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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Latest Session
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Cash advance programs see Farm income crisis

Cashless society see Currency

Casinos see Gambling

Cassidy, Const Jodeen see Highway safety/accidents--Spring

Casson, Rick (CA--Lethbridge)

Castonguay, Jeannot (Lib.--Madawaska--Restigouche; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Health as of September 13, 2001)

    >>Acadians, M. (Bergeron), 2334-6(37:1745-55)
    >>Air transportation security, 6437-8(99:1640-5), 6439(99:1650)
    >>Airlines, 6437(99:1640)
    >>Allergy-Asthma Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 3735(57:1400)
    >>Anthrax, 8956(143:1915)
    >>Alzheimer's Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 8433(134:1400)
    >>Alzheimer's Disease, S.O. 31, 5342(82:1410)
    >>Arthritis Bill of Rights, M. (McDonough), 11404-6(185:1740-5)
    >>Biological and chemical weapons/terrorism, o.q., 6375(98:1150), 7094(111:1440), 9417(152:1155)
    >>Biotechnology industry, o.q., 12720-1(206:1155)
    >>Breast Cancer Awareness Month, S.O. 6194(95:1415)
    >>Canada Health Act, 8963-5(144:1055-1100)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 12595(203:2245)
    >>Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement, o.q., 3315(51:1440)
    >>Canada Winter Games (Bathurst-Campbelton, NB, 2003), S.O. 31, 12182(199:1410)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, S.O. 31, 6252(96:1410)
    >>Cardiovascular Disease Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 12712(206:1110)
    >>Castonguay, references
    >>>o.q., 5597(86:1500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 24(3:1400)
    >>Celiac Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 6659-60(104:1410)
    >>Cigarettes, o.q., 4478(69:1440)
    >>Cipro (anti-anthrax drug), 7196-7(112:1840-50), 8955-6(143:1915-20)
    >>>o.q., 6326(97:1445), 6373(98:1140)
    >>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 8965(144:1100)
    >>Community Care Worker Week, S.O. 31, 6019(93:1105)
    >>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-344), 7120-1(111:1750-5)
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 10035-6(162:1155-200)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, S.O. 31, 470(10:1110)
    >>Estimates, M. (Rock), 5053-5(77:2135-55)
    >>Foot and mouth disease, o.q., 3931-2(60:1140)
    >>Great Canadian Geography Challenge, S.O. 31, 4345(67:1400)
    >>Groupe Savoie Inc., S.O. 31, 12424(203:1400)
    >>Health care funding, 12572(203:1955), 12586(203:2135)
    >>>M. on supply (Ménard), 8963-6(144:1055-105)
    >>Health care providers, 12583(203:2110), 12587(203:2150)
    >>Health care system
    >>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 12571-2(203:1955), 12582-3(203:2110), 12586(203:2135), 12587(203:2150), 12591(203:2215), 12595(203:2245)
    >>>o.q., 5598(86:1500), 12399(202:1500)
    >>Health Department, 8205-6(130:1900)
    >>Hepatitis Awareness Month, M. (Bennett), 6753-4(105:1715-20)
    >>Home care, 12582(203:2110)
    >>Homecare program, o.q., 8008(127:1135-40)
    >>Housing, S.O. 31, 2772-3(43:1415)
    >>Influenza pandemic, o.q., 6890(108:1200)
    >>Lumber industry, 10341(166:1845)
    >>>o.q., 10036(162:1200)
    >>Marijuana, 7120-1(111:1750-5)
    >>MedicAlert Month, S.O. 31, 3873(59:1415), 11664(190:1400)
    >>National Nursing Week, S.O. 31, 11294(184:1355)
    >>National Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 4780(74:1405-10)
    >>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 12199(199:1500), 12626-8(204:1655-705)
    >>Pesticides, 5902(90:1910), 12199(199:1500), 12626-8(204:1655-1705)
    >>>o.q., 10035(162:1155)
    >>Prostate cancer, 8205-6(130:1900)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5479(84:1405)
    >>>Appointment as Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Health, congratulations, o.q., 5597(86:1500)
    >>>Mandate from residents of Madawaska--Restigouche constituency, S.O. 31, 24(3:1400)
    >>Reproductive and genetic technologies, o.q., 9587(155:1455), 10358(167:1145)
    >>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), S.O. 31, 1824(31:1405)
    >>Smallpox, o.q., 7094(111:1440), 9417(152:1150)
    >>Sports, o.q., 604(12:1440)
    >>Strychnine, M. for Production of Papers (Benoit), 6393-4(99:1120-5)
    >>Summer Career Placement Program, S.O. 31, 1765(30:1110)
    >>Trans-Canada Highway, S.O. 31, 9947(161:1405)
    >>Université de Moncton, S.O. 31, 1633(28:1400)
    >>World Asthma Day, S.O. 31, 3559(54:1405)

CAT scan technology see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AELC)--Chalk River Laboratories

CAT scanner see Health care system--Diagnostic and medical equipment

CATA see Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA)

Catholic Central High School

    >>London, ON, 50th anniversary, S.O. 31, 3924(60:1105)

Catholic Family Counselling Centre

    >>Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, 50th anniversary, 12874(209:1405)

Catterall, Marlene (Lib.--Ottawa West--Nepean)

Cattle industry

    >>Protecting, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), role, 1896(32:1305)
    >>Thriving, 1900(32:1335), 2767-8(42:2310)
    >>Trade dispute with United States, tariff imposed, subsidy allegation, 805(14:1750), 1689-90(29:1125)
    >>Tuberculosis free status, o.q., 9710(157:1150-5), 11840(193:1455)
    >>>See also Elk--Riding Mountain National Park
    >>United Kingdom, imports, banning, o.q., 1043-4(19:1435)
    >>See also Chronic wasting disease--Wild deer; Species at risk (endangered species)--Bald eagle

Cauchon, Hon. Martin (Lib.--Outremont; Minister of National Revenue and Secretary of State (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec); Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada as of January 15, 2002)


    >>Victims' rights group, closure, tribute, S.O. 31, 4067(62:1405)

Cavendish Farms see Potato industry--Prince Edward Island, Drought

CAW see Canadian Auto Workers (CAW)

Caza, David see Sex offenders/pedophiles

CBA see Copper boron azole (CCB)

CBC Radio One

    >>The House, House of Commons commentary program, popularity, maintaining, S.O. 31, 9577(155:1400)

CCA see Chromated copper arsenate (CCA)

CCB see Copper boron azole (CCB)

CCF see Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF)

CCRA see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)

CCTB see Canada Child Tax Benefit

CD media see Recording media--Tax on blank media

CD-ROM/Dessin animé see Government contracts--Sponsorship program

CDA see Lumber industry--Chromated copper arsenate (CCA), Alternatives

CDCC see Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC)

CDS see Canadian Depository for Securities (CDS)

Cease and desist orders see Airlines--Competition; Competition Commissioner; Competition Tribunal--Orders

Cedar see Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry of agreement

Cedar industry see Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry, Countervailing duties

Cedar Lodge Restoration Resort

    >>Fourth anniversary, celebrating, S.O. 31, 4523(70:1105-10)

Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute

    >>Students, Parliament Buildings, tour, S.O. 31, 7955(126:1400)

Celebrate Canada see Canada

Celebrity Boats Corporation

    >>Government grant, Prime Minister Chrétien constituency, 8860(142:1045)

Celiac Awareness Month

    >>October, awareness campaign, S.O. 31, 6659-60(104:1410)

Cellphones see Cellular telephones

Cellucci, Paul see United States

Cellular telephones

    >>Automobiles, use in, safety hazard
    >>>Canadian Medical Association position, holding federal-provincial meetings, etc.
    >>>>o.q., 4357(67:1455-500)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4347(67:1410)
    >>>Criminal Code amendment, M. (Blaikie), 12903-9(209:1735-1825)
    >>Transmission towers, electromagnetic radiation, radio frequency fields, health concerns, banning in residential areas, petitions, 4312(67:1015)
    >>See also House of Commons proceedings; Procedure

Cemeteries see Hate crimes; Terrorism/terrorists--Definition, Property damage


    >>1906 to present, information, transfer to National Archives of Canada, 4850(75:1210)
    >>>See also National Archives of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-380)
    >>>Ethnic, cultural origin, "Canadian", possible response, skewed
    >>>>Francophone assimilation, monitoring, o.q., 3742(57:1435), 3745(57:1445-50)
    >>>>o.q., 3742(57:1435), 3745(57:1445)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3560-1(54:1410)
    >>>Questions, personal, sharing information, concerns
    >>>>o.q., 4221(65:1125), 4477(69:1435)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4065(62:1355-400), 4469(69:1400)
    >>Ethnicity, asking, preventing, 1776(30:1205)
    >>>See also Statistics Act (amdt.--ethnicity question)(Bill C-301)
    >>Post 1901 records, releasing, 2439-40(38:1515)
    >>>Committee of experts, recommendations, 10171(164:1855), 10172(164:1905)
    >>>Confidentiality/privacy, 10168-9(164:1830), 10170-4(164:1840-1920)
    >>>Kenney, M-160 (2nd Session, 36th Parliament), comparison, 10170(164:1845), 10171(164:1855), 10175(164:1920)
    >>>Macdonald, Sir John A., personal information, example, 10174(164:1920)
    >>>Other countries, comparison, 10169(164:1840), 10172(164:1900), 10173(164:1915)
    >>>Petitions, 2442(38:1530), 3669(56:1505), 4135-6(64:1005-10), 5723(88:1215), 10244(165:1515), 10771(175:1510)
    >>>Privacy Commissioner position, 10172(164:1900), 10174(164:1920)
    >>>Public opinion, 10168(164:1830), 10172(164:1905), 10175(164:1920)
    >>>Public consultation, Environics Research Group, 10169(164:1835), 10171(164:1855), 10173(164:1910)
    >>>Statistics Canada, refusal to release records, legal opinion, 10169(164:1830-5), 10170-1(164:1845-50), 10173(164:1905), 10174(164:1915)
    >>>>Cabinet Ministers, expense accounts, comparison, 10174(164:1915)
    >>>Use, genealogy, historical and medical research, 10168(164:1830), 10172(164:1900-5)
    >>>See also Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (amdt.--census records)(Bill C-312)

Centennial scholarship

    >>Canadian Pharmacists Association, award, Héléna Bureau, recipient, S.O. 31, 11945-6(195:1410)

Central America see Foreign aid--Technical assistance; Foreign investment--Canadian investment abroad; Free trade

Central Asia see Terrorism/terrorists--Causes

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) see Iraq; Terrorism/terrorists, Bin Laden; United States

Centre communautaire de Beauport see Volunteer organizations

Centre d'action bénévole de Saint Hubert

    >>Business and organizations, National Volunteer Week, exchanges, encouraging, S.O. 31, 11041-2(180:1405)

Centre de conservation de la biodiversité boréale see Société zoologique de Saint-Félicien

Centre de la nature de Laval see Tourism industry--Grands Prix du tourisme québécois awards

Centre Défi-jeunesse Saint François see Youth justice system--Police discretion

Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response see Health Department--Emergency response capability

Centre for Military and Strategic Studies see Defence policy--1994 White Paper

Centre for Research and Education in Human Services

    >>Social services, innovative research, 20th anniversary, 10877(176:1105)

Centres of Excellence see Health care system--Women's health; Networks of Centres of Excellence

Centrinity Inc.

    >>Maclean's magazine rating among top 100 Canadian employers, S.O. 31, 7002-3(110:1400)

CEOs see Corporations--Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)

Cercle des fermières du Quebec see Women--Senior citizens

Certas Direct Insurance Company Continuation Act (Bill S-28)--Saada

    >>First reading, 4502(69:1715)
    >>Deemed read at second reading, referred to Committee of the Whole, reported without amdt., concurred in at report stage, and read third time, 4816(74:1800), passed.


    >>Live capture, trade, moratorium, M. (Davies), 2585-94(41:1100-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2594(41:1205)

CF-18 aircraft see Canadian Armed Forces--Air Force

CFB Bagotville see Drinking water contamination--Bagotville, QC

CFB Chilliwack see Canadian Armed Forces--Bases, stations and camps; Earthquakes--West coast

CFB Esquimalt see Canadian Armed Forces--Bases, stations and camps

CFB Gagetown see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response

CFB Petawawa see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)--Chalk River Laboratories, Terrorism threat

CFB Shilo see Canadian Armed Forces--Bases, stations and camps

CFB Valcartier see Drinking water contamination--Shannon, QC

CFC see Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)

CFDCs see Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs)

CFIA see Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

CFIP see Canadian farm income program (CFIP)

Chairman and Deputy Chairman, rulings and statements

    >>Committee of the Whole, debate process, 3089(47:1840)
    >>>Allotted time, time remaining, sharing between Members wishing to speak, 3469(52:2240), 5415(82:2350)
    >>>>Extending, 3470(52:2250)
    >>>Member speaking more than once, 3095(47:1915)
    >>>Members addressing each other directly, Chair urging caution, 3460(52:2135)
    >>>Members' remarks, addressing through Chair, 12146(198:1935)
    >>>Questions and comments, 3091(47:1850), 3097(47:1935)
    >>>>Allotted time, 3439(52:1910), 6940(109:1530-5), 12156(198:2100)
    >>>>Expired, 8367(133:1950)
    >>>>Extending, motion not permitted, 12566(203:1920)
    >>>>Keeping brief, 8360(133:1855)
    >>>>Member putting question, 8362(133:1905)
    >>>>Minister not answering question, 12160(198:2135)
    >>>>Minister's reply not exceeding time for question, flexibility, 12146(198:1930-5)
    >>>Speaking order, first round, one speaker from each party, second and subsequent rounds, alternating between government and opposition, 3111(47:2100-5)
    >>>Speeches, time limits, 3095(47:1915), 3438(52:1905)
    >>>>Extending, by unanimous consent, 5677(87:1625)
    >>>>Expired, extending, not in order, 3136(47:2355), 5412(82:2315)
    >>>>Splitting with other members, 3096(47:1925)
    >>Decorum, 8364(133:1925)
    >>Division, yeas and nays, Members calling clearly, 1957(32:1815)
    >>Language, inappropriate/improper, 6006-7(92:1805)
    >>>"Lie", 12569(203:1935)
    >>Members interrupting each other, keeping to minimum, 5996(92:1640)
    >>Members' remarks
    >>>Addressing through Chair, 5986(92:1530), 8361(133:1900), 12568(203:1930)
    >>>References to presence/absence, 6959(109:1755)
    >>Points of order
    >>>Debate, not points of order, 1958(32:1815)
    >>>Taking time from Member's allotment, 6959-60(109:1755)
    >>>Withdrawal, 12569(203:1935)
    >>Question and comment period
    >>>Following first round, not in order, 5994(92:1630)
    >>>Keeping brief, 5987(92:1540), 5990(92:1605)
    >>Speeches, allotted time, expired, 12580(203:2050), 12590(203:2205)

Chalillo dam project see Belize

Chalk River, ON see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL); Canadian Neutron Facility; MOX fuels

Challenger 600-1A11 aircraft see Defence equipment--Aircraft

Challenger aircraft see Government aircraft--VIP executive jet fleet

Chamberlain, Brenda (Lib.--Guelph--Wellington)

    >>Afghanistan, 8430(134:1335)
    >>Air transportation security, 5239(80:1315), 8428(134:1320)
    >>Budget 2001, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8428-30(134:1320-35)
    >>Canada Health Act, 273(7:1130)
    >>Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement, 274(7:1135)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 8429(134:1325)
    >>Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), S.O. 31, 4065(62:1355)
    >>Child/family poverty, 274(7:1135)
    >>Crime prevention, 274(7:1135)
    >>Danby, Ken, S.O. 31, 8988(144:1400)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, 8429(134:1325)
    >>Education, 8430(134:1335)
    >>Emergency preparedness, 8429(134:1325)
    >>Employment insurance, 8429-30(134:1325-30)
    >>Environment, 8430(134:1335)
    >>Farm income crisis, 273(7:1130), 275(7:1140)
    >>Food supply system, 275(7:1140)
    >>Foreign aid, 8430(134:1335)
    >>Gillham, Robert W., S.O. 31, 8988(144:1400)
    >>Government on-line services (Internet), 274(7:1135)
    >>Guelph Correctional Centre, 8429(134:1325)
    >>Guelph--Wellington constituency, 273(7:1130)
    >>Health care funding, 8429(134:1325), 8430(134:1335)
    >>Health care system, 274(7:1135)
    >>Housing, 8429(134:1325), 8431(134:1335)
    >>Immigrants, 8429(134:1320)
    >>Immigration, 8429(134:1320)
    >>Infrastructure, 8430(134:1335)
    >>Internet, 274(7:1135)
    >>Job creation, 8429(134:1325)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), 273(7:1130)
    >>Literacy, 274(7:1135)
    >>National Day of Prayer, petitions, 11263(184:1005)
    >>National parks, 274(7:1135)
    >>National security, 8428(134:1320)
    >>National sex offender registry, M. on supply (White, R.), 8706(139:1335)
    >>National Teachers Day, petitions, 11264(184:1010)
    >>Organized crime, 274(7:1135)
    >>Owens Corning Canada Inc., S.O. 31, 4392(68:1405)
    >>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 638(12:1850)
    >>Public transit, 274(7:1135)
    >>References see Guelph--Wellington constituency
    >>Refugees, 8429(134:1320)
    >>Registered Individual Learning Accounts (RILAs), 274(7:1135)
    >>Research and development, 273(7:1130)
    >>Singh, T. Sher, S.O. 31, 8988(144:1400)
    >>Terrorism/terrorists, M. on supply (Sorenson), 5238-9(80:1305-15)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 273-5(7:1130-40)
    >>Truscott, Steven, petitions, 12889(209:1540)
    >>Unemployment rate, 8429(134:1325)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 5238-9(80:1305-15)
    >>United States terrorist attacks, 8428(134:1320)
    >>Universities and colleges, 8429(134:1325), 8430(134:1335)
    >>University of Guelph, 273(7:1130), 8429(134:1325), 8431(134:1335)
    >>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 6472-3(100:1400)
    >>Water/freshwater, 274(7:1135)
    >>Youth justice system, 274(7:1135)

Chamberland-Gobeil, Estelle

    >>Simone-Monet-Chartrand award recipient, centre des femmes de Montréal presenting, S.O. 31, 7367(116:1400)

Chambre de commerce d'industrie de Drummond

Champlain Bridge see Highways and Roads--Quebec, Montreal, QC bridges

Champlain constituency

    >>Bloc Québécois, supporting, 371-2(8:1730), 373(8:1740)
    >>Description, 371(8:1730)
    >>Gagnon, Marcel, thanking constituents, 371(8:1730)

Champlain dry docks see Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc.

Champlain, Samuel de

    >>Explorer, helped build New France, remembering, S.O. 31, 598(12:1410), 1155(21:1355-400)

Chan Society

    >>Chin Wing Chun Tong Society, Vancouver, BC, 84th anniversary, S.O. 31, 10349(167:1100)

Chancellor of the Exchequer see Budgets--United Kingdom tradition

Chanukkah see Hanukkah

Chaplains see Canadian Armed Forces--Christian military Chaplains

Chapters see Book-publishing industry--Corporate concentration

Chaput-Rolland, Hon. Solange

Charbonneau, Yvon (Lib.--Anjou--Rivière-des-Prairies; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Health until August 31, 2001)

    >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 1164(21:1440), 1834(31:1450-5), 2125(34:1455)
    >>Abortion, M. (Breitkreuz), 2149-50(34:1745-50)
    >>Alcoholic beverages, M. (Wasylycia-Leis), 2888-9(44:1750-5)
    >>Beef, 993(17:1905)
    >>Canada-France Interparliamentary Association, S.O. 31, 1906(32:1410)
    >>Canada Health Day, S.O. 31, 3925(60:1105)
    >>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), S.O. 31, 2908(45:1110)
    >>Diplomatic immunity, 992(17:1900)
    >>Drinking water, M. on supply (Herron), 3707-9(57:1050-5), 3711(57:1120), 3757(57:1615)
    >>Drinking water contamination, 3708(57:1050)
    >>Drug and substance abuse, 3785(57:1905)
    >>>o.q., 1164-5(21:1445)
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 1982(33:1450)
    >>>o.q., 3612(55:1130)
    >>Egg and poultry industry, o.q., 1828(31:1425)
    >>Equalization payments, 4433(68:1835)
    >>Estimates, M. (Rock), 5042(77:1025-30)
    >>Fetal alcohol syndrome, S.O. 31, 1823(31:1400)
    >>Food safety/inspection system, 4698(72:1910)
    >>>o.q., 4272(66:1440)
    >>Health care providers, o.q., 2538(39:1445), 3933(60:1145)
    >>Health care system, 2262(36:1845), 5042(77:2025-30)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1713(29:1400)
    >>>o.q., 3746(57:1450)
    >>Health research, 5042(77:2030)
    >>Heart disease, o.q., 1167(21:1455)
    >>Heart Disease Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 102(4:1405)
    >>Hepatitis Awareness Month Act (Bill C-243), 2579-80(40:1340-50)
    >>Hepatitis C, o.q., 1724(29:1455)
    >>Hepatitis C Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 3308(51:1400-5)
    >>HIV/AIDS, 3785-6(57:1905)
    >>>o.q., 1525(26:1500)
    >>Impaired driving, 992(17:1900)
    >>International Day of Families, S.O. 31, 4068(62:1410)
    >>International Mother Language Day, S.O. 31, 9094(146:1405)
    >>International Year of Volunteers, S.O. 31, 1514(26:1405)
    >>Interparliamentary delegations, 1330(23:1505)
    >>Iraq, 5176(79:1845)
    >>Mental Health Week, S.O. 31, 3606(55:1105)
    >>Middle East conflict, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 10208-9(164:2340-5)
    >>Middle East peace process, 5176(79:1845)
    >>Organ donations/transplants, o.q., 4529(70:1135)
    >>Palliative care, o.q., 1644(28:1455)
    >>Peace, S.O. 31, 7157(112:1400)
    >>Pesticides, o.q., 4272(66:1445)
    >>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 2658(41:1900)
    >>Prostate cancer, S.O. 31, 2851(44:1400)
    >>Quebec National Assembly, S.O. 31, 4524(70:1110)
    >>Reproductive and genetic technologies, o.q., 2540(39:1455)
    >>Sagkeeng Indian Band, o.q., 1835(31:1455)
    >>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 4980-1(77:1400)
    >>Terrorism/terrorists, 5175-7(79:1845-1900)
    >>Tourism industry, S.O. 31, 10300-1(166:1400)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, M. (Chrétien), 5175-7(79:1845-1900)
    >>World No-Tobacco Day, S.O. 31, 4470(69:1400)
    >>World Teachers' Day, S.O. 31, 5974(92:1415)
    >>Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation, 1199(21:1830-5)
    >>>o.q., 1835(31:1455)

Charest, Hon., Jean see Employment insurance--Surplus; Health care funding--Federal government cutbacks; Ozone layer--Montreal Protocol

Charest, Robert see Canada Lands Company--Gagliano

Charitable and non-profit organizations

    >>Charitable status, rules governing, review, 44(3:1555)
    >>Economic role, importance, 86(4:1215)
    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption, rent and related goods, 1443(25:1020), 2945(46:1210)
    >>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-13)
    >>Income tax provisions, 3328-9(51:1600)
    >>>Charitable status removal if making political donations or endorsements, 2565(40:11205)
    >>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--political activities by charities receiving public funds)(Bill C323)
    >>>Volunteer work, providing tax deduction for, 3526(54:1010)
    >>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--volunteers)(Bill C-342)
    >>>See also Capital gains tax--Charitable donations; Food banks--Donations of food
    >>Information, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA), releasing, criteria, 2290(37:1250), 3916(60:1005)
    >>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)
    >>Purpose, 3329(51:1600)
    >>Regulations, accountability and transparency, lack, potential for abuse, etc., 86-7(4:1215-25), 9386(151:1700)
    >>See also Action nationale; British Columbia--New Democratic Party; Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology--Non-profit organization; Gambling--Social costs; Ports/harbours--Digby, NS wharf; Terrorism/terrorists--Activities

Charitable donations

    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST) application, 10044(162:1300)
    >>Income, after tax, relationship, United States' study, 2867-8(44:1530)
    >>Income tax treatment, donations to public/private charities, treating same, Budget 2001, relationship, 9695(157:1020)
    >>Political donations, differences, 2869(44:1540)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, impact, 6852(107:1600)
    >>See also Capital gains tax; Foreign aid

Charities Registration (Security Information) Act (Bill C-16)--Solicitor General (MacAulay)

    >>First reading, 1677-8(29:1005)
    >>Standing Committee referral prior to second reading, M. (Boudria), 3321-34(51:1510-640), agreed to, as amended, on recorded division, 3424-5(52:1750)
    >>>Finance Standing Committee instead of Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 3351-2(52:1005)
    >>>>M. (Lee), agreed to, 3358-9(52:1045)
    >>Finance Standing Committee referral, 3425(52:1750)
    >>Withdrawal, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 6047(94:1100)
    >>See also Terrorism/terrorists--Activities

Charities Registration (Security Information) Act

    >>Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, M. deemed adopted, 6047(94:1105)

Charlebois, Amanda see Girl Guides--Lady Baden-Powell Award

Charlesbourg--Chauveau Chamber of Commerce see Mérite Stallaris Gala

Charlesbourg--Jacques-Cartier constituency see Auger, Christopher; Infrasructure Canada Program--Canada-Quebec agreement/program

Charleswood St. James--Assiniboia constituency see Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation--Excellence awards

Charlevoix constituency

    >>Asselin, thanking constituents, 370(8:1725)
    >>See also Highways and roads--Quebec

Charlottetown Accord see Constitutional reform; Senate--Electing--Renewal/modernization

Charlottetown, PE

    >>Communities in Bloom winner, congratulating, S.O. 31, 6724(105:1400)
    >>See also Arts and culture--Maritime music festival; Atlantic Technology Centre; East Coast Music Awards; Harness racing--Breeders' Crown

CHARMES management corporation see Water/freshwater

Charpentier, Fulgence

    >>Journalist, former House of Commons employee, death, tributes, 460(10:1010)
    >>>S.O. 31, 338-9(8:1405-10)

Charter challenges see Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Chartrand, Marc Alexandre

    >>Death, 17 year old "biker gang" murder victim, S.O. 31, 6585(102:1400)

Chartrand, Martine see Arts and culture--Quebec artists

Chase, BC see Earth Day/Week--Haldane Elementary School

"Chasons d'espoir" see Médécins du Monde Canada

Chasyn Wood Technologies see Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry of agreement, Countervailing duties

Châteauguay, QC see Christ-Roi Church; Youth Internship Canada

Châteauguay constituency

    >>Bloc Québécois, supporting, 370-1(8:1725)
    >>Godin, Maurice, former Member of Parliament, retirement, 369(8:1715), 371(8:1725)
    >>>Commitment, 370-1(8:1725)
    >>>Thanking constituents, 369(8:1715)
    >>See also Héritage Saint-Bernard; Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)--Canadian team, Hockey

Chatelaine magazine see Anderson, Doris

Chater, Les see YMCA

Chatham--Kent Essex constituency

    >>Pickard, thanking constituents, 330(7:1735)

Chatham--Kent Municipality see National Pay It Forward Day

Chatters, David (CA--Athabasca)

Cheam Indian Reserve see Waste--Industrial waste dumping

Cheese see Dairy industry--Supplemental import permits

Chemical industry see Nuclear waste--Contaminated land

Chemical Pesticide Use for Non-Essential Purposes Prohibition Act (Bill C-267)--Jennings--Lincoln

    >>First reading, 702(13:1515)
    >>See also Pesticides--Cosmetic use

Chemical pesticides see Pesticides

Chemical weapons see Biological and chemical weapons/terrorism

Chemicals see Drug smuggling/trafficking; Farmers/farms

Cheney, Dick see United States

Cheng, Albert see Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation--Excellence awards

Cheques see Government cheques

Chernobyl nuclear disaster

    >>Anniversary, 15th, impact, recovery plan, Canadian role, etc., S.O. 31, 3139-40(48:1400), 3209(49:1410)
    >>See also Export Development Corporation (EDC)--China; Nuclear energy--Public concern

Chevalier de Lorimier

    >>Political will and last testament, quoting, S.O. 31, 769(14:1410)
    >>Telefilm Canada film, 15 février 1839, S.O. 31, 768(14:1405)

Cheviot coal mine see Coal mining industry--Environmental assessment process

Chevrette, Guy see Quebec National Assembly

Chicago, IL see Air transportation security--Increase, United States measures

Chicken Farmers of Canada see Cruelty to animals--Legislation (Bill C-15), Groups concerned

Chicoutimi, QC see Highways and roads--Quebec, Quebec City, QC

Chicoutimi--Le Fjord constituency

    >>Gaudreault, Sylvain, securing Bloc Québécois nomination, November 2000 general election, denial by party leadership, 967-8(17:1550-5)
    >>Harvey, Liberal Party candidate, November 2000 general election, victory, 968(17:1555-600)
    >>>Thanking constituents, 286(7:1255)

Chief Actuary see Employment insurance

Chief Electoral Officer

    >>Appointment, all-party resolution of House of Commons, 966-7(17:1545-50)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Privy Council Office--2002-2003, Main, Privy Council Office
    >>See also Elections--Returning Officers; Electoral reform; Officers of Parliament

Chief Electoral Officer's Report

    >>37th General Election, tabled, 1837(31:1505)
    >>Political party financial transactions return form, tabled, 10502(170:1500)

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) see Corporations

Chief of Defence Staff see Canadian Armed Forces

Child abduction

    >>Brin, Sara, kidnapped by father Marc Habib Eghbal, entering and living in Canada under assumed/false identity, o..q, 8761(140:1455)
    >>Parents, non-custodial parent, incidents, 8729(139:1615-20)
    >>Stopping, international leadership, M. (Bigras), 2200-8(36:1110-210), 4239-43(65:1325-55), agreed to, on recorded division, 4304-5(66:1830-900)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2208(36:1210)
    >>See also Children--Missing children, International Project Return

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month

Child access see Divorce

Child care

    >>Importance, 6852(107:1600)
    >>Income tax deduction for expenses
    >>>Business operators, exempting from lower income spouse rule, 8791(141:1005)
    >>>>See also Income Tax act (amdt.--child care expenses)(Bill C-430)
    >>>Effects high income, dual income families only, 2871(44:1555)
    >>Mothers at home
    >>>S.O. 31, 2610(41:1355)
    >>>Salary, receiving, 2323-4(37:1625-30)
    >>>>Marie-France Pilon letter, 1824(31:1400)
    >>>Tax relief, need, 4368(67:1620)
    >>National child care program, establishing
    >>>1993 election, Liberal red book promise, Bryden opposition, 940-1(17:1310-5)
    >>>Throne Speech omission, 60(3:1755), 322(7:1640)
    >>Nunavut, aboriginal human resource development agreement holders, child care project implementation, S.O. 31, 3475(53:1400)
    >>Quebec, $5 a day program, 8836(141:1540)
    >>Spouses at home see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)--Spouses caring for children at home
    >>Workers, volunteers, criminal records, access, national screening system, 1562(27:1055), 1578(27:1245), 1581(27:1305), 8700(139:1245), 8701(139:1255), 8725(139:1545)
    >>See also Free Trade Area of the Americas

Child custody see Divorce

Child Customs and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee (36th Parl., 1st Sess.) see Divorce--Child support, custody and access laws

Child/family poverty