), 12811-2(195:1245), 16117(241:1720), 16142-3(241:2015)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 481(10:1330), 11033(168:1200)
>>>M., 2459-62(40:1330-45), 2468-9(40:1430)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 479-81(10:1320-30), 9240(139:1610)
>>>S.O. 31, 2379(39:1410)
>>Health, S.O. 31, 6025(91:1405)
>>Highways and roads, o.q., 12802(195:1155)
>>HIV/AIDS, S.O. 31, 11831(180:1105)
>>Holidays Act (amdt.--Flag Day)(Bill C-401), 11734-5(178:1845-50)
>>Holidays Act (amdt.--Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day)(Bill C-369), 6621-2(100:1705-10)
>>Homeless, o.q., 9517(144:1450)
>>Housing, 14725-7(222:1530-40)
>>Income, 3748(57:1610)
>>Justice system, 6383-4(96:1640)
>>Magazines, 9557(145:1045), 9561-3(145:1110-25)
>>>o.q., 11700(178:1455), 12863(196:1440-5), 14489(218:1500), 15069(227:1450), 15311(231:1440-5), 15727(236:1445-50), 16095-6(241:1450)
>>Marriage, petition, 11018(168:1010)
>>Medal of Bravery, S.O. 31, 14929(225:1410)
>>Mentally-ill persons, S.O. 31, 325-6(8:1410)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, 9563(145:1120), 9564(145:1130)
>>>M. on supply (Penson), 4256-7(65:1230), 4291(65:1555), 4294(65:1610-15), 4301(65:1700)
>>>o.q., 3803(58:1445), 4019(61:1445)
>>>Petition, 5056(76:1515)
>>>Petitions, 11018(168:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 9904-5(150:1405-10)
>>National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 14725-7(222:1530-40)
>>National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 5748-50(87:1025-40)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 5748-50(87:1025-35)
>>National Revenue Department, 11032(168:1155)
>>National unity, M. on supply (Jaffer), 2174(37:1340)
>>Newspapers, S.O. 31, 9460(143:1405)
>>Nuclear reactors. o.q., 14323(215:1445)
>>Pay equity, o.q., 8656(130:1455)
>>Persian Gulf War (1991), 6982(106:1140)
>>Pesticides, 15366-7(232:1150-5)
>>Ports, 791-3(15:1235-45)
>>>S.O. 31, 6918(105:1410)
>>Poverty, 12108(184:1240)
>>>S.O. 31, 2868(46:1410)
>>Print media, M. (Myers), 9816-7(148:1835-45)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4282(65:1500)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 2462(40:1345)
>>Public Service, 11032-3(168:1155-200)
>>Radio, o.q., 14548(219:1200)
>>Riordon, Terry, S.O. 31, 14711-2(222:1410)
>>Sexual assault/offences, 6384(96:1640)
>>Simpson, Alan John, S.O. 31, 11282(172:1410)
>>Social union, S.O. 31, 14537(219:1105)
>>Student loans, M. (Davies), 9939-40(150:1755-805)
>>Telephone service, o.q., 1981(34:1445)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 479-81(10:1315-30)
>>Tobacco products, S.O. 31, 7351-2(111:1405-10)
>>Veterans, M. (Mark), 7514(113:1835-40)
>>Water, M. on supply (Blaikie), 11668(177:1700-5)
>>Wildlife, 5748-50(87:1030-40)
Limoges, Rick (Lib.--Windsor--St. Clair; elected in by-election April 12, 1999)
- >>Disabled and handicapped persons, S.O. 31, 15853(238:1100)
>>>Introduction in House, 14151(212:1415)
>>>o.q., 14151(212:1415)
>>Windsor and Essex County, S.O. 31, 15438-9(233:1105), 15718(236:1405)
>>>See also Windsor--St. Clair constituency--By-election
Lincoln, Clifford (Lib.--Lac-Saint-Louis)
- >>Acid rain, 2321(38:2330)
>>Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-22), 2138(36:1955-2000)
>>Asselin, Edmund Tobin, S.O. 31, 13501(204:1405)
>>Automotive Pollution Reduction Act (Bill C-514), 15352(232:1015-20)
>>Biotechnology, 15402-3(232:1530)
>>Blood, M. on supply (Proctor), 6557-8(99:1520-30)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--ballot papers)(Bill C-405), 15839-40(237:1810-5)
>>Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-441), 14853-4(223:1735-40)
>>Canada Water Export Prohibition Act (Bill C-485), 12714(194:1010)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 8953(134:2325-30)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 6131-3(93:1320-35), 15090-1(227:1650-700), 15371-3(232:1225-35), 15402-3(232:1525-35), 15418-9(232:1720-5), 15491(234:1310-5), 15540(234:1805-10), 15560(234:1855), 15589(234:1920), 15613(234:1945), 15615(234:1950), 15661-3(235:1320-35)
>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, reports, 2657(42:1520), 7451(113:1005), 16150(242:1005)
>>Constitutional reform, 2164(37:1240), 2198-9(37:1555-600)
>>Education, 1171-2(21:1630-5)
>>Elections, S.O. 31, 9774(148:1355)
>>Energy efficiency, 2321(38:2330)
>>Energy industries, 2321(38:2330)
>>Environment, 6131(93:1325), 15418(232:1725)
>>Environmental protection/management, 6131-3(93:1325-35), 15090-1(227:1655-700), 15371-3(232:1225-35), 15402-3(232:1530-5), 15418-9(232:1710-5), 15491(234:1315), 15540(234:1805-10), 15661-3(235:1320-35)
>>Euthanasia, M. (Robinson), 1565(27:1900), 3153-4(50:1100-10)
>>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 6131(93:1325), 10017(152:1500), 15352(232:1015-20)
>>>Petitions, 15958(240:1010)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 6133(93:1335)
>>>M. to adjourn, 2320-2(38:2320-35)
>>Gun control/guns, M. on supply (Pankiw), 8235-7(123:1310-25)
>>Health care system
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 11444-6(174:1315-30)
>>Highways and roads, petition, 3739(57:1515)
>>Hospitals, petition, 11176(171:1520)
>>Ice storm 1998, 15418(232:1725)
>>>M. to adjourn, 3384-6(52:2330-5)
>>International conflicts, 2138(36:1955-2000), 8953(134:2325)
>>Iraq, M. to adjourn, 3616-7(55:2155-200)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), 2138(36:2000)
>>Lincoln, references, 1173(21:1640)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 1508-11(27:1205-25)
>>National unity, M. on supply (Jaffer), 2164(37:1235-40), 2198-200(37:1555-610)
>>Newfoundland School System Special Joint Committee, M. (Dion), 1171-3(21:1630-40)
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 2199(37:1605)
>>Oil and gas industry, 2321 (38:2330)
>>Pesticides, petitions, 15353(232:1020), 15958(240:1010)
>>Pollution, 15372(232:1230), 15661-2(235:1325-30)
>>>Misleading/false statements, 10017(152:1500)
>>>Bills, government, 15540(234:1805-10)
>>>Bills, Senate, 10161-2(154:1705-15)
>>>Members' remarks, 1969(34:1335-40)
>>Pulp and paper industry, 15372(232:1230), 15491(234:1310-5)
>>Quebec distinct society status, 2199-200(37:1605-10)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 2198(37:1555)
>>References, former Quebec environment minister, etc., 1173(21:1640-5), 2294(38:2025)
>>>See also Environmental prevention/management--Federal-provincial jurisdiction, Equivalency provisions
>>Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act (Bill C-7), 1508-11(27:1205-25)
>>South Africa, 8953(134:2325)
>>Toxic substances, 6131(93:1325), 6133(93:1335), 15090-1(227:1650-5), 15372-3(232:1230), 15403(232:1530-5), 15661-2(235:1325-30)
>>Transit passes, M. (Riis), 13468-9(203:1800-10)
>>Trudeau, Michel, S.O. 31, 10254-6(156:1105-10)
>>United Kingdom. 8953(134:2325)
>>United Nations, 8953(134:2330)
>>United States, 3616(55:2155)
>>Water, 12714(194:1010)
>>>M. on supply (Blaikie), 11636-7(177:1350), 11652-4(177:1510-25)
>>Water management, 11636-7(177:1350)
>>Wind energy, 2322(38:2330)
>>World War II, 2138(36:1955)
>>Youth, M. (Dubé, J.), 9023(135:1820)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
>>>M. (Axworthy, L.), 8951-3(134:2315-30)
>>>M. (Boudria), 13622-3(205:2030-40)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 14386-7(216:1335-40)
Ling, Alex
Award of Merit recipient, Toronto, congratulations, S.O. 31, 2730-1(44:1400)
Linguistic minorities see Official languages policy/bilingualism
Linguistic school boards see Education--Quebec
Lisbon, Portugal see Fisheries--Fish stock management--Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)
L'Islet association of unemployed people see Unemployment--L'Islet
L'Islet regional county muncipality, Que. see Unemployment
Children, rights, 3862(59:1200)
>>Illiteracy rate, 4581(69:1740)
>>Literacy Action Day, S.O. 31, 11961(182:1400), 12123(184:1410-5)
>>National Adult Literacy Database Incorporated, Frederiction, N.B., S.O. 31,
>>National Literacy Day, S.O. 31, 4155(63:1405)
>>National standards, need, 3863(59:1205)
>>Programs, "Word on the Street" festival, Ottawa, Ont., supporting, S.O. 31,
>>Skills, improving
>>>Adults, need, S.O. 31, 4010(61:1400)
>>>Croxford, Bob, example, book, The Unknown, S.O. 31, 1973(34:1405)
>>>Government commitment, 3477-8(53:1835)
>>>>o.q., 2388(39:1455), 4165(63:1500), 8251(123:1450)
Literacy Action Day see Literacy
Independence, 80th anniversary, S.O. 31, 3913(60:1400)
>>See also Income tax--Conventions/protocols;
Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act 1997 (Bill C-10)
Litigation see Northland Bank failure
Little Grand Rapids, Man. see Air transportation--Safety; Search and rescue helicopters--Aircraft crash
Little League see Baseball--Langley, B.C.
Little Mountain Neighbourhood House see Vancouver Kingsway constituency
Little Rock, Arkansas see United States--School desegregation
Little Sisters see Volunteer organizations--Big Brothers
Littleton, Colorado see United States--School killings
Liver disease see Health
Liverpool, N.S. see Textile and clothing industry--Joval International
Liverpool Regional High School see Environment--Earth schools
Forced destruction due to natural disasters, income deferral, applying,
371(9:1025), 8078-85(120:1735-815)
>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--income deferral from forced destruction of
livestock or natural disaster)(Bill C-227)
Living Arts Centre see Arts and culture
Livingston Center see Oxford constituency
Llama see Canadian Llama and Alpaca Association
Load restrictions see Highways and roads--Quebec
Loan guarantees see Westray mining disaster--Federal government role
Loans see Banks and financial institutions; Government loans; Small and medium business--Loans; Small Business Loans Program Technology Partnerships Canada--Defence Industry Productivity Program
Members of Parliament, former, conflict of interest, questioning, Summa
Strategies, Doug Young, Paul Zed examples, 3063-4(48:1820-5),
>>>See also Ports--Commercialization
>>See also Bank mergers--Bank of Montreal/Royal Bank of Canada proposal;
Environmental protection/management--Ontario provincial regulations;
Iraq--United Nations/Canadian sanctions;
Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney)--Public policy
Loblaws see Banks and financial institutions--Consumer financial services
Lobster fishery see Fisheries
Local community services centres see Ice storm 1998--Quebec local community services centres
Local labour market partnership agreements see Maple syrup industry--Ice storm 1998
Local Multipoint Communications Systems see Telecommunications
Lock-outs see Labour disputes
Lock-ups see Procedure--Documents
Locke, Catherine see Adoption--Locke-Hinke
Locke-Hinke, Robyn Marie see Adoption
Lockerby, Lloyd
Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame induction, congratulations,
S.O. 31, 1459-60(26:1400)
Logan, Vernon see Child pornography--Possession
Loman, Brian see Canada Pension Plan--Disability
London and St. Thomas Real Estate Board see National debt--Reduction
London--Fanshaw constituency see Budget--Pre-budget consultations
London, Ont. see Arts and culture; Canadian Armed Forces--Reserves, First Hussars; Research and development--Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute; St. Patrick's Day; Young offenders--Crime prevention--Sentences, Alternatives
Long term offender designation see Dangerous/high risk offenders--Sex offenders
Longfield, Judi (Lib.--Whitby--Ajax; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Labour as of Sept. 1, 1999)
- >>Aerospace/aeronautical industry, S.O. 31, 1227(22:1405), 8697(131:1105)
>>Ajax, Ont., S.O. 31, 7695(117:1400)
>>Bankruptcy and insolvency, 3244(51:1235)
>>Books, S.O. 31, 6023(91:1355-400)
>>British Columbia, S.O. 31, 5410(81:1400)
>>Budget, 3245-6(51:1240-5)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, o.q., 9784(148:1450)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 3244-5(51:1235-40)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 642-3(12:1800-10)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 642(12:1800-10)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 2187(37:1445-40)
>>Canadian Armed Forces
>>>o.q., 3266(51:1445), 4067(62:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 1525(27:1405), 5041-2(76:1400), 15911(239:1400)
>>Charitable and non-profit organizations, 3244(51:1235), 3246(51:1245)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 485(10:1355)
>>Children, o.q., 9100(137:1450)
>>Corporations, 3244(51:1235)
>>Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-251), 8368-9(125:1735-45)
>>Customs, o.q., 7232(109:1445)
>>Deficit, 485(10:1350), 3244-5(51:1235)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 3244(51:1235)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 8507-9(128:1150-200)
>>Durham college, S.O. 31, 4495(68:1405)
>>Education, 3245(51:1240)
>>Edwards, Tom, S.O. 31, 323(8:1400)
>>Employment insurance, petition, 14549(219:1205)
>>Estimates, 16071(240:2310)
>>Festivals, S.O. 31, 7643(116:1100)
>>Film and video industry, 3244(51:1235)
>>Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel, S.O. 31, 6281-2(95:1400), 14389(216:1355-400)
>>Forest fires, o.q., 7011(106:1440)
>>Hate crimes. o.q., 6419(97:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 15667(235:1400)
>>Health care system, 485-6(10:1355), 3245(51:1240)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3244-6(51:1235-45)
>>Justice system, 8507-8(128:1150-200)
>>Lacrosse, S.O. 31, 19(3:1400)
>>Longfield, references, return from hospitalization in Germany, S.O. 31, 13563-4(205:1410)
>>Manufacturing and Information Technology Centre, S.O. 31, 15387(232:1400-5)
>>Marriage, M. on supply (Lowther), 15988-9(240:1330)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 3245(51:1240)
>>National Defence Department, S.O. 31, 8333(125:1400)
>>Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-279), 4820(72:1820-5)
>>Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan), S.O. 31, 4850-1(59:1105)
>>Pay equity, o.q., 8159(122:1440)
>>Poverty, S.O. 31, 824(16:1400-5)
>>>Bills, Senate, 10163(154:1720)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 5015(75:1825)
>>>Speeches, 8509(128:1200)
>>Registered education savings plans, 3244(51:1235)
>>Swissair, o.q., 8467(127:1500)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 484-6(10:1345-55)
>>>o.q., 10214(155:1440)
>>>Petition, 14549(219:1205)
>>Welfare, 3245(51:1240)
>>Young offenders, S.O. 31, 14711(222:1405)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, o.q., 14158(212:1450), 14546(219:1150)
Longs Creek, New Brunswick see Highways and roads--New Brunswick--Trans-Canada Highway, New Brunswick
Longueuil, Que. see Aerospace/aeronautical industry--Aircraft
Look TV see Broadcasting--Licences
Loons see Wildlife
Loopholes see Corporations--Taxation
Lord, Bernard see New Brunswick--Progressive Conservative Party
Lord Nelson Hotel case see Nisga'a land claim--Agreement, Supreme Court of Canada Lord Nelson Hotel case
Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians) Regiment see Canadian Armed Forces
Lordon, Paul see Canada Labour Relations Board
Lortie Commission see Political parties--Fund raising
Los Angeles, CA see Diplomatic appointments--Campbell
Loss transfers see Corporations--Taxation
Lotbinière constituency see Ice storm 1998--Assistance, volunteers; Small and medium business
Lott, John see Gun control/guns--United States system
Lotteries see Telemarketing--Deceptive and fraudulent telemarketing, Gambling
Loubier, Yvan (BQ--Saint-Hyacinthe--Bagot)
- >>Appropriation Act No. 4, 1998-1999 (Bill C-60), 10755(163:1820)
>>Balanced Budget Act (Bill C-375), 4744(72:1010), 10407-9(158:1745-800), 10415-6(158:1835-40)
>>Bank Act (amdt.)(Bill C-67), 15337-8(231:1725)
>>Bank mergers, 11064-5(168:1510-5), 11120(169:1505-10)
>>>o.q., 5822(88:1435)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 8357(125:1625)
>>>o.q., 5822(88:1435)
>>Bloc Québécois, 77(4:1215)
>>Blood, o.q., 15506(234:1440)
>>Budget, 254(7:1100-5), 4407(67:1505), 4417-9(67:1610-25), 4421-2(67:1635-40), 4744(72:1010), 5249-50(79:1045-50), 11152(171:1300), 12016(183:1600), 14799-800(223:1125-30), 14908(225:1145-50)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 254-6(7:1100-15), 296(7:1520)
>>>o.q., 4400(67:1425), 5952(90:1425), 8158(122:1435), 8298(124:1435), 8341(125:1440), 8343(125:1450), 9298(140:1425-30), 10011(152:1430), 10092(153:1420)
>>Budget 1998
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4417-22(67:1610-40), 4423-4(67:1655), 4433(67:1800), 4449-50(68:0910-20), 4453(68:0935), 4643(70:1540-5)
>>>>Amdt. to amdt., 4420(67:1630)
>>Budget 1999
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12106-21(183:1555-625), 12157(184:1755)
>>>o.q., 10977(167:1430)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11151-6(171:1255-325)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5249-54(79:1045-120), 5274-5(79:1340-5), 6942-3(105:1610-20), 7297-300(110:1645-705)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 14635-6(221:1015-25), 14795-800(223:1050-135)
>>Cabinet Ministers, 5387-8(81:1125-35)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9239-40(139:1600-10), 9251(139:1725), 10794(164:1545)
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 6943(105:1620), 7298(110:1655)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 5231-2(78:1725), 5253(79:1115), 11152-3(171:1305), 11155(171:1320), 12017(183:1605), 14795-8(223:1055-1120)
>>>M. on supply (Brien), 8752-5(132:1335-55)
>>>o.q., 12002(183:1425), 12230(186:1435)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, 3169-70(50:1255-300), 4420-1(67:1625-35), 4643(70:1545), 5194-5(78:1325-35), 5253-4(79:1110-20), 5386-92(81:1120-200), 8358-9(125:1625-40)
>>>o.q., 3311(52:1440), 3442(53:1430-5), 3494(54:1130-5), 3498(54:1150), 3550(55:1435), 3689(56:1435-40), 3733(57:1435), 3800-1(58:1430-5), 3921(60:1440), 4018(61:1440), 4065(62:1435), 4157-8(63:1420), 4275(65:1420), 5639-40(85:1430)
>>Child care, 12413(189:1110)
>>Child poverty, 75-6(4:1205), 78(4:1220), 4419(67:1620), 14635(221:1015)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 255(7:1110), 4419(67:1620), 11754(179:1130), 14635(221:1015)
>>Children, M. (Martin, K.), 7095-6(108:1130-40)
>>Collenette, references, 5388-9(81:1140)
>>Committees (Parliamentary), 16007(240:1510-5)
>>Constitutional reform, o.q., 9396(142:1430)
>>Corporations, 255(7:1110), 8357-8(125:1625), 8360(125:1640), 12412-3(189:1100-10)
>>Deficit, 254(7:1105), 4417-8(67:1610-5), 4432(67:1800), 4643(70:1545), 5252(79:1110)
>>>o.q., 918-9(17:1435-40), 1466(26:1430-5)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 927(17:1540)
>>Economic conditions, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 8178(122:1535)
>>Economy, 8355(125:1605-10), 8358-61(125:1635-50), 8752-5(132:1335-55)
>>>o.q., 8298(124:1435), 8341(125:1440), 8349(130:1420-5)
>>Education, 74-5(4:1155-200), 4090(62:1655), 5251(79:1100), 7297(110:1650), 7299(110:1700)
>>Education, post-secondary, 4417-20(67:1610-30), 4433(67:1800), 7298(110:1655)
>>>o.q., 4498(68:1420)
>>Employment insurance, 75(4:1200), 255(7:1105), 296(7:1520), 926(17:1530), 3345-6(52:1900), 4419(67:1620), 5249-50(79:1050), 5252-3(79:1110), 7546(114:1635), 8360(125:1645), 11152(171:1300), 11154(171:1310), 11156(171:1320-5), 12017(183:1600), 12020(183:1625), 14800(223:1130-5), 14910(225:1200-5)
>>>M. on supply (Crête), 7396-9(112:1345-55)
>>>o.q., 610-1(12:1435), 3138-9(50:1425), 7274(110:1425), 7486(113:1435), 8463(127:1435), 8649(130:1420), 8760(132:1425), 9098(137:1435-40), 10137-8(154:1420-5), 11457(174:1430), 11565(176:1435), 12362-3(188:1425)
>>Equalization payments, 11549-52(176:1255-315), 12018(183:1610)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 5195(78:1335)
>>Family, 12016(183:1600), 16007(240:1510-5)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 12412-4(189:1100-15)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11548-52(176:1255-315)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 74-6(4:1155-205)
>>>o.q., 9396(142:1430)
>>Finance Standing Committee, 13478(204:1010)
>>Francophonie, S.O. 31, 13757(206:1405)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 255-6(7:1110-5), 4157(63:1420), 5252(79:1110), 6943(105:1620), 7298(110:1655), 12017(183:1605), 12021(183:1625)
>>>M. on supply (Lalonde), 1624(29:1055), 1633-7(29:1155-225), 1640(29:1245), 1647(29:1340), 1669(29:1550), 1673(29:1625), 1675(29:1635), 1677(29:1650-5)
>>>o.q., 215(6:1455), 330-1(8:1435), 9396(142:1430), 9515(144:1435)
>>Government contracts, 12018(183:1620), 12021(183:1625)
>>Government programs and services, 5251-2(79:1055-110)
>>>o.q., 12127(184:1435)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76), 13380(202:2520), 13392(202:2720), 13406(202:2900)
>>Grain transportation, 13392(202:2720)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 1767(31:1440)
>>Gross Domestic Product, 8752-3(132:1335-45)
>>>o.q., 8649(130:1420-5)
>>Health care system, 74-5(4:1155-200), 255(7:1105), 5231(78:1725), 12017-9(183:1605-15), 12021(183:1625)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 11438-41(174:1240-300)
>>>o.q., 9177(138:1440)
>>Ice storm 1998, 3167(50:1245)
>>>M. to adjourn, 3345-6(52:1855-900)
>>>o.q., 4982-3(75:1430)
>>Income tax, 74-5(4:1155-205), 255(7:1105-10), 3168-9(50:1250-300), 5250(79:1050), 8355-7(125:1605-20), 11153-4(171:1310), 12016-7(183:1600), 12020(183:1625), 12412-3(189:1105-15), 13077(199:1340-5), 14636(221:1020), 14909-10(225:1155-200)
>>>o.q., 3311(52:1440), 3442(53:1430-5), 3494(54:1130-5), 3498(54:1150)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3167-70(50:1245-305), 5193-5(78:1325-35), 5217(78:1535), 5231-2(78:1725), 5386-92(81:1120-200)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 13075-9(199:1330-55), 14907-11(225:1145-215)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill S-16), 8355-61(125:1605-50)
>>Insurance companies, 13478(204:1010)
>>Interest rates, 926-7(17:1530-40), 929(17:1550)
>>>o.q., 1903-4(33:1430)
>>Job creation, 4419(67:1625)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 7539(114:1535), 7546-7(114:1630-5)
>>Justice system, qu., 8168(122:1525)
>>MacRae, J. Chester, 662(13:1520-5)
>>Magazines, o.q., 15392(232:1430)
>>Maple syrup industry, o.q., 6549(99:1435), 7532(114:1455)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4417-9(67:1610-20), 4433(67:1800), 5251-2(79:1100-5), 5274-5(79:1345), 6942-3(105:1610-20), 7297-9(110:1650-700), 11152(171:1255)
>>>o.q., 4498(68:1420), 6715(102:1120-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 6773(103:1405)
>>Monarchy, 180(6:1125)
>>National Revenue Department, 9239(139:1600)
>>National unity, 76(4:1210)
>>Pan-American Monetary Union, M. on supply (Duceppe), 12851-3(196:1345-55), 12871(196:1530)
>>Pension Benefits Standards Act (Bill S-3), 5971(90:1615)
>>Pensions, 5970(90:1615-20)
>>Pettigrew, references, 11154(171:1315)
>>Political parties, M. on supply (Duceppe), 694(14:1055), 698(14:1125), 700(14:1135-40)
>>Poverty, 4423-4(67:1655)
>>>M. on supply (St. Jacques), 11752-4(179:1120-30)
>>>o.q., 28(3:1450-5), 6923(105:1435)
>>Private family trusts, 700(14:1135), 8359(125:1635), 9239(139:1605), 14635(221:1020)
>>>Contempt of Parliament, 10863-4(165:1505), 11064-6(168:1510-5), 11120(169:1505-10)
>>>Solberg (rights of Members breached), 16007(240:1510-5)
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (MacKay), 4597(70:1045)
>>>Adjournment motions under S.O. 52, 8178(122:1530-5)
>>>Chair, rulings and statements, 15120-1(228:1240)
>>>Debate, 1673(29:1625)
>>>Decorum, 5217(78:1620), 13380(202:2520), 14908(225:1150)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4407(67:1505), 5274(79:1345), 10914(166:1125), 11439(174:1245), 11441(174:1255), 12001(183:1410)
>>>Members' remarks, 11550(176:1310)
>>>Speeches, 11753(179:1130), 15120-1(228:1240)
>>Public Accounts, 11152(171:1300)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 14303-8(215:1250-320), 15120-1(228:1240)
>>Quebec, 180(6:1125), 185(6:1155), 11441(174:1255), 12017-8(183:1605-10), 12020-1(183:1625)
>>>S.O. 31, 6361(96:1410), 13981(199:1405)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 76(4:1205-10), 77-8(4:1215-20), 180(6:1125)
>>References, shouting "liar", 7123(108:1500), 7235(109:1500-5)
>>Regional development, 12018(183:1610)
>>Research and development, 12018(183:1610), 12021(183:1625)
>>Shipping industry, 5194-5(78:1325-35), 5386-7(81:1120-30), 5390(81:1145-50), 8358(125:1630)
>>Social programs, 254-5(7:1100-5)
>>>o.q., 1767(31:1440), 9469(143:1455)
>>Social union, 11153(171:1305), 12017(183:1605)
>>Sports, o.q., 10914-5(166:1120-5)
>>Student loans, 4090(62:1655), 4419(67:1620), 7299-300(110:1705)
>>>M. on Supply (Charest), 4088-90(62:1640-55)
>>Taxation, 4088-9(62:1645-50), 4417(67:1610), 4419-20(67:1625), 4643(70:1540-5), 5250(79:1050-5), 8359-60(125:1640-5), 11155(171:1320), 12016(183:1600), 12157(184:1755), 12412-3(189:1100-10), 13076-7(199:1335-45), 14798(223:1120), 14908-11(225:1150-215)
>>>o.q., 8760(132:1420), 11565(176:1435)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 74-8(4:1150-220), 180(6:1125), 184-5(6:1155)
>>Tobacco products, o.q., 8104(121:1135-40)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 925-6(17:1520-5), 4418(67:1615-20), 4421(67:1635), 5193-4(78:1325), 5249(79:1045), 5253(79:1115), 7546(114:1630), 11152-3(171:1300-10), 11155(171:1315-20), 12019-20(183:1620), 14636(221:1025)
>>>o.q., 9098(137:1440), 12002-3(183:1425)
>>Unemployment, 4423-4(67:1655), 12020(183:1625)
>>>M. on Supply (McDonough), 925-9(17:1520-50)
>>Vautour, references, 185(6:1155)
>>Welfare, 74-5(4:1155-200)
Louis Riel see Riel, Louis
Louis Riel Act (Bill C-417)--Coderre (Alcock; Meredith; Tremblay, Suzanne;
Nystrom; Borotsik)
First reading, 7534-5(114:1510)
>>References, sponsor change from Alcock to Coderre, 9521(144:1510)
>>See also Riel, Louis--Treason conviction
Louis Riel Day Act (Bill C-213)--Tremblay, Suzanne
First reading, 158(5:1230)
>>Second reading Canadian Heritage Standing Committee referral, order
discharged and bill withdrawn, removed from items outside order of precedence,
agreed to, 7470(113:1255)
>>See also Riel, Louis--Commemoration
Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon, Que. see Air navigation services--Harve-Saint-Pierre
Low-Beer, Frank
Lawyer, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 11280(172:1355)
Low income cut off threshold see Poverty
Low income earners/families see Budget 1998--Priorities; Child Tax Benefit; Income tax--Flat tax--Low income earners--Reduction
Lower Churchill Falls project see Electricity--Hydro-electric projects
Lower Kootenay Indian Band
Band leadership, abuses, complaints of Jeannette George, Sharon Willicome,
etc., 12219-20(186:1340)
Lower North Shore see Fisheries--Fish stock management; Salmon--Atlantic, Quebec
Lowther, Eric (Ref.--Calgary Centre)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 7679(117:1215)
>>>Petition, 9136(138:1005)
>>>S.O. 31, 7002(106:1355)
>>Adoption, 14491(218:1515)
>>Adult entertainment parlours, petition, 7068(107:1210)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 8148(122:1340)
>>>M. on supply (Blaikie), 9190(138:1615)
>>Blood, o.q., 6420-1(97:1155-200)
>>Broadcasting, 2957-8(47:1140)
>>>Petition, 7068(107:1210)
>>Budget, 980-1(18:1605-10), 2989(47:1515-20), 11766-7(179:1250-5)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 278-9(7:1340-5)
>>Budget 1999
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12151-2(184:1725)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11345-9(172:2140-200)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5603-4(84:1530-40)
>>Canada Cooperatives Act (Bill C-5), 979-82(18:1600-15), 2454-5(40:1250-300), 2988-90(47:1510-25)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 8637-9(130:1305-20)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4227(64:1245)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 980-1(18:1605-10), 2454-5(40:1255-300), 2988-9(47:1515-20)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 8484(127:1650-5), 10083-4(153:1335-45)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 11348-9(172:2200)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 278-9(7:1340-5), 2958(47:1145)
>>>M. for Production of Papers, 10793(164:1540)
>>Charitable and non-profit organizations, M. (Strahl), 9982-3(152:1115-20)
>>Child care, 5603-4(84:1530-40), 11345-6(172:2140-5), 12407-9(189:1030-40), 12411(189:1055)
>>>M. (St-Julien), 9065-7(137:1105-15)
>>>o.q., 4789(72:1450), 5470(82:1150), 6550(99:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 4834(73:1100), 11960(182:1355)
>>Child pornography
>>>M. on supply (White, R.), 11279-80(172:1350-5), 11293-4(172:1505-15)
>>>o.q., 11286(172:1430), 14397-8(216:1435-40)
>>>Petition, 14355(216:1000-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 14390(216:1400-5)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 1942(34:1010), 8204(122:1835-40), 11293(172:1510), 14169-71(212:1615-30), 14491(218:1510), 15197-9(229:1025-30)
>>>o.q., 12952(197:1435)
>>>Petitions, 9135(138:1005), 13493(204:1310-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 6662(101:1400)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 12409(189:1040)
>>>M. (St-Jacques), 3470-1(53:1740-50)
>>>qu., 8169(122:1525)
>>Children, 14742(222:1725), 15962(240:1025-30)
>>>M. (Breitkreuz, G.), 6447-8(98:1145-55)
>>Co-operatives, 980-1(18:1600-15), 2454-5(40:1250-300), 2988-90(47:1510-25)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 8148(122:1335-45), 8181(122:1550-5)
>>Competition Bureau, 8181(122:1550)
>>Court Challenges Program, M. (Vellacott), 6061-2(91:1805-10)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--genetic manipulation)(Bill C-247), 11817(179:1810-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibited sexual acts)(Bill C-504), 14491(218:1510)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--prostitution)(Bill C-206), 2227-8(37:1915-25)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--prostitution)(Bill C-397), 6423(97:1205)
>>Criminal Records Act (amdt.)(Bill C-69), 14168-71(212:1610-30), 15197-9(229:1025-30)
>>Criminal Records Act and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--offences against children)(Bill C-284), 1942(34:1010), 5778-80(87:1325-40), 8562(128:1835)
>>Customs Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 3505-6(54:1240-5)
>>Customs Tariff (Bill C-11), 1086-7(20:1030-40)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 1456-7(26:1340-5), 8185(122:1620), 8204-5(122:1835-40)
>>Economy, 10084(153:1340)
>>>o.q., 7010-1(106:1440)
>>>qu., 15632(235:1010)
>>Emergencies/disasters, S.O. 31, 2492(41:1405)
>>Employment insurance, 981(18:1615), 2455(40:1300)
>>>M. on supply (J. Dubé), 9413-5(142:1610-25)
>>Family, 5604(84:1540), 6204-5(94:1345-55), 6218-9(94:1510-20), 11346-7(172:2140-50)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 12407-9(189:1025-45), 12411(189:1055)
>>>o.q., 12627(192:1430), 12675(193:1435-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 8333(125:1400), 11878(181:1400), 12669(193:1405)
>>Fisheries, M. on Supply (Charest), 1036(19:1335)
>>Goods and Services tax, 8637(130:1305-10)
>>>M. on supply (Lalonde), 1671-2(29:1610)
>>Government, 123(4:1715-20), 981(18:1610-5), 2454-5(40:1255-300), 2989(47:1520), 6203-5(94:1350-5)
>>Government expenditures, 980-1(18:1605-15), 2454-5(40:1255-300), 2989(47:1515-20), 11806(179:1705)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
>>>o.q., 1709(30:1130-5), 1904(33:1435), 2436-7(40:1115-20)
>>>Petitions, 1910(33:1505), 7068(107:1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 8645(130:1405)
>>Health Protection Branch (Health Department), o.q., 10143(154:1450-5)
>>Homeless, S.O. 31, 11691(178:1405)
>>Impaired driving, 7679(117:1215)
>>Income, 12408(189:1030)
>>Income tax, 1087(20:1040), 2422-3(39:1855-900), 11346(172:2140-5), 11765-7(179:1245-300), 12151-2(184:1725), 12407-8(189:1030-5)
>>>o.q., 6549(99:1435)
>>Income Tax Act, 8637(130:1310)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--child adoption expenses)(Bill C-505), 14491(218:1515)
>>Information technologies, 2966-7(47:1255)
>>Job creation, 1036(19:1335)
>>Judges, 7677-80(117:1200-20), 7730-1(117:1730-5), 7734(117:1800)
>>Justice system, 1456-7(26:1340-5), 3505-6(54:1240), 8185(122:1620), 8204-5(122:1835-40), 14168-9(212:1610-5)
>>>qu., 11177(171:1525)
>>Labour disputes, 4227(64:1245)
>>Legislation, M. on supply, 7677-80(117:1200-25), 7714(117:1550), 7724(117:1650), 7730-1(117:1730-5), 7734(117:1800)
>>Marriage, 7678(117:1205-10), 7724(117:1650)
>>>M. on supply, 15960-3(240:1020-35), 15968(240:1110), 15977(240:1215), 15982(240:1245), 16027(240:1730)
>>Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act (Bill C-225), 8863-4(133:1825-35)
>>Members of Parliament, 5603(84:1530)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 8148(122:1340)
>>National debt, 980(18:1605), 2454(40:1255), 2989(47:1515-20)
>>>o.q., 4367(66:1440-5)
>>National Parole Board, qu., 15453(233:1210)
>>National Revenue Department, 8637-8(130:1305-10)
>>National unity, M. for Production of Papers (Anders), 9676-7(147:1140-5)
>>People's Tax Form Act (Bill C-214), 2422-3(39:1855-900)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 6203-5(94:1345-55), 6217-20(94:1510-25)
>>>M. on supply (St. Jacques), 11765-7(179:1245-300), 11802(179:1635), 11806(179:1700-5)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 2423(39:1900), 6423(97:1200), 8562(128:1835)
>>>Members' remarks, 12634(192:1500-5)
>>>Motions, 9676-7(147:1140-5)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 2276(38:1825)
>>>Question and comment period, 9190(138:1615)
>>Prostitution, 6423(97:1205)
>>>Petitions, 8111(121:1210), 8474(127:1540)
>>>S.O. 31, 8096(121:1100)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 14247-8(213:1715-25), 14341(215:1710), 14989-90(226:1105-15), 15037-40(226:1620-40), 15237-9(230:1230-45), 15274-5(230:1605-10)
>>Registered retirement savings plans, 11346(172:2140)
>>Riel, Louis, M. (Tremblay, Suzanne), 3882-3(59:1350-400)
>>Rights, r.o., 8174(122:1525)
>>Same sex couples, 7677-8(117:1200-15), 7730-1(117:1730-5), 15963(240:1035)
>>>o.q., 8468(127:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 3849(59:1100), 4156(63:1410)
>>Senators, S.O. 31, 7596(115:1405)
>>Sexual assault/offences, o.q., 10563(161:1155), 10617(162:1450)
>>Small and medium business, 8484(127:1650-5), 10083-4(153:1335-40)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 7679-80(117:1210-25)
>>>o.q., 15017(226:1415), 15139(228:1430), 15207(229:1120)
>>Taxation, 981(18:1610), 2455(40:1300), 2989(47:1515), 8637-9(130:1305-20), 10084(153:1340), 11347(172:2150), 12408-9(189:1035-40)
>>>o.q., 780(15:1130)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.) and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (Bill C-17), 1522-4(27:1345-55), 1536-7(27:1500-10), 2948(47:1030), 2950-1(47:1050), 2953-4(47:1110-5), 2957-9(47:1140-50), 2966-8(47:1250-305)
>>Telemarketing, 8148(122:1340-5), 8181(122:1550)
>>Telephone service, 2954(47:1115)
>>Telus Mobility, S.O. 31, 9169(138:1400)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 401(9:1350), 434-5(9:1715-20)
>>Unemployment, o.q., 780(15:1130)
>>United States, S.O. 31, 14316(215:1410)
>>Victims of crime, 8204(122:1840)
>>Youth, 980-1(18:1610-5), 2454-5(40:1255-300), 2988(47:1515)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 14741-2(222:1725)
LSD see Penitentiaries--Inmates
Lubicon Cree First Nation
Land claim
>>>Petition, 3403(53:1020)
>>>Status, o.q., 14830(223:1455)
Lucien, Patrick see Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders
Lucier, Hon. Senator Paul (Lib.--Yukon)
- >>References see Senators
Lucy Maud Montgomery see Shipbuilding--St. Lévis, Que. shipyard
Lueders, Pierre see Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan)--Canadian team, Bobsledding
Lumber see Hazardous materials--Wood
Lunberg, Wendy Lockhart see Indians/First Nations--Land management, Squamish First Nation
Lunn, Gary (Ref.--Saanich--Gulf Islands)
- >>Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208), 3829-31(58:1735-45)
>>Aerospace/aeronautical industry, 13026(198:1605)
>>Air Canada, 3938(60:1625)
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS), 6304(95:1620), 6309(95:1650)
>>>M. on supply (G. Hill), 6014-6(91:1300-15)
>>>o.q., 5717-8(86:1455-500)
>>British Columbia--Alienation, 13737-8(206:1155-205)
>>British Columbia, S.O. 31, 5127(77:1405)
>>Budget, 4106(62:1840), 4517-8(68:1640), 4521-2(69:1100-10), 13026(198:1605-10)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4517-8(68:1640), 4521-3(69:1100-20)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12375-7(188:1535-50)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 7102-3(108:1255-305)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13026-8(198:1605-25)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9476-7(143:1550-5)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4350-2(66:1305-15)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 696(14:1105), 821(16:1345), 875(16:2040), 3938(60:1625), 4521(69:1105), 12375(188:1540)
>>>S.O. 31, 520(11:1400)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10081-2(153:1320-30), 10280-1(157:1300-10), 10313-4(157:1640-5)
>>Canadian Armed Forces
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 15267(230:1515)
>>>o.q., 15144(228:1455), 15209-10(229:1130), 15257-8(230:1430)
>>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 4993-5(75:1530-45)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 3566-7(55:1610-5)
>>Child care, 4522-3(69:1105-20), 12463-5(189:1635-45), 13027(198:1615)
>>Child pornography, M. on supply (White, R.), 11250(172:1035-40), 11252(172:1050), 11254(172:1105-10), 11262-4(172:1155-210), 11268(172:1235)
>>Children, M. (Martin, K.), 4195-6(63:1825-35)
>>Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 6304-9(95:1620-55), 6357-8(96:1350-5), 13491-2(204:1310), 13495(204:1330), 13497-8(204:1340-50)
>>Crime prevention, 4522(69:1110)
>>Deficit, 12375(188:1535-40)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 7621(115:1650)
>>Economic development/renewal, 10081-2(153:1320-30)
>>Economy, 10081(153:1320), 10280(157:1300)
>>Education, 1177-8(21:1705-10)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7102(108:1300)
>>Employment, 13028(198:1620)
>>Employment insurance, 9717(147:1610)
>>Equalization payments, 11898-900(181:1545-55)
>>Family, 12375-6(188:1540-5), 13026-7(198:1610)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 12463-6(189:1635-45)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11898-900(181:1545-55)
>>Fisheries, 6305-8(95:1620-45), 6309(95:1655), 6357-8(96:1350-5), 8805(133:1030), 9716-7(147:1605-15)
>>>M. (Stoffer), 10584-6(162:1125-35)
>>>o.q., 3554-5(55:1455), 3736-7(57:1455), 3802(58:1440), 7606(115:1455), 8535(128:1455), 10430(159:1445), 13509(204:1440), 15070(227:1455)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Department, o.q., 1769(31:1450)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 7621(115:1645), 9439(143:1025)
>>>M. (Duncan), 8805(133:1030)
>>>M. (Stoffer), 9439(143:1025-30), 9442-6(143:1050-115)
>>>o.q., 8575(129:1440), 8650-1(130:1430), 8700-1(131:1120)
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, o.q., 4555-6(69:1435), 14155-6(212:1440)
>>Fishers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-302), 11137-8(171:1110)
>>Forest products, 10081(153:1320), 10280-1(157:1300)
>>>M. (Keddy), 3892(60:1125-30)
>>Forestry, 10280-1(157:1300-5)
>>Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation, S.O. 31, 9777(148:1410)
>>Government expenditures, 12375(188:1540), 13026(198:1605)
>>Government programs and services, 7102(108:1300)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76), 13372(202:2425), 13374(202:2435-40), 13376(202:2450), 13391(202:2715)
>>Government subsidies, 12375(188:1540), 13026(198:1605)
>>>S.O. 31, 8755(132:1400)
>>Health care system, 12376-7(188:1550)
>>Hockey, 12463(189:1635)
>>House of Commons, 10734(163:1535)
>>Housing, S.O. 31, 4976(75:1355-400)
>>Income, 12376(188:1545), 13027(198:1620)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-10), 809-10(16:1220-5), 821-2(16:1345-50), 875(15:2040)
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, M. (White, R.), 13480(204:1025)
>>Legislation, 7102-3(108:1255-300), 9476-7(143:1550-5)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 875(16:2040)
>>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-48), 9714-7(147:1555-615)
>>>M. on supply (Lowther), 15965(240:1050), 15968(240:1110), 15975-8(240:1155-215)
>>>Petitions, 8771(132:1515), 9706(147:1505)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4521(65:1100), 7102-3(108:1255-305)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, M. on supply (Penson), 4266-9(65:1340-50), 4292(65:1600)
>>National debt, 4518(68:1640), 4521(69:1105)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 9716-7(147:1610-5)
>>National unity, 10740-1(163:1610-20)
>>Newfoundland School System Special Joint Committee, M. (Dion), 1177(21:1705), 1178(21:1715), 1186(21:1815)
>>Nuclear weapons, petition, 7535(114:1515)
>>Penitentiaries, 13391(202:2715)
>>>S.O. 31, 15061(227:1410)
>>Pensions, 809-10(16:1220-5), 821-3(16:1345-55), 875(16:2040)
>>Political parties, M. on supply (Duceppe), 696(14:1105), 741(14:1610)
>>>Easter (rights of Members breached), 15867(238:1205)
>>>Strahl (rights of Members breached), 13374(202:2435-40)
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (MacKay), 4573(69:1700)
>>>Adjournment motions under S.O. 52, 15267(230:1515)
>>>Bill, government, 13495(204:1330)
>>>Chair, rulings and statements, 15965(240:1050)
>>>Committees, 7621(115:1650)
>>>Documents, 3499-500(54:1200), 8585(129:1435), 15072(227:1505)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 8651(130:1130)
>>>Members' remarks, 4268(65:1345), 12375(188:1540)
>>>Private Members' Hour, 4195(63:1825)
>>>Quorum, 7621(115:1650)
>>Property rights
>>>M. (Pankiw), 4246-7(65:1125-30)
>>>Petition, 9706(147:1505)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 15010-1(226:1335-45)
>>Public Service, 13391(202:2715)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 10739-40(163:1610-5)
>>References, maiden speech, 3566(55:1610)
>>Regional development, 13026(198:1605)
>>Regions, M. on supply (White, T.), 13737-9(206:1155-210)
>>Rowing, S.O. 31, 13006(198:1405)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 13026(198:1605)
>>Salmon, 3938(60:1625), 6308-9(95:1645-50)
>>>o.q., 1579-80(28:1445), 2649(43:1435), 3494(54:1135), 7122(108:1455), 15861-2(238:1135)
>>>S.O. 31, 323(8:1400)
>>Seals, o.q., 13766(206:1450)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), S.O. 31, 1227(22:1400)
>>Small and medium business, 3938(60:1625), 10081-2(153:1320-5), 10280-1(157:1300-10), 10313(157:1645)
>>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 3937(60:1620)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 10081-2(153:1320-5), 10280-1(157:1300-10), 10313-4(157:1640-5)
>>Social union, M. on supply (Manning), 10739-42(163:1610-25)
>>Softwood lumber industry, 10082(153:1325), 10280(157:1300)
>>Space, S.O. 31, 9585(145:1400)
>>Standard of living, 13027(198:1615)
>>Student loans, M. on Supply (Charest), 4081(62:1555), 4090(62:1655), 4106(62:1840)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, o.q., 212(6:1445)
>>Taxation, 809-10(16:1220), 4081(62:1555), 4521-2(69:1105-10), 10081-2(153:1325), 10281(157:1305), 12375-6(188:1535-45), 13026-8(198:1605-20)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 123(4:1715-20)
>>Toys, M. (Godin, Y.), 5979(90:1715)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 7102(108:1255)
>>Veterans, S.O. 31, 1758-9(31:1400), 11962(182:1405)
>>Young Offenders Act
>>>Petition, 4578(69:1735)
>>>S.O. 31, 6362(96:1410-5)
>>Youth, 13028(198:1620)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 14961-2(225:1735-45)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, M. (Axworthy, L.), 8933-4(134:2050-100)
Luxor, Egypt see Egypt--Tourists attacked
Lynn Lake, Man. see Banks and financial institutions--Basic services
Lynx Consortium see Rail passenger service--Toronto--Quebec City
Lysergic acid dieythylamide-25 see LSD