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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Chrétien, Jean-Guy (BQ--Frontenac--Mégantic)

Chrétien, Raymond see United States--2000 presidential election

Christ the Redeemer Church see House of Commons--O Canada

Christianity see Postage stamps--Armenian community

Christmas Day

    >>Legal holiday, establishing, 8610(121:1505-10), 9040(128:1345)
    >>>See also Holidays Act (amdt.--Christmas Day)(Bill C-496)

Christmas greetings see Holiday greetings

Christmas lights see Charlottetown, P.E.I.; Parliament Hill

Chronic fatigue syndrome see Health research--Environmental illnesses

Chronically ill persons see Caregivers--Income tax deduction

Chrysler see Automobile industry--DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc.

Chrysler Cup see Hockey

Church Council on Justice and Corrections see Ron Wiebe Restorative Justice Award


    >>Federal government, failed social policies, effects, S.O. 31, 8671(122:1355)

Churchill Heights students see Scarborough Centre constituency

Churchill, Man see Grain transportation

Churchill River Power Project see Electricity

CIAU Basketball Championships see Basketball

CIAU Hockey Championships see Hockey

CIDA see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Cider house see Cidrerie Michel Jodoin

Cidrerie Michel Jodoin

    >>Micro distillery, Canadian first, Rougemont, Que., congratulating, S.O. 31, 6398(90:1410)

CINAR Corp. see Audiovisual industry

Cirque du Soleil see Governor General's Performing Arts Awards--National Arts Centre award

Cisapride see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Propulsid

Cité de l'énergie project see Government grants/subsidies--Saint-Maurice constituency

CITEC see Canadian Institute of Tourism and Electronic Commerce (CITEC)

Citizen-Initiated Referendum Act (Bill C-277)--White, T.

    >>First reading, 783-4(13:1005)
    >>See also Referendums--Citizen-initiated


Citizenship Acts of 1947 and 1977 see Citizenship--Historical background

Citizenship and Immigration Department

    >>Access to information requests, processing, Information Commissioner report, o.q., 7226(103:1445)
    >>Budget 2000, 18% funding increase, 4890(67:1605)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A)
    >>See also Government grants/subsidies; Immigration/immigrants--Criminals, Organized crime involvement--Settlement programs

Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee

    >>Agenda, Liberal government (Chrétien), changing, no notice, 8782-3(124:1155), 8798(124:1335)
    >>Confidential draft report, "Refugee Protection and Border Security: Striking a Balance", premature release, Benoit press conference, 4783(65:1605), 4805-6(66:1005-15), 4814(68:1010), 4959-62(68:1505-25), 5368-86(73:1505-725)
    >>Groups consulted, government grants/subsidies received, qu., 3216(44:1015)
    >>Meeting, authorization, M. (Lee), agreed to, 8739(123:1550)
    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Disclosure of Draft Report), 4914(68:1010)
    >>>Second (Refugee Protection and Border Security: Striking A Balance)
    >>>>g.r., 8026(114:1520)
    >>>>Government response requested, 5005(69:1500-5)
    >>>Third (Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-16)), 6152(86:1205)
    >>>Fourth (Authorization to travel), 8074(115:0910)
    >>See also Citizenship--Legislation; Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-16); Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-31)

Citizenship judges see Citizenship--Administrative rather than quasi-judicial process

Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-16)--Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Caplan)

Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63)(1st Sess., 36th Parl.) see Citizenship--Legislation--Marriage, Spouse, Definition

Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4)--Minister of Industry (Manley)

Civil society see Free Trade Area of the Americas--Establishing, Negotiations; International financial institutions--International Monetary Fund and World Bank

Civil wars

    >>World hotspots, civilian casualties, controlling/reducing, Canada position, 8065(114:1950-5)
    >>>o.q., 1499(24:1155)

Civilian War-Related Benefits Act (Bill C-41)--Minister of Veterans Affairs (Baker)

    >>First reading, 8075(115:0915)
    >>Second reading, 8529-35(120:1005-50), 8551-7(120:1235-310), agreed to, 8557(120:1310)
    >>National Defence and Veteran Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 8557(120:1310)
    >>>Reported, 8961(127:1355)
    >>Report stage, 9005-6(128:1005-10), concurred in, with a further amendment, 9006(128:1010)
    >>>Motions, 9005(128:1005)
    >>>>Agreed to, 9006(128:1010)
    >>>>Withdrawn, 9005(128:1005)
    >>Third reading, 9006-12(128:1010-55), agreed to, 9012(128:1055), passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 9350(133:1250). Chap. 34, S.C. 2000
    >>See also Homecare program--Availability, Legislation; Peacekeeping; Public Service pensions--Canadian Armed Forces--Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Veterans--Benefits/pensions, Legislation; Veterans' Independence Program--Improving

Civilians see Canadian Armed Forces; Veterans

CJCS radio station

    >>Stratford, Ont., 75th anniversary, congratulations, S.O. 31, 547(9:1100)

Clarenville, Nfld. see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Clarington, Ont. see Nuclear waste--Eldorado Nuclear Limited

Clarity Act (Bill C-20)--Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs (Dion)


    >>Definitions, derivatives, etc., 3037-8(41:1020-5)

Clark, Right Hon. Joe (PC--Kings--Hants; elected in by-election Sept. 11, 2000)

    >>Agriculture, 9259-60(132:1025-35)
    >>>o.q., 9018-9(128:1125-30)
    >>Airports, o.q., 9338(133:1130)
    >>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), o.q., 9024(128:1155)
    >>Budget 2000 Mini Budget, M. (Martin, Paul), 9258-60(132:1020-35)
    >>Budget deficit, 8475(119:1230)
    >>Canada Health Act, 8955-6(127:1310-5)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 9259(132:1025)
    >>Canada Health Care, Early Childhood Development and Other Social Services Funding Act (Bill C-45), 8955-60(127:1310-40), 9288-9(132:1350-1400)
    >>Capital gains tax, 9259(132:1025-30)
    >>Clark, references, 8367-8(117:1425-30)
    >>Day, references, 8367(117:1425)
    >>Defence equipment, o.q., 9075(129:1425)
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 8957(127:1325), 8959(127:1335)
    >>Economy, economic conditions/development, 9259(132:1025)
    >>Education, o.q., 8968(127:1425-30)
    >>Education, post-secondary, 9258-60(132:1020-35)
    >>Elections, 9259-60(132:1030)
    >>Employment insurance, o.q., 8725(123:1430)
    >>Fisheries, o.q., 8494(119:1430), 8542-3(120:1125)
    >>Gasoline, 9258-9(132:1020-5)
    >>>M. on supply (Hill, J.), 8473-6(119:1215-35)
    >>>o.q., 8407(118:1425-30), 8493(119:1430), 8681(122:1450-5)
    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 9260(132:1030)
    >>Health care system, 8956-60(127:1315-40), 9258-9(132:1020-5), 9288(132:1350-5)
    >>>o.q., 8371(117:1445), 8853(126:1430)
    >>Human Resources Development Department, 9242-3(131:1735-40)
    >>>o.q., 8804(124:1425), 8810(124:1445), 8853(126:1430)
    >>Income tax, 9259-660(132:1025-35)
    >>Infrastructure, 9259(132:1025)
    >>Lambert, Hon. Marcel, 8800(124:1350-5)
    >>National debt, 9259(132:1025)
    >>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 9259-60(132:1025-30)
    >>Parc Downsview Park Inc., o.q., 9156(130:1430), 9217(131:1435), 9221(131:1455), 9297(132:1450)
    >>Parent, references, 9294(132:1430)
    >>>Bills, Government, 9288-9(132:1350-400)
    >>>Members' remarks, 8813(124:1505)
    >>Public Accounts Standing Committee, o.q., 9338(133:1130)
    >>>Calgary Centre constituency nomination meeting, 300 attending, etc., S.O. 31, 5192(71:1105)
    >>>Delay seeking seat in House of Commons, o.q., 8681(122:1455)
    >>>Dinner following Ontario budget, non-attendance, 6381(90:1210)
    >>>Introduction in House, 8365-8(117:1400-30)
    >>>Leadership potential, vision, etc., 8935-6(127:1045-50)
    >>>Re-entry to House of Commons, S.O. 31, 8364-5(117:1355-400)
    >>>Refusing to run for seat in Parliament, loss of pension, etc., 8005(113:2330)
    >>>Welcoming, 8386(117:1715)
    >>>"Yesterday's man", 8269(116:1715)
    >>>See also Brison--References; Health care system--Funding, federal, Predictability--Hospital services, Progressive Conservative Party position--Two-tier system, Progressive Conservative Party leader Joe Clark position; Members of Parliament--Certificate of election; Progressive Conservative government (Clark); Quebec separation/ sovereignty--Referendum, Process, Legislation
    >>Regional development, 9259(132:1025)
    >>Students, 9259-61(132:1025-35)
    >>Taxation, 9259(132:1025)
    >>Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott, 8844-5(125:1025-35)
    >>Voluntary emergency workers, M., 8917-8(126:1845-55), 8925(126:1945)

Clark, Gen Wesley see Yugoslavia, Federal republic of--North American Treaty Organization (NATO) bombing

Clarkson, Right Hon. Adrienne see Governor General

Claymore mines see Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--Banning

Clayoquot Sound see Environment--International biosphere reserves

Clean Air Day see Environment Week 2000

Clean Internet Act (Bill C-507)--Earle

    >>First reading, 9118(130:1035)
    >>See also Internet/information highway--Inappropriate material

Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation

    >>Move to United States, taxation factor, 6036(84:1610)

Clement, Barbara see Elton, David and Brodi McDonald--Heroism

Climate Action Network see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

Climate change see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)

Climate Change Action Fund see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

Climate Change Secretariat see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

Clinical research see Canadian Institutes of Health Research--Creating, Four disciplines of study

Cloning see Biotechnology; Human embryo cloning

Closure see Legislation; Procedure--Motions

Clothing see Recycling--Textiles

Clouthier, Hec (Lib.--Renfrew--Nipissing--Pembroke; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of National Defence as of Sept. 1, 2000)

    >>Budget 2000 Mini Budget, M. (Martin, Paul), 9269(132:1135), 9271-2(132:1145-55)
    >>Budget deficit, 126(3:1150)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32), 6076(85:1215), 6078(85:1230), 7352-4(105:1335-45)
    >>Canada, 7353(105:1340)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2988(40:1405)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 7353(105:1335)
    >>Canadian Alliance, 7353(105:1335)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces
    >>>o.q., 4161(59:1450), 5788(80:1440), 9023(128:1150)
    >>>S.O. 31, 867(14:1100), 1627(26:1405), 3849(54:1415)
    >>Canadian flag, S.O. 31, 3667(51:1400)
    >>Canadian Neutron Facility, S.O. 31, 739(12:1410)
    >>Cape Breton Development Corporation Divestiture Authorization and Dissolution Act (Bill C-11), 3617(50:1700)
    >>Champlain Discovery School, S.O. 31, 6754(96:1100)
    >>Child pornography, petition, 1999(32:1515-20)
    >>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 3169-71(43:1325-40)
    >>Clouthier, references, 9271(132:1150)
    >>Cruelty to animals, o.q., 6766-7(96:1200)
    >>Day, references, 9272(132:1155)
    >>Elections, S.O. 31, 6014(84:1400)
    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 7353(105:1335)
    >>Health care system, 3617(50:1700), 7353(105:1340)
    >>Horse racing, S.O. 31, 3721(52:1110), 5517(76:1100)
    >>Hospitals, S.O. 31, 2947(39:1405)
    >>Income tax, 7353(105:1335-40), 9271(132:1150)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8491(119:1410)
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--travel expenses for a motor vehicle used by a forestry worker)(Bill C-211), 8439(118:1755)
    >>International agreements, conventions and treaties, 3170(43:1330-5)
    >>Kosovo, S.O. 31, 4947(68:1355-400)
    >>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 7619(109:1410)
    >>Manning, reference, 7353(105:1340)
    >>Maple syrup industry, S.O. 31, 5139-40(70:1410)
    >>Members of Parliament, S.O. 31, 1863(30:1405)
    >>National unity, 3169-71(43:1325-35)
    >>Natural gas, M. (Laliberte), 6780-1(96:1325-35)
    >>Nisga'a Final Agreement, M. on supply (Scott, M.), 1570(25:1555)
    >>Nuclear energy, S.O. 31, 1121(18:1400), 3363(46:1400)
    >>Procedure, language, inappropriate/improper, 4669(63:5105)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 3171(43:1340)
    >>References, remarks re harness racing background, "horses asses", 9271(132:1150)
    >>Renfrew--Nipissing--Pembroke constituency, S.O. 31, 5358(73:1405)
    >>Richard, Maurice, S.O. 31, 7135(102:1355)
    >>Schultz, Sheila, S.O. 31, 1368-9(22:1405)
    >>SRB Technologies (Canada) Inc., S.O. 31, 1121(18:1400)
    >>Taxation, 126(3:1145-50), 7352-3(105:1335)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 125-7(3:1140-55)
    >>Trade, M. on supply (McDonough), 1150-1(18:1650-705)
    >>Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott, S.O. 31, 9212(131:1405)

Cloutier, Louise see Teachers--Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence

Clova River

    >>Sugar Loaf Dam, demolished by Bowater Pulp and Paper Canada Inc., environmental impact, etc., S.O. 31, 9211(131:1400)

Clowns and Santas

    >>Contact with children, mandatory background checks, petition, 279(5:1535)

CLSCs see Health care system--Quebec

Club Italia choir see Arts and culture

CMHC see Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

CNR see Canadian National Railway Company

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) see Cape Breton--New Democratic Party

Co-operative Credit Associations Act see Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38)

Co-operative housing see Housing

Co-operatives see Canada Co-operative Associations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-372); Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Buyers/bidders; Credit unions/caisses populaires; Housing; National Co-op Week

Coal mining industry

    >>Cape Breton
    >>>Historical role, 1224(20:1205), 1262(20:1600-5), 1281(20:1810), 7392(106:1050), 7408(106:1210), 7411(106:1235), 7414(106:1255), 7497(107:1910), 7499-500(107:1930-5)
    >>>Profitability, 7390(106:1035)
    >>>>Lill, play, Glace Bay Miners' Museum, etc., 1283(20:1825), 6523(92:1650), 6529(92:1730)
    >>>>Militancy, 7410(106:1230)
    >>>See also Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--passim
    >>Difficulties, 6525(92:1705)
    >>Exports, 1229(20:1245)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions, reduction, Canadian Kyoto Protocol commitment
    >>>Alternative energy sources, developing, government role, 3619(50:1710-5)
    >>>Carbon dioxide storage in deep Alberta coal seems, test project, etc., o.q., 1498(24:1150)
    >>>Industry decline, factor, 3618-9(50:1710)
    >>Misconceptions, 7409(106:1215)
    >>Provinces involved, Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, 1229(20:1245)
    >>Quintette coal mine, Tumble Ridge, B.C., closure, government assistance, S.O. 31, 4338(62:1105)
    >>Working conditions, safety factor, etc., 1259(20:1540), 1264(20:1615), 1273(20:1720)
    >>See also Duncan--References

Coal Mining Safety Commission

    >>Members, chair, selection process, minister appointing, patronage factor, etc., 5214(71:1300-5), 5220-1(71:1345), 7303(104:1655)

Coalition for Cultural Diversity see Cultural diversity

Coalition governments see Government

Coalition pour la justice des mineurs see Youth justice system--Reform/overhaul/renewal, Legislation

Coalition pour la renouvellement des infrastructures du Quebec see Environment--Municipalities role

Coastal Canada Petroleum see Oil and gas industry--Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Corporation

Coastal Sound Music Academy see Music

Cobequid Pass see Highways and roads--Trans-Canada Highway, Tolls

Coca-Cola Bottling Company

    >>Brampton, Ont. facility, $150 million investment, S.O. 31, 3982(56:1400)

Cockburn, Karen see Olympics, 2000 Summer Games (Sydney, Australia)--Trampoline

"Cocktails and Cartoons" see Canadian Association of Editorial Cartoonists


Code of ethics see Cabinet ministers; National Parole Board--Board Member Patricia Thériault

Coderre, Hon. Denis (Lib.--Bourassa; Secretary of State(Amateur Sport))

    >>Canada Games, o.q., 7762-3(111:1200)
    >>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, 936-7(15:1545)
    >>Canada Pension Plan (CPP), 937(15:1545)
    >>Drug trafficking, 1939(31:1345)
    >>Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-39), 8815(124:1520)
    >>Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, M. (Grey), 6881(98:1300), 6885(98:1330)
    >>Human Resources Development Department, 936(15:1545)
    >>Olympic Games, M., 8027(114:1525-30)
    >>Organized crime, M. on supply (Bellehumeur), 1938-9(31:1345)
    >>>Members, 6885(98:1330)
    >>>Members' remarks, 4880(67:1500), 7726(110:1735)
    >>References see Government expenditures--Quebec, Ministerial tour; National Hockey League--Canadian franchises; World Anti-Doping Agency--Headquarters
    >>Sports, 4880(67:1500)
    >>>o.q., 1951(31:1455), 4879(67:1455), 6290-1(88:1455), 6339(89:1500), 6764(96:1150), 7818(112:1440), 8020(114:1440), 8127(115:1440)
    >>Swimming, o.q., 1558(25:1440), 1637-8(26:1500)
    >>Treaties Act (Bill C-214), 7724(110:1735)

Codex Alimentarius see Food--Genetically engineered/modified, Packaging and labelling regulations

Cohen, Matt

    >>Author, poet, Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction, 1999, winner, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 2946(39:1355)

Cohen, Shaughnessy

    >>References, 7(1:1610)
    >>>Death, 1st anniversary, tributes, moment of silence, 2524(36:4435), 2681(36:6010)
    >>>Nature Conservancy of Canada dedication of Pelee Island conservation project to memory, S.O. 31, 6024(94:1400)

COIN see Internet/information highway--County of Oxford Integrated Network

Collective agreements/bargaining see Canada Post Corporation--Canadian Union of Postal Workers; Labour/workers--New arrivals in labour market; Postal workers--Rural route mail couriers

Collège militaire de Saint-Jean

    >>Facilities, maintaining, enhancement, job creation, etc., o.q., 8971(127:1440)

Colleges see Universities and colleges

Collenette, Hon. David (Lib.--Don Valley East; Minister of Transport)

Collingwood, Ont. see Tourism industry--Blue Mountain Resorts

Collins, Delphine Patricia

    >>Community leader, Saskatchewan Women's Liberal Commission president, Saskatchewan Association for Community Living, member, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 3414(47:1055)

Colocs, The see Fortin, André "Dédé"


    >>Human rights issues
    >>>Labour see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Buyers/bidders, Canada Steamship Lines Inc.
    >>>Ramirez, Francisco, trade union president, death threats from military sponsored death squads, o.q., 7362(106:1425), 7454(107:1425)
    >>>Trade unionists, murders, 7411(106:1235), 7486(107:1755), 7487-8(107:1805)
    >>>>o.q., 7362(105:1425), 7455(107:1425)
    >>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Third

Colonel Samuel Smith Park see Child abuse--Murder

Columbia River Treaty Permanent Engineering Board

    >>Annual report for 1996-1997, tabled, 2122(34:1200)

Combat stress see Canadian Armed Forces--Health

Come by Chance, Nfld. see Oil and gas industry

Comité d'adaptation de la main-d'oeuvre (CAMO) see Disabled and handicapped persons--Quebec

Commemorative postage stamps see Postage stamps

Commercial fishers see Fisheries--Aboriginal treaty rights, Burnt Church First Nation

Commercialization see Air transportation--Air navigation services; Ferry service; St. Lawrence Seaway

Commissioner of Competition see Airlines--Restructuring, Competition factor

Commissioner of Elections see Elections

Commissioner of Official Languages

    >>Annual report (1999-2000)
    >>>Official Languages Standing Joint Committee, referral, 8929(127:1000)
    >>>See also Western Economic Diversification Canada--Official languages policy/bilingualism
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Privy Council Office
    >>See also Official languages policy/bilingualism--Federal government offices

Commissioners of Oaths see Citizenship--Oath

Committee for Economic Survival see Transitional jobs fund--Scotia Rainbow

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) see Endangered species

Committees of the House see Committees, Parliamentary

Committees of the Whole House

    >>Assistant Deputy Chairman, Yolande Thibeault, M. (Chrétien, J.), agreed to, 7(1:1605)
    >>Deputy Chairman, Ian McClelland, M. (Chrétien, J.), agreed to, 6-7(1:1600-5)

Committees, Parliamentary

    >>>Dictatorial attitudes, 4748(65:1220)
    >>>Electing see Transport Standing Committee
    >>Government members, lack of independence, 329(6:1250)
    >>Legislative committees see Clarity Act (Bill C-20)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), significance, reducing, 8698-9(122:1700)
    >>Memberships see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports
    >>Powers, expanding, 2267(36:1250)
    >>>Government ignoring, 2268(36:1250), 3197(43:1615), 3199(43:1635-40)
    >>>Government response preparation, guidelines, tabled, 211(4:1200)
    >>>Leaks to media, undermining Parliament authority, 4747(65:1215)
    >>>>Liberal chairpersons, 407(7:1645)
    >>Studies, decisions to accept/reject proposals, made along partisan lines, 5726-7(79:1615)
    >>System, "sham", government members protecting government and political party, Epp comments, 329-31(6:1250-305), 334(6:1325)
    >>Televising see Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee--Meetings; Finance Standing Committee--Travel and televising; Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Meetings; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, presented (from 36th Parl., 1st Sess.)
    >>>Witnesses, only hearing those friendly to government, 1009(16:1520)
    >>>See also Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee; Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee; Finance Standing Committee; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee; International Financial Reporting Guidelines and Standards for the Public Service Subcommittee; Public Accounts Standing Committee
    >>See also Banks and financial institutions--Branch closures; Disabled and handicapped persons--Permanent subcommittee; Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A)--1999-2000, Supplementary (B); Globalization, global economy/marketplace--Autonomy; Government grants/subsidies; Internet/information highway--Personal information, Legislation; Marine conservation areas--Legislation (Bill C-8), 28 areas, Expanding--Legislation (Bill C-8), New areas, Objections; Occupational health and safety; Petro-Canada--Merger with other oil company; Regulations--Proposed; Senate--Role and see also individual committees by name

Commodity prices see Agriculture--Farm income crisis

Common law relationships


    >>Commonwealth Day, S.O. 31, 4383(63:1400)
    >>See also Slavery

Communal organizations see Income tax


    >>Regional communications policies, pilot projects since 1998, Quebec, assessment, Canada Information Office contract, o.q., 7398(106:1120)
    >>See also Telecommunications industry

Communications Security Establishment

    >>Commissioner's annual report, tabled, 7406(106:1200)

Communist countries see Nisga'a Final Agreement--Collective rights

Communist Party of Canada see Canada Elections Act--Section 31

Communities in Bloom see Mitchell, Ont.; Richmond Hill, Ont.

Communities Most Friendly to Home Based Businesses Awards see Small and medium business--Home based

Community Access Program (CAP) see Internet/information highway

Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) see Children

Community Alliances in Health Research see Canadian Institutes of Health Research--Creating, Four disciplines of study, Cultural society and population health

Community associations see Charitable and non-profit organizations--Income tax provisions

Community-based programs see Crime prevention

Community care see Health care system--Home and community care

Community Care Worker Week

    >>Community health care professionals and volunteers, recognition, S.O. 31, 147-8(3:1410)

Community Futures Development Corporations see Community Futures Program

Community Futures Program

    >>Budget 2000 funding, 5244(72:1330), 5272(72:1610)
    >>Community Futures Development Corporations
    >>>Meeting, May 2000, Quebec, o.q., 7282(104:1445)
    >>>Role, Budget 2000 funding, S.O. 31, 5140(70:1410-5)

Community Living program see Disabled and Handicapped persons

Community policing see Crime prevention

Community reinvestment see Banks and financial institutions

Community service see Impaired driving--Sentences, Hollinsky

Community service groups/service clubs

    >>Membership dues, income tax deduction, providing, 1086(18:1010), 5411(74:1515)
    >>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-308); Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-467)

Community support systems see Family

Commuter challenges see Environment Week 2000--Clean Air Day

Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act see Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-24)

"Compare the Share" see Agriculture--Farm income crisis, Urban Canada/communities

Compass see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)--Regional programming, Prince Edward Island


    >>Conspiracy agreements between competitors, etc., 5751(80:1005-10)
    >>>See also Competition Act (amdt.--conspiracy agreements and the right to make private applications), Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.--costs and summary dispositions) and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-472)
    >>Dominant position in wholesale or retail market, anti-competitive practices, Competition Tribunal prevention powers, 2766(38:1535)
    >>>See also Competition Act (amdt.--abuse of dominant position)(Bill C-402)
    >>International legal co-operation, 5751(80:1005)
    >>>o.q., 6147(86:1140)
    >>>See also Competition Act (amdt.--international mutual assistance and references) and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.--references)(Bill C-471)
    >>See also Airlines--Crisis--International routes--Restructuring Banks and financial institutions; Gasoline--Prices; Retail sales industry--Suppliers; Telephone system--Long distance

Competition Act

    >>Charges/convictions under, o.q., 1758(28:1445)
    >>Farmers, protecting, amending, 4827(66:1220)
    >>See also Airlines--Crisis, Government reaction; Canada Transportation Act, Competition Act, Competition Tribunal Act and Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-26); Industry Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh;

Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-509)--McTeague

    >>First reading, 9119(130:1040)
    >>see also Corporations--Mergers, Competition Tribunal powers

Competition Act (amdt.--abuse of dominant position)(Bill C-402)--McTeague

    >>First reading, 2766(38:1535)
    >>See also Competition--Dominant position

Competition Act (amdt.--conspiracy agreements and the right to make private applications), Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.--costs and summary dispositions) and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-472)--McTeague

    >>First reading, 5751(80:1005-10)
    >>See also Competition--Conspiracy agreements between competitors

Competition Act (amdt.--contest, lottery or game of chance)(Bill C-458) --Bernier, G.

    >>First reading, 5007(69:1515)
    >>See also Prizes--Printed material

Competition Act (amdt.--game of chance)(Bill C-438)--Redman--Torsney

    >>First reading, 4042(57:1210)
    >>References, sponsor change from Redman to Torsney, 8776(124:1115)
    >>See also Prizes--Printed material

Competition Act (amdt.--international mutual assistance and references) and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.--references)(Bill C-471)--Jennings

    >>First reading, 5751(80:1005)
    >>See also Competition--International legal co-operation

Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276)--Gallaway

    >>First reading, deemed adopted, 783(13:1005)
    >>Deemed read a second time and referred to Industry Standing Committee, 783(13:1005)
    >>Industry Standing Committee, reported with amdts., 3946(55:1540)
    >>Report stage, 5737-46(79:1730-825), 6943-50(98:1830-915), concurrence, with further amendments, M., agreed to, on recorded division, 6983-4(99:1800-10)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 5746(79:1825)
    >>>M., 5737(79:1730), negatived, on recorded division, 6982-3(99:1750-800)
    >>Third reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 6984-5(99:1810), passed.
    >>See also Consumer protection--Negative option marketing

Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393)(1st Sess., 36th Parl.)

    >>Reinstated as Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276)

Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail)(Bill C-201)--McTeague

    >>First reading, deemed adopted, 109-10(3:1005)
    >>Deemed read second time, considered by committee and reported with amdts., 110(3:1005)
    >>See also Retail sales industry--Suppliers

Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail)(Bill C-235)(1st Sess., 36th Parl.)

    >>Reinstated as Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail)(Bill C-201)

Competition Act (amdt.--vertically integrated gasoline suppliers)(Bill C-349)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1813(29:1205-10)
    >>See also Gasoline--Vertically integrated gasoline suppliers

Competition Bureau (Industry Department)

    >>Role, scope, o.q., 391(7:1425)
    >>See also Airlines--Crisis--Restructuring, Competition factor; Gasoline--Prices; Oil and gas industry--Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Corporation

Competition Tribunal

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (B), Industry Department
    >>See also Airlines--Crisis; Competition--Dominant position; Corporations--Mergers

Competition Tribunal Act see Canada Transportation Act, Competition Act, Competition Tribunal Act and Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-26); Competition Act (amdt.--conspiracy agreements and the right to make private applications), Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.--costs and summary dispositions) and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-472); Competition Act (amdt.--international mutual assistance and references) and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.--references)(Bill C-471)

Compex Cons. see Constitutional reform--Amendments


    >>Government attitude, Quebec government attitude, comparison, S.O. 31, 6439-40(91:1055)
    >>See also National Composting Week

Computer literacy see Internet/information highway--Electronic commerce, Literacy

Computer memory see Mosel Vitelic, Inc.

Computer systems

    >>Criminal activities, vulnerability, Royal Canadian Mounted Police intelligence report, S.O. 31, 1628(26:1410)
    >>See also Information technology--Government use; Royal Canadian Mounted Police


    >>Use, increase, 36% of Canadians in 1998, 9121(130:1055)
    >>See also Crime; Occupational health and safety--Technological change

Computers for Schools Program see Schools

Comuzzi, Joe (Lib.--Thunder Bay--Superior North)

Conclusion of Treaties Act (Bill C-218)--Turp

    >>First reading, 113(3:1030)
    >>See also International agreements, conventions and treaties--Consultation with provinces

Concrete see Highways and roads

Concurrent sentences see Sentences (convicted criminals)--Multiple murderers

Conditional licences see Drivers licences--Youth

Conditional sentences see Sentences (convicted criminals); Youth justice system--Sentences, Alternatives to incarceration

Condominium housing see Housing--British Columbia

Conestoga College

    >>Waterloo, Ont., new campus construction, city-college partnership, S.O. 31, 2691(37:1055)

Confection Haut de Gamme see Job creation--Quebec, Quebec City

Confederation see Quebec

Confederation Bridge

    >>Prince Edward Island fixed link, 7231(103:1520), 7234(103:1540)
    >>See also Highways and roads--Quebec

Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) see Pépin, Marcel

Conference Board of Canada see Gasoline--Prices; Social programs--Unsustainable

Conference of Defence Associations see Canadian Armed Forces--"On verge of collapse"

Conference of Spouses of Heads of State and Government of the Americas

    >>Sept. 29/99 - Oct. 1/99 Ottawa meeting, expenditures, qu., 5265(72:1525)

Conference of Women in the Francophonie see Francophonie

Confidentiality see Census; Income tax; Internet/information highway--Personal information

Conflict of interest see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group (APEC)--Vancouver, B.C. summit, RCMP Complaints Commission inquiry; Blood--Tainted blood products; Canada Steamship Lines Inc.--Income Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-28)(1st Sess., 36th Parl.) Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Buyers/bidders, Canada Steamship Lines. Inc.--Privatization, Shannon; Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Lavelle; Food--Genetically modified/engineered, Safety, Canadian Food Inspection Agency; Highways and roads--Ontario, Hamilton, Ont.; Marine Atlantic Inc.--Newfoundland ferry service, Vessel purchase; Occupational health and safety--Government as employer/regulator; Political parties--Donations/contributions/financing, Peterson; Squamish First Nation--Lion's Gate Bridge proposal

Conflict of interest guidelines see Chrétien, J.--References

Congenital heart defects see Heart disease

Congo, Democratic Republic of

    >>United Nations peacekeeping operations, Canada participation, o.q., 7403-4(106:1150)

Conjugal relationships see Common law relationships--Individual cohabiting with another individual

Connaught Laboratories see Blood--Tainted blood products

Connecting Canadians Program see Internet/information highway

Connolly, Dr. Stuart see Heart disease--Pacemakers

Connor, John see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

Conscientious Objection Act (Bill C-399)--Robinson

    >>First reading, 2703(37:1205)
    >>See also Conscientious objectors--Income tax paid for defence expenditures

Conscientious objectors

    >>Income tax paid for defence expenditures, designating to other uses, 2703(37:1205)
    >>>Petition, 1564(25:1510), 8077(115:0920)
    >>>See also Conscientious Objection Act (Bill C-399(

Consecutive sentences see Gun control/guns--Crime; Sentences (convicted criminals)--Multiple murderers

Conseil de développement économique de Murdochville see Gaspé--Economic development

Conseil régional de concertation de développement de la région de Québec see Airports--Jean Lesage International Airport

Conservation see Fisheries--Aboriginal treaty rights; Fisheries, Atlantic--Aboriginal fishers

Conspiracy agreements see Competition


    >>Basic principles, adaptive to changing times, etc., 540-1(9:1025-30), 8341(117:1110)
    >>Disallowance see Health care system--Hospital services, Rock
    >>Federal, provincial jurisdictions, established, 8380(117:1620-5)
    >>Patriation in 1982
    >>>Negotiations, process, 3361(46:1345-50)
    >>>Quebec opposition/rejection, 3011(40:1610), 3013(40:1625)
    >>Preamble, supremacy of God, reaffirming inclusion,
    >>>Petitions, 114(3:1035), 278-9(5:1530), 306(6:1020), 401-2(7:1520-5), 656(11:1020), 752(12:1520), 785(13:1010), 1192(19:1210), 1289(21:1020), 1383(22:1520), 1415(23:1030), 1502(24:1210), 1563(25:1505), 1594(26:1015), 1818(29:1235), 1875(30:1515), 1999(32:1515), 3431(47:1225), 3534(49:1045), 3633(51:1010), 4115(59:1010), 5008-9(69:1520-5), 5206(71:1215), 8079(115:0930)
    >>>Robinson position, Steckle statement condemning, clarification, 653(11:1000-5)
    >>See also Canada Health Act--Five principles; International Space Station--Legislation; Labour mobility--National standards; Marine Atlantic Inc.--Newfoundland ferry service, Rail ferry service; Marine conservation areas--Legislation (Bill C-8), 28 areas, Federal ownership; Nisga'a Final Agreement; Official Languages Act

Constitution Act, 1982

    >>Quebec, refusal to sign, imposed against will of National Assembly, 1848(30:1215), 2934(39:1240)
    >>>o.q., 2951(39:1420-5)
    >>See also Federal-provincial-territorial jurisdiction--Federal intrusion into provincial jurisdiction; National Capital Commission--Canadians on the Hill: a continuing tradition

Constitutional reform

    >>Amendments, public consultations, provincial laws, overview, Canada Information Office contract to Compex Cons., o.q., 7398(106:1120)
    >>Charlottetown Accord
    >>>Referendum defeat/Reform Party position, 985(16:1250-5), 987(16:1310)
    >>>See also Nisga'a Final Agreement--Aboriginal self-government; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum, 50% plus one
    >>Meech Lake Accord
    >>>Failure, 3010-1(40:1605-10), 3013(40:1625), 4865(67:1335), 5848(81:1255), 7466-7(107:1535), 7678-9(110:1200-10)
    >>>See alsoNisga'a Final Agreement--Support; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum, 50% plus one
    >>Process, Quebec exclusion, 4785(65:1620)

Construction industry see Labour mobility

Consulates see Embassies and consulates

Consultative Committee for French-Speaking Minority Communities see Francophones outside Quebec