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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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Mice see Deer mice

Michaud, Louis see Auberge Grand-Mère--Funding controversy, Grand Mère golf course

Michaud, Yves see Banks and financial institutions

Michener Award

    >>Meritorious public service journalism award
    >>>The Fifth Estate winner, S.O. 31, 4347(67:1410)
    >>>Kitchener Record, winner, S.O. 31, 11224(183:1410)

Michener-Deacon Fellowshp

    >>Journalism award, Martine Turenne, Quebec journalist, winner, S.O. 31, 4347(67:1410)


    >>Engler, John, Governor see Oil and gas industry--Great Lakes drilling

Micro credit see Credit

Micro Credit Act (Bill C-385)--Augustine

    >>First reading, 4947(77:1015
    >>See also Credit--Micro credit

Microbreweries see Breweries

Microhydro projects see Hydro-electric power

Micronutrients initiative see Developing countries--Malnutrition

Mid-Canada Development Corridor

    >>Proposal of 1970s, 3135(47:2345)

Middle class see Employment insurance--Legislation; Taxation

Middle East

    >>Manley, Foreign Affairs Minister visit, purpose, o.q., 6664-5(104:1435-40), 6729(105:1425)
    >>Palestinians, living in dignity and prosperity, petitions, 10771(175:1510)

Middle East conflict

    >>Arms sales/shipments, halting, impact, o.q., 10135-6(164:1425)
    >>Canada, position, o.q., 9466(153:1445)
    >>Civilians, attacks on, condemning, o.q., 7834(124:1425)
    >>Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist activities, denouncing
    >>>Arafat, Yasser, President, Palestinian Authority, failure to denounce/halting terrorists from operating in Palestinian areas
    >>>>European Union calling for, Canada position, o.q., 8288(132:1135)
    >>>>o.q., 7761-2(123:1415-20)
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, failure, o.q., 7833(124:1415), 7902-3(125:1455)
    >>>Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, occupation, condemning, S.O. 31, 11168(182:1110)
    >>>>Terrorists, exile, Canada accepting, Prime Minister Chrétien statement, o.q., 11452(186:1450), 11497(187:1145-50)
    >>>o.q., 7093-4(111:1435)
    >>Israeli occupied territories
    >>>Human rights violations, allegations, United Nation Human Rights Commission delegation, investigating, Canada position, 10419-20(168:1825-35)
    >>>>o.q., 10236(165:1430)
    >>>Restrictions of medical services to Palestinians, etc., S.O. 31, 9652(156:1405)
    >>>Withdrawal, S.O. 31, 10028(162:1115)
    >>Palestinian Authority, Israel cutting ties with, S.O. 31, 8240(131:1405)
    >>Palestinian refugee camps
    >>>Israeli troops raid on United Nations protected refugee camp, 18 Palestinians killed, S.O. 31, 9578(155:1405)
    >>>Jenin refugee camp
    >>>>Israeli troops imposing curfew, blocking humanitarian aid, lifting, o.q., 10602(172:1145)
    >>>>United Nations Human Rights Commission delegation, investigation, o.q., 10602-3(172:1145-50)
    >>>>>Israel refusal to co-operate
    >>>>>>o.q., 10764(175:1425-30), 10769(175:1500)
    >>>>>>S.O. 31, 10928(178:1405)
    >>Palestinian/terrorist suicide attacks
    >>>Arafat, Yasser, role, o.q., 10084(163:1415)
    >>>Genocide, S.O. 31, 12836(208:1410)
    >>>Israeli responses, "disproportionate response/moral eqivalency", Foreign Affairs Minister Graham comments, 10339-40(166:1830-5)
    >>Palestinians, international protection, Jordan request for emergency meeting of United Nations Security Council, Canada position, o.q., 8247(131:1445)
    >>Ramallah, West Bank, Israeli-Palestinian gunfire, Italian journalist Raffaele Ciriello death, S.O. 31, 9702(157:1105)
    >>Refugees, United Nations working group, restarting
    >>>Canada position, o.q.,
    >>>S.O. 31, 10303(166:1410) 10239-40(165:1445)
    >>Secure existence for Israel and Palestine, 11144(181:1620)
    >>>United Nations resolution, Canada supporting, o.q., 9756(158:1440-5)
    >>South Lebanon, Israeli bombing, halting, o.q., 10085(163:1420)
    >>Suicide bombers, activities, Palestinian Authority President Arafat knowledge, lack of control, etc., o.q., 13004(211:1150)
    >>Syria and Iraq, role, o.q., 10134-5(164:1420)
    >>United Nations resolution (Geneva) condemning Israel, Canada abstaining/supporting, o.q., 7958-9(126:1420), 7961(126:1430)
    >>Violence level
    >>>600 deaths since September 2000, tragedy, S.O. 31, 4981(77:1400)
    >>>Ceasefire, securing Palestinian Authority co-operation, government actions, o.q., 4589(71:1445)
    >>>>Canadian measures, o.q., 9261-2(149:1450)
    >>>>Palestinian Authority role, o.q., 7834(124:1425)
    >>>>Israeli bombing raids in retaliation for terrorists killing in Jerusalem and Haifa, o.q., 7769(123:1455)
    >>>>o.q., 9466(153:1445),
    >>>>S.O. 31, 10595(172:1105)
    >>West Bank, Palestinian territories, Israeli armed forces invasion, "Operation Protective Wall", withdrawal
    >>>Canada position, o.q., 10084-5(163:1415-20)
    >>>Ceasefire, United Nations Security Council resolution, o.q., 10135(164:1420)
    >>>Emergency debate under S.O. 52, application (Lalonde), accepted, 10096(163:1525-30), 10177-229(164:1925-2640)
    >>>United States President Bush request, Palestinian Authority President Arafat denunciation of terrorism, relationship, o.q., 10135(164:1420)
    >>See also Trade--United Arab Emirates

Middle East peace process

    >>Broadening process, o.q., 9100(146:1435)
    >>Canada, role, 6099(94:1725)
    >>>Graham, Foreign Affairs Minister, intentions, o.q., 9464(153:1435)
    >>>International conference, promoting, o.q., 10136(164:1425)
    >>>Interposition force/implementation force/peacekeeping force, participation
    >>>>o.q., 10085(163:1425), 10136(164:1430), 10234(165:1415-20), 10236(165:1425), 10240(165:1450), 10308(166:1440)
    >>>o.q., 346(8:1445), 1047-8(19:1455-500), 10084-6(163:1415-30), 10136(164:1430), 11953(195:1455)
    >>Canadian Alliance position, S.O. 31, 3925(60:1105)
    >>Conditions for success, S.O. 31, 10553(171:1355)
    >>Conference, forum of Canadian/Palestinian/Israeli Members of Parliament, Halifax, NS, 6100(94:1730)
    >>>Casey role, 5206(79:2255), 6429-30(99:1535-40)
    >>>Ottawa, move to, 5532-3(85:1200-5)
    >>>>o.q., 5595(86:1450)
    >>Confidence building measures, parallel set, each party contributing, return to/adhering to Oslo Accord and Sharm El Sheikh agreement, S.O. 31, 1634(28:1400)
    >>Graham, Foreign Affairs Minister
    >>>Canada-Israel Committee speech, o.q., 9464(153:1435), 9466(153:1445)
    >>>See also Middle East peace process--Canada
    >>Interposition force/international conference, German peace plan, Canada position
    >>>o.q., 10235(165:1425), 10358-9(167:1145-50), 10388(168:1430)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10349(167:1055)
    >>Israel, co-operation, free trade agreement, relationship, o.q., 7834(124:1425)
    >>Jewish settlements in Palestinian territories, halting, Mitchell report, Israel rejection, impact, o.q., 3991(61:1450)
    >>Mitchell report, recommendations, implementation
    >>>o.q., 4589(71:1445)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4982-3(77:1410)
    >>>See also Middle East peace process--Jewish settlements
    >>Mitchell report, Tennet report, failure, o.q, 9100(146:1435)
    >>Negotiations, revival
    >>>All parties entering without prior conditions, o.q., 6840(107:1440)
    >>>Saudia Arabian Prince Abdallah plan, Canada position, etc., o.q., 9302(154:1500)
    >>>S.O. 312, 6879(108:1105)
    >>Oslo Accords, 7th anniversary, S.O. 31, 3607(55:1105-10)
    >>Palestinian Authority
    >>>Arafat, Yasser, President, liquidation, Israeli Prime Minister Sharon position, condemning, S.O. 31, 8545(136:1410)
    >>>Involvement with weapons and explosives smuggling, impact, Canada position, o.q., 8328(133:1440)
    >>>Role, o.q., 7834(124:1420-5)
    >>Palestinian right to viable state, Israel recognition, Israel right to exist as nation, Palestinian Authority recognition
    >>>Canada position, o.q., 6839-40(107:1435)
    >>>United Nations Resolution, Canada position, o.q., 9583(155:1435)
    >>Palestinian rights, recognition, 5176(79:1845)
    >>>Burg, Avraham, Israeli Knesset Speaker position, S.O. 31, 8435(134:1410)
    >>>S.O. 31, 469(10:1105-10), 6879(108:1105)
    >>Powell, Colin, United States Secretary of State plan, Canada supporting, o.q., 10235(165:1425), 10388-9(168:1430)
    >>Promoting, Canada measures
    >>>o.q., 7833(124:1420)
    >>>Petitions, 12494-5(203:1010)
    >>Security zone, establishing, Canada position, o.q., 9583-4(155:1435)
    >>Sharon, Ariel, election as Prime Minister of Israel, impact, o.q., 346(8:1445)
    >>Trade with Canada, increase, negotiations, impact, o.q., 346(8:1445)

Middle-income earners see Budget deficit; Budget surplus; Income tax

Midnight Express see Shipbuilding industry--Lévis, QC shipyard

Midwives see Health care system--New mothers

Migration see Equalization payments--Formula, Have; Population--Decline

Migratory birds see Brant festival; Fishing--Lead fishing weights; National wildlife areas; Species at risk (endangered species)--Legislation

Migratory species see Species at risk (endangered species)

Mike Bullard show

    >>Television talk show, Prime Minister Chrétien scheduled appearance, general public audience, barring, condemning, S.O. 31, 4092(63:1415)

MIL Davie Inc. see Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc.

"Miles for Megan" fundraising campaign see Ovarian cancer

Military colleges see Canadian Armed Forces--Officers

Military Police Complaints Commission

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, National Defence Department

Military security zones see National security

Military training, foreign see Canadian Armed Forces--Bases and camps; Foot and mouth disease--Preventing

Miljanovic, Peter see Ontario Technical Skills Design Competition--Anderson High School

Millbrook Band see Ports/harbours--Two rivers, NS

Millennium Bureau

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Privy Council Office--2001-2002, Supplementary (A), Privy Council Office
    >>Expenditures, waste
    >>>$26 million, o.q., 1244-5(22:1435-40)
    >>>Continuing, $9.7 million for 2002, 8861(142:1050)

Millennium Minds: 100 Black Canadians see Black History Month

Millennium projects

    >>Wilson, Suzanne, Your House/Our Home, self-funded millennium photo project, congratulating, S.O. 31, 687(13:1400)

Millennium scholarship foundation see Millennium scholarship fund

Millennium scholarship fund

    >>Ananou, Alexandrine, Lower Canada College, recipient, S.O. 31, 12256(200:1355)
    >>Canadian flag/federal government identification on cheques, 896(16:1655), 4440(69:1035), 4455(69:1215), 4499(69:1650)
    >>Charleswood St. James--Assiniboia constituency, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 12342(201:1100)
    >>Cheng, Albert, recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4583(71:1415)
    >>Dietrich, Greg, recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 11831(193:1405)
    >>Hamilton West constituency, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 11874(194:1405)
    >>Inadequate, less than 12% of students benefit, 8846(141:1700)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), election ploy, 2649(41:1805), 2841(44:1250)
    >>Perth--Middlesex constituents, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 11873(194:1405)
    >>Provincial jurisdiction, interference with, Quebec, etc., 3710(57:1110), 4499(69:1645), 7142(112:1215)
    >>Purpose, target, 282(7:1230), 2646(41:1740)
    >>Satyanarayana, Sai Krishna, recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4583(71:1415)
    >>Shefford constituents, Julie Bergeron, Christine Bergeron, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 11944-5(195:1405)
    >>Students benefitting, 5%, 2646(41:1745)
    >>See also Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development; Technology

Miller, David see Prime Minister's Office; Sea King helicopter--Replacements, Procurement process

Miller, Georges Bures see Arts and culture--Funding, Canada Council for the Arts; Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition--Paradise Institute, The

Milliken, Hon. Peter (Lib.--Kingston and the Islands; Speaker)

    >>Access to Information Commissioner, 12223(200:1000)
    >>Auditor General's reports, 294(7:1355), 1203(22:1000), 7829(124:1355), 10449(169:1355)
    >>Bills, Senate, 67(4:1005), 1555(27:1005), 3241(50:1000), 3402(52:1520), 3915(60:1000), 4104(63:1515)
    >>Board of Internal Economy, 16(2:1535), 37(3:1510), 3175(49:1010), 5115(79:1100), 8297(133:1105), 8487(135:1500), 10059(163:1105), 11842(193:1505)
    >>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 10725-6(174:1500)
    >>Canadian Human Rights Commission, 2497(39:1000), 9917(161:1005)
    >>Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, 2565(40:1200), 10094(163:1520)
    >>Canadian Olympic/paralympic team, 10394(168:1500-5)
    >>Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission, 7574(119:1605)
    >>Chairman and Depty Chairman, rulings and statements
    >>>Speeches, allotted time, 5806(89:1910), 12580(203:2050), 12590(203:2205)
    >>Chief Electoral Officer's reports, 1837(31:1505), 10502(170:1500)
    >>Children's Miracle Network, 2773(43:1415)
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner, 5831(90:1005)
    >>Export Development Corporation (EDC), 4031(62:1005)
    >>Gray, references, 9593(155:1545-50)
    >>House of Commons, 9(2:1530), 608-10(12:1500-15), 2819(44:1000), 5775(89:1500), 9917(161:1005), 10770(175:1505), 12611(204:1500), 12885(209:1510)
    >>House of Commons pages, 4983(77:1415), 12876(209:1415)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, 298(7:1415), 3252(50:1115), 5115(79:1105), 7958(126:1415), 8130(129:1500), 8891(143:1105), 9460(153:1415), 10134(164:1415), 10539(171:1015), 10878(177:1115), 11445(186:1410), 11884(194:1505)
    >>House of Commons vacancies, 8297(133:1100), 8581(137:1000), 10059(163:1100-5), 11264(184:1010), 11519(188:1005)
    >>House of Commons visitors, 164(5:1200), 308(7:1500), 349(8:1500), 536(11:1500), 699(13:1500), 881(16:1500), 1007(18:1500), 1410(24:1500), 1525(26:1500), 1645(28:1500), 1725(29:1500), 1835(31:1500), 1916(32:1500), 1985(33:1500), 2126(34:1500), 2232(36:1500), 2311(37:1500), 2541(39:1500), 2711(42:1500), 3059(47:1500), 3151(48:1500), 3220(49:1500), 3262(50:1200), 3320(51:1500), 3399(52:1500), 3571(54:1500), 3882(59:1500), 4078(62:1500), 4101(63:1500), 4179(64:1500), 4276(66:1500), 4357(67:1500), 4482(69:1500), 4534(70:1200), 4666(72:1500), 4710-1(73:1500-5), 4790(74:1500), 4838(75:1115), 4992(77:1500), 5000(77:1555), 5489(84:1500), 5667(87:1500), 5775(89:1500), 5914(91:1500), 5983(92:1500), 6080(94:1500), 6202(95:1500), 6262(96:1505), 6329(97:1500), 6424(99:1500), 6735(105:1500), 6843-4(107:1500), 6935(109:1500), 7098(111:1500), 7167(112:1500), 7266-7(114:1500), 7378(116:1500), 7452(117:1500), 7503(118:1500), 7769(123:1500), 8130(129:1500), 8176(130:1500), 8486(135:1500), 8554(136:1500), 8830(141:1500), 8873(142:1200), 8926(143:1500), 9302(150:1505), 9469(153:1500), 9547(154:1500), 9580(155:1415), 9890(160:1505), 9957(161:1500), 10036-7(162:1200-5), 10134(164:1420), 10242(165:1500), 10385(168:1415), 10502(170:1500), 10842(176:1500), 11011(179:1500), 11306(184:1505), 11384(185:1505), 11500(187:1200), 11564(188:1520), 11600(189:1500), 11884(194:1500), 11997(196:1200), 12042(197:1510)
    >>Iftody, David, 298(7:1415)
    >>Interparliamentary delegations, 7217(113:1200), 11384(185:1505)
    >>Laliberté, Gérard, 12962(210:1500)
    >>Lavoie, Martin, 2918-9(45:1200)
    >>Legislative process, 1991-3(33:1535-40)
    >>Library of Parliament, 8926(143:1505)
    >>Manning, references, 8560(136:1545)
    >>Members of Parliament, 11554-5(188:1410-20), 12354(201:1200)
    >>Molgat, Senator Gildas, 1320(23:1415)
    >>Parliament, 7(1:1610)
    >>Parliament Buildings, 6085-6(94:1535), 11873(194:1405), 11879(194:1430), 11915(195:1005)
    >>Parliamentary delegations, 8647(138:1500)
    >>Parliamentary precinct, 10844-5(176:1515-25)
    >>Princess Margaret, 8891(143:1100-5)
    >>Privacy Commissioner, 8165(130:1400), 11830(193:1400)
    >>>Abbott (false/misleading statements), Canadian Heritage Minister Copps remarks re awarding of $400,000 contract to Columbia Communications for protocol requirements for October 2002 royal visit to celebrate Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, taking under advisement, 10565(171:1505), dispute as to interpretation of facts, not question of privilege, 10886(177:1200)
    >>>Anders (false/misleading statements) McCallum statement re refusal to Anders to take telephone call from Prime Minister's Office requesting he take telephone call from Nelson Mandela, withdrawal requested, dispute as to facts, not question of privilege, 7267(114:1505)
    >>>Bachand, A. (false/misleading statements), Health Minister Rock statement re generic form of Cipro safe, Leader of Government in Senate stating test results inconclusive, disagreement as to fact, other avenues to raise matter, 6330(97:1505)
    >>>Belanger (rights of Members breached), Bloc Québécois demanding Member speak in French, harassment, Member free to speak in either official language, not question of privilege, 7715(122:1200)
    >>>Belanger (rights of Members breached) private members bill Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic duality)(Bill C-407) not selected while meeting votable item criteria, taking under advisement, 9765(158:1540), mandate to select votable items delegated by House to Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, not question of privilege, 10037(162:1205-10)
    >>>Boudria (false/misleading statements), media report of comments relating to accountability of cabinet ministers, using defective French translation, correcting, grievance, point made, not question of privilege, 731(14:1000)
    >>>Breitkreuz (rights of Members breached), Finance Minister Manley failure to table report of Chief Actuary in compliance with Canada Pension Plan Act, House cannot debate amending legislation until report received, taking under advisement, 12681(205:1515)
    >>>Bryden (rights of Members breached) all-party ad hoc committee reviewing Access to Information Act, government ordering officials not to appear, denial of right to information, ad hoc committee not sanctioned by House, possessing no powers, not question of privilege, 6846-7(107:1525)
    >>>Cummins (contempt of Parliament), Francois Bernier, legal counsel to Standing Joint Committee on Scrutiny of Regulations writing letter to newspapers on effectiveness of Committee, breach of impartiality, matter should be brought before Committee, 9001-2(144:1520-5), 9033(145:1520)
    >>>Duceppe (language, inappropriate/improper), Foreign Affairs Minister Manley comments "you're crazy", withdrawal requested, taking under advisement, 1329(23:1505)
    >>>Duceppe (language, inappropriate/improper), Prime Minister Chrétien accusing Bloc Québécois members of being supporters of terrorists, withdrawal requested, taking under advisement, 8763(140:1505), no breach of standards in this case, Chair requesting that Members be more judicious in choice of words, 8832-3(141:1520)
    >>>Duncan (rights of Members breached), Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department holding media briefing on softwood lumber question, excluding Members of Parliament, providing addtional briefing at later date, not question of privilege, 9032(145:1515)
    >>>Epp (rights of Members breached), Finance Standing Committee, 48 hours notice of motion rule, inconsistently enforced, Chair suggesting Member consult with committee clerk, not question of privilege, 10467(169:1555)
    >>>Forseth (unparliamentary language), Citizenship and Immigration Minister Caplan referring to Member making treasonous remarks re known terrorists released from detention due to lack of space, taking under advisement, 8068(128:1510), remarks in question not clearly directed at Member personally and remarks made outside Chamber, not question of privilege, 8444-5(134:1500-5)
    >>>Fry (false/misleading statements), Multiculturalism Secretary of State Fry linking Prince George, BC residents with cross burning, withdrawal, Member apologized, matter closed, 2106(34:1305)
    >>>Gagliano (rights of Members breached) media making false and inaccurate reports, and Canadian Alliance Members repeating, concerning misuse of ministerial influence to assist wife of alleged mafia kingpin Gaetano Amodeo in obtaining landed immigrant status in Canada, grievance, not question of privilege, 1132(21:1105)
    >>Gallaway (rights of Members breached), Canadian Heritage Standing Committee study of state Canadian broadcasting system, expert advisors hired, Canadian Heritage Department paying, experts writing article on electoral prospects of individual Members and parties, violation of principle of comity, taking under advisement, 10397(168:1530), 10466(169:1545), Chair does not interfere in Committee affairs, not question of privilege, 10725-6(174:1500)
    >>>Gallaway (rights of Members breached), taking under advisement, 311(7:1530), not question of privilege, 608-10(12:1500-15)
    >>>Godin (contempt of Parliament), Globe and Mail publishing extracts of draft report of Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee review of allegations that National Defence Minister Eggleton misled House of Commons on involvement of Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan, prior to in camera meeting of Committee to finalize report, taking under advisement, 9960(161:1530), no specific charge made, Chair asked to investigate matter, not question of privilege, Chair urging all Members to respect need for confidentiality of proceedings and reports of committees, 10463-4(169:1515-35)
    >>>Goldring (contempt of Parliament), Deputy Prime Minister Manley and staff deliberately withholding information requested in Order Paper question re Canada Lands Corporation land sales, matter of delay in answering Order Paper questions referred to committee for review, not question of privilege, 8446(134:1510-5)
    >>>Goldring (false/misleading statements), former Public Works and Government Services Minister Gagliano statements re non-involvement/non-interference in hiring practices of Canada Lands Corporation, taking under advisement, 8333(133:1505), disagreement as to the interpretation of events, no evidence that prima facie case of privilege exists, 8926(143:1500-5)
    >>>Goodale (contempt of Parliament), Keith Martin attempt to remove Mace from Table, affront to dignity of House and Speaker, Member apology accepted, prima facie breach of privilege of House, Member invited to move motion, 10654(173:1500-5)
    >>>Gouk (rights of Members breached), Transport Minister Collenette stating in committee that Members have obligation to report breaches of air transportation security, creating obligation of specific performance by Members and preventing Members from fulfilling obligation by refusing to provide copies of directives, matter relates to work of committee, must be settled in Committee, not House, 6203(95:1505-10)
    >>>Grewal (contempt of Parliament) Justice Minister McLellan failure to table draft regulations for review by Standing Committee prior to enactment nor tabling explanations for not tabling draft regulations under Firearms Act, taking under advisement, 6737(105:1515), missing documents tabled in imperfect condition soon after question raised in House, conditions of Firearms Act complied with, Chair encouraging Minister of Justice to exhort official to exercise duties with due diligence, 7380-1(116:1515)
    >>>Grey (rights of Members breached), access to computer files in office frozen at request of Canadian Alliance leadership, searched by Canadian Alliance official without Member or representative present, breach of security and privacy, taking under advisement, 5674(87:1600), parties may not have been well served by advice, errors honest mistakes, remedial action taken, matter settled, 6081-2(94:1505-10)
    >>>Jaffer (false/misleading statements), Jaffer assistant impersonating Member during radio talk show, Member lying to cover up incident, error in judgement, apologizing, 1870(32:1005-10)
    >>>Jordan (contempt of Parliament) Day references to findings, proceedings and evidence of Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee study of Reynolds question of privilege re Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36) prior to report being tabled in House, taking under advisement, 7685(121:1515), remarks based on committee's public proceedings but Member ignoring tradition/convention of not referring to Committee proceedings until report tabled in House, not question of privilege, 7841(124:1500)
    >>>Jordan (language, inappropriate/improper), Canadian Alliance communication material re: National Defence Minister Eggleton conflicting statements on Canadian capture of Taliban/Al Qaeda prisoners in Afghanistan, matter closed until Members involved are present, 9389-90(151:1725), not question of privilege, Chair cautioning Members to careful of choice of words used, 10462-3(169:1510-5)
    >>>Lalonde (rights of Members breached), Augustine, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee chair refusal to allow questions to A" Gagliano concerning his time as Minister of Public Works and Government Services during examination of qualifications as Canadian Ambassador to Denmark, within committee lies responsibility for reviewing procedural decisions, not question of privilege, 10539-40(171:1015-20)
    >>>LeBlanc (unparliamentary language), Plamondon reference to LeBlanc as "un crosseur", withdrawal requested, taking under advisement, 7572(119:1550-5), withdrawn, 7614(120:1505)
    >>>Loubier (rights of Members breached), Ways and Means Motion No. 6, responsible Minister, department and officials, Minister agreed to provide information, matter closed, 5599(86:1510)
    >>>MacKay (contempt of Parliament) public letter written by Privacy Commissioner George Radwanski to Information Commissioner John Reid re Information Commissioner suit before Supreme Court of Canada to gain access to Prime Minister's agenda books, abuse of office, etc., taking under advisement, 3938(60:1215), letter does not interfere with Information Commissioner's ability to carry out his mandate, not in Chair's mandate to comment on points of law, not question of privilege, 4276-7(66:1500-5)
    >>>Martin, K. (false/misleading statements), Robinson deliberately misleading House re claims that Talisman Energy Inc. paid for fact-finding trip to Egypt and Sudan by Gallaway, Beaumier and K. Martin, trip paid for by National Council on Canada Arab Relations, withdrawal and apology requested, dispute as to facts, not question of privilege, 2438(38:1510)
    >>>McNally (contempt of Parliament), Bryden letter divulging details of in camera meeting of Private Members' Business Subcommittee, inappropriate claims of opposition parties obstructing selection of bill as votable item, Members not able to defend themselves without divulging information from in camera meeting, Member's actions offensive to some, errors made, grievance aired, matter settled, 1051(19:1515)
    >>>Ménard (contempt of House/rights of Members breached), government Member moving amendment to votable Private Members' Bill effectively making non-votable item, denying right of House to decide on issue, amendment ruled in order by Chair, Members free to reject amendment, original ruling stands, Chair sending letter of protest to Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee for review, 11457-8(186:1525)
    >>>Meredith (rights of Members breached), Government House Leader Boudria reference to successful law suit against, Boudria withdrawal of word "successful", matter closed, 2783(43:1515)
    >>>Minna (false/misleading statements), Solberg comments re Minna, International Cooperation Minister and Finance Minister Martin attending terrorist dinner, disagreement as to facts, not question of privilege, 1008(18:1500-5)
    >>>Moore (contempt of Parliament) failure Transport Minister Collenette to table, in the House, the report on the monitoring of the grain transportation handling system, Chair prepared to leave matter until able to review more thoroughly/hear from Minister, 9419(152:1205), taking under advisement, 9471(153:1515), regulations requiring report non-existent, minister not obliged to table report, not question of privilege, 10242-3(165:1505)
    >>>Moore (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), contents of Public Safety Act (Bill C-42) released to media prior to bill tabled in House, taking under advisement, 7457(117:1540), no clear evidence that contents of bill provided to media before tabled in House, no question of privilege, 7906(125:1515)
    >>>Myers (false/misleading statements) Duncan claim that Prime Minister Chrétien attending fundraising dinner in Toronto, withdrawal requested, not question of privilege, remarks withdrawn, 5437(83:1200)
    >>>Nystrom (rights of Members breached), New Democratic Party members attending national convention, missing deadline for filing amendment motions for report stage of Anti-Terrorism Act (Bill C-36), not question of privilege, 7478(118:1215-20)
    >>>Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House as to when he knew that prisoners taken by Canadian JTF2 troops in Afghanistan handed them over to the Americans, taking under advisement, 8520(136:1025), Chair accepts that Minister did not intend to mislead House but two versions of events present, Member invited to move motion, 8581-2(137:1000-5)
    >>>Rajotte (rights of Members breached), Whelan, Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee Chair ruling motion to report to House out of order, Committees master of own procedures, decision of Committee Chair upheld by majority of membership, not question of privilege, 2542(39:1505-10)
    >>>Reynolds (contempt of Parliament), Chief Government Whip Catterral attempting to intimidate Committee Members during election of new Chair, taking under advisement, 9031-2(145:1510), not question of privilege, 9063-4(146:1005)
    >>>Reynolds (contempt of Parliament), Transport Minister Collenette announcement of $75 million bailout of Canada 3000, making at press conference instead of in House, breach of procedures established by Modernization Committee, not question of privilege, 6671(104:1515)
    >>>Reynolds (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), senior Justice Department official briefing media on contents of Anti-Terrorism Act (Bill C-36) prior to legislation being table in House, breach of privilege found, Member invited to move motion, 6085(94:1535)
    >>>Reynolds (rights of Members breached), government giving notice of time allocation on third reading of Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B0, asking Chair to use discretion and disallow time allocation motion as abuse of process, Chair does not have discretion to decide when government may use time allocation or closure, Members have had ample opportunity to speak to bill, not question of privilege, 12022(197:1225-30)
    >>>Ritz (rights of Members breached), Public Works and Government Services Minister Goodale failure to provide documentation as promised, preventing Members from fulfilling duties, taking under advisement, 12537(203:1510)
    >>>Robinson (rights of Members breached), Foreign Affairs Department vetting documents released under Access to Information Act relating to Sudanese military use of Talisman Energy airfields, citing need to protect lives of Canadians in the area, original documents show nothing relating to Canadians in the area in the vetted paragraphs, Members and Committee misled, Member able to seek other remedies if not satisfied with documents received, not question of privilege, 4792(74:1515)
    >>>Skelton (contempt of House), Health Minister/Health Standing Committee notice of meeting to discuss Bill C-53 before bill receiving second reading approval in House, notice of meeting internal document, prepared by House, not Minister, not question of privilege, 10467(169:1550)
    >>>Strahl (contempt of Parliament) Ethics Counsellor releasing letter to media and giving interviews, withholding information from Members of Parliament, impeding work of committee, matter should be dealt with in committee not House at this time, not question of privilege, 1988(33:1525)
    >>>Strahl (false/misleading statements), Multiculturalism Secretary of State Fry comments during oral question period relating to racist incidents occurring in Prince George' BC and letters written by the Mayor of Prince George, BC, false, later withdrawn, apology deemed insincere and denying responsibility for misleading House, apology given and accepted by House, may be pursued in other ways, not question of privilege, 2129-30(34:1520-5)
    >>>Szabo (rights of Members breached), Schmidt attempting to intimidate Szabo regarding House matter on Duncan request for unanimous consent to table documents, Chair waiting to hear from other Members involved, 10845(176:1525)
    >>>Szabo (rights of Members breached), Szabo required to prepare and present response to question raised during adjournment proceedings, waiting in Chamber, unable to attend to other duties as Member of Parliament, Member not showing up to ask question, Table did not give Parliamentary Secretary notice of change, 10843(176:1505), breakdown in communications, not question of privilege, 10843-4(176:1510)
    >>>Thompson, G. (rights of Members breached), delays by government in responding to questions on the Order Paper, Members limited to four questions at a time, denial of opportunity to ask further questions, Chair cannot provide remedy, not question of privilege, 2131(34:1530-5)
    >>>Toews (contempt of Parliament), Justice Minister McLellan and Justice Department officials conducting media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15) prior to tabling legislation in House, Members of Parliament and staff denied access to briefing, taking under advisement, 1652(28:1555), Member invited to move motion, 1839-40(31:1515-25)
    >>>Toews (rights of Members breached), criminal justice omnibus bill, Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), reflecting several unrelated principles, impeding rights of Members to vote responsibly, requesting Chair divide bill, not in Chair's authority to divide bills, not question of privilege, 5328-9(80:1030)
    >>>Williams (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), Canadian Human Rights Commission releasing details of annual report to media prior to report being tabled in House, matter best raised at Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee at this time, 2498(39:1005-10)
    >>>Adjournment, early, by unanimous consent, 8294(132:1210)
    >>>Adjournment proceedings (Late show), following completion of emergency debate, by unanimous consent, 5983(92:1505)
    >>>Bills, admissibility, challenging anytime prior to third reading, 4408(68:1525)
    >>>Bills, Government, Appropriation Bills, item lacking statutory basis for transfer of funds to Export Development Corporation, supply cannot be used to obtain authority that is proper subject of legislation, taking under advisement, 7842(124:1510), statutory authority exists in Public Service Superannuation Act, item in order, 7859-60(124:1735)
    >>>Bills, Government, clauses, direct pecuniary benefit of some Members of Parliament, violation of Standing Orders, not valid point of order, 4671(72:1535)
    >>>Bills, Government, committee referral, changing, 4081(62:1520)
    >>>Bills, Government, Committee study, Committee continuing to study amendments ruled out of order by Committee Chair, Chair cannot rule on acceptability of amendments until report presented to House, 12022-3(197:1230)
    >>>Bills, Government, consideration of all stages, 3597(55:1000)
    >>>Bills, Government, disposition, M. (Boudria), withdrawal, unanimous consent denied, 4666(72:1500)
    >>>Bills, Government, report stage, government proceeding with before revised text of bill and all committee evidence printed, denying non-Committee members opportunity to present amendments, 7453(117:1510)
    >>>>Postponing until text of bill and committee evidence published, possibly inconvenient but government within rights to set business of the House in compliance with the rules of the House and to proceed with bill without transcripts, 7477-8(118:1210-5)
    >>>Bills, Government, report stage motions
    >>>>Concurrence, Chair putting question again, 6312(97:1315)
    >>>>Could have been presented in Committee, not selected, 9399(152:1000)
    >>>>>Member not able to attend, Chair accepting, 9400(152:1015)
    >>>>Grouping together, voting pattern, 2266(37:1010), 2501(39:1020), 2821(44:1010), 3600(55:1025), 3805(58:1515), 4105(63:1515), 4414-5(68:1610), 6974(110:1030-5), 7479(118:1220), 7970(126:1530)8899-900(143:1205-10), 8902(143:1225), 9399(152:1000), 10421(169:1010)
    >>>>Moved and negatived in Committee, not selected, 7970(126:1530)
    >>>>Not moved, not before House, 6312(97:1320)
    >>>>Not proceeding with, 7971(126:1530)
    >>>>Presented and negatived in Committee, not selected, 4414(68:1610), 7479(118:1220)
    >>>>>Similar, 9399(152:1000)
    >>>>Putting questions, procedures, 12427(202:1845)
    >>>>Repetitive in nature, not selected, 8899(143:1205), 8902(143:1220)
    >>>>Royal Recommendation missing, not selected, 2500(39:1015), 7479(118:1220-5), 8899(143:1205), 9399(152:1000)
    >>>>Selection criteria, 1991-3(33:1535-50), 2266(37:1010), 2500-1(39:1015-20), 8899(143:1205)
    >>>>Sponsor, changing, 9400(152:1015)
    >>>>Title change, not in order, 7970(126:1530)
    >>>>Withdrawal, 12779(207:1500-5)
    >>>Bills, Government, second reading, amdt.
    >>>>In order, 4669(72:1520), 11958(195:1535-40)
    >>>>Taking under advisement, 11957(195:1525)
    >>>>Member moving after next speaker starting remarks, unanimous consent denied, 6017(93:1050)
    >>>Bills, Government, Senate amdt., English-French versions, difference, 8648(138:1510), Chair cannot rule on amendment procedurally acceptable to Senate, 8648-9(138:1510-5)
    >>>Bills, Government, Senate consideration, declared null and void as received in imperfect condition, correct and complete copy of bill transmitted to Senate, matter closed, 7455(117:1520-5)
    >>>Bills, Government, third reading, amdts.
    >>>>In order, 11023(179:1650)
    >>>>Withdrawal, 4024(61:1850), 5629(87:1010)
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Public
    >>>>Committee referral, changing, by unanimous consent, 1251(22:1555)
    >>>>Consideration at all stages at same sitting, unanimous consent denied, 11797(193:1005)
    >>>>Dropped to bottoms of Order of Precedence on Order Paper, after debate, 10912(178:1205)
    >>>>Introduction and first reading
    >>>>>Member making brief statement only, 1331(23:1515), 12612(204:1510)
    >>>>>Member presenting on behalf of absent Member, 382-3(9:1005-10)
    >>>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 383(9:1010), 1838(31:1510)
    >>>>>Seconder, 383(9:1015)
    >>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 382(9:1005)
    >>>>Non-votable item, dropped from Order Paper, after debate, 1141(21:1205)
    >>>>Number on Order Paper, 4593(71:1505)
    >>>>Originating in Senate
    >>>>>Calling for expenditure of public funds, out of order, taking under advisement, 4413(68:1605), 4485(69:1520), levy provided for in Part IV of Tobacco Youth Protection Act (Bill S-15) constitutes a tax, first reading proceedings declared null and void and bill withdrawn from the Order Paper, 5024-7(77:1835-900)
    >>>>>Inadmissible, seeking to introduce a tax, infringing on financial privileges of the House, bill allows CRTC to direct one party to pay the costs of another, no tax imposed, bill properly before House, 7574(119:1605)
    >>>>Out of order, violation of Parliament of Canada Act, allowing, 9304(150:1510)
    >>>>Second reading
    >>>>>Amdt. in order, 8899(143:1205)
    >>>>>Debate, opportunity to participate, Chair not recognizing, other/further opportunities to participate in debate, 6262(96:1510)
    >>>>>Order discharged and bill withdrawn, 4101-2(63:1500)
    >>>>Votable item
    >>>>>Not in order, 1093(20:1030)
    >>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 1140(21:1205), 10505(170:1530)
    >>>Bills, Senate, Private Members' Public, sponsor making brief statement, unanimous consent denied, 5307(81:1620)
    >>>Business of the House, Thursday question, 430(9:1505)
    >>>Cell phones, use in Chamber, not in order, 9105(146:1505)
    >>>Clock, Chair seeing as 5:30 p.m., 7688-9(121:1530-5)
    >>>Committee of the Whole
    >>>>Proceding to, 5674(87:1605), 5984(92:1510), 6109(94:1905)
    >>>>Resolving into, 10393(168:1500)
    >>>Committees, Parliamentary
    >>>>Reports, concurrence
    >>>>>Motion, in order, 9227(149:1005)
    >>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 8293(132:1200)
    >>>>Reports, Liberal Members voting against, tabling, unanimous consent denied, 9663(156:1505)
    >>>>Reports, presented earlier, amendments
    >>>>>Adopting, unanimous consent denied, 4358(67:1505)
    >>>>>Leave to move, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 4357(67:1500-5)
    >>>>Reports, presenting, brief statement only, 8013(127:1205)
    >>>>Reports, presenting, minority reports, 8177(130:1510), 9065(146:1015), 10038(162:1210-5)
    >>>>Reports, presenting, reverting to, by unanimous consent, 2543(39:1510), 3402(52:1520), 3886(59:1525), 7618(120:1520), 10843(176:1505), 11720(191:1205)
    >>>>>Denied, 3885(59:1515), 4357(67:1500)
    >>>>Transcript of appearance of Justice Minister McLellan printed/published before those of preceeding meetings, possible government interference, taking under advisement, 7504(118:1505), transcript published dealing with clause by clause study, not Justice Minister testimony, no government influence exercised, matter closed, 7527-8(118:1810)
    >>>>Transport Standing Committee
    >>>>>Chair ignoring democratic decisions of members re future meetings, etc., setting agenda without consultations, matter should be settled in Committee not House, 1837(31:1505)
    >>>>>Notice of meeting, invalid, Committee lacking membership, elected chair, etc., taking under advisement, 12073(198:1010), Chair concurs, ordering Committee to take appropriate corrective measures, 12113(198:1515)
    >>>>Travel, authorization, 4485(69:1520)
    >>>Committee of the Whole, proceeding to, 6937(109:1510)
    >>>Debate, Member already spoken, 12045(197:1525)
    >>>Debate be now adjourned, 4078(62:1505), 4081(62:1520)
    >>>>M. (Lee), admissibility, in order, 1014(18:1535)
    >>>Decisions/statement of Chair, clarification, 1993(33:1550)
    >>>>Booing inappropriate, 423(9:1430)
    >>>>Member moving away from seat, coming closer to Chair and other side of Chamber, not in order, 4660(72:1430)
    >>>>Noise/heckling, 27(3:1420), 299(7:1420), 347(8:1450), 421(9:1415), 599-601(12:1415-25), 604-6(12:1440-50), 642-3(12:1900), 691(13:1420), 872(16:1415), 881(16:1500), 951-2(17:1415-20), 955(17:1430), 1001-2(18:1430), 1006(18:1450), 1105(20:1140), 1306(22:2230), 1638(28:1420), 1639(28:1430), 1648(28:1525), 1717(29:1420), 1719(29:1430), 1914(32:1450), 1977-8(33:1420-5), 2107(34:1310), 2122(34:1440), 2304(37:1425), 2306(37:1430), 2308(37:1450), 2431(38:1430), 2434(38:1445), 2438(38:1505), 2537(39:1440), 2618(41:1435), 2704(42:1430), 2773(43:1420), 2775-7(43:1430-40), 2855(44:1420), 2861(44:1450), 3057(47:1445), 3060(47:1505), 3142(48:1415), 3397(52:1450), 3479(53:1415), 3743(57:1440), 4170(64:1415-20), 4266(66:1415), 4350(67:1425), 4355(67:1450), 4396(68:1425), 4478(69:1440), 4585-6(71:1425-30), 4660(72:1430), 4662(72:1440), 4785(74:1435), 5296(81:1500), 5345(82:1430), 5661(87:1425), 5665(87:1450), 5870(90:1455), 5913(91:1455), 6523(101:1435), 6525(101:1445), 7444(117:1420), 7446-7(117:1430-5), 7559(119:1420), 7681-2(121:1445-50), 7964(126:1445), 8084(128:1705), 8127(129:1450), 8168(130:1415), 8171(130:1430), 8244(131:1430), 8246(131:1440), 8644(138:1445), 8920(143:1430), 8995(144:1435), 9295(150:1425), 9367(151:1445), 9542(154:1435), 9544(154:1440), 9890(160:1500), 10137-8(164:1435-40), 10306(166:1425), 10385(167:1415), 10455(169:1430), 10496(170:1425), 10498(170:1440), 10600(172:1135), 10719-21(174:1430-40), 10765(175:1430), 10766(175:1440), 11011(179:1455), 11382(185:1455), 11448(186:1425), 11496(187:1140), 11562(188:1505), 11635(190:1030), 11835-6(193:1430-5), 11879(194:1430), 11880(194:1435), 12039(197:1455), 11946(195:1415), 12191(199:1500), 12396(202:1440), 12671(205:1415-20), 12876(209:1420), 12962(210:1500)
    >>>Division bells, not functioning, 1600(27:1500)
    >>>Divisions, Chair calling for yeas/nays, declaring nays carrying vote, calling for revote, changing to yeas carrying vote on revote, considerable confusion, proceedings not to constitute precedent, questions to be put once only for a division on voice vote, Member's having sufficient time to express view, continuing to debate bill, 8033(128:1110)
    >>>Divisions, recorded
    >>>>Deemed demanded and deferred, 1916(32:1505), 2935(46:1105), 7693(121:1805)
    >>>>Deferred, 1251(22:1555), 1654(28:1605), 1656(28:1615), 2444(38:1535), 3997(61:1510), 4779(74:1400), 7687-8(121:1530), 12428-30(202:1845-50)
    >>>>Main motion, by unanimous consent, 10746(174:1810), 10748(174:1825)
    >>>>Member abstaining, 4813(74:1755)
    >>>>Member voting, possible conflict of interest, vote on procedural motion to adjourn debate, no conflict of interest, vote counted, 8628(138:1245)
    >>>>Member changing vote, unanimous consent denied, 7600(119:2005)
    >>>>Member voting twice, clarification, 7601(119:2010-5)
    >>>>Members' name, adding, 6202(95:1500)
    >>>>>Denied, 2461(38:1800), 6502(100:1745)
    >>>>Private Members' Business, voting procedures, Members abstaining, 6293-4(97:1010)
    >>>>Previously taken, 335(7:1835), 1938(32:1750), 1942(32:1805), 5075(77:2235)
    >>>>Taking up, procedures, 12431(202:1915)
    >>>Documents, tabling, 6424(99:1500), 10565(171:1505)
    >>>>Agreed to, 1132(21:1105), 11458(186:1530)
    >>>>Following recorded divisions, 1960(32:1830)
    >>>>Minister making statement, not in order, 1961(32:1835)
    >>>>Minister reading/citing requirements, 36(3:1505), 8333(133:1510)
    >>>>Minister referring to notes, 113(4:1500)
    >>>>Prime Minister tabling, unanimous consent not necessary, 2226(36:1435)
    >>>>Unanimous consent denied, 960(17:1500), 1109(20:1200), 1726(29:1505), 1986(33:1510), 2438(38:1510), 2543(39:1510), 3320(51:1500), 3399(52:1500), 3487(53:1500), 3572(54:1505), 3668(56:1500), 3802(58:1505), 3835(59:1000), 4848(75:1200), 6847(107:1525), 10397(168:1830), 12779(207:1500), 12846(208:1500)
    >>>Emergency debate, application
    >>>>Accepted, 539(11:1515), 2624(41:1510), 5629(87:1010), 5971(92:1400), 6807(107:1050), 9919(161:1015), 10096(163:1530)
    >>>>>Debate, deferring, unanimous consent denied, 6844(107:1505)
    >>>>Member requesting
    >>>>>Chair hold over to next sitting day, Member must submit new application, 9713(157:1210)
    >>>>>Making brief explanation, not speech, 12615-6(204:1530)
    >>>>Not accepted, 38(3:1515), 884(16:1520), 1872(32:1020), 2974(46:1510), 5831-2(90:1005), 8336-7(133:1520-5), 8952(143:1825), 8958(144:1010), 9472(153:1520), 9762(158:1520), 9894(160:1535), 10247(165:1525), 11416(186:1010), 11767(192:1510), 12616(204:1530)
    >>>>Taking under advisement, 5945(92:1005), 8927(143:1410)
    >>>Emergency debate, requesting, unanimous consent denied, 7689(121:1535)
    >>>>Committee of the Whole consideration, postponement, 11765(192:1505)
    >>>>Committee referral, list printing in Hansard, 1363(24:1005)
    >>>>Consideration, extension, 4405(68:1510)
    >>>>Main, deemed carried on division, use of S.O. 56.1, government going beyond intent of purpose of standing order, Members denied right to vote on content of estimates, motion under S.O. 56.1 acceptable procedurally and will apply to proceedings, Chair will review matter to see if usage may go beyond terms of standing order, 5031(77:1925), S.O. 56.1 not intended for use as substitute for decisions on substantive matters, motion adopted allowed to stand as no objection raised at time moved, motion adopted on June 12, 2001 will not be regarded as a precedent, 5256-8(80:1500-15)
    >>>>Main, deemed moved, questions put and agreed to, on division, 5057(77:2230)
    >>>>Supplementary, acceptability, use to create private sector corporation as stand in for foundation proposed in legislation, temporary transfer of funds from government departments sidestepping Parliament's right to grant funds, taking under advisement, 6804(107:1030), lack of clarity and transparency, funds must be tied to program, notes in supplementary estimates (A) insufficient to be considered request for approval of grants, ample time for government to take corrective action, 7453-5(117:1510-20)
    >>>Government Orders, extending time
    >>>>Due to debate on time allocation motion, 7538(119:1130), 8633(138:1340), 12042(197:1510)
    >>>>Due to recorded division and statement by Minister, 11060(180:1545)
    >>>>Due to statement by Minister, 8766(140:1525), 9204(148:1520), 10507(170:1540), 10540(171:1025)
    >>>>Due to taking of recorded divisions, 7344(115:1515), 7384(116:1530), 7571(119:1540), 9891(160:1515), 10467(169:1555), 11601(189:1515), 12113(198:1520), 12885(209:1510)
    >>>>Due to tributes, 9595(155:1555)
    >>>Hansard, accuracy, maintaining, 8013(127:1200)
    >>>Hansard, correction, 1917(32:1505-10), 8554(136:1500)
    >>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister inappropriate remarks re Clark shaking altered, taking under advisement, 7099(111:1510), error in transcription, corrigendum printed to rectify, no impropriety involved, matter closed, 7168(112:1505)
    >>>>Special consideration given to Prime Minister, taking under advisement, 2200(36:1110),no evidence of special consideration, not point of order, matter closed, 2299(37:1355-400)
    >>>House of Commons visitors, presence in gallery, 1726(29:1505), 1985(33:1505), 3993(61:1500), 12035(197:1430)
    >>>House take note debate
    >>>>Points of order during, not permitted, 12598(203:2300)
    >>>>Scheduling, 12354(201:1205)
    >>>Interparliamentary delegations, report, presenting, reverting to, 9203(148:1515)
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 307(7:1455), 2122(34:1440), 4988(77:1440), 6770(106:1500)
    >>>>"Crap", 2534-5(39:1425)
    >>>>"Dishonest", 12041(197:1505)
    >>>>"Dishonours our word", 7896(125:1415)
    >>>>"False", 528(11:1415)
    >>>>"Hypocrisy", 12354(201:1200)
    >>>>"Liar", 235(6:1555), 3563(54:1420), 3571(54:1500)
    >>>>"Liar/menteur", 11601(189:1520)
    >>>>"Lied", 2311(37:1500), 12041(197:1505)
    >>>>"Lies", 8594(137:1130)
    >>>>"Not play with the truth", 11602(189:1520)
    >>>>"Spreading those lies", 7896(125:1415)
    >>>>"Stupid", 11227(183:1435)
    >>>>Taking under advisement, 1329(23:1505), 7842(124:1505)
    >>>>"Trahi son mandat d'office", 12399(202:1500)
    >>>Member improperly dressed, 1331(23:1515), 10013(161:2255)
    >>>>Chair relaxing rules, 11884(194:1505)
    >>>>Rules restored, 11915(195:1005)
    >>>Member ordered to appear before Bar of House, 10770(175:1505)
    >>>Members' remarks
    >>>>Addressing through Chair, 771(14:1415), 773(14:1430), 786(14:1540), 1640(28:1435), 1980(33:1435), 2971(46:1455), 4097(63:1440), 4402(68:1455), 4475(69:1425), 4478(69:1435), 4532(70:1150), 4586(71:1430), 4664(72:1450), 4845(75:1145), 5770(89:1435), 7095(111:1445), 7558(119:1415), 8067(128:1500), 10959(178:1745)
    >>>>Casting aspersions/reflecting on character and integrity of another member, 8439(134:1435), 11233(183:1510), 11454(186:1500)
    >>>>>Making outside Chamber, 9106(146:1505)
    >>>>Chair cautioning Members to be more judicious in choice of words, 528(11:1415), 1002(18:1430), 1090(20:1010), 1592(27:1415), 1642(28:1445), 2224(36:1420), 2777(43:1440), 7960(126:1425), 8552(136:1445), 10241(165:1455)
    >>>>Characterizing comments as misleading or false, withdrawal requested, Minister did not state member deliberately misleading, not point of order, 36(3:1510)
    >>>>Clarification, 8250(131:1500-5)
    >>>>False/misleading, correcting/withdrawal requested, 1986(33:1510), 9836(159:1525), 10964(178:1820)
    >>>>>Chair will review "blues", 700(13:1505), debate, 881-2(16:1505-10)
    >>>>>Debate, 881(16:1505), 1009(18:1510), 1056(19:1550), 1310(22:2255), 2551(40:1055), 711(42:1505), 2919(45:1200), 3262(50:1200), 4101(63:1500), 5558(85:1500), 8176(130:1505), 8251(131:1505), 8830(141:1500), 10038(162:1215), 10312(166:1505), 11022(179:1640), 12535(203:1500)
    >>>>Members listening to, 19(2:1555), 33(3:1450)
    >>>>Personal attacks on other Members, not in order, 4412-3(68:1605), 6427(99:1520)
    >>>>Reference to Members/Ministers by constituency or title only, 772(14:1420), 786(14:1545), 1039(19:1415), 2114(34:1400), 2535(39:1430), 2620(41:1450), 2917(45:1155), 4097(63:1440), 4101(63:1500), 5593(86:1435), 7266(114:1500), 7764(123:1430), 8560(136:1550), 9371(151:1510), 9388(151:1715), 10028(162:1115)
    >>>>Reference to presence/absence of Members, not in order, 1845(31:1555)
    >>>>Reference to Senate/Senators, disrespectful reflection, not in order, 426(9:1445)
    >>>>Reflecting on vote, not in order, 9947(161:1405)
    >>>>Relevance to debate, 416(9:1355), 783-4(14:1525-30), 962(17:1515), 1874(32:1035), 2384(37:2320), 2550(40:1045), 2551(40:1055), 6426(99:1515), 8584(137:1020), 8584(137:1030), 8586(137:1040), 8603(137:1220), 9837(159:1530), 10656(173:1515)
    >>>>Speaking for Chair, not in order, 1308(22:2245)
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt., taking under advisement, 394-5(9:1125-30), not in order, 430-1(9:1505-10)
    >>>>Debate, proceeding to immediately, unanimous consent denied, 11416(186:1010)
    >>>>Deemed adopted, 5214(79:2355)
    >>>>Member moving during question and comment period, not in order, 1843(31:1545)
    >>>>Proceeding to, by unanimous consent, 12679(205:1500)
    >>>>Reverting to, 5832(90:1010), 7908(125:1530), 11766(192:1510)
    >>>>>Denied, 2265-6(37:1005-10), 10421(169:1010)
    >>>Motions, leave to move
    >>>>Agreed to, 786(14:1545), 829(15:1205), 1364(24:1005), 1654(28:1600), 1677(29:1005), 1991(33:1535), 2864(44:1510), 2973(46:1510), 4486(69:1520), 5329(82:1035), 5437(83:1205), 5599(86:1510), 5608(86:1620), 5629(87:1010), 5667-8(87:1505), 5674(87:1600), 5914(91:1505), 5945(92:1010), 6047(94:1100), 6011(93:1000), 6847(107:1530), 7101(111:1525), 7458(117:1540), 7614(120:1505), 7907-8(125:1525-30), 7967(126:1505), 8298(133:1110), 8359(133:1845), 9107(146:1515), 9304(150:1510), 9371(151:1505), 9420-1(152:1210-5), 9594(155:1555), 9892(160:1520-5), 10094(163:1520), 10608(172:1205), 11765(192:1505), 12043(197:1515), 12121(198:1625), 12613(204:1515), 12679(205:1505), 12846(208:1500), 12967(210:1530), 12989(211:1025), 13006(211:1200)
    >>>>Denied, 37(3:1510-5), 1843(31:1550), 4102(63:1505), 4593(71:1510), 5275(80:1800), 5831(90:1005), 7615(120:1510), 7907(125:1525), 8647(138:1505), 10247(165:1525), 12043(197:1515), 12493(203:1005)
    >>>Oral question period
    >>>>Allotted time, 2863(44:1500), 11556(188:1430)
    >>>>Allowing Members opportunity to ask, 4659(72:1425)
    >>>>Member's allotted time, expired, 3613(55:1140)
    >>>>Members wasting time with applause, 2620(41:1450)
    >>>Oral questions
    >>>>Allotted time, expired, 343(8:1430), 875(16:1430), 2303(37:1415), 2306(37:1435), 2431(38:1430), 4842(75:1135), 6325(97:1440), 9544(154:1445), 9827(159:1430), 9886(160:1445), 12774(207:1440)
    >>>>Beyond administrative responsibility of department or Minister, 1004(18:1440), 2309(37:1450), 2311-2(37:1505), 3876-7(95:1430-5), 7266(114:1500), 7686-7(121:1520-5), 7766(123:1445), 10389(168:1435), 10769(175:1500), 11879(194:1435), 12109(198:1455), 12770(207:1420)
    >>>>Chair did not hear, Member repeating, 6022(93:1120)
    >>>>Clarification, 12189(199:1450)
    >>>>Marginally in order, 1001(18:1425)
    >>>>Matter under committee consideration, not in order, 9101(146:1445), 9370(151:1505)
    >>>>>Clarification of ruling, 9105(146:1505)
    >>>>Member giving notice to Minister as courtesy, Minister giving question to government backbencher, violation of trust between Minister and Member, Chair unable to remedy, hoping that confidential nature of notice will be respected, 8069-70(128:1520)
    >>>>Member putting question, 1002(18:1430), 5592(86:1430), 6587(102:1415)
    >>>>Ministerial responsibility for region/province, acceptability, 118429193:1505)
    >>>>Not in order, 9365(151:1435), 12770(207:1420), 12839(208:1425)
    >>>>>Topic/subject matter relating to matter before committee, 9370(151:1505)
    >>>>>Topic/subject matter relating to matter under advisement, 2222(36:1410)
    >>>>Proceeding to supplementary question, 2124(34:1450)
    >>>>Questions and replies, keeping brief, 104-5(4:1420), 604(12:1440), 1000(18:1420), 1005(18:1445), 2118(34:1415), 2537(39:1440), 4356(67:1455), 7959(126:1420), 11711(191:1115)
    >>>>Relating to Committee business, in order, 2308-9(37:1450)
    >>>Order Paper, Special, publication, tabled, 5115(79:1100)
    >>>Orders of the Day, extending, 395(9:1130)
    >>>Party status, Progressive Conservative Party/Democratic Representative Caucus Coalition, recognition as single entity, granting all rights and privileges of fourth party in House, taking under advisement, 5306(81:1615), Chair and House recognition of official spokespersons for the coalition and members of coalition will be permitted to sit together, Chair unable to recognize as single entity group which disavow title, to grant full party status as fourth party in House, however will revisit if circumstances change, 5489-92(84:1205-20)
    >>>Petitions, tabling/presenting
    >>>>Brief summary only, 538-9(11:1515), 2623(41:1505), 8294(132:1210), 9203(148:1520), 9421(152:1215)
    >>>>Member supporting/opposing statement, not in order, 8957(144:1005)
    >>>>Not in appropriate form, unanimous consent denied, 11057(180:1540)
    >>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 3399(52:1500), 9919(161:1015)
    >>>>Unanimous consent denied, 1527(26:1510)
    >>>Points of order
    >>>>Members directing comments/remarks to question, 393(9:1120), 1656(28:1615), 1990(33:1535), 10246(165:1520)
    >>>>>Chair will hear further interventions only
    >>>>Member raising matter not related to issue at hand, raising at later time, 8632(138:1320)
    >>>>Not point of order, 21(2:1610), 35-6(3:1505), 2232(36:1505), 9402(152:1030), 10964(178:1820)
    >>>>Phoney points, 10038(162:1215)
    >>>>Raising during oral question period, not in order, 10720(174:1435)
    >>>>Raising during privilege question, not in order, 12020(197:1210)
    >>>Private Members' Business
    >>>>Order of Precedence, items, replacing, 11885(194:1510)
    >>>>Votable items, list, 9712(157:1300-5)
    >>>Private Members, Hour
    >>>>Cancellation, 6047(94:1100)
    >>>>Proceeding to, 4081(62:1520), 7458(117:1545)
    >>>>Rescheduling, 7571-2(119:1550), 7602(119:2020)
    >>>Private Members' Motions
    >>>>Amending, by unanimous consent, 9725(158:1105)
    >>>>Immediate passage, unanimous consent denied, 4793(74:1515)
    >>>>Member not prepared to move, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence, unanimous consent denied, 7458(117:1545)
    >>>>Non votable item, dropped from Order Paper after debate, 12019(197:1205)
    >>>>>Chair reversing decision, requesting, Private Members' Business Subcommittee report not presented as to whether motion votable or not, 12019(197:1205)
    >>>>Votable item, unanimous consent denied, 12018(197:1205)
    >>>Private Members Motions for Production of Papers
    >>>>Accepted, 3805(58:1515), 9595(155:1555), 10773(175:1515), 11059(180:1545)
    >>>>Called and transferred for debate, 1331(23:1515), 6529(101:1510), 9305(150:1515), 11385(185:1515)
    >>>>Debate, procedures, criteria, 7694(121:1805)
    >>>>Delay in answering, 10774(175:1515-20)
    >>>>>Transfer for debate option, 10246-7(165:1520-5)
    >>>>Minister/mover right of reply, 7693(121:1800)
    >>>>Withdrawal requested, 11059(180:1545)
    >>>Privilege questions
    >>>>Chair ruling, clarification, 700(13:1505-10), 11478(186:1530)
    >>>>Deferring proceedings, 10537(171:1000)
    >>>>>Chair has heard sufficient comments, 2129(34:1520)
    >>>>>Chair requesting Members restrict remarks to matters relating to procedure, 8519-20(136:1015-20), 12019-20(197:1210-5)
    >>>>>Chair requesting Members not repeat previous Members remarks, restricting remarks to new relevant issues, 8518(136:1005), 8519(136:1015)
    >>>>Members directing remarks to question, 310(7:1520), 1647(28:1515), 1651(28:1540), 1652(28:1550), 5327(82:1020), 5598(86:1505)
    >>>>Procedures governing notice of intention to raise, 6671-2(104:1515)
    >>>Privilege questions, prima facie case, committee referral motion, putting all questions without further debate, unanimous consent denied, 8628(138:1245)
    >>>Props, use in House, not in order, 3569(54:1450), 4842(75:1135)
    >>>Question and comment period
    >>>>Allotted time, expired, 10964(178:1820)
    >>>>>Brief reply, 8585(137:1035)
    >>>>>Extending, unanimous consent denied, 11639(190:1105)
    >>>>Allowing Member/minister opportunity to reply, 5197(79:2145)
    >>>>Member putting question, 5207(79:2305)
    >>>>Questions/comments/replies, keeping brief, 71(4:1035), 2048(33:2155), 12315(200:2120)
    >>>>Request, denied, 706(13:1540)
    >>>>Time allocation motions, one minute for question, one minute for answer, agreed to, 8628(138:1250)
    >>>Question be now put motion, procedures, clarification, 8251(131:1510)
    >>>Questions on the Order Paper
    >>>>Delay in answering, 1656(28:1615), 3153(48:1510)
    >>>>Government failure to reply, standing committee referral, 8335-6(133:1515)
    >>>>>Schedule, 8336(133:1520)
    >>>>Replies, Member not satisfied, options, 2500(39:1015)
    >>>>Replies promised, not delivered, Member should have raised matter earlier, must wait until next time, 2312(37:1510)
    >>>Quorum, present, 5881(90:1625), 11888(194:1525)
    >>>Routine Proceedings, reverting to, unanimous consent denied, 4105(63:1520)
    >>>Sittings of the House
    >>>>>Inappropriate to consider at this time, 5304(81:1600)
    >>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 5305(81:1615)
    >>>>Suspending, 7689(121:1535)
    >>>Speeches, allotted time, expired, 4595(71:1525), 10021(162:1030)
    >>>Speeches, allotted time, splitting, 813(15:1035), 1053(19:1530), 1529(26:1525), 2898(45:1005), 3244(50:1020), 3597(55:1005), 5423(83:1035)
    >>>Speeches, Members rotation, Chair making error, correcting, 1332(23:1525)
    >>>Standing Orders, amending, background documents available only in English, postponing until translated, taking under advisement, 1414-5(24:1530), motion accepted by House, part of Standing Orders, Chair studying applications of other places, will return to House with statement in the near future, 1726-8(29:1505-20)
    >>>Statements by Members under S.O. 31, personal attacks, not in order, 995(18:1400), 1008-9(18:1505-10), 2852-3(44:1405-10), 6022(93:1120), 6617(103:1110), 11754(192:1400)
    >>>Statements by Minister
    >>>>Making outside of House, Minister not obligated to make statement in House, 1603(27:1510-5), 1986(33:1505), 2499(39:1010), 8600(137:1200)
    >>>>Proceeding to, by unanimous consent, 10537(171:1000)
    >>>Supply bills, distribution, 1872(32:1020), 7797-8(124:1005)
    >>>Supply days, number designated, 17(2:1540)
    >>>Supply motions
    >>>>Amdt., in order, 387(9:1035)
    >>>>Chair informing House of text, 6607(103:1005), 7735(123:1100), 8621(138:1100), 8891(143:1105), 9303(150:1505), 9441(153:1100), 9593(155:1550), 9693(157:1000), 9725(158:1100), 10770(175:1505), 11197(183:1100), 11600(189:1505), 12194(199:1520)
    >>>>Directing government to make expenditure, in order, 1875(32:1040)
    >>>>French/English texts, accuracy, 430(9:1505)
    >>>>Mover, substituting, 7797(124:1005)
    >>>>Question deemed put, recorded division requested and deferred until a later date, 383(9:1015), 4486(69:1520), 9765(158:1540)
    >>>>Text, translation error, 1872(32:1020)
    >>>>Votable, designation, 9595(155:1555), 9693(157:1000), 9725(158:1100)
    >>>>Votable/non-votable, 9441(153:1105), 9481-2(153:1635-40), 9509(154:1020), 9512-4(154:1040-55), 9547-8(154:1505-10)
    >>>Time allocation motions, invalid, imposing on third reading to bill when bill not read first or second time, withdrawal requested, bill referred to committee after being deemed read second time, reported back to House by specific date as order, considered at report stage, in order, 12025(197:1245-50)
    >>>Votes, opposition calling form 11024(179:1655)
    >>Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, 10134(164:1415), 12915(210:1000)
    >>References, election as Speaker of the House of Commons, 4-7(1:1550-610)
    >>>Congratulating, 17(2:1540), 58(3:1745), 62(3:1810), 68(4:1010), 75(4:1100), 77(4:1110), 151(5:1055), 153(5:1105), 228(6:1505), 281(7:1220), 436(9:1545), 486(10:1240), 926(17:1135),1090(20:1010), 1094-5(20:1045), 1271-2(22:1815-20)
    >>>New Democratic Party, support, 58(3:1745)
    >>Royal Assent, 2545(40:1000), 2547(40:1015), 2547(40:1025), 3883(59:1505), 6844(107:1505), 8999(144:1505), 9662(156:1500), 9958(161:1515), 11011(179:1505-10), 12113(198:1515), 12120-1(198:1625), 12691(205:1645)
    >>Speaker of the House of Commons, 4(1:1550-5), 7(1:1610)
    >>Supply days, 17(2:1540)
    >>Throne Speech, 9-16(2:1530)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 6080(94:1500), 8130(129:1510)
    >>Veterans Week, 6973(110:1025)
    >>Ways and Means motions, 6047(94:1105)
    >>Women, 7958(126:1415)

Milliken-Oliver report see Members of Parliament--Code of conduct

Mills, Bob (CA--Red Deer)