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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) see Homeless

Homelessness see Homeless

Homeowners' Freedom from Double Taxation Act (Bill C-301)--Epp

    >>First reading, 1056-7(17:1525)
    >>See also Property taxes--Income tax deduction

Homme, Bob

    >>Friendly Giant, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) television program, entertainer, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 6327(89:1400), 6329(89:1410)

Homolka, Karla

    >>Manslaughter conviction, 11 year sentence
    >>>Birthday celebration in formal attire, newspaper photographs, insult to victims, etc., o.q., 8605(121:1435), 8678(122:1435)
    >>>Early release application, requesting to serve rest of sentence in Montreal half-way house, o.q., 1130(18:1455)
    >>>>Elizabeth Fry Society supporting, o.q., 6289(88:1450)
    >>>Transfer to Saskatchewan institution for psychiatric evaluation, fighting, use of legal aid funds, etc., o.q., 8971-2(127:1445)


    >>Fact of life, 5898(82:1520)
    >>Matter of choice, Canadian Alliance leadership candidate Stockwell Day position, 5565-6(77:1230)
    >>See also Common law relationships--Individual cohabiting with another individual; Gays and lesbians; Same-sex couples; Sexual orientation

Honda Insight see Automobiles/motor vehicles

Honduran refugee claimants see Refugees--Deportation

Hong Kong

    >>Tung, C.H., Chief Executive, visit to Canada, S.O. 31, 5659(78:1410)
    >>See also Immigration/immigrants

Hoogveen, Cornelis see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

Hope Township, Ont. see Nuclear waste--Eldorado Nuclear Limited

Hornet aircraft see Defence equipment--Aircraft

Horse racing

    >>Harness racing
    >>>O'Brien Awards, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 3721(52:1110)
    >>>Plouffe, Daniel, horse owner, international success, S.O. 31, 6281(88:1405)
    >>>Willmot, David, Harness Tracks of America, election as president, S.O. 31, 5517(76:1100)
    >>>See also Cloutier--References


    >>Canadien horse, recognition as national horse of Canada, legislation, 2027(33:1010-5)
    >>>See also National Horse of Canada Act (Bill C-390)
    >>See also Big Ben; Horse racing

"Horses asses" see Cloutier--References

Horticulture industry

    >>Risk-management program, in accordance with National Safety Net Advisory Committee, final report, qu., 1415(23:1030)

Hospices see Lisaard House Foundation


    >>Children's hospitals, fund raising, Children's Miracle Network Telethon, S.O. 31, 7395(106:1105)
    >>Cowichan District Hospital, Duncan, B.C., dialysis unit, idle, 8111-2(115:1310-5)
    >>Hamiota District Health Centre, Manitoba, integrated medical health centre, 8138(115:1540-5)
    >>Henderson Hospital, Hamilton Mountain constituency, proposed closure, S.O. 31, 4813(66:1100)
    >>Montfort Hospital, Ottawa, Ont., francophone facility, Health Services Restructuring Committee service reduction proposal, court ruling unconstitutional, ignoring minority rights, franco-Ontarian victory, S.O. 31, 1941-2(31:1400-5), 2694(37:1110)
    >>Prince George Regional Hospital, doctors, leaving, funding cutbacks, relationship, S.O. 31, 7752(111:1110)
    >>Princeton General Hospital, Princeton, B.C., acute care beds, closing, 7639(109:1610)
    >>Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, Halifax, N.S., $20 million debt, landscaping, relationship, 6070(85:1135)
    >>Renfrew--Nipissing--Pembroke constituency, tribute, S.O. 31, 2947(39:1405)
    >>Saanich Peninsula Hospital, acute care beds, closure, funding cutbacks, relationship, S.O. 31, 7091(101:1110-5)
    >>Stay, length, decrease, 8116(115:1340)
    >>Switzerland, comparison see Health care system--Switzerland
    >>Szabo, experience, knowledge, 8115(115:1335)
    >>United States, comparison see Health care system--United States system
    >>See also Bradley Gaskin Marshall Critical Care Fund; Health care system; Schultz, Sheila

Hotel du Boisé see Government grants/subsidies--Human Resources Development Department, Master list

Hotmail see Internet/information highway--MSN Hotmail

Hould-Marchand, Valérie see Swimming--Synchronized

Hours of voting see Elections

House of Commons

    >>Administration, Report on Plans and Priorities, 2000-01 of the House of Commons Administration, document, tabled, 6363(90:1000)
    >>All-night sittings, 4759(65:1340)
    >>Costs, 6595(93:1550)
    >>>Limitations, 4759-60(65:1345)
    >>>Meaningless, partisanship, strong, 6591-2(93:1525)
    >>>Media attention, 4752(65:1245)
    >>>Without votes, 366(6:1640)
    >>Decision-making process, transparency, 7870(112:2020)
    >>Decorum, 4785(65:1620)
    >>Democratizing, government failure to lead, 2267(36:1245-50)
    >>>ADS-D to ADS-10 and OPN (Nursing) sub-group, Public Service comparitors, r.o., 3537(49:1055)
    >>>Appreciation breakfast, Canadian Alliance hosting, S.O. 31, 7357-8(105:1405)
    >>>Hard working, thanking, holiday wishes, S.O. 31, 3076(41:1410), 3132(42:1105)
    >>House of Commons Procedure and Practice--La Procédure et les Usages de la Chambre des Communes, tabled, 3312(45:1500)
    >>Interpretation, simultaneous, 975-6(16:1135-40)
    >>Legislative Counsel, confidentiality of work, 4755(65:1305-10), 4780(65:1540)
    >>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee review, 4742(65:1135), 4752(65:1245), 4789(65:1650)
    >>>>M. (Gauthier), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 4803-4(65:1835-50)
    >>>See also Members of Parliament--Confidential relationship
    >>Moments of silence, 830(13:1510), 916-7(15:3555-400), 1136(18:1520), 1179(19:1110), 2181(35:1510), 2524(36:4435), 2681(36:6010), 4815-6(66:1115), 8838(124:1745), 8845(125:1035)
    >>>See also Armenia--Parliament; Cohen, Shaughnessy; Highways and roads--Safety, Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-Nicolet, Que; Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre; Veterans Week--Remembrance Day; Violence/violent offences--Women, victims of
    >>Non-partisan voting, 1351(21:1655)
    >>O Canada, Wednesday singing, Members accompanied by chorus of Christ the Redeemer Church, 3929(55:1400)
    >>Officers, Clerk of the House, Deputy Clerk, Law Clerk, etc., appointment
    >>>Approval by two-thirds of Members, 4788(65:1645)
    >>>Consultation with all parties, 4788-9(65:1645-50)
    >>Opposition parties, role, 3871(54:1630)
    >>Oral Question Period
    >>>Martin, Paul, Finance Minister, asking rather than answering questions, o.q., 2700(37:1145)
    >>>St. Hilaire using sign language, 6818(97:1435)
    >>>Experience, earning, 7052(100:1550)
    >>>Furniss, Jamie, welcome, S.O. 31, 8238(116:1405)
    >>>Tribute, 2559-60(36:4745-50), 2584(36:5010), 8023(114:1500-5), 8330(116:2430)
    >>Performance Report of the House of Commons Administration for April 1998 to March 1999, tabled, 1413(23:1015)
    >>Procedural clerks/Table Officers, professionalism, 4766(65:1205), 4759(65:1340), 4783-4(65:1610)
    >>Proceedings, obstruction, 4800(65:1815-20)
    >>Recess, summer 2000, 8205(115:2150)
    >>Reform, 4795-6(65:1735-45)
    >>Rules (Standing Orders) and regulations
    >>>Changes, passage, not by all-party agreement but imposed by government, 4751(65:1240)
    >>>Flexibility in application, 4798(65:1800), 4801(65:1820)
    >>Sitting, December 7, 1999, 43 hours of voting, thank you to staff, 2562-3(36:4800-10), 2589(36:5040), 2597(36:5130), 2681(36:6010)
    >>>S.O..31, 2692(37:1100)
    >>>Electronic voting, 1486(24:1050), 4406(63:1600)
    >>>Free votes, 43-5(2:1635-40), 1023(16:1705), 3864(54:1540), 3876(54:1705-10), 4745(65:1155), 4783(65:1600), 5902(82:1550)
    >>>Overtime costs, Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9), $27,000-$30,000 per hour, $2.4 million, 2326(36:1940), 2328(36:2000), 2339(36:2125), 2402(36:2950)
    >>>See also Procedure--Divisions, recorded
    >>World Wrestling Federation, comparison, 4752-3(65:1245-55)
    >>See also Airlines--Crisis; Banks and financial institutions--Mergers; Economy, economic conditions/development--Financial statements; Government buildings--Energy efficiency retrofits; Hansard; International agreements, conventions and treaties--Negotiations--Tabling; Millennium Scholarship Fund--Announcement; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum, Majority vote--Referendum, Question; Regulations--Proposed

House of Commons Procedure and Practice--La Procédure et les Usages de la Chambre des Communes see House of Commons

House of Commons vacancies

    >>Hull--Aylmer (resignation of Marcel Massé), 6(1:1600)
    >>Kings--Hants (resignation of Scott Brison), 8211(116:1100)
    >>Mount Royal (resignation of Sheila Finestone), 6(1:1600)
    >>Okanagan--Coquihalla (resignation of Jim Hart), 8211(116:1100)
    >>St. John's West (resignation of Charlie Power), 3149(43:1100)
    >>York West (resignation of Sergio Marchi), 6(1:1600)

House of Commons visitors

    >>Africa Direct Conference participants, 6453(91:1200)
    >>Argentine Republic, His Excellency Adalberto Rodriguez Giavarini, Foreign Relations, International Trade and Worship Minister, 7627(109:1500)
    >>>Moore, Hon. John, Defence Minister, 1133(18:1500)
    >>>Reid, Senator Hon. Margaret, President of the Senate, 749(12:1500)
    >>Austria, His Excellency Dr. Heinz Fischer, National Council President, 9025(128:1200)
    >>Bangladesh, People's Republic of, Hon. Abdus Samad Azad, Foreign Affairs Minister, 1006(16:1500)
    >>Barbados, Hon. Senator Sir Fred Gollop, Speaker of the Senate, Hon. Ishmael Roett, Speaker of the House of Assembly, 351(6:1500)
    >>Bavaria, His Excellency Edmund Stoiber, Premier, 749(12:1500)
    >>Botswana, Mr. Masire, former president, 8974(127:1500)
    >>Brunei, Hon. Dato Abdul Rahman, Industry and Primary Resources Minister, 8377(117:1515)
    >>>Alberta, Clint Dunford, Human Resources and Employment Minister, 1189(19:1200)
    >>>British Columbia, Helmut Giesbrecht, Minister responsible for the Public Service, 1760(28:1500)
    >>>Children's Miracle Network 2000 Champions, 7368(105:1500)
    >>>Governor General's award in commemoration of the Person case, recipients, 9221(131:1500)
    >>>Governor General's Literary Award, 1999, recipients, 1379(22:1500)
    >>>Governor General's Performing Arts Award, 1999, recipients, 1124(18:1415)
    >>>Governor General's Visual and Media Arts Award, 2000, recipients, 5150(70:1500)
    >>>>Ashton, Steve, Highways and Government Services Minister, 3573(49:1500)
    >>>>Doer, Gary, Premier, delegation, 829(13:1500)
    >>>>Hickes, George, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 3604(50:1500)
    >>>>Robinson, Erik, Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Minister, 5669(78:1500)
    >>>>Sales, Tim, Family Services and Housing Minister, 559(9:1200)
    >>>Members of Parliament, Senators, former, 6894(98:1415)
    >>>National Arts Centre orchestra, 2170(35:1415)
    >>>New Brunswick
    >>>>Harrison, Bev, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 7934(113:1500)
    >>>>Jardine, Kim, Environment and Local Government Minister, 7934(113:1500)
    >>>>Mockler, Percy, Solicitor General, Human Resources Development and Housing Minister, 1684(27:1500)
    >>>Newfoundland and Labrador
    >>>>Snow, Lloyd, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 7461(107:1500)
    >>>>Thistle, Anna, Treasury Board President, 3788(53:1500)
    >>>>Tulk, Beaton, Development and Rural Renewal Minister, 3788(53:1500)
    >>>Northwest Territories
    >>>>Groenewegen, Jane, various portfolios, 7286(104:1500)
    >>>>Handley, Joseph, Finance Minister, various portfolios, 6767(96:1200)
    >>>>Hansen, Glenna, Commissioner, 7934(113:1500)
    >>>>Kakfwi, Steven, Government Leader, 5669(78:1500)
    >>>>Whitford, Anthony, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 3604(50:1500)
    >>>Nova Scotia, Murray Scott, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 3604(50:1500)
    >>>>Irniq, Peter, Commissioner, 6102(85:1500), 7934(113:1500)
    >>>>O'Brien, Kevin, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 7561(108:1500)
    >>>Ontario, Gary Carr, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 3261(44:1500)
    >>>Order of Canada recipients, 3374(46:1500)
    >>>>Atkinson, Pat, Health Minister, 1760(28:1500)
    >>>>Hagel, Glenn, Post-secondary Education and Skills Training Minister, 1370(22:1415)
    >>>>Junor, Judy, Associate Minister of Health and Minister Responsible for Seniors, 3494(48:1500)
    >>>>Orsika, Ron, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 3604(50:1500)
    >>>>Romanow, Roy, Premier, delegation, 829(13:1500)
    >>>Special Olympics athletes, 1997(32:1500)
    >>>Teachers' Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy, 1052-3(17:1500)
    >>>Veterans, 1136(18:1515-20)
    >>>>Jim, Wayne, Government Services Minister, 8499(119:1500)
    >>>>MacDonald, Piers, Government Leader, 3573(49:1500)
    >>China, People's Republic of
    >>>Ruihuan, His Excellency Li, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference chairman, 6588(93:1500)
    >>>Zhengsheng, Minister Yu, Ministry of Construction, 1133(18:1500)
    >>Czech Republic
    >>>Benesova, Her Excellency Libuse, President of the Senate, and parliamentary delegation, 149(3:1415)
    >>>Kuvzart, Hon. Milos, Environment Minister, 9221(131:1500)
    >>El Salvador, Republic of, Her Excellency Maria Eugenia Brizuela de Avila, Foreign Relations Minister, 7627(109:1500)
    >>European Council, Lord Russell Johnston, Parliamentary Assembly President, 9162(130:1500)
    >>European Parliament, member, Robert Sturdy, Esq., Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association president, 6588(93:1500)
    >>France, Republic of
    >>>Huwart, His Excellency François, Foreign Trade Secretary of State, 398(7:1500)
    >>>Richard, Alain, Defence Minister, 3788(53:1500)
    >>Greece (Hellenic Republic)
    >>>Papandreou, His Excellency George A., Foreign Affairs Minister, 1052(17:1500)
    >>>Stephanopoulos, His Excellency Constantinos, President, 7148(102:1500)
    >>India, His Excellency Shri T. Baalu, Environment and Forests Minister, 5367(73:1500)
    >>>Brennan, Seamus, State Minister at the Departments of the Taoiseach and Defence, Government Chief Whip, 4774(65:1500)
    >>>O Cuiv, Hon. Eamon, State Minister responsible for Gaeltacht and the Islands, 6902(98:1500)
    >>Israel, Hon. Shimon Peres, Regional Co-operation Chair and Nobel laureate, 5409(74:1500)
    >>Latvia, Republic of, His Excellency Janis Straume, Chairman of the Saeima, 5716(79:1500)
    >>Lebanon, His Excellence Dr. Issam Naaman, Post and Telecommunications Minister, 1370(22:1415)
    >>Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic, His Excellency Boris Trajkovski, President, 3185(43:1500)
    >>Mauritania, Islamic Republic of, His Excellency, Mr. Dieng Boubou Farba, Speaker of the Senate, 7229(103:1500)
    >>Morocco, His Excellency Mr. Alami Tazi, Industry, Commerce and Handicrafts Minister, 7045(100:1500)
    >>Nepal, Kingdom of, Hon. Govind Raj Joshi, Water Resources Minister, 157(3:1500)
    >>Netherlands, Kingdom of, His Excellency Gerrit Ybema, Foreign Trade Minister, 7822(112:1500)
    >>Northern Ireland, Right Hon. Peter Mandelson MP, Secretary of State, 8377(117:1515)
    >>Norway, Sven-Roald Nysto, Sami Parliament President, 8499(119:1500)
    >>Panama, Republic of, His Excellency Arturo Ulises Vallarino, First Vice-President, and delegates, 7822(112:1500)
    >>Poland, Republic of, His Excellency Janusz Steinhoff, Economy Minister, 6964(99:1500)
    >>Portugal, Her Excellency Maria De Belém Roseira, Equality Minister, 7822(112:1500)
    >>Slovak Republic, His Excellency Dr. Jan Carnogursky, Justice Minister, 4092(58:1500)
    >>Slovenia, Republic of, Dr. Janez Podobnik, Speaker of the National Assembly, 1006(16:1500)
    >>Spain, Kingdom of, Her Excellency Madam Esperanza Aguirre, Speaker of the Senate, 701(11:1500)
    >>St. Kitts and Nevis, Federation of, Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas, Prime Minister, 397(7:1500)
    >>States of Jersey, Sir Philip Bailhache, Bailiff and President, 8683(122:1500)
    >>Turkey, Republic of, His Excellency Edip Safder Gaydali, Minister of State Responsible for the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 1562(25:1500)
    >>Ukraine, His Excellency Borys Tarasiuk, Foreign Affairs Minister, 7934(113:1500)
    >>United Kingdom, Right Hon. Geoffrey Hoon, Defence Secretary of State, 8858(126:1500)
    >>United States, John Glenn, former senator, astronaut, 6634(94:1500)


    >>Affordability, accessibility
    >>>Affordability and Choice Today (ACT), 14 projects, announcement, o.q., 3678(51:1455)
    >>>Budget 2000 Mini Budget, measures, lack, o.q., 9301(132:1510-5)
    >>>Budget 2000 relationship, 4167(59:1525)
    >>>>FRAPRU, Quebec social housing coalition, occupation of Canadian Human Rights Commission office, 5265-6(72:1525-30)
    >>>>Measures, lack, condemning, S.O. 31, 4202(60:1410)
    >>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, role, 1591(26:1820)
    >>>>o.q., 1810(29:1150)
    >>>Government initiatives
    >>>>Lack, S.O. 31, 8403-4(118:1410)
    >>>>o.q., 3731(52:1155)
    >>>Importance, 3099(41:1640)
    >>>Women in poverty, relationship, 9102(129:1715)
    >>Basic human right
    >>>1% of federal/provincial budgets dedicated to, petitions, 6214(87:1510), 6507(92:1505)
    >>>Petitions, 8251(116:1515), 8452(119:1005)
    >>British Columbia, leaking condominiums, repairs, financial assistance requested, 3095(41:1610)
    >>>Barret Commission recommendations, government compliance, requesting
    >>>>o.q., 3427(47:1155)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 5581(77:1410)
    >>>British Columbia government position
    >>>>o.q., 3138(42:1135)
    >>>>Unreasonable, public servant memorandum, 3143-4(42:1200)
    >>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) role, o.q., 556-7(9:1145-50), 1186-7(19:1140-5)
    >>>Economic eviction, facing, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), assistance, lack
    >>>>o.q., 7098-9(101:1145-50)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 7034(100:1405)
    >>>Liberal Party Members positions, 3091(41:1550)
    >>>o.q., 2955(39:1445), 3138(42:1135)
    >>>Petition, 2704(37:1210)
    >>>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) funds use, allowing, 3091(41:1545-50)
    >>>>Tax exemption, government refusal, o.q., 7818-9(112:1440-5)
    >>>Tax assistance, provincial sales tax and Goods and Services Tax (GST) rebates, income tax deduction, providing, 3091(41:1545-50)
    >>>Funding, restoring, S.O. 31, 387(7:1410)
    >>>See also Housing--Social and co-operative housing
    >>Community based, 6104(85:1515)
    >>Conditions, poor, health, relationship, 8097(115:1130)
    >>Indian reserve lands
    >>>Musqueam Nation, Vancouver, B.C., leases, payment deadline, expiry, October 25, 1999, o.q., 612(10:1430), 618(10:1500)
    >>Inter-Loge, building transfer, site cleanup, Public Works and Government Services Department, assistance, withdrawal, o.q., 4394(63:1450)
    >>National housing strategy
    >>>And housing supply program, M. (Davies), 3446-55(47:1330-425)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3455(47:1425)
    >>>Budget surplus, use, government refusal, o.q., 8374-5(117:1505)
    >>>Federal-provincial housing ministers conference, Fredericton, N.B., addressing, 8763-4(123:1835-40)
    >>>>o.q., 8248(116:1455), 8375(117:1505)
    >>>Need, 650-1(10:1830-5), 1590-1(26:1820)
    >>>>o.q., 614(10:1445), 1809-10(29:1150), 3142(42:1150-5)
    >>New Democratic Party policy, 1% solution, 651(10:1830-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1369(22:1410)
    >>Rental housing, shortage, taxation and regulation factors, 3021(40:1725)
    >>Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP), government funding, o.q., 1000(16:1425), 1003(16:1440), 1561(25:1455), 1807(29:1140), 1809(29:1150), 2702(37:1200), 5893(82:1450)
    >>Right to housing see Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to housing)(Bill C-381);
    >>Sales, prices, Cape Breton, emigration, relationship, 7501(107:1945)
    >>Social and co-operative housing
    >>>Government abandonment, homelessness, relationship, 650-1(10:1830-5)
    >>>>o.q., 1809-10(29:1150), 5893(82:1450), 9340(133:1140)
    >>>Government authority, transfer to provinces
    >>>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, oversight authority, maintaining, S.O. 31, 1750(28:1410)
    >>>>Ontario, Ontario Housing Corporation, spending reduction, relationship, o.q., 2068(33:1440)
    >>>>Québec, position, 9053(129:1220-5)
    >>>Minganie, Que., government investment, need, o.q., 1807(29:1140)
    >>>Provincial jurisdiction, transfer to, Quebec, negotiations, o.q, 9077(129:1435)
    >>Social housing construction, need
    >>>Budget 2000 measures, $58 million, adequacy, etc., 4128(59:1125), 4232(60:1725), 5240(72:1300), 5415-6(74:1530-45), 6041(84:1645-50), 6373(90:1115), 6377(90:1145-50)
    >>>Budget 2000 Mini Budget ignoring, 9277(132:1235)
    >>>Budget surplus, use, 7644(109:1650), 9132(130:1205-10)
    >>>>Cutbacks, impact, o.q., 1002-3(16:1440)
    >>>>Ignoring, 3063(41:1255), 7642-3(109:1640), 9124(130:1115)
    >>>>>o.q., 7098(101:1145)
    >>>>Increasing funding, 9236(131:1650)
    >>>Quebec share, federal government investment, lack, etc., 3066(41:2310), 4232(60:1725), 9104(129:1730)
    >>>>o.q., 1448(23:1440), 1561(25:1455), 9077(129:1435)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces; Mortgages; Property taxes

Housing industry

    >>International markets, expanding to, government involvement, o.q., 6150(86:1155)
    >>New Homes Month, April, Canadian Home Builders' Association event, S.O. 31, 5707-8(79:1410)

HST see Goods and Services Tax (GST)--Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

Hubbard, Charles (Lib.--Miramichi)

    >>Breast cancer, petition, 6027(84:1515)
    >>Coal mining industry, o.q., 1498(24:1150)
    >>Common law relationships, 5608(77:1700)
    >>Employment insurance
    >>>M. (Godin, Y.), 3025-6(40:1750-5)
    >>>o.q., 5478(75:1445), 8727(123:1445)
    >>>M. (Dhaliwal), 86-8(2:2135-50)
    >>>o.q., 4703(64:1440)
    >>Marriage, 5608(77:1700)
    >>Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23), 5608-9(77:1770-5)
    >>Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9), 2194-5(35:1635-45)
    >>Postal workers, petitions, 5591(77:1505)
    >>Rail transportation/railways, petition, 8031(114:1545)
    >>Same-sex couples, 5608(77:1700-5)

Hudson Bay Route Association see Grain transportation--Railways, Freight rates, Estey

Hudson, Ed see Doctors

Hughes, Ted see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group (APEC)--Vancouver, B.C. Summit, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Public Complaints Commission inquiry

Hull--Aylmer constituency

    >>Voters, thanking, S.O. 31, 2278-9(36:1400)
    >>See also Elections--By-elections; House of Commons vacancies; Members of Parliament--Certificate of election, Proulx

Hull, Que. see Highways and roads--Quebec; Human Resources Centre of Canada; Pilon Limitée

Human embryo cloning

    >>Medical research purposes, threat to human dignity, federal government position, o.q., 5587(77:1440)

Human genome see Gene research

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) see HIV/AIDS

Human Resources Centre of Canada

    >>Hull, Que., ISO 9002 certification, S.O. 31, 8014(114:1410)

Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee

    >>Fourth report (1st Sess., 36th Parl.), g.r., 1288(21:1015)
    >>>Televising, authorizing, M. (Lee), agreed to, 1875(30:1515)
    >>Membership see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth--Reports, Eighth--Reports, Tenth--Reports, Eleventh
    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Interim Report of Children and Youth at Risk Sub-committee), 3006(40:1540)
    >>>>Bloc Québécois, dissenting report, 3006(40:1545)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Gagnon), 4095-100(58:1520-55)
    >>>Second (Ensuring Accountability: An Interim Report on the 1999 Internal Audit Report on Human Resources Development Canada Grants and Contributions), 6057-8(85:1005)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Grey), 6854-90(98:1010-1355)
    >>>>Opposition parties, unanimous dissenting report, 6057-8(85:1005)
    >>>Third (Seeking a Balance: Final Report on Human Resources Development Canada Grants and Contributions), 7323-4(105:1010)
    >>>>g.r., 8929(127:1000)
    >>>>Official Opposition, dissenting report, 7323-4(105:1010)
    >>Sixth report (1st Sess., 36th Parl.), g.r., 1686(27:1515)
    >>See also Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation--Annual Report; Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions; Transitional jobs fund--Approval process, Constituencies

Human Resources Development Department

Human rights

    >>Canada role, American Jewish Committee award, S.O. 31, 8119-20(115:1400-5)
    >>Obligations see Same-sex couples--Spousal benefits, Legislation, Conforming;
    >>Violations see Afghanistan; Algeria; Burma; Cambodia; China; Columbia; Ethiopia; Income tax--International agreements; Iran; Kyrgyzstan; Lebanon; Mexico--Chiapas; Sudan; Tibet; Uzbekistan; Vietnam
    >>See also Export Development Corporation; Hampton High School; Holocaust Remembrance Day; International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development; Internet/information highway--Personal information; Organization of American States; Parliamentary Press Gallery--Facilities; Refugees--Protection; Sommet de la Francophonie; Trade; World Human Rights Day

Human Rights Act

    >>Social condition, discrimination, inclusion, 1065(17:1625)

Human Rights Day

    >>December 10, United Nations designating, S.O. 31, 2692-4(37:1105-10)

Human Rights Tribunal Panel

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Justice Department

Human security see Foreign policy

Humane societies

    >>Mandate, cruelty to animals, preventing, educating public, 8648-9(122:1110)
    >>Provincial jurisdiction, 8648-9(122:1110)
    >>See also Cruelty to animals--Penalties, Legislation (Bill C-17), Restitution

Humanitarian aid see Belarus; East Timor; Mozambique--Cyclone; Sierra Leone--Conflict; Taiwan--Earthquake; Turkey--Earthquake

Humber River

    >>Canadian heritage river designation, Humber Watershed Project, etc., S.O. 31, 6496(92:1405)

Humphrey, John Peter see Hampton High School


    >>1000th anniversary, S.O. 31, 6623(94:1400)

Hunger strikes see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers, Protests; Royal Oak Mines Inc.--Bankruptcy; Salmon, Pacific--Fraser River, Sockeye crisis


    >>Game, Kootenay--Columbia constituency, excellence, 8346(117:1145)
    >>Misconceptions, clearing, 8347(117:1155)
    >>See also Birds--Migratory birds convention, Aboriginal and treaty rights; Cruelty to animals--Penalties, Legislation; Endangered species--Reasons

Huntington's Disease Awareness Month

    >>May designation, S.O. 31, 7219(103:1410)

Hutchison Creek Fish Hatchery

    >>Fisheries and Oceans Department monitored, Larry Cardus, operator, S.O. 31, 5658(78:1405)

Hutterite colonies see Income tax--Communal organizations

Hyack Festival see Festivals

Hydro-electric power see Electricity

Hydro-Québec International see Canadian International Development Agency--Contracts, $2.4 million

Hydrogen fuel see Mining industry--Technology role

Hypocrisy see Canadian Alliance

Hypocrisy tax see Goods and Services Tax (GST)