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Status of House Business

The Status of House Business provides cumulative information on the status of business before the House during a session. The document is updated after each sitting.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Status of House Business

At dissolution on
Sunday, October 22, 2000 (No 1)

PART I -- Bills

Government Bills


This section contains all public bills sponsored by the government which originated in the House of Commons. Bills in this section are numbered from C-1 to C-200.

C-1 -- The Prime Minister -- An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office (Pro-forma Bill)

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 12, 1999

C-2(R-*) -- The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons -- An Act respecting the election of members to the House of Commons, repealing other Acts relating to elections and making consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 14, 1999
    Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs before second reading -- Debated; adopted -- October 19, 1999
    Order respecting report stage -- December 2, 1999 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-9) -- December 3, 1999
    Debated at report stage -- December 7 1999, February 14 and 22, 2000
    Time allocation at report stage and second reading, and at third reading stage -- Notice -- February 21, 2000; adopted -- February 22, 2000
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments and read the second time -- February 22, 2000
    Debated at third reading -- February 25, 2000
    Read the third time and passed -- February 28, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 9) -- May 31, 2000

C-3(R) -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act in respect of criminal justice for young persons and to amend and repeal other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 14, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- October 21 and November 18, 1999
    Time allocation at second reading stage -- Notice -- November 17, 1999; adopted -- November 18, 1999
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on November 23, 1999 -- November 18, 1999 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights -- November 23, 1999
    Time allocation at committee stage -- Notice -- September 18, 2000; adopted -- September 19, 2000
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-101) -- September 21, 2000
    Debated at report stage -- September 25, 2000

C-4 -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act to implement the Agreement among the Government of Canada, Governments of Member States of the European Space Agency, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the United States of America concerning Cooperation on the Civil International Space Station and to make related amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 15, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- October 29 and November 2, 1999
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Industry -- November 2, 1999
    Reported with an amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-2) -- November 5, 1999
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- November 19, 1999
    Passed by the Senate -- December 14, 1999
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 35) -- December 16, 1999

C-5(R) -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act to establish the Canadian Tourism Commission

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 15, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- November 2, 26, 29, December 1, 1999, and May 9, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Industry -- May 10, 2000
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-83) -- June 8, 2000
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading -- June 12, 2000
    Read the third time and passed -- June 13, 2000
    Passed by the Senate -- October 6, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 28) -- October 20, 2000

C-6(R) -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act to support and promote electronic commerce by protecting personal information that is collected, used or disclosed in certain circumstances, by providing for the use of electronic means to communicate or record information or transactions and by amending the Canada Evidence Act, the Statutory Instruments Act and the Statute Revision Act

    Introduced and read the first time; deemed read the second time; deemed considered by a committee and reported with amendments -- October 15, 1999 (Previously Bill C-54 -- 1st Session)
    Debated at report stage -- October 19 and 20, 1999
    Time allocation at report stage and at third reading stage -- Notice -- October 19, 1999; adopted -- October 20, 1999
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- October 20, 1999
    Debated at third reading -- October 22, 1999
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on October 26, 1999 -- October 22, 1999 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the third time and passed -- October 26, 1999
    Passed by the Senate (with amendments) -- December 10, 1999
    Motion related to Senate amendments -- Debated -- February 14 and March 30, 2000; adopted -- April 4, 2000
    Time allocation at the consideration of Senate amendments stage -- Notice -- March 29, 2000; adopted March 30, 2000
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on April 4, 2000 -- March 30, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 5) -- April 13, 2000

C-7 -- The Solicitor General of Canada -- An Act to amend the Criminal Records Act and to amend another Act in consequence

    Introduced and read the first time; deemed read the second time; deemed considered by a committee and reported with amendments; deemed concurred in at report stage; deemed read the third time and passed -- October 18, 1999 (Previously Bill C-69 -- 1st Session)
    Passed by the Senate (with amendments) -- December 10, 1999
    Motion related to Senate amendments -- Debated -- February 9, 11 and 14, 2000; adopted -- February 14, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 1) -- March 30, 2000

C-8(R) -- The Minister of Canadian Heritage -- An Act respecting marine conservation areas

    Introduced and read the first time; deemed read the second time; deemed considered by a committee and reported with amendments -- October 20, 1999 (Previously Bill C-48 -- 1st Session)
    Debated at report stage -- November 24, 1999, September 27 and 28, 2000
    Orders respecting proceedings at report stage -- September 28, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Order respecting the deferred recorded divisions on October 4, 2000 -- September 29, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- October 4, 2000

C-9(R) -- The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development -- An Act to give effect to the Nisga'a Final Agreement

    Ways and Means Motion No. 1 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-362-1) -- Adopted -- October 21, 1999
    Introduced and read the first time -- October 21, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- October 26, 27 and November 1, 1999
    Time allocation at second reading stage -- Notice -- October 29, 1999; adopted -- November 1, 1999
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development -- November 1, 1999
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-6) -- November 26, 1999
    Debated at report stage -- December 2 and 6, 1999
    Time allocation at report stage and at third reading stage -- Notice -- December 3, 1999; adopted -- December 6, 1999
    Order respecting the deferred recorded divisions on December 7, 1999 -- December 6, 1999 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage -- December 7, 1999
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- December 13, 1999
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 7) -- April 13, 2000

C-10(R) -- The Minister of Public Works and Government Services -- An Act to amend the Municipal Grants Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 27, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- November 5, 16, 19 and 25, 1999
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on November 30, 1999 -- November 25, 1999 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Government Operations -- November 30, 1999
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-13) -- December 13, 1999
    Debated at report stage -- February 11, 2000
    Concurred in at report stage -- February 14, 2000
    Debated at third reading -- February 18, 23 and March 24, 2000
    Read the third time and passed -- March 24, 2000
    Passed by the Senate -- May 9, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 8) -- May 31, 2000

C-11 -- The Minister of Natural Resources -- An Act to authorize the divestiture of the assets of, and to dissolve, the Cape Breton Development Corporation, to amend the Cape Breton Development Corporation Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 27, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- November 15, 1999, February 16 and May 8, 2000
    Time allocation at second reading stage -- Notice -- May 5, 2000; adopted -- May 8, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Government Operations -- May 8, 2000
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-65) -- May 31, 2000
    Debated at report stage -- June 2 and 5, 2000
    Order respecting proceedings -- June 5, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Order respecting proceedings on June 6, 2000, and the deferred recorded division on June 7, 2000 -- June 6, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage -- June 6, 2000
    Debated at third reading -- June 6, 2000
    Read the third time and passed -- June 7, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 23) -- June 29, 2000

C-12(R) -- The Minister of Labour -- An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (Part II) in respect of occupational health and safety, to make technical amendments to the Canada Labour Code (Part I) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 28, 1999
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Government Operations -- March 24, 2000
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-56) -- May 17, 2000
    Debated at report stage -- May 19, 2000
    Order respecting the deferred recorded divisions on May 30, 2000 -- May 19, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage with a further amendment -- May 30, 2000
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- May 31, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 20) -- June 29, 2000

C-13(R) -- The Minister of Health -- An Act to establish the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, to repeal the Medical Research Council Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- November 4, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- November 23, 25 and 29, 1999
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Health -- November 29, 1999
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-22) -- February 16, 2000
    Debated at report stage -- February 24, 28 and March 23, 2000
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments -- March 27, 2000
    Debated at third reading -- March 28, 2000
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on March 29, 2000 -- March 28, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the third time and passed -- March 29, 2000
    Passed by the Senate -- April 10, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 6) -- April 13, 2000

C-14 -- The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development -- An Act respecting an agreement with the Norway House Cree Nation for the settlement of matters arising from the flooding of land, and respecting the establishment of certain reserves in the province of Manitoba

    Introduced and read the first time; deemed read the second time; deemed considered by a committee and reported without amendment -- November 5, 1999 (Previously Bill C-56 -- 1st Session)
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage with an amendment -- September 26, 2000
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- September 27, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 33) -- October 20, 2000

C-15(R) -- The Minister of Foreign Affairs -- An Act to amend the International Boundary Waters Treaty Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- November 22, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- October 20, 2000

C-16 -- The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration -- An Act respecting Canadian citizenship

    Introduced and read the first time -- November 25, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- February 18 and March 23, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration -- March 23, 2000
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-46) -- April 14, 2000
    Debated at report stage -- May 10 and 11, 2000
    Order respecting the deferred recorded divisions on May 16, 2000 -- May 11, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage -- May 16, 2000
    Debated at third reading -- May 17 and 29, 2000
    Read the third time and passed -- May 30, 2000

C-17 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals, disarming a peace officer and other amendments) and the Firearms Act (technical amendments)

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 1, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- September 26, 2000

C-18 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Criminal Code (impaired driving causing death and other matters)

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 1, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- December 3, 1999 and May 11, 2000
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on May 16, 2000 -- May 11, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights -- May 16, 2000
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-87) -- June 9, 2000
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage -- June 13, 2000
    Order respecting proceedings -- June 14, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on June 15, 2000 -- June 14, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Debated at third reading -- June 14, 2000
    Read the third time and passed -- June 15, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 25) -- June 29, 2000

C-19 -- The Minister of Foreign Affairs -- An Act respecting genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes and to implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 10, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- April 6, 14, and May 4, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade -- May 8, 2000
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-78) -- June 7, 2000
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage -- June 9, 2000
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- June 13, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 24) -- June 29, 2000

C-20 -- The Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs -- An Act to give effect to the requirement for clarity as set out in the opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Quebec Secession Reference

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 13, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- December 14, 1999, February 7 and 10, 2000
    Committee Chairman appointed (Mr. Milliken (Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees of the Whole)) -- February 9, 2000
    Time allocation at second reading stage -- Notice -- February 9, 2000; adopted -- February 10, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to a legislative committee -- February 10, 2000
    Time allocation at committee stage -- Notice -- February 23, 2000; adopted -- February 24, 2000
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-26) -- February 25, 2000
    Debated at report stage -- March 3, 2000
    Time allocation at report stage and at third reading stage -- Notice -- March 3, 2000; adopted -- March 13, 2000
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage with amendments -- March 13, 2000
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- March 15, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 26) -- June 29, 2000

C-21(R) -- The President of the Treasury Board -- An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 2000 (Appropriation Act No. 3, 1999-2000)

    Supplementary Estimates (A) 1999-2000 -- Concurred in -- December 13, 1999 (See Business of Supply No. 3)
    Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- December 13, 1999
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 36) -- December 16, 1999

C-22(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to facilitate combatting the laundering of proceeds of crime, to establish the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada and to amend and repeal certain Acts in consequence

    Introduced and read the first time -- December 15, 1999
    Debated at second reading -- April 5, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- April 6, 2000
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-47) -- April 14, 2000
    Debated at report stage -- May 3 and 4, 2000
    Concurred in at report stage with further amendments; debated at third reading; read a third time and passed -- May 4, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 17) -- June 29, 2000

C-23(R) -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to modernize the Statutes of Canada in relation to benefits and obligations

    Introduced and read the first time -- February 11, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- February 15 and 21, 2000
    Time allocation at second reading stage -- Notice -- February 18, 2000; adopted -- February 21, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights -- February 21, 2000
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-37) -- March 24, 2000
    Debated at report stage -- April 3 and 10, 2000
    Time allocation at report stage and at third reading stage -- Notice -- April 7, 2000; adopted -- April 10, 2000
    Concurred in at report stage -- April 10, 2000
    Debated at third reading; read a third time and passed -- April 11, 2000
    Passed by the Senate -- June 14, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 12) -- June 29, 2000

C-24(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act, a related Act, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Budget Implementation Act, 1997, the Budget Implementation Act, 1998, the Budget Implementation Act, 1999, the Canada Pension Plan, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the Customs Act, the Customs Tariff, the Employment Insurance Act, the Excise Act, the Income Tax Act, the Tax Court of Canada Act and the Unemployment Insurance Act

    Ways and Means Motion No. 3 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-362-3) -- Adopted -- February 15, 2000
    Introduced and read the first time -- February 16, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- May 9, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- May 10, 2000
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-53) -- May 16, 2000
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading -- June 12, 2000
    Read the third time and passed -- June 13, 2000
    Passed by the Senate -- October 17, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 30) -- October 20, 2000

C-25 -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to amend the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act and the Budget Implementation Act,1999

    Ways and Means Motion No. 4 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-362-4) -- Adopted -- February 15, 2000
    Introduced and read the first time -- February 16, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- April 6 and May 4, 2000
    Order respecting proceedings -- April 6, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Time allocation at second reading stage -- Notice -- May 15, 2000; adopted -- May 16, 2000
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- May 16, 2000
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-69) -- June 2, 2000
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- June 7, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 19) -- June 29, 2000

C-26 -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act, the Competition Act, the Competition Tribunal Act and the Air Canada Public Participation Act and to amend another Act in consequence

    Introduced and read the first time -- February 17, 2000
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Transport -- March 31, 2000
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-50) -- May 11, 2000
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read a third time and passed -- May 15, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 15) -- June 29, 2000

C-27 -- The Minister of Canadian Heritage -- An Act respecting the national parks of Canada

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 1, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- May 5, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage -- May 8, 2000
    Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-67) -- June 1, 2000
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage a further amendment -- June 9, 2000
    Debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- June 13, 2000
    Passed by the Senate -- October 18, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 32) -- October 20, 2000

C-28 -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act to amend the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- March 2, 2000

C-29(R) -- The President of the Treasury Board -- An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 2000 (Appropriation Act No. 4, 1999-2000)

    Supplementary Estimates (B) 1999-2000 -- Concurred in -- March 22, 2000 (See Business of Supply No. 6)
    Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- March 22, 2000
    Passed by the Senate -- March 29, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 3) -- March 30, 2000

C-30(R) -- The President of the Treasury Board -- An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 2001 (Appropriation Act No. 1, 2000-2001)

    Interim Supply for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001 -- Concurred in -- March 22, 2000 (See Business of Supply No. 7)
    Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- March 22, 2000
    Passed by the Senate -- March 29, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 4) -- March 30, 2000

C-31(R) -- The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration -- An Act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are displaced, persecuted or in danger

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 6, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- May 1, 9 and June 1, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration -- June 6, 2000

C-32(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 28, 2000

    Ways and Means Motion No. 10 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-362-18) -- Adopted -- April 6, 2000
    Introduced and read the first time -- April 7, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- April 12, 13 and May 4, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- May 8, 2000
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-55) -- May 17, 2000
    Debated at report stage -- May 31 and June 1, 2000
    Concurred in at report stage -- June 1, 2000
    Debated at third reading -- June 5, 2000
    Read the third time and passed -- June 6, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 14) -- June 29, 2000

C-33(R) -- The Minister of the Environment -- An Act respecting the protection of wildlife species at risk in Canada

    Introduced and read the first time -- April 11, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- May 11, 15, 29, June 12, 13, and September 19, 2000

C-34 -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- May 30, 2000
    Debated at second reading; read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Transport -- June 1, 2000
    Reported with an amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-86) -- June 9, 2000
    Order respecting proceedings -- June 14, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Debated at report stage; concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- June 14, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 16) -- June 29, 2000

C-35 -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act respecting shipping and navigation

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 8, 2000

C-36 -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal harassment, home invasions, applications for ministerial review -- miscarriages of justice, and criminal procedure) and to amend other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 8, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- September 28, 2000

C-37(R) -- The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons -- An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act and the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act

    Order respecting proceedings on June 12 and 13, 2000 -- June 12, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Introduced and read the first time; debated at second reading -- June 12, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading -- June 13, 2000
    Read the third time and passed -- June 14, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 27) -- September 21, 2000

C-38(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to establish the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada and to amend certain Acts in relation to financial institutions

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 13, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- September 18 and 20, 2000
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on September 26, 2000 -- September 22, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- September 26, 2000

C-39 -- The Minister of Natural Resources -- An Act to amend the Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and the Petro-Canada Public Participation Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 14, 2000
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Government Operations -- September 28, 2000

C-40(R) -- The Minister of Justice -- An Act to establish a body that provides administrative services to the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court and the Tax Court of Canada, to amend the Federal Court Act, the Tax Court of Canada Act and the Judges Act, and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 15, 2000

C-41(R) -- The Minister of Veterans Affairs -- An Act to amend the statute law in relation to veterans' benefits

    Introduced and read the first time -- June 15, 2000
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs -- September 22, 2000
    Reported with an amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-102) -- October 5, 2000
    Order respecting consideration at report stage on October 6, 2000 -- October 5, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage with a further amendment; debated at third reading; read a third time and passed -- October 6, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 34) -- October 20, 2000

C-42(R) -- The President of the Treasury Board -- An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 2001 (Appropriation Act No. 2, 2000-2001)

    Main Estimates 2000-2001 -- Concurred in -- June 15, 2000 (See Business of Supply No. 5)
    Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- June 15, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 18) -- June 29, 2000

C-43 -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to amend the Income; Tax Act, the Income Tax Application Rules and certain Acts related to the Income Tax Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- September 20, 2000

C-44(R) -- The Minister of Human Resources Development -- An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- September 28, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- October 4, 5 and 19, 2000

C-45(R) -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act respecting the provision of increased funding for health care services, medical equipment, health information and communications technologies, early childhood development and other social services and to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 4, 2000
    Debated at second reading -- October 5 and 17, 2000
    Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- October 17, 2000
    Order respecting proceedings -- October 19, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported with amendments; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- October 19, 2000
    Passed by the Senate; Royal Assent (Chapter No. 35) -- October 20, 2000

C-46 -- The Minister of Natural Resources -- An Act to establish a foundation to fund sustainable development technology

    Introduced and read the first time -- October 4, 2000


This section contains public bills sponsored by the government which originated in the Senate. Bills in this section have an ``S'' preceding the number of the Bill.

S-3 -- The Minister of Finance -- An Act to implement an agreement, conventions and protocols between Canada and Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Algeria, Bulgaria, Portugal, Uzbekistan, Jordan, Japan and Luxembourg for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income

    Message received from the Senate -- December 16, 1999
    Read the first time -- February 16, 2000
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance -- May 12, 2000
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-66) -- May 31, 2000
    Order respecting proceedings -- June 8, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- June 8, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 11) -- June 29, 2000

S-10 -- The Solicitor General of Canada -- An Act to amend the National Defence Act, the DNA Identification Act and the Criminal Code

    Message received from the Senate -- February 9, 2000
    Read the first time -- February 21, 2000
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights -- May 12, 2000
    Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No. 8510-362-74) -- June 5, 2000
    Order respecting proceedings -- June 8, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- June 8, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 10) -- June 29, 2000

S-17 -- The Minister of Transport -- An Act respecting marine liability, and to validate certain by-laws and regulations

    Message received from the Senate -- May 18, 2000
    Read the first time -- June 5, 2000
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Transport -- October 6, 2000

S-18 -- The Minister of National Defence -- An Act to amend the National Defence Act (non-deployment of persons under the age of eighteen years to theatres of hostilities)

    Message received from the Senate -- May 17, 2000
    Read the first time -- June 5, 2000
    Order respecting proceedings -- June 14, 2000 (See Other Business No. 4)
    Read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed -- June 14, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 13) -- June 29, 2000

S-25 -- The Minister of Public Works and Government Services -- An Act to amend the Defence Production Act

    Message received from the Senate -- October 6, 2000
    Read the first time -- October 16, 2000
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- October 17, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 31) -- October 20, 2000

S-26 -- The Minister of Industry -- An Act to repeal An Act to incorporate the Western Canada Telephone Company

    Message received from the Senate -- October 6, 2000
    Read the first time -- October 16, 2000
    Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; considered in Committee of the Whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed -- October 17, 2000
    Royal Assent (Chapter No. 29) -- October 20, 2000

R  Recommended by the Governor General

*  Referred to Committee before second reading