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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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"Jackboots" see Riis--References

Jackson, Dr. Mary Percy

    >>Rural physician, former Order of Canada recipient, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 6625(94:1405)

Jackson, Ovid L. (Lib.--Bruce--Grey; Lib.--Bruce--Grey--Owen Sound)

Jaffer, Rahim (Ref.--Edmonton--Strathcona; CA--Edmonton--Strathcona as of March 27, 2000)

Jalhan, Ritu see Festivals--Miss India-Canada Pageant

Japan see Canada-Japan Income Tax Convention Act, 1986; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Ratification; Free trade; Hazardous waste--PCBs; International Space Station--EMS Technologies, Inc.; Obuchi, Keizo; Organized crime--Combatting; Trade

Jasmin report see Youth justice system--Quebec youth justice system

Jasper National Park see National parks

Jaw implants see Health--Public safety

Jean Lesage International Airport see Airports

Jeanie Johnston

    >>Voyage, recreation, saluting, welcoming, M. (O'Brien, P.), agreed to, 6985(99:1815)

Jeanson, Geneviéve see Cycling

Jennings, Marlene (Lib.--Notre-Dame-de-Grâce--Lachine)

    >>Agri-food industry, o.q., 7760(111:1150)
    >>Airlines, o.q., 349(6:1450)
    >>Biochem Pharma Inc., S.O. 31, 5579(77:1400)
    >>Black Canadians, S.O. 31, 3564(49:1405)
    >>Bombardier Inc., S.O. 31, 5470(75:1405)
    >>Breast cancer, S.O. 31, 9333(133:1110)
    >>Canada, S.O. 31, 3130(42:1055)
    >>Canadian flag, S.O. 31, 1628(26:1410)
    >>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 1075-6(17:1735)
    >>Canada Information Office, M. on supply (Lebel), 7709-12(110:1520-50)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, S.O. 31, 4814(66:1105)
    >>Chemical Pesticides Use For Non-Essential Purposes Prohibition Act (Bill C-388), 1998(32:1515)
    >>Child poverty, petitions, 3146(42:1220), 4881-2(67:1510)
    >>Competition, o.q., 6147(86:1140)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.--international mutual assistance and references) and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.--references)(Bill C-471), 5751(80:1005)
    >>Crime prevention, S.O. 31, 549(9:1110)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-415), 3146(42:1215)
    >>Cycling, S.O. 31, 819(13:1405)
    >>Desjardins Week, S.O. 31, 9150(130:1400)
    >>Fire Prevention Week, o.q., 8971(127:1440)
    >>Flynn, Hon. Jacques, S.O. 31, 8596(121:1355)
    >>Food, petitions, 307(6:1025)
    >>French language, S.O. 31, 1243(20:1410)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 4286(61:1450)
    >>Harbours and wharves, S.O. 31, 6701(95:1355)
    >>Health care system
    >>>M. on supply (Thompson, G.), 4832(66:1305)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8403(118:1405)
    >>Health research, 1070(17:1655)
    >>Hébert, Anne, S.O. 31, 3174-5(43:1400)
    >>Income tax, S.O. 31, 4152(59:1400)
    >>Incontinence Awareness Month
    >>>Petition, 752(12:1520), 1501(25:1205)
    >>>S.O. 31, 739(12:1405)
    >>Internet/information highway, 405-6(7:1635-40), 573-6(9:1330-55)
    >>Inventions, S.O. 31, 3416(47:1105)
    >>Job creation, S.O. 31, 2061(33:1410), 4386(63:1410)
    >>Knowledge-based economy, 1076(17:1735-45)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 148(3:1410)
    >>Louis Riel Act (Bill C-257), 400(7:1515)
    >>Millennium scholarships fund, o.q., 1558(25:1440)
    >>National Child Day, S.O. 31, 1488(24:1100)
    >>National missile defence system, petition, 8610(121:1510)
    >>Olympics, 2000 Summer Games (Sydney, Australia), S.O. 31, 8488(119:1400)
    >>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-5), 8736(123:1540)
    >>Perrault, Pierre, S.O. 31, 1369(22:1405-10)
    >>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6), 405-6(7:1635-40), 573-6(9:1325-55)
    >>Pesticides, 1998(32:1515)
    >>>Petitions, 7764(111:1210), 8610(121:1510)
    >>Ports, S.O. 31, 6701(95:1355)
    >>Postal workers, petition, 4882(67:1510)
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 400(7:1515), 6057(85:1000)
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 559(9:1200), 4776(65:1515)
    >>>Members' remarks, 574(9:1345)
    >>Public Service, o.q., 7821(112:1455)
    >>Pulp and paper industry, o.q., 3676(51:1445)
    >>>o.q., 1996(32:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2168(35:1405)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, S.O. 31, 1864-5(30:1410), 1943(31:1410)
    >>>Law student, 6694(95:1310)
    >>>See also Canada Well-Being Measurement Act (Bill C-469)--References
    >>Research and development, 1076(17:1735-45)
    >>Riel, Louis, S.O. 31, 1323(21:1400)
    >>Sports, S.O. 31, 4994-5(69:1405)
    >>Summit of the Americas, S.O. 31, 3776(53:1355-400)
    >>Taxation, 1077(17:1745-50)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 1070(17:1655), 1075-7(17:1735-50)
    >>Treaties Act (Bill C-214), 7730-1(110:1805-10)
    >>UNESCO Institute of Statistics, o.q., 7366-7(105:1450)
    >>Veterans, 3146(42:1215)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1042(17:1405)
    >>Violence/violent offenders, 387(7:1405)
    >>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 3303(45:1405)
    >>Witness and Spousal Protection Program Act (Bill C-223), 6048-50(84:1735-45)
    >>World March of Women, S.O. 31, 9069(129:1400)

Jeux de la Francophonie see Francophone Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001)

Jeux de la Francophonie Canadienne

    >>Memramcook, N.B., August 19-22, S.O. 31, 497(8:1415)

Jewish community

    >>Lubavitch Week, Lubavitch Rebbe, 6th anniversary of passing, S.O. 31, 8121(115:1410)

Jimmy "Iceman" MacNeil see MacNeil, Jimmy "Iceman"

J.M. Drama see Canada Millennium Partnership Program--Kitchener Centre constituency

Job creation

    >>Alcan, labour unions, provincial and federal governments, job sharing project, federal government pull-out, condemning
    >>>o.q., 4394-5(63:1450-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4870(67:1405-10)
    >>Bureaucracy involved, destroying more jobs than creating, 6423-4(90:1705-10)
    >>Canada jobs fund, transitional jobs fund, contribution to, o.q., 8128(115:1445)
    >>Cape Breton, 900 jobs, announcement, by-election, 6071(85:1140)
    >>Economic conditions, growth, relationship, 3107-8(41:1750)
    >>G-7 countries, comparison, 4100(58:1600)
    >>>o.q., 1989(32:1420)
    >>Government programs, economic costs, etc., 5282(72:1725)
    >>Human Resources Development programs, importance, S.O. 31, 3302(45:1400-5)
    >>International comparison, 3107(41:1745), 9123(130:1105), 9225(131:1525)
    >>Legislation, relationship, o.q., 5364-5(73:1445)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), number created since elected, 116(3:1040), 190(4:1010), 1105(18:1215), 1401(22:1720), 3052(41:1135), 4100(58:1600), 5244(72:1330), 5268(72:1545), 8863(126:1525), 9123(130:1110), 9225(131:1525)
    >>>o.q., 2063(33:1415), 2170(35:1415)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3252(44:1410), 3365(46:1410), 4386(63:1410), 5827-8(81:1100-5), 7751-2(111:1105), 7761(111:1155), 7923(113:1405)
    >>Private sector, not government, creating jobs, 4223-4(60:1625), 5823(81:1040), 6424(90:1710)
    >>>Canada Jobs Fund, eastern Quebec, $427,000 investment, S.O. 31, 1489(24:1110)
    >>>Federal government expenditures, inequity, 4173-4(59:1610-5), 6548(93:1030)
    >>>o.q., 1184(19:1135)
    >>>Policies, 6068(85:1115)
    >>>Quebec City, Confection Haut de Gamme workers, formation of co-operative, $105,000 Human Resources Development Department contribution, withheld, review, requesting
    >>>>o.q., 8376(117:1510)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 8599(121:1405-10)
    >>>Rimouski--Mitis constituency, Canada Jobs Creation Fund, $720,000 investment, S.O. 31, 2061(33:1410)
    >>Small, medium business, role, 5727(79:1615)
    >>Taxation, reducing, relationship, 6423(90:1705), 6571(93:1325)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 8867-8(126:1555-1600)
    >>Trade, relationship, 1097(18:1115), 1099-100(18:1130-5), 1105(18:1210)
    >>Unemployment rate, regional, government expansion, criteria, M. (Mancini), 6785-93(97:1105-205)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6793(97:1205)
    >>United States, comparison, 7432(107:1155)
    >>See also Automation Tooling Systems Inc.; Bombardier Inc.--Aircraft contracts; Cape Breton--Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency role; Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers, Retraining; Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Amtrak; Government grants/subsidies; Hazardous waste--Trans-Cycle Industries Inc.; Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions; Internet/information highway--Electronic commerce; Manufacturing industry; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)--Economic benefits; Ports--Montreal, Que.; Poverty--Combatting; Small and medium business--Role; Taxation--Reduction; Tourism--Benefits

Job losses

    >>Leeds--Grenville constituency, North American Free Trade Agreement, relationship, 1279(80:1755-800)
    >>Regions, 5846(81:1240)
    >>Taxation factor, 5278(72:1655)
    >>See also Agriculture--Farm income crisis, Taxation factor; Airlines--Crisis, Workers; Aluminium industry; Bank of Montreal--Branch closures; Banks and financial institutions--Automated teller machines--Branch closures; Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers; Farm equipment industry--Versatile Tractor; Foreign investment/ownership--Increase; Forest industry--Exports, United States; Gays and lesbians; Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions; Internet/information highway--Electronic commerce; Shipbuilding industry; Sydney Steel Corporation--Closure; Toronto Dominion Bank--Profits

Jodoin, Michel see Cidrerie Michel Jodoin

Joe-Joe bird see Political parties--Birds of a feather

John Humphrey Freedom Award see International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development

John W. Gunn School see Teachers--Prime Ministers' Awards

Johnston, Dale (Ref.--Wetaskiwin; CA--Wetaskiwin as of March 27, 2000)

    >>Air Canada, o.q., 7623(109:1435)
    >>Blood, o.q., 6100(85:1450)
    >>Budget deficit, 3108(41:1755)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32), 6073(85:1150-5)
    >>Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 7292-3(104:1540-5)
    >>Canada Pension Plan (CPP), 6073(85:1150-5)
    >>Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act (Bill C-13), 1860-1(30:1350-5), 1876-7(30:1520-5)
    >>Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 1900(30:1815)
    >>Cape Breton Development Corporation Divestiture Authorization and Dissolution Act (Bill C-11), 1258-60(20:1535-45)
    >>Child pornography, petition, 1876(30:1520), 4114(59:1010)
    >>Child poverty, petition, 4115(59:1010)
    >>Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 984-6(16:1245-305)
    >>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 4711(64:1615)
    >>Coal mining industry, 1259(20:1540)
    >>Constitutional reform, 985(16:1250-5)
    >>Corporations, M. (MacKay), 4361(62:1400-5)
    >>Criminal Code, 8668-9(122:1335-40)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals, disarming a peace officer and other amendments) and Firearms Act (amdt.--technical amendments)(Bill C-17), 8662(122:1240), 8664-5(122:1305), 8666-9(122:1315-45)
    >>Cruelty to animals, 8662(122:1240), 8664-5(122:1305), 8666-9(122:1315-45)
    >>Employment insurance, S.O. 31, 5705(79:1400)
    >>Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations Act (Bill C-315), 1254(20:1305)
    >>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 3108(41:1755-800)
    >>Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38), 8269(116:1710)
    >>Gasoline, 5087(69:2035-40)
    >>Good and Services Tax (GST), 986(16:1300)
    >>Grain transportation
    >>>o.q., 8410(118:1445)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1042(17:1400-5)
    >>Highways and roads, 5087-8(69:2040-50)
    >>House of Commons, 2560(36:4750)
    >>Human Resources Development Department
    >>>o.q., 4345(62:1145), 7557(108:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5140(70:1410), 7219(103:1410)
    >>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-31), 7372(105:1530)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, 7372(105:1530)
    >>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-25), 7641(109:1630)
    >>International Space Station, 984-6(16:1245-300)
    >>Labour/workers, 7293(104:1545)
    >>Legislation, 1259(20:1535)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 9330-1(133:1055)
    >>Marriage, petition, 5718(79:1510), 7184(103:1010)
    >>Members of Parliament, 7994-6(113:2205-15)
    >>National debt, 986(16:1300), 3108(41:1755)
    >>Nisga'a Final Agreement, 984-6(16:1245-305)
    >>>M. on supply (Scott, M.), 1586(25:1750)
    >>Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9), 2030(33:1035), 2033-4(33:1050), 2204-5(35:1745-55), 2212(35:1825), 2216(35:1825), 2220(35:1825), 2231-2(35:1825)
    >>Occupational health and safety, 7293(104:1540-5)
    >>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 7994-6(113:2205-15), 8004(113:2320)
    >>Police, 8666(122:1315)
    >>Ports, 1254(20:1305), 1256(20:1515)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1042(1400-5), 1549(25:1355)
    >>>Statement by Minister (Bradshaw), 1276(20:1740)
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Private, 5079(69:1945)
    >>>Committees, Parliamentary, 3429-30(47:1215-20)
    >>>Debate, 2033-4(33:1050)
    >>>Emergency debate, 1256(20:1515)
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 1586(25:1750)
    >>>Members' remarks, 7641(109:1630)
    >>>Oral questions, 8134(115:1515-20)
    >>>Pages, 2560(36:4750)
    >>>Question and comment period, 1162-3(18:1820)
    >>>Speeches, 5721(79:1525)
    >>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M., 4717(64:1705)
    >>Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (Bill C-22), 5721(79:1525)
    >>Same-sex couples, petition, 5718(79:1510)
    >>Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee, 3429-30(47:1215-20)
    >>Senate, S.O. 31, 5657(78:1400)
    >>Taxation, petition, 5718(79:1515)
    >>Transitional jobs fund, o.q. 3308(45:1435)
    >>Transportation, M. on supply (Meredith), 5086-8(69:2035-45)
    >>Trucking industry, 7293(104:1545)
    >>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-3), 1467-8(23:1645-55)

Joliette Institution see Penitentiary inmates--Police killers

Jones Act see Shipbuilding industry

Jones, David see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum, Process, Legislation, Ambiguity

Jones, Const. Gerrard see Crime prevention--Community policing

Jones, Jim (PC--Markham until July 5, 2000; CA--Markham as ofSept. 15, 2000)

Jonquière, Que. see Air pollution; Toxic substances

Jordan see Canada-Jordan Income Tax Convention Act, 1999

Jordan, Joe (Lib.--Leeds--Grenville; Parliamentary Secretary to Prime Minister as of Sept. 1, 2000)

    >>Belarus, S.O. 31, 5251(72:1410)
    >>Blood Samples Act (Bill C-244), 4988(68:1900)
    >>Budget 2000, 3092(41:1550)
    >>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 5232-4(72:1205-15)
    >>Budget process, 3092(41:1555)
    >>Budget surplus, 3093(41:1600)
    >>Canada Health Care, Early Childhood Development and Other Social Services Funding Act (Bill C-45), 9180(130:1715)
    >>Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--mail contractors)(Bill C-238), 5541-2(76:1325)
    >>Canada Well-Being Measurement Act (Bill C-469), 5717(79:1505)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 5232(72:1205)
    >>Canadian flag, o.q., 3571(49:1450)
    >>Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, 5232(72:1210)
    >>Cape Breton Development Corporation Divestiture Authorization and Dissolution Act (Bill C-11), 1278-80(20:1755-810)
    >>Children, 3092(41:1555)
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 5378(73:1620), 5384(73:1705)
    >>Disabled and handicapped, 3092(41:1555)
    >>Eastern Ontario, 1280(20:1810)
    >>Environment, 5232-4(72:1205-20)
    >>>o.q., 6818(97:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3484(48:1405-10)
    >>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 3090-3(41:1545-600)
    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 3092(41:1555)
    >>Great lakes, 5232(72:1210)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 5232(72:1210)
    >>>o.q., 748(12:1455)
    >>Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 3093(41:1600)
    >>Gruending, references, 3093(41:1600)
    >>Gun control/guns, o.q., 3937(55:1450)
    >>Hazardous waste, o.q., 5525-6(76:1145)
    >>Highways and roads, 5233(72:1210)
    >>Job losses, 1279(80:1755-800)
    >>Members of Parliament, 8006(113:2335)
    >>>S.O. 31, 7697(110:1410)
    >>National Wildlife Week, S.O. 31, 5884(82:1405)
    >>Occupational health and safety, o.q., 17-8(2:1400)
    >>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8004(113:2320), 8006(113:2335)
    >>Pollution, 5232(72:1210)
    >>Privilege, prima facie, Fontana (rights of Members breached), M. (Fontana), 5378(73:1620), 5384(73:1705)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 2604(36:5210), 8206(115:2150)
    >>>Members' remarks, 4042(57:1210)
    >>>Privilege questions, 5378(73:1620)
    >>Public Service, 1279(80:1800)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 3092-3(41:1555)
    >>Recycling, 5234(72:1220)
    >>References see Canada Well-Being Measurement Act (Bill C-469)--References, sponsor change
    >>Sustainable development, 3093(41:1600)
    >>Sustainable Development Technology Fund, 5232(72:1210)
    >>Taxation, 3092(41:1555)
    >>Teachers, S.O. 31, 8964(127:1405)
    >>Tourism industry, 1279(80:1800)
    >>Water, o.q., 5003(69:1450)
    >>Water pollution, o.q., 6818(97:1440)
    >>World Water Day, o.q., 5003(69:1450)

Journalists see Canada Information Office (CIO)

Journée internationale de la Francophonie

    >>Agence international de la Francophonie, 30th anniversary, celebrating, 4868-9(67:1400-5), 4871(67:1410-5)

Journée nationale des patriotes

    >>Battle of Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu, celebrating, S.O. 31, 1627(26:1405-10)

Joy That Cracked the Mountain, The see National Poetry Month

Joyceville Institution see Penitentiaries; Penitentiary inmates--Illegal possessions


    >>Appointment process, 3587(49:1805)
    >>>Reform, 256(17:1320-5)
    >>>>Competitions, holding, 6727(95:1715)
    >>Judge bashing, 256(17:1325)
    >>Pensions, survivor annuity benefits, apportionment rules, legally separated spouse/common law partner, 5939(83:1025-30)
    >>Refresher courses, undergoing, 6727(95:1715)
    >>Role, judicial activism, usurping powers of Parliament, 295-6(5:1730), 2303(36:1635)
    >>See also Supreme Court of Canada--Justices

Judicial activism see Courts; Legislation

"Judicial bashing" see Courts

Judicial discretion see Impaired driving--Death and injury caused, Sentences, Life imprisonment--Sentences, Prohibition

Judicial error cases see Pardons

Judicial inquiries see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group (APEC)--Vancouver, B.C. summit, Independent judicial inquiry

Judicial review see Parole--Murderers


Judo see Olympics, 2000 Summer Games (Sydney, Australia)

Junction neighbourhood see Parkdale--High Park constituency

Juneau, André see Liberal Party--Donations, Fundraising events

Juno Awards see Music

Juries see Justice system

Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee

    >>Legislation/studies referred, backlog, 3555(49:1310)
    >>Meeting, authorization, M. (Lee), 8739(123:1550)
    >>Membership see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-ninth
    >>>First (Criminal Code (amdt.--flight)(Bill C-202)), 1905(31:1005)
    >>>Second (Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23)), 5205(71:1210)
    >>>Third (Sec. 233, Corrections and Conditional Release Act, review), 7150-1(102:1520)
    >>>Fourth (National Defence Act, DNA Identification Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill S-10)), 7462(107:1505)
    >>>Fifth (Westray mining disaster, Nova Scotia Public Inquiry recommendations re executive and director accountability for workplace safety), 7628-9(109:1505-10)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Mancini), 8930-8(127:1010-105), agreed to, on division, 8938(127:1105)
    >>>Sixth (Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving causing death and other matters)(Bill C-18)), 7763(111:1205)
    >>>Seventh (Blood Samples Act (Bill C-244)), 8451(119:1000)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Lee), agreed to, 8739(123:1545-50)
    >>>Eighth (Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-3)), 8451(119:1000)
    >>>Ninth (Subcommittee on Organized Crime report), 9255(132:1000)
    >>Subcommittee on Organized Crime, travel, authorization, M. (Lee), unanimous consent denied, 8153(115:1725), agreed to, 8177(115:2005)
    >>See also Canadian Security Intelligence Service--Reports; Corporations--Criminal liability of corporations; Corrections and Conditional Release Act--Section 233; Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Personnel; Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences; Supreme Court of Canada--Justices

Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.) see Impaired driving--Death and injury caused--Sentences, Life imprisonment

Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee (2nd Sess., 35th Parl.) see Youth justice system--Reform/overhaul

Justice Department

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A)--1999-2000, Supplementary (B)
    >>Internal audits, none, 4890(67:1605)
    >>See also Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Personal information; Legislation--Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Justice system

    >>Administration, provincial jurisdiction, 8305(116:2130)
    >>Adversarial, 6695(95:1315)
    >>Agents in criminal matters, restricted use, 8829(124:1645)
    >>Bail, prohibiting release if identified by victim/witness re certain offences, 305(6:1015)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--bail in cases of assault with weapon or a criminal harassment)(Bill C-250)
    >>Barriers, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms creating, 8321(116:2325), 8323(116:2340)
    >>Case management and preliminary inquiries, rules of court, establishing, 8829(124:1645)
    >>Criminal procedures law, reform and modernization, 8827-9(124:1635-45)
    >>>Federal-provincial-territorial agreement, 8828(124:1645)
    >>Dangerous offenders, releasing, 224(4:1330)
    >>Effectiveness, Bloc Québécois concerns, 5728(79:1625)
    >>Electronic documents, use, 8829(124:1645)
    >>Juries, two alternate jurors, selection at start of trial, 8829(124:1645)
    >>Law Enforcement and Criminal Liability, white paper, tabled, 8333(117:1005)
    >>Legalizing "soft drugs" see Drug trafficking
    >>Military see Canadian Armed Forces
    >>Miscarriages of justice/wrongful convictions, review process, application to Justice Minister
    >>>Annual report to Parliament, 8828(124:1645)
    >>>Codifying and clarifying, simplification, 8826(124:1635), 8832(124:1700-5)
    >>>Compensation for wrongfully convicted, 8832(124:1705)
    >>>Criminal Code Section 690 review, expanding to include all federal convictions, 8828(124:1640-5)
    >>>Independent agency, United Kingdom Criminal Case Review Commission model, 8828(124:1640), 8830(124:1655), 8832(124:1705-10)
    >>>Investigators, additional authority, 8828(124:1645)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal harassment, home invasions, applications for ministerial review--miscarriages of justice, and criminal procedure)(Bill C-36)
    >>Objective, 8663(122:1250)
    >>>Public safety and protection, 8311(116:2205)
    >>Plea bargaining procedures, abuse/misuse, 8291(116:1950)
    >>Plea comprehension inquiry scheme, codifying, 8829(124:1645)
    >>Preliminary inquiries/hearings
    >>>Expert reports, defence disclosure obligations, 8829-30(124:1645-55)
    >>>Limiting use, 8493(121:1330), 8830(124:1655)
    >>>Rules of evidence, judge considering credible or trustworthy, 8829(124:1645)
    >>>Scope, pre-preliminary hearing to determine, 8829(124:1645)
    >>>Unconditional right in case of indictable offence, retaining, 8829(124:1645)
    >>>Witnesses, inappropriate questioning, prevention, 8829(124:1645)
    >>>See also Youth justice system--Trials
    >>Reform, 5902(82:1545), 7640(109:1620)
    >>>Canadian Alliance election platform, S.O. 31, 9012-3(128:1055)
    >>>Legislation, government delays, shifting priorities, etc., 3579-80(49:1710-20), 3587(49:1805), 5990(83:1615), 6747(96:1010), 8830-1(124:1650-700)
    >>>Necessity, 6111(85:1610)
    >>>Omnibus bill, Bill C-36, 8831-2(124:1700)
    >>>Public demand, government ignoring, 5914(82:1715-20)
    >>Three strikes system, California, 6593(93:1535)
    >>Trial procedures, simplification, 8828(124:1645)
    >>>See also Justice system--Preliminary inquiries/hearings
    >>Victims' rights/rights of accused/convicted
    >>>Balance, 481(8:1240), 1425(23:1215)
    >>>Government favouring accused over victims, 6747(96:1010-5), 9109-10(129:1805)
    >>>Rebalancing, 8321-2(116:2325)
    >>Witness and victim protection during criminal trials, 8828(124:1645)
    >>See also Nisga'a Final Agreement; Organized crime--Combatting; Pardons; Parole; Witness Protection Program; Youth justice system

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation see Diabetes--Cure