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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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D-Day see World War II

"D.G. Regina" see Royal Canadian Mint--Coins, Dime

D'Allemagne, André

    >>Sovereignist, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 152-3(5:1105)

d'Aquino, Thomas see North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)--United States promoting

Daffodil Day see Cancer

Dag Hammarskjold Medal see Peacekeeping

Daillaire, Romeo

    >>Retired LGen., Aegis Award recipient, United Kingdom Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre awarding, tribute, S.O. 8591(137:1110)

DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc.

    >>Layoffs, government response, etc.
    >>>Ajax, ON plant, S.O. 31, 12100(198:1405)
    >>>Brampton, ON plant, o.q., 532(11:1440)
    >>>o.q., 304(7:1445)

Dairy industry

    >>Codex standards, applying, S.O. 31, 12184(199:1420)
    >>Dairy products, labelling, 10394(168:1515)
    >>>See also Dairy Terms Act (Bill C-440)
    >>Dairy substitutes, butter oil, sugar blends, imports, government allowing, economic impact, 4777(74:1350)
    >>Canadian Dairy Commission, marketing board, 670(12:2215), 682(12:2335)
    >>Exports, World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling, effects, 6962(109:1815)
    >>>o.q., 7266(114:1500), 7766(123:1440), 7837(124:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 7830(124:1405), 7894(125:1405)
    >>Fundy--Royal constituency, role, 4776(74:1345)
    >>Newfoundland, thriving, 680(12:2320)
    >>Producers, problems, 6579(102:1315)
    >>Scotsburn Dairy Co-operative, success, 4778(74:1355)
    >>Supplemental import permits, issuing, violating trade agreements, effects
    >>>Cheese products, United States, receiving, 4777(74:1350)
    >>>>o.q., 3056(47:1445), 3149(48:1450-5), 3487(53:1500), 4399(68:1440), 4480(69:1445-50), 4530(70:1140), 4533(70:1155), 4663-5(72:1445-55), 4845-6(75:1150)
    >>>>Producers, International Trade Minister Pettigrew, meeting, o.q., 4846(75:1150)
    >>>>qu., 4414(68:1605)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3606(55:1105)
    >>>o.q., 4354-5(67:1445), 4394(68:1410)
    >>Thriving, 646(12:1925)
    >>See also Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement--Agricultural products; Food safety/inspection system; Holstein cattle; Jersey cattle; Ontario Dairy Discovery

Dairy Terms Act (Bill C-440)--Vellacott

    >>First reading, 10394-5(168:1515)
    >>See also Dairy industry--Dairy products

Dalgleish, Bob

    >>Volunteer, Andy Horn case, cystic fibrosis patient, hosting family in Toronto, ON for lung transplant, tribute, S.O. 31, 5078(78:1405)

Dallas Morning News see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response

Dalphond-Guiral, Madeleine (BQ--Laval Centre)

Dams see Water exports--Banning, Boundary waters

D'Amours, Pierre-Olivier see Great Canadian Geography Challenge

Dana Canada Inc.

    >>St. Marys, ON automobile parts plant, expansion, job creation, S.O. 31, 5971(92:1400)

Danby, Ken

    >>Artist, Order of Canada recipient, congratulations, S.O. 31, 8988(144:1400)

Dance see International Dance Day

Dandelions see Pesticides--Cosmetic use

Dangerous offenders

    >>>Prior to release on parole, mandatory supervision or at end of sentece, 4311(67:1010)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous offender)(Bill C-352)
    >>>Rules, strengthening, 1612(27:1615)
    >>Noyes, Robert, designated dangerous offender, likely to reoffend, public safety, 1561(27:1045-50)
    >>Security classification, maximum, 11056(180:1535)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.) and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--security classification of maximum to high-risk offenders)(Bill C-456)
    >>See also Sex offenders/pedophiles--High risk; Youth justice system

Darrach, Blair see Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal--Canadian Armed Forces

Dartmouth Analytical Service Laboratory see Health Department

Dartmouth constituency

    >>Lill, thanking constituents, 320(7:1625)

Dates see Calendar dates

Daudelin, Charles

    >>Embâcle, work, postage stamp commemorating, S.O. 31, 12387(202:1400)
    >>Sculptor, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 2771(43:1405), 2906(45:1100)

Dauphin, MB see Drinking water contamination

Daviau, Thérése

David Connector bridge see Species at risk (endangered species)--Habitat preservation, Salmon fishery

David Suzuki Foundation see Oil sands--Air pollution impact

Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc.

    >>Assistance proposal, federal and provincial governments rejecting, 5943-4(91:1845-50), 7126-7(111:1830)
    >>>o.q., 5597(86:1455)
    >>Bankruptcy, 7126(111:1830), 7127(111:1835), 8280(132:1050), 11910(194:1825)
    >>>See also Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc.--Champlain dry docks contract
    >>Champlain dry docks contract, Public Works and Government Services Department payment delayed, bankruptcy factor, 11910(194:1825), 11911(194:1830), 12138-9(198:1845)
    >>>o.q., 11499(187:1155)
    >>Co-operative, forming, 7127(111:1840)
    >>Drilling platform contract, federal funding required, o.q., 3933(60:1150)
    >>Shipbuilding industry structured financing facility funding request, 11911(194:1830)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Ships, Frigates; Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Brazil; Shipbuilding industry--Lévis, QC shipyard

Davies, Libby (NDP--Vancouver East)

Davies, Linda and Trevor see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)--International services, Honduras

Davis Inlet see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Inuit children

Dawson, Christopher see Passports--Criminal

Dawson City, YT

    >>100th anniversary, celebrating, S.O. 31, 8819(141:1400)
    >>See also Tourism industry--Yukon Territory

Day, Stockwell (CA--Okanagan--Coquihalla; Leader of the Opposition until December 12, 2001)

DDT see Pesticides--Health risks

De Zen, Vic

    >>Immigrant, founder of Royal Group Technologies Limited, contribution to Canada, S.O. 31, 7555(119:1400)

Dead horse strategy see Liberal government (Chrétien)

Dead rabbits see Arts and culture--Funding

Dead Sea

    >>Water levels, decline, 5640(87:1140)

Deaf and hearing impaired persons

    >>10% of Canadian population, 4405(68:1510)
    >>Communications, M. (St-Hillaire), 12359-66(201:1230-1330)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 12366(201:1330)
    >>Funding assistance, sign language interpreters and captioners, taxation, o.q., 11841(193:1500)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, Senate committee proceedings, French closed captioning, Official Languages Standing Joint Committee recommendations, 3492(53:1530), 4405-6(68:1510-5)
    >>>See also Official Languages Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Second
    >>Television, French closed captioning, lack, 4405-6(68:1510-5)

Dean, Ashley

    >>Prince of Wales Community Leader Scholarship, volunteerism, recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8003(127:1110)

Death penalty see Capital punishment

Debate be now adjourned see Procedure

Debt see Canadian Wheat Board; Family--Household debt; Foreign aid; Monetary system--Money; National debt

Decaire, Cpl Brian see Canadian Armed Forces--Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Afghanistan mission


    >>Quebec women of Haitian origin, promotional organization, gala awards, S.O. 31, 6070(94:1405)

Decks see Lumber industry--Chromated copper arsenate

Decorations see Awards, decorations, medals

Deer see Elk

Deer mice see Species at risk (endangered species)

Defence equipment

    >>>AVRO Arrow, history, 2070-1(33:2430)
    >>>Bell 212 Huey helicopters and Challenger 600-1A11 jets, surplus, sale outside Canada, Lancaster Aviation role, sole source contract, sold for less than market value, storage in Florida warehouse owned by convicted felon, control of goods outside Canadian hands, seizure of assets by United States courts, etc., 1990-1(33:1530-5), 2070(33:2425-30), 2083(34:1015), 2500(39:1015), 3522-3(53:1855-900), 3786-7(57:1905-15), 3833-4(58:1845-50), 4388-9(67:1855-905), 4824-5(74:1900-5), 10246(165:1520), 10774(175:1515-20), 11911-2(194:1830-40), 12156(198:2055-100)
    >>>>M. for Production of Papers (Thompson, G.), accepted, tabled, 11059(180:1540-5)
    >>>>o.q., 3053(47:1430), 3216-7(49:1445), 3484-5(53:1445-50), 3564(54:1430), 3567-8(54:1445), 3571(54:1500), 3615(55:1145), 11178(182:1200), 11305(184:1455-500)
    >>>>qu., 2443-4(38:1535)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Aircraft; Defence equipment--Military helicopters
    >>Armoured personnel carriers, LAV III, contract, Canadian content, 1377-8(24:1145)
    >>>1999 annual report, tabled, 829(15:1200)
    >>>2000 annual report, tabled, 8873(142:1200-5)
    >>Military helicopters
    >>>Bell 212 Huey helicopters, Canada sale to United States, resale to Colombia, o.q., 1913(32:1445)
    >>>Corvettes, helicopter equipped, Canadian Alliance policy paper, "Canada Strong and Free" proposal, 1374(24:1115)
    >>>Helicopter parts, Vector Aerospace Corporation, $6.5 million sale to Colombia
    >>>>o.q., 1914-5(32:1450)
    >>>>qu., 3012(47:1000)
    >>>HU series (Huey), replacement with Griffon helicopter, 4754(74:1030)
    >>>Sale to Mexico, Export Development Corporation (EDC) providing $65 million loan, o.q., 1103(20:1130)
    >>Munitions, use of depleted uranium, 4235(65:1245)
    >>>Moratorium, o.q., 1244(22:1435)
    >>Procurement policy, 5309(81:1630-40)
    >>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee June 2000 report, 4753(74:1015), 5308-9(81:1630)
    >>Refueler tankers, $10 million contract, Robica Forman Tank Limited, job creation, etc., S.O. 31, 3309(51:1405)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Military equipment; Sea King helicopters; Sudan--Civil war

Defence expenditures

    >>Irregularities inappropriate sole sourced contracts, internal audit report, recovery of funds, o.q., 12610(204:1455)
    >>North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries, comparison, 5237(80:1255), 5312-3(81:1700-15), 6059-60(94:1235-40), 6061-2(94:1250-5); 6809-10(107:1105-15)
    >>>o.q., 8547(136:1415)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Government funding; Conscientious objectors--Income tax paid; Foreign aid; Government expenditures--Budget 2001 measures; National defence department--Funds

Defence policy

    >>1994 White Paper
    >>>"Outdated and does not address the security challenges of our country today", Centre for Military and Strategic Studies position, o.q., 7211(113:1125-30)
    >>>Recommendations, capacity for implementation, 5307-8(81:1625)
    >>Homeland security defence, review, requesting, o.q., 7211-2(113:1125-30)
    >>Reflecting consensus of parties in House of Commons, 10506-7(170:1535)
    >>Review, focus, 10510-1(170:1600-5)
    >>White Paper, requesting
    >>>Finance Standing Committee recommendation, 8237(131:1340)
    >>>o.q., 7333(115:1420)
    >>>S.O. 31, 11043(180:1410)
    >>See also Foreign policy

Defence Research Establishment see Biological and chemical weapons/terrorism--Emergency measures

"Defenders of terrorists" see Bloc Québécois; Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Adherents to Geneva Convention

Defibrillators see Aeronautics Act (amdt.--automatic defibrillators)(Bill C-215); Airlines--Automatic external defibrillators; Occupational health and safety

Deficit Prevention Act (Bill C-363)--Harb

    >>First reading, 4535-6(70:1210)
    >>See also Budget deficit--Prohibiting

DeGrace, Yannick see Organ donations/transplants

Delaney, Scott see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Victims

Délégation Générale du Québec in Paris

    >>40th anniversary, Quebec culture in France, promoting, S.O. 31, 6726(105:1410)

Delenhi proposal see Aboriginal self-government

Delisle Bruins see Hockey

Delta Airlines

    >>Flight 15 see Air transportation--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Flights diverted

Delta hotels see Prince, Jonas

Delta--South Richmond constituency see Aboriginal peoples/communities

Demers, Percy

    >>Physician, slaying, son, Thomas Demers, murder charge/emergency psychiatric care unavailable, S.O. 31, 10555(171:1405)

Demers, Thomas see Demers, Percy

Deming, Dr. W. Edwards see Government policies and programs--Management techniques


    >>Lévesque, René, upholder, 5383(82:1935)
    >>Switzerland, bottom-up system, 2056-7(33:2250-300)
    >>See also Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement--Similarity of political cultures; Free Trade Area of the Americas; Globalization, global economy/marketplace; International agreements, conventions and treaties; Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC); Trade agreements

Demographics see Aging population

Dempsey, Paul see Ireland--Ambassador

Demutualized insurance companies see Insurance companies

Dene see Oil sands--Employment

Denmark see Gagliano--References; Wind energy--Potential

Dental care

    >>"Open Wide", free dental clinic, University of Alberta Faculty of Dentistry/Northern Alberta Institute of Technology program, tribute, S.O. 31, 10301(166:1400)

Departmental Internal Audit Act (Bill C-364)--Harb

    >>First reading, 4536(70:1210)
    >>See also Crown corporations--Internal audit; Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Internal audit

Depleted uranium

    >>Health hazard concerns, 12116(198:1540)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping operations, Balkans; Defence equipment--Munitions

Depopulation see Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions

Deportation see Refugees; Terrorism/terrorists--Ressam; Zimbabwe--Citizenship and Immigration Department

Deposit insurance see Banks and financial institutions

Depository Services Program see Communication Canada

Depression see Mental health

Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole House

    >>Appointment see Committees of the Whole House
    >>See also Bélair

Deputy ministers see Cabinet Ministers--Salaries; Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions

Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons and Chairman of Committees of the Whole House

    >>Appointment see Committees of the Whole House
    >>Election, secret ballot, 2014(33:1805), 2017(33:1820), 2031(33:2000)
    >>See also Kilger

Derailments see Railway accidents--Red Deer, AB


    >>Canadian Alliance position, 11464(186:1625)
    >>See also Airlines; Banks and financial institutions--Regulations; Bus industry; Electricity; Energy; Health protection--Federal government role

Derivatives see Securities industry

Derkson, Wilma see Ron Wiebe Restorative Justice Award

DES Action Awareness Week

DES Awareness Week

    >>Public awareness, raising, S.O. 31, 11873(194:1405)

des Plages see Drinking water contamination--Sept-Îles, QC

Desalinization see Water/freshwater

Desautels, Denis see Auditor General of Canada

Desfossés, Estelle see Salon du livre de l'Outaouais

Desjardins Movement see Credit unions/caisses populaires; Sabourin, Yves

Desjarlais, Bev (NDP--Churchill)