The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Oak Ridges Moraine
Environmental role, protection from development, 84(4:1205)
>>>S.O. 31, 2302-3(37:1415), 3306-7(51:1355)
OAS see Organization of American States (OAS)
Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)(Bill C-1)--Prime Minister (Chrétien)
First reading, 9(2:1530)
Oberlander, Helmut
Nazi war criminal, deporting, o.q., 1456(25:1130)
Oberon submarines see Canadian Armed Forces--Submarines
Obesity see Health; Health care system
Obhrai, Deepak (CA--Calgary East)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 2138-9(34:1625)
>>Afghanistan, 6649(104:1255)
>>>o.q., 5295(81:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 4346(67:1400)
>>Africa, 8200(130:1750-5)
>>Agricultural subsidies, 807(14:1805)
>>Agriculture, 3364(52:1120), 3366(52:1145)
>>Air Canada, 5790(89:1710-5), 6784-5(106:1645-55)
>>Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 6783-5(106:1645-55)
>>Aircraft industry, 808(14:1805-10)
>>Alberta, 237(6:1610)
>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 7543-4(119:1215-20)
>>Atlantic Canada, 238(6:1620)
>>Beef, 2345(37:1855)
>>Bombardier Inc., 5790(89:1710)
>>Brain drain, 278(7:1205), 2847(44:1335)
>>Budget 2001
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8199-201(130:1750-805)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 7855(124:1645), 7856-8(124:1650-700)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1997 and Financial Administration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 2841(44:1250), 2843-4(44:1305-15)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, 5791(89:1725)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement, 6579(102:1320)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-32), 5892(90:1805), 6579-80(102:1320-30), 6583(102:1355)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, S.O. 31, 3791(58:1410)
>>Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 1094(20:1035-40), 2838-9(44:1225-30)
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 2844(44:1310)
>>Canada Health Act, 3538(54:1130)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 3538(54:1125-35)
>>Canada Pension Plan (CPP), 2847(44:1335)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, 2844(44:1315)
>>Canadian Alliance, 1304(22:2220)
>>Canadian Foodgrains Bank, 278(7:1200)
>>>S.O. 31, 296(7:1405)
>>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 278(7:1200), 5789(89:1700), 7856-7(124:1645-55), 8199-201(130:1750-800)
>>>o.q., 773-4(14:1430), 3149-50(48:1455), 4267(66:1415-20), 6527(101:1455), 6644(104:1210), 6649-50(104:1255-1300), 7337-8(115:1445), 11595(189:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 6759(106:1400), 7831(124:1405)
>>Cellular telephones, M. (Blaikie), 12906-7(209:1800-10)
>>Census, 1776(30:1205)
>>Child pornography, 5364(82:1655), 5364(82:1705)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 5364(82:1655), 5364(82:1705)
>>China, 8200(130:1755)
>>>S.O. 31, 470(10:1110-5)
>>Civil society, 3025(47:1130)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 3539(54:1135)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1304(22:2215), 3450-2(52:2025-35)
>>Corporate income tax, 2847(44:1335)
>>Crime, 2140-1(34:1640-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 1100(20:1110-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--breaking and entering)(Bill C-290), 1363(24:1005), 3427-9(52:1755-810), 3435(52:1855)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--breaking and entering)(Bill C-386), 4947(77:1015), 11620-1(189:1740-50)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 11483-4(187:1020-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--selling wildlife)(Bill C-292), 11476-7(186:1810-15)
>>Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 5363-6(82:1655-720)
>>Cruelty to animals, 5364(82:1655), 5364(82:1705)
>>Cultural Grants Acknowledgement Act (Bill C-348), 3803(58:1505-10)
>>Dion, references, 1305(22:2220)
>>Disaster relief funding, 278(7:1200)
>>Diwali Festival, S.O. 31, 7089(111:1410)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 2846-7(44:1335), 5794(89:1750), 8201(130:1805)
>>El Salvador, 278(7:1200)
>>>S.O. 31, 102(4:1405)
>>Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 839-40(15:1315-25)
>>Elections, 1094(20:1035-40), 2838(44:1225)
>>Emancipation Day, M., 1432-4(24:1730-40), 1439(24:1815)
>>Employment insurance
>>>Petitions, 8294(132:1210)
>>Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 236-9(6:1600-25)
>>Equalization payments, 3538-9(54:1125-35)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 1304(22:2215)
>>Export Development Act (amdt.(Bill C-31), 5788-92(89:1700-25), 5794(89:1750)
>>Export Development Corporation (EDC), 5788-90(89:1700-10), 5791(89:1715-20), 5794(89:1750)
>>Exports, 808(14:1805)
>>Farm Credit Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 4940(76:1900)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 3537-9(54:1125-35)
>>Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils, o.q., 5981(92:1455)
>>First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-61), 12787(207:1605-10)
>>Foreign aid, 5270-1(80:1650-5), 8199-200(130:1750-5)
>>>M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 6644(104:1210), 6649-51(104:1255-305)
>>>o.q., 10459(169:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 5479(84:1400), 7831(124:1405)
>>Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 7310-11(115:1120-5)
>>Free trade, 3363-4(52:1120), 3365-6(52:1130-40), 6579(102:1320), 6651(104:1305)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas, 3364-5(52:1125-30)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 739(14:1055), 745(14:1135), 763(14:1330), 783(14:1525), 785(14:1540), 802(14:1730), 806-8(14:1755-810)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 3025-7(47:1125-40), 3043-5(47:1330-45)
>>>o.q., 3051(47:1420)
>>Gasoline taxes, 840(15:1315)
>>Globalization, global economy/marketplace, 237(6:1615), 277-8(7:1200-5), 2846-7(44:1330-5), 3025(47:1125-30), 3363(52:1120), 6579-80(102:1320-30), 6650(104:1255-1300)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 5791-2(89:1720-5)
>>Government expenditures, 8201(130:1805)
>>Gun control/guns, 5365(82:1705)
>>Health care funding, 3538(54:1125-30)
>>Health care providers, 3538(54:1135)
>>Health care system, 3538-9(54:1135)
>>Heating Expenses One Time Relief, 840(15:1315-25), 2848(44:1345)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 2141(34:1645-50)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 3347-52(52:2000-35)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 5004(77:1625), 5006-7(77:1635-50)
>>Human rights, o.q., 10459(169:1450)
>>Humanitarian/emergency aid, 8200(130:1755)
>>Immigration, 5364(82:1705)
>>Immigration and Refugee Board, o.q., 3615(55:1150)
>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-11), 4562-3(71:1145-55)
>>Immigrants, 7310-1(115:1120-5)
>>>M. (Martin, Pat), 1477-8(25:1345-55)
>>Income, 2848(44:1340)
>>Income tax, 2846-7(44:1330-5)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22), 2846-8(44:1330-45), 3948-9(60:1320-5)
>>India, 278(7:1200)
>>>S.O. 31, 102(4:1405)
>>Indian bands/reserves, M. on supply (Elley), 1861-2(31:1745-55)
>>Innovation, 2847(44:1335)
>>International agencies, organizations, 3026(47:1130), 3027(47:1140)
>>International agreements, conventions and treaties, 745(14:1135), 806-7(14:1755-805)
>>International Boundary Waters Treaty Act (amdt.)(Bill C-6), 3221-3(49:1505-30)
>>Investment, 2847(44:1335), 3365-6(52:1135-40)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 2138-44(34:1625-705)
>>Judiciary, 2139-40(34:1630-5)
>>Justice system, 2143(34:1705), 5364-6(82:1655-720)
>>Kilger, references, 277(7:1200)
>>Knowledge/information economy, 278(7:1205)
>>Legislation, 2844(44:1310)
>>Legislative process, 1304(22:2215), 3447-50(52:2000-20)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 182(5:1355), 2844(44:1305), 3221(49:1510), 5363(82:1655)
>>Mandela, Nelson
>>>M. (McCallum), 4996-7(77:1530-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 4779(74:1400)
>>Manning, references, S.O. 31, 2114(34:1400)
>>Marijuana Party, 1094(20:1040)
>>Mexico, 2846(44:1330)
>>Middle East peace process, S.O. 31, 6879(108:1105)
>>Minna, references, 8199(130:1750)
>>>o.q., 8059(128:1415), 8128(129:1450), 8172-3(130:1440), 8248(131:1450), 8291(132:1155)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), 3045(47:1340), 3364-5(52:1130)
>>Natural disasters, o.q., 159-60(5:1135-40)
>>Natural resource industries, 839-40(15:1315)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 3364-5(52:1120-30), 3367(52:1145), 3401(52:1515), 6579(102:1325)
>>Obhrai, references, S.O. 31, 10451(169:1405)
>>Pakistan, 6650(104:1305)
>>Parliament, 1094(20:1040), 1304(22:2215-20)
>>Petro-Canada, 840(15:1315)
>>Police, 5364(82:1655), 5365(82:1705)
>>Private Members' Business, 3448-9(52:2005-15), 5004(77:1625), 5006-7(77:1640-5)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 3429(52:1810)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 5892(90:1805)
>>>Members' remarks, 783(14:1525), 1477(25:1350)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 1434(24:1740)
>>Public Service, 2142(34:1650-5)
>>References, heart surgery, get well wishes, etc., 10469(169:1605), 10470(169:1615)
>>>S.O. 31, 8709(139:1400), 8862-3(142:1100-5), 9141(147:1115)
>>>Thank you, S.O. 31, 10451(169:1405)
>>Refugees, 4562-3(71:1145-55)
>>Research and development, 278(7:1205), 2844(44:1305-10)
>>Senate, 1094(20:1040), 2838-9(44:1125-30)
>>Senior citizens, 3948-9(60:1325)
>>>S.O. 31, 3926(60:1115)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 1363(24:1005), 3427-9(52:1755-810), 3435(52:1855), 4947(77:1015)
>>>o.q., 3261(50:1200)
>>>S.O. 31, 1100(20:1110-5)
>>Sikh Canadians, 7543(119:1215-20)
>>Small and medium business, 3363-4(52:1120)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 10469-70(169:1605-10)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 10469-70(169:1605-10)
>>Standard of living, 2847(44:1335)
>>Standing Orders, M. (Boudria), 1304-5(22:2215-20)
>>Statistics Act (amdt.--ethnicity question)(Bill C-301), 1776(30:1205)
>>Student loans, M. (Herron), 11510-1(187:1330-35)
>>Sugar industry, 6579(102:1320)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), 3025(47:1130), 3045(47:1345), 3364(52:1130)
>>>M. (Boudria), 2345(37:1855)
>>Tax reductions, 278(7:1205), 2847-8(44:1335-45)
>>Taxation, 2846(44:1330)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 7543-4(119:1215-20)
>>>M. on supply (Sorenson), 5269-71(80:1645-55)
>>>o.q., 5981(92:1455)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 182(5:1355), 277-8(7:1200-5)
>>Trade, 182(5:1355), 237(6:1605-10), 807-8(14:1805-10), 2345(37:1855), 6579(102:1320), 8200(130:1755)
>>Trade agreements, M. on supply (McDonough), 3363-7(52:1115-45), 3401(52:1515)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 5269-70(80:1645)
>>Water/freshwater imports, 3223(49:1525)
>>Water exports, 806(14:1800), 3221-3(49:1510-30)
>>Wildlife, 11476-7(186:1810-15)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6942-4(109:1550-605), 6945(109:1610)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 4289-90(66:1635-40)
>>Youth justice system, 4290(66:1635-40)
>>>o.q., 3485(53:1450), 3570(54:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 3560(54:1405)
O'Brien, Lawrence (Lib.--Labrador; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Fisheries and Oceans until August 31, 2001)
- >>Aboriginal fishing rights, 2495-6(38:1940), 4134(63:1905)
>>>o.q., 1456(25:1125)
>>Aquaculture, o.q., 1462(25:1200)
>>Atlantic Technology Centre, S.O. 31, 3608(55:1110-5)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-32), 5703-5(88:1000-20), 5730(88:1305)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, 5282-3(80:1855)
>>Children, petitions, 4413(68:1605)
>>Curling, S.O. 31, 3476(53:1405)
>>Fisheries, 4133(63:1900)
>>>M. (Caccia), 851(16:1155-200)
>>Fishers, o.q., 4354(67:1440)
>>Forest industry, o.q., 8829(141:1455)
>>Fraser River, 11629-30(189:1855-900)
>>Information Technology Week, S.O. 31, 3608(55:1110)
>>Marine environment, o.q., 7565(119:1450)
>>National Aboriginal Youth Conference, S.O. 31, 6725(105:1405)
>>National Down's Syndrome Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 6878(108:1100)
>>Newfoundland and Labrador, M. (Tobin), 6697-8(105:1015-25)
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 1939(32:1750)
>>Registerd education savings plans (RESPs), S.O. 31, 8995(144:1440)
>>Search and rescue, 1359-60(23:1830)
>>Shrimping industry, 2494(38:1935)
>>>o.q., 1456(25:1130)
>>Turbot, o.q., 4909-10(76:1455)
O'Brien, Pat (Lib.--London--Fanshawe; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of International Trade)
- >>Agricultural subsidies, o.q., 12719(206:1145)
>>Aircraft industry, o.q., 7167(112:1455)
>>Americas, 3019(47:1045)
>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 6186-8(95:1315-30)
>>Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie, 2363(37:2105)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 738(14:1050), 2372(37:2205)
>>Beef, o.q., 474(10:1130), 693(13:1430)
>>Beet producers, o.q., 1328(23:1500)
>>Bélair, references, 1683(29:1045)
>>Border, Canada-United States, 6186-7(95:1315)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement, 5703-4(88:1000-10), 5705(88:1020), 6557-9(102:1010-25), 6577-8(102:1310), 6583(102:1350)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-32), 6557-9(102:1010-25), 6577-8(102:1310-5), 6583(102:1350-5)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, 753(14:1225), 2369(37:2140), 2661(41:1910), 2814-5(43:1900-5), 4205(64:1815), 4309(66:1920), 5323(81:1825), 6964-5(109:1835), 8012(127:1200), 12141-2(198:1905-10)
>>>Emergency debate, Committee take note, M. (Duncan), 5994(92:1630), 5996-7(92:1640-50)
>>>M. on supply (Duncan), 9626-8(156:1050-105), 9634(156:1150), 9636(156:1205), 9638(156:1220), 9642(156:1250), 9644(156:1310), 9650(156:1355), 9667(156:1545), 9670(156:1605), 9677(156:1650), 9670(156:1705-10)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 1683-7(29:1045-110)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 7024-6(110:1545-55)
>>>o.q., 158(5:1130), 1107-8(20:1150), 1162(21:1435), 1241-2(22:1420), 1246(22:1445), 1454-5(25:1120-5), 2176-7(35:1155-200), 2538(39:1445), 2857(44:1430), 2860(44:1445), 2861-2(44:1450-5), 3881(59:1455), 4533(70:1155), 5717(88:1135), 6328(97:1500), 6732(105:1445), 6735(105:1500), 6837(107:1420-5), 6882(108:1120), 6883(108:1125), 6884-5(108:1130-5), 6886(108:1145), 6888(108:1150), 6889(108:1155), 8011(127:1150), 8553(136:1455), 8554(136:1500), 8924(143:1450), 8924(143:1455), 8925(143:1455), 8925(143:1455), 8996(144:1440), 9028-9(145:1450), 9104(146:1455), 9143(147:1125), 9149(147:1155), 9707(157:1135), 9885(160:1440), 9888(160:1445), 9956(161:1455), 10651(173:1445), 10717-8(174:1420), 10719(174:1430), 10881(177:1130-5), 10884(177:1145-50), 11719(191:1155), 12718-9(206:1145)
>>Canadian Commercial Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41), 7280-1(114:1645-700)
>>Catholic Central High School, S.O. 31, 3924(60:1105)
>>Dairy industry, o.q., 4399(68:1440), 4530(70:1140), 4533(70:1155)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 6557(102:1010)
>>Education, 3360(52:1055)
>>Engineering, 738(14:1050), 2372(37:2205)
>>European Union (EU), 5730(88:1305)
>>Export Development Act (amdt.(Bill C-31), 5759-62(89:1315-30), 6707-10(105:1140-200)
>>Export Development Corporation (EDC), 2819(44:1000), 5759-62(89:1315-30), 6707-10(105:1140-200)
>>>o.q., 7679(121:1435)
>>Exports, 5704(88:1010), 5759(89:1315), 6707(105:1140)
>>Fallen Heroes Fund, S.O. 31, 6726(105:1410)
>>Farm income crisis, S.O. 31, 1635(28:1405)
>>Foreign aid, 5705(88:1015)
>>Foreign investment/ownership, 3359-61(52:1050-105), 3370(52:1210), 3376(52:1245-50), 3407(52:1550), 5703(88:1000), 5705(88:1015), 6578(102:1310), 11627(189:1835)
>>Forest industry, 1683(29:1045)
>>Free trade, 741(14:1105), 752-3(14:1220-5), 1686-7(29:1105), 2357-8(37:2025), 3075-6(47:1650), 3360-3(52:1100-15), 3374(52:1230-5), 3376(52:1250), 3378(52:1305), 5703(88:1000), 5704-5(88:1010-5), 5730(88:1305), 6558(102:1020), 6583(102:1350)
>>>o.q., 6422(99:1450)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas, 2352(37:1945), 2354(37:2000), 2371-4(37:2200-15), 3356(52:1025-30), 3359(52:1045-50), 3363(52:1115), 3374(52:1235), 3378(52:1305), 3384(52:1340), 3407(52:1545), 3913(59:1835), 5704(88:1015)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 737-41(14:1040-105), 747(14:1145-50), 750(14:1205), 752-3(14:1220-5, 760(14:1315), 781(14:1510-5), 788-90(14:1555-615), 796-7(14:1655), 805(14:1750), 808(14:1810)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 3018-20(47:1040-55), 3033(47:1225), 3037-8(47:1255), 3040(47:1310), 3061-2(47:1520), 3066-7(47:1555), 3075-6(47:1650)
>>>o.q., 424(9:1435), 606(12:1455), 693(13:1430), 775(14:1440), 1322(23:1425), 1325(23:1440), 1405(24:1435), 2857(44:1430)
>>General Motors Defence, 5760(89:1320)
>>Globalization, global economy/marketplace, 9317(150:1650)
>>Health care funding, 3360(52:1055)
>>HIV/AIDS, o.q., 7164(112:1445)
>>Hydro-Québec, 2372(37:2205)
>>Insurance companies, 2372(37:2205)
>>International agreements, conventions and treaties, 805(14:1750), 2363(37:2105)
>>>o.q., 1322(23:1425)
>>Interparliamentary meetings/discussions, 788(14:1600)
>>Ireland, S.O. 31, 948(17:1400)
>>Laurier, Sir Wilfred, 5464(84:1155-200)
>>Macdonald, Sir John A., 5464(84:1155-200)
>>McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, S.O. 31, 9578(155:1405)
>>Metalclad Corporation, o.q., 3611(55:1125), 3740(57:1420)
>>Newfoundland and Labrador, M. (Tobin), 6706(105:1130)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 752-3(14:1220-5), 3061-2(47:1520), 3360-1(52:1055-105), 3370(52:1205-10), 3378(52:1305), 3407(52:1545), 3913(59:1835), 11626-7(189:1835-40)
>>>o.q., 3611(55:1125), 3740(57:1420-5)
>>Northern Ireland, S.O. 31, 6519(101:1410), 6926-9(109:1410)
>>O'Brien, P., references, 737(14:1040)
>>People's Republic of China Accession to Agreement Establishing World Trade Organization Act (Bill C-50), 9317-8(150:1650-5), 10786(175:1700), 10870(177:1015)
>>Potato industry, o.q., 1458(25:1140), 10605(172:1200)
>>Private sector, 3359(52:1050)
>>>Members' remarks, 760(14:1315), 5996(92:1640), 6583(102:1355), 6959(109:1755), 8012(127:1200), 9638(156:1105), 9667(156:1545)
>>>Question and comment period, 1685(29:1100)
>>>Election as Member of Parliament, thanking voters, etc., 737(14:1040)
>>>See also Trade agreements--Social concerns, Excluding from agreements
>>Services industry, 738(14:1045-50), 2372(37:2200-5)
>>Shipbuilding industry, o.q., 9104(146:1455)
>>Sir John A. Macdonald Day and the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day Act (Bill S-14), 5464(84:1155-200)
>>Softwood lumber industry, 1683(29:1045)
>>St. Patrick's Day, S.O. 31, 1765(30:1105)
>>Sugar industry, 6577(102:1310), 6578(102:1315)
>>>o.q., 1328(23:1500)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), 737(14:1040), 3018-9(47:1040-5), 3040(47:1310), 3376(52:1245-50)
>>>M. (Boudria), 2352(37:1945), 2354(37:2000), 2357-8(37:2025), 2363(37:2100-5), 2369(37:2140), 2371-4(37:2200-15)
>>>o.q., 1325(23:1440)
>>Summit of the Americas Peoples Summit (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), 3018(47:1040), 3033(47:1225), 3038(47:1255), 3356(52:1025), 3376(52:1250)
>>Telecommunications industry, 738(14:1050), 2372(37:2205)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 6187(95:1315-20), 6188(95:1330)
>>Trade, 739-40(14:1100-5), 750(14:1205), 3351(52:1005), 5704(88:1010), 5705(88:1020), 6558(102:1015), 11627(189:1835)
>>>M. on supply (Duncan), 11799-11804(193:1020-55), 11808(193:1125), 11810-22(193:1140-1255), 11827-8(193:1335-40), 11853(193:1625)
>>>o.q., 10502(170:1500), 10605(172:1200)
>>Trade agreements, 747(14:1145-50), 5730(88:1305), 6558-9(102:1020), 6577(102:1310), 6583(102:1350-5)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 3355-6(52:1025-30), 3359-63(52:1045-115), 3370(52:1205-10), 3374(52:1230-5), 3376(52:1245-50), 3378(52:1305), 3384(52:1340), 3406-7(52:1545-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 6616(103:1105)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 5282(80:1855)
>>>S.O. 31, 5285(81:1400)
>>Wine industry, o.q., 1409(24:1455)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 5704(88:1010), 7280(114:1645), 10786(175:1700), 10870(177:1015)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6959(109:1755), 6960(109:1800), 6964-5(109:1835)
>>>o.q., 11719(191:1155)
Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill
First reading, 1653(28:1555-600)
>>Second reading, 9441-7(153:1105-50)
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9447(153:1150)
>>See also Remembrance Day--Two minutes of silence
Observatoire québécoise de la mondialisation see Globalization, global economy/marketplace
Observatories see Astronomy--Research
Occidental Petroleum Corporation, see Wascana Energy Inc.
Occupational health and safety
>>>Gross negligence, corporate and individual liability, murder, amending
Criminal code, Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee recommendations,
etc., 350(8:1505-10), 1169(21:1510), 3326(51:1540-5), 3866-7(59:1335),
5367-75(82:1730-825), 7186-94(112:1730-825)
>>>>o.q., 3258(50:1145), 3797-8(58:1440), 9030(145:1500), 11046(180:1425)
>>>>Petitions, 10039(162:1220)
>>>>Private members' motion, passed, not implemented, 8692(139:1145)
>>>>S.O. 31, 153-4(5:1105-10), 3737(57:1405-10), 11375(185:1415),
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of corporations,
directors and officers)(Bill C-242);
Criminal Code (amdt.--offences by corporations, directors and officers)(Bill
Westray Mine disaster
>>>See also National Day of Mourning
>>Defibrillators, requiring in federal work places, public buildings,
>>>Lester B. Pearson International Airport (Toronto, ON) example,
>>>See also Canada Labour Code (amdt.--defibrillators in the work place)(Bill
>>Pregnant or nursing mothers, protecting from hazards, preventive withdrawal,
etc., 3352(52:1010), 6994-7001(110:1255-350),
>>>Public Service collective agreement, including in, o.q., 7216(113:1155)
>>>Quebec legislation, comparison/relationship
>>>>o.q., 11048(180:1435-40)
>>>>S.O. 31, 7673(121:1405)
>>>S.O. 31, 3250(50:1105), 3389(52:1410)
>>>See also Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-340)
>>Regulation programs, necessity, 5043(77:2035)
>>Stress, workplace/family life burden, 10750(174:1835)
>>Trading partners, S.O. 31, 3307(51:1355-400)
>>See also Asbestos industry--Chrysotile asbestos;
Marine transportation--Labour factors;
National Quality Month--Canada's Healthy Workplace Week;
North American Occupational Safety and Health Week;
Workers compensation
Occupational Therapy Week
Awareness campaign, S.O. 31, 6615(103:1100)
Ocean Ranger
- >>Mobil Oil drilling rig (Hibernia well), February 15, 1982 sinking, search and
rescue helicopters, 1431(24:1720)
Sustainable management, development
>>>Government measures, o.q., 12352(201:1150)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 14(2:1530)
Oceans Act see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, First--Reports, Fourth
Oceans Day
S.O. 31, 12343(201:1105)
October crisis
War Measures Act invocation, New Democratic Party opposition, 6247(95:2135),
11419(186:1030), 11963(195:1620)
>>See also Public safety--Ministerial powers;
National security--Military security zones/controlled access military zones;
Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36);
United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response,
War Measures Act
OECD see Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Off Limits: How Radical Environmentalists are Shutting Down Canada's National Parks see National parks--Ecological integrity, Fraser Institute
Office for Taxpayers Rights see Taxpayers Bill of Rights--Creating
Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness
Budget 2001 funds, $600 million, 8149(129:1730)
>>See also Foot and mouth disease--Outbreak;
Office of Rural Health see Health care system--Rural and remote areas
Office supplies see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)
Officers of Parliament see Parliament; Terrorism/terrorists--Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36)
Officership 2020 Program see Canadian Armed Forces--Officers, Professional development
Official Debates of the House of Commons see Hansard
Official development assistance see Foreign aid
Official language minority communities see Official languages policy/bilingualism; Official Languages Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Eighth
Official Languages Act see Air Canada; Canada Post Corporation; Embassies and consulates--Foreign missions in Canada; House of Commons; NAV CANADA--Hiring policy; Regulations
Official Languages Act (amdt.--provision of bilingual services)(Bill
First reading, 1330(23:1510)
>>See also Official languages policy (Bilingualism)--Bilingual services
Official Languages Commissioner see Commissioner of Official Languages
Official languages policy (Bilingualism)
Bilingual services, restricting, Official Languages Act (amdt.--provision
of bilingual services)(Bill C-286), condemning
>>>Pankiw, personal attacks, condemning, S.O. 31, 2698(42:1400)
>>>S.O. 31, 1714-5(29:1405-10), 1766(30:1110), 2221(36:1405), 11122(181:1400)
>>Canadian Alliance policy, divisive, S.O. 31, 11987(196:1110)
>>Federal government services in either language, 85(4:1210), 315-6(7:1555)
>>French immersion programs, Canadian Parents for French, promoting,
Coquitlam, BC., originating in western Canada, S.O. 31, 4473(69:1415)
>>Government commitment, reaffirming, Throne Speech statement, 16(2:1530),
>>Importance, necessity, Liberal government (Chrétien), position, 20(2:1610)
>>Linguistic minorities
>>>Alternative service delivery arrangements, Treasury Board announcing,
impact, o.q., 9027(145:1445)
>>>see also Exchange programs--Youth
>>Moore, position, 6787(106:1715)
>>National Research Institute on Linguistic Minorities, Université de
Moncton, establishment, o.q., 8922(143:1440)
>>New Brunswick, official languages legislation, renewing, S.O. 31,
>>Official language minority communities
>>>$24 million allocation, Human Resources Development Department
>>>>o.q., 9832(159:1455)
>>>>qu., 11058-9(180:1540)
>>>Quebec, anglophone community, rights
>>>>o.q., 11995(196:1150)
>>>>Other provinces, comparison, o.q., 13003-4(211:1150)
>>>Francophone Youth and Community Futures, $3.5 million initiative, o.q.,
>>>o.q., 31(3:1435-40)
>>>Sustaining, abandoning, Throne Speech statement, 20(2:1605), 56(3:1725),
>>Program spending, $100 million reduction over 10 years, 50% personnel
reduction, government re-investing, o.q., 4173-4(64:1435-40)
>>Quebec, bilingual designated areas, criterion, language spoken at home,
Official Languages Commissioner Dyane Adams, court intervention request,
Intergovernmental Affairs minister Dion, position, o.q., 4171-3(64:1420-35)
>>Restoring, Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dion statement, 12307(200:2000)
>>See also Air Canada;
Air Nova--Bilingual services;
Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology;
Francophones outside Quebec;
Government on-line services (Internet);
House of Commons proceedings--Broadcasting;
Income tax--Returns;
National capital region;
Official Languages Act (amdt.--provision of bilingual services)(Bill C-286)
Ottawa, ON;
Public Service--Management;
Sports--Amateur sports, Francophone athletes;
Summer Work Student Exchange program;
Tay River--OMYA (Canada) Inc. water removal proposal;
Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36)
Official Languages Standing Joint Committee
Reports, presented
>>>First, 1776(30:1200)
>>>Second (Broadcasting and availability of the debates and proceedings of
Parliament in both official languages), 3492(53:1530)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (St. Hilaire), 4405-6(68:1510-5), agreed to, 4406(68:1515)
>>>Third (Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages), 4435(69:1005)
>>>Fourth (Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages), 4435(69:1005)
>>>Fifth (Study of official languages on Air Canada (interim)), 4046(77:1010)
>>>Sixth (The Broadcasting and Availability of the Debates and Proceedings of
Parliament in both Official Languages), 5599(86:1510)
>>>Seventh (Air Canada: Good intentions are not enought!, official
languages policy), government response requested, 9064(146:1010)
>>>>Dissenting report, by unanimous consent, 9064-5(146:1010-5)
>>>Eighth (Official Language Minority Communities), 10540(171:1025)
>>>Ninth (Vote 35), 10843(176:1500)
>>>Tenth (Official Languages Commissioner budget), 10843(176:1500)
>>>Eleventh (Official Languages Act public awareness campaign), 10843(176:1500)
>>>Twelfth (The Justice System and Official Language Communities),
>>See also Hockey Night in Canada--National Hockey League games, Radio
Canada officials;
Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
Fifth--Reports, Eighth
Official Opposition
Canadian Alliance failing in role, depending on Progressive Conservative,
New Democratic and Bloc Québécois members to oppose government policies and
programs, 1093(20:1030)
>>See also Senate;
Official Residences Act see Prime Minister's Residence--24 Sussex Drive
Official Secrets Act
Updating, renaming Security of Information Act, 6166(95:1025)
>>See also Access to information--Restrictions;
Anti-Terrorism Act (Bill C-36);
Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Intelligence
Offshore drilling see Marine conservation areas--Oil and gas leases; Oil and gas industry passim
Offshore supply industry see Shipbuilding industry--Trade agreement with European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Oil and gas industry
Alaskan reserves
>>>United States President Bush, opening, effects, 269(7:1100)
>>>See also Caribou--Porcupine caribou herd
>>Alberta, rights, 3545(54:1220)
>>Atlantic provinces, offshore
>>>Hibernia, 3125(47:2235)
>>>>Government investment, 8029(127:1405)
>>>>>Selling, 8097(129:1120), 8237(131:1345)
>>>>See also Wind energy--Gaspé region, QC
>>>Pipeline, second, constructing, 3112(47:2110)
>>>Provinces regulating, providing infrastructure, 3097(47:1930)
>>>Revenues, clawback see Equalization payments--Clawback of offshore oil and
gas revenues
>>>Sable Island projects, 3125(47:2235)
>>>See also Hibernia project;
Oil and gas industry--Cape Breton coast exploration--Newfoundland--Nova Scotia;
Sable Offshore Energy Project
>>British Columbia, offshore, potential, 3098-9(47:1945), 7286-7(112:1735-40),
>>>Moratorium on exploration, lifting, 1501(26:1240), 3125(47:2235-40)
>>>>o.q., 10454-5(169:1425)
>>Cape Breton coast exploration, fisheries impact, Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore
Petroleum Board and National energy Board (NEB) powers, etc., 863(16:1320)
>>>Petitions, 2623(41:1505)
>>Come By Chance refinery, NF
>>>Security, lack, S.O. 31, 6762(106:1415)
>>>See also Oil and gas industry--Competition
>>>Come By Chance refinery, Competition Bureau restrictions, lifting,
>>>Lack, 322(7:1635)
>>>>Competition Act, amending, 814-5(15:1050-5)
>>>>See also Gasoline prices
>>>See also Competition--Tied selling
>>Corporate income tax
>>>Reduction despite record profits, 320-1(7:1630)
>>>See also Corporate income tax--Reduction, Mining and oil and gas industries
>>Crisis of 1973, impact, smaller automobiles, etc., 892(16:1630)
>>Economic benefits, 8463(134:1710)
>>Employment role, 898(16:1710)
>>Enhanced oil recovery methods, greenhouse gas emissions reduction role,
>>Environmental impact, 893(16:1635)
>>Exports to United States, 7287(112:1740)
>>>Alberta government preventing transportation from north to United States
through Alberta, federal jurisdiction factor, o.q., 4526(70:1125)
>>>Bunker fuel, air pollution impact, 3106(47:2035)
>>>See also Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry
of agreement, Energy exports/free trade agreement;
Energy--Exports to United States;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing,
United States position;
Oil sands--Exports to United States
>>Foreign tax credit, 2872(44:1600)
>>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)
>>Government funding see Alternative energy--Green energy development;
Wind energy--Gaspé region, QC
>>Government subsidies, 12089(198:1240)
>>Great Lakes drilling
>>>Michigan Governor Engler proposal, o.q., 3569(54:1440)
>>>United States energy plan, relationship, o.q., 4220(65:1120)
>>Income tax
>>>Benefits, 8464(134:1715)
>>>See also Oil and gas industry--Corporate income tax--Foreign tax
credit--Tax surtax
>>Newfoundland, developing, success, 3549(54:1250)
>>Northern Canada pipeline from high Arctic, 8180(130:1520-5)
>>>See also Mackenzie Valley Pipeline
>>Northwest Territories exploration, $1 billion, including Mackenzie Delta,
Sahtu region, Liard area, 367(8:1700)
>>Nova Scotia, economic development role, S.O. 31, 12388(202:1405)
>>Ombudsman, establishing, 4535(70:1205)
>>>See also Oil and Gas Ombudsman Act (Bill C-350)
>>Petroleum supplies, 3110(47:2055)
>>Price fixing, 8023(127:1320), 8024(127:1325)
>>Profits, 815(15:1050), 3160(48:1600), 3164(48:1630)
>>>S.O. 31, 1099(20:1110)
>>>See also Gasoline prices--Oil industry profits--Reducing
>>Safety measures, Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board,
Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board, environmental assessments,
>>Tax surtax, establishing, alternative energy development role, o.q.,
>>See also Alberta--Market economy;
Caribou--Porcupine caribou herd;
Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc.--Drilling platform contract;
EnCana Corporation;
Energy--Security of energy systems and infrastructure;
Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Brazil;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Canada
ratifying protocol--Reducing, Oil and gas industry position;
Gulf Canada Resources Limited;
Liberal Party--Donations;
Marine conservation areas;
Natural gas;
Nova Scotia Resources Limited;
Ocean Ranger;
Oil and Gas Ombudsman Act (Bill C-359)--Harb
First reading, 4535(70:1205)
>>See also Oil and gas industry--Ombudsman
Oil Museum of Canada
Oil Springs, ON, S.O. 31, 8165(130:1400)
Oil prices
Environmental costs factor, etc., 835(15:1245), 902(16:1740)
>>Forecasts of 1970s, $100 a barrel, 3169(48:1700)
>>Increases, 3160(48:1600)
>>>Businesses, impact, 513(11:1235)
>>>Saskatchewan government benefits, 3170(48:1700)
>>See also Gasoline prices;
Heating oil
Oil revenues see Sudan--Civil war
Oil sands
Air pollution impact, greenhouse gas emissions, contribution to, 3158(48:1550)
>>>David Suzuki Foundation report, etc., 3106(47:2030)
>>>>o.q., 4526(70:1120-5)
>>>See also Oil sands--Shell Canada Limited and Suncor Energy Inc. projects
>>Athabasca constituency, investments, $30/35 billion, 3095(47:1915)
>>>Costs, 3158(48:1550), 3160(48:1605)
>>>Government role, research, 3164(48:1625-30)
>>>New technologies, 868(16:1355)
>>Employment, northern residents
>>>Flying in from remote communities, 3130(47:2310)
>>>La Cloche, SK road, Dene constructing portion, Alberta not fulfilling
agreement, 3130(47:2310)
>>Environmental implications, 3108(47:2045)
>>Exports to United States,
>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, remarks in United States, o.q., 7681(121:1450)
>>>Greenhouse gas emissions factor, etc.
>>>>Environmental assessment, requiring, o.q., 3212-3(49:1425)
>>>>Prime Minister Chrétien remarks re United States President Bush knowledge,
S.O. 31, 2962(46:1410)
>>>>Replacing more carbon intensive fuels, Canada receiving credits under Kyoto
protocol, o.q., 3482-3(53:1435-40)
>>>>United States rejection of Kyoto protocol, relationship, 3106(47:2030-5)
>>Production costs
>>>Alternative energy, comparison, 3105-6(47:2030), 3107(47:2040)
>>>Per barrel, 3166(47:2035), 3164(48:1625)
>>Reserves, 100/200 years, etc., 3107(47:2040), 3155(48:1530), 3164(48:1625)
>>Shell Canada Limited and Suncor Energy Inc. projects
>>>Greenhouse gas emissions, qu., 3939-40(60:1220)
>>>Income tax provisions, tax expenditures, qu., 3353-4(52:1015)
>>Subsidies, tax incentives, 3105-6(47:2030), 3107(47:2040)
>>Syncrude Canada Ltd. project, environmental implications, 3122(47:2220)
>>See also Petro-Canada--Canadian orientation
Oil spills
>>>Increases, o.q., 9197(148:1440), 10600(172:1130)
>>>Philippine ship, $125,000 fine, o.q., 9197(148:1440)
>>Newfoundland coast, diesel fuel, April 2002, o.q., 10600(172:1130)
>>Nova Scotia coast, birds, impact, o.q., 9197(148:1440)
>>Prevention and response, 1498-9(26:1225)
>>>See also Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (Bill C-14)
>>Seabirds, impact, deaths, o.q., 10600(172:1130)
>>Shipowners liability, 1113(20:1225), 1118(20:1305), 1119-20(20:1310-20),
3604(55:1050), 3810-1(58:1555), 3814-5(58:1615-25)
>>>Brussels convention, 1119(20:1315)
>>>Extending to other forms of pollution, 1114(20:1240)
>>>Fishery losses, impact on fishers, etc., 1119(20:1315)
>>>Insurance requirements, 3602-3(55:1040)
>>>International agreements, relationship, 3810(58:1555)
>>>International oil pollution compensation fund, 1119(20:1315), 3810(58:1555)
>>>Ship-source oil pollution fund, indexing, energy component, etc.,
1119-20(20:1315-20), 3814-5(58:1620-5), 3822-3(58:1720-5)
>>>>Nunavut--Land claims agreement of 1993
>>>See also Marine Liability Act (Bill S-2)
>>Surveillance, inadequate, o.q., 10600(172:1130)
>>See also Marine transportation--Pilotage
Oil Springs, ON see Oil Museum of Canada
Oilseed producers see Farm income crisis--Grain
Ojibway industrial site see Windsor, ON
Oka, QC see Aboriginal self-government--Kanesatake Mohawks
Oklahoma see National sex offender registry--Registering, Failure
33rd annual Kitchener-Waterloo, ON festival, celebrating, S.O. 31,
Old age security
10 year residency requirement, abolishing, petitions, 1655(28:1610)
>>Actuarial forecast, S.O. 31, 12953(210:1410)
>>Benefits, increase, women requiring, 82(4:1150)
>>Indexing, lack, 4492(69:1600)
>>See also Government expenditures--Quebec constituencies;
Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA);
Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)--Epp proposal;
Senior citizens--Pension income
Old Age Security Act (amdt.)(Bill C-449)--Gagnon, M.
First reading, 10887(177:1205)
Old Wendake see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments
Older workers
Government programs, federal-provincial co-operation, etc.
>>>Nova Scotia, o.q., 12778(207:1455)
>>>o.q., 10934(178:1435)
>>Job losses, government programs, assistance, lack, 2328-9(37:1705-10),
6818(107:1215), 8143(129:1645)
>>>Transition programs, employment insurance surplus, use, 7111-2(111:1645),
>>>>o.q., 7964-5(126:1450)
>>See also Air Canada--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks,
Employment insurance;
Fruit of the Loom Canada Inc.;
Noranda Inc.--Gaspé copper smelter;
Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA)
Oldman River
Sunpine Forest Products Ltd. bridge proposal, environmental assessment
process, 4057(62:1305)
Olga see Fisheries--Atlantic stocks--Grand Banks nose and tail
Oligopsony see Competition--Dominant position
Oliver, BC see Salmon, Pacific
Oliver, Craig
Political journalist, Canadian Association of Broadcasters 2001 gold ribbon
award for broadcast excellence, S.O. 31, 6760(106:1405)
Olsen, Hon. Bud
Former Member of Parliament, Senator, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
Olson and Olson see Government contracts--Canadian Heritage Department
Olympic Aid see Children--Early childhood development, Sport
Olympic and paralympic games, 2008 summer games
Beijing, China, bid, human rights abuse, factor, S.O. 31, 4166-7(64:1400)
>>Toronto, ON bid, government support
>>>International Olympic Committee evaluation commission report, o.q.,
>>>o.q., 1600(27:1455-500)
>>>S.O. 31, 1712(29:1355)
Olympic athletes see Sports
Olympics see Jelinek, Otto
Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, coverage, congratulating, S.O. 31,
9252(149:1400), 9291(150:1405)
>>Canadian team
>>>>S.O. 31, 8591(137:1110), 8863(142:1110), 8864(142:1110), 8915(143:1400),
8989(144:1405), 9094-5(146:1405-10), 9139(147:1105), 9189-92(148:1355-410)
>>>>Statement by Minister (Chrétien), 9201-2(148:1500-10)
>>>>Men, Kevin Martin rink, silver medal winners, S.O. 31, 9189(148:1355)
>>>>Women, Kelly Law rink, bronze medal winners, S.O. 31, 9198(148:1355)
>>>Figure skating, Jamie Sale and David Pelletier, gold medal, controversy,
S.O. 31, 8915(143:1400)
>>>Government financial support, o.q., 8871-2(142:1155)
>>>>Iginla, Jarome, black Canadian, first hockey gold medalist, S.O. 31,
>>>>Kellar, Becky, Burlington, ON, tribute, S.O. 31, 9538(154:1410)
>>>>MacInnis, Al, Cape Breton, NS, tribute, S.O. 31, 9291-2(150:1405)
>>>>Men, gold medal winners, congratulating
>>>>>o.q., 9192(148:1415)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 9189-91(148:1355-405)
>>>>St-Pierre, Kim, Châteauguay, QC, tribute, S.O. 31, 9292(150:1410)
>>>>Women, gold medal winners, congratulating, S.O. 31,
9137(147:1100), 9139-40(147:1105-10), 9189(148:1355), 9191(148:1405)
>>>Laval, QC, connection, S.O. 31, 9292(150:1405)
>>>Medalists, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8917(143:1410-5), 9094(146:1400)
>>>Quebec team members, congratulations, S.O. 31, 8752(140:1410)
>>>Red Deer, AB, connection, S.O. 31, 9190(148:1400)
>>>Rehorick, Sally, chef de mission, tribute, S.O. 31, 9251(149:1355)
>>>>Freestyle skiing, Veronica Brenner, Deidra Dionne, medal winners, S.O. 31,
9093(146:1400), 9190(148:1405)
>>>>Roy, Jean-Philippe, Sainte-Flavie, QC., S.O. 31, 8821(141:1410)
>>>Speed skating
>>>>5000 meter men's short track relay team, gold medal winners, S.O. 31,
9090(148:1400), 9255(149:1410)
>>>>Gagnon, Marc, gold medals, bronze medal, S.O. 31, 9190(148:1400)
>>>>Guilmette, Jonathan, sivler medal, S.O. 31, 9190(148:1405)
>>>>Hughes, Clara, bronze medal, summer and winter Olympics' medallist, S.O. 31,
>>>>Klassen, Cindy, bronze medal, S.O. 31, 8915(143:1405)
>>>>Kraus, Alana, Abbotsford, BC, representing, bronze medal, S.O. 31,
7605(120:1410), 9360(151:1410)
>>>>LeMay Doan, Catriona, gold medal, S.O. 31, 8916(143:1405)
>>>>Tremblay, Francois-Louis, Boucherville, QC., team member, S.O. 31,
8591(137:1110), 9253(149:1410)
>>>St. Albert constituency, connection, S.O. 31, 9192(148:1415)
>>>Women team members, tribute, S.O. 31, 9358-9(151:1400)
>>>See also Canadian Olympic/paralympic team
>>Opening ceremonies, Sadie Buck, aboriginal singer, role, S.O. 31,
>>See also Canadian flag--Desecration/destruction;
Sports--Amateur sport, Government funding increase
Olympics, 2010 winter games
Vancouver-Whistler, BC, bid
>>>Government funding
>>>>Budget 2001 measure, 8081(128:1645)
>>>>>Federal-provincial governments, announcement, S.O. 31, 12767(207:1405)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 8119(129:1400)
>>>Status, o.q., 6377(98:1200)
Ombudsmen see Canadian Banking Ombudsman; Credit ombudsman; Export Development Corporation (EDC); Indian bands/reserves--Financial management/accountability; Oil and gas industry
Omnibus bills see Legislation
OMYA (Canada) Inc. see Tay River
One China policy see Canada-Taiwan relations
One Post Road see Housing--Rental housing, Affordable
O'Neill, Paul see United States
Onex Corporation see Air Canada--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
Online credit insurance see Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Credit insurance
Budget deficit increase under New Democratic Party government,
>>Economic prosperity, tax reductions, etc., 8135(129:1545)
>>Eves, Ernie, Premier
>>>Swearing-in, etc., S.O. 31, 10384(168:1405)
>>>See also Ontario--Provincial by-elections
>>Former Members of Provincial Parliament see Henderson, Lorne
>>Harris, Mike, Premier
>>>Retirement announcement, tributes, S.O. 31, 6192(95:1400), 6251(96:1405),
>>>See also United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Ontario
government response
>>Municipal amalgamation see Municipal amalgamation
>>Progressive Conservative government (Harris) see Drinking water
contamination--Walkerton, ON;
Economic growth--Ontario;
Municipal amalgamation--Ottawa, ON;
Tax reductions--Ontario
>>Provincial by-elections, Dufferin--Peel--Wellington--Grey, Premier Ernie
Eves victory, S.O. 31, 11168(182:1105)
>>Provincial debt, reduction, meagre, 8353(133:1735-40), 8354(133:1745)
>>Provincial government tax cuts, impact, etc., 8353(133:1730-5),
9487(153:1720), 12246(200:1245)
>>SuperBuild, advertising, 9455(153:1345)
>>See also particular subjects
Ontario Agriculture Federation see Farm income crisis--$500 million
Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame see Shaver, Donald McQueen
Ontario Budget 2001 (May 10, 2001)
- >>Tax/deficit reduction measures, S.O. 31, 3924(60:1100-5)
>>See also Highways and roads--Ontario, Ottawa, ON; Private schools
Ontario Court of Appeal see Elections--Political parties
Ontario Dairy Discovery
Holstein and Jersey cattle show, Stratford, ON, April 11 and 12, 2002, S.O.
31, 10231(165:1400)
Ontario Farm Federation see Cruelty to animals--Legislation (Bill C-15), Groups concerned
Ontario Federation of Agriculture see Cruelty to animals--Legislation (Bill C-15), Groups concerned; Farm income crisis
Ontario Hydro see Hydro One; Ontario Power Generation Inc.
Ontario legislature internship program see Parliamentary Internship Program
Ontario Lieutenant-Governor's Awards for the Arts see Arts and culture
Ontario Marketing Awards see Burlington Economic Development Council
Ontario Municipal Elections Act see Minna--References, Voting
Ontario Power Generation Inc.
>>>Debt factor, 12083(198:1145)
>>>Federal government position, o.q., 10836(176:1430)
>>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, Kyoto protocol, relationship, o.q.,
>>>See also Nuclear energy
>>See also Nuclear energy;
Nuclear waste--Waste management organization, Members, Hydro-Québec
Ontario Privacy Commissioner see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency--International letters and parcels
Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) see Adopt a Dog Month
Ontario Technical Skills Design Competition
Anderson High School, Peter Miljanovic, Neil Hunt, website design, gold
medal winners, 4521-2(70:1100)
Ontario Wine Awards
Staff, Sue-Ann, Winemaker of the Year, S.O. 31, 12668(205:1400)
OPEC see Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Open border see Border, Canada-United States--Security, Trade
Open pit lead mine see Faro, YT
Open skies project
Bloc Québécois position, 5424(83:1035)
Opera see Canada Opera Festival 2002
"Operation Apollo" see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--United States response, Canadian Armed Forces participation
"Operation Candyman" see Child pornography--Internet access/distribution
"Operation Enduring Freedom" see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--United States response
Operation Green Sweep see Marijuana--Cultivation
"Operation Infinite Justice" see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--United States response
"Operation Protective Wall" see Middle East conflict--West Bank
Operation Unity see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum (1995)
Opposition days see Supply days
Opposition parties
Role, 7426(117:1145), 7427-8(117:1200-5), 8348(133:1655)
>>See also Official Opposition
Option Canada see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum (1995), Operation Unity
Oral Question Period see House of Commons proceedings
Orangeville, ON see Disabled and handicapped persons--EVERYkidspark
Orchard, David see Economic sovereignty
Order in Council appointments
Tabled, 882(16:1510), 1009(18:1510), 1329(23:1505), 1526(26:1505),
2081(34:1010), 2565(40:1200), 2972(46:1500), 3668(56:1500), 3938(60:1220),
4910(76:1500), 5215(80:1005), 6163(95:0955), 6627(103:1205), 6971(110:1000),
7301(115:1000), 8087(129:1005), 8600(137:1200), 9419(152:1205),
9791(159:1005), 10121(164:1000), 10502(170:1500), 10887(177:1200),
11384(185:1505), 11602(189:1520), 11915(195:1005), 12354(201:1200),
12611(204:1505), 12809(208:1005)
>>See also Government appointments;
Marine conservation areas--Establishing/removing;
National parks--New parks
Order in council powers
Liberal government (Chrétien), use, increasing, 7326(115:1325)
Order of Canada
Recipients, Quebecers, congratulating, S.O. 31, 6366(98:1100)
>>See also Baird, Dr. Patricia;
Coutts, Jim;
Danby, Ken;
Dyck, Howard;
English, John;
Gillham, Robert WHancox, William;
Lamoureux, Jake;
Needles, William;
Ritcey, Ralph;
Russell, Gordon;
Singh, T. Sher;
Stewart, Dr. Irwin
Order Paper questions see House of Commons proceedings--Questions on the Order Paper; Procedure--Questions on the Order Paper
Ordre de la Pléiade
Francophonie order, Clarkson, Right Hon. Adrienne (Governor General),
recipient, S.O. 31, 215(6:1400)
Ordre des francophones d'Amérique see Francophones outside Quebec--French language
O'Reilly, John (Lib.--Haliburton--Victoria--Brock; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of National Defence)
- >>Afghanistan, 6436-7(99:1630-5), 6661-2(104:1420)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Eggleton), 8367(133:1950), 8384(133:2155), 8386(133:2215), 8389-90(133:2245)
>>Agriculture, 668(12:2200)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-56), 11727-8(191:1305-10)
>>Border, Canada-United States, 5445-6(83:1300)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement, 6566-7(102:1145)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-32), 6566-7(102:1145), 6571(102:1225), 6574-5(102:1250)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 1201-2(21:1845), 1392-3(24:1320-25), 4403(68:1500), 6436(99:1630), 8384-5(133:2155), 9876-7(159:1915-20)
>>>o.q., 349(8:1500), 1461(25:1150), 3150(48:1455), 3990(61:1440), 4400(68:1445), 4588(71:1440), 4789(74:1455), 5555(85:1445), 5665(87:1450), 7340(115:1500), 7897(125:1420-5), 7901-2(125:1450), 11996(196:1155), 12264-5(200:1440)
>>Canadian Force Housing Agency, 11500(187:1205)
>>Canadian Forces Liaison Council Employer Support Awards, S.O. 31, 4521(70:1100)
>>Canadian Forces Provost Marshal, 4311(67:1005)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 13006(211:1205)
>>Communications Security Establishment Commissioner, 4277(66:1510)
>>>o.q., 6258(96:1440)
>>Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 5445-6(83:1300)
>>Defence equipment, 3523(53:1900)
>>Defence expenditures, 6059(94:1235), 6061(94:1250)
>>Drinking water contamination, o.q., 308(7:1500)
>>Emergency Preparedness Week, S.O. 31, 3390(52:1415)
>>Farm income crisis, 10444(169:1320)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Borotsik), 668-9(12:2200-5)
>>Firefighters/emergency response personnel, M. (Calder), 11156(181:1755)
>>Forest fires, o.q., 4529(70:1140)
>>Government grants and contributions, 10445(169:1320-5)
>>Holland, S.O. 31, 11166(182:1100)
>>Media, o.q., 12771(207:1425)
>>National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman, 4534(70:1200), 5215(80:1005), 12809(208:1000)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Reynolds), 10513(170:1620-5)
>>National Defence Department, 11151(181:1720)
>>National missile defence system, o.q., 3989(61:1435)
>>National security, 11151(181:1715-20)
>>>M. on supply (MacKay), 9532(154:1325)
>>Order in Council appointments, 9419(152:1205)
>>Pension funds, M. (Martin, Pat), 6793(106:1800)
>>Petitions, g.r., 9420(152:1205)
>>Procedure, members' remarks, 9432(152:1340)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), 11150-1(181:1715-25)
>>References, taking Chair as Acting Speaker, 9432(152:1340)
>>Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions, 10444(169:1315)
>>Sea King helicopters
>>>M. on supply (Wayne), 1392-4(24:1320-30)
>>>o.q., 4223(65:1135), 4395(68:1420), 4524-5(70:1115), 4587-8(71:1440), 4660(72:1430), 7334(115:1430)
>>Sea King helicopters, 8389(133:2245)
>>Search and rescue, 1079(19:1825-30)
>>Sewage systems, 10445(169:1325)
>>Shipbuilding industry, 3010(46:1925)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 10444-5(169:1315-25)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 10444-5(169:1315-25)
>>Stratford Festival of Canada, S.O. 31, 12710(206:1100)
>>Sugar industry, 6574-5(102:1250)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 6107(94:1830)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6125-7(94:2110-5)
>>>o.q., 6258(96:1440)
>>Trade agreements, 6566-7(102:1145), 6571(102:1225)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 6126-7(94:2110-5), 6798-9(106:1840-5)
>>>M. on supply (Clark), 6059(94:1235), 6061(94:1250), 6107(94:1830)
>>>o.q., 5555-6(85:1445-50)
>>Veterans, o.q., 4789(74:1455)
>>White Creek Rehabilitation Project, 10445(169:1320)
>>Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRENS), S.O. 31, 12951(210:1400)
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 4701(73:1410)
Organ Donation Act (Bill C-443)--Wasylycia-Leis
First reading, 10540-1(171:1025)
>>See also Organ donations/transplants--National registry
Organ donations/transplants
DeGrace, Yannick, accidental death, organ donation to six recipients, S.O.
31, 10714(174:1400)
>>Demand increase, limited availability, impact, o.q., 10602(172:1140)
>>Kidney transplant, father to son donation, Roger and Marc Gauthier, tribute,
S.O. 31, 8752(140:1405)
>>Marcello, George, liver transplant recipient, Canada 769 Day Walk, tribute,
S.O. 31, 10876(177:1100), 12099(198:1405)
>>National council on organ donations and transplants, establishment, o.q.,
>>National registry, establishing, 3207(49:1400), 3210(49:1410),
>>>S.O. 31, 6365(98:1100), 8545(136:1405)
>>>See also Organ Donation Act (Bill C-443)
>>Need, S.O. 31, 10831(176:1355), 10834(176:1410)
>>Rate, increase/improvement, national strategy, $20 million government
funding, o.q., 2968(46:1440)
>>Research chairs, establishing, Canadian Institutes of Health Research and
Wyeth-Ayers Canada Inc. announcement, S.O. 31, 11294(184:1400)
>>Transplantable organs, shortage, purchasing abroad, o.q., 4528-9(70:1135)
>>See also National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week
Organic crops/industry
Expanding, successful, 1896(32:1305), 4769-70(74:1255-300)
>>Wheat, marketing, Canadian Wheat Board barriers, 3077-8(47:1705),
3292(51:1215), 4833(75:1050), 5694(87:1825)
>>>o.q., 3568(54:1445), 3613(55:1135), 3746-7(57:1450-5), 3798-9(58:1445),
3992(61:1450), 4077(62:1455), 4226(65:1150-5), 4786-7(74:1440-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 3310(51:1415)
>>See also Pesticides--Agricultural use
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) see Biological and chemical weapons/terrorism--Emergency measures; Corporate income tax--International comparison; École Polymécanique de Laval; Economic growth--International comparison; Economy/economic conditions; Education; Environment; Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Travel; Export Development Corporation (EDC); Gross Domestic Product (GDP)--Growth per capita; Health care funding; Income tax agreements, conventions and treaties--Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) model--Tax havens; Internet--High speed/broadband, Government/private sector role; Money laundering; Productivity; Research and development--Government expenditures; Social programs--Expenditures; Standard of living--Declining; Tax havens--Investment dealers accounts; Taxation--Anti-tax competition
Organization of American States (OAS)
Anniversary, celebrating, 2341(37:1830)
>>Democracy, commitment, Canada, joining, reason, 2359-60(37:2035-40),
2362(37:2055), 2365-6(37:2115-20)
>>See also Inter-American Democratic Charter;
Terrorism/terrorists, combatting