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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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Pacetti, Massimo (Lib.--Saint-Léonard--Saint-Michel; elected in by-election May 13, 2002)

    >>Biotechnology industry, o.q., 12395(202:1440)
    >>References, introduction in House, 11555(188:1415)

Pacific salmon see Salmon, Pacific

Pacificador, Rudy see Immigration--Sklarzyk family

Packaging and labelling see Agricultural products--Labelling; Dairy industry--Dairy products; Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)--Labelling; Pesticides

Pages see House of Commons pages; Procedure

Pagtakhan, Hon. Rey (Lib.--Winnipeg North--St. Paul; Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) until January 15, 2002; Minister of Veterans Affairs as of January 15, 2002; Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development) as of May 26, 2002)

    >>Afghanistan, 6646(104:1225-30), 6653(104:1330)
    >>>o.q., 4353(67:1440)
    >>Afghanistan of Tomorrow Conference, o.q., 7448(117:1440)
    >>Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group (APEC), o.q., 7097-8(111:1500)
    >>Canada-Pakistan relations, o.q., 2228-9(36:1445)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 9148(147:1155)
    >>Canadian Landmine Fund, report, tabled, 2081(34:1005)
    >>Export Development Act (amdt.)(Bill C-31), 6707(105:1140)
    >>Foreign aid, M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 6645-7(104:1225-35), 6653-4(104:1330)
    >>India, o.q., 1984-5(33:1500)
    >>Infrastructure Canada Program, o.q., 4988(77:1440)
    >>International agreements, conventions and treaties, list, tabled, 2081(34:1005-10)
    >>International Space Station, o.q., 12267(200:1455)
    >>Nortel Networks Corporation, o.q., 4097-8(63:1440)
    >>Pagtakhan, references, 8297(133:1105)
    >>Pakistan, 6646(104:1230)
    >>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 12198(199:1550)
    >>Privilege, Bailey (language, inappropriate/improper), 8297(133:1105)
    >>>Divisions, 8031(127:1415)
    >>>Documents, tabling, 2081(34:1005)
    >>Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, 10121(164:1005)
    >>References, Bailey comments concerning fitness to be Minister of Veterans Affairs, 8297(133:1105), 8306(133:1210)
    >>Research and development, o.q., 12106(198:1435)
    >>Skilled trades and technology workforce, o.q., 12106(198:1435)
    >>Southeast Asia, 6646(104:1230)
    >>Sri Lanka, o.q., 2622(41:1455)
    >>Terrorism/terrorists, o.q., 6594(102:1455)
    >>Trade, o.q., 160(5:1140), 2972(46:1500), 3397-8(52:1450), 4097-8(63:1440)
    >>University research, o.q., 12106(198:1435)
    >>Veterans, o.q., 8828-9(141:1450), 11302(184:1440), 12191(199:1505), 12775(207:1445)
    >>Veterans' benefits/pensions, o.q., 8643(138:1440), 9369(151:1455), 9662(156:1500), 13004(211:1155)
    >>Veterans' medals, o.q., 9368(151:1450), 9468(153:1455)
    >>World Trade Organization (WTO), 6654(104:1330)
    >>>o.q., 5295(81:1500)
    >>World War I, statement by Minister (Pagtakhan), 10121-2(164:1005)
    >>World War II, o.q., 12038(197:1430)

Paint ball players/operators

    >>Criminal designation, Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15) provisions, firearm definition and velocity of projectile, 3648(56:1300-5), 3651(56:1325-30), 3652(56:1340), 3655(56:1355)
    >>>o.q., 3395-6(52:1440-5)


    >>Canadians, evacuation, Canadian embassy assistance
    >>>Fast, Dr. Raymond, o.q., 5253(80:1445-50)
    >>>o.q., 5344(82:1425)
    >>Foreign aid, 6681(104:1640)
    >>>Debt, $447 million, converting to assistance, 6646(104:1230), 6650(104:1305)
    >>>>o.q., 6079(94:1450), 6080(94:1500)
    >>Sanctions against, Canada lifting, o.q., 5870(90:1455)
    >>>Nuclear policies, relationship, o.q., 6026(93:1140-5)
    >>See also Afghanistan--Refugees; Canada-Pakistan relations; CANDU reactors--Export sales; Foreign policy--India-Pakistan relations; India-Pakistan relations; Kashmir; Pearl, Daniel; Terrorism/terrorists--Al-Kadr--Combatting

Palais des congrès de Montréal

    >>Expansion, federal funding, refusal, 4465-6(69:1330)

Palestine House see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Islamic community

Palestinian Authority

    >>Involvement in shipment of 50 tonnes of weapons and explosives to terrorists
    >>>Canadian financial assistance to, withdrawal, o.q., 8825(141:1435)
    >>>Direct evidence, reconsideration of Canadian diplomatic relations with, o.q., 8328(133:1440)
    >>Palestinian coast guard, $250,000 Canadian International Development Agency funding, o.q., 8716(139:1440)
    >>See also Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting

Palestinians see Middle East peace process; Terrorism/terrorists--Suicide bombings

Palliative care

    >>End of life care, quality, funding and training
    >>>Improving, 3696(56:1815)
    >>>Petitions, 2624(41:1505), 4714(73:1520)
    >>Facilities, Carpenter Hospice, Burlington, ON, etc., 12595(203:2240)
    >>Homecare and pharmacare for the dying
    >>>Federal-provincial funding, petition, 538(11:1510), 1527(26:1510)
    >>>Senate report, government action, o.q., 1644(28:1450-5)
    >>Homecare, pharmacare, long term illnesses, providing, 5036-7(77:1950)
    >>Resources devoted to, increase, S.O. 31, 3139(48:1400)
    >>See also Children--Illness; Maison Mathieu-Forment-Savoie; National Palliative Care Week

Pallister, Brian (CA--Portage--Lisgar)

Palmer, Jim

PALS see Primary Automated Lookout System (PALS)

Pan-American export trade fair see Americontact 2001

Pan-American Taekwondo Championships 2001

    >>Canadian competitors, not attending, United States, September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, effects, S.O. 31, 5339-40(82:1400)

Pankiw, Jim (CA--Saskatoon--Humboldt; PC/DR Coalition--Saskatoon--Humboldt as of September 13, 2001; Ind.--Saskatoon--Humboldt as of April 10, 2002)

Pannucio, Saro see Caring Canadians Award

Papineau, Louis-Joseph see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments--Manoir Papineau

Paquette, Pierre (BQ--Joliette)

Paquette, Cpl Rene see Canadian Armed Forces--Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Afghanistan mission

Para Transpo

    >>Ottawa, ON public transit service for disabled and handicapped persons, strike, impact, settling, etc.
    >>>o.q., 3664(56:1440), 3991(61:1445), 4073-4(62:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2905(45:1100), 3478(53:1410)

Paradis, Hon. Denis (Lib.--Brome--Missisquoi; ParliamentarySecretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs until August 31, 2001; Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa)(Francophonie) as of January 15, 2002)

    >>Agriculture, S.O. 31, 1589(27:1400)
    >>Air Canada, S.O. 31, 337(8:1400)
    >>Antarctica, qu., 2919-20(45:1205)
    >>Besré, Jean, S.O. 31, 1713(29:1400)
    >>Border, Canada-United States, o.q., 4515(79:1455)
    >>Brome Lake duck, S.O. 31, 6517(101:1400)
    >>Brome--Missisquoi constituency, S.O. 31, 2530(39:1400)
    >>Campbell River co-generation electric power plant, 2263(36:1850-5)
    >>Canada-Slovak Republic Social Security Agreement, S.O. 31, 4581(71:1405)
    >>Champlain, Samuel de, S.O. 31, 598(12:1410), 1155(21:1355-400)
    >>Defence equipment, qu., 3012(47:1000)
    >>Embassies and consulates, o.q., 11010(179:1450)
    >>Fisheries, o.q., 4402(68:1455)
    >>Foreign investment/ownership, 3380(52:1315)
    >>Francophonie, o.q., 8925(143:1455)
    >>Free Trade Area of the Americas, 3380-2(52:1320-5)
    >>>o.q., 2912(45:1135)
    >>General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), 3381(52:1320-5)
    >>General Motors of Canada Limited, M. on supply (Guay), 10827(176:1330)
    >>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 7896(125:1415)
    >>HIV/AIDS, o.q., 11129(181:1440)
    >>Impaired driving, o.q., 224(6:1445)
    >>International Year of Volunteers, S.O. 31, 8281(132:1100)
    >>>M. (Robinson), 3906-7(59:1745-55)
    >>>o.q., 1046(19:1445-50)
    >>Lefebvre, Gilles, S.O. 31, 4265(66:1405-10)
    >>Liberia, o.q., 12607(204:1440)
    >>Madagascar, o.q., 9588(155:1500)
    >>Middle East conflict, o.q., 4589(71:1445)
    >>Middle East peace process, o.q., 1047-8(19:1455-500), 3991(61:1450), 4589(71:1445)
    >>Nigeria, o.q., 9026(145:1440), 9199(148:1450)
    >>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 3380-1(52:1320-5)
    >>Nuclear waste, o.q., 4350-1(67:1425)
    >>Peru, o.q., 12959(210:1440)
    >>Procedure, supply motions, 3381(52:1325)
    >>References see Francophonie--Democratic regimes; Regional development--International day
    >>Refugees, o.q., 4271(66:1440)
    >>Regional development, S.O. 31, 2698(42:1400), 4656(72:1410)
    >>Remembrance Day (November 11), S.O. 31, 7206(113:1100)
    >>Saar Gummi Automotive Group, S.O. 31, 7442(117:1405)
    >>Saudi Arabia, o.q., 226(6:1450-5), 4266-7(66:1415), 4351(67:1430)
    >>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 5860(90:1400)
    >>Special Economic Measures Act, o.q., 4950(77:1030)
    >>Sudan, o.q., 4949-50(77:1030), 9758(158:1455)
    >>Summer Work Student Exchange program, S.O. 31, 6760(106:1405)
    >>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), 3382(52:1330)
    >>>o.q., 1161(21:1425), 1163(21:1435), 1243(22:1430), 2913(45:1135), 3059(47:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4089(63:1400)
    >>Summit of the Americas Peoples Summit (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), o.q., 2912-3(45:1130)
    >>Trade agreements, M. on supply (McDonough), 3379-82(52:1315-30)
    >>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 3790(58:1405)
    >>Water exports, o.q., 2561(40:1145), 3796(58:1430-5)
    >>World Trade Organization (WTO), 3380(52:1315)
    >>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 2238-40(36:1540-55)
    >>Youth Internship Canada, S.O. 31, 7829(124:1355)
    >>Youth justice system, 2238-40(36:1540-55)
    >>Zimbabwe, o.q., 9888-9(160:1455)

Paradise Institute, The see Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition

Paralympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)

    >>Canadian team, medal winners, congratulating
    >>>S.O. 31, 9407(152:1100), 9457-8(153:1400-5), 9536(154:1400), 9651(156:1400), 9653(156:1410), 9700-1(157:1100)
    >>>Statement by minister (Chrétien), 9759-61(158:1500-10)
    >>>Wirz, Kasper, cross country skiing/biathalon coach, tribute, S.O. 31, 10452(169:1410)
    >>>See also Canadian Olympic/paralympic team

Paramedics see Barnes, Rex--References

Paramilitary death squads see Colombia

Parc des Laurentides see Highways and roads--Quebec

Parc Downsview Park Inc.

    >>Access to Information Act, provisions, application, o.q., 7834-5(124:1430)
    >>Canada Lands Company subsidiary, development of former CFB Toronto (Downsview), $100 million expenditure, parliamentary approval lacking, 4929-33(76:1710-40), 5022-3(77:1830-5), 8210(131:1025), 12160(198:2130)
    >>Genco, Tony, interim President and CEO, appointment, former senior advisor to National Defence Minister Eggleton
    >>>o.q., 10359(167:1155)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10349(167:1100)

Pardons see Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC)--Individuals; Latimer, Robert--Murder

Parental benefits see Employment insurance--Maternity/parental benefits

Parental leave

Parental responsibility see Children--Discipline

Parental rights see Children--Discipline

Parenting see Divorce--Child custody, Joint/shared parenting

Paris, France see Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Travel

Parizeau, Jacques see Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI); North American Free Trade Agreement--Investor-state dispute settlement provisions

Park, Ji-Won see Immigration

Park, Won Pil see Immigration--Deportation

Park Inns Canada Ltd. see Auberge Grand-Mère--Funding controversy, Grand-Mère golf course

Parkdale--High Park constituency

    >>Economic and cultural diversity, 8458(134:1640)
    >>See also see Budget 2001--Pre-budget consultations; International Women's Day

Parker, Justice W.D. see Auberge Grand-Mère--Funding controversy, Independent inquiry

Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month

    >>April, public awareness campaign, research fund raising, etc., S.O. 31, 2769(43:1400), 10759(175:1405)

Parks see Cité du Havre Park; Leamy Lake Park; Marine conservation areas; National parks; Park Downsview Park Inc.; Phyllis Rawlinson Park; Provincial parks; Serpent Mounds Park

Parks, Allan see Royal Canadian Legion

Parks Canada Agency

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Canadian Heritage Department
    >>See also Marine conservation areas; National parks; Riding Mountain National Park--Spruce trees


    >>37th Parl., 1st Sess.,
    >>>Liberals, Bloc Québécois, fighting, Canadian Alliance calm, peaceful, 21(2:1615)
    >>>>Letter from Governor General, read by Speaker, 7(1:1610)
    >>>>Message from Deputy to Governor General, delivered by Usher of the Black Rod, 1:(1:1110)
    >>Address to joint sitting see United Kingdom--Blair
    >>Anti-democratic, irrelevant, partisan, public perception, 58-9(3:1745), 1264(22:1725), 1271-2(22:1815-20), 1274(22:1835-40), 1304(22:2215-20)
    >>Courts/judiciary, powers, relationship, 98(4:1340), 20077(33:2515)
    >>Culture of institution, importance, 2023(33:1900)
    >>Democracy, restoring, 446(9:1650), 1094(20:1040)
    >>Democratic institution, 2032-3(33:2005-15)
    >>>Members interacting with other Members, impact, 2077(33:2515)
    >>>Other parliamentary bodies, comparison, 2069(33:2415-20)
    >>>Public questioning, 2016(33:1815), 2053(33:2225)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main--2002-2003, Main
    >>Evolution, historical background, 1303(22:2210)
    >>Executive role, importance, increasing, 5951(92:1040)
    >>Functionality, 3452(52:2035-40)
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, impact, 5958(92:1140-5)
    >>>Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons Special Committee report, recommendations, impact, 5957(92:1135)
    >>Future, viability, 2046(33:2140)
    >>Lack of respect, Liberal government (Chrétien) attitude, 2034(33:2020-5)
    >>Modernization, 2007(33:1715)
    >>Officers of Parliament
    >>>Annual reports, referral to and consideration by Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 5948(92:1020)
    >>>Arms length relationship, full independence, 2048(33:2155)
    >>>>Democratic, 973-4(17:1640)
    >>>>Ratification, non-debatable, votable motion, 5947-8(92:1015-20), 5955(92:1120)
    >>>Committee review, Canadian Alliance proposal, 1261(22:1700), 2068(33:2410)
    >>>Reports, binding, proposal, 1277(22:1905)
    >>>Emasculating, Liberal government (Chrétien) attempting, 933(17:1220), 1304(22:2215), 1305-7(22:2225-35)
    >>>Role, 1291-2(22:2045), 1299-1301(22:2140-55), 2066(33:2400), 5951(92:1040-5)
    >>Partisanship, reducing, 2078(33:2515)
    >>"Pizza Parliament", 1994(33:1555-600)
    >>Political parties, role, 2066(33:2400)
    >>>Abdicated, diverted trade agreements, relationship, 97-8(4:1340)
    >>>Irrelevant, impact of government legislation, S.O. 31, 7443(117:1415)
    >>>Redistribution, 2015(33:1810)
    >>>Restoring, 2044(33:2125-30), 2048(33:2150-5)
    >>>Shifting to executive, expediting issues, 2020(33:1840), 2046(33:2140)
    >>>Transferred from elected Members to unelected officials in Prime Minister's Office/Privy Council Office, 934(17:1230), 1274(22:1840), 1307(22:2235), 2031(33:2000), 2047(33:2150), 2042(33:2115), 2043-4(33:2120-5), 2067(33:2405)
    >>>>Backbenchers' bill of rights, 2048(33:2150)
    >>>>Contempt of Parliament Day, D. Mills proposal, 2042-3(33:2115-20)
    >>Public confidence, lack, 2012-3(33:1755), 2015(33:1810)
    >>Reforming, 2007(33:1715)
    >>Relevance, 1294-5(22:2105-10), 2016(33:1815), 2024(33:1905), 6433(99:1610)
    >>>Restoring, 2013(33:1800)
    >>Role, 1144(21:1230)
    >>>Auditor General (Desautel) remarks, 1282(22:1935-40)
    >>>Chrétien, Primer Minister, neutering, silencing, etc., 12275(200:1555), 12299(200:1900)
    >>>Strengthening, 2002(33:1645)
    >>Rubber stamp for Liberal policies, 1999(33:1625)
    >>Sitting, costs, 1273(22:1830)
    >>>Day position, statements as Alberta Treasurer, comparison, o.q., 3792(58:1415)
    >>>See also Legislative process--Report stage, Abuses
    >>"Talking shop", "de facto electoral college for executive", 2078(33:2520)
    >>Traditions, outdated and outmoded, 2037(33:2035)
    >>See also Air transportation security--Increase, Canada Air Transport Security Authority; Budget 2000 Mini Budget; Budget surplus--Allocation; Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement--Negotiations; Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology--Board of directors; Export Development Corporation (EDC); Financial Consumer Agency of Canada; Foundations--Auditor General's concerns; Free trade--Central American countries; Free Trade Area of the Americas; Government expenditures; Government finances; International agreements, conventions and treaties; National missile defence system--Establishing; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)--Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) role; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)--Expansion; Public safety--Legislation, Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55); Strategic Infrastructure Foundation; Trade agreements--Negotations, Transparency--Parliament approving final agreements; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001); User fees--Federal government departments and agencies; Virtual Parliament

Parliament Buildings

    >>Air conditioning services, shutdown, fire in heating and cooling plant, 11873(194:1405), 11879(194:1430)
    >>>Restoration, 11915(195:1005)
    >>>See also House of Commons proceedings
    >>Building project, Committee Rooms, Senators' offices, $221 million construction costs, etc., o.q., 10308(166:1440)
    >>Foreign substance discovered, potential health and safety hazard, contingency/emergency plans, etc., 6085-6(94:1535)
    >>>See also Anthrax
    >>National treasure, restoration plans, o.q., 6376(98:1155)
    >>Renovations, status, 12172-3(198:2310)
    >>Reorientation, redesigning as circle, symbol of unity, 2060(33:2320)
    >>See also Asbestos industry--Chrysotile asbestos; Canadian map; Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute--Students; National capital; Parliamentary Buildings Advisory Council; Peace Tower (Parliament Buildings); St. Lawrence School

Parliament Hill

    >>Canada Day celebrations, cancellation, G-8 Summit, relationship, o.q., 12261-2(200:1425)
    >>Pearson, Right Hon. Lester B., statue, erecting, M-16 (Boudria) (2nd Sess., 33rd Parl.), 3439-40(52:1910-5)
    >>Security, response to United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 5827(89:2150), 6241(95:2040), 8159(129:1845)
    >>>Tourist access, etc., r.o., 10608(172:1205)
    >>See also Farm income crisis--Farmers, Protests; Homelessness; Police and Peace Officer National Memorial; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response; Van Hee, Fr. Tony

Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-218)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 229(6:1510-5)
    >>Second reading, 7726-33(122:1330-425)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 7734(122:1430)
    >>See also Members of Parliament--Political affiliation

Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--constituency allowances)(Bill C-293)--Reynolds

    >>First reading, 1526(26:1505)
    >>See also Members of Parliament--Constituency allowances

Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill C-480)--Bellemare

    >>First reading, 12915(210:1005)
    >>See also Members of Parliament--Oath of allegiance

Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10)--Jennings--Thibeault

    >>First reading, 538(11:1510)
    >>Second reading, 3080-7(47:1750-835)
    >>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 3087(47:1835)
    >>>Reported, with an amendment, 5090(78:1505)
    >>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, on division, 6348(97:1730)
    >>Third reading, 6348-55(97:1735-825), 7992-3(126:1825-40), agreed to, on recorded division, 8130-1(129:1500-15), passed.
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 6355(97:1830)
    >>Royal Assent, 8295(132A:1705). Chap. 36, S.C. 2001
    >>See also Parliamentary Poet Laureate; Terrorism--Combatting, Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36)

Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--recognized political parties)(Bill C-273)--Pankiw

    >>First reading, 1010(18:1510-5)
    >>See also House of Commons--Official party status

Parliament of Canada Act and Canada Elections Act (amdt.--fixed election dates)(Bill C-421)--Pankiw

    >>First reading, 8178(130:1515)
    >>See also Elections--Fixed date

Parliament of Canada Act, Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Boudria)

Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct (Bill C-299)--McDonough

    >>First reading, 1653-4(28:1600)
    >>See also Ethics Counsellor; Members of Parliament--Code of Conduct--Conflict of interest regulations

Parliamentarians for Global Action see Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting

Parliamentary Buildings Advisory Council

    >>Report, The Hill: Past, Present, Future, and working document A Legacy for Future Generations: The Long Term Vision and Plan for the Parliamentary Precinct, tabled, 3525(54:1000)

Parliamentary calendar

    >>Friday sittings, reform, 1259(22:1650)
    >>Sitting days, reducing, 3470(52:2245)
    >>See also House of Commons proceedings; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Sixteenth

Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas

    >>Pavon Jaramillo, Laura, first women president, tribute, S.O. 31, 11986(196:1105)

Parliamentary Conference of the Americas see Free Trade Area of the Americas--Interparliamentary forum

Parliamentary delegations

    >>Reports, tabling, Thailand, visit, 8647(138:1500)

Parliamentary democracy

    >>Accountability and responsibility, cornerstones, 8604(137:1230)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act see Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-375); Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act (amdt.--members' staff)(Bill C-435)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act (amdt.--members' staff)(Bill C-435)--McDonough

    >>First reading, 9303-4(150:1510)
    >>See also Members of Parliament--Staff

Parliamentary institutions

    >>Public confidence, restoring, 388(9:1045)

Parliamentary Internship Program

    >>Ontario legislature internship program, exchange, S.O. 31, 7895(125:1410)

Parliamentary Poet Laureate

    >>Position, establishing, 538(11:1510), 3080-7(47:1750-835), 6348-55(97:1735-825), 7992-3(126:1825-40)
    >>>Funds better used elsewhere, 8219(131:1125)
    >>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, respecting, 12623(204:1620-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8239(131:1400)
    >>>See also Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10)

Parliamentary precinct

    >>Security see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Sixty-seventh
    >>Speaker authority, extent, 10844-5(176:1515-25)

Parliamentary privilege

    >>Erosion, 2026(33:1925)
    >>Extending to include work in committees, 2026(33:1925)

Parliamentary reform

    >>Accountability, increasing, 62-6(3:1815-35)
    >>Alcock, Bennett, article, 62(3:1815), 1281(22:1935)
    >>All party commitment, 66(3:1835)
    >>Bélanger, position, 462-3(10:1030)
    >>Bloc Québécois commitment, 66(3:1835)
    >>Canadian Alliance commitment, proposals, 66(3:1835), 126(1635), 128-30(4:1650-700), 435(9:1535-40), 946(17:1345), 1258-61(22:1645-705), 5948(92:1020)
    >>>Building Trust, 387(9:1040), 5954(92:1115)
    >>>Constitutional change requirement, Government House Leader Boudria statement, 129(4:1655), 387(9:1040)
    >>Continuous quality improvement (CQI) or total quality management (TQM), comparison, 2022(33:1855)
    >>Efficiency, importance, 63(3:1820)
    >>Estimates, consideration, 3443-7(52:1935-2000), 3459-60(52:2130), 6804(107:1025), 8183(130:1550)
    >>>Committees of the Whole House, open debates, accountable, 63-5(3:1820-30)
    >>>>Estimates committee, establishing, 3443-7(52:1935-), 5044(77:2045)
    >>>>>Members, payment, 3446(52:2000), 3449-50(52:2020)
    >>>>Re-establishing, 64(3:1825)
    >>>Future year expenditures, identifying, improving process, 1995(33:1605), 5043(77:2040)
    >>>Government spending, controlling, thorough examinations, 62-4(3:1815-25)
    >>>Improving, 3462(52:2150), 7790(123:1740)
    >>>Individual committees, unaccountable, 63-5(3:1820-30)
    >>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), unaccountable. 65(3:1830)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party/Democratic Representatives Caucus Coalition policy paper, release, S.O. 31, 8754(140:1415)
    >>>Supply committee, establishing, 5044(77:2040)
    >>>>Televising debates, 64(3:1825)
    >>Evolutionary process, 2022-3(33:1900)
    >>Free/freer votes, 62(3:1815), 126(4:1635), 129-30(4:1655-705), 318(7:1615), 320(7:1625), 357(8:1550), 499(10:1400-5)
    >>>Canadian Alliance proposal, 1260(22:1700)
    >>>o.q., 109(4:1440)
    >>>Turner, Right Hon. John, former Liberal Prime Minister position, o.q., 3793(58:1415)
    >>>See also House of Commons proceedings
    >>Government-opposition, equality of strength, 5948(92:1020)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), commitment, 65(3:1835), 127(4:1645), 494-5(10:1335-40), 1259-60(22:1650-55), 1274(22:1840), 3437(52:1900)
    >>>Giving lip service, 933(17:1220)
    >>>Measures, o.q., 3882(59:1500)
    >>>Mills, D., position, 116(4:1525-30)
    >>>o.q., 608(12:1500)
    >>>See also Parliamentary reform--Members of Parliament, Private Members
    >>Love of institution motivation, 2041(33:2110)
    >>Martin, K., remarks, criticism, 3470-1(52:2250-5)
    >>McGrath report, 65(3:1830)
    >>Members of Parliament, roles, extending, 353(8:1525), 356-7(8:1545-50), 462(10:1025), 3437-8(52:1900), 9342-3(151:1155-205)
    >>>Committees, influence, increasing, 62(3:1815)
    >>>Library of Parliament, increasing resources, 62(3:1815)
    >>>Martin, Finance Minister, remarks, 1293(22:2055-2100)
    >>>Private Members, all parties, 312-4(7:1530-40), 4952-3(77:1045-50)
    >>>>Liberal government (Chrétien), encouraging, 494-5(10:1335-40)
    >>>>Public legislation, drafting, participation, 62(3:1815), 496(10:1340-5)
    >>Modern day, coping, 63(3:1820)
    >>Modernization and Improvement of Procedures of House of Commons Special Committee, reporting June 2001, o.q., 3792-3(58:1415)
    >>Necessity, 64(3:1825), 65-6(3:1835), 119(4:1545-50), 454(9:1750), 499(10:1405), 660(12:2105), 806(14:1755), 1295(22:2110), 1307(22:2235), 2033(33:2010), 2056(33:2250), 2713-4(42:1520-5), 7205(113:1055), 11983-4(196:1045-50)
    >>New Democratic Party commitment, 66(3:1835), 974(17:1640)
    >>On-going process, 3461-3(52:2145-2200), 5954(92:1110)
    >>Options, House Leaders' discussions, 1143(21:1225)
    >>Parrish, Carolyn, remarks, 1260(22:1655)
    >>Participatory democracy, encouraging, 314(7:1540)
    >>Partisan politics, reducing, 65(3:1830-5)
    >>Prime Minister's Office hindering, 5958(92:1145)
    >>Private Members' Business
    >>>Legislation, second reading, selection process, 496-7(10:1345-50)
    >>>Private Members' Bills, dilatory motions, prohibiting, 5000-1(77:1555-600)
    >>>Voting practices, 496(10:1345), 498(10:1355-400), 4953-4(77:1055)
    >>Private Members' Motions, Liberal Members voting down, Prime Minister Office ordering, condemning, S.O. 31, 9947(161:1405)
    >>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), actions, undemocratic
    >>>Governor General warrant, use, approval, 64-5(3:1825-30)
    >>>See also Parliamentary reform--Estimates
    >>Proposals, consultations, 46-7(3:1605-10), 48(3:1625), 127-9(4:1645-55)
    >>>o.q., 156(5:1120)
    >>Public demand, 2021(33:1845)
    >>Public interest, lack, 933(17:1220)
    >>Public participation, increasing, 353(8:1525)
    >>Redistribution of powers, 2007(33:1715-20), 2011(33:1740-5)
    >>Reid, position, 11979-81(196:1015-35)
    >>Strahl, position, 62(3:1815), 125-7(4:1635-40)
    >>Technology, adapting, 263-4(7:1030), 1285(22:2000), 1286-7(22:2010-15)
    >>Throne Speech proposals, 16(2:1530), 1282(22:1940), 1285(22:2000-05)
    >>>Federal intrusion into provincial jurisdiction, o.q., 157(5:1125)
    >>>"Pathetically inadequate", 497(10:1350), 499(10:1405)
    >>>See also Committees, Parliamentary--Research assistance; Electoral reform; House of Commons proceedings--Voting procedures
    >>Turner, Right Hon. John, former Liberal Prime Minister, comments, Liberal government (Chrétien) position, o.q., 3792-3(58:1415)
    >>United Kingdom practices, government picking and choosing, 1258-9(22:1645-50)
    >>>See also Legislative process--Report stage, Motions
    >>See Justice system--Updating, Dividing bill

Parliamentary Secretaries see Committees, Parliamentary; House of Commons proceedings--Adjournment proceedings; Legislative process--Legislative committees

Parliamentary system

    >>Historical background, evolution, United Kingdom and United States experiences, 3177(49:1025)

Parliamentary task forces

Parliamentary watchdogs

    >>Auditor General, Privacy Commissioner, Information Commissioner and Ethics Commissioner, 386-7(9:1030-5)

Parmalat see Water exports--Saint-Mathieu d'Harricana plant for Eaux Vives

Parmar, Ryan see Awla, Gurpreet, Mandeep Jaswal, and Ryan Parmar


    >>>Child predators, denial, 9891-2(160:1520), 11731-8(192:1105-1200)
    >>>>See also Child Predator Act (Bill C-437)
    >>>Contingent on successful completion of rehabilitation program, Cannis initiative, Canada Alliance position, 1575(27:1220-5)
    >>>Increase, o.q., 8924(143:1450)
    >>>Withdrawal, barring from reapplying for two years, 260-1(7:1010), 1485-94(26:1100-55), 1510-1(26:1345-50)
    >>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--withdrawal of applications for full parole by offenders serving two or more years)(Bill C-233)
    >>Brossard, Conrad, committed murder/attempted murder while on parole, investigation, o.q., 11301(184:1435), 11381(185:1450)
    >>Conditional release system, 8686(139:1100)
    >>>Qualifying criteria, increasing time served on conviction for second or subsequent indictable offence, 11885(194:1510)
    >>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--truth in sentencing)(Bill C-467)
    >>>Serving remainder of original sentence plus two-thirds minimum of new sentence, 11997(196:1205)
    >>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-470)
    >>Dangerous offenders, early release, halting, o.q., 11381(185:1450)
    >>Early parole hearings, regulations, tightening, 374(8:1750)
    >>>o.q., 9413(152:1130)
    >>>See also Parole/parolees--Violent offenders
    >>Follow-up, long term, 8689(139:1120)
    >>Hearings, victim's impact statements
    >>>Unavailable, not on file, o.q., 9198(148:1445), 9415(152:1140)
    >>>Use, ensuring, o.q., 9415(152:1140)
    >>>Victim reading/presenting, 6555-6(102:1005)
    >>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--parole hearings)(Bill C-405)
    >>Life sentences, ineligibility, 1203(22:1005)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--no parole when imprisoned for life)(Bill C-285)
    >>Mandatory release provisions, removal, 719(13:1725)
    >>Martin, John, informing prison official of refusal to go to half-way house prior to parole, National Parole Board releasing, unlawfully at large, o.q., 3933-4(60:1150)
    >>Murderers, early release, judicial review of parole eligibility, Criminal Code Section 725
    >>>Dolejs case, o.q., 4270(66:1430-5)
    >>>Eligible after serving 100 years in prison, 10939-40(178:1500)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review)(Bill C-450)
    >>Parole monitoring, minimum standards, majority of parole offices failure to meet, o.q., 12678(205:1455)
    >>Quotas, Solicitor General MacAulay encouraging, Ontario Office for Victims of Crime allegations, o.q., 8923-4(143:1450)
    >>Recidivism rates, 12735 (206:1335-1345)
    >>Rehabilitation/reintegration courses, $5 attendance payment, o.q., 108(4:1435)
    >>Statutory release program
    >>>Problems, Karla Homolka example, 1611(27:1610)
    >>>Recividism rate, o.q., 10651(173:1445)
    >>>When earned, under mandatory supervision, 381(9:1005), 9947-81(161:1730-820)
    >>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--statutory release granted when earned and subject to mandatory supervision)(Bill C-252)
    >>Terrorists convicted of multiple murders, eligibility, 6168(95:1045), 6177(95:1200)
    >>Violation of conditions of parole or probation, police arrest power, 4312(67:1010)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)(Bill C-353)
    >>Violators, prison escapees, apprehension, special squad, national organization, establishing, S.O. 31, 9537(154:1400-5)
    >>Violent offenders, security clearance, lowering, increasing early release, endangering community/public safety
    >>>o.q., 9413(152:1130)
    >>>S.O. 31, 527(11:1410)
    >>See also Homolka, Karla; Penitentiary inmates--Release on parole

Parrish, Carolyn (Lib.--Mississauga Centre)

    >>Afghanistan of Tomorrow Conference, o.q, 7448(117:1440)
    >>Automobiles/motor vehicles, o.q., 4909(76:1450)
    >>Breast cancer, S.O. 31, 4065(62:1400)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 1425(24:1640)
    >>Canadian-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Parliamentary Association, S.O. 31, 6193-4(95:1410)
    >>Eating Disorder Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 467(10:1100)
    >>Foreign aid, o.q., 5437(83:1200)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 5010-2(77:1705-20)
    >>Immigration, S.O. 31, 8118(129:1355)
    >>Interparliamentary delegations, 2265(37:1005), 4625(72:1000), 5437(83:1205), 6555(102:1005), 7906(125:1520), 8488(135:1515), 9594(155:1550), 9917(161:1010), 10683(174:1000)
    >>Middle east conflict, S.O. 31, 9578(155:1405)
    >>Occupational Therapy Week, S.O. 31, 6615(103:1100)
    >>Olympic and paralympic games, 2008 summer games, o.q., 1600(27:1455)
    >>Private Members' Business, 5010-2(77:1705-20)
    >>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M., 8600(137:1200)
    >>References see Canadian-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Parliamentary Association; Parliamentary reform
    >>Sea King helicopters, M. on supply (Wayne), 1425-8(24:1640-55)