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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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Ianno, Tony (Lib.--Trinity--Spadina)

    >>Iftody, David, S.O. 31, 296-7(7:1405)
    >>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 4612(71:1910)
    >>References see Banks and financial institutions--Mergers
    >>Skilled trades and technology workforce, o.q., 9259(149:1440)
    >>Waxman, Al, S.O. 31, 26(3:1410)

IATA see International Air Transport Association (IATA)

IBM facility

    >>Markham constituency, attracting, $33 million federal investment, partnership, 369(8:1710)

ICAO see International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Ice breaking see Great Lakes-St. Lawrence waterway--Canadian Coast Guard fees; Ports/harbours--Halifax, NS, Fees

Ice sculptures see Saint-Côme Festival de sculptures sur glace

Ice Storm, 1998

    >>Federal government assistance, 3716(57:1150)
    >>Hydro-Québec assistance request, rejected by federal government, 12128(198:1720)
    >>Ontario, $105 million recovery assistance, Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangement Program, S.O. 31, 3141(48:1410)

Ice storms see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming--Weather)

Ice wine see Wine industry

Icebergs see Nunavut--Land claims agreement of 1993, Water sales

ICG Propane inc. see Superior Propane Inc.

Idées PME program see Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Identity card see National identity card

"If I were Prime Minister" contest see McCormick, Rachel

Iftody, David

Iginla, Jarome see Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)--Canadian team, Hockey

Ignition interlock system see Impaired driving

Ikajurti Inungnik Ungasistumi Network see Telehealth services

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (United States) see Border, Canada-United States--Security, Trade

"Illegitimate children" see Children

ILO see International Labour Organization (ILO)

IMF see International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Immigrant Investor Program see Auberge Grand-Mère--Funding controversy

Immigrant settlement services see Tamil Eelam Society of Canada


    >>Application process, refugee claims, co-mingling terminology, unacceptable, 6468-9(100:1325-30)
    >>Caregivers, live-in, exploitation, 1209(22:1040)
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Department internet service, efficient response to information requests, providing, o.q., 11451-2(186:1445-50)
    >>Contributions, 6855(107:1625), 6856(107:1640), 6214(95:1635)
    >>>Allowing in Canada, o.q., 1241(22:1415-20), 1246(22:1445)
    >>>Convictions in Canada, prison terms, 4577(71:1340-5), 4579(71:1355)
    >>>Deportation, 5189-90(79:2030-40), 5505(84:1705)
    >>>>Changxing, Lai, case, 1176(21:1550), 5098(78:1555)
    >>>>Gill Ranjiit, delays, o.q., 9300(150:1455)
    >>>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, regulations, impact, o.q., 9300-1(150:1455)
    >>>>Inthavong, Boujam Aai, case, 5190(79:2035)
    >>>>Minister of Justice v Burns and Rafay, Supreme Court of Canada decision, 1194(21:1755), 5098(78:1555)
    >>>>Warrants, 15,000 outstanding, 1177(21:1600), 1185(21:1650), 1195(21:1800)
    >>>Detention, inadmissibility criteria, 1171(21:1525), 1189-90(21:1720-5)
    >>>Lu, Lucy, stay of deportation request, community support, S.O. 31, 5342(82:1410)
    >>>Non-citizens, deportation, 230(6:1515), 1226(22:1240)
    >>>>See also Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.--removal of foreign offenders)(Bill C-221)
    >>>Security measures
    >>>>Bloc Quebecois position, 5098-9(78:1600)
    >>>>Enforcement, RCMP, CSIS, communication, 1192-3(21:1745), 1218(22:1135), 1220(22:1150), 4545(70:1315-20), 4595(71:1520)
    >>>>Government position, 4601(71:1605), 5093-6(78:1520-40)
    >>>>>o.q., 6325(97:1440)
    >>>>>Citizenship and Immigration Department, funding cutbacks, 1233-4(22:1335-40)
    >>>>>o.q., 6325(97:1440)
    >>>See also Immigrants--Inadmissibility; Immigration--Interdiction program
    >>Definition, equating with criminals/terrorists, dangers, 6471(100:1345-50)
    >>>Guelph Correctional Centre, former provincial prison, converting to detention centre, 8429(134:1320)
    >>>See also Immigrants--Criminals
    >>Foreign credential recognition, 8454(134:1610-5)
    >>>Urgency, multiculturalism program addressing, o.q., 12774-5(207:1440)
    >>>See also Immigrants--Premakumaran; Skilled trades and technology workforce--Immigrants
    >>Foreign nationals, definition, 4416(68:1615), 4417(68:1625), 4422(68:1710)
    >>Francophones, Quebec attracting, 1196(21:1805-10)
    >>Frankowski, Richard, deportation, injustice, return to Canada, petitions, 3321(51:1510)
    >>"Garbage", Ontario Progressive Conservative Party leadership candidate characterization, condemning, S.O. 31, 8753(140:1410)
    >>Illegal, false/fraudulent, 1179(21:1610), 1190(21:1725), 1195(21:1805)
    >>>Chinese migrants, boat people, 1197-8(21:1820-5), 1208-9(22:1035), 1211(22:1100)
    >>>Citizenship and Immigration Department staff, qualification, reduced number, factor, 4541-2(70:1250)
    >>>Lengthy process to deal with, United States concerns, 549684:1555)
    >>>Number, uncertainty, 5506(84:1715)
    >>>Reducing, government measures, 1223(22:1240)
    >>>>Bloc Quebecois position, 1180-1(21:1615-25), 1221(22:1200-5)
    >>Immigration consultants, misleading, fraudulent, 1231(22:1315-20)
    >>>Regulating, o.q., 11007(179:1430)
    >>Integration, assisting, 4540-1(70:1240-5)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien) efforts, commitment, recognized, 368(8:1705)
    >>>History, 1180(21:1615)
    >>>Importance, 7430(117:1220)
    >>>Reducing, United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, relationship, 7785-6(123:1705-10)
    >>Permanent residents
    >>>Rights, 1173(21:1535), 4416(68:16154), 4418(68:1635), 4421(68:1655-700), 4422-3(68:1710), 4565(71;1205-10), 4566-7(71:1220), 4570-2(71:1250-300), 4573-4(71:1305-20), 5104-5(78:1640-45), 5107(78:1700)
    >>>Tracking, monitoring, 5466(84:1215)
    >>Premakumaran, Nesa and Prem, skilled professionals, credentials not recognized, immigration policy misleading, corrective measures, need, petitions, 9333(151:1010)
    >>Right of Landing Fee (ROLF), $975, eliminating, 1189(21:1720), 1191(21:1730), 1233(22:1330), 4598(71:1545)
    >>>M. (Martin, Pat), 1474-83(25:1325-425)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1483(25:1425)
    >>>Petitions, 1655(28:1610)
    >>Terrorists, 5216(80:1005), 6242(95:2050), 6245(95:2120-5)
    >>>Access to United States, 6541(101:1640)
    >>>Counter-espionage, 6267(96:1535)
    >>>See also Immigration--Interdiction program
    >>Vancouver, BC, Chinese, Hong Kong, Taiwanese, genuine immigrants, abuse of system, concerns, 6489(100:1545)
    >>Vivier family, South African immigrants, medical condition, application on compassionate grounds, public support, S.O. 31, 9093(146:1355)
    >>Voting rights see Elections
    >>Yelich, Croatian grandparents, immigration to Canada, 1205(22:1015), 1207-8(22:1020-30)
    >>See also Capital gains tax; De Zen, Vic; Skilled trades and technology workforce; Trade


    >>Akintade, Tinuola, British citizen, detention at entry, rights denied, racism factor, immigration official, actions, o.q., 4662(72:1440)
    >>Canadian policy, welcoming immigrants, Budget 2001 statement, 8077(128:1615)
    >>Deportation, enforcement procedures
    >>>Auditor General's concerns, 40,000 not deported, 5469(84:1240)
    >>>British Columbia Premier Campbell, position, o.q., 6327(97:1455)
    >>>Convicted criminals, delays, o.q., 9300(150:1455)
    >>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-11), effectiveness, o.q., 6324(97:1435)
    >>>Ontario, security initiative, special police unit, announcement, government position, o.q., 5978(92:1435-40), 6328(97:1455)
    >>>Park, Won Pil, convicted criminal, appeal, deportation delay, S.O. 31, 8989-90(144:1405)
    >>>Weak, 8431(134:1345)
    >>>>27,000 deportees unaccounted for, o.q., 5713(88:1115-20)
    >>Detainment, numbers, types, accountability, o.q., 7565-6(119:1455)
    >>Determination system
    >>>Canadian embassies and consulates overseas, local employees, decision making authority, appropriateness, S.O. 31, 11041(180:1400)
    >>>Reform, need, 5162(79:1705), 5364(82:1705)
    >>>>o.q., 4225-6(65:1150)
    >>>Application fees, Canadian embassies, currency required, ro., 12918(210:1015)
    >>>Application/registration IMM 1000 forms, theft, fraudulent use
    >>>>Afghanistan, Pakistan, organized crime, terrorists, access to, government inaction, o.q., 9364(151:1430)
    >>>>Government action, o.q., Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation, o.q., 8641-2(138:1430-5), 9412-3(152:1125-30), 9468(153:1455)
    >>>Forgery, government measures, permanent resident card, 5606(86:1555)
    >>>>Introduction, time gap, interim measures, o.q., 6075(94:1430)
    >>>>o.q., 5294(81:1450)
    >>>Security, breaches, departmental incompetence, government inaction, 11785(192:1725)
    >>>>o.q., 9363-4(151:1425-30), 9366(151:1445)
    >>Family reunification, 1172(21:1530), 1186(21:1700), 1209(22:1035-40), 1210-1(22:1050-5), 4539(70:1235), 5103(78:1630-5)
    >>>Social programs, health care system, impact, qu., 5437-9(83:1205)
    >>>Visitor's visa, issuance conditional on security, 9303(150:1510)
    >>>>See also Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.)(Bill C-434)
    >>Federal control, Quebec opposed, Montreal, QC, immigration rate, 4000(61:1535)
    >>Front line personnel, need, 7546(119:1240)
    >>>Citizenship and Immigration Department mandate, o.q., 5294(81:1450),
    >>>o.q., 9366(151:1445)
    >>Hall, Howard, Canadian resident 51 years, citizenship denied, immigration hearing, S.O. 31, 1824(31:1405)
    >>Health, medical screening process, 1175-6(21:1550-5), 1193-4(21:1750-5), 1218(22:1135-40)
    >>>Auditor General's report, 1176-7(21:1555), 1189(21:1720)
    >>>HIV/AIDS screening policy, flip-flop, o.q., 4991(77:1455)
    >>Immigrant application files, Members of Parliament
    >>>Constituency office workload, 355(8:1540), 1213(22:1110), 1215-6(22:1120-5)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1238(22:1405), 4545(70:1310-5)
    >>>Political interference, suspension policy, Coderre, Citizenship and Immigration minister, position, o.q., 8552-3(136:1450)
    >>Immigration officials abroad, location/number, inadequate, Auditor General's report, 1189(21:1715), 1192(21:1740-5), 4415(68:1615)
    >>Independent immigrants, point system changes, 8455(134:1615)
    >>Interdiction program, intercepting criminals and terrorists abroad, 5967(92:1255)
    >>Landed immigrants, 5159(79:1645)
    >>>High risk tuberculosis cases, provincial health authorities, failure to notify, communication, improving, o.q., 3991(61:1445-50)
    >>Manitoba, provincial immigrant nominee program, case number, increase, federal-provincial consultation, o.q., 9465(153:1450)
    >>National security, increase, relationship, 5445(83:1250), 8883(142:1315)
    >>Park, Ji-Won, Korean exchange student, coma, visitor's visa expiring, compassionate consideration, o.q., 12883(209:1455)
    >>People smuggling/trafficking
    >>>Chinese women, 15,000 over 10 years, sexual exploitation, United States state department report, o.q., 9545(154:1450)
    >>>Combatting, enforcement, 1175(21:1545), 1193(21:1745-50), 1197-8(21:1820-5), 1213-5(22:1110-5), 1217(22:1130), 4540(70:1235-40), 5159(79:1640)
    >>>>Immigration and Refugee Act (Bill C-11), impact, o.q., 9545(154:1450)
    >>>Penalties, increasing, 1171(21:1525)
    >>>Proceeds of crime/profits, forfeiture, 1838(31:1515)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--proceeds of crime)(Bill C-303)
    >>Permanent Resident Card, secure, state of the art identification, implementing, fast track policy
    >>>Maple Leaf card, landed immigrants ID card, security features, 6133-4(94:2215)
    >>>>o.q., 6420(99:1435)
    >>>o.q., 5554(85:1435-40), 5594(86:1440), 5864(90:1415), 5866(90:1430)
    >>Pusztay, Cris, landed immigration status to wife and son, petitions, 5091(78:1510)
    >>Screening, strengthening, 5130(79:1310), 5918(79:1930), 5540-1(85:1305-10), 6133-4(94:2215-20), 11140-1(181:1555-1600)
    >>>Authorizing, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Caplan mandate, o.q., 5913(91:1455-500)
    >>>Border security, 8770(140:1555)
    >>>Budget 2001 measures, 8077(128:1615), 8145(129:1655), 8146(129:1710), 8153(129:1805), 8158-9(129:1845), 8346(133:1635), 8429(134:1320), 8430(134:1335), 8431(134:1340), 8858(142:1025), 9596(155:1600), 9718(157:1245)
    >>>Citizenship and Immigration Department, increased resources/staff, need, o.q., 9643-4(138:1445)
    >>>Common law tradition, respecting, 8770(140:1555)
    >>>Progress, lack, o.q., 8597(137:1145)
    >>Sklarzyk family, deportation, $50 administrative error, alleged cause, 4415-6(68:1615), 4748-9(73:1935-40)
    >>>Government position, o.q., 4098-9(63:1445), 4100-1(63:1455-500), 4174-5(64:1440-5)
    >>>Pacificador, Rudy, alleged assassin, criminals, non-deportation, comparison, 4825(74:1905-10)
    >>>>o.q., 4174(64:1440), 4224(65:1150)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4091(63:1410), 4345(67:1355-400)
    >>Spousal Employment Authorization Pilot Project for Highly Skilled Temporary Workers, extending, S.O. 31, 6585(102:1405), 8118(129:1355)
    >>Students, middle eastern, attending Canadian universities
    >>>Citizenship and Immigration Department, targetting, o.q., 8289(132:1140)
    >>>Number admitted since 1993, qu., 8335(133:1515)
    >>>Abuse, foreign missions, corruption, 6449-50(100:1105)
    >>>Administration, resources, lack, 1215(22:1115-20), 4562-3(71:1145-50), 5158(79:1635), 5160(79:1645), 6852(107:1600)
    >>>>Collacott, Martin, former ambassador, "out of control", statement, government position, o.q., 6930(109:1430)
    >>>Applications, new regulations, January, 2003 implementation
    >>>>Processing backlog, fairness, S.O. 31, 9359-60(151:1405), 12602(204:1415)
    >>>>Retroactivity, fairness, o.q., 12535(203:1500)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 1173-4(21:1540-5), 1179(21:1610-5), 1191(21:1735), 1207(22:1025), 1212-4(22:1100-15), 1228-9(22:1300), 5158-60(79:1635-50), 5181(79:1930), 6460-1(100:1225), 6495(100:1625), 6497(100:1645)
    >>>>Anti-immigration, 4539(70:1230)
    >>>>Government adopting, Fontana, Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee chair, view, o.q., 7708-9(122:1130)
    >>>Deficiencies, Auditor General's report, 1175-8(21:1550-600), 1213(22:1110), 1231-2(22:1320), 6458(100:1210)
    >>>>Government ignoring, S.O. 31, 7832(124:1410)
    >>>>Security gaps, corrective measures, need, 5158-60(79:1635-50)
    >>>>>o.q., 5144(79:1445)
    >>>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, focussing attention on, government action, 5158(79:1635-40), 5164(79:1720), 5183-4(79:1945-50), 5398(82:2120), 6279-80(96:1710-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 5557(85:1455)
    >>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, (21:1535)
    >>>Framework legislation, 1172(21:1530), 1175(21:1545), 4416(68:1615), 4417(68:1625), 5093(78:1520)
    >>>French language/culture, 5100(78:1610)
    >>>Government position, 5116(79:1115)
    >>>History, Canadian values, human rights, respecting, 4416-8(68:1620-30), 4419-20(68:1645-50), 4423(68:1715), 4563-5(71:1155-205), 5095(78:1540), 5101-2(78:1620-5), 5104(78:1635-40)
    >>>>Whence They Came: Deportation from Canada, Barbara Roberts book, discriminatory practices, 5106(78:1650)
    >>>Immigrant investor program, review, need, 6455(100:1150-5)
    >>>Legislation, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-11)
    >>>>Anti-terrorism, security measures, improved, 6446(100:1040)
    >>>>Bloc Quebecois position, 5098-100(78:1600-15)
    >>>>Canadian Alliance position, 4544-5(70:1310-5), 5096-8(78:1545-55), 5120(79:1150), 5158(79:1635), 6486(100:1515)
    >>>>>Opposing, S.O. 31, 3657(56:1405)
    >>>>>o.q., 5864(90:1420), 5866(90:1430), 6324(97:1435)
    >>>>Canadian Council for Refugees, position, 4424-5(68:1725)
    >>>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee study, 1194-5(21:1800), 1229(22:1305), 4416-7(68:1620-5), 4419-22(68:1640-705), 4597(71:1535)
    >>>>>Travel, Canadian Alliance preventing, condemning, S.O. 31, 2531(39:1405)
    >>>>Consultation, government commitment, 1187(21:1705), 5092-3(78:1515-20)
    >>>>Diversity, encouraging, 9385(151:1650-5)
    >>>>Mark, position, 5106-8(78:1650-700)
    >>>>>Day position, diverging, 5107-8(78:1700-5)
    >>>>New Democratic Party position, 5101-3(78:1615-35)
    >>>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 4546(70:1325), 5103-5(78:1635-45)
    >>>>Public Safety Act (Bill C-42), flip-flop, 11163(182:1030)
    >>>>>o.q., 7680-1(121:1445), 7683(121:1500)
    >>>>Re-introducing, 328(7:1720)
    >>>>Regulations, committee review, requiring, 4416-8(68:1615-35), 4421(68:1655), 4424(68:1725), 4540(70:1235), 4568(71:1230-5)
    >>>>Senate consideration, hastening, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Caplan requesting, o.q., 5144(79:1445), 5557(85:1455), 6327(97:1455)
    >>>>Weak, return to House for improvement, o.q., 5864(90:1420)
    >>>Mismanagement, public confidence, lack, poll, S.O. 31, 9749(158:1405)
    >>>New Democratic Party position, 1185-7, (21:1650-1705), 1208-10(22:1030-45), 4566(71:1215), 5123(79:1215)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 1188-9(21:1710-5), 4602(71:1610-5)
    >>>Reform, necessity, 5505(84:1705)
    >>>>Restrictive borders, dangers, 4418-9(68:1635-40)
    >>>>United States Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, Deputy Prime Minister Manley, consultations, o.q., 9363-4(151:1430)
    >>>Stringent, necessity, 5508(84:1730), 5881(90:1620)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 7367(116:1400)
    >>>United States, harmonizing immigration and refugee system with, United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks factor, 5397(82:2115), 5403(82:2155), 5410(82:2300), 5440(83:1210), 5453(83:1405-10), 5454(83:1415), 5455(83:1420), 5467(84:1225), 5507(84:1725), 6280(96:1715), 6442(100:1010)
    >>>>Saudi Arabia, visitor visas, passenger lists, sharing, good faith gesture
    >>>>>Government, failure to act, o.q., 8825(141:1430)
    >>>>>o.q., 6836(107:1420)
    >>>>Sovereignty, questioning, 5841(90:1115)
    >>Target level
    >>>1% of population/year, 1189(21:1715), 5102-3(78:1630)
    >>>Bloc Quebecois position, 4568-9(71:1230-5)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 5097(78:1550)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 1191(21:1730-5)
    >>>Quebec, control, 1198(21:1825-30)
    >>>Rationale, qu., 3494-5(53:1545)
    >>Tradespersons, treating same as university graduates, 9493(153:1805)
    >>>Dorval Airport, point of entry, disappearance, security, lax, o.q., 8438(134:1430), 8485(135:1450-5), 8597(137:1145), 8641(138:1430)
    >>>Visas, issued without security/financial screening
    >>>>Canadian embassy, Tunisia, role, qu., 11058(180:1540)
    >>>>o.q., 8484(135:1450), 8824-5(141:1430)
    >>>Blank visas, disappearance, embassy misplacing, matter resolved, o.q., 12190-1(199:1500)
    >>>Information sharing, Canada-United States agreement, Joint Statement of Cooperation on Border Security and Regional Migration, o.q., 7763(123:1425)
    >>Women, visitor visa application, gender bias, 4542-3(70:1250-5)
    >>Youth, welcoming, 4575(71:1325)
    >>See also Diplomatic immunity--Foreign delegates; Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting; United States

Immigration Act (amdt.--requirement to show identity)(Bill C-345)--Martin, K.

Immigration and Protection Act see Refugees--Determination process, Appeal process

Immigration and Refugee Board

    >>Corruption, allegations, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation
    >>>Board members, Yves Bourbonnais, Roberto Colavecchio, involvement, alleged North Africa, Middle East ties, potential terrorists benefitting, o.q., 9099(146:1430), 9143(147:1130)
    >>>Commissioner's office, raid, o.q., 7373(116:1430)
    >>>Government action, o.q., 7336(115:1435-40)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2002-2003, Main, Citizenship and Immigration Department
    >>Mandate, review, 1178(21:1605)
    >>Membership, appointment process, patronage/merit, 1178(21:1605), 1182(21:1635), 1194(21:1755), 1222(22:1205-10)
    >>>Two Liberal appointees, theft, professional misconduct convictions, government action, o.q., 3615(55:1150)
    >>>o.q., 3615-6(55:1150)
    >>Patronage appointments
    >>>Bourbonnais, Yves, breach of trust conviction, investigation, appointment, o.q., 7498(118:1430), 9143-4(147:1130)
    >>>Ending, o.q., 7498(118:1435)
    >>Refugee claims, finalized, acceptance rate, qu., 4912(76:1510)
    >>Resources, increase, Budget 2001 measures, reducing backlog, etc., 8077(128:1615)
    >>See also Refugees--Determination process

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.)(Bill C-434)--Cadman

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--refugee claimants or immigration applicants convicted of an offence on indictment)(Bill C-431)--White, T.

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-11)--Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Caplan)

    >>First reading, 1009(18:1510)
    >>Second reading, 1170-98(21:1515-830), 1205-34(22:1010-340), agreed to, on recorded division, 1314-5(22:2335)
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1315(22:2335)
    >>>Reported, 4277(66:1510)
    >>Report stage, 4414-25(68:1610-725), 4538-47(70:1220-325), 4562-79(71:1145-355), 4595-4606(71:1520-645)
    >>>Concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 4621-2(71:1915)
    >>>Motions, 4415(68:1610), 4544(70:1310), 4576(71:1330-5)
    >>>>Agreed to, 4544(70:1305), 4605(71:1640)
    >>>>>On recorded division, 4611-3(71:1910)
    >>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 4613-21(71:1910-5)
    >>Third reading, 5092-110(78:1515-740), agreed to, on recorded division, 5109-10(78:1715-40) passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 6856(107:1640) Chap. 27, S.C. 2001
    >>See also Citizenship--Annulment and revocation; Immigration--Legislation; Refugees--Protecting; Skilled trades and technology workforce--Immigrants; Terrorism/terrorists--Definition

Immigration consultants see Immigrants

Immigration officers see Border, Canada-United States--Security, customs officers role

Immunity see Organized crime--Combatting, Infiltration by law enforcement agents

Immunization see Meningitis

Impaired driving

    >>Blood alcohol content, lowering from 0.8% to 0.5%, 11602(189:1525)
    >>>MADD proposals, "Taking Back Our Roads", 7996(127:1010), 8015(127:1215), 8018(127:1245), 8019(127:1250)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 7557-8(119:1405-10)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--blood alcohol content)(Bill C-464)
    >>Christmas holiday season, increased incidence, 7996(127:1010), 8014(127:1210), 1215(127:1220)
    >>>Government measures, o.q., 8009(127:1140)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--alcohol ignition interlock device programs)(Bill C-46)
    >>>MADD red ribbon campaign, 8017-8(127:1240)
    >>>>Bank of Montreal $10,000 donation, tribute, S.O. 31, 8283(132:1105)
    >>>Procedural problems, police and prosecutors, complaints, 7996(127:1010), 8015(127:1215)
    >>Crackdown, Quebec government promising legislation, not delivering, S.O. 31, 4898(76:1400)
    >>Death caused, life sentence, legislation not in force, S.O. 31, 1449(25:1100)
    >>Death or injury caused
    >>>Blood samples, police taking at accident scene, empowering, 1330(23:1510)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving causing death or injury)(Bill C-288)
    >>>MacLean, Catherine, Ottawa lawyer killed, friend Catherine Doré injured, Russian diplomat Andrei Knyazev charged, invoking diplomatic immunity, leaving country, 6015(93:1030), 6017(93:1050), 6032(93:1220), 6034(93:1235), 6037(93:1300), 6335(97:1550), 6338(97:1610), 6342(97:1635), 6428(99:1525), 6429(99:1535-40), 7304-5(115:1030-5), 7306(115:1045), 7309(115:1110), 7312(115:1130), 7312(115:1140), 7314-5(115:1145-50), 7386(116:1535), 7388(116:1555), 7390-2(116:1605-20), 7396(116:1650), 7400(116:1735), 7419-21(117:1050-1105), 7422(117:1115), 7426(117:1150), 7429(117:1215), 7434(117:1255), 7436(117:1310), 7437(117:1320), 7646-7(121:1015-20), 7651-2(121:1055), 9788-9(158:1855-900)
    >>>>Conviction by Russian court, 4 year sentence, driving privilege suspended, etc., S.O. 31, 9822(159:1400)
    >>>>Previous charges, Foreign Affairs Department knowledge, not acting on, writing letter of apology, Foreign Affairs Minister Manley unaware, 443-4(9:1635), 459(10:1005-10), 1358-9(23:1820-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 31-2(3:1440), 107(4:1430-5), 110(4:1445-50), 155-6(5:1120), 224(6:1445)
    >>>>Prosecution in Russia, 991-2(17:1855-900)
    >>>>>o.q., 226(6:1455), 303(7:1435-40), 693(13:1430), 824-5(15:1140)
    >>>>Russian Ambassador apologizing, S.O. 31, 1636(28:1415)
    >>>>Russian investigators/police officials, visit to Canada, Canada paying travel costs, o.q., 4788(74:1450)
    >>>>>Repaymment, 7298-9(114:1910)
    >>>Statistics, 7997-8(127:1015-25), 8000(127:1050), 8015(127:1215), 8018(127:1240)
    >>>Urine, breath and blood samples, requiring, 4312(67:1015)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--taking samples of bodily substances)(Bill C-354)
    >>Ignition interlock system for repeat drunk driving offenders
    >>>Alberta program, 7995(127:1000), 7997(127:1015)
    >>>Authorization, criteria, 8016(127:1230)
    >>>Bloc Québécois campaign, 7998(127:1030)
    >>>Canadian Medical Association resolution, 8018(127:1250)
    >>>Costs, 7999(127:1040)
    >>>Council on Drug Abuse position, 8000(127:1045-50)
    >>>Criminal Code, amending to allow provincial programs, o.q., 4990(77:1450)
    >>>Effectiveness, arrest rates, 7999(127:1040)
    >>>First offenders, Bill C-82 (1st Sess., 36th Parl.) provisions, 7995-6(127:1000)
    >>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee (1999) report, 7995(127:1000), 7997(127:1020)
    >>>>Bill C-46, New Democratic Party position, 8000(127:1050)
    >>>>Bill C-266 (1st Sess., 36th Parl.), 8014(127:1205)
    >>>MADD position, 7996(127:1000), 8000(127:1045), 8015(127:1215), 8018-9(127:1245-50)
    >>>Other jurisdictions, comparison, 7995(127:1000), 7997(127:1015), 7999(127:1045)
    >>>Policy, need for balance with sanctions, 7998(127:1025-30), 7999(127:1035-40)
    >>>Provincial-territorial driving licences, 7996(127:1000)
    >>>Quebec program, 7995(127:1000), 7997(127:1015)
    >>>Repeat offenders, application, 8014-5(127:1210)
    >>>Standard installation, opposing, 8000(127:1050)
    >>>Suspended drivers, extended control, 7995(127:1000)
    >>>Technical aspects, 7995(127:1000), 7999(127:1035-40), 8000(127:1050), 8014(127:1210)
    >>>Uniform Law Conference of Canada resolution, 7996(127:1000)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--alcohol ignition interlock device programs)(Bill C-46)
    >>Incidents, Epp remarks, 8015-7(127:1225-35), 10890-1(177:1230)
    >>Japanese diplomat, March 23, 2002 incident, qu., 11521(188:1010)
    >>Legislation, Justice and Human Rights standing Committee role, 77(4:1115)
    >>Negligence, licensed establishments/party hosts, liability, 8000(127:1050-5)
    >>Public awareness/education, necessity, 8015(127:1215), 8019(127:1250-5)
    >>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) spot checks, year 2001, qu., 10245-6(165:1520)
    >>>Effectiveness, 7997(127:1020), 7998(127:1030-5)
    >>>Increase, second and subsequent convictions, 11885(194:1510)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving)(Bill C-468)
    >>>Life sentence for third conviction, 77(4:1115)
    >>>Private Members' Motion, M-83 (1st Sess., 36th Parl.), 8017(127:1240)
    >>Traffic Injury Research Foundation survey, results, S.O. 31, 7675(121:1410)
    >>See also Diplomatic immunity; Drug and substance abuse; Highway safety/accidents

Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada Continuation Act (Bill S-27)--Saada

    >>First reading, 4502(69:1715)
    >>Deemed read second time, referred to Committee of the Whole, reported without amdt., concurred in at report stage and read third time, 4816(74:1800), passed.

Import controls see Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds; Drugs/narcotics--Precursor chemicals

Import declarations see Small and medium business--Trade with United States


    >>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) examination of goods, damage caused, 5421-2(83:1020)
    >>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), partnership, history, 2754(42:2135)
    >>Supplemental import permits see Dairy industry--Cheese
    >>See also Automobiles/motor vehicles; Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds; Dollar exchange rate--Decline; Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Farmers/farms--Chemicals; Foot and mouth disease--Preventing; Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)--Export of imported goods by non-residents; Manufacturing industry--Exporters/importers; Nuclear waste; Raisins; Steel industry--Dumping; Textile industry; Toxic/hazardous waste--PCBs; Waste; Wine industry--Ice wine

Inco Ltd. see Voisey's Bay, NF nickel mining project (Inco Ltd.)


Income support programs see Canada-united states Softwood Lumber Agreement/disputer--Expiry

Income tax

Income Tax Act

    >>Section 241 see CINAR Corp.--Falsification of identity of screen writers, Settlement
    >>See also Government revenues--Recovery of money; Heating Expenses One Time Relief--Budget 2000 Mini Budget Measure; Workers compensation--Saskatchewan government tax free payments to widows

Income Tax Act (amdt.)

    >>Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 5258(80:1515)
    >>See also Income tax--Matchable expenditure rules

Income Tax Act (amdt.)

    >>Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 8076(128:1600)

Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-447)--Martin, Pat

    >>First reading, 10671(173:1715)
    >>See also Income tax--Deductions

Income Tax Act (amdt.--allowances paid to elected officials)(Bill C-296)--Kenney

    >>First reading, 1653(28:1555)
    >>See also Elected officials

Income Tax Act (amdt.--amateur sport fees)(Bill C-477)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 12612-3(204:1510)
    >>See also Sports--Amateur sport, Fees

Income Tax Act (amdt.--child adoption expenses)(Bill C-272)--Hill, J.

    >>First reading, 883(16:1515)
    >>Second reading, 3514-21(53:1755-845)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3521(53:1845)
    >>See also Adoption--Expenses

Income Tax Act (amdt.--child adoption expenses)(Bill C-461)--Hill, J.

    >>First reading, 11178(182:1205)
    >>See also Adoption--Expenses

Income Tax Act (amd.--child care expenses)(Bill C-430)--St-Hilaire

    >>First reading, 8791(141:1005)
    >>See also Child care--Income tax deduction for expenses, Business operators

Income Tax Act (amdt.--deductibility of expenses of tools provided as a requirement of employment)(Bill C-225)--Nystrom

    >>First reading, 259(7:1005)
    >>See also Mechanics--Tools

Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of expenses incurred by a mechanic for tools required in employment)(Bill C-222)--Guimond

Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of mechanics' tool expenses)(Bill C-244)--Benoit

    >>First reading, 350(8:1510)
    >>Second reading, 1132-40(21:1105-205)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1141(21:1205)
    >>See also Mechanics--Tools

Income Tax Act (amdt.--donations to food banks)(Bill C-369)--Harb

    >>First reading, 4592(71:1505)
    >>See also Food banks--Donations of food

Income Tax Act (amdt.--exemptions for volunteers)(Bill C-410)--Sorenson

    >>First reading, 6936(109:1505)
    >>See also Firefighters/emergency response personnel--Volunteers

Income Tax Act (amdt.--exemption from taxation of 50% of U.S. social security payment to Canadian residents)(Bill C-298)--Kenney

Income Tax Act (amdt.--expenses incurred by caregivers)(Bill C-320)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 2441(38:1525)
    >>See also Caregivers--Income tax deduction

Income Tax Act (amdt.--herbal remedies)(Bill C-211)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 228(6:1505)
    >>See also Herbal remedies

Income Tax Act (amdt.--political activities by charities receiving public funds)(Bill C-323)--White, T.

    >>First reading, 2565(40:1205)
    >>See also Charitable and non profit organizations--Income tax provisions

Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transportation costs)(Bill C-209)--Girard-Bujold

    >>First reading, 165-6(5:1210)
    >>Second reading, 2805-13(43:1755-855), 4425-32(68:1730-825), 6040-6(93:1330-410), second reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 6222-3(95:1805-20)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2814(43:1900), 4432(68:1830)
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 6223(95:1820)
    >>>Reported, 9471(153:1515)
    >>See also Public transit--Income tax deduction for costs

Income Tax Act (Amdt.--support payments)(Bill C-397)--Perron

    >>First reading, 5517(85:1005)
    >>Second reading, 7922-3(125:1730-5)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 7923(125:1735)
    >>See also Divorce--Child custody

Income Tax Act (amdt.--tax credit for mental or physical impairment)(Bill C-360)--Harb

    >>First reading, 4535(70:1205)
    >>See also Disabled and handicapped persons--Income tax provisions, Housekeeping tax credit

Income Tax Act (amdt.--to provide for the deduction of funeral expenses)(Bill C-361)--Harb

    >>First reading, 4535(70:1210)
    >>See also Funerals--Expenses

Income Tax Act (amdt.--volunteers)(Bill C-342)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 3526-7(54:1010)
    >>See also Charitable and non-profit organizations--Income tax provisions

Income Tax Act, Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, Public Service Superannuation Act, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.--dependent beneficiaries)(Bill C-378)--Harb

Income tax agreements, conventions and treaties

Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)

    >>Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 1776(30:1200), concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 1960-1(32:1830)
    >>First reading, 1989(33:1525)
    >>Second reading, 2288-99(37:1245-355), 2312-31(37:1510-725), 2846-50(44:1330-55), 2864-75(44:1510-620), agreed to, on recorded division, 3003-4(46:1900-5)
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 3004(46:1905)
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 3802-3(58:1505)
    >>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 3915(60:1000)
    >>Third reading, 3915-22(60:1000-55), 3941-9(60:1225-325), 3966-77(61:1205-330), agreed to, on recorded division, 4025-6(61:1900-5), passed.
    >>>Amdt., six month's hence (Kenney), 3976(61:1325), withdrawn, 4024(61:1850)
    >>Royal Assent, 5113(78A:1700). Chap. 17, S.C. 2001
    >>See also Banks and financial institutions--Foreign banks in Canada, Tax system; Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB); Capital gains tax; Charitable and non-profit organizations--Income tax provisions--Information; Clergy--Residence; Corporate income tax--Reductions--Stock options; Currency--Weak currency debt; Education, post-secondary--Education tax credit; Emigrants; Film industry--Foreign actors' tax credit; Mining industry passim; Oil and gas industry--Foreign tax credit; Periodicals, foreign; Private family trusts--Anti-avoidance measures; Self-employed workers--Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Teachers--Travel allowances; Volunteers--Income tax provisions

Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill S-31)--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)