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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Divorce see Divorce/separation

Divorce Act

    >>Amending, Special Joint Committee on Child Custody and Access recommendations, implementation, 5941-2(83:1045)
    >>>Petition, 4115-6(59:1010), 5442(75:1010), 8252(116:1520)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6623(94:1400)
    >>Division of marital property, provisions, not available to common law relationships, 5571(77:1310-5)

Divorce Act (amdt.--child of the marriage)(Bill C-281)--Gallaway

    >>First reading, 784(13:1010)
    >>See also Child support payments--Age of majority children

Divorce Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-378)--Harb

Divorce Act (amdt.--joint custody)(Bill C-304)--Hill, J.

    >>First reading, 1085-6(18:1005)
    >>See also Child custody--Joint custody

Divorce Act (amdt.--marriage counselling required before divorce granted)(Bill C-235)--Szabo

    >>First reading, 276(5:1515)
    >>Second reading, 2713-21(37:1315-415)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2721(37:1415)
    >>See also Divorce/separation--Marriage counselling

Divorce Act (amdt.--rights of spouses' parents to access to or custody of child)(Bill C-367)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1815(29:1220)
    >>See also Child custody--Grandparents' rights;


    >>Children, interests, protection
    >>>Family law reform, Throne Speech proposal, 2(1:1600)
    >>>Rights, principles of equality among parents, legislation, requesting, petition, 6154(86:1215)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2748(38:1400)
    >>Income tax implications, equivalent to spouse deduction, etc., S.O. 31, 5468(75:1355-400)
    >>Marriage counselling, requiring before granting divorce, 276(5:1515), 2713-21(37:1315-415)
    >>>See also Divorce Act (amdt.--marriage counselling required before divorce granted)(Bill C-235)
    >>See also Child custody;

Diwali celebration see Festivals

DNA evidence databank

    >>>Costs, adequacy of funding, 6752(96:1050-5), 7736-7(110:1840-50)
    >>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Commissioner report, Parliamentary review,6746(96:1005), 6749(96:1030), 6753(96:1055), 6768(96:1210), 7733(110:1825), 7736(110:1845), 7738(110:1855)
    >>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) role, 6748(96:1025), 6752(96:1050), 7733(110:1825), 7736(110:1840)
    >>Biological samples
    >>>Case under appeal, taking, 6752(96:1050)
    >>>Hair, saliva or blood, 6749(96:1030)
    >>>Person consenting to use of existing DNA results from databank, repeal, 6746(96:1010)
    >>>Person providing sample indicating preference for type, repeal, 6746(96:1010)
    >>>Supreme Court of Canada 1994 ruling prohibiting obtaining of sample without consent of accused, 6748(96:1020)
    >>>Taking at time of arrest, 6748(96:1020), 7738-9(110:1855-900)
    >>>Taking, respecting "due process", 6751(96:1045)
    >>>Unused samples, retaining and submitting to Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 6749(96:1030)
    >>Clearing innocent suspects, 6747-8(96:1015-20), 7738(110:1900)
    >>Clearing wrongfully convicted persons, Milgaard and Morin cases, 6747(96:1015), 6750(96:1040), 6752(96:1050), 7733(110:1825), 7737(110:1850), 7739(110:1900)
    >>Confidentiality/security of databank, restricted use, law enforcement purposes only, 6746(96:1005), 6747(96:1030), 6750(96:1040), 6751-2(96:1045-50), 6768(96:1210), 7735-6(110:1840), 7738(110:1855)
    >>>Privacy Commissioner concern, 7736(110:1840)
    >>Convicted offenders index, 6748(96:1025)
    >>>Military offenders' profiles, inclusion, 6745(96:1005), 6753(96:1055)
    >>>Young offenders, inclusion, 6748(96:1025), 6750(96:1035), 6751(96:1050)
    >>Courts not required to make databank order if advised by prosecution that profile already exists in databank, 6746(96:1005), 6750(96:1040)
    >>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3)(1st. Sess., 36th Parl.), 6745(96:1005), 6752(96:1050), 7733(110:1825)
    >>>National Defence Act, DNA Identification Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill S-10), third attempt, 6747(96:1010)
    >>Crime scene data, inclusion, 7733-4(110:1825-30)
    >>Crime solving/fighting tool, 6748(96:1020), 6752(96:1050), 6768(96:1210), 7733(110:1825), 7736-8(110:1840-900)
    >>Designated offences (convicted criminals), 6748(96:1020)
    >>>Limited range, expanding to include all indictable offences, 6747(96:1015)
    >>>Military/civilian offences, justice systems, equal treatment, 6745(96:1005), 6747-8(96:1015), 6750(96:1035), 6751-3(96:1045-55), 7734(110:1830), 7738(110:1855)
    >>>Primary and secondary designated offences, 6747-9(96:1015-30), 6768(96:1205), 7734(110:1830), 7738(110:1855)
    >>Destroying evidence/profiles of cleared suspects, acquitted or charges withdrawn, 6749(96:1025)
    >>DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) explanation, 6748(96:1020)
    >>Fingerprinting at same time as taking samples, identification verification, 6746(96:1010), 6750(96:1035)
    >>Information gathering and investigation procedures, 6751(96:1045)
    >>Integrity and accuracy, legislation, National Defence Act, DNA Identification Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill S-10), promoting, 6746(96:1010)
    >>International comparisons, United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, France and United States, 7734-6(110:1830-45)
    >>Legislation, National Defence Act, DNA Identification Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill S-10)
    >>>Ensuring smooth and effective implementation, 6745(96:1005), 7733(110:1825)
    >>>New Democratic Party position, 6751-2(96:1045-50), 7738-9(110:1900)
    >>>Originating in Senate, 6751(96:1040)
    >>>Provincial and territorial governments supporting, 7733(110:1825)
    >>>See also DNA evidence databank--Integrity and accuracy; Canadian Armed Forces--Military justice system, DNA samples; National Defence Act, DNA Identification Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill S-10)
    >>Offenders transferred out of province before databank order executed, courts able to endorse order granted in other provinces, 6746(96:1005), 6750(96:1035)
    >>Police organizations/law enforcement agencies, support, 6747(96:1015), 6751(96:1045), 7739(110:1900)
    >>Post-conviction process, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms requirements, meeting, 6745(96:1005)
    >>Privacy concerns, safeguards, 6752-3(96:105-5), 6768(96:1210), 7737(110:1840), 7738(110:1900)
    >>>Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee recommendations, 6745(96:1005)
    >>>Information, retention period, 6751(96:1050)
    >>>Offenders subject to military Code of Service Discipline, inclusion, 6745(96:1005), 6752-3(96:1050-5), 6768(96:1205), 7733-5(110:1825-40), 7738(110:1855)
    >>Public safety/protection of society, relationship, 6745(1005), 7733-4(110:1825), 7739(110:1900)
    >>Regulations and guidelines of use, 7733(110:1825)
    >>Rights of victims/accused, 6747(96:1010)
    >>Role, 6748(96:1015)
    >>Unsolved crimes, use in solving, role, 6747(96:1010), 7738(110:1855)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Military justice system, DNA samples

DNA Identification Act

    >>Parliamentary five year review, House of Commons conducting, 7733(110:1825), 7736(110:1845), 7738(110:1855)
    >>>Senate independent review, establishing right, 6746(96:1005), 6753(96:1055), 67678(96:1205)
    >>See also National Defence Act, DNA Identification Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(BillS-10)

DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3)(1st. Sess., 36th Parl.) see DNA evidence databank--Creation;

DNA testing

    >>Delays, failure to protect law-abiding citizens, allowing predators to commit crime again, Solicitor General Department mismanagement, Auditor General report condemning, 7736(110:1840)
    >>>o.q., 5977(83:1445)
    >>See also Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Computer system

Dockrill, Michelle (NDP--Bras d'Or--Cape Breton)


    >>Emigration to United States, brain drain, 5276(72:1640)
    >>Hudson, Ed, tribute, 8138(115:1540)
    >>See also Health care system--Physicians and surgeons; Pesticides--Health risks, Children; Physicians and surgeons

Doctors Without Borders see Nobel prizes--Peace

"Dodo sur le dos" see Children--Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Doer, Hon. Gary see Manitoba

Dogs see Cruelty to animals--Penalties, Legislation (Bill C-17), Police dogs

Dollar exchange rate

    >>1950s, level, 6425-6(90:1720-5)
    >>Decline, 5777(80:1340), 6425-6(90:1720-5), 7443(107:1515)
    >>>Economic conditions, growth, relationship, 7430-1(07:1140-5), 9231(131:1615-20)
    >>>Impact, 5422(74:1630), 5451(75:1150), 5798(80:1545), 6372(90:1105-10), 6417(90:1620), 8269(116:1715)
    >>>>o.q., 8494(119:1430)
    >>>International comparison, o.q., 8494(119:1430)
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien), encouraging, 6417(90:1610)
    >>>National debt, factor, 6426(90:1725)
    >>>o.q., 6763(96:1140)
    >>>Taxation factor, 3072(41:1350), 6118(85:1700)
    >>Fixed rate, establishing, Dr. Robert Mundell position, S.O. 31, 7358(105:1405-10)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), policies, impact, 235-6(5:1110)
    >>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), comparison, 7848(112:1745)
    >>See also Cameco Corporation--Legislation; Food--Costs; Foreign investment/ownership--Takeovers; Gasoline--Prices, Oil refinery capacity factor; Petro-Canada--Legislation; Trade

Domestic abuse see Cruelty to animals

Dominion convention see Veterans--38th Dominion convention

Donations see Charitable and non-profit organizations--Income tax provisions; Political parties

Donkin mine see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization

Donnely, Sharon see Olympic, 2000 Summer Games (Sydney, Australia)--Canadian team

Dorval international airport see Airports--Montreal International Airport-Dorval

Dosanjh, Ujjal see British Columbia--Premier

Double taxation see Income tax--International agreements

Douglas, Tommy see Health care system--Historical background; Political parties--Similarities

Doukhobor Russians

    >>100th anniversary in Canada, contributions, congratulations, S.O. 31, 546(9:1055-100)

Down's Syndrome Awareness Week

    >>Research efforts, S.O. 31, 1179(19:1110)

Down's Syndrome Research Foundation

    >>Vancouver, B.C. research facility, construction, $3.5 million fund raising campaign, S.O. 31, 5469(75:1400)

Downsview Park see Parc Downsview Park Inc.

Doyle, Dan

    >>Heroic efforts, S.O. 31, 4383(63:1400)

Doyle, Norman (PC--St. John's East)

Dragging see Cod--Stocks, Atlantic Canada; Marine conservation areas--Legislation (Bill C-8), Trawling

Drake, Dr. Charles see University of Western Ontario

Drapeau, Jean

    >>Former Mayor of Montreal, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 200(4:1110)


    >>Red River and Lake Winnipeg, petition, 2181(35:1520)
    >>See also Athabasca River; Great Lakes--Water levels; Harbours and wharves--Durham Harbour, N.B.--Squamish, B.C.

Drinking water see Water

Drinking Water Conservation Day

    >>Biosphere 2000 awards, relationship, S.O. 31, 6441(91:1105)

Drivers licences

    >>Youth, conditional licences, receiving, 6693(95:1300)
    >>See also Ontario--Smart cards

Dromisky, Stan (Lib.--Thunder Bay--Atikokan; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Transport until Aug. 31, 2000)

Drop-out rate see Education


    >>Farmers, tax deferral, requesting, S.O. 31, 1043(17:1410)
    >>See also Agriculture--Farm income crisis, Weather; Ethiopia

Drouin, Claude (Lib.--Beauce)

    >>Agriculture, S.O. 31, 3365(46:1405)
    >>Air transportation, o.q., 5406(74:1445), 5470(75:1405)
    >>Airports, o.q., 3183(43:1445)
    >>Budget deficit, 4864(67:1335)
    >>Arbour, Justice Louise, S.O. 31, 264(5:1410)
    >>Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 2256(36:1130-5)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), M. on supply (Ablonczy), 4864(67:1330-5)
    >>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 3359-61(46:1335-45)
    >>Economy, economic conditions/development, S.O. 31, 3596(50:1410)
    >>Elections, 2256(36:1130), 4813(66:1105)
    >>Football, S.O. 31, 1862(30:1400)
    >>Gaspé, S.O. 31, 8848(126:1400)
    >>Hardy, Claude, S.O. 31, 2988(40:1400-5)
    >>Health care system, 4864(67:1335)
    >>Ice Storm, 1998, S.O. 31, 1323-4(21:1405)
    >>Income tax, 4864(67:1330-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4200(60:1405)
    >>International folklore festival, S.O. 31, 4764(65:1410)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), 4864(67:1330-5)
    >>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 4813-4(66:1100-5)
    >>Millennium scholarship fund, o.q., 1129-30(18:1440)
    >>National debt, 4864(67:1335)
    >>National Volunteer Week, S.O. 31, 6089(85:1355)
    >>Postal workers, petition, 8861(126:1515)
    >>Procedure, Members' remarks, 2256(36:1130), 3666(51:1355)
    >>Quebec, S.O. 31, 8013(114:1405)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 3359-61(46:1335-45), 4864(67:1335)
    >>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3664-5(51:1340-55), 3681-2(51:1525)
    >>Sommet de la Francophonie, o.q., 2069(33:1450)
    >>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-33), 7949(113:1645)
    >>Trade, o.q., 5713(79:1440)
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 4864(67:1335)
    >>Unemployment, 4864(67:1330-5)
    >>VIA Rail Canada Inc., o.q., 2956(39:1450)

Drowning see Search and rescue--Canadian Coast Guard role

Drug smuggling/importing

    >>Activities, increase
    >>>Combatting, lack of government action, 3039-40(41:1040)
    >>>Port police, disbanding, relationship, 3040(41:1040), 5724(79:1555), 7896(113:1045)
    >>See also Vietnam--Human rights violations, Nguyen Thi Hiep

Drug/substance abuse

    >>Aboriginals, Pedahbun Lodge, Toronto, Ont., government funding, improper use, allegations, independent multi-year financial audit, program review, Health Department ordering, M. for Production of Papers, deemed adopted, 7290(104:1520)
    >>>Research centre, Solicitor General MacAulay's riding, establishing, 1849(30:1225), 1851-2(30:1240-5)
    >>>Research, funding, government action, non-existent, 1738(28:1240-5), 1739-40(28:1255)
    >>Deaths, etc., o.q., 4091-2(58:1455)
    >>>Overdoses, Vancouver, B.C., downtown east side, prevention, government action, lack, 7180-1(102:1915-20), 8330-1(116:2435)
    >>>>o.q., 6822(97:1455)
    >>"Hard" drugs, use, increase, 5727(79:1620)
    >>Impact on society, 5766-7(80:1235)
    >>National drug strategy, 7181(102:1915)
    >>>Development, 4893(67:1625)
    >>>>Petition, 1289(21:1020)
    >>>Failure, 255(5:1315-20)
    >>Rehabilitation costs, 5728(79:1625)
    >>See also Penitentiaries; Penitentiary inmates

Drug trafficking

    >>Bribery and corruption, 5767(80:1235-40)
    >>British Columbia, 5767(80:1235)
    >>Canada, North American distribution, transit point, 8328(116:2415)
    >>Combatting, 1916(31:1120-5)
    >>>Drug busts, 8290(116:1945)
    >>>Government commitment, Throne Speech statement, 5(1:1600)
    >>>Government inaction, 1651(26:1640)
    >>>International efforts, Canada role, o.q., 4091-2(58:1455)
    >>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), adequate resources, 8323(116:2340)
    >>>>Rural Quebec, innocent citizens living in terror, 5729-32(79:1630-55)
    >>Control, gang wars, innocent bystanders killed, associated crime, 5728(79:1620-5), 8280(116:1835)
    >>Government plan, lack, 1405(22:1750)
    >>Legalizing, "soft drugs", 1930-1(31:1250), 1935(31:1325), 1939(31:1345-50)
    >>Motorcycle gangs, Hell's Angels, Rock Machine, involvement, 8311(116:2210)
    >>Murders, relationship, Quebec, 5728(79:1620)
    >>Organized crime, 1928(31:1235-40)
    >>Schools, near, minimum sentence, 5006(69:1510)
    >>>See also Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--trafficking in a controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary school or a high school)(Bill C-454)
    >>Social consequences, 1935(31:1320-5)
    >>Worth, 1906(31:1010), 1932(31:1300), 1935(31:1320), 1952(31:1505), 1965(31:1630), 1967(31:1645)
    >>See also Currency--$1,000 bank note; Money laundering--Canadian activities; Refugees--Deportation; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Quebec

Drugs and pharmaceuticals

    >>Alternative medicines, natural foods, herbs, natural extracts, vitamins, medicinal use, freedom of choice, petition, 3147(42:1225)
    >>Costs, 30% of health care costs, two-tier health care system impact, 6374(90:1125)
    >>Drug approval regulatory process
    >>>Delays, 8957(127:1325)
    >>>>International testing results, refusal to use, impact on patients, rituxin example, 3523-5(48:2010-20)
    >>>>>o.q., 2993-4(40:1435)
    >>>>o.q., 3939(55:1500)
    >>>Inefficient, reform needed, 1604(26:1120-5), 1614(26:1235-40)
    >>>Policy review, delay, etc., o.q., 3083-4(41:1450)
    >>>Safety, policy changes, impact, o.q., 2176(35:1445)
    >>>See also Food--Genetically engineered/modified, Safety, Approval
    >>Expense, 6569(93:1310), 8928(126:2005)
    >>>See also Senior citizens--Pharmaceutical costs
    >>Generic drugs, United States, active ingredients coming from developing countries, purity/safety concerns, Canadian procedures preventing, o.q., 6633(94:1450)
    >>>Gentamicin sulfate, deaths, etc., 8762-3(123:1830-5)
    >>National drug plan, establishing, Liberal government (Chrétien), election promise, 4840(66:1355), 9240(131:1715-20), 9257(132:1015), 9261(132:1040)
    >>>o.q., 8242(116:1425), 8246-7(116:1445-50)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8600(121:1410-5)
    >>Patent protection, longer, 1093(18:1045), 4074(58:1310)
    >>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), impact, 8959(127:1335)
    >>Propulsid, heartburn medication, adverse reactions, deaths, removal from drug store shelves, o.q., 7399-400(106:1130)
    >>>Alternative treatments, cisapride, availability, o.q., 9220(131:1450)
    >>>Special access program when no alternative available, delays, o.q., 9220(131:1450)
    >>>Health Department, ensuring, 6292(88:1510)
    >>>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Drug approval regulatory process
    >>Vaccines, treatments, biotechnology providing, 6295(88:1530)
    >>World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling, Canada appealing,
    >>>o.q., 4700(64:1425-30), 6290(88:1455)
    >>>Ruling on appeal, o.q., 8412(118:1450)
    >>See also Biotechnology--Industry; Patent Act; Water--Drinking water, Contamination, Walkerton, Ont.

Drumheller Annex see Penitentiaries

Drummond Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    >>Awards for 1999, S.O. 31, 1941(31:1400)

Drummondville, Que. see Celanese AG

Drynan, George K., Q.C.

    >>Army officer, war crimes lawyer, involvement, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8802(124:1405-10)

DU see Depleted uranium (DU)

Du Vallon school see Environment--Tree planting

Dubé, Antoine (BQ--Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière)

Dubé, Fernand

    >>Former member of New Brunswick legislature, mayor of Campbellton, N.B., death, tribute, S.O. 31, 341(6:1405-10)

Dubé, Jean (PC--Madawaska--Restigouche)

Duceppe, Gilles (BQ--Laurier--Sainte-Marie)

Ducharme, Yves

    >>Mayor of Hull, Que., appointment as special advisor to United Nations by United Nations Centre for Human Settlement, Habitat, tribute, S.O. 31, 8119(115:1400)

Duchess Foods see Government grants/subsidies--Brant constituency

Duck eggs see Birds--Migratory birds convention

Ducks Unlimited

    >>Actions, achievements, supporting, 8382(117:1645), 8788(124:1235)
    >>See also Birds--Migratory birds, Wetlands; Wetlands--Nature trail

Dufferin, Ont.

    >>"Building Dufferin Together", sustainable community symposium, S.O. 31, 5468(75:1355)

Dufferin--Peel--Wellington constituency see Budget 2000--Pre-budget consultations

Dufresne, Jean V.

    >>Journalist, Quebecer, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8237-8(116:1400), 8361(117:1340)

Duhaime, Yvon see Transitional jobs fund--Saint-Maurice constituency, Grand-Mère Inn

Duhamel, Hon. Ronald J. (Lib.--Saint Boniface; Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification)(Francophonie); Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification)(Francophonie) as of Oct. 17, 2000)

    >>Budget deficit, 6087(85:1340)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32), 6087(85:1340)
    >>Canada, 6087(85:1340)
    >>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 6087(85:1340)
    >>Community Futures Program, o.q., 7282(104:1445)
    >>Entrepreneurs, o.q., 7368(105:1455-500)
    >>Farm equipment industry, o.q., 1449(23:1445)
    >>Feminism, 5959(83:1300)
    >>Francophones outside Quebec, o.q., 1560(25:1450)
    >>Francophonie, o.q., 3372(46:1445)
    >>Health research, o.q., 8973(127:1450-5)
    >>Income tax, 6087(85:1340)
    >>Inflation, 6087(85:1340)
    >>Interest rates, 6087(85:1340)
    >>Internet/information highway, o.q., 8021(114:1445)
    >>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-8), 8779(124:1135)
    >>Merchant marines/seamen, o.q., 9221(131:1500)
    >>Middle East, o.q., 9018(128:1125)
    >>Millennium scholarship fund, 6087(85:1340)
    >>Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23), 5959(83:1300)
    >>Research and development, 6087(85:1340)
    >>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), o.q., 7459(107:1450)
    >>Same-sex couples, 5959(83:1300)
    >>Saskatchewan, o.q., 3141(42:1150)
    >>Sommet de la Francophonie, o.q., 347-8(6:1440), 2069(33:1450)
    >>Tourism industry, o.q., 7368(105:1500)
    >>Unemployment, 6087(85:1340)
    >>Western Economic Diversification Canada, o.q., 7100(101:1155), 8413(118:1455-500), 9160(130:1455)

Dumas, Maurice (BQ--Argenteuil--Papineau--Mirabel)

Dumond, Michel

    >>Wrongful conviction claim
    >>>Appeal, letter to Justice Minister McLellan, S.O. 31, 4153(59:1400-5)
    >>>Pardon application, status, o.q., 7148(102:1500)

Dumping see Cattle--Exports; Steel industry

Duncan, B.C. see Hospitals--Cowichan District Hospital

Duncan, John (Ref.--Vancouver Island North; CA--Vancouver Island North as of March 27, 2000)

Durand, Luc

    >>Canadian theatre personality, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8536(120:1055)

Durham Harbour, N.B. see Harbours and wharves

Durham, Ont. see Health care system--Renewal/reform, Shepherd; Youth--Canada World Youth Exchange

Dursban see Pesticides

Durum see Grain

Duty free zone see Trade

Duty/duties see Countervailing duties; Customs; Satellite television--Grey market systems, Taxes

Dystonia Awareness Week

    >>October 10-17 designation, S.O. 31, 198-9(4:1105)